Hiya, everyone! I'm FatedToBeEvil, FTBE or you can even just call me Ivy. I'm 19, and I'm a princess... xD I'm a fabulous person, obviously, I called you all cats!

I have two bunnies, Popkorn and Precious. Popkorn's name spelling is that way because my father was texting me (just learned to text) and his phone did not autocorrect the 'K' in Popkorn. We call him Korn for short. xD Precious got his name because it's all my mom could utter when she saw him. I have three ducks with MORE on the way. :D My oldest duck is Sonic, who imprinted on me because he was alone for about a week after his duckmate (you have to buy ducks in pairs, and they're "duckmates") died from heart failure at a week old. :( So he imprinted on me by accident. xD My other two are Pinky and The Brain. Pinky has a pink bill! So obviously I had to name the next duck The Brain. xD I have a Rhode Island Red named Okay, because when we first got her four years ago, we picked her up and all she'd cluck was "okayokayokayokay".

I have a slight obsession with gaming... xD I have a DSL internet connection at the moment, because we live so far from the main road and the internet company cannot do any "linking" of the wires underground, so we're stuck with DSL. xD BUT I STILL MANAGE TO GAME. I play League of Legends, TERA, multiple Steam games (ask for my user? xD), and MSTAR (K-Pop Dance Game). I am fairly techsavvy and can normally help people with computer issues, whether they're web-style or actual hard-ware/technical. :) I don't mind helping either. I'm great at graphics. c: I normally used PhotoShop but my subscription went out and my software that I had before the subscription expired when I had to change hard-drives. D: But I now use other means.

I have anxiety and often it leads to me thinking that people are annoyed when I talk to them -- especially if there is not proper punctuation used...

Examples are:

Not seeing punctuation causes me to believe the person is annoyed with me and I will normally stop talking to them because I'm convinced they dislike me/are annoyed. Sometimes I will outright ask you if I annoy you... and if I do, I'm sorry! I can't... help it? I mean... I try to help it. :(

I also get very depressed when people just stop talking to me without warning. No, I'm not talking like, you have to go and cannot let me know before you do, I'm talking like, a week goes by and I try to make contact and you don't respond or you respond with excuses. When I was in high school, in tenth grade, I was ostracized to the point I almost dropped out of school and quit; nobody would speak or smile at me, even acknowledge my existence -- despite how hard I tried. So after a while of trying to contact someone who won't speak to me/acknowledge I tried to contact them, I'll give up and it will be up to that person to re-initiate contact and earn my trust/respect again.

I WRITE: Around 300 words per post. I can write up to 1-5k words if I think it is needed. My introductions are normally very lengthy. I will only write original characters -- even if the RP is fandom-based. I prefer to RP female characters, but will RP males -- and I am open to doubling!
GENRES: I enjoy medieval -- adore it, honestly. I don't care if it is historical, realistic or even just fantasy surrounded. I adore post-apoc./apoc., I adore utopian/dystopian, I adore basically anything as long as it's very well explained! I prefer to use original worlds, though if we use a world that is from a series/story/movie, etc. that is fine.

I hope you enjoyed reading all this mess. I feel like it's a resume...
Well, tootles! c: