Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Eh, she's most likely ha-" Tiny starts, before the woman moves, a blurr, before appearing before Stephen, her fist embedded into his stomach, so hard he is forced to vomit. Her eyes are shifting violently to red and back, as she twitches.
"..You...you were there.....When that strange man in the armor attacked us...." She hisses, obviously angry. Tiny goes to talk, only for her to kick him into a wall, striking him with such force he lets out a rather painful sounding crack as he strikes the metal. Blood leaks from his mouth, and he falls out cold. Diamond stares Stephen, eye to eye, and Stephen could feel fear building. This woman was harboring a power not unlike what he had before, but doubled. Her physical power didn't come from magic, but rather her surprisingly dense muscles.
"Give me a good reason...to not kill you now..." She growls, obviously not overly happy at Stephen for apparently just going into hibernate mode in the middle of that fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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"because i was quite literally knocked unconscious during... whatever it is that you're mad at me for occurred." stephen replies coolly, her fist meeting a solid material that she can't quite budge, his crystalline arm holding her fist still rather easily, though she could see the skid marks on the floor from where her punch had actually slid him back. "also, i'd recommend getting that checked out" he adds evenly, looking her dead in the shifty eyes
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

She headbutts him, shattering his nose. She then picks up him, and tosses him into the ring, sending the current combatants flying out. She then leaps into the ring. "Well, I'll make sure you're unconscious again, for when I rip your fucking crystal arm off...and shove it where the sun doesn't shine." She growls, as she cracks her knuckles.
"...Fuck....this...universe..." Tiny says, regaining consciousness for a few moments.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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stephen rights his nose with a crunch, seeming to be rather concerned about it as she can watch the crystals making up his fingers coming apart to heal it on the spot, righting it perfectly and stitching him up before he sighs and just sort of sits down, saying evenly "does this place not have anger management or something?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"Considering the fact you don't even fucking remember that encounter at all, dispite in it my best friend dying, I think I have just cause for kicking the shit out of you..." She says, entering the right. She draws her blade, and throws it aside. "Come on, get ready. I don't want to kick your ass to hard that you end up in a coma..just out cold...." She says, cracking her knuckles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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stephen cups his hands together, making a motion like a fairly short, silent prayer before standing and stretching a bit, seeming to just be the average mook aside from his arm
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@ShadowVentus @TheUltimatum
"...You harbor a darkness...you both do......I must admit, Juggernaught's preferred company is a bit..more...harboring evil power..., than I'd like. I've had you come here, as you're apperently a part of a prophecy for told by the masked man..." Klonos says. "Basically, you, and your companions are to lead my people to salvation, by killing the evil being simply known as The One....Or..as the masked man says, "Save The One."...."
Klonos seems to go into thought for a moment, before looking at Vali. "I wonder...if that mechanical man also knows of this prophecy. It seems all to unlikely someone would randomly send you here, now, at such a time..." Klonos says, thinking aloud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Diamond blurrs again, her speed exceptional. She vanishes, and appears behind him. Then, behind him again. To the side of him. She's moving fast enough even Stephen would be having trouble following her. She then slaps the back of his head.
"Keep up, dumbass..." She growls, her eyes now a steady red. She keeps teleporting around, and slapping Stephen, mocking him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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Her burst of speed is brief before she finds herself face first on the ground, her legs burning with pain as they don't seem to be functioning correctly, the crowd seeing little more than a blue blur before blood spurts from her ankles and her legs curl up and stay that way, despite her attempts to right them as every try is met with defeat and excruciating pain. "this is why i don't do stage fights" stephen says with a sigh as he rubs the back of his neck, sitting on the ropes lazilly as he rests his chin in his palm
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"I...suggest you take this more seriously. Because..." She starts, before her wounds heal, them closing as her flesh melds together like play dough. "I'm going to make you cry like a bitch before we're done..."
She vanishes again, her cuts healing rapidly even as they form, as she punches at him from many angels. Her attacks, tireless. She doesn't even seem to break a sweat as she strikes out. Even if crystals were to try to form in the cuts, some unknown force dissolves them, making such an attack useless. Well, you may know the force, but your characters don't. Even Stephen couldn't quite know what power was working within Diamond, Shaco's vast knowledge on the subject drawing blanks when it came to this power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Almost as soon as her ankles start healing, Diamond can feel blades against her everything, leaving literally not a single centimeter of space for her to move. "you lost before we even started" stephen comments evenly, the crowd seeing dancing prisms above and around her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The rampant dick-measuring contest between Stephen and Diamond is interrupted as the entire ships seems to shake unexpectedly. Alarms go off as all important personnel are called to their stations. Even those clones who were primarily used as foot soldiers used their basic training to try and assist the team, reinforcing places where a hull breach might occur, and compensating for the damage the ship was taking. Clearly the ship had entered combat mode, as all weapons personnel were also called to station. As such, Diamond would find herself forced to choose between her concern for the ship, or her desire for petty vengeance.

On a more macro scale, the Clone Fleet had been thrown into utter disarray. Despite being hidden from any known means of detection, they had been unable to shield their souls from the pervading influence of the Warp. They had weathered through the earlier cataclysm that had decimated 20 hive worlds, not counting Tor-6 itself, and yet now they had become a target themselves. Reality split and rippled around them, as a Warp Storm formed at their exact location. Perhaps this was caused by Malal's earlier visitation, the other Chaos Gods attempting to chase him down, and eliminate his following. Or perhaps this was caused by the clones' effective survival of the earlier catastrophe, their leaders using psionic resistance to shield themselves from the Warp's influence. Or perhaps it was merely another cruel whim, a meaningless link in Tzeentch's grand plan for multiversal domination. But regardless of the indirect cause, the clones - and everybody on board of the clone ships - was currently in enough shit to build a new planet.

As the sensors cleared up, the leading caste found itself in a different universe altogether. They were no longer traveling through the vast emptiness of space, but rather seemed to move through an equally vast purple universe, filled with infinite clouds of Daemon, great stars burning red blue and green. Entire solar systems existed here, forming from the collective consciousness of the multiverse's denizens, billions of souls burning into nothing to fuel war engines the size of stars. Daemon so massive they could never have manifested in the materium, devouring entire worlds or contemplating the most intricate of theoretical realities. A beautiful madness, filled with beings so diverse they made humans look monotone. Hypothetically there existed 'realms' within the Warp, domains of the Chaos Gods, the shattered remains of the palaces of the former Gods. And yet, practically, there existed no such order. Everything was all over the place, a shattered mirror of the order of the natural world, where locations could switch on a whim, and reality was always what it seemed, for exactly as long as you were looking at it.

Of course, the entire panorama was dominated by a single sight. An unspeakably brilliant light, far in the distance and yet close at once. Those of the crew who looked directly at it were blinded, and yet could not stop looking. It was like a star, vast galaxy-sized rays of light slicing through the impure domains of Chaos. Worlds scorched to nothing, armies of Daemon annihilated in moments. Infinite armies of angelic beings matched the Daemon in combat, a relentless war that made any physical counterpart look mild by comparison. The 10.000 year war of order versus chaos, the war between the God Emperor and the Chaos Gods. Beings of unspeakable power clashed, their energies tearing the fabric of reality itself, and the entire thing was a spectacle so beautiful, one could only behold it once without being blinded.

Of course, entering the Warp without a Gellar Field was a dangerous prospect. Now more than ever, as the Emperor lay dead. And yet, these ships flew peacefully, not a single Daemon touching their ships, not a single whisper penetrating their minds. There was a bundle of light around them, like a comforting hand, like the gesture of a benevolent God. And even as the malevolent forces of Chaos sought to rip the clones to pieces, their bodies were burned to ashes. Slowly they were guided away from the titanic battle, away from the entity that so defied the Ruinous Powers, the pillar of Order in this realm of Madness.

It was a short journey, perhaps 10 minutes in total. But for those who had experienced it, it felt like an eternity. It would change lives, and leave marks that would never leave. Those who had been blinded by the lights would see nevermore, and yet they would find themselves resistant to the whispers of Chaos for the rest of their lives. Touched directly by a being of pure order, granted guidance by a God of Man. For who could fall to temptation, when they had witnessed true beauty?

Regardless, they emerged in another universe once more. They floated through the familiar vastness of the galaxy, and yet all sensors indicated their location had changed immensely. There was no hint of the Dominion signals that were inescapable in Tor-6, and the signals that could be intercepted seemed to all emerge from a single planet. Primitive radio signals, conveying messages on a variety of subjects. The weather, the president, and a variety of other confusing things. But perhaps most important of all, there was no hint of the influence of Chaos in this universe, nor of the oppressive forces of the Dominion. It seemed like wherever they had been dumped, they would not be in any immediate danger. Although there was no telling what the Ruinous Powers were doing back in Tor-6.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUltimatum
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TheUltimatum Six Paths of Pain

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Vali looked at her. He had heard of many prophecies, but a prophecy that spanned across a multiverse was too far fetched to be true, that is until Albion sensed it whatever it was. Vali's Wings rapidly appeared and Vali began to glow. He was currently in his Balance Break form.

"What is it Albion?

"Va- Vali how ca- can you not sense this po- power. It is intense. It may as well be the same amount Great Red harbors, Maybe more, I have never sensed anything lik- like it. Last time I sensed a power this strong was when God locked us up in these sacred gears!"

Vali opened his eyes wide. This was an expression of surprise and excitement. He would like to fight whomever this was. But if what Albion was saying was true and everyone heard him then it had got to be a stronf opponent.

"Well then you two, It appears someone with a strong power has shown himself.. Extremely strong power. It appears that Albion sensed it for just a second. Maybe thats why he wasnt speaking, maybe thats what he was doing this whole time. Trying to get a fixture on what was bothering him. It appears he cant sense this power anymore, maybe that completely overwhelmed hhim."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@thewizardguy @TheUltimatum @ShadowVentus @Tyki
As they began to pass into the warp storm, Klonos grabbed both Vali, and Micheal, as she began to radiate a great light. To Vali, he'd feel as if smothered in holy powers, not seeking to destroy him, but to protect him. A god, shielding a half demon, what an paradox. To Micheal, it would feel like the embrace of a mother. It would feel calming, almost. As if truly, despite the storm, they were safe.
Clones standing before the windows of their ships as the bright light flooded in would be awestruck, no doubt. Simply staring into the light, no agony filling them as they were blinded. Even with other clones shielding their eyes to avoid this, and those same clones trying to stir their fellows, those enamored with the light would be as if in a trance. However, given a flip of a switch, the windows were shut with metal sliding sheets, preventing more blindings.
Diamond is thrown about as the turbulence of the warp storm hits, her pale skin, and her clothing shredded by the crystal blades surrounding her. But this, surprisingly doesn't end her. Each cut heals, a new force at play, one pushing away the darkness with in her. Even as Stephen's crystals tried to consume this power, they found it extremely difficult. Blatantly, this power refused, as if it was a living being refusing though will the effects of a spell. Diamond doesn't even shriek in pain as she is torn asunder, for this power represses the agony.
Several Clone ships attempt to make contact with the planet below, sending basic radio signals down. It was a message of peace, and one asking if they had permission to land upon the planet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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as diamond rolls through the crystals they shatter as easily as ash and char, stephen staggering and falling to the ground, clutching his mouth as blood seeps between his fingers, him suddenly going pale
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Tiny, having been near by, leaps forth, and kicks Diamond away rather suddenly, before zapping Stephen with his healing magic. Arcs of blue lighting coarse into Stephen, healing power filling him. Energy, restored. Diamond looks more dumbstruck than anything, before grabbing Tiny, and snapping his leg...only for him to heal it again..and for her to snap it again.
"Ha, I can heal my leg as many times as I need..." He brags, as if it was the smartest choice. Diamond then pulls her sword to her, and cuts off Tiny's leg.
"can you fix that, jackass?" Diamond jests. Much to her surprise, he can, as his leg reforms with a blast of his healing powers. "Yes, bitch." He replies, standing up and even doing a little jig. Diamond thinks. "..How strong are those powers?" She asks. "I can do whatever, save for bringing back the dead..I've tried...a lot..." Tiny replies, and Diamond sighs. "...I was afraid you'd say that..." She groans.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The clone ships sent a series of simple signals down to Earth, with no specific message. Scans show a planet ripe for carbon-based life forms, with optimal temperature and atmospheric conditions for harbouring life. It further showed no signs of being terraformed, and was covered in water, something that was rare within the intergalactic dominion. However, there seemed to be no specific response. Hundreds of signals could be observed from around the planet, and several primitive sattelites seemed to receive and reflect some small portion of these signals. Typical signs of a primitive society that had barely achieved space travel. It would also seem they were not prepared for a message from aliens, for there was no immediate reaction, but rather a series of gradual signals. The signals being sent into the sky seemed to correspond to certain mathematical constants, as if they were testing whether the signals being sent were truly from an intelligent source.

The weaponry present on the planet would most likely be completely outdone by the gear available to the clones, and no hostility was apparent. It was clear this world was ripe with life, although not as heavily populated as a hive world.

Vali, meanwhile, would continue to sense this incredibly powerful being. While he could tell that it was behind some sort of barrier, locked out of this reality, there was also a link to this fleet of ships, or something on them. He could sense that there were other powers attempting to press on the walls of this universe, and yet they were locked out by some unique feature of this reality. Quite possibly this was the reason they had been sent to this universe in the first place. If he were quite skilled at sensing such things, he might also sense something of the nature of this strange, godlike being. Clearly it was a being of order, as it emitted a purely orderly aura. However, he would also be able to tell it was a fractured being, a being of many aspects forced into one.

If Klonos' divine senses were active, then she would most likely also be able to sense this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUltimatum
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TheUltimatum Six Paths of Pain

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Vali began to get a splitting headache. It was clear that there was a god like being somewhere. But the headache wasnt as grand in size, meaning that there was something wrong with this being.

This planet as well. It was a strange one. It wasn't as heavily populated as the other one. There appeared to be other gods attempting to do something, yet they were unable to somehow. This planet was pretty primitive as well.

The Holy Light he was being smothered in did not hurt, which was pretty strange. He had never felt this kind of warmth. A mother's warmth.
"Klonos-sama, can you sense that power?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Ugh...this warmth...!" The tactician exclaims in surprise as this familiar feeling causes him to go into an unconscious state of remembrance, zoning out so far that it'd almost seem as if he had died, the light in his eyes dull and his breathing very faint. He travels down memory lane, viewing all of the events in this life that gave him this same feeling of safety, of love. It was almost as if he were viewing an alternate universe in which he had never been possessed by Grima, never been tainted by despair. All those memories that had been buried due to amnesia have now been temporarily dug up in this small window of time. Seeing his wife, children, and brother so full of life gave him so much hope...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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Strangely enough, tiny's healing energy seems diverted, the organs that had begun failing in stephen no longer progressing along that path, however, they also weren't getting any better though he did at least look less like he was dieing. At this point, Stephen had simply passed out, blood trickling from various points along his body where the skin had flaked away prematurely.
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