Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

How could one explain the situation that now faced the Axis? Where could one begin? It was so far out of their control that they had no idea how to proceed, centuries of being in control of the human races fate and it was now taken from them. This had caused some panic in the highest levels of government in the Axis. The cracks of division began to show amongst various cells around the world, so to take control of the situation before the division got worse and the cracks turned into an all out crumble of the organization, an emergency council was called. Heads from every cell group came to this meeting. For days the they argued and tossed around ideas, about how they could stop a threat that they knew nothing about. They could fight demons, angels and their offspring, but this.... this was like nothing they faced before, as they seemed to be at least two steps behind this... this unknown.

Finally it had come to a vote, a vote that had the Axis divided. It was about if they should seek out help from their enemies to combat this unknown, this new fourth realm. Many opposed this idea, as they wished for humanity to stand alone as it had for centuries. But many also knew that both heaven and hell were nervous, which did not sit well with them so they wanted help.

Now that final decision rested on the shoulders of a 55 year old general. He was a stern looking man with fierce grey eyes, grey buzz cut hair, a thick and sharp angled jaw, large shoulders, and a tall and strong frame. He was a picture of a man that had seen many battles and had come out of them tougher than before. Though all the fierceness and intimidation couldn't hide the fact that he looked tired. And now for the final and deciding vote to rest with him made him look even more so.

The General looked down at his data pad and all the notes, findings, theories and what not that he had thrown at him the past couple of weeks. He drummed his fingers loudly on the large round wooden table, fully aware that all eyes were on him. Sighing he looked up feeling tired and wanting nothing more than to have a hot shower and meal then a long ass sleep.

"You all know I have dedicated my life to the Axis," he said gruffly before continuing. "I have fought many hard battles, and that I wouldn't think twice about sticking my blade into those other realmers." He paused again as he could see those that voted for no help get a little excited and chatty. "But," The chatting stopped as all eyes suddenly narrowed on him. "But, we know nothing of this new enemy. And I don't know about any of you, but I'm tired of losing my best damn agents! I don't want to see anymore of my people die if they don't have too! So with that said, I vote for help." He said feeling the weight of those he sent after this unknown heavy on his shoulders.

The room was silent as people looked down at their data pads or at those around them. Not one of them spoke as the vote was cast, and they knew that they could not go back on the vote. Now it was time to assemble teams and to work with their enemies.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Sonya Helsing - Agent

When the news first reached the Axis cell in Moscow Russia, Sonya could barely believe it. The Axis had chosen to seek help from their old enemies, which was nearly unheard of. She knew that the wounds between her kind and the half-breeds ran deep and she wondered how they could possibly work together.

Though she was slightly relieved as it meant that her brother was safe from being hunted. But at the same time she felt anxious as this working with half-breeds meant that the Axis was desperate and that the threat was bigger than they originally thought.

Sonya walked down a long hallway passing a few of her fellow agents. She was heading to a conference room where she was to meet her new squad mates. She was nervous about meeting them, well the half-breeds. She had full confidence in the agents she would be working with, as she knew the training that they had gone through. But the half-breeds, now that was an uncertainty, more than likely they had no training in combat.

Shaking her head slightly she entered the conference room and smirked. She was the first to arrive, but then she made it a point to be early. She noticed that there was files on the large oval table, walking over to the closest one she picked up and opened it. She lifted an eyebrow as it was dossiers on everyone that would be on the team and very few details about the new enemy. There was nothing on the mission itself, so she assumed that someone would brief them later.

She took a seat across the table so that the door was infront of her. Never sit with the door behind you, it was one of the first rules she was taught. She took up the file and began reading.

Blake Helsing - Demon Half-breed

Blake was in the red light district in San Francisco, as there he could feed off people's emotions. He found that the desperate had the strongest emotions, and it was easier to get lost as there was so many of them. He was "feeding" off of some depressed girl which he knew would only make her depression worse. He hated what he was and that he occasionally had to feed off of people, but he had no choice. His fate was forced upon him and if it was up to him, he would be human like his sister. He probably would have joined the Axis.

The mere thought of the Axis filled him with rage, as he knew what they did to his kind. He also knew that they took none violent, peaceful half-breeds and tortured them. If anything they were the monsters, but then Blake was one that they should probably capture. As he was aggressive and violent and a danger to nearly everyone, just like his father. But he had no death wish, plus if they took him they might find out that Sonya is his twin sister. He could only imagine what they would do to her, just to figure out why he was a half-breed and she isn't.

Blake was among his thoughts and didn't notice three agents coming up behind him. "Helsing!"

Hearing his name he turned slowly to see three people. Two men and one woman all dressed in black and showing a range of weapons on their person. They were obviously Axis agents, but Blake couldn't understand why they would call out his name. Were they new? Did they skip the training day that showed them how to sneak up on a half demon? They must of for all he knew.

"Who?" Blake said gruffly almost growling.

"Don't play games, we know who you are. We have been looking for you for some time." Said one of the men that looked older than the other two.

Blake's eyes grew hard and narrow as he looked at them, his face was expressionless which seemed to unnerve the female of the group. He inhaled through his nose and took in their scent, he would remember it and hunt them down if things went down.

"Have you now? Pray what for?" He asked his face still expressionless, his eyes growing dark.

"The Axis is in need of help..." the man paused as if to see if Blake would say anything. But he didn't and remained store faced. "We are searching for help to stop a growing threat. And it would seem that we need your kinds help." The man said the last part with slight disgust. Not that Blake could blame him, as he didn't want to help the Axis.

"What's in it for me?" He asked after a moment of tense silence.

"We will never hunt you down..... basically you would be free of us."

All of that was nearly 24 hours ago, now he was in an Axis cell somewhere in Russia. Even though the man who said that they needed his help, they still didn't trust him and escorted him from the private plane to the conference room. Half the time he was blind folded which he wasn't happy about. When they first tried he freaked out and nearly killed one of the agents. Luckily for him they weren't allowed to kill him.

Blake entered the conference room and paused for a moment. He was not expecting to see his sister and by the look she gave him she wasn't expecting to see him. He watched as she looked back down at the file she had open and flip through it, until she came to a page that had his picture on it.

Without saying a word he took a seat across from her and a few chairs to the right of he door. No one sits with their back to the door unless they wanted to be sneaked up on. He didn't bother opening the file.

"What's your name?"he asked gruffly, his expression cold and hard.

"Sonya. Yours?" She said softly but confidently, which was so like her.

"You already know it." He said flatly which got him a confused look. "You read the file didn't you?" He said slightly annoyed.

"Yes, I did. You're name is Blake Helsing and you're a demon half-breed!" She said sternly before looking back down at the file.

Blake knew he had hurt her slightly and it killed him to do so. But neither of them could afford to show comfort around each other. So he had to be cold, aggressive and mean to her. He hated it.

So they sat in silence waiting for the others to arrive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[ Flynn ]

It's needless to say that the agents who arrived to kindly escort Ms. Mitchellson to her new friends (whom she didn't even ask for, by the way) were meant with defensiveness and aggression. In the end, she had to go willing because she was too hard to catch, and what got her was the possibility of helping other halfbreeds. Ignorant she was, but she wasn't ignorant to the danger the whole world faced. It was important for her to put the needs of others above herself in this moment. Still, she couldn't care if the Axis agents all fell dead.

The young woman was escorted to the meeting room, but she was happy to make it difficult for her escort. If a hand was laid on her, they were meant with a warning shock. It earned her glares, but she refused to comply as if she was some sort of prisoner. "I'm here to help," she hissed at them. After that, they were kind enough to not touch her, but they sure as hell didn't trust her alone.

They even opened the door to the meeting room for her, and she crossed her arms as she waited for them to leave. With the ordeal over, she turned her electric blue eyes on her new companions. They lingered coldly on the woman before turning to the boy. Her gaze softened and she offered a shy wave. "I'm Flynn," she said, glancing to both of them before pulling a chair out to take her seat.

[ KB ]

Despite being a grown-ass adult, he had to convince his mother he'd be fine. He was being organized into an elite group who all knew what they were doing--he left out the whole halfbreeds part, though. Eventually, she relented and he was free to go after lots of hugs and kisses and sad smiles. KB promised he'd be safe, and there was some mumbling about his father. It just ruined his mood, not that he was in a great one anyway.

After passing through security and getting some directions, he continued onto the room where they would all meet. He was eyed by a few guards--he certainly looked less human than some halfbreeds--but no one bothered him. His brows furrowed together as he passed a couple men mumbling to each other about some bitch and he paused to watch them. At first, it came off as pretty unprofessional, but then it clicked with a small "Ah:" the halfbreeds must've beat him here.

KB walked into the room, his eyes flickering to each of the members already there. "'Sup," he greeted casually. Following Sonya's example, he picked up a file before sitting down and began to flip through it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Vincent - Axis Agent and Layla - Halfbreed Angel

"Well now, isn't this a surprise?" Vincent muttered to himself as he received the message of gathering up in the Russia Axis Base for a mission. He was also ordered to bring Layla along which was odd to say the least. Well seeing as they said something about needing the help of halfbreeds, this wasn't much of a surprise. It was a big mission, Vincent could tell that much at least. And it would certainly involve fighting and having a healer by their side would be their best bet.

He continued on to pack his bags and alert Layla about the whole thing, which she unsurprisingly knew about as well. This wasn't his first time going out of the country but it seems he'll have to be out for a long time. Not that it really mattered. The person he grew up with and his dog will be going with him and he doesn't have any family to actually say goodbye to. The blind halfbreed, on the other hand, had gone around saying goodbye to the staff that didn't hate her and wished them to be safe while she's out. Most of those people had depended on her for healing so hopefully, when (or if) they come back, they'll still be fine.

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Vincent nodded as he led both Layla and Ichi on board the plane which they'll be using as transport to Russia. It didn't feel like it took a long time until they landed. This will be new territory for both of them and to be honest, Vincent was a little worried for his friend. He was willing to be that people here knew about her powers but only that, and wouldn't be treated with the same amount of kindness like in the previous base.

The black haired male sighed as he got off the plane with Layla's hand on his shoulder to guide her. It was hard for her as well to get used to this place and needed a guide lest she walk straight into a wall. Ichi calmly walked with them as well. He headed straight for the conference room after receiving the directions from a private that had welcomed them to the facility. He looked around, seeing that a lot of the agents were whispering to each other about the other halfbreeds before moving on to glaring at Layla. He could feel Layla's hand tighten on his shoulder. Poor girl, she could hear everything they were saying.

"We've arrived Layla." He whispered, knowing that the blind girl would know. He then pushed open the conference doors to see that four have already arrived at the place. "Greetings." Vincent said before lowering his head respectfully at them, and so did Layla. He didn't mention anything about himself as he saw that the others had files. It was obvious that their personal information were in those given that they would seem to be working together for now. He then began to move and Layla followed. He picked up one of the folders before searching for one in Braille. At least those who hired them weren't idiotic enough to forget to print one out for Layla.

He then led Layla to a seat and then headed for the one to the left of her and sat down there. He opened the files and began reading through them. Yeah, he was right. They had some information on each of them in here and they made a point to actually write that Layla was blind. Well that would be obvious from their entrance earlier but it wouldn't hurt to know for sure right?

Layla was also 'reading' through the files, committing to memory their names and such. However, she doesn't know who is who. She had to place a name on their voices. "If I may say something, I would like to hear you say your name as I do not know whose voice is who." She needed to get that out before the others start to speak at random later. It would greatly confuse her after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GoredGuar
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GoredGuar How Random

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes our show!"
A burst of blazing-white butterflies flew up from the stage, dazzling the audience with a wave of rainbows and light.
That had been 40 minutes ago. Now, Nyra sat in her room, playing with the performance mask in her hands. There had been the usual applause, the signing of tacky merchandise, fan photographs and escaping to her backstage room to remove the mask that hid her identity. After all, it was far nicer shopping for groceries in peace.

The problem was that this time, she'd felt a sense of unease. It was hard to see with the mask obscuring her vision, but Nyra could've sworn that there had been what she could only describe as 'shady' people, watching her from a corner of the room. It just didn't feel right. After leaving with the rest of the staff, she hurried home, and after a tiring train journey found herself standing outside her apartment, keys in hand, staring at an open door.
"That's not right...." Nyra pulled her concealed handgun out. Gingerly stepping into the darkened flat, she cast her eyes left and right, scanning the room for any intruders. "I know you're in here, you thieves - come out and I won't put a bullet in you!"

What happened next all seemed like a blur. The intruders had revealed themselves, narrowly avoiding getting shot, and after an intense discussion about Axis and some story about a dangerous fourth realm, Nyra just laughed in their faces. As if she'd give up her spotlight to get chummy with some shady organisation! Problem was, after the 'will you help us' card didn't work, they'd resorted to threatening her little cousin Charlie.

So now here she was, walking down some hallway filled with strangers. Scowling, Nyra slammed open the door to the conference room, grabbing a chair furthest from the rest of the group and began to flick through the documents in front of her.


Another boring day at the office.... Tarn sighed, answering what seemed like the millionth call from yet another angry customer.
"I'm sorry for the wait, how may I help you?" He winced, pulling the headset away from his ear as the customer began yelling, "yes, I'm very sorry sir. It just states in your contract that - " The phoneline went dead.
Huh. That was weird, usually he had to listen to the usual threats of 'this company is useless', 'get the manager' and 'unacceptable!' before they gave up ranting at him. Tarn would also be answering another call by now, but there was nothing but static. Leaning back on his chair, he yelled down the line of office cubicles, waving at a man by the water cooler.
"James, I think this headset's broken!" The technician hurried over. "It's gone all silent - "
"Hello?" The sound flared back into life, and James rolled his eyes, muttering something about wasting his time.
"I'm sorry for the wait, how may I help you?"
"Haven't you been noticing strange things lately? An increase in unexplained deaths on the news?" The voice said.
"Ha ha, very amusing, it's not like this company ever gets prank calls. Unless you have a real problem, I'm going to be hanging up now - "
"We know who you are, Tarn Brevit".

He froze, eyes growing wide with fear, pulse rising. There was a loud crunch as the desk beneath Tarn's fingertips split, wood splintering as the emotions causing his nails to turn into demon claws.
"What do you want?" Voice shaking noticeably, he began to gather his belongings together, ready to flee at a moment's notice. How did they know?
"Relax, you don't need to run. Let's have a chat first." Tarn gritted his teeth. Of course they were watching him, his mother had warned him about Axis, and despite all his care he'd ended up found out anyway. If he tried to escape now, they'd probably just find him again.


It had been quite a surprise. Tarn had been convinced that it was the end, that he was going to end up in some horrific experiment, just like in the rumors spread round the half-breed world. Instead, he found himself walking into a conference room. Free of shackles, no guns pointed at him, nothing. It was all completely unexpected.
The caller had 'explained' a lot to him, and although Tarn still felt suspicious, he'd decided to play along. Sitting down, he eyed the others in the room briefly before checking the documents on the table, in particular his own - and smiled as he noticed that they knew about his claws but not his tail.
So they don't know everything. Truth be told, he was more relaxed about the fact that he hadn't been watched in the shower, as this was the one time his tail - currently wrapped around his torso - was exposed to see. Glancing up, Tarn looked at the others.
Who can I trust?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sonya Helsing - Agent

The steady flow of people that entered the room had Sonya's mind racing as the facts from the files played through her head. She noted that there was three agents total and five half-breeds. She had noticed that the dossiers on the half-breeds noted some of their powers and ways to combat these powers, while the agents dossiers only listed some of their strengths and none of their weaknesses. It was evident that the Axis didn't trust their new "friends".

Sonya knew that if any of the half breeds read the files that they would be cross. It not a good way to start the team. But it was too late now, all she could do was smile and great them warmly.
"Pleasure to meet you Flynn, I'm Sonya." She said with a soft warm smile that reached her eyes. She could see that the girl demon half-breed relaxed slightly upon seeing Blake. No doubt she could sense that he was half demon. Which was probably a good thing as from the file the girl was prone to being aggressive, though Blake was no better. If anything his file warned of extreme aggression.

Once the other agents arrived she felt a little bit more at ease, plus it was nice to see people actually reading the dossiers given to them. But she knew Blake wouldn't bother reading them, he preferred to be "surprised".

Once the other two half-breeds showed up (some clearly upset), she turned to the angel half-breed. "My name is Sonya Helsing, it's good to have you on the team miss Layla." She said in a friendly tone before smiling and nodding at Vincent, who she had heard about but never actually met. She was rather pleased to have not one but two skilled assassin's, though she knew that they were long distance assassin's not close range.

She was about to say something to some of the half-breeds, but a hologram suddenly appeared in the middle of the table. It had surprised her slightly but she didn't show it. The hologram showed an older man in full military uniform, his face was fierce And he didn't look like a man that would back down from a fight.

"Hello Agents and team members." Said the man gruffly. "I trust you have all read the files supplied, by now you have questions about the mission. I'm here to give you a run down, any questions will be answered later." The man said in stern tone. Sonya got the impression that he wasn't one to be interrupted.

"You have been gather because for the first time in human history, we are facing a foe that we know little to nothing about. But what we do know is that they are powerful and are a threat to the human race." He paused for a moment as if daring the half-breeds to protest before continuing. "We are sending you to London, to a place we had thought we cornered this new threat.... it ended badly for our people and a few civilians. We are hoping you will find clues that we have missed. Questions?"

Sonya had listened to the man and suddenly wondered how the Axis had missed anything in London. They weren't sloppy in their work when it came to finding clues about demons, angels and half-breeds. So sending them to an already searched area seemed pointless. She was sure the other agents felt the same way.

Blake Helsing - Demon

Blake had closed his eyes which made it look like he was sleeping, but he was fully aware of Sonya and some of the people passing the room. He had only opened his eyes when a demon half-breed walked into the room, the female eyed Sonya before looking at him and waving. He simply nodded, his expression non changing, others filed in and he gave them the same cold dead expression. In truth this was the first time he had been in a room with this many people and it had him on edge. For one he recognized the male agent with the female angel half-breed, as he was sure the guy had hunted him. But thanks to his sister, who had pulled strings to get the agent off his case, he didn't have to worry about him. Though he was sure he would've been back on his case, as gods know he was a monster. The Axis wouldn't forget about him. Two, he could sense everyone's emotions and if he wished he could amplify their feelings of fear, hate and resentment, but that would put his sister in harms way. But his demon side was demanding it of him and it took all his strength not to give in.

When Layla asked for the others to give their names, her voice almost seared him. They were opposites, though he doubted the other half-breed demons felt it like he did. He didn't say anything while his sister and a few others gave their names to the girl.

Thankfully a hologram appeared in the middle of the table. It was of some old guy, most likely a higher up. Blake already disliked the dude, he wasn't sure why other than he was part of the Axis. But that seemed like reason enough for him.

After the old man stopped talking and asked if anyone had questions, the room fell silent. Blake had heard about London and was glad that some of the Axis was no more, but he had wondered who had planned such a trap. As the Axis took every precaution under the sun and moon when dealing with an unknown. He only knew that much because of his sister and mother.

Who ever planned the trap wasn't demon or angel, or at least they hadn't admitted it yet. He mulled the thoughts over in his head before sitting forward and looking up blankly at the hologram.

"What if we find nothing?" He asked in a cold tone, it was evident that he was agitated but from what it was unclear.

"You come back here and will be given further instructions." The hologram man said.

Blake didn't blink as he continued to look coldly at the hologram. Anything found, will hurt my people.... we will not be helping them He thought before slowly nodding and leaning back in his chair. He could see Sonya looking at him with what looked like concern. This was going to be a hard mission as one he would be around others and two his sister would see a part of him that he hated most.

He looked at some of the others to see if they had any questions as he was done with his.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[ Flynn ]

With each half breed--particularly half demon--Flynn grew a little more comfortable. Her eyes lingered on Layla, a half angel..And blind? She scowled a bit, but humored her: "I'm Flynn." She much preferred fellow half demons, but she believed half angels were just as much victims of Axis, too. Especially small, pretty, blind ones; seemed easy to take advantage of. Though, why such a weak member was put on the team puzzled Flynn. She looked to the man who accompanied the half angel. Gross, she thought--not only of him. But the whole situation.

She blinked at the hologram as it appeared, her eyebrows raising. "Oh," she said dumbly. He said something about files, and she stayed silent as she glanced around at the others. They all seemed to be aware of the files, but her face turned a slight pink as she realized she didn't even think to take a look at them. Her embarrassment saved the holographic man the trouble of her protesting the "threat to the human race" as if half breeds and their parents weren't suffering, too. After that, she was afraid to ask any questions even when prompted.

[ KB ]

"KB," he offered to Sonya on request, allowing her the chance to hear his soft voice. KB's gaze didn't lift from the file in his hand, however. He continued to flip through the files, one by one, even as the Axis officer appeared as a hologram to prep them. Occasionally, he would look up, connecting the half breed in front of him to the one in the file, but he was otherwise quiet.

London. His gaze hardened as anger and sadness swelled up in his chest. The words on the file became difficult to read and he took a break to glare at the hologram instead. His father had died in London; Agent Bromheart had been a force of nature within Axis, one of their best front line fighters. One of the scariest to half breed alike full alike. The other agents may not have had much interest in London, but KB definitely did.

He drew in a low breath as Blake proposed his own question. Then, KB spoke up, his voice almost cheery. "Pip pip cheerio, then, thanks for the briefing," he mocked in a fake British accent. He clearly wasn't too interested in hearing any other questions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Vincent - Axis Agent and Layla - Halfbreed Angel

Under the table, Layla tapped Vincent who in turn looked at her and then nodded. She began tapping his arm to send hidden messages. She had a frown on her face, while it wasn't very obvious from an outsider's perspective, anyone who actually knew her for a long time would know that she wasn't too happy about what was written on the files. She had 'read' that the Axis agents will be supplied with the liquid that can forcefully contract her wings. Not only will it be without her permission but it's also very very painful, like those times when she had been experimented on.

Vincent, while tapping her his message, directed his attention to the two who walked in. An angel halfbreed and a demon halfbreed, both clearly not liking the fact that they were there. Well truth be told, all of them, with the sole exception of Layla who grew up in the facility, did not like being there. Not that he blamed them or anything. They were old enemies after all.

He could vaguely remember Blake's file in his hands before, but it was an assassination mission and he was the target. While the black haired male was relentless when it came to finishing his missions, he was suddenly pulled back saying that the case went cold or something. He guessed that something happened which led to them cancelling the mission. He didn't really care, it was one mission off of his back.

After the two exchanged codes, Sonya had decided to introduce herself and soon Flynn did so as well. Layla smiled gratefully at them, following it with two taps on the ground using her cane. While it may look weird and utterly pointless to the others, it served as her 'eyes'. She could guess that everyone was there and she can certainly feel that the halfbreeds were there. They... felt different than the agents. Some part of her was glad that she is able to be in a team with others of her kind and the other part was scared. This was her first time being allowed to interact with other halfbreeds, save for those she heals, so this was a new experience for her.

Vincent then looked at Sonya. "I've heard a great deal about you Ms. Hellsing. It's an honor to work with you." He had heard about her mother and how she was one of the greatest agents in Axis. But that was besides the matter, Sonya, herself, was an excellent information gatherer and all-around agent. He then turned to the albino agent, KB. "You too Sir KB." Another gatherer of information and an apt assassin like him. While all three of them had some reputation, they weren't exactly the best out of all the agents. Could it possibly be that they were running out of top agents or something? He then turned to the halfbreeds. Having the top brass actually agree to taking them and forming a team consisting of both races… all well, all three, was a real surprise. He simply cracked a smile at the other races.

Layla was willing to say something to the halfbreeds, to break the ice and everything. Unlike the agents who had heard about each other through work, they didn't know anything about each other besides the ones on the files. Before she could speak, however, she could hear some sort of technology activating which was then followed by an unfamiliar voice. It was only then that Vincent explained that it was a hologram and she nodded.

The two listened intently to what the man had said, both not reacting too much to what he was saying. Vincent placed his arms on the table as he listened, stifling a yawn that he felt was coming. However, as he ended, his eyes narrowed at the hologram. They were sending them to London even though it was already searched? To add more to that, looking for clues that the agents might've missed? Axis is very thorough when it came to investigating and now they're saying that they may have missed something?

It was then that Blake spoke, asking what would happen if they didn't find anything. It was a good question. There's a high possibility that nothing would be waiting for them there. If the agents have missed it before, it might've been cleaned up already. The hologram responded by stating that they would be taken back here and then will be given new orders. Fair enough. It looks like they'll be sticking with each other for quite some time.

He felt another tug on his sleeve and he turned to Layla who had a questioning look on her face. He leaned towards her to whisper that it was Blake and then KB who spoke and she nodded. Having read Blake's file, she could guess why he didn't tell her his name or even made a sound so she could differentiate his voice from others. And from his tone, she could feel that he was slightly agitated.

"In the case that we do meet this threat, should we capture or kill?" It was something he had to ask. Whether it be halfbreed, fullbreed, human or something else entirely, he was willing to put a bullet through its head... or wherever its vital point was. That thing caused a lot of agents' deaths and he heard that it was creating unease in heaven and hell too so he would like to put an end to it as soon as possible.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GoredGuar
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GoredGuar How Random

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Apologies for the short reply this time, I'm on a 13 hour shift).

Neither Nyra nor Tarn had any questions for the hologram. Truth be told, Nyra was too busy being angry to care, and Tarn was busy watching the reactions of the others in the room, trying to gauge their intentions. He was rather wary of the Axis agents - for the usual reasons - and both Blake and Nyra, as judging by their files, they appeared to be prone to letting their temper get a hold of them, and he didn't want to be in the way when that happened. Annoyingly enough, the files on the Axis agents were lacking in information.
"Probably on purpose," Tarn muttered under his breath, pushing the finished documents to one side. That was when the bigger half-demon spoke up.
"What if we find nothing?"
"You come back here and will be given further instructions."
Nyra groaned at this. Great. Not a one-trip thing then, guess I'd better make some excuse up as to why I'm missing all those shows. The idea of danger didn't bother her, more the effect it would have on her show popularity and ticket sales.

"In the case that we do meet this threat, should we capture or kill?" Nyra's eyes flashed white.
"Of course you'd ask that, you trigger happy monkey," she hissed under her breath, fingers curling into her palms as she fought the urge to leap across the table. There was a sudden hand on her shoulder.
"Please don't give them a reason to shoot you," Tarn muttered, voice low so as not to be heard. It felt...wrong, touching someone so different, almost like the half-angel's skin burned his flesh. "At least not until you have a reason to shoot them, anyway." Sinking back into his seat, Tarn sighed, waiting for the hologram's answer to Vincent's question.
They might be of the opposite ends of the half-breed spectrum, but he trusted the angels more than those humans.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Two hours before the meeting

Location: Half-breed Containment Facility


The Cage

“This is a terrible idea.”

Agent Tamara Weatherton sighed and rolled her eyes. Of course her partner would choose the elevator to speak up. “You don’t know that.”

Beside her, Riley Tailor folded his arms over his broad chest. “I’m pretty sure I do.”

“She isn’t hostile.”

“Bullshit she isn’t hostile. She burned Sullivan last week.”

Tamara rubbed her eyes. “It was a small first-degree burn, and Sullivan is an ass. You know he dropped her food on purpose.”

Her partner scowled. “She made a crack about his wife leaving him for a demon.”

“And how was she supposed to know she was right?”

“Tami, she’s dangerous.”

The senior agent gritted her teeth. “Sonya Helsing is a capable field agent. I’m sure that she will be able to handle her.”

Riley snorted. “Oh, I’m not doubting that she’s capable. I’m doubting that she’ll be able to “handle” her before she sets half a city on fire.”

Her patience snapping, Tamara whirled around. “Riley, what do you want me to do, disobey orders? If the General says to let her out, then we don’t have a choice; we let her out.”

For a moment, her partner was silent, then he sighed and hung his head. “Yeah, I know. I’m just saying, this is a terrible idea.”

He’s not wrong, she thought to herself. It wasn’t that the person they were going to see was dangerous, per say. At least, not much more dangerous than any other half-breed, or even a skilled and well-equipped Axis Agent. The problem is that she’s an unknown, and she’s uncontrollable. Not to mention a handful to deal with on the best of days, which were few and far between lately. Reaching the checkpoint, both Agents raised their badges. “Agents Weatherton and Tailor, here to see Inmate 1041.”

The guard on the other side of the glass buzzed them through. “She’s flaring again.”

Tamara swore under her breath. Apparently, today wasn’t going to be a good day either. A short walk down the hallway, escorted by a pair of guards, and the agents stood in front of one of the Isolation cells. Beside the slide door, the security screen and comm-unit activated, revealing the occupant within, the flames roiling around her hand casting a slight violet glow on her face. “Hello Tamara.”

The half-demon lifted her head, her tail swishing across the floor behind her. ”Taaamiii. So good to hear your voice again.” The voice that came through the speaker was the sort that would leave anyone, regardless of who they were, weak in the knees. If it wasn’t absolutely drenched in sarcasm, that is. ”Back for another round? Last time left you pretty wobbly in the legs.”

The senior agent leaned her head against the wall. “They do not pay me enough to put up with her,” she muttered to herself. “Tamara, I’ve been authorized to offer you a deal.”

”Reeeally. Do tell.”

“Command is launching an investigation, and they would like you to assist with it. You’ll be under the command of a field agent, and will aid her in whatever way you can.” Tamara took a deep breath. “In exchange, Command is offering you a conditional release. As long as you continue to assist in the investigation, and play nice with your handler, Axis will allow you to continue your search, under your handler’s supervision.”

For a moment, the half-breed was silent, head tilted and tail continuing to swish back and forth as she seemed to consider the offer. It reminded Tamara of a cat watching its prey. ”So, you want me to do something for you, and to get me to do it, you offer me what was never yours to take away in the first place. I’m so flattered.”

Tamara gritted her teeth. “That is the deal that I have been authorized to make. Take it or leave it.”

The flames enveloping the half-demon’s hand flared brighter. ”And if I decide to, as you say, “leave it”?”

“Then we knock you out and transfer you into Maximum Containment.” The Maximum Containment Wing, located half a mile underground, was reserved for half-breeds who were considered too dangerous to be allowed any kind of freedom, but still too valuable to simply euthanize. Each individual cell was a self-contained unit that could be locked down and isolated from the rest of the wing with a push of a button, leaving a rowdy inmate to either calm down or eventually suffocate. For those who were of more immediate danger of breaking out, there was nerve gas. “You’ve been warned about lighting fires in your cell. At least this way you get to see the sky again.”

Again, the inmate fell silent, and her wings shuffled on her back. Finally, she extinguished the flames around her hand as she rose from the floor. ”Well, when you put it like that… Alright, I suppose. You must be desperate if you’re asking me for help.”

Tamara breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” She turned to their escort. “Bring her out.”

One of the guards nodded, opening the slide door to the cell. Inside, a set of metal bars were all that stood between the half-demon and freedom. “Inmate 1041, approach the bars to be outfitted for transportation,” he barked.

The half-demon placed a scaled hand on her hip, an eyebrow raised at the specially made garment in the guard’s hands. ”You know, I’m more of a giver than a receiver.”

“Tamara,” Agent Weatherton warned.

She rolled her eyes, blowing a short flame out of her mouth. ”Oh, alright. But only because it’s you, Tami dear.”


The hologram looked off to the side, as though someone else was speaking to him, then straightened. “There is one other thing. An additional… asset, has been provided for you, and should be arriving now.”

Sure enough, the door to the conference room opened, and two agents escorted an individual inside, accompanied by the faint scent of smoke, like they had been by a campfire and hadn't changed. Wearing a red full-body straitjacket, with the word “Isolation” printed down one of their manacled legs and what looked like a face mask similar to what a firefighter would use, it was difficult to make out their identity. However, the enlarged back of the jacket, obviously meant to contain wings or a tail, left no doubt; this person was a half-breed of some kind.

“This is Tamara. She is a half-demon, and has agreed to assist in this investigation. In exchange, she is being granted a conditional release. Agent Helsing,” the hologrammed figure turned towards her, “you are being assigned as her handler, and are responsible for keeping her in line.”

”What he means is,” the half-demon's feminine voice filtered dryly through the speaker in her face mask, ”you’re supposed to kill me if I go all “wild child” on you.”

The general was silent for a moment, as though slightly perturbed at the interruption. “If such action becomes necessary, though I think we all would prefer that it not.”

@my Lalia
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sonya - Agent and Blake - half demon Helsing

Sonya had taken to looking through the files before her instead of watching the hologram, when she suddenly remembered something about one of the agents. KB's father had died in London, was there connection? Probably not, but she wondered if it would be hard for KB to go there. She wasn't sure by the way he spoke in a fake British accent. He could of been brushing it off but she was unsure.

The tension in the room was slowly rising that much she did know, though she was unsure if it was her brothers doing. She glanced over at him and saw that he was leaning back in his chair with his eyes close. He looked almost relaxed, but the way he gripped the arms of the chair said otherwise. He had a near death grip on the arms of his chair and she swore she could hear them slowly cracking.

Her attention was drawn away when Vincent spoke up, asking if they should capture or kill anyone or thing who might be involved with the attack. It was a good question and seemed only logical, given that they were dealing with an unknown and any protocol that they would of followed was thrown out the window.

The General looked at Vincent and was about to answer when one of the half-breed angels suddenly spoke out with anger.

Blake sat up fast when he felt rage spring forth. His eyes went black and he stared at the angel half-breed, he could feel her anger and his need to feed off of her sent pain down his spine, he had never fed off of an angel before nor their half-breed offspring. It was something he suddenly wanted to try.

The whole room was a bomb set to explode, all it needed was the right spark and he could provide it. He had already been fighting his demon side when he felt a male agents anger and sadness, but it was dull. Maybe if he was full demon it would of been different, but that wasn't the case.

But when the half-breed angels anger sprung up, it was like a white hot iron against his skin. It could not be ignored and and he was losing his battle with his demon half. He could already feel the tension, the way he could easily sway their emotions. He was already plucking the strings, setting them all up to go at each others throats.

"Blake..... Calm yourself."

He snapped his head to look at the person who spoke, only to see his sister. She looked worried, agitated, scared and stern. She almost looked like their mother, but he could see that she was trying to fight of his power.

"Calm yourself." She said again but through slightly gritted teeth.

Sonya stared at Blake and into his black eyes for what seemed like ages. She had looked into the black eyes of demons before, but never her brothers and for the first time she was a little scared. Though she didn't show it.

Blake slowly sat back in his chair and as he did so the tension in the room began to lessen. Which Sonya was thankful for as it meant that he was gaining some control of himself. Though his eyes remained black, which meant that he was still fighting his other half.

"Are we okay to continue?" Asked the General gruffly, though there was some concern in his tone.

"Yes sir, please continue." Sonya said softly as she looked away from Blake and back to the hologram.

"To answer Mr. Vincent's question, you are to kill only if necessary. We would prefer to have any suspect alive if you can. We can't get answers if they are dead, or at least not all answers......" The General looked off to the left and proceeded to announce a new team member. Though he didn't seem too happy about it.

Sonya raised an eyebrow when one of the agents handed her a dossier on her new charge. Were they for real? This was subject 1041, which she had heard whispers about. Only top agents got clearance to such subjects, was the line of succession really that short now?

She looked up from the dossier to look at the female, her eyes were stern as she looked her over. She suddenly wondered if this was going to be okay as she had to watch out for her brother, as he already almost lost control, now she had to be handler for another dangerous half-breed demon. But brass had already made up their minds.

She quickly glanced at Blake before looking at the hologram. "Understood sir."

"Good, now there is a private plane ready to take you all to London. All half-breeds, except miss Layla, must submit to mild sedation. This will not knock you out but it will make it safer for everyone on the plane..... Safe travels and contact us if you find anything."

With that the hologram faded and the room was silent for a short time. One could only hear others breathing and heart beats. Well Blake could anyway.

He looked slowly around the room and took note that not only did half-breeds out numbered the Agents but that there was more demon half-breeds. Were angel half-breed's hard to find or did the Axis just really hate demons?

He looked over his sisters new "pet", he could sense that she was powerful and could easily go off. Great, now I'm really going to have to watch myself. Why the hell did I agree to this? He wondered as he knew that this would take some toll on his sister.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GoredGuar
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GoredGuar How Random

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Nyra Williams]

"Blake..... Calm yourself."
It was a strange feeling that followed. Nyra could almost sense the anger in her quietening down, the tension in the room less strong. She grabbed the dossier on Blake and flicked through, and her mouth curled up in a smile as she noticed the part on emotion eating - no wonder she, and everyone else, was finding it hard to control themselves.
Until the final member of the team entered the room.

"Hahahaha, oh my god." Once the hologram had disappeared, Nyra couldn't stop herself from laughing. "Are you telling me we're after the Joker? What is this, a Suicide Squad wannabe?" She paused, her face growing calm once more, as she turned to Sonya. "Seriously though, what are you thinking? You spend all this time talking about a greater threat, about working together, and I start to believe that maybe, just maybe, this isn't so bad. Then you bring in a halfbreed, all trussed up, and - bam! - any trust you've been working on goes out the window." She paused, glancing around "...if there were any windows, of course."

It was rather difficult to prevent herself from laughing again in disbelief. Axis were out for humans, no doubt, but she'd always regarded them as somewhat clever, or thoughtful in their actions. The very fact that they'd brought someone in, all bound up in a comical straight-jacket getup, with even their face obscured...it just didn't seem very logical.

"Even if they're 'teh all powerful uber being'", Nyra said, wiggling her fingers in the air, "and we ignore the fact that this is destroying any chance at a trusting partnership between our races, it makes no sense to bring them in a straight-jacket, because if you take that out in London it's just gonna draw all the iphone snap-happy people in droves. I mean, that's practically you-tube gold!" She sighed, sinking back in her chair again, putting her feet up on the table. The idea of 'mild sedation' didn't exactly thrill her either. "Nevermind, I've said my piece. Just don't expect me to be looking out for any of you after this."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Vincent - Axis Agent and Layla - Halfbreed Angel

Before the hologram could reply to his question, one of the halfbreeds, Nyra he remembered his name was, responded negatively to it. Vincent wasn’t too surprised with it, only meeting the raging eyes of Nyra with his calm gaze. He was an agent, first and foremost, and this was a question he asked frequently. He also understood why she got angry, considering the fact that it might be a halfbreed who has been stirring up trouble. The only thing he didn’t like about the statement was when she called him a ‘trigger happy monkey’. While the monkey insult was fine, he was not, by all means, trigger happy. He measures his shots carefully to ensure that every shot counts.

Blake sat up straight as soon as the angel halfbreed had her outburst. Right, this guy was an emo eater, a demon who feeds off the negative emotions of humans (and apparently other halfbreeds as well) and has the ability to amplify it. Despite knowing this, his hand was itching to grab his gun then and there and put a bullet in Nyra’s head. He closed his eyes and expelled a shaky breath, obviously trying to grab a hold of himself. The last thing he wanted to do was jeopardize the mission because he was influenced by a half-demon.

Before they all went head to head with each other, Sonya had managed to stop Blake and then tension lessened and he could feel that he had a better grip of his emotions. Before the general had spoken, he turned to Nyra and then bowed his head. ”I am sorry if I had offended you in any way.” While this action might be viewed as good and bad depending on the person, he felt the need to do it. While this would be looked down on when you’re part of the Axis agency, they’re teammates now so he felt compelled to apologize for pushing her to an agitated state and thus almost causing a disaster in their first meeting.

He then turned back to the hologram as he continued and finally answered his question. He nodded. Only kill if necessary, understandable. Just like what the guy said, they needed answers to their questions. He’d better pack some ‘tranquilizer’ shots then, if anything, it’s to slow whatever it is down without killing it. All the more better if he could manage to put it to sleep for a few hours, just so they could secure it.

Layla’s ears picked up on several footsteps advancing towards the room. It was faint but she could hear it. The general proceeded to say that someone else would be arriving at their position. The door opened and the smell of smoke attacked her nose. It immediately caught her attention and she turned to the general direction of the door. Whether it is good that she can’t see her or not, no one is entirely sure. However, she could hear that her voice was pretty muffled, baffling her on the reason why. She could hear Vincent mutter something along the lines of, ”Oh? Subject 1041? Interesting… truly interesting.” While the brown haired halfbreed wasn’t given much access to information about other halfbreeds, even she has heard little talks about her and her dangerous tendencies.

Vincent, on the other hand, put a hand over his mouth as he placed his elbow on the table. Why he did this? To hide the grin that was forming on his mouth. This was really going to be interesting. Only top agents were allowed to handle her because she was deemed ‘dangerous’ and as what she was wearing said, she was placed in isolation and for good reason. This girl can generate napalm-like fire. No wonder she was in that get-up. He then turned his gaze towards Sonya who looked perfectly composed. She definitely has her hands full. With both this girl and Blake (given that the latter seemed to be obedient to her) on her hands, he doubted she would have enough time to worry about herself.

While he was planning to give it his one hundred percent, he was willing to push himself to the limit if it meant that it would take at least some load off of her shoulders. They were still part of the same agency after all. He and Layla nodded and the hologram disappeared. It was silent for a while, no one daring to speak.

It was then that Nyra had broke the silence by laughing at the board’s decision of bringing in a halfbreed angel who is obviously very dangerous. She had a point though. Bringing in someone of their kind all bound up would not only result in distrust, but just pure out hate. They already hated the Axis so much, and now this happens. Ah well, what's done is done. He didn't speak, fearing that it might push yet another button in the same or maybe another halfbreed.

He was never good with conversations anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At first, the only indication of any reaction from Tamara towards the woman's outburst was a slight wrinkling around her eyes as she smiled sweetly behind her mask. "Laugh it up while you can, sweetheart. I'll be sure to return the favour when it's your turn to get strapped." She turned towards her so-called "handler", ignoring the pair of agents still standing beside her. "I'm sure that my babysitter here could offer a perfectly reasonable explanation; that the jacket is a "safety precaution" and that they're "just following protocol", hmm?" Snorting, she shook her head as much as the jacket's hood would allow her. "Meaning that after two years they don't trust me to not burn the place down out of spite. Really shows you what they think of us."

A small sigh came through the speaker. "For once though, they did ask politely for me to not do that, so I guess they don't really want me testing how fire-proof this thing actually is. They're supposed to let me out before we leave." She took a step towards Sonya, ignoring the restraining hand that was placed on her shoulder. "I guess we'll find out if they will actually keep their word."

Having said her piece, she now took the time to examine each of the others, pinning them with sharp eye in turn. Ignoring the ones who were obviously agents (they were the only ones dressed in the tacky suits), there were three females and two males. What specifically they were, Tamara neither knew nor cared. What mattered was that she was pretty sure that none of them were who she was looking for, though the glassy-eyed one did look cute. Something to think about for later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[ Flynn ]

A force of nature. Wide eyed and watching Tamara, that was the impression Flynn got. Unlike most of the people in the room, she was awestruck by the unapologetic confidence and power. Then the hologram continued and she scowled, electricity crackling between her fingers momentarily. Her blue eyes almost seemed to glow. "Sedation?" she growled. "We've been dragged here to help and you want to drug us?" It was difficult to make Flynn angry; at her core, she was a kind and patient person, but she grew more and more intolerant of any sort of oppression toward halfbreeds. "Am I the only one here objecting to this?" she asked, her gaze flickering to the others.

[ KB ]

"Do you know how many people mildly sedate themselves for a plane ride anyway?" KB interjected boredly. He kept it to himself that he, too, would be drugged because fuck planes; they caused anxiety for the agent, so he failed to see any problem with the proposed plan. "Besides," he added as his gaze hardened, "you're here on our terms. If you don't like them, we can terminate the contract and then you." To her credit, the halfbreed didn't completely falter under his glare, but she clearly wanted to say more. She fell back into silence.

He watched Tamara--who had been ignoring until then due to her eccentric nature. She was no doubt the biggest current threat, and he disliked the way she spoke. Cocky as hell. Sarcastic. Almost too smart for her own good. Though, if she was that smart, she wouldn't have been captured at all. "You’re supposed to kill me if I go all 'wild child' on you," she had said, and the general seemed uncomfortable with the idea. However, KB thought to himself, Should probably kill you now. Honestly, what is Axis thinking? He rolled his eyes to himself and continued to study the rest of the files, his finger now tapping against the side of the folder in irritation even without Blake's influence. He knew he wouldn't be the biggest fighter on the team, especially with the half breeds here. So he was taking it upon himself to know as much as possible; it was what he mostly did for Axis anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sonya - Agent and Blake - half demon Helsing

The flight was uneventful which Sonya was grateful for, they didn't need anything happening while over 50000 miles in the air. She had noticed how some of the half breeds had put up some fuss about the sedation, though others welcomed it. Namely her brother. She worried about him, how he had to work with people and be around them constantly. She knew that his other half was strong for having a human mother, and this worried her.

But she had more to worry about than just her brother. She had to worry about the whole team, and her charge. The latter put more stress on her than she really needed. She was just grateful that she had other agents she could rely on.

When they landed in London Blake felt relieved as the cabin was small and even though he asked for double sedation he could feel everyone's emotions. But he was grateful that the last of the sedative wore off once they landed.

Three black SUV's waited for them as the exited the plane. There was to be one agent in each and the half-breeds split amongst them. The first one held Sonya, Tamara, and Flynn. The Second one held Vincent, Layla, and Tarn . The third held KB, Nyra and Blake.

Again the ride was quiet but Blake was feeling restless and being in the same car as the half angel that he wanted to feed from earlier was..... he had to think about other things to keep from causing trouble. Though he was sure that both the agent and the half-breed felt his influence, the tingle in the back of their skulls and the rise in irritation. Though he tried to keep it from getting worse.

Sonya on the other hand was at ease and was focusing on a data pad. She was trying to keep up with any new information they had on this unknown threat. She was fully aware of her charge and the other half-breed.

They arrived at their destination and Sonya noticed that it was an old historic hotel. God, no wonder there were civilian casualties! This place is bursting with life! She thought as she looked around the plaza before getting out the SUV. She had placed a thin sheet over Tamara that hid her, it was a nano tech sheet with smart vision technology. So anyone who looked in their direction would "see through" her.

They were lead to the 14th floor, which held several room that were completely destroyed. Sonya shook her head as she motioned the other to spread out and look for clues. Though she doubted that they would, the Axis were diligent in these kind of things.

Blake looked about the three rooms that were destroyed. There was still blood splatter on the walls in a few places, it was dark reminder that people died there. All of which were Agents, he couldn't help but feel that they deserved it though he knew his sister would disagree.

"I feel nothing, not even death..... interesting." He said as he looked at a large blood stain on the floor. It was light in colour which was odd as it should of been dark. He squatted and touched the stain, it was wet and just slightly warm. This wasn't normal......

He stood slowly before going over to one of the other half-breeds and holding out his hand to show the wet blood. He didn't say anything as he looked around the room, he hoped that they would understand as it seemed the Agents weren't aware of this.

Something was wrong award he wasn't sure what.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Vincent - Axis Agent and Layla - Halfbreed Angel

Vincent had been staring at the back of the seat in front of him for who knows how long. He had already done maintenance on his guns and he knew which magazine to grab if he went for a non-lethal shot. He actually looked pretty prepared for a full-blown fight despite this just being an investigation. To be completely honest, he isn't usually given an 'investigation' assignment and if he does, he's usually there to protect the agents inside. Just in case something else happens. He turned to Layla who was peacefully looking at the back of the seat, just like him. She had taken the window seat, of course, and her cane leaned on the side of the chair. He truly was worried for his friend. This was going to be her first time interacting with other halfbreeds, and the first impression wasn't truly the best. Hopefully, they'd get along. But considering that Layla was actually raised by the Axis... The black haired male sighed and shook his head. He hated having to worry about anything but since this is his childhood friend (and charge) he was talking about, he couldn't help it.

The plane landed safely and no one caused any disturbances. The last thing he wanted to do was fight on a plane. Who knows how that will turn out. He and Layla exited the plane, her hand on his right shoulder and his left shoulder was his pack which contains extra clips and magazines that he might need. As the others departed straight for the SUVs, he had to talk with one of the crew and they took out his sniper rifle and his pet dog, Ichi. Apparently, they didn't want the dog inside the cabin so they decided to make it wait at another portion of the plane. Glad that both his rifle and his dog was fine, he took the rifle case, which held the disassembled parts of the sniper rifle, and then headed out.

Layla had not spoken up in the SUV. It was surprising, really, given that she was friendly and would often strike conversations with those inside, even when they were Axis agents. However, even she felt that it might not be the right time. Given time, they would all have to learn how to work together and actually become acquaintances with some level of trust. Not just people thrown together to form a group composed of strong humans and halfbreeds to counteract whatever strange force this was.

Ichi was the first to jump out of the SUV once Vincent had opened the door. The dog immediately went to Layla, offered her his leech, and the two started to walk. This was always what happened when they were in a mission. It's so that Vincent would be able to move out of the way quickly and not worry about anyone else. He wore his backpack and then headed inside. His rifle case sitting comfortably at his hand. Although he was thinking of maybe staying back and snipe from another position, this was also fine. The black haired male decided to leave it to the halfbreeds to search the destroyed place. He gave them enough trust for them to see this through. Surely, there were some privileges for working with the Axis on this unknown threat.

Layla couldn't help too much on the investigation, given that she was blind. Although her other senses, like her hearing, actually proved to be a good thing. She would be able to hear any disturbances within the floor without much trouble. So she stayed near the stairwell, eyes closed and both hands resting on top of her cane as she did so. She had also let Ichi go, so he could help with his handy nose.

The German Shepherd had followed the halfbreeds, Blake in particular. There wasn't any particular reason why he was following him. Perhaps it was because it smelled something odd from the room he was going into? Ichi then began to sniff around the room, and upon coming to the blood stains, began to bark but when Blake had already taken care of that, he had stopped and then proceeded to sniff around the room to maybe find something other than this 'blood'.

Vincent made his way back to Sonya after searching some of the other rooms which contained... well, nothing. "Nothing was in there. I bet whoever ambushed those agents stayed in those three rooms and got out there as well. I'm hoping that the halfbreeds find something interesting." He reported with a shrug.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 3 mos ago

[ Flynn ]

Flynn had been the most vocal about the sedatives, but calmed down once actually given them. She was surprised, too, by how little they gave her; she had expected to be knocked out for the flight. Well, that wasn't so bad, she thought partway through the flight, her blue eyes gazing calmly out the window. When they landed, she happily stretched, feeling completely renewed. "What's next?" she had asked as the vans arrived. When she took her seat inside, she watched Tamara for a bit.

Though, the fellow halfbreed grew less and less interesting as the ride went on, and Flynn's curiosity had shifted over to the human and her data pad instead. However, she didn't understand half of what was on the screen at anytime and she grew bored. Sighing, she contented herself by playing with sparks of electricity between the fingers of both hands until the party arrived at the hotel.

And boy, was the hotel damaged. Eyes wide, she followed everyone else's lead and searched. She wasn't really sure what they were searching for, however, so she mostly wandered aimlessly. Flynn was not trained in this sort of work, so she mostly stared in awe at the destruction that this hotel had meant. Finally, a fellow halfdemon walked over with his hand up. Grateful for the distraction from the fact that she felt like a total dumbass, she peered curiously and her brows furrowed together.

Stupidly, she opened her mouth to speak, but caught Blake's gesture just in time and her mouth immediately shut again. She followed his gaze over to the agents and only crossed her arms instead.

[ KB ]

KB had no idea how the flight went. Like the half demons, he was out: drunk for the first half and self medicated into a minicoma for the second. He was the last one off the plane, and he had stepped into the van with a lazy yawn. The halfbreeds could have crashed the vehicle and escaped, and he'd probably fall asleep through it. Luckily, though, the agent managed to stay awake--if a little grouchy--until they reached their destination.

Yawning again as they were lead into the hotel, he continued to remain silent. In his drowsiness, he decided against being too hard on the halfbreeds; they were here to earn their freedom, after all. They had no reason to compromise the mission. KB, assured by the thought, searched other areas of the hotel and even went ahead to question the staff. Acquiring leads was the one big thing Axis used him for--he figured he could dig something up and put some sort of story together once enough evidence was collected.

When he finally rejoined the others, he only shrugged. He had nothing--nothing yet. The pieces would have to be put together. "Learn anything?" he asked instead, eyes flickering to the other agents. "Why was the dog barking?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GoredGuar
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GoredGuar How Random

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra could feel her skull tingling. Her temper was fragile at best, and being in a vehicle with someone who could influence emotions so strongly...it was difficult to keep her cool. She found herself staring out of the window, watching the buildings go past. Luckily the trip didn't last too long.
"Woah," they drove up in front of a massive hotel, all old stone and ivy. "This is amazing!" She whispered under her breath, then proceeded to turn bright red in embarrassment. Hurrying out the car, she went into the building to see what she could find, and came across Layla with her hand resting on the banister. "See...uhh, um sense anything?"


Tarn was glad that he got paired with Vincent and Layla in the SUV. Although they weren't talking to him, the fact that there was a dog in the car made him feel at home. He went to stroke Ichi but stopped himself in time - if he was a dog trained to hunt down half-breeds then, well, it probably wasn't a great idea. His strays loved him, but he didn't fancy having his hand bitten. It was weird, seeing the sights of London out the window - he had a few friends in the city who'd moved down from Scotland.

Once they'd arrived, Tarn left Layla and Vincent and went on ahead. He noticed Blake standing and went over to have a glance. That's when the smell of blood hit him - after giving the half demon a look to tell him he'd noticed the odd freshness, he hurried back down the stairs to get some fresh air, clutching his forehead.
There was something about that blood that set him off. The demon half of him lusted for it, and it was tingling in the back of his scalp.

Still, it was strange. The blood had been so fresh...despite being old. And the sense of nothingness...It was all rather ominous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The plane ride had been... irritating, to say the least. After two years of being cooped up in an underground cage, Tamara had been looking forward to flying again. But no, her new babysitter insisted that everyone ride in the plane. Was it faster? Grudgingly, yes. But that did not make up for the tiny sitting room, tiny window that you couldn't see anything out of, and the needle they gave her. It had taken them a little bit to find a vein that wasn't armoured by her scales, and the sedative made her thirsty.

At least the agents had kept their word and let her out of her straitjacket once they were out on the landing strip, substituting it for an ankle monitor that they politely asked her to not melt off. She still wore her red prison jumpsuit, primarily because it was the only thing she had that was designed with her wings and tail in mind, and Sonya had only given her a hard look when Tamara had suggested going without.

She'd openly laughed when they finally reached London and Sonya had handed her the camouflage sheet. They were really expecting her to walk around with a sheet over her head? It was ridiculous, but she had nonetheless complied, suggesting that Sonya wear a bag over her head so that they could match. That had earned her a reproachful growl from the one who's name she had learned was Blake, which only served to make her even more amused.

The car ride had been somewhat interesting at least, with one of the other girl, Flynn, looking at her the entire time. Tamara had met her gaze unflinchingly, her eyes openly roving over the girl's body, tail occasionally flicking over to brush against her foot. That was something that was definitely going to be worth looking into later.

When they finally reached the hotel room, Tamara shrugged off the sheet and stretched, wings reaching from wall to wall. ”Well, can't say I'm all that fond of the decor. Kinda messy, and a bit too much red for my liking,” she chuckled. Looking around with interest, she sidled across the floor as violet light enveloped her eyes. There had certainly been one hell of a fight here, but aside from them and a single stain on the floor, the place was cold. Whatever happened, nobody had been here since.

She moved stand beside Blake, bending to sniff at the blood on his hand. Nothing, like smelling water. ”I'll say this, Bi-eyes, your people put up a decent fight. You don't leave a stain that size without doing some damage.” She grabbed Blake's wrist and sucked one of his fingers into her mouth, her tongue sweeping along the digit. Could she have done this with her own hand? Yes, but that wouldn't get nearly as funny a reaction. Releasing him, she swirled the blood in her mouth. ”Hmm. Tastes like water. Definitely not angel or demon. Human would've cooled by now.” Tamara looked around again. ”Whatever it was, it got what it came for. Nobody's been here but us.”

Striding over to the stain, she swept one hand through it and allowed her flames to creep up her arm. "Let's try a little experiment."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sonya - Agent and Blake - half demon Helsing

Nothing was showing up on any of Sonya's scans, at least nothing that was new. Anything that did show up was already in the reports from the previous Axis agents that searched the place. It was rather frustrating not finding anything and being sent to a place that had nothing new to offer to the investigation.

Why send us here? She thought as she looked down at the data pad again, she hoped to find something in the original notes that would help them. But she doubted she would find anything, as this was the hundredth time going through them.

That was when both her fellow agents came up to her and asked if she found anything. She shook her head as she looked up from the data pad. "Agreed," She said to Vincent. "Everything is the same as it was before..... I don't understand why Brass would send us here. We are some of their best agents and they send us on a ghost run." She said softly in frustration.

She gave a heavy sigh before looking around the room that was when she noticed that most of the half-breeds had gathered at the far end of the room. Though what she saw was Tamara sucking on Blake's fingers, she lifted an eyebrow as it was odd thing to see. She didn't understand what was going on as Blake was stoned face and showed nothing. But she did notice was Tamara move away from the small group.

"Tamara, would please not do that." She said as she went to move towards her.

Blake held out his arm and stopped Sonya from moving any closer. He was curious to see what the half-breed would do. As far as he could tell all of his half-breed counterparts had interesting reactions to tell place. The young male half demon had run out of the room hen he saw blood, that made him curious. But he would look into that later.

At that moment he wanted to see what the female fire demon half-breed was going to do. He looked at his sister for a moment when she pushed his arm down. He could see that she didn't like being stopped, but he could also sense that she was agitated. Though he was sure he knew why, they would talk about it later.

It was then that the hair on the back of his neck began to rise. He looked at the dog and noticed that it's fur had risen, so it wasn't just him. But was it because Tamara was doing her fire thing? No it couldn't be that. He had seen and sensed others use their powers before, he doubted it would be because some fire demons spawn was using her powers.

He suddenly felt like they were being watched and the feeling of something being off was growing. He could hear the dog begin to growl, it was low and barely audible.

Blake looked at his sister then the other agents, they didn't look like they felt anything. But surely his half-breed counterparts could. He let out a low whistle almost like a warning without giving any other signal. But he immediately regretted it.

The room seemed to explode with movement all at once. Blake was pushed to the floor by something, but what he couldn't see. The room was suddenly dark and it was hard to see. That was when he heard Sonya scream.

"SONYA!" He yelled before he letting his demon take over. He would not let whatever was there take his sister.
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