Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sarah gave a curt nod before walking off. Her stride even, and eyes harsh as she moved past the crew, eyes lingering on Manny for a moment longer, shifting through a cabinet of uncolored memories.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" Another look though finally caused her mind to click. "Right, you're that one who pulled Aurora from the arena, well...I suppose a thank you is in order so you have my thanks and nothing else."

Her words spoken she turned on her heel, walking back to the barn and passing the albino herself, not even given a look of acknowledgment.

With Goliath at Loki's right and her on his back. Aurora felt comfortable. She could tell a Groom was watching her, making sure she was not about to lead the poor stallion into a wall.
With a graceful flow of his body, Loki was an animal that turned heads. A member of the crew looking over, almost reaching out to pet Goliath right after till a friend stopped him.

All was fine till she heard a great noise. A rumbling machine that caused the ground to shake, and the stallion beneath her was not having any of it. Tossing his head and rearing at the threat.
Aurora keeping her seat began to back him up.Bitting the bit, all but putting on a first class show till a Groom ran up to grab his reins. "That you Ryan?"

"Yeah, it's me, you okay?" Nodding her head she patted the horse's neck, the sound of construction all around them making Loki even more uneasy. "Can you put him in the paddock closest to all of this?"

Seeing the training method, Ryan agreed. The two of them untacking the beast and putting a very unhappy animal into a pen with a perfect view of the construction. "He's not in the way is he?"

"Don't think so, but if he is, we'll call you."

About to nod her head. Aurora froze when she began to hear a familiar voice. One that was surrounded by a day of pain, and yet...somewhere else...

Ryan noticing the interest only began to smile. "Yeah, your rescuer decided to help clean up. Umm, hey, eyes, Sarah wouldn't wanna catch you with them open..."

Snapping her once wide eyes shut, Aurora took a shade of red. "I'm so sorry!" Hiding her face she began to feel a hand on her shoulder, yet she.could still feel the awkwardness from him due to looking at the clouded pools of crimsion. "Listen, when he has a break, you should go say hi, you remember his name? Manny."

But Aurora did a little more and a little less. With help from her parent's cleaning lady, the kitchen took on a sweet smell of cookies, multiple kinds from chocolate chip to heath or even red velvet.
The older woman began wrapping them up in a violet cloth and tying it with a ribbon. "Wait" the bino looking more like a child next to the woman began to feel around for a pen and paper. One hand guiding the other to try and keep the words "thank you" in a straight line. Only for it to be a childish mess. "I'd write it, but I think it's cuter this way. Here, you remember where they are?"
Nodding her head and saying her thanks, Aurora carefully took the bundle before heading out. Goliath at her legs, pushing her this way and that to avoid tools.
Usually she could walk around them just as fine. But with the dog's help, she seemed even a less likely candidate to be anything other than blind.

She could hear the pacing of Loki. The snorting and pawing at the ground making a scene. Yet all she did was shrug. He had to get used to it one way ot another.
Waiting for a bit, Aurora sat down. Thoughts flying through her head as she waited. What if he doesn't like sweets, what if he's allergic, maybe she'll be seen as annoying or childish..,what if ahe gave it to the wrong person....?

It was too late to dwell and back out. Just a few feet away she heard him again. So with a deep breath she stood, head down and cheeks red when she finally got the courage to walk up to him and place the gift in his hands before half running half limping away into someone else. A yelp escaping she quickly said sorry as she clung to Goliath and went to the barn. Finding her memorial stall of tails and trying to calm down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“...I suppose a thank you is in order so you have my thanks and nothing else."

As the woman walked away, Manny had some mixed feelings about the brief encounter. Of course, he was appreciative of the thanks, but the severe manner in which she delivered the message diminished the sincerity. The thanks was more than enough, though the woman spoke as if he was expecting some sort of reward or extra praise. He didn’t dwell on it too long before getting back to his job.

After a few hours of work, Manny and a few other crew members took a short break.

“Comin’ right along here, aren’t we?” commented one of the workers.

“Yeah, man, we’re moving pretty quick,” another chimed in, wiping sweat from his brow and taking a swig from his water bottle.

“We might be done sooner than expected at this rate,” Manny said, examining the progress. ”Of course, we all know it’s because I showed up.”

“Get over yourself, Mop Top.”

“You know, you fit right in around here with that horseshoe you got going on.”

The other crew members let out a laugh, one of them giving Manny a fist bump. As the laughter subsided, the worker facing Manny nodded in the direction behind him. Manny and the crew turned to see the blind rider and her seeing-eye dog approaching.

“Hang on, guys.”

Manny noticed immediately how much better she looked when she hadn’t just been in a minor crisis. Her hair was pure white, her skin wasn’t covered in grime and blood -- and was actually quite pale, and she had less of a mortified expression. He did notice that she still had a bit of a limp, so her leg must have taken a bigger hit than he thought. Armed with his usual friendly tone, he approached the young rider.

“Hey, Aur-”

His greeting was cut off as she quickly placed a package in his hands and awkwardly sped off in the other direction. A confused look washed over his face before fading into a sympathetic grin.

“Well, someone’s a bit shy…”

Looking down at his gift, he could already smell the inviting aromas of the cookies. Lifting the still-warm package to his nose, he gave the treats a proper inhale and gave a blissful smile. He noticed a note slid underneath the ribbon and pulled it out to examine it. The childlike handwriting of “Thank you” lead him to believe that she wrote it herself, and he was pretty impressed.

Not only can she ride a horse blind, but she also knows how to write...that’s kind of amazing...but I wonder why she ran off…

Manny walked back over to the crew with gift in hand munching on a cookie.

“Whatcha got there, buddy?”

“Just a little ‘thank you’ gift from the girl I rescued from that mess,” Manny said nodding toward the site.

“Wait, so there really was someone trapped under all that? And you got her out?”

“Did you think it was a joke or something?”

“How about spreading the wealth, hero,” a crewman suggested with his hand out.

Manny clutched the cookies close to his body. “Sorry, gentlemen...to the victor goes the spoils.”

The crewman waved Manny off and shook his head. “That’s okay...I’ll just find my own damsel-in-distress.”

“Good luck with that. Alright, guys...back to the grind.”

Manny tied the package back up and stuck it in the pocket of his work vest, creating an awkward bulge. He glanced back in the direction which Aurora had scampered off and wondered if he’d have a chance to actually talk to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"How long do you think it will take before the arena is fixed?"

"I don't know, probably a few business days, little less than a week from what I see in their reputation." Sitting in the office, Aurora was feeling the textures of random objects that her father had placed around his desk for her. The skilful flow of a pen running down parchment and the ticking of a clock gave it a rather calming presence. Even if Rick Lorell himself had to explain countless times to his daughter that the place was a mess and he needed to organize the neatly stacked and filed documents.

"So, why are you asking? With your reputation I would have expected that you wouldn't want to ride in there any more. If you were our only source of income I would have destroyed that one and rebuilt it."

Shrugging her shoulders Aurora leaned back in the chair. Her hand reaching for Goliath's head, earning her a lick. "I'm simply curious, Loki doesn’t like the machines so I have him in the paddock near them."

"Don't let your mother know you done that. That stallion is worth more than we can afford on a good day, ever since you won silver with him."

The words stinging slightly. Aurora bit back a sigh. Right, thats why they still had Loki. Not due to the animal helping her through the changes in her life. She had to keep winning, for her to keep something as simple as the comforts of her companion. For her to be able to lean into the soft nickers of ease and solid presence, she has to keep winning...
"I'm winning gold next year."

"Why stop at just one rank? Go for Platinum, better results."

The room falling back into silence. Aurora began to listen to music for only a few minutes. The sound of the door opening causing her to stand, Goliath at his feet in a moment while she left the office through the back door as if she were just a visiting phantom. Bared away from the presence of another.

Every day she would wake up early. Every day she would take the bus to the Lorell stable. Riding Loki through his paces, training her new team and having a conversation or two even with the other workers.
Yet while she had all the freedom to leave. She found herself sitting on the paddock fence next to her Stallion. The cool breeze nipping at her features as she listened. Music absent from her hand, yet she still found herself intrigued by the construction. The voices and jokes to the commands and team work.
It was such a normal thing, yet she could not bring herself to step away from the orchestra that conducted itself only a short distance away. Sometimes a book would be opened upon her lap, others she would be humming a gentle tune.

Yet whenever the one who helped her from the accident began to speak. Her mind would snap to him. She knows that voice from somewhere, the way he moved, the sound of his steps. Heavy and light, his voice one that is friendly and joking. Even the way he breathed, it screamed from somewhere.
"You know sis used to say that if I can't remember the voice, than I just made it up. think that's the case?" Loki snorting behind her and stomping his hoof caused a small smile to appear on her lips. "Guess you make a fair point my friend."

Reaching out she found the great head at her left. Ruffling his mane only to gain a light nip in her arm in return. "So, where do you think he came from? A dream? A passer-by?" Again the beast snorted, shaking his head and whipping her face with his ebony mane. "Yeah, yeah, but I don't want to talk to him. He's working....work.."

“Hello, my fine, feathered friend...you’re not getting off that easy…”

"No way..."
Yet the more she thought. The more it made sense. How he ran in without a second thought when she was in trouble. How his words sounded like he always had a comeback. The same wit and attitude they had when behind a mask. Why he sounded so heavy yet light at the same time.....
"Think I should ask? Not outright but something that would get a conformation? He did show off when he got me out. Maybe just mention it?"
In response the horse pushed her off the fence. A good shove in the back with her head causing her to fall to the sandy ground. Thank the gods she was for the most part healed, yet she still rolled on her back to glare up at the stallion who was all but laughing at her. "Your such a little shit...."


The day coming to another close. Aurora decided to wait for Manny to pass her by. Once again, the idea of speaking to someone who she did not yet really know was giving her second thoughts. Should she do it? Should she ask...
"Just remember Aurora. Ask in a way that you would be okay if someone asked you. Promise to never tell....Make it sound like a question...."

A sigh escaping her lips she ran her hands through her hair. Holding onto her cane to calm down while Goliath sat at her side. "He's nice...Right, that's right, he's nice...."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Thanks again for helping us out on this project, son,” said Richard as he and Manny made their way to Richard’s truck.

“It doesn’t feel like ‘help’ when you have me on the payroll…”

“Don’t I always tell you that you aren’t gonna be doing all this dangerous work for free?”

“I’ve done more dangerous things than operate a cherry picker.”

“Exactly...and what do you get for that? Nothing.”

“I don’t help people to ‘get’ anything from it, Dad...look I know where this is going, and it’s really not the time or place. You know that.”

“Alright,” Richard sighed in surrender. “You riding back with me, or…?”

Manny grinned and gave his dad a pat on the shoulder. As he walked around to the other side of the truck, he spotted Aurora and her dog.

“Actually...I’ll catch up.”

Richard looked to see who or what had caught Manny’s attention.

“Isn’t that the rider you helped?”

“Yeah. I never got a chance to see how she was doing.”

“Oh...do all your rescues have a follow-up?” Richard said with an assuming smirk. Manny’s expression dropped as he gave his dad a ‘whatever’ expression. “Well, have fun, hero.”

“How original…” Manny rolled his eyes and shook his head as Richard slid into the driver’s seat. Richard started the truck and gave Manny a small wave before driving off, then Manny turned to walk in Aurora’s direction. He wasn’t quite sure how to approach a blind person, so he proceeded with a bit of caution. Even from a distance, she looked rather preoccupied and visibly nervous. He wondered if she even wanted to be bothered, but since he was already walking toward her, he decided to press on.

“Um...hey, Aurora...never got to thank you for the cookies...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
Avatar of CloseEnough

CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jumping at the sound of a voice, Aurora found herself with her eyes open for a moment. Who was that, somewhat awkward, yet a little bit of a undertone, his steps usually heavy.
Manny, right that was Manny. She was so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she was barely able to hear him approach. A light brush of crimson began to dust her features.

Stunned for a moment, Aurora began to blink. Her mind coming back to her as she closed her eyes. "Oh, oh of course...." Fumbling with her cane she felt a small smile on her lips when Goliath licked her hand. "Sorry, never been the best with....well with people...." Right, she always stuttered and fumbled for her words. Letters written under her hand or spoken by Raven seemed graceful, elegant even, and it only seemed to make it worse.

"It was nothing..really, I mean...least I can do...I just wanted to ask..." A sigh escaping her lips, Aurora leaned back on the wall behind her. How was she ever able to ask this, this was something personal, something dangerous...
But the idea of talking to someone who would have abilities, maybe she could learn from it.

Listening for anyone nearby she lowered her voice to that of a whisper that was caught in the breeze of her voice. "I...I was wondering if you had super strength or something...I mean, back there...those beams were weighed down by the arena, and Sweet Tea, she was young but she was still almost a thousand pounds...."

Instinctively her hands went up, breath hitched in her throat for a few moments before she even dared speak again. "listen, I understand if you don't want to say anything. Its totally okay....I...well I was just curious, but...but thank you, for everything...."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nice job, Manny...had to show off…

Manny was usually careful about not letting his powers show since they were pretty easy to hide, but it seemed this time he’d been so careless that even a blind person could see it...literally. When he’d gone into ‘rescue mode’, he’d tossed aside the fact that he wasn’t in costume. In an attempt to not raise any more suspicion, he tried to keep his composure and manage a casual tone, even though his heart was pounding in his chest. After a slight pause, which may have been a little too long, he carefully answered.

“Super strength? Not exactly...I just work out a lot...could’ve been adrenaline...I’ve heard that people can lift cars when they have enough adrenaline flowing through them.”

It seemed like a bit of a stretch, but he hoped it was believable enough to satisfy her curiosity. She seemed pretty innocent and harmless, but Manny didn’t actually know if he could trust her with something so personal. There weren’t a whole lot of people outside his family that knew of his powers, and since he was a vigilante, the knowledge of such things was that much more precious and guarded.

“And as far as helping you...not a problem. I’m just lucky I was around.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
Avatar of CloseEnough

CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh...okay. Sorry, I guess I was just being silly. Forget I said anything. I never would have thought about adrenaline being a factor, and judging by the way you carry yourself, you're most likely a good size larger than."
Yet as she spoke, her mind was racing. A small smile on her lips she bowed her head, yet every move he made, every breath he took she began to anylize. Storing it away to be used for her next bout behind her mask.
"Crazy to see you again Omega."

Shuffling her feet, she reached for Goliath. The hound more than happy to stand to her command. "Well Manny, it's been a long day. And my bus is here. Maybe I'll run into you again sometime?" Tilting her head she tried not to laugh, biting the inside of her cheek as she spoke to not give it away. "I may not have a whole lot of say for the entire stable. But you're still welcome here."


It's been a few days till Aurora was finally able to done her mask. The skull across her features bringing back a comfort of a never ending embrace. Her fingers dancing across the textures, the Dullahan at her side, dancing in the shadows of the dampened alleyway. "Tis a night for support don't ye think? Small steps before one starts to get wery."

Staying true to word, she began to ride Dullahan through the city streets. Small work for most of the night she began to become a welcome sight to those who have kept away from the main streets. A welcoming word, explaining their problems and asking for help in the simplest of things, from lost animals to needing a ride.
And she was fine with it.

"Tis not the best to jump into things. Maybe when the next full moon wans in the midnight tapestry, I'll start to fight once more." A snort at her side caused the woman to laugh, the gentle pull of her clothes from the passing breeze causing her to cross her arms. "Though I do miss our dear gravitational friend, I wonder where he stands...."

Manny, he had to have been Omega. And it made her all the more cautious and excited to meet him as she road through the streets once more. The sound of sirens passing by causing her to quicken her pace through the wear houses. "Not in the mood to outwit them tonight. Come on, lets go!"
With a bray of the Dullahan she began to move faster, once again leaving them behind before they could even follow her trail. Moving even deeper into the wear houses, planning to escape to the neighbourhood on the other side.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Omega sat perched on the wall of an older building, still as a gargoyle. With his arms folded, he contemplated, yet again, the sudden disappearance of Raven Tale. Just when he had decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and finally admit that she was one of the good guys, Raven had suddenly vanished from the streets. Of course it was common for vigilantes to have nights off. It wasn’t like they were employees or anything -- and Omega didn’t come out every night, but to be gone for more than a week usually meant that something bad had happened to you or that you were up to something. If it happened to be the former, the media would have gone crazy and Raven’s bird face would be plastered all over the news. Since no reports of any kind had been released about the super’s demise or capture, Omega concluded that the girl was up to no good. The next time he saw Raven Tale, the games would be over and he would make sure she was caught before any of her plans came to pass.

As the night went on, he patrolled the rooftops as usual, punishing a few back alley criminals, foiling a break-in or two, and even shutting down a gang fight. All the while, he was keeping an ear out for that telltale signal. It seemed like another Raven-less night would pass until the familiar cacophony of sirens and a motorcycle engine met his ears.

Welcome back, Raven…

The sound wasn’t too far off and it had been proven time and time again that the police wouldn’t catch her on their own. Without hesitation, Omega sprung into action like a hunter who had just spotted his prey. Driven by gravitational force, he swiftly made his way to the chase -- or to what would’ve been a chase if the MCPD wasn’t so incapable -- and set his sights on the summoner. He took a significant amount of caution on his approach, as he was much more serious about catching his target and wanted to get the jump on her...and did he ever.

He launched himself from the roof of a warehouse to land directly in the path of the motorcycle. Immediately upon landing, Omega increased the gravity under the motorcycle so suddenly, that it was brought to almost a dead stop. Since Raven wasn’t holding on, she was forcefully launched forward into the air, flying right past Omega. Without so much as a flinch, he reached out his hand in the summoner’s direction and stopped her in mid-flight before she could go any further. After the jarring halt, he let her float in midair for a few seconds before letting her drop. Once she was on the ground, he pinned her down as well.

Still unmoving, Omega then addressed Raven with a cold, severe tone. Any and all signs of wittiness and clemency were absent from his voice.

“Where do you think you’re going?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A force like no other had hit her, one minute she was steering her companion, preparing to make another patrol with a calm dexterity to her movements, only to have her entire world shaken from a harsh and unrelenting grip. All air had been stolen from her lungs as if she had just hit a wall. Dullahan no longer able to hold her rolled from beneath her, she was air born, alone as fear grabbed hold of her while she reached for anything to stop what was to come.
Yet she was stuck, before the ground would welcome her in the harsh unmoving embrace, she found herself floating. Her breath coming in tiny gasps as if her lungs had been crushed before she was pinned. Pain, thats all she could register. Dullahan's screech from in front of her causing her to wake. Her companion no longer able to carry it's façade under the gravity caused the headless horse to try and thrash unsuccessfully. It's only work of defiance being the same heart shattering whimpers that sweet tea gave her.

Raven's cry echoed through the alleyway. Memories all to knew began to open wounds that were not yet closed as she continued to feel her hunter on her back. "Dullahan! Dullahan please I beg of you! Disperse my friend! Disperse!!" Yet the horse would not leave her master's side, and she didn't even have the luxury to close the book to end the cries. To end those same shrikes of pain that harmonized with her very soul and caused tears to sting at her eyes.

"You wish to know what I have plan to have done? Lick my wounds so that I may come back and guide those weak and weary back home under my protection!"
Again she tried to struggle, but the gravity that pushed her down was so heavy that her screams had left her breathless. Her head falling to the stone floor she began to feel light headed. Every exhale sending massive amounts of pain through her abdomen, even her leg began to hurt once more. Yet all of it was dashed aside when she began to hear the sirens.

"Omega...Omega you have to let me go...." Yet she gained no response, "you have no idea what you're doing do you? Omega...." Growing more and more desperate as the sirens grew closer she bite her tongue. The cries of Dullahan only fuelling her need to survive.
"Manny, please!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The desperate pleading of Raven was hard for Omega to hear but he had to stay his ground and bring her to justice. He gritted his teeth and steeled his heart against the cries of anguish now flooding his ears. And if her desperation wasn’t enough, there was a nice dose of whimpering and mewling coming from what was now a headless horse. The motorcycle appearance seemed to be a veil shrouding the true form of the beast. As perplexing as the whole thing was, Omega didn’t let himself break his hold on the summon. He remained neutral, and, as the sirens grew nearer, he closed his eyes in anticipation of the end of the madness. That is until…

"Manny, please!"

Omega’s eyes snapped open and instantly the same desperation had found him as well. His heart began to race and his breathing became quick and labored. His gaze shot over to the fallen super as a look of utter confusion arrested his features.

Wha…? How…? Wait…

He now recognized that voice. How could he have not seen it before? The height similarity alone could have given it away. But he had no reason to think that Raven Tale was blind...but she was blind, because Raven Tale was…


Manny’s first instinct -- which was to bolt -- was overridden by his obligation to help this girl that he now knew was as far from a villain as you could get. He could see that he hurt her pretty bad and he surely couldn’t leave her for the authorities now.

He normalized the gravity holding both Aurora and her summon and rushed to gently scoop her up from the ground. Floating both her book and her summon behind him, he hurriedly carried her to a safe spot within the nearest warehouse. After setting her down, he froze for a second and his heart broke a little.


His mind was still racing. He had no idea how to perceive what had just occurred and he needed to get away and clear his head. He didn’t really want to leave her like this, but he couldn’t bring himself to face her right now, either. Reluctantly, he departed from the scene, making sure not to alert the cops to her whereabouts and hoping that Aurora would be able to recover from what he had just done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
Avatar of CloseEnough

CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alone, thats all this night has been. The gasping breath chocked with sobs was trying desperately to quiet itself down. The distant sirens that of a nightmare as Raven, no, Aurora laid her back against the cold wall. Abandoned...
Every breath was agony, tears now trailing from under her mask. Her body still shaking she began to feel for her book. The clicking hooves and whimpers causing her to freeze. Dullahan trying so hard to get up, yet she felt her heart break at the sound of the creature laying back down.
Almost dragging herself over, she began to disperse her mask. Feeling the sides of the beast that twitched under her fingers. The same sensation of Sweet Tea, only to run her hands down the creature's leg to feel what could have easily been mistaken for crushed ice. "Cannon bone is shattered....Dullahan, I need you gone..."

Again she was met with protest as she opened the saddle bags. Slowly and painfully changing into a set of civilian cloths. Porcelain skin now stained in violet. "Disperse my friend" yet the Dullahan would not leave Aurora alone in such a state. With a baited breath she found her book, slamming it shut and trying desperately not to scream from the severed link.

The walk home was long, and lonely. She's never had to find her way home from such a situation. Dullahan had never been injured so badly before. And so, with slow, pained steps, and a mind clouded in thought. She tried, and tried again to find her way home. Having to spend the night in the homeless shelter, the next day a library.
Three days it took her to find her home, three days it took for someone to realize she was lost and help.

When she finally got home, she all but fell ontop of a whimpering Goliath. A door opening behind her to reveal a well dressed man with hair slicked back. "Aurora, darlin what happened to you? You been away for days I had to feed Goliath!" Yet seeing her state he instantly was at her side. "What happened....your hurt bad, come on, I'll take you to the hospital."

Three cracked ribs, a fractured wrist and endless questions. Eventually Aurora just had enough. She wanted music, she wanted comfort as she simply listened to her sister, her pillows stained with tears while Goliath laid at her side. Periodically bringing her a bottle of water.

It was days before she decided she needed fresh air. Bundling up, she brought Goliath and herself to her favourite music cafe. Sitting with her back to the wall and nibbling on a slice of cake. She felt far better than that night. Yet she still couldn't help but keep her guard up. Goliath sensing his owner's distress would not sit down, watching every person that entered and left the building.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The days following Manny’s encounter with Raven were a whirlwind of emotions. Never had any other vigilante known his identity out of costume. He’d been careful about it for all these years, but one slip-up had exposed him. Luckily, it was only to Aurora…

Aurora. Manny still couldn’t believe he had hurt someone whom he had literally saved not long before. He felt terrible about leaving her the way he did. Blind and injured…

Is that how we're taking care of things now, Manny?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became with himself. He’d never in his life hurt a friend like that...but was she a friend? The only connection they really had was the rescue. But that wasn’t true, either. He had been playing cat and mouse with Raven for a while, sparing her from capture, not knowing that later on, she would be gifting him with cookies. Wrapping his head around the fact that little blind, bashful Aurora and the daring, cunning Raven Tale were one in the same had started to make his head hurt. It wasn’t often that Manny got in this state, but when he did, his only solace was music.

Walking up to the door, he lightly caressed the doorknob as if it was something very precious or sacred. He gently inserted his key and entered the studio. Closing and locking the door, he paused for a moment after pocketing the key. This was a place of both joyful memories and solemn reverence. The music studio was previously owned by his mentor and best friend whom had passed a few years prior. Her family had left it to Manny with the promise of keeping it up and he had honored that oath quite faithfully. The place was immaculate despite its lack of use and became a safe haven for Manny whenever he needed a place to get away.

He selected a guitar from the nearby rack and made his way to the chair in front the control panel. Setting the guitar down, he queued up a familiar track to play through the speakers. It was his mentor’s half of one of several guitar duets that they had recorded together for fun. Sitting back in his chair, he silently played along with the track as a few unexpected tears rolled down his cheek.


After a few hours of hanging out in the studio, Manny decided to visit the local music cafe that he frequented. He was still in the music mood and this was the perfect spot to satisfy any music lover’s need. When he walked in, he was greeted by an old friend who also happened to work there.

“Manny! How are you, bud?”

“I’m just fine, Dave. How ‘bout you?”

“Ah, same old, same old around here...you know how it is...in fact, it’s great that you showed up. The entertainment’s been a bit lackluster tonight...could use a touch of Manny, if you know what I mean.”

“Really? I haven’t even sat down.”

“C’mon, I can see it in your eyes, dude. You know you want to play something.”

Manny rolled his eyes but couldn’t get the grin off of his face. “Just get me a drink, alright.”

He made his way to the edge of the stage and signaled to the house band that he was going to join them in their next set. They actually seemed pretty excited to see him as it had been a while since he was convinced to take the stage. When they finished the current set, Manny hopped on stage and greeted the band.

“Good to see ya, Manny. Finally felt like playing with us again?”

“You know it’s always a pleasure. I’m thinkin’ a nice jam session is in order.”

The band smiled and nodded in agreement as Manny grabbed a guitar and stepped up to the mic.

“Evening, everyone...I hope you’re enjoying yourselves. We’re just gonna cook up a little something if you don’t mind...”

Wearing a laid-back smile, he stepped back from the mic and started jamming with the band.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
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CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was relatively calm for some time. Aurora nibbling on her treat, allowing Goliath to have what she assumed was a strawberry on the top. All she did was focus on the music, trying to act like the events that have taken place was just a bad dream and that she would be able to get back to work soon.
She only hoped that poor girl she met was okay. And what about the brothers that were having problems with break ins? Bitting the inside of her cheek Aurora gave a sigh. Manny didn't just mess her up, she damaged her ability to be Raven for a bit. Faster she heals the better.

“Evening, everyone...I hope you’re enjoying yourselves. We’re just gonna cook up a little something if you don’t mind...”
The voice echoing on the mic caused Aurora to give a sigh. Goliath at her side tilting his head in question, she just gave him a pat. "You can't be serious..."

First time she walks out of her house and she is once again met with Manny. She was trying to cloud the memory of him yet all she can do is remember how cold he was when her Dullahan was screaming in agony. "He didn't know though, how would anyone have known?" She was right, Omega was just being Omega. He had no idea he was fighting a cripple, hell, no one knows their fighting a cripple when she dones her mask.
As Manny began to play though, she couldn't help but perk up at the sound. She had to admit he was a good musician. The tune though was rather...sad? No, it was something else, confusion? longing? No not that ether.
"Regret? That might be it..."

Whatever it was, he knew how to play. And play well, he had his own set style and played without holding back. A small smile appeared on her features at the thought. Her sister would have loved to have gotten her hands on this guy, they would have gotten along well, both were witty and seemed to know their way around a tune.

Yet when the song ended and she listened to him start to leave the stage. She gave Goliath a pat, capturing his attention and causing the dog to stand. "Go get Manny." Without hesitation the dog went on his mission, only speaking when she was certain he was in range she gave a sigh. "Meet me outside if you can. And no, I'm not about to kill you or anything over what happened."

Standing up she put her money on the table. Passing him by and leaving the room with Goliath at her heels. The cooling air causing her to pull her coat close as she decided to stand. Leaning back on the stone was not the best feeling in her abdomen right now. She wondered if he would even show up, she didn't demand, she only asked if he could. Gave him plenty excuse not to show up and run like he did last time.
Still, they both knew their identities now, and it terrified her. Only way to quell her fears was to get it all off her chest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Manny took a small bow and waved to the crowd as he stepped off the stage.

“Dude, how do you not have a record deal or something?”

“Eh...I don’t have time for all of that.”

“Oh, c’mon, Manny. That’s the kind of talent people pay for....live a little, dude.”

Manny chuckled a little and lightly shook his head. Just then, a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned to see a very familiar rottweiler with a red vest making its way directly toward him and his heart skipped a beat.

“You cannot be serious…”

“Looks like a service dog. It’s okay, they’re allowed.”

“No, it’s not the dog...it’s the owner. I think I’m being summoned.”

“Oh? You know this dog?”

“Yeah, I do. I’ll catch you later, alright?”

“I’ll be around.”

As his friend headed back to work, Manny peered down at the dog with a slight sense of dread. He was just sitting and waiting for Manny to follow. With a sigh, Manny motioned for the dog to go.

“Lead the way, boy.”

The small walk across the cafe felt like an eternity. The sense of dread within Manny growing stronger with every step. Was she angry? Frightened? Would she call him out in front of a bunch of people? Would he be able to do the same? Maybe she just wanted to smooth things over...no, that sounded too good to be true. Revenge, perhaps...? Whatever it was, Manny was prepared for the worst. When he reached Aurora’s table, she cut him off just as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Meet me outside if you can. And no, I'm not about to kill you or anything over what happened."

He had never before felt the amount of relief that he felt now. She didn’t sound super pissed, but her tone still had a mix of annoyance, anger, and weariness. As relieved as he was, though, it did little to calm his nerves. He had messed up pretty badly with this girl and he was finally about to face it -- he would not leave her hanging a second time. It took him a few seconds to build up the resolve to follow Aurora out of the cafe. He had faced things that were much more threatening than a chat with a blind girl, yet he felt as if his very life was on the line. Bundling up, he stepped back out into the cold and found Aurora leaning against the wall. He approached slowly, like a child forced to apologize to someone they bullied.

“I, uh...don’t know what to say…I guess I can start with sorry...”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
Avatar of CloseEnough

CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hmm? Yes, an apology that I will accept, only because you did not give me over to the authorities, so, apology accepted on my side, but..hold still."
Carefully she moved over to him, her cane clicking in her casted hand till it tapped Manny's shoes. She began feeling for his face, quite a bit taller than she was infact. Trying to put her mind elsewhere she focused on Dullahan as she spoke. "Yep, lower a bit, and turn your head....perfect, stay right there." Stepping back only a bit, she took a deep breath.
And punched him as hard as she could.

It was enough to hurt her own knuckles, yet as she felt contact and a sicking crack. She honestly could not lie to herself and say she did not feel better after the assault. "That wasn't for me, that was for Dullahan. You shattered her cannon bone, if she didn't heal from me dispersing her I would be strangling you right now."

The deed done she took a deep breath. Offering her good hand before continuing. "Took me a few days to get home without her, but that's that no more attacking each other. Got it? I waisted so much time trying to heal from the accident and now you set me back even further, so I have a request if your still willing to listen....."

"Good job Aurora, yeah you were doing that for Dullahan but you may have just cut all chances at a alliance."
Running a hand through her hair she leand back again, Goliath at her side in moments while she spoke. "Three cracked ribs, a fractured wrist and my leg is back to the way it was. I'm in no shape to work yet I promised a girl named Elizabeth that I would help her out. Her ex got involved with this gang called the yellow scarves and when he up and vanished they been breaking into her place demanding payment. Least thats what she told me, I was heading to her place to offer protection before you got me and now she's back to being in the open."

Petting her companion she gave out one last sigh, wincing at the sensation she began to settle on biting her lip. "Honestly, I don't hold it against you, you thought you were doing the right thing, I mean lets face it. If I really worked at it I could summon something awful so if I was a villain I should have been taken out. But I'm not, and I need your help now....."

"But I also need your word that you will never, under any circumstances tell someone who I am. That won't just end my career that will end all ties I have to my own family....I promise to do the same but only if you agree."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Even though Manny was relieved that Aurora accepted his apology, he somehow felt that it was too easy. He watched her carefully when she approached and was a bit confused when she started reaching for his face. In his utter ignorance, he thought that maybe it was a ‘blind thing’ and she wanted to feel the face of the person she was talking to. Manny was at a loss for what to do and tried to figure out what was going on...but then he caught on about mid-swing. The punch wasn’t hard enough to do any real damage, but it was enough that he no longer questioned how the little blind albino could handle herself as a vigilante. He stumbled back for half a step and spat out a bit of blood. Under any other circumstances, he definitely would have retaliated, but he was more or less was expecting this to come eventually. Plus, there was no way he was about to hit a blind girl. Grinning and wiping his lip, he turned back to Aurora as she started her spiel.

He felt a bit worse upon hearing how hard she had had it in the past few days -- the real kicker being that he himself was the one who caused it. As far as her request for his help, he pretty much felt like he owed it to her...and he also had no intention of revealing her identity. He knew how precious secrecy was to his fellow vigilantes and he wasn’t about to compromise that...especially since she had the same information on him.

“First of all...you hit like a girl,” Manny said with a smirk. “But, it sounds like I messed you up really bad, so I’m somewhat obligated to help you anyway. Wouldn’t want you to break a promise you made to protect someone, now would we?” Manny folded his arms and adopted a slightly more serious tone. “And as far as identities go, yours is safe with me. I know how important it is to keep that bit of info concealed, so you have my word.”

He thought carefully about the next thing he was about to offer. Never before had he considered it until now, but he felt so awful about the pain he’d caused Aurora, he figured it was appropriate. He just hoped it wouldn’t be something he regretted later.

“I, um...I know someone who could help you with your injuries, actually. She’s a doctor and she can get you feeling a hundred percent better in no time.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
Avatar of CloseEnough

CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hit like a girl? Try telling that to the scent of crimson that now resides on your lips." Face turning red Aurora began to look away, shuffling awkwardly only to pull her collar a little closer. No more was the daring woman who was here to stand up for the beasts that have pledged to help her. Now it was simply Aurora Lorell, the tiny blind girl who bite the inside of her cheek due to the wanning pain that ate at her torso.

Relief seemed to wash over her like the oceans waves at the news of Manny keeping her name a secret. A wide smile spreading across her features she gave in a deep breath at the words, only to regret the expanding of her lunge as she stepped back again, mumbling under her breath. "Thank you, you have no idea how relived that made me....well, actually now that I think about it you probably know far better than anyone else I know....sorry...."

old habits dying hard she went back to fumbling with her hands. Listening to Manny as he began to talk about a doctor he knew. Why would he be offering another doctor? She already went to the hospital, yes some are better at their trade than others but there was very little one could do with their wounds aside from give them up to time.
Still, she couldn't help but notice the fondness in his voice. Whoever it was, it was someone who is very close to him. Someone standing in Manny or Omega's good graces. "I already went to a doctor and I'm on plenty of pain medication, what makes this one so much different?"

Tilting her head she stepped back a bit, hands behind her she began to look more like a curious child than a vigilant who terrorized the news crew on appearance alone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
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Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was somewhat comical how quickly the ‘Raven Tale’ toughness and attitude had been shed like a snake’s skin, and the childlike, sheepish Aurora had reemerged. The involuntary winces she made every few moments made her look that much more pitiful. It was pretty obvious that she had already been to a doctor judging by the cast on her hand, so Manny knew his offer seemed a bit odd. Even though there was still a slight apprehension to revealing his mom’s powers to someone who wasn’t family, the trust that seemed to be building in the moment made him feel a little better about it. He decided in his mind that he wouldn’t tell Aurora about his mother’s healing abilities outright. It was just as important to him to keep her powers a secret as much as his own. Although Sonya used her healing abilities at work, it wasn’t something Manny went around and shouted out to the world.

“Actually...she’s my mother. And trust me, it won’t hurt to get a second opinion. I’m telling you...she’s the best at what she does,” said Manny, grinning a bit too much. “Coincidentally, I’m supposed to be meeting her for lunch tomorrow. If you aren’t busy, you can join us and she can help you out.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CloseEnough
Avatar of CloseEnough

CloseEnough You live by the creed, you die by the creed.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The way Manny spoke was making him seem all the more trustworthy. Not a bit of malice even after she had just assaulted him. Yet her confusion was lifted when he stated that the mysterious doctor was actually his mother. Memories of running from Omega popping here and there as she began to draw some ideas, clouded ones but links all the same.
"No wonder why you seemed fine when Grim got you, no fear cause you have a doctor on your side." She would admit she was a little enviouse, if she had a doctor on her side she could be treated way easier. Not saying she was mugged 6 times a month when walking home from 'work'.

A sigh passing her lips she pulled out her phone. "Here, what's your number? I can take the bus anywere. Guess you're right, when it comes to one's health another set of eyes wouldn't hurt."


"How did I get myself into this? Guess I'm heading out to meet Omega's mother after he nearly ruined Dullahan. You know she's still uneasy about being summoned now? Yeah, still uneasy about everything, poor thing. Is it wrong that I want him as a ally? Got some useful abilities that I'd rather have on my side after all...Man that sounds mean, okay ally of omega and friend of Manny. Dose that sound better?"

Ripping a set of paper to keep her hands busy, Aurora sighed, the conversation was always one sided, more like a diary than anything now. One that Goliath never really approved of. "Look out for me okay? Never done well with moms before..." Hanging up she reached for a coat, the soft fabric hanging at her finger tips as she reached for the door, heading out of her apartment only to be grabbed. The sudden sensation causing the albino to yell out, turning on her heel to get away. The familiar voice of Damien responding at her flightiness.
"No way in hell I'm letting you be seen like that."

"What are you talking about?" Tilting her head she felt her coat, it was warm, soft, a scarf around her neck and it didn't hurt her ribs that much.

"Neon orange dose not look good on you sweetie. Seriously did you go clothes shopping behind my back again?"

"......It's soft"


Some time of Damien trying to get her a set of clothes that was loose, and her trying to find her way to the bus stop. Aurora finally found her and Goliath walking around the streets again. Cane in hand breath coming in wispy mist as she kept the sound of cars on her left.
Good thing she's been in this area of town a few times. The clicking cane and pats from Goliath claws were welcome company as the rotwhiler began his dutiful search. Eyes keen as he turned his head this way and that to see any potential threat. The animal took his job very seriously, even giving a small bark when he saw Manny again. Steering her in his direction and sitting on his feet.

"Seems Goliath here has taken a liking to you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Artifex
Avatar of Artifex

Artifex Mightier than the Sword

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Manny tapped his hands on his thigh in rhythm to the song coming through his earbuds as he waited outside the restaurant for Aurora to show. With his head bobbing, he scanned the streets every now and then for signs of the little blind albino. It wasn’t too long before a bark caught his attention as Aurora and her rottweiler approached.

"Seems Goliath here has taken a liking to you."

“Well, at least one of your companions has…” Manny knelt down to pet the dog. “Goliath, huh? Well, now I finally know your name.” Manny grinned as he scratched behind Goliath’s ears. He stood and turned his attention back to Aurora. “Finally, one of our meetings starts off on a good note,” he said with a slight smirk. “...My mom’s inside waiting for us. She actually can’t wait to meet you, she said...c’mon.”

He led her and Goliath through the restaurant to the table where Sonya was sitting. She donned an immediate smile as Manny and Aurora walked up.

“I’m back...and, Ma, this is Aurora...Aurora, this is my mother, Sonya,” Manny said with a bigger smile than he intended.
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