Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Humanity stands at a crossroads, we must understand that no longer will we survive by putting off human nature. War is inevitable, just as it is horrible. We cannot avoid it, but we cannot embrace it. We must understand that we are on the edge of a new Great War that will take all of us by storm bring upon a destruction not seen by humans since World War 2."
-Wyatt Sage, 48th President of the United States and 1st President of the Republic of America (Speech from October 15th, 2050)

That speech was made 5 days before the Second American Civil War. The conflict that changed the political spectrum of all of modern civilization, with the Republic of America, a Far-Right conservative nation that would revolt against the United States of America, led at the time by the older sister of Wyatt Sage, Olivia (49th President). She was on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum, as she would base her beliefs off of Bernie Sanders. Wyatt, on the other hand, would claim to be the bringer of Nationalism and Respect back to the United States.

The war would be bloody, but other than a few nations claiming support for some of the sides, it would just stay a conflict in the former Union. Wyatt Sage would be selected as leader of the RoA because of his experience in politics and beliefs. Eventually it would fall to a stalemate and the two would sign an armistice, with neither side recognizing the other, but neither side ready to act to end each other.

It is now May 15th, 2096, and the Great War that Wyatt Sage spoke of has not come, but it seems to be growing so close. Tensions between the former USA and RoA still remain high, and the rest of the world seems poised to act as they all begin to pick sides of who they'll support.

Hello my fellow NRPers, I am RWDS (if anyone can guess what that stands for than you'll get a virtual Trump Bobblehead) and this is my Idea for an RP. Its far in the future, so technology is much more advanced (Orbital Strike Platforms, Colonies on the closer planets and moons, etc) and the overall geo-political landscape has changed. You will make nations (Please make them realistic, don't have it so somehow the Neo-Assyrians return and commit a mass genocide on all of the surrounding populace and conquer all of the Middle East, and don't make your nation a monarchy unless it makes proper since to the story. Dictatorships and Minor Colonies are both fine. If you don't know if your idea will work or not, just ask) and see how they'll fair on the world stage. Will they pick the Side of the RoA, the USA, or will they stay neutral? This is all up to you.

Nation Sheet

Nation Name:
National Flag:
Description of Government:
Side in Conflict (Pro RoA, Pro USA, Neutral):
Culture (Optional if no changes from modern culture):
Important Person(s):


Don't Be a Douche
No Metagaming
No rule 3
Follow basic Guild Rules
Post are from characters perspective
Don't be overpowered
In The case of a battle between the other character IC, talk out the story in PMs.
No arguments in OOC


Current Claims
Light Blue = Republic of America
Pink = The New Kingdom of Hawai'i
Purple = The Republic of Quebec

If someones willing to play the USA tell me, I'll go through and give them the basic lore and from there they can add their own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AltRightHero
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AltRightHero Designated White Cis Shitlord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm still here
Lets hope the others who voiced interest appear soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm still here
Lets hope the others who voiced interest appear soon.

Good to know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The New Kingdom of Hawai'i

Map of Nation:

Capital and Largest City: Honolulu

Description of Government:
While Hawai'i calls itself a Kingdom, the "King" has functionally little power. The true leader of Hawai'i is the Chancellor, who serves as both head of state and the head of the military. Outsiders looking into the policies of the Hawaiians will take note of the strong air of conservationism and nationalism that dominates over the politics of the nation, such as strict anti-immigration laws, a heavy promotion of Hawaiian language and culture, an a constant demonization of the United States as a most evil of nations, and who need to be punished for the damage they have done to Hawai'i. Military service is mandatory for a minimum of one 4 year enlistment for all men aged 18 and older and all women aged 20 and over.

Side in Conflict (Pro RoA, Pro USA, Neutral):
Hawai'i is firmly pro RoA in its standing, seeing them as a natural ally in the punishment of the United States.


Following independence, the Government of Hawai'i has been working towards promoting native Hawaiian culture among it's people. Following the Cultural Revolution, in which the Hawaiian government sought to purge American influences, Hawai'i has seen a massive revitalization of the use of the Hawaiian Language (largely due to the efforts of Anti-English and Anti-Pidgin legislation in Education), the promotion of traditional Hawaiian art forms and music, as well as introducing laws to separate Haole from the general poplulation of Kānaka Maoli and Hapa. Kānaka Maoli make up the country's elite upper class, while Hapa are primarily the middle class of society. Haole are the lower class of Hawai'i, most are trapped in their lives of servitude due to the circumstances of their citizenship.

The Hawaiian Republic unilaterally declared independence from the United States during the War between the USA and the ROA, at the behest of a growing nationalist movement known as the Hawaiian Independence Party, that had seen legitimacy in the secession of the Republic of America. Hawai'i's declaration of independence came at a time when the USA was unable to make any effort to hold control over Hawai'i, with all their military effort being held in the war with the ROA. The HIP took control of the Military left on the Island by the USA, and declared the sovreignty of The Hawaiian Republic. The US put up a war for show, however, having just been militarily exhuasted, they were not able to put up much of a fight, and as such, recognized the independence of Hawai'i

But the Nation did not come without problems. The Democratic Hawai'i soon found itself wrought with economic problems, and soon faced bankruptcy. Not even 5 years after the creation of the new Nation, and the Hawaiian Republic had become a failed state. As civil war raged across the Islands, a significant number of educated Hawaiians began to blame the USA for the failure of the Hawaiian Republic, and soon a powerful, ultra-nationalist group began to form in Hawai'i, centered around the Island of Oahu. Calling themselves the Honolulu Militia, this neo-Fascist group managed to wrestle control of the Islands, legitimzing their movement by claiming that their leader was a descendant of The House of Kamehameha, and was working to regain his throne. Eventually they succeeded, and instated what they called, the New Kingdom of Hawai'i and rebranded themselves as the Hawaiian People's Front. Among the first acts of the new government was to institute an economic reform, to restablize the country. With it's success, the HPF was heralded as heroes.

With their new support, and a populist appeal, using the USA and Americans as scapegoats, The Kingdom of Hawai'i instituted a revocation of Dual Citizenship. While the Hawaiian Republic allowed for dual citizenship, now the nation was giving an ultimatum to it's people. While all of documented Hawaiian blood were given automatic citizenship, Haole were given the choice to either take Sole Hawaiian Citizenship, or leave the country. The result was a mass exodus of ethnic non-Hawaiians from the Islands. With the majority of Haole's gone, the government then set forth on the "Cultural Revolution", a mass effort to Purge non-Hawaiian influences from the nation. In this event, the government seized all religious property and turned it over to a newly created state-church, the Church of Hawai'i. All other religions were banned from operating houses of worship. As well, the government instituted programs to aggressively promote the Hawaiian Language, and traditional Hawaiian artforms. To promote the protection of Sovereignty, the Kingdom reinstated the military functions of the Knights of Kamehameha, and instituted military conscription.

Important Person(s):

Queen Lanakila - Currently 23 years of age, Kamehameha is the current Queen of Hawaii, following the death of her Father, Kawikani Mendes, who was also the leader of the Honolulu Militia. Lanakila was the only child of Kawikani, and her name, meaning victory in Hawaiian, is symbolic of his rise to power. Lanakila has only reigned for 2 years, however it makes little difference, as she has little true power.

Chancellor Kamaka Cruz, GCK - The Chancellor of Hawai'i and the Leader of the Royal Order of Kamehameha (The military elite of Hawai'i), Kamaka Cruz functions as the true head of state for the Kingdom of Hawaii, and has been responsible for much of it's transition to the current state that it is. He came into power following the establishment of the New Kingdom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The New Kingdom of Hawai'i

Map of Nation:

Capital and Largest City: Honolulu

Description of Government:
While Hawai'i calls itself a Kingdom, the "King" has functionally little power. The true leader of Hawai'i is the Chancellor, who serves as both head of state and the head of the military. Outsiders looking into the policies of the Hawaiians will take note of the strong air of conservationism and nationalism that dominates over the politics of the nation, such as strict anti-immigration laws, a heavy promotion of Hawaiian language and culture, an a constant demonization of the United States as a most evil of nations, and who need to be punished for the damage they have done to Hawai'i. Military service is mandatory for a minimum of one 4 year enlistment for all men aged 18 and older and all women aged 20 and over.

Side in Conflict (Pro RoA, Pro USA, Neutral):
Hawai'i is firmly pro RoA in its standing, seeing them as a natural ally in the punishment of the United States.


Following independence, the Government of Hawai'i has been working towards promoting native Hawaiian culture among it's people. Following the Cultural Revolution, in which the Hawaiian government sought to purge American influences, Hawai'i has seen a massive revitalization of the use of the Hawaiian Language (largely due to the efforts of Anti-English and Anti-Pidgin legislation in Education), the promotion of traditional Hawaiian art forms and music, as well as introducing laws to separate Haole from the general poplulation of Kānaka Maoli and Hapa. Kānaka Maoli make up the country's elite upper class, while Hapa are primarily the middle class of society. Haole are the lower class of Hawai'i, most are trapped in their lives of servitude due to the circumstances of their citizenship.

The Hawaiian Republic unilaterally declared independence from the United States during the War between the USA and the ROA, at the behest of a growing nationalist movement known as the Hawaiian Independence Party, that had seen legitimacy in the secession of the Republic of America. Hawai'i's declaration of independence came at a time when the USA was unable to make any effort to hold control over Hawai'i, with all their military effort being held in the war with the ROA. The HIP took control of the Military left on the Island by the USA, and declared the sovreignty of The Hawaiian Republic. The US put up a war for show, however, having just been militarily exhuasted, they were not able to put up much of a fight, and as such, recognized the independence of Hawai'i

But the Nation did not come without problems. The Democratic Hawai'i soon found itself wrought with economic problems, and soon faced bankruptcy. Not even 5 years after the creation of the new Nation, and the Hawaiian Republic had become a failed state. As civil war raged across the Islands, a significant number of educated Hawaiians began to blame the USA for the failure of the Hawaiian Republic, and soon a powerful, ultra-nationalist group began to form in Hawai'i, centered around the Island of Oahu. Calling themselves the Honolulu Militia, this neo-Fascist group managed to wrestle control of the Islands, legitimzing their movement by claiming that their leader was a descendant of The House of Kamehameha, and was working to regain his throne. Eventually they succeeded, and instated what they called, the New Kingdom of Hawai'i and rebranded themselves as the Hawaiian People's Front. Among the first acts of the new government was to institute an economic reform, to restablize the country. With it's success, the HPF was heralded as heroes.

With their new support, and a populist appeal, using the USA and Americans as scapegoats, The Kingdom of Hawai'i instituted a revocation of Dual Citizenship. While the Hawaiian Republic allowed for dual citizenship, now the nation was giving an ultimatum to it's people. While all of documented Hawaiian blood were given automatic citizenship, Haole were given the choice to either take Sole Hawaiian Citizenship, or leave the country. The result was a mass exodus of ethnic non-Hawaiians from the Islands. With the majority of Haole's gone, the government then set forth on the "Cultural Revolution", a mass effort to Purge non-Hawaiian influences from the nation. In this event, the government seized all religious property and turned it over to a newly created state-church, the Church of Hawai'i. All other religions were banned from operating houses of worship. As well, the government instituted programs to aggressively promote the Hawaiian Language, and traditional Hawaiian artforms. To promote the protection of Sovereignty, the Kingdom reinstated the military functions of the Knights of Kamehameha, and instituted military conscription.

Important Person(s):

Queen Lanakila - Currently 23 years of age, Kamehameha is the current Queen of Hawaii, following the death of her Father, Kawikani Mendes, who was also the leader of the Honolulu Militia. Lanakila was the only child of Kawikani, and her name, meaning victory in Hawaiian, is symbolic of his rise to power. Lanakila has only reigned for 2 years, however it makes little difference, as she has little true power.

Chancellor Kamaka Cruz, GCK - The Chancellor of Hawai'i and the Leader of the Royal Order of Kamehameha (The military elite of Hawai'i), Kamaka Cruz functions as the true head of state for the Kingdom of Hawaii, and has been responsible for much of it's transition to the current state that it is. He came into power following the establishment of the New Kingdom.

Well damn, thats a dark history, I love it. Accepted!
Though I must wonder if this would cause someone to do the same for Alaska when thats claimed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Updated Map:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This looks cool. Count me in! I'll try to get an application up tomorrow.

My initial question, that'll shape my choice, is what happened to Canada? Still in existence? What else is different beyond the American civil war?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This looks cool. Count me in! I'll try to get an application up tomorrow.

My initial question, that'll shape my choice, is what happened to Canada? Still in existence? What else is different beyond the American civil war?

What happened to Canada and the rest of the world is up to the other people applying unless they officially ask for something.
For example: You could have a story about Canada conquering Alaska.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For example: You could have a story about Canada conquering Alaska.

Now you're speaking my language!

Alright, I'll see what I can think of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Republic of Quebec / Le République Quebecois

National Flag:

Description of Government:
National Socialist nation-state, lead by the Parti de libération du Québec, a militarist faction that took hold of the Quebec's government several decades ago. The government operates under a one-party system. Elections are held to determine the occupation of various official positions, but only party members are able to vote. Entrance into the Parti is by invitation only, so as to preserve the group's ideological purity. The current president is René Mulcair.

Side in Conflict (Pro RoA, Pro USA, Neutral):
Quebec has officially announced its support for the RoA, but only because it gives Quebec an excuse to make military advances on the USA, and expand the nation's territory. In reality, the only thing the Parti hates more than Anglophones are Muslims and African-Americans. They'd be just as happy to see all of America wiped off the face of the Earth.

The Republic of Quebec is almost entirely Francophonic Caucasian, with official surveys reporting "98% racial and cultural purity". Actual estimates put it closer to 75% Francophonic Caucasian, 17% Anglophonic Caucasian, and 8% other.

"All printed language is mandated to be in French, and French only. All public speech is required to be in French, and French only. All business is to be conducted in French, and French only. For the sake of our nation's purity, and the preservation of our culture, please report any breach of our sacred laws to your nearest police station."

The nation is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, but a strong Protestant community remains active across the region, in spite of ongoing persecution.

Since Canada's creation, strong tensions existed between the regions once known as Upper Canada, and Lower Canada. Violence between the French and English was constantly springing up, and no compromise could be seen. Canada eventually achieved a long period of peace, now known as the "Bilingual Golden Era", that lasted from the turn of the century, until the 1960's, when Front de libération du Québec formed. With their rise to power, the country was plagued with a series of horrific terrorist attacks. Countless civilians died in the bombings. Into the 1970's, after a decade of carnage, the Canadian government managed to arrest and kill all of the FLQ's leading members. The remaining members, now leaderless, branched off and formed the Bloc Quebecois and the Parti Quebecois. Over the next several decades, these two organizations worked hand-in-hand to drum up anti-English sentiment, and enrage the masses. Finally into the 2020's, as the Canadian economy took a serious downturn following another stock-market crash, they won a majority in the province of Quebec, and even became the official opposition of Canada's National Parliament. With so much control of the government, the attacks began again, this time backed by hundreds of government officials. Without the sufficient resistance from the federal government, the Front made their victorious return. After the death of countless Canadian officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, then serving his fourth term, Canada crumbled, and the nation-state of Quebec was free to claim the surrounding provinces.

Now Canada lays in shambles, with the mighty military-state of Quebec planted firmly in the middle of the continent, looking hungrily at its neighbours to the south.

Important Person(s):
President Rene Mulcair
Prime Minister Pierre Laurier
Minister of Defense, Jean-Luc LeBlanc
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Jean-Marc Cote
Minister of English Relations, Jaques Levesque


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RisenDead
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RisenDead Always Watching

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Anything against me recreating an Ancient Empire or the like? Spain for example? Maybe a Caliphate or something along those lines?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Anything against me recreating an Ancient Empire or the like? Spain for example? Maybe a Caliphate or something along those lines?

I am against a rebirthed Spanish Empire simply because of how ridiculous it would be for them to conquer half of the Americas but I am fine with a New Caliphate or a new German Empire (Wilhelm, not Hitler). Those could be interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Republic of Quebec / Le République Quebecois

National Flag:

Description of Government:
National Socialist nation-state, lead by the Parti de libération du Québec, a militarist faction that took hold of the Quebec's government several decades ago. The government operates under a one-party system. Elections are held to determine the occupation of various official positions, but only party members are able to vote. Entrance into the Parti is by invitation only, so as to preserve the group's ideological purity. The current president is René Mulcair.

Side in Conflict (Pro RoA, Pro USA, Neutral):
Quebec has officially announced its support for the RoA, but only because it gives Quebec an excuse to make military advances on the USA, and expand the nation's territory. In reality, the only thing the Parti hates more than Anglophones are Muslims and African-Americans. They'd be just as happy to see all of America wiped off the face of the Earth.

The Republic of Quebec is almost entirely Francophonic Caucasian, with official surveys reporting "98% racial and cultural purity". Actual estimates put it closer to 75% Francophonic Caucasian, 17% Anglophonic Caucasian, and 8% other.

"All printed language is mandated to be in French, and French only. All public speech is required to be in French, and French only. All business is to be conducted in French, and French only. For the sake of our nation's purity, and the preservation of our culture, please report any breach of our sacred laws to your nearest police station."

The nation is overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, but a strong Protestant community remains active across the region, in spite of ongoing persecution.

Since Canada's creation, strong tensions existed between the regions once known as Upper Canada, and Lower Canada. Violence between the French and English was constantly springing up, and no compromise could be seen. Canada eventually achieved a long period of peace, now known as the "Bilingual Golden Era", that lasted from the turn of the century, until the 1960's, when Front de libération du Québec formed. With their rise to power, the country was plagued with a series of horrific terrorist attacks. Countless civilians died in the bombings. Into the 1970's, after a decade of carnage, the Canadian government managed to arrest and kill all of the FLQ's leading members. The remaining members, now leaderless, branched off and formed the Bloc Quebecois and the Parti Quebecois. Over the next several decades, these two organizations worked hand-in-hand to drum up anti-English sentiment, and enrage the masses. Finally into the 2020's, as the Canadian economy took a serious downturn following another stock-market crash, they won a majority in the province of Quebec, and even became the official opposition of Canada's National Parliament. With so much control of the government, the attacks began again, this time backed by hundreds of government officials. Without the sufficient resistance from the federal government, the Front made their victorious return. After the death of countless Canadian officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, then serving his fourth term, Canada crumbled, and the nation-state of Quebec was free to claim the surrounding provinces.

Now Canada lays in shambles, with the mighty military-state of Quebec planted firmly in the middle of the continent, looking hungrily at its neighbours to the south.

Important Person(s):
President Rene Mulcair
Prime Minister Pierre Laurier
Minister of Defense, Jean-Luc LeBlanc
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Jean-Marc Cote
Minister of English Relations, Jaques Levesque


Also, four terms of Trudeau, that would suck for Canada.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Jotunn Draugr>

Also, four terms of Trudeau, that would suck for Canada.

Haha agreed! It's a dystopian future all around!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name:Großdeutsche Reich (Greater German Empire)
National Flag:

Description of Government: Since the Revolution of 2020 the nation's government has undergone a complete restructuring.
Imperial Diet:
Now acting as a parlimentary/legislative body of the empire the Imperial Diet, Each of the german states elect a representative of the diet each of whom's voting power depends on the state's population, from this pool of representative the Diet elects 7 electors to lead the various branches of government and act as advisers to the kaiser:
Elector of Military Affairs: In charge of various duties concerning the military and is the adjudant to the kaiser on all military affairs.
Elector of Internal Affairs: Incharge of the various state, State institutions such as the Ministry for Public Morality, Ministry of National Welfare, Ministry of Infrastructure.
Elector of Foreign Affairs: Incharge of Diplomatic missions and International relations
Elector of Economic and Financial Affairs: In charge of the state treasury, Internal Revanue service and the National Bank.
Elector of Imperial Affairs: In charge of surpervising the Imperial Diet and acting as a tie breaker in the case of a standstill in the Imperial Diet.
Elector of Religious Affairs: In charge of the state Religion and Incharge of deciding which religious institutions are endrosed by the state and which are subject to a Church tax.
Elector of Industrial Affairs: In charge of the newly nationalized heavy industries and industrial development and improvement.
Side in Conflict (Pro RoA, Pro USA, Neutral): Always a Supporter of the right Eugene Schwartz has declared dedicated support of the independence of the RoA and has pledged arms and troops if need be to defend the RoA's Independance.
Demographics: 91% European (with the vast majority being Ethnic germans)\
4% East European
4% African
2% other.
Culture (Optional if no changes from modern culture): Since the revolution the state has increasingly become involved in the life of the common german with most of the nation's workforce employed in the nationalized industries or working as public servants. The Ministry of Public Morality constantly oversees the lives of individuals to ensure the ideals of the Germanic people are followed and that foreign ideals have not influanced the nation.
History: In 2017 when Merkel was elected president a large contingent of german nationalists staged a armed uprising, while at first unsupported by the heirs of the German throne after the assasination of Prinz Freidrich (heir apparent to the german throne) and the staging of a new pretender Heir Eugene Schwartz of the House of Hanover the Imperial Diet quickly moved to support the pretender gaining even more support from monarchists and autocratic supporters. soon the armed uprising (including seperatist movements in former prussia) changed from one of mob rule to a organized paramilitary force with the Imperial Diet Declaring the formation of the Freikorps a new professional force made up of german vetrans sympathetic to the cause of the nationalists. the civil war raged for several years culminating in 2020 in the complete overthrow of the Bundestag government, and the reinstating of the German Reich. The german reich experianced a few years of relative peace as the new government went about repairing international relations and restructuring the german state and economy. In 2025 war broke out once more when Eugene Schwartz Stated a New Anschluss against austria, soon the freikorps now the professional army of the german state spearheaded a invasion of the austrian state. although foreign intervention on the part of the czech, solvakian and hungarian states the war was won by germany and in 2029 after 4 long years of fighting Eugene Schwartz accepted the surrender of the Austrias.
Important Person(s):
Eugene Schwartz (stylized Kaiser Schwartz I of Germany)- Current Kaiser of Germany not much is known about his early life but eugene Schwartz claimed to be of the house of Hanover and rightful heir to the throne after the assasination of Prinz Freidrich. Once ascending to the throne Eugene began to implement various reforms to re-nationalize the nation's heavy industries and restructure the nation's political system.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@thorgili Interesting
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm noticing a trend of Nationalism making a big resurgance in Politics in this timeline
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm noticing a trend of Nationalism making a big resurgance in Politics in this timeline

I'm new to this board, but from what I've read this happens in nearly ever Semi-Near Future NRP.
I'll investigate more into this later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Nerevarine>

I'm new to this board, but from what I've read this happens in nearly ever Semi-Near Future NRP.
I'll investigate more into this later.

Maybe because globalized, liberal societies are what most of us live in already, so they're boring. We want something different.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RWDS
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RWDS Only Two Genders

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by RWDS>

Maybe because globalized, liberal societies are what most of us live in already, so they're boring. We want something different.

You aren't wrong, lol.
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