Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raine simply rolled her eyes in response to David's insult. However, that did no mean that she was giving up the 'battle'; she was just too focused on coming up with more food designs to entertain him at the moment. Her fantasies of food were interrupted when Runa announced that lunch was ready and the redhead practically ran over the captain as she sprinted towards the door. "What did you make?" Raine asked excitedly but did not bother to wait for Runa to respond. She, instead, slipped past the captain and headed inside only to be surprised at the large amount of food that covered the table. Sandwiches of all flavors and sizes were neatly arrange on a plate beside a pitcher of some liquid. Ignoring both the liquid and Runa, Raine walked over to the sandwiches as if she was being hypnotized by them.

"Am I dreaming...?" She mumbled to herself as she ran her fingers across the crust of one of the sandwiches. Raine could not even remember the last time she'd had this must food in front of her and she could no longer restrain herself. Soon, all that could be heard was the sounds of munching and quiet hums of satisfaction. The captain had already won the redhead over with her food...now she would always be loyal to Runa.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

One was eager to eat, while the other passed it up. Runa was nearly trampled as the redhead ran inside. "Well I made-" It didn't seem to matter seeing that she ran past without even waiting for a response. "Um..." Even she was a little confused as to what just happened. Shaking it off, she looked over at David who was off by himself. "Come on David, I actually took the time and effort to make it." She adjusted her eyepatch and leaned in the doorway. "Runa here seems to enjoy it. Besides, don't we need all the energy we can?" Before continuing on, Runa peeked inside to make sure Raine hadn't inhaled all the food. She had made a lot, and thankfully there was still a lot left. With a sigh, Runa stopped her persuasion. If he didn't want to then there was no reason to beg. "If Red hasn't eaten it all, I'm sure there will be some left if you change your mind." The captain turned and grabbed a plate and took the time to eat too. Occasionally, she'd make small talk with Raine, but the girl seemed too busy eating to want to talk.

After spending about thirty minutes to eat and clean up, Runali walked back on the deck. "Alright you two. Raine, David. It's time to set sail." Assuming both knew how to work a ship, she pointed upwards toward the sails indicating to let them down. In the few moments, the three would be saying goodbye to the small town Canter as the ship sailed out to the sea. "Step one: Get a ship. Complete. Two: Stock on supplies. Complete. Three: Gather a crew." With that step, she looked toward the two who both agreed to join. "I'd give that a check too." Were they going to need more people? Well, that would be decided during their adventure. First they were going to have to get started, and gain a status.

"Hey Red, which way to the next island? You did say you had navigation skills after all." Once she was told which way to go, the captain steered the ship on that direction. From there it was pretty much smooth sailing.
"So. I guess I could know a little more about the two strangers I allowed to join my crew." Runali leaned against a railing and looked to them, wondering who would speak up first.

Little did the three know, they had accomplished making their first enemy at the bar... Some pirates held harsh grudges when their men were beaten and all of their money was stolen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

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David merely let out a snort at Runa's attempts to get him to eat. He wasn't willing to waste thirty minutes eating when they could be setting sail. With how roughly they handled those pirates, they were bound to want some form of revenge. Knowing how two of the crew members were quite young...Well, David didn't want to truly question his morals today. So he decided he would stay on the deck of the ship until they were ready to set sail.

Which after half a bloody hour, the captain finally gave the order to go. "Finally. I was getting bored of waiting for you both." With the order now officially given...David set to work on unfurling the sail and severing whatever linked the ship to the docks. During this he would switch his mind off, letting old memories of setting sail on a ship do his work for him. Though this time, he wouldn't be working with several others on a much larger ship. "Step four: Try not to get killed by the navigators skills. Or possibly lack of them." David would then ignore whatever comeback would come from the redhead, content with messing with her for now.

Course...then the captain asked for information about them. Something David wasn't quite sure he wanted to talk about. "All you need to know about me is that I'm Ex-Military, I dislike fish, and my family is a forbidden subject." There, that was all he needed to say. Nothing more complex than that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

While Runa was busy talking to David, Raine was busy packing up the rest of the sandwiches to enjoy later. She ran to put them in the infirmary before heading back onto the deck, just as Runa asked her about the nearest island. "Oh! Let me check my map." The redhead exclaimed with a grin and reached into her pocket, pulling out the map that her parents had given to her a long time ago. It was a map of the region around their current location; she'd memorized its contents years ago but Raine figured that they wouldn't necessarily believe her--or at least David wouldn't--if she simply started rattling off coordinates.

She pretended to skim over the map, listening to David's brief and very evasive answer to the captain's request, before glancing up at the other two. "The nearest island is called Tomer's Island, a really weird name if you ask me. Turn the ship 25 degrees North, 53 degrees East. The approximate arrival time is two days, but that also depends on the weather. Though there some really nice water currents in the direction we're going so it should be smooth sailing from here." Raine announced with a grin then folded her map. "And, about me: I like food and I've been an orphan since I was eight. Anddd I like maps and needles." She added cheerfully before gesturing to the captain. "What about you, Runa? What's your story?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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"The mysterious type I see. Again, I'll accept it as long as you don't try and kill me in my sleep." Runali smirked a little and then shrugged. "You sound so exciting." She teased lightly before turning to the wheel to get the ship on course. "Two days tops. Thanks Red." The captain wasn't familiar with the islands around this area, so she'd just go with whatever happened at the time. "Sucky life girly. But look, now you have food and money in the future." The captain spoke reassuringly and leaned against a railing again, looking down at the two. "Though I question your like for needles... Is that the doctor in you, or is that some weapon you use?" She glanced over at David. "You didn't share that with the group." Runa gestured as if there were more than three people there. "What're your skills on the boat?"

When asked about her life story, she shrugged, resting her cheek in her hand. "Unlike you two, I had a typical life- I was a typical kid with a love for... Well if lazying away counts then that could be it. But, I got older, you don't get paid for relaxing. Hmph, and somewhere along the way... Pirate." It was a big gap of missing information, none explaining how she was even qualified to be a captain of a pirate ship. Nor did it explain her skills... Or why she wore the eyepatch. It was a terrible explanation it wasn't like she had much to say. She had a few friends, one who became a pirate the same time she did. And she had the whole "X-Ray vision" thing going on for her...along with her fighting skills.

Speaking of her eye, she lifted the patch and rubbed he closed eye. "I'm should really get another one of these...this is not comfortable at all..." She grumbled but put the patch down.

[ Another timeskip to refrain from keeping things too boring and redundant ]

Just as Raine said, the weather stayed nice and it was smooth sailing for a few hours. The three made small talk...probably very little small talk. Runa had fallen asleep, laying on the wide railing. She had one arm propped behind her head with her hat covering her face. And the other two were off to their own activities, whether it be reading, practicing, or in Raine's case, eating.

Being a pirate couldn't have been this easy, could it?
Well... You're right, it couldn't.

The waves started to rise and fall much faster than before and the ship jerked forward. The sudden lurch forward knocked Runa's equilibrium off and she ended up falling off the railing and onto the deck. Luckily, she landed on her feet, catching her hat as it floated down. "I'm going to guess that wasn't the weather..." She said, looking up at the still bright and sunny sky.

On the side of the boat- on both sides of the boat actually, grayish green scales emerged from the water, and then disappeared under a few times. "How do you two fair against sea monsters?" Despite the potential danger, she was rather calm.

Now was the time to test her crew's strength abilities. She didn't have much doubt, but it was still nice to have the proof.
'Let the games begin.' Runa thought as she checked either side of the boat.

Two sea monsters. Three of them. One small boat. How would the new pirates fair off?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fractured Mind

Fractured Mind

Member Offline since relaunch

[Sorry for not posting for a while]

David turned his gaze towards the captain in curiosity when she told her story. Or rather, a heavily abridged version of it. Odd, she's withholding information from us. I think I'll avoid prying deeper into it though, too many things that could go wrong if I do." Since he didn't feel like having small talk with the others, David decided to spend the rest of his time on the ship examining things further. After all, it was highly unlikely they would be attacked by actual pirates, and even more so that they would be assaulted by denizens of the sea.

Imagine his dull surprise when a few hours later, he saw a scaled form underneath the waves. The entire ship then lurched forward after this discovery, causing David to fall sideways and hit his arm. Thankfully, the landing only brought a light and dull pain that David could handle. David quickly rolled unto his back, and from there carefully stood back up. He didn't want to get knocked down on his ass like a fool. "Let's just say these kind of creatures were a...decent emergency food source for me and the last crew I was with. My suggestion? Aim for whatever doesn't look like scales."

David leaned against the ships edge and grabbed on with one arm. With the other, he opened his hand and clenched it shut as soon as he felt the wooden shaft of a spear appear in it. David then threw this spear into the water a few inches ahead of where he could see scales, aiming for the monsters head. Once one spear was thrown down, David would raise his hand up and repeat this process.

(Bleh post is bleh)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HiddenBeauty13
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HiddenBeauty13 Professional Food Eater

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After listening to the captain's brief explanation of her backstory, Raine excused herself and headed back below deck to the infirmary. It was there that she continued to read the first medical book that she'd picked up only a few hours before. In fact, she was so engrossed in the book that she just barely caught herself from slamming her head against the bookshelf as something caused the boat to lurch to the side. After recovering from the sudden movement, the redhead narrowed her eyes and grabbed a few needles from her pouch before she silently made her way up to the deck. What she saw both surprised and amazed her.

A large creature covered in scales rose above the water beside their boat, brushing against it roughly. "Oh my! I've always read about sea monsters but I've never actually seen one for myself!" Raine exclaimed with a grin before eagerly running over to the railing. "No mater how beautiful they may look, they're actually really dangerous and have the ability to sink even the largest ships." The girl whispered to herself as she watched the sea monster glide through the water around them. "That book also happened to mention their weak spots: any exposed skin, which is mainly around their faces and under their scales. Of course, it is difficult to get beneath their scales but it's even harder to get to their faces."

At that same moment, the sea monster turned its head and looked up at the redhead. For a moment, the two simply stared at each other before the monster darted towards the surface at an alarming rate. However, Raine was more transfixed than scared, even after it bared its fangs only inches away from her face. "Your scales are the perfect blend of green and blue." She mumbled then jumped out of the way as it attempted to take a bite out of her. "And your eyes look so demonic." The redhead seemed to dance around the monster as it tried its best to get her but, just when it thought it had finally got her, Raine quickly scaled up the mast of one of the sails before hopping off and onto the back of the monster's neck.

"I really hate to do this." She started, the monster roaring in anger as it shook its head violently , trying to get the pirate off but Raine had a strong grip on one of its scales and was not planning to let go. "But I can't let you destroy my source of food." And with that, the redhead plunged the needle deep into the monster's eye until she felt the tip crack slightly against its skull. For a moment, it stood still before collapsing back into the ocean with Raine in tow.

While beneath the waves, the redhead gave the monster one last kiss on the forehead before yanking out the needle from its skull and swam back to the surface. "I got em!" She cried happily, waving her bloody hands to the crew above. Raine nearly forgot that the scales were beautiful yet sharp to the touch, which resulted in her now shredded hands. "I got the sea monster Captain!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Runa was fully prepared to jump into action. She had woken up just for the sake of it. But... With there only being two monsters, her two crew members decided to take the action. She wasn't upset that she couldn't fight the creatures, instead she was a little upset that she had wasted the energy to try. The captain leaned against the wall, staying at the center of the deck as the two fought off the large scaled monsters.
She took the time to analyze their skills, how they fought, and how long it took them to kill the monsters.

"You guys are good. I think I picked a good choice. But~ I guess we will truly figure that out when we encounter pirates."

Runa laughed a little at Red's enthusiasm. "Good job navigator. But you might want to do something about your hands." She walked over to the edge of the railing and then looked down. She then lifted the eye patch and stared down. "There's no more of those sea monsters..." The captain would then go to the other side of the boat. "No where close." She nodded and then pushed the patch back down.

Runa didn't know what else to do or tell them. She congratulated them, and the ship didn't take to much damage. Just a few teeth marks in one spot, a small fixable hole in another spot, nothing too major. "Alright, I guess we'll continue to sail forward until we get to the next town." She gave a shrug, unsure of what to do as a captain.
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