Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WanderBug
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Esmé Aziz Rafiq

The Guiding Light

Esmérelda Aziz Rafiq



At 6’ 1’’, Esme is tall and built. She has dark skin, light brown eyes, and short hair. There’s a long scar etched on the left side of her face and a mole on the right corner of her mouth. With her handsome and tall build, she stands out in a crowd. Esme is very often mistaken for a man, but uses it to her advantage when necessary, flipping back and forth between a feminine and masculine appearance during subterfuge missions. She wears heavily enchanted civilian clothes to be less suspect.

Dark magic affinity, illusion focused. Her fighting specialty is in stealth and infiltration, but holds her own well with an axe. A skilled diplomatic figure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Name: Tryilendarel Nerinya
Race: elf (human grandparent -- mother's father)
Age: 93 (appears to be about 20-25)
Gender: male
Occupation: troubadour

Appearance: Trill is quite tall, though very much a thin fellow that only avoids looking gangly because he's an elf. One of the paler species, he has lightly tanned skin and extremely pale platinum blonde hair that falls a bit past his shoulders. His golden eyes are lively, often with a cheerful or playful expression. He has an excellent eye for color and cut, and makes sure he wears things that make him look good. He's not the sort of person everyone finds appealing to the eye, but usually enough ladies do that he doesn't lack a pretty face to keep him company.

Personality: Trill is completely feckless. He avoids conflict and actively runs from physical fights. All he wants in life is freedom and a good time. If he can get out of working hard or applying himself, he will. Much like his illusions, he has a bright personality that many find lacking on close examination. It's not that he's entirely shallow, it's just that he doesn't try unless it's something he himself thinks important. He’s quite clever, despite the way he acts, and his creativity is useful when he finds himself in a pinch. He cares about his music with a passion that surpasses everything else, even his fondness for the ladies. Trill is a flirt and a moderately successful one. He thinks highly of women, even though he does have some gender-biased views, and does his best to be considerate. He's completely up front about the fact that he does not intend to linger, though his idea of a short time can be several months or even a year, if the fancy strikes him to stay for a while. Precisely how long he stays is often related to how well he gets along with the local single ladies -- and how many of them express interest.

History: Trill was born in a midsized town with a mixed human and elven population near the edge of elven territory, the son of a magic instructor and an herbalist. His maternal grandfather was a human troubadour with enough skill to catch the attention of an elven composer, herself only a passing fair musician. He was visiting to learn about elven music, and not at all unwilling to take up with her. When she informed him she was expecting a child, he offered to stay, but the elf knew he would not be happy if he was stuck in one place. She said he should go, and that she just hoped he would remember her fondly.

He did more than just remember, returning to visit her and their daughter every few years. The girl was not as accepting as her mother, and resented that he was rarely around. She eventually became an herbalist and a cultivator of rare plants, preferring to set her roots deep. She married a magic instructor, and was most disappointed when their first child was set upon becoming a bard and traveller.

Trill showed an aptitude and love of music early, often sneaking off to his grandmother's house to play her instruments. He skipped his chores and his lessons often, needing to be chased down and practically sat on if one wanted any chance of his presence, and even then he tended to daydream. Most of his skills were primarily natural gift, or something he enjoyed doing and didn't mind working on. Music was one such thing, and a trip to a human market found him another when he saw a street mage putting on a colorful display for children. But he was a lousy fighter, too easily distracted to be good at growing things, and displayed little skill with magic. Most elves attend magic school for six to ten years, but after twenty years of what bore little resemblance to actual study, he was told to get out after teaching a flock of birds to follow him on command and shutting them in the headmaster's office.

He has since outgrown childish pranks, for the most part, but not his wanderlust nor his flighty nature. As soon as he was old enough to be heading out on his own, Trill took to the road, travelling farther and farther over the years, though he always made sure to visit now and then. He performs at inns and taverns to pay for his food and lodgings, and is eternally grateful that his music is considered acceptable coin in many cases. He uses his friendly nature and skill at persuasion to smooth over the worst of any animosity he occasionally encounters in his travels, and is particularly fond of human towns and those of other shorter-lived races. He flirts and sometimes dallies with various women, though he tries to avoid breaking hearts and is mostly successful (some women just don't get it -- and sometimes without you doing anything to encourage them!) He is currently staying at the university in the capital, in the company of Miraem Kastern. Trill is very fond of the young healer, and he's a little worried about just how much he likes her. He's been staying in her town for almost two years now, longer than he's stayed anywhere else.

Weapon: long knife

~He has a harp given him by his grandmother, originally used by his human grandfather. It is his most prized possession.
~not very good with most magic -- even the simplest spells -- outside of illusions, where he excels
~abysmal fighter
~would rather run than fight in almost all situations
~not a bad sneak, especially with illusion to supplement his skill
~knack with animals
~Unlike most elves, he is not any good with plants. He can recognize what's okay to eat, despite his best efforts to ignore the lessons, but if he so much as looks at a plant funny it will probably die.
~also cannot use a bow effectively
~decent at sewing and mending clothes, a necessity on the road
~he's quite literate (and reasonably well-read, particularly in terms of myths, legends, and fictional stories, with some history)
~His biggest fear is losing his music, mostly due to injury. It's hard to play if you're a few fingers short. Commitment is a distant second.

~Song: The Whistler, by Jethro Tull

This is a rough version -- it's their original sheets, but I'm a lazy bum and I have never liked char sheets when there's no stats. ^.^;; Will edit Mira in later.
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