Name: Mercury Amate

Position on Team and Rank: MEDIC (PVT

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Long black hair and a chiseled jaw, with high cheek bones and innocent eyes that make him look more pretty and womanly than handsome. Like most men in the military he has broad shoulders and a his body is covered in muscle. Though he isn't the strongest or fastest, as a medic he makes sure his body is always in peak physical condition.

Personality: His immaturity and lack of seriousness leads to him being one of the more child like of the group. Though he sees it as him keeping everyone elses spirits up. He never stops bouncing and has a glee filled smile on his face at all times probably from laughing at his own jokes.

History: Mercury Amate was born on a colony poor enough to resemble the dark ages before technology, the only thing more advanced than a lamp was the monthly supply ships that flew in from off planet to trade supplies. Mercury was lucky that his father was a surgeon and he spent most of his time learning under his father.

One day every year the colony held a festival and as was tradition the men of the colony would hunt in the surrounding forests to provide food for the festival. However the Governor's son was unlucky enough to be gravely injured by a whitemane and Mercury's father was unable to save him. The governor was consumed by grief. He spent countless nights either crying or shouting. He blamed Mercury's father, and soon he entire colony had turned against the surgeon, believing the lies fed to them by the governor.

In a violent revolt Mercury's father was taken from his house and then killed in the town centre, hung by the men and women whose life he had previously saved. Mercury fled. He found himself a stowaway on a military vessel at the age of 16 and used his skills as a surgeon to prove his worth and join them.

Weapons and Equipment:
Type-14 Machine Pistol : A small one handed SMG, standard issue, made to fill men with holes in either full auto or burst fire modes.
Lydian : Mercury's main weapon of choice is a sleek silver pistol with the engraving of his father's name, Lydian, on the side of its barrel. He prefers it to his machine pistol for its versatility, he carries a silencer and extended mags as well as a handful of other gadgets the gun is designed to work with.
First Aid Kit - Standard issue first aid kit, though Mercury will also take specialised items if he feels they are necessary for the mission.

Skills and Abilities: Battlefield medic - His time on the front lines have shown him how to fix bones and plug holes in the heat of battle, though he is limited by his resources.
Surgeon - When not in battle Mercury is able to perform surgery and treat much more dangerous and fatal wounds than in battle. While he isn't by any means a neuro surgeon he can diagnose and treat anything a Soldier might suffer from while on a mission, from bleeding profusely to alien parasites.
Stealth - For a medic Mercury is surprisingly light on his feet. While he is by no means a Ranger or a stealth operative he is much better at sneaking up behind a man and slitting his throat than most.
Aspirig Writer - Mercury likes to write in his spare time, he has a daily blog online that he writes on while not on a mission and likes to write books, boh medical and romance.

"Ho-ly shit! That is bleeding way more than it should!"
"Ah fuck, i left my depression at home!"