Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

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"Alright Law, we appreciate your cooperation in this event. You have been briefed and you understand the situation. Entertain the guests with your 'one of a kind sound' and if need be..." Law cut off the agent, "Let the good times roll. I got it bud, this isn't my first time singing at a fundraiser of some kind." The Agent grimaced as he adjusted his tie, "Well don't get cocky, we have had many reports about a potential attack. Your reputation better hold up or I will personally place the blame upon your shoulders for the whole fiasco." As the agent brushed off this conversation, as if it was beneath him, Law took a drag of a cigarette outside.

He was used to singing at the Gala's in this end of New York by this point. Was he nervous, naturally, one mess up on his part and he would be ruined. That wouldn't bode well for his family and all of there recent success. Today was a fundraiser brought together by one of the Senator's of New York. Big politicians, celebrities, even the Mayor would be there to show their face's. Law flicked his cigarette at the smoke stack and headed in.

As he made his way through the back hallways he nodded to his band tuning up and getting ready. Well let's just see how this night goes shall we he thought to himself as he made his way onto stage. The introduction was made for the band and the applause as thunderous as he hoped for. His band deserved it for all of there hard work and talent. The mic adjusted and he took a deep breath. "Evening folks, tonight we will be entertaining you with the best of the 50's to today. Starting off tonight I will be singing Sam Smith's "Writing on the Wall."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Katie smiled at security as she handed them her invitation, all dolled up. She looked every bit the upper-crust lady, her arm gently entwined with the tuxedo-clad man next to her. Red lips and gently curled hair, she thanked the men as they let them inside. Background music floated out, and the pair climbed the sloping steps that lead up the front door. It was opened for them, and they casually strolled inside. Her dark red dress gently swished against the back of her legs, heels quietly clipping the floor.

They set to work, eyes peeled for their target. They chatted, briefly meeting other important people as they worked the floor. Eventually, Katie set her sights on the man they wanted. He was an up-and-coming older man who was predicted to possibly be voted in an mayor next year. Vehemently anti-crime, their boss didn't like him. Katie's gaze dipped down as she surreptitiously pressed a finger to her ear, murmuring, 'target acquired.' The affirmation came back, and she looked back to him again.

A moment later, there were screams as fire rushed out from beneath her fingertips. An elegant snake of fire leapt out to swirl around the politician, and her partner smirked as he disappeared and reappeared, lips drawn back in a snarl as he brandished firearms at the guests. There was mass panic, confusion, but Katie was emotionless. This was her job, and emotions were only for show. "Scorpion sends his regards," she said simply, raising her arms in preparation to set him alight. He screamed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Fire!!" screamed many patrons around the room as chaos began to ensue. Law's adrenaline peaked and he began to scan the crowd. There they were, a woman brandishing fire from her...hands?! Oh no, we have enhanced people here now. Shit I have to do something but lord knows what my songs do to other's with powers like mine. His eyes went wide and he whiped around to his band. "Boys and girls do everything you can to help out the Agents here protecting the event." Before he jumped down from the stage he grabbed a hold of the mic and made his way toward the center floor.

Thank god for wireless mics now a days sweat began to drip from his bow as he noticed the other assailant preparing to open fire upon the crowd. Songs racing through his mind like a slot machine that was just pulled hoping for big money. Think you fool what emotion needed to happen at a time like this?! I need something calming and perhaps something that could invoke...empathy? The slots of the machine in his head began to drop into place.

Just like that he began to breath in a cadence. This began to help his heart get under control. Mic now raising to his lips, focusing as hard as he could on the song he let A Great Big World do the talking, "Say something I'm giving up on you..."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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((Less busy now <3))

Katie slowly flicked her fingers, arms raised toward her snake of fire. As the singing started, her first though was - what the hell? The guy was suicidal. She was just about ready to give him his own little toasting, when... Something seemed to change within her. Something in her chest, a heavy weight that seemed to drop right into it. Her brown eyes widened, seeming to soften at the sight before her. The politician was screaming for help, tears running from his eyes. The fire disappeared, her arm lowering as she felt her chest tightening, her eyes welling up with confused, scared, ashamed tears.

"Why...?" Her sentence couldn't even be finished as the song flowed through her body. Her colleague seemed confused as well, frowning and shaking his head as he backed away. She turned toward the singing man, doe eyes shining. She could feel for the first time in so long... All these things she'd done... It felt like her insides were collapsing in on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

Law's eyes met with the woman's eyes and he moved closer to her. "Look you need to leave now." in an almost hushed tone to her, "I don't know why you are doing this or to what end. That doesn't matter now. What matter's is that you leave. You and your friend need to go."

Why was I doing this? This person was about to massacre this politician and potentially harm others. She has gifts thought. They both have gifts like me. Maybe something good could come out of this? Or perhaps I am a psycho His thoughts faded away as he scanned the faces in horror. His song had worked on some of the bystanders and guards as well. People were sobbing and speaking to themselves about stories long past. Other's were hitting the ground in regret.

Every time I let these songs go people go to the places that they never wanted to revisit. Am I a monster for doing this? No. No this is for there own good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Katie's entire body was rigid with so many emotions. Regret, shock, sadness, relief... She slowly backed away from the man, hands closed into tight fists at her sides. She didn't know why he was letting her go. He was one of those who wanted to take her down because she was evil, wasn't he? But she knew that she had to take this chance, while security were still bewildered by what was going on in their heads.

"Thank you," she whispered, turning her back - and running. Katie brandished fire at some guards who hadn't been affected by the singing outside, and hurried off into the dark night. She didn't know why she'd been let go by him, but hell - that was her luck today. As soon as she got a couple of blocks away, she darted into an alley and slid down against the wall. Her heart was beating in her throat, and she felt like she was going to be sick. All of those things that she'd done, all of the people she'd killed... Hiding her face in her hands, she couldn't even cry anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

Just like that she was gone. People began to recover from the different episodes that the song put them through. Law's band was scattered around the room helping people come back to their senses.

"Well I have to give it to you. That was a close one but you handled yourself as good as you could. I guess..." as the agent trailed off Law had only one thing on his mind. You would think by this point in my career I would have met more enhanced folks. Yet somehow I haven't? This was my first encounter. After years of helping this city out behind the scenes. I mean I hear the whispers, I hear the talks and all I get for a reward is stories.

"Agent, do you have anything on that girl and gentleman that were just in here?" asking as he slowly turned his head to him. As their eyes met thought the agent went stiff faced. "Just because you helped in this situation doesn't make you privy to that kind of knowledge. We appreciate the assistance but no such knowledge will be exchanged to you. Now if you will excuse me," the agent turned away from him, "I will have to finish cleaning up this mess."

As the agent wandered off Law's emotion didn't change. He was more curious than the word could described. The very existence of people like them enticed his interest to no end. He would do what he could to find out who they were...who she was.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Tokara Constantly disappearing

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The night dissipated as the sun rose over the famous New York skyline, and Katie was alone with her thoughts in that alleyway. She didn't move. Not once. It was chilly, and the concrete sucked warmth out from her body, but she couldn't bring herself to shift from that place. The sounds of the city that never slept ramped up in volume as people began rising and commuting to work. She shivered, burying her head in her hands. By the time that 6 o'clock came, she forced her tired legs to withstand her weight, and she started walking.

Her head dipped down as to avoid any attention, she blended in amongst the multi-colored crowd. This wasn't the business district, and for that she was thankful. In her stained dress and heels in one hand, she looked like some washed-out one night stand, trying to make her way back home after a rough time. She kept to the shadows, the innerways, for as much as she could. Katie didn't know where she was going. She'd had a long time last night, rearranging her thoughts back to herself. All those things that she'd done...

Last night, that man had been incredibly kind to her. No doubt, the police were on the lookout. Perhaps... Perhaps she should find him? But how? In this city, of millions of people, it would be a nigh-on impossible task.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

"I told you I would pick up the meat in the market today. I'm practically there right...yea...I know...I know what she likes pop...I gotta...I gotta go old man...Alright....Oh no I'm losing you...oh man it is definitely bad down here okay bye," a smile on Law's face as he flipped his phone shut. Law was heading down to the market to help pick up some fresh meats for the club today. This weekend was a special weekend for them because it was his father's 61st birthday. They always had to make sure that the dishes were outstanding. Law's mind continued to slip elsewhere however.

I checked last night all around the immediate area and she basically vanished. They both vanished I mean they must have some sweet teleportation abilities too. Who am I kidding, just because they have powers doesn't mean they have every power I can think of he began to weave through the crowd and turned the corner.

All I can hope for at this moment is that they are safe. Even after the shit they pulled last night I really need them. I need to find out so many things from them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Katie eventually blended into a crowded market, hoping to find cover amongst the people selling their wares. The air was rich and thick with the smell of fresh fish, and the fried eggs that were haphazardly shoved into breakfast rolls. She had no money, and her stomach grumbled despite the grave situation. It was, perhaps, a touch of the normal in the craziness of the past few hours. She wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her middle protectively as she wandered through. A few people gave her a second glance, but for the most part, she went unnoticed.

And then she saw him. It was as random and unexpected as winning the lottery when you didn't even have a ticket. Katie paused in her step, eyes widening as her mind went blank. And a moment later - should I approach him? She didn't know if he'd turn her in or shush her or what, but what else did she have? Her memory was fuzzy; were her parents still alive? Something told her not, but she didn't know... She took a few hesitant steps toward the man, every muscle in her body urging her to run away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago


Just like that his mind went blank. Thank goodness, it is her. The fire wielding woman from the other night! however he noticed her posture. Her stance, it was weak at the moment, she looked fatigued. Without missing a beat he took a step forward to her and put out his arm, "Miss would you like to come with me to grab some food real quick? I think we need to talk."

As he held out his arm, mind racing with questions he needed to ask her, his eyes perked up. Scanning around the crowd for anyone acting out of place. If I was lucky enough to find her here, this is not good. There has to be others right? Somewhere I feel it. His eyes returned back to her's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Katie was mildly surprised, and incredibly relieved, when the man held out his arm to her. It was an almost old-fashioned gesture, slightly debonair. In this place, in these circumstances, she almost wanted to laugh at the joy of something so sweet in the dark. But she couldn't. And she didn't. She just dipped her head, a small smile tilting the corners of her lips despite herself, and she took his arm.

"I think we do too," she said quietly, looking back down at the ground again such that her hair might obscure her face. Katie was well aware of the danger that she was in, the danger that she was bringing to him, and she hoped he had a good plan to get them out of the way.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

Law began to lead the woman away ,"I know a wonderful Diner just around the corner. We can have a nice conversation there." His adrenaline was peaking out so he thought he would do himself and anyone within ear shot of him a favor. "Birds flying high, you know how I feel. Sun in the skyy you knowwww how I feelll..." as he began to sing Feeling good by Nina Simone people started to settle in his immediate vicinity. This should be a low enough tone that it will just seem like a random guy singing for fun on the streets. However, for the people within ear shot they should get a little taste of ease with this.

The streets were as usual, we pushed through as easy as we could with the crowd off doing their daily duties. The world seems to be opening up to opportunities around me. If I met her I wonder how many more like us exist. Truly, it is an exciting development in my life.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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Katie nodded slightly, the idea of warm food like heaven. In fact, it was starting to get just as distracting as the fact that she might be followed. God, she couldn't even remember the last time she ate. Then... he began singing again. After the first couple of words, it seemed like relaxation washed over her. Keeping undercover wasn't stressful, and she didn't think about food anymore. Her steps became more solid, less on their toes, and she glanced languidly over at him. Perhaps it was the rose-tinted spectacles, but she lazily thought about the fact that, yes, he was sort of attractive...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

The front door chipped against a bell announcing their entrance into the diner. As Law held the door open for the young lady a sudden shriek came from behind the counter.

"Oh my gawd, Oh my gawd, oh my gawd is that little Laurie stepping into mai dinnah,"

The New York accent heavy voice had erupted from a 5'2, rambunctious, older woman named Lidia. As she hurried over to the two she snatched up some menus and rushed them up to the bar area so they could sit near her. "Oh my goodness how is the family? Who is this young lady? You never come by here, what you don't like your Mama Lidia huh? You gonna break my heart Laurie."

"Lidia, lidia, lidia, I swear I try and come by every time I can. You know how the club is running, I have to be smart with my money so as to not affect the Club. Mom and dad have been great for awhile now Lidia I will be sure to tell them to head down to see you. Finally, this is a new friend of mine. Her name is uhhhh..." Law trailed off as he looked to the young lady hoping she might let him know her name.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tokara
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"I'm Katie," she responded automatically, almost wincing a moment later. Should she have used a pseudonym? Too late now, and the woman seemed nice enough. She still smiled, acting to her best ability that everything was normal. She took the offered menu, the delicious smell of frying food making her mouth water. Hesitatingly sitting up at the bar, she glanced behind herself - instinctively - wondering if anyone had followed them here. She hoped not. Turning back to the lady, she smiled again and glanced back down at the menu.

Katie was at a bit of a loss, truth be told. It had been months since she'd even been in charge of her own body - let alone making decisions. There were so many choices, and drinks, and coffee... She bit her lip, giving one last nervous look over her shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 9 days ago

"Well miss Katie," Lidia said as she whipped out her book, "Ladies first." She motioned to the menu.

Law noticed the nervous look she had as one of the other waiters brought him his usual black coffee. Taking a sip he looked to her and asked, "So have any other errands you need to run on this side of the city K-town?". Shooting a warm smile at her, hoping the nickname made it seem as though they had known each other for a while. The best plan Law had was to keep her at ease for as long as possible. Worst case scenario, she was being followed, so they needed to just look like bar patrons at a time like this.

The mystery of her still alluded him and it enticed him more. These powers were one thing but something more was to her. He had just met her but needed to know everything.
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