Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Accident

The moment she decided to climb up on that cliff, was her bad decision. Peering down at the water below and looking down at her friend with an excited face, one so full of life. Taking her last deep breath before running off the cliff, falling down into the water below, only to be met with piercing pain coursing through her entire body. The feeling of suffocation as all of the air in her lungs left her body. All she could see was red as the water filled with her blood. Sky heard the yelling before she was being pulled out of the water. Being wrapped in comforting arms that she only knew too well, as her vision went black, and very slowly the darkness consume her as she bled out.

This was the last memory she experienced before her life ended. The cove had taken her life and engulfed it in a deadly embrace. The people she loved with all of her heart were left to feel the sting she left, while her pain ended. It was bitter sweet in every way.


The next time Sky opened her eyes she was met with blinding light. When her eyes adjusted and she was finally able to open them she looked around her only to find she was in what she could describe as a room, except it wasn`t. The ‘walls’ were blurry and if you walked close enough she could have sworn you could fall through them.

In this room there was two buttons, both gray. One read above it “Repent”, the other read “Sin”. Sky placed both her hands on the two buttons. If she was being honest she didn`t know which one was right or what she was even doing. So she closed her eyes and pressed them both. The result was an overwhelming pain as she fell to the ground curling into a ball pressing against her abdomen. It was no use though because as she opened her eyes all she was seeing was blood. The wounds from her death open, soaking her, her bathing suit, and painting the floor red. She panicked and crawled to the buttons immediately pressing ‘Repent’.

The next thing she knew she was met with a glow and she was standing in a very light hallway. An archangel appeared before her and looked down at her, he smiled warmly. “Are you in any pain?” He asked and Sky checked herself frantically looking for the wound but only found that she was wearing a white sundress that pooled at her feet. “Where am I?” She asked wide eyed. “Dear child, you`re in the light, or what you humans refer to as heaven. You chose to face the error of your ways, even though your death was very much an accident.”

“Wait so am I an angel? Is that what you`re telling me?!” Sky asked and he paused before nodding, it was at this moment that his wings unfurled behind him, white and glowing beautifully. “You must go through initiation but yes that is what I am telling you. Now come, we have a lot to do.”

The next while would be her wings being sewn into her back, which is as painless as it sounds. Once that was done the weeks began as an angel in training, learning the basics before she was given her placement as an angel of memory. This job entailed going to victims of memory loss on earth and giving them back they`re memory, whether the cause have been an accident or old age. All the while her memories from her life slowly faded away. The people that considered her their daughter, her parents, and most importantly her best friend, slowly disappeared. The loss leaving her with a clear and calm mind with no worries. The only memory she kept was the wisdom of how she died, but as to who was there and where she was, she doesn`t remember.

The Ball of Purgatory

Sky stood in the garden of the venue staring up at the moon, entranced by the beauty of the night. For this evening she wore a long white dress that flowed with long sleeves and that accented her Celtic looks. The back dipped down of course to make room for her wings if she needed them, for now a glowing white tattoo shaped like a ‘V’ down her back was in their place.

Balls have never been too much fun for her however. Every year they had a ball on earth where heaven and hell put their elites to celebrate the peace they shared. The two may be complete opposites but they co-existed under the laws of what souls deserved. This was the third year she`d been appointed to this event. Three years ago she became an archangel in training. The archangel that led her through heaven had seen something in her as time went on. He saw the power her soul radiated; it was too powerful to have her be a memory angel forever.

Therefore as an archangel in training here she was, at a ball filled with demons and angel alike. It was the only time the two kinds came together. The only time they were able to talk to some another without restrictions. It was expected because they were the higher ups that they`d have no problem resisting corruption or as some put it, contamination from each other. An angel wouldn`t go rouge and a demon wouldn`t start deciding to escape hell.

Turning around she looked into the ballroom and took a deep breath, she didn`t want to go back in there. While the two races coexisted and danced together, it was all a lot of acting, and she hated it. Acting in such a way didn`t suit her at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Funeral

The funeral for Skylar Montgomery was depressing and full of sadness. The young woman’s death was deemed an accident by the police but no one thought it was an ‘accident’. As friends and family mourned the loss of the young girl, no one mourned harder than her best friend and the one that everyone openly blamed for her death. However, no one cried harder or showed more sadness than Lewis Taylor. People spoke calming to the parents telling them they were sorry for their loss but Lewis couldn’t get himself to move from his seat. His hands laced together and his deep brown eyes gazing in a lost manner at the floor. A large puddle had formed beneath his feet due to his tears.

Young Lewis was at a loss. His best friend had died right in front of him; accidently taking her own life due to a risk he didn’t stop her from doing. That day was going to be special, that day was going to mean the world to both of them after spending most of their lives together and now, here he sat, at the age of 18 staring at the coffin of his best friend, the girl he grew up with and the woman he wanted to make his wife.


The End

Lewis sat at home staring at the wall of his apartment. He hadn’t ate since the funeral which was about four days ago and he hadn’t been to work since that same time. He just stared long and hard at the wall as if debating on something. Without giving it another moments thought, he picked up the gun that was in his lap, put the barrel to his head and pulled the trigger.

Pain, Darkness, Agony all the words that could describe the feelings he was dealing with came swarming into his vision to the point that he was getting suffocated by them. Cleaning his eyes he grabbed his throat and suffered for a few moments longer before a flash of bright light reflected from his closed eyelids.

When his eyes opened the world around him seemed to settle and he found himself sitting in the same room that Sky had experienced before. Expect after approaching the board he pushed both the buttons and his body went into flames. His screams echoed through the quiet room before the floor opened beneath him and he fell.

Falling… falling… falling It felt as though it would be endless falling, his body was on fire and he was screaming out in pain. He felt the rush of wind though it didn’t help the intense pain he was experiencing. His eyes were watered with tears of pain as he held his body desperately turning to cool himself off. Soon he landed, his whole body feeling as though his bones had shattered upon impact. Over him was a demonic looking lizard creature who proceeded to hiss at him before poking him with a spare. Lewis wailed in pain as the creature poked at him several more times, almost finding glee from it. After a few more pokes, another creature showed up. This other creature looked like a giant bull walking on two legs and blowing smoke of rage.

Reaching down, the bull creature picked up Lewis like he was a piece of tissue and tossed him cross the darkened room. Lewis’ body flew in a limp fashion across the room before smacking against the wall. “Aaaahhh!!!” He screamed upon the impact before falling lifelessly to the ground. The bull creature arrived swiftly to Lewis before picking him up once again and tossed him in a different direction. This pattered continued down a hallway and into another room; a proper pattern for something not worth carrying and right now that was Lewis. Lewis’ body was thrown in front of a large man standing at a table looking over some documents.

“Lewis Taylor, we need to talk…” The man said as he held the papers out to Lewis who was struggling to breathe. “I think you’ll be interested in our conversation.”


The Ball of Purgatory

It had been three years since Loki had his memories erased and his training had become to become the next top three fallen angels for the devil himself. Why he was chosen… he doesn’t remember. Who he was before… he doesn’t remember. And why he was even in hell… he didn’t know. All he was aware of was that he now had a job, a job a lot of people wanted and he was one of the few to have.

His trainer was currently one of the three fallen angels to sit beside Lucifer and Loki was going through intense training, including but not limited to collecting the souls of those who sin. The judging system never lies and Loki’s job was to remove the souls from the room of judgment and drag them down to hell… and this was a lot more fun than most people thought! Not only was this a fun job it is one of the most sought after jobs in hell since it was linked directly to Lucifer. And Loki, just three years into his training, was already doing the job of his trainer.

“This whole thing is ridiculous.” Loki said, fussing with his sharp looking black suit with a deep red tie to show his level of importance.

“It may seem pointless, but it’s important.” His trainer said behind him brushing off the young man’s suit from the back. “You will be going in my stead, be good, and be nice. If it wasn’t for the angels our jobs would be very difficult. They will give you respect if you give them it. Even Lucifer talks about balance and knows of it’s importance. It’s important you know and embrace it too.”

Loki gave a nod before turning his amber gaze to his trainer. “Are you sure I’m ready?” His trainer just nodded with a smile on his face and gave the young man a pat on his back. “Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as you think… plus those female angels are an eyeful,, better than what’s down here.” The two share a laugh at his trainer’s comment. Loki had been dealing with enough woman trying to get to him that not dealing with the demon women would probably be a nice break. However they were fun, from time to time; but today was work and as the brunette fussed with his cuff-links he walked towards the door and left.

This year the ball was held in heaven and it was Loki’s first time in the heavens… it was disgusting. Bright and cheery and white; so much white yuck! Shaking his head he let out a small sigh and walked into the ballroom. The lightening was a bit better, not as bright as the outside area but it wasn’t the lower realm where the room they used kept a dark but elegant feeling then… then there was this bullshit.

Taking a drink from the nearby waiting staff’s tray he took a quick drink before featuring deeper inside. This was his first mixed-realm ball and he had to represent his trainer to the best of his abilities for, soon the job would be his and he desired and deserved to be taken seriously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

This whole ball was nothing but a room filled with masked people. They showed joy and excitement but what laid beneath their faces was anything but. The demons and angels had a long peace, but they also had a long loathing. The two didn`t exactly have the same ideas of fun for that matter. Demons were that of what humans considered evil, while angels were of that of what humans considered good. To say she hated the fakeness of it all was an understatement. She wouldn`t act like something she isn`t.

Making her way back into the ballroom Sky started to weave through people and took a glass of champagne from one of the waiters in the process. It was as she took a sip and turned around that she suddenly hated the cluster of people more. Her champagne went all over her and the demon in front of her. "Oh no," the ginger said as she lifted her eyes to meet the man she had just dumped her drink on. "I`m so sorry, I don`t even know what to say."

There was something about this demon the sparked something in her mind though, the longer she looked into his eyes the more she felt like she knew this man. This was unlikely considering she never really talked to anyone at these parties. The feeling wasn`t something she could shake off easily however. It was possible that she had known this person when she was alive but the ability to remember people from your life was a very rare occurrence, and it wasn`t a safe one to any of the higher ups, heaven or hell. If an angel and demon were of importance too each other on earth and found each other again in the afterlife, then it could make them both corrupt. This wasn`t something to smile about. His amber gaze drew her in as her own grey eyes just stared.

As she gazed into his eyes saying nothing the woman had no idea that the top of her dress, that the champagne had poured on, was getting more and more see through. It was safe to say this dress wasn`t going to make a great outfit for the rest of the evening. Not to mention that they were in a very crowded room with champagne splashed clothes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The day wasn’t exactly going ‘well’ it was, just going. The amount of demons and angels in the room was limited and the looks from the male angels showed him that his presence wasn’t really wanted. They must have been used to dealing with the demon he was taking over for and now someone new was making them uncomfortable. A smirk moved across his face and he rose his glass lightly to them only to watch their noses turn upwards and their heads turn away. A chuckle echoed in his throat as he took a nice drink of the champagne and settled in for a fun night of tormenting the angels in his own little way.

Of course, turning around he would bump into someone; not just anyone an angel. A long sigh left him as she suddenly spoke up and apologized for drenching the front of him with champagne. The door thing about his jacket is that a simple brush off and the alcohol will find itself onto the ground. His gaze turned from his jacket to the angel in front of him. Uh, she was cute, in a disgusting glowing angel sort of way. However, unlike her, his memories were completely erased so he had no lingering memories of his human life. After enough memory wipes and torture you tend to force yourself to forget things at least for the time being.

“It’s alright.” He said with a nod. Before he turned his gaze around them and noticed the angels who were once giving him dirty looks now seemed to be more interested in his present, not to mention concerned and a few of them were exchanging words about coming over to him while he was with this angel. So she was important huh? How fun… this night just got interesting.

His gaze turned back to her only to notice she was staring at him. Before he could open his mouth to response to her staring he noticed the color of her dress was slowly starting to change to reveal the soft skin beneath. “You know, I may enjoy certain views…” He said as he unbuttoned his jacket and pulled it off of his large arms. He then moved it around her so she could put her arms through while facing him instead of turning around and exposing her slowly exposing self to the crowded room. “But even I have a line. Put the jacket on and button it up until the end of the night or you might be a lot more uncomfortable than wearing a demon’s jacket.”

Once she put her arms into the jacket he skillfully buttoned it up, keeping his eyes locked onto her as he did so. Upon her being covered, he offered her his hand. “I’m Loki.” His natural demon scent smells like a comforting burning camp fire. A peaceful scent that must female demons loved, would angels like it too? Either way she wasn’t showing anything anymore and now she was wearing a demon’s jacket, much to the dislike of the upturned noised angels in the corner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The whispering and concerned looks didn`t even register to her, she was too confused. However when he started to speak about enjoying certain views she snapped out of her staring and her eyes traveled down to what he was referring too. Her dress was turning pretty see through and the last thing she wanted was to look so scandalous in front of a whole ballroom of people.

Sky brought up her arms to attempt to hide what was happening to her dress as she suddenly became very aware of the situation. His jacket must have been made of a slick material because the champagne just slide off with a few shakes. She noticed that he was taking off his jacket and mercurially offering it to her. Without thinking she slid her arms in the sleeves quickly before anyone could see her dress and watched him button it up. The smell of a slow burning fire came into her nose and she couldn`t help feel a little calmer. It was a rather comforting scent.

"I don`t mind the fact that you`re a demon. Thank you for letting me have some dignity even though I spilt alcohol on you." Sky replied sheepishly and shook his hand when he held it out. "Sky," the ginger said a small smile coming to her face before she started to notice the shocked faces of some of the angels that had been watching them. Meanwhile some of the demons were watching amused, like this was some kind of show.

"I guess this reaction would be expected since I`m wearing your jacket. It`s a bit dramatic that everyone seems to be so shocked, don`t you think?" To say she should have been less causal was a sure thing, but she didn`t really care that he was a demon. She was being truthful to that. The thing that would be alarming is the fact that if her mentor saw her he wouldn`t be pleased with how she had stared at this demon, nor the fact that she accepted his jacket as well. She`d have to come up with something that wasn`t the entire truth for that one. Being a memory angel she knew that it wasn`t a good thing to have residual memories or feelings. In truth they could hurt her for not having walked away immediately from this man. It was however that Sky wasn`t like most angels and that much had been obvious the moment she stepped into heaven. It`s why she was an archangel in training.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The backgrounds of demon and angels are different, and yet share the same qualities. It is not common for human souls to become an angel or a demon. In fact, it was almost unheard of. There have been few, rare exceptions to this rule, however only a select individuals know of this and it was an agreement between God and Satan that when one wants to turn a human into one of their own, the other would have the right to do so as well. The games and the power struggle was real between the two. However demons and angels themselves seem to understand why and the balance between them and the reality of the situation at hand; sometimes both their higher powers seem to live under the delusion of overcoming one another… what child’s play.

Death stares were coming in all directions from the aggressively off-putting angels. Some would question why this would be such a big issue while others would ignore it… then there was Loki, the mentally smirking Loki who was bound to take over his mentor’s place and looking to remind the angels of just why he was chosen for the job. “It is a bit dramatic…” He responded in a whisper as he brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed the top of it. “But they say ‘rules are rules’ and lets face it.” His words were directed to her soft and delicate hand, vibrating up her vanes and straight into her heart. “These parties are nothing more than a formality and everyone’s just waiting for the night to be over.”

He slowly lowered her hand from his lips and gave her hand a small tug. “Personally I’ve never been one to ‘follow the norm’. That being said, I have no intention on standing around in a corner turning up my nose to others and only talking with people who are of my kind and rank. Would you like to dance Sky?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Her breath seemed to low down slightly as she watched him lift her hand to his lips. The vibrations from his mouth only enhanced the effect. That being said it wasn`t like she was love struck, at the end of the day they were two different races and very different people, or she had thought so. It seemed this demon was sort of like her. Not wanting to conform to what everyone thought was right and wrong. The problem was that she had no knowledge to know if he was sincere.

If she had such interesting company she may just enjoy the ball this year. The shocked faces around the room only fueled the wildness she was starting to feel. If this was what being 'tainted' was than she was quite alright for now. This evening was turning out to be very eventful. "It seems we have something in common." Sky responded when he pulled her a little closer.

"A dance sounds lovely," she whispered.

This time she pulled on his hand and brought him over to the dance floor. As to how they would dance she didn`t know, the song was light and airy at the moment so it would make sense for the dance to do the same she guessed. Slowly she placed her on his shoulder and slide her other hand into the right angle on his own. "You`ll have to lead," she said unsure on how to start.

Everyone was given dance lessons as part of their training to be a higher up, it was a needed skill for events like this. Sky however wasn`t the best dancer in the world. This had caused her mentor sore feet. She wouldn`t be here if she didn`t have the gist of it though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Loki always enjoyed being the center of attention and he was enjoying it now as the angel led him out onto the dance floor. There was a mix of hatred, envy and annoyance in their direction. The male demons from his realm were rolling their eyes at his actions while the female demons seemed envious of the angel. However the angels around the seemed to hate the sight they were seeing. Was it that bad that a demon and an angel were getting along? Wasn’t that the point of the whole party? Either way, Loki was loving their hatred and couldn’t help but shoot the angels a bright smile.

Upon arriving on the dance floor he placed a hand on her hip and held her small hand that he had kissed in his. “It would be an honor.” He replied with a grin as he began to lead the dance. After dancing for a few minutes along the floor in a peaceful silence he gave her a spin before picking back up the waltz. “I’m curious Sky. What is it that you do in the heavens? I mean it must be something incredibly important or the angels wouldn’t be trying to kill me with their eyes.”

Who was this angel he was dancing with and why was she so important that the other angels would be obsessed with her? Is she the daughter of someone important? Is she higher ranked angel and he just wasn’t aware or… well there has to be some reason.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

At this point in her life as an angel she was very used to being looked at for long periods of time. It wasn`t uncommon for her mentor to have her accompany him to meetings and discuss her views on certain aspects. The fact that training as an archangel was also hardwork had many other angels around her a lot of the time. The skills she needed to know were vast and constantly expanding. It was no wonder how she always had her hands full with this or that.

The demon woman seemed to be glaring at her more than anything. She guessed they were probably jealous, even though they probably shouldn`t be. Just because she had won this man`s attention for now did not mean she would keep it. They were very low to be jealous over a man. The male demons didn`t exactly look with approving glances towards them either. Sky looked at the man infront of her as he placed his hand on her hip and slipped his hand into hers.

They started to dance smoothly and she was glad her horrible dancing wasn`t dragging her down now. As long as she didn`t step on his feet then she was counting this as a victory. The silence was calm and comfortable. She didn`t feel the need to rush a conversation a the moment. That was a good sign and the silence continued for a few moments before he finally asked the question that she assumed had been weighing on his mind for a moment.

Continuing to dance slowly with him she smiled softly. "My mentor helped me become a memory angel but shortly after my potential as an angel became to obvious. He`s training me to be an archangel, a very high ranked one at that. The angels are probably wanting to kill you because I`m expected to one day become the head of the archangels and surpass my own mentor." Sky said and then laughed a little. "They probably think your 'tainting' me."

"What about you Loki? It doesn`t seem any of the demons exactly approve of you dancing with me. You seem to me especially popular with the woman. They`re to burn me where I stand." Sky said a bit of amusement in her voice. The fact that they were dancing together was causing an uproar. This ball was supposed to symbolize peace, and yet everyone seemed appalled at the idea of actually doing what they were supposed to be doing in the first place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

While his expression didn’t change, he was internally shocked. Out of any angel he could have pulled from the crowd, he grabbed the person training in his opposite position. This is ironic. The more they danced, the more the male angels seemed to get uncomfortable and mad. No wonder, someone this important shouldn’t exactly get close to a demon; especially someone who was training to be their counterpart. Technically, technically they would be working together one certain things when it comes to the deals of earth; but what angel would want their little princess angel to hang out with a demon.

“Now that is interesting…” Loki said with a smile as they danced, being the only ones on the dance floor they looked like the prince and princess despite the groups’ shared dislike for one another. Maybe Romeo and Juliet would be a better example; except they’re already dead. “That would explain why the male angels might jump me outside before I leave. Someone like you shouldn’t be converting with a demon in such a casual manner.” He said with a nod; however his eyes twinkled with playfulness as he spun her once again. This time he pulled her close and gracefully dropped her into a dip.

“You and I are opposites in training. I am training to become the one of the arc-demons.; which means we will be working together from time to time.” Leaning down, he brought his face very close to hers, his ember eyes twinkling with joy, “I never thought my position could be fun until now.” He held her there for a moment longer before pulling her back upright and continuing on with the dance. “We should keep in touch after this; business would be easier if we could be reached via letters.” If there’s one thing that Loki kept from his time as a human it was his playful flirtatiousness.

Flashback –

Times were joyful and fun when they were together. Lots of times it would be Lewis driving them off into some random place and they would just hang out, have a picnic or get lost in the woods for a few hours. On more than one occasion, Lewis would pop off with some form of flirty comment and catch Sky by surprise.

“One day Sky, you’re going to love me.” He said with a grin on his face as they walked down a steep path together, Lewis taking the front and finding the placements for their feet.

“Yeah yeah.” Sky replied with a laugh as they continued on their walks. That was until her foot caught on a branch and she tumbled forward.

“Whoa!” Lewis called out as he suddenly felt a body tumble on him. He lost his footing also and fell forward causing the two to tumble down the steep slope. In the fall he reached out, pulling Sky to him and pressing her face against his chest in a protective manner.

By the time they hit the bottom of the slope, Lewis was on his back holding tightly onto Sky. After regaining his breathe he looked up at her, “You really are a klutz; you know that right?” He said with a cheeky grin as he rolled over, pinning her under him. He brought his face close to hers, leaving no more than an inch between their lips. “It’s always an adventure with you; I never thought a walk could be fun until now.” He held his face there for a moment longer just grinning down at her before pulling himself off of her and offering her his large hand.

“Don’t worry about the women, they’ll leave you alone. They know better than to pick a fight in front of the higher ups.” Loki said reassuringly as they danced.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Dancing with a demon so casually probably wasn`t something she should be doing, that was very much correct. If she was being honest up until now she herself never thought she`d actually dance with anyone at one of these balls. They were overrated to her, but this was a lot nicer than standing in the garden hoping that she may drink enough to at least have some calm time to herself. While she was an angel, she wasn`t a saint. Personality still showed in everyone that came to heaven or hell. For angels if you were prone to have some bad tendencies than in the afterlife you probably would have a few. That same thing went to demons, you were relatively good in your life than in the afterlife you would be more prone to weaknesses pertaining to your good attributes. None of them were perfect.

While she couldn`t remember anything but how she died, she did know that even now she was always one to want to have fun over boredom. Sky tried to make even the most tedious tasks somewhat fun for herself. It was the constant glimpses into her soul like that that probably gave off hints to the archangels in the first place. If being herself is what made her so unique, than why be anything else?

"They won`t jump you unless you actually make a move on me, then I think we`d have a war." Sky joked knowing fully well it`d never happen. Angels and demons rarely have friendships, a relationship would be the end of both of them. They`d be resurrected immediately. When their souls died, they`d be lost in purgatory. This was the harsh punishment of tainted souls. There was no way to repair a soul that has been tainted, therefore purgatory is the only option for either side.

The shock she had to be dancing with a arc-demon in training was probably just as much as when he`d learned about her. "What are the odds of that?" Sky whispered once he dipped her, her eyes staring into his intently. When he told her about his position not being fun until now a memory flashed through her mind.

His face a mere inch from hers staring into his eyes “It’s always an adventure with you; I never thought a walk could be fun until now.” He said and all she could do was stare deep into his eyes. So much warmth and love seemed to come from his eyes and her heart felt giddy just looking at him.

Sky stumbled a little when he brought her back to her feet. Shock was apparent on her face for a moment before she quickly wiped it off. No. No one could ever know that had just happened, ever. If anyone in this room figured out what had just happened to her than the consequences for her were sever. Even though she was still very much panicked she continued dancing with him as if nothing had happened.

"I think keeping in touch would be a very good idea." Sky replied with a smile. On the inside however she knew this was a very bad decision. In her past life she had known this demon, in a very intimate way it seemed. This could only cause trouble any way you looked. Yet she couldn`t bring herself to step away from the train that was full speed towards her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Something tells me that writing letters to you will be a lot more enjoyable than writing any of my paperwork. I hope I do not get too distracted.” Loki said with a chuckle as the song finished up. Stepping away from her, he applauded politely to the music that had played. It wasn’t surprising that others were applauding even though they were the only ones on the dance floor. Everyone showed respect during their time at the parties, whether they were thrown in heaven or in hell.

The idea that the two should get along was something still foreign to everyone but… a few individuals couldn’t help but think that God and Satan were having fun watching the two types of individuals struggle to ‘get along’ in a social setting. When they worked together on projects the two types of individuals got along to some degree because they know their places but here, here there are no designated jobs or titles. Here is just an open floor for communications that no one really wanted. Except Loki, now he really did want it!

“I don’t know about you, but these parties really aren’t my thing.” He said in a whisper as he offered her his arm. “But I cannot deny good food and beautiful company. Would you care to grab a plate of food and a drink to venture outside? This is my first time in the heavens and we have quite a view from here. Maybe you can point some things out to me?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I think it will be entertaining to write to you. I also hope you don't forget your duties, as those are important. I think you`re also flattering me way too much." Sky responded lightheartedly feeling rather strange about all of this, but it was exciting. She never thought she'd make friends with a demon. When she was with her mentor he'd told her that as always she was there to keep the angels from becoming aggressive. The angels now were all on edge though. So maybe she didn`t completely succeed on that end.

Sky clapped for the band turning to look in their direction. The music was something that always made these events just a little more enjoyable. The fakeness of it all was suffocating, but at least there was good music. Turning back to her companion she simply nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. "These parties are always suffocating, going somewhere else would be lovely." She said before turning to walk to where they had food laid out.

The concept of food was rather strange to her. They all still enjoyed it and beverages, but they didn`t need them. Angels at least didn`t experience hunger or the need to eat. Everyone is a being of the spiritual realm by one mean or another. The worries of human survival didn`t exist here. The leading quality of an angel is that they were supposed to have little worries. They had jobs, but starving was hard to do when you can`t die in the first place. Well die of natural means that is.

"Tell me Loki, do demons feel the feeling of starvation?" The angel asked unsure of it all herself. She never was a demon so the ability of knowing if they did was limited. Angels and demons don`t usually talk and they most definitely don`t usually ask questions of difference in each other. So the knowledge of differences like that was little to none, yet she craved the knowledge. This demon was different. He was handsome and powerful, but he still held a certain kindness to him. Many demons she`d come in contact with were cunning and wanted to indulge in trying to corrupt or confuse their counterpart in the afterlife.

This demon was not only different from that with first impression, but she also had the memories. The one thing that intrigued her about him and made her want to run away from him at the same time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Her question didn’t surprise him as he gathered up some food on his plate. Why would the angels need to experience the emotions the humans do? Why would that matter? However it mattered for demons. How else would the devil be able to remain in control if he didn’t have something he could keep with them? “We feel everything.” He explained as he continued to plate himself some food and walk down the line.

“We feel pain, we feel hunger, we feel starvation, we feel stress, worry and anger.” He stabbed a fork deeply into the a piece of meat before putting it on his plate. “But…” His deep eyes flicked back to her, a fire underneath them. “We also experience intensity,” He took a small step towards her, “Warmth.” His free hand reached out and tucked the loose strained of hair behind her ear. “Passion…” Dragging out the word he pulled his hand away from her and picked up a glass of red wine at the end of the table and turned.

“Enlighten me Sky.” He said as he led the way to the veranda outside where there was some seating. “What do Angels feel?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smystar99
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Smystar99 ✴ Spirit of the Vale ☾

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The emotions behind his words caught her off guard and unlike the rest of the close to the hour or more being with him, this is the first time she was left rather breathless. The impact of his words caused her to have to learn how to breath again as she got a few things to eat along with a glass of wine herself. Turning she walked with him outside and sat down.

Taking a sip of her wine Sky looked at him thinking over his question. "We feel emotions, well most of them I assume. As you become more and more of an angel, things like pain leave you. You never experience anything really physical. We can still feel, but things that humans would normally feel we don`t experience." Pausing she wondered if she would be so bold to say what she knew was more human then anything. Well she had already been quite adventurous so far tonight.

"Demons experience pleasure, an angel doesn`t experience such things." Sky said softly as she looked at her plate before meeting his eyes once more. "Demons experience the physical needs of humans, angels do not. We are pure," the angel inserted quotation marks with her fingers around the word pure. "in that we don`t touch each other normally. We don`t feel the need of a companion. Sex is both banned and unheard of."

Looking off into the clouds surrounding them she smiled lightly, almost with a longing look. "Fallen angels, they`re quite different. Now fallen angels, they feel it all. They have their angelic powers for the most part for awhile, but anything they feel is amplified ten-fold. A stab wound will heal, it won`t kill them, but they`ll wish they were numb. Certain angels have said that in times where they`ve experienced it, it feels like your body is being ripped apart."

Sky suddenly realized that all of this wasn`t really something she should be sharing so openly. He may be a demon but she shouldn`t be talking about fallen angels and they`re eternal pain with him. It was not only inappropriate but also showing a horrible fascination. A fascination that could get her damned or worse.

"In some ways feeling everything may be better than feeling nothing. I am sorry however that I started to talk of something so inappropriate and uncalled for. Stuff like that isn`t something our kinds really should be taking about." Sky apologized before taking a long sip of wine. The memories were going to her head, making her too open. She was still an archangel in training. This only made her realize that she was in fact playing with fire, and she only hoped she wouldn`t get burned.
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