Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So sorry about vanishing again! I'll have my post up within a day. All of the family get togethers kept me from the internet as I hope you understand. It's all passed now though so I get to chill and write as usual ;P. I'll send you another PM about stuff soon.

I'm glad you're excited about Medusa! She's going to play a big part in whats to come.

Also, nice Sinbad profile gif. Loved that movie.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

No worries! I completely understand. Family and holidays are quite important! I look forward to whenever you get the chance to get around to a PM. :-)

Awesome sauce. Aaaand now I want a piece of pizza... Thanks a lot. :-P

Thanks! Extra awesome points for recognizing that! xD It's a fun movie. I haven't watched it in ages... like most movies. Heh. I love how they animated Eris.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yeah I haven't seen Sinbad in ages. I loved it when I did see it though.

Also, sorry. I wont be able to write a post tonight. I'm just too tired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Please, no need to apologize! I hope you get a good night's sleep. Until anon!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So I'm thinking that some of the guardians were still super powerful like titans and gods during the time of Olympus. Two or so of these strong guardians acted as personal escorts to Pahn, watching over him and his lands after waking from the first slumber. I'm thinking the abilities of your character originate from an 'escort', whom was later killed during a hunt for Prephlin. I have a rough backstory for this guardian, and I'm thinking your character looks exactly like her, but that doesn't mean your character acts anything like she did. How does all of that sound?

Also, I was curious about your characters abilities. I'm just wondering what kind of themes or concepts are behind it. Anything in particular? I know you had cool eagle in your one post. I wanted to know simply because I'd like a more fleshed-out set of abilities to occasionally toss out there during flashbacks and stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Sounds pretty good to me! Did you still want to go with Pahn creating them, or created by something/one else and assigned/bound to Pahn or something? If you’d be up for sharing your rough background, I’d love to know it!

As for Anora’s powers... She’s using them more in a base form, the manifestation of her powers/magic themselves in a purple mist with gold electricity. Since she has no training with her powers, that’s the only form she can use it as, but it has potential to be pretty powerful in that state alone. Though she hasn’t fully figured out what she can do, some of what I have in mind is its solidity can be changed (hardened like with her barriers), can be directed and formed into various shapes, and be used in offensive bursts. If she had thought about it and had the strength, she could have made her eagle more solid and combined it with the electric aspect, and potentially done some decent damage of her own. She could make it form into other animals as well. I was thinking that, with training, she could do other things beyond just the base form, and get pretty creative with it in its manifestation. However, I hate powers without side effects or other such limitations, so it’s kind of like a muscle. The more she uses it and pushes its limitations, the stronger it gets and the more she can do, but if she uses it too far beyond her current capabilities, it makes her weak and feel sick, even pass out in extreme cases. That all good with you?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Here's a rough description of the original guardians. Keep in mind, Anora is different from them in that she is able to generate her own energies. The original guardians derived all of their power completely from Pahn. Her abilities are simply amplified as her magic was given a form to follow right from the start along with a connection to someone whom can easily enhance her with their own stores of power (Pahn). In my universe concept, many people go their whole lives without utilizing magic, let alone on the scale that Anora does with ease. Her 'protective' instincts come from her still filling the form of an old guardian. These instincts will fade as her power becomes more of her own design.

Guardians: Created in the second age as vessels to receive pahn's unused power during his 'eternal slumber'. Their individual forms of being allowed his power to take many unique forms when utilized. Four had survived by the end of the second age. Their sole duties were as follows. They were bound by contract to follow them. This contract is how they obtained their powers from Pahn.
-Guard Mount Othrys. Pahn's resting place.
-Keep Earth safe/clear from large-scale threats.
-Maintain order for any developing society as a whole.

Descendant Guardians: Numerous guardians had children. These offspring were often born with the trait to use their own magic in result of exposure to Pahn's energy. They were born with the instincts to follow all rules instilled in the guardians before them, but not bound by contract. Though weak at first, many of these individuals grew to have considerable strength. Due to magics slow development, and the cataclysm of the third age, next-to-none have survived to our present day.

Titans:Two guardians named as Gaia and Uranus had sixteen children, each with their own abilities to use magic. Twelve were offered to Pahn under a separate contract to maintain relations and peace in outer-space. They were given the title of 'titan'. These titans inevitably had children of their own, thus creating the gods of greek mythology as we know them. Unbound by contract and law.
Four children were imprisoned, or somehow tied, to a place known as Tartarus by their parents before being forgotten entirely deep within it's holdings.

I understood all of that about her power, though, I do appreciate the reiteration.

What I should have asked is this: If Anora, or at least, the faculties behind Anora's powers, were at a god-like level, what would they be like? How would an ultra-powerful form of Anora's abilities look? What would it's general image be shown as? I have a few ideas, but I just don't want to write anything that makes you think 'that's wrong' or 'that could be definitely be different'. I'm guessing you won't mind what I go with, but if you have a general set of rules like 'it can't be this shape or move in that way', then I'd like to hear them. Otherwise, I'll just go with what I already have.

Obviously you're meant to develop Anora's strengths as you go. This is a past form of her powers that have no effect on how she actually uses them now when they've been more fleshed out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Also, I hate to do this again but work has kicked my ass today so I must retire tonight before writing my post. It's all been coming out wrong on paper so I don't want to write something horrible lol. I'll get something out tomorrow.
I do hate to leave things hanging when they're about to get so good

We made it another year in life lol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Thanks for all that. Man, you really incorporated the guardian concept! Kudos! I like that you tied what people called titans and gods into it. Kind of makes me think of the Thor movie where they have that conversation about humans thinking them gods, not just another race from a different planet, because of their superiority.

Were we still going to go with some of what I suggest when I first brought in the concept of the guardians that they were ultimately hunted down by other evil powers (maybe to try to harness their magic, or simply to eliminate them from the picture as a threat to evil-doers), so those of the “pure” guardians who remained got together to create a sort of insurance that their race would go on and return with the potential of their full power instead of the partial strength of their bound forms or descendants? All when they were needed most, hence Anora getting the powers close to when Pahn’s time bound to Earth is near an end, and the other plots going on. And potentially being capable of reaching the extreme abilities of the original guardians, since she would not have the same physical bindings (and contracts, as info would have it!), but the powers themselves. I know that would all technically be finer details, as opposed to the overall picture, but it’s always good to have those details established.

Sorry! I thought that was what you were asking. No, I don’t have any specific rules thought up when it comes to the larger picture of the original guardians. Originally (and I know this is just restating what was posed in PM, but figure it wouldn’t hurt for a reminder) I was thinking guardians were originally beings that were a pure form of magic (perhaps, in this case, that combined with Pahn’s magic before contracts were made?) that could take on a human form until they ended up getting bound to it since it was only in that form they could be killed, which then led to the descendants as well as their destruction. Which leads me to the “ultra-powerful” form: the guardians becoming a sentient embodiment of magic itself. In that form, they would be virtually untouchable, but capable of manipulating the magic and attacking their enemies directly. In that, they could take on whatever shape they desired, or even, in rare cases, be all but invisible to the untrained eye. Basically, the sky was the limit, maybe with each of them specializing in certain aspects and limitations unique to each guardian. Thus making them some pretty darn good, successful guardians. In Anora’s case, if we get to a point where she reaches that, she was still technically born human, so a limitation for her would be that it is a form she could spend only so long in without snapping back into her human form, and quite violently if she stays in it too long.

Any of that workable and sufficiently answer your questions? Just let me know if not! If you had something else in mind, we can keep bouncing things off each other. :-)

And yeah, of course! Character development is a part of the enjoyment of writing, be it in a personality or ability sense (even better when it’s both, right?). Well, if she’s getting visions of what they could once do, then she might get some ideas from it. ;-)

Sorry to hear work was hard on you again today! I know the feeling of everything coming out wrong. Heh. Until tomorrow (or, uh, later today?), then! Also, a happy New Year to you as well! *Raises a glass of Welch’s sparkling juice (because Welch’s is just awesome that way)* To old and new friends, beginnings and endings, and whatever good and bad 2017 may hold!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I got a bad case of food poisoning and still had to work. I apologize for not responding. I ended up staying awake listening to music to calm the day.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I had a brief moment of feeling better from the food poisoning before a cold and sore throat got a hold of me. On top of working I've just been falling asleep before replying and such. Sorry about all that, I have work off tomorrow so I should have the energy to reply sometime in the afternoon I think.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Aww, man! You've just had a whole crapload of bad luck, huh? I'm so sorry to hear that. You have no need to apologize! And don't worry about replying. Sleep, rest, get better. That's far more important.

Get well soon!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Lol yeah, story of my life, but I kind of love it. I feel I'd think of my life as rather dull if I didn't have stuff to try and work on or fix all the time. Also, I feel it just means god has some stuff for me to keep working on out of love on his part.

Anyways, my sisters visiting presently. It's something good this time, but nonetheless, it's keeping me from posting as I'd like to.

Though, I will tell you, things are gonna be less of "A new character every five seconds!!" and more of "The journey is beginning!". Anora will still have questions I'm sure, but there'll be more time for answers. Besides, whats life without a little curiosity ;D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

OOPS. Sorry for not responding here sooner. That's awesome your sister is visiting! I hope you guys have a wonderful time together! Family should always come first. :-) And sweet! A mysterious haze is always fun to watch/read/write about characters getting through. After all, in real life, we're not given all the answers we seek in one quick go! Where would the fun be if we didn't have to work for them, and seek them out? Same totally goes for stories.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'm back! Life took the wheel but now I'm driving again! I'll be able to respond as before. I hope you haven't lost interest, I was able to dedicate some good thought to the RP while I was absent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hey! Yep, the interest is definitely still here. It takes more than waiting for posts to make that diminish for me. :-) However, I'm the one who will be delaying for a while here. A friend of mine ended up coming to town. I'm not sure how much time I'll get in the next week or two to reply. Wanted to give you that warning!

EDIT: By the way, that whole conversation between Pahn and Odin... That came before or after Anora came back in? That was a bit confusing with the order you mentioned things. I'm assuming before, but figured I should ask.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Awesome! I'm glad you'll still be around.
I understand with your friend, it happens to all of us :)

And to answer your question.

"Odin.-" Pahn leans upon the palm of his right hand, those glazed eyes focusing on the being near him. "-I've really gone and done it, old friend.."
"What could it be? Are you truly having such troubles?!" Odin's voice would raise slightly, it's pitch showing an anxiety foreign to his charismatic confidence. In all the century's of knowing Pahn, this Norse god had not witnessed him to show regret over any decision. At this last sentence, Anora would have begun peaking back into the establishment. It wouldn't be hard for her to tell that an intimate conversation between close friends had begun.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

... Oops! Sorry for missing that. In my defense, I read it on my phone, which I'm not entirely used to doing. xD Haven't gotten the chance to reread yet. Thanks!

Hope you've had a good couple/few weeks!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mortim
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Mortim Retired

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Almost done with my response, though, I have something to ask going forward.
How dark are you comfortable with an RP getting? Like, with gore and overall themes of things being horrible. It's not like most of whats ahead is crazy and bad, but, encountering Prephlin is a bigger story point and how deep we go with his domain is totally dependent on that question. He's absolutely evil, and his methods of existing are about as bad as they come. We'll encounter Medusa first methinks, but he'll come right after and I wanted to think ahead for that.

Also, with the original guardians, here's kind of what I've been thinking. There's a neutral magic that floats towards powerful beings, this was especially true near the beginning of the universe when Earth was formed and Pahn was bound to it. Magic either enhances a consciousness or creates its own within an already existing physical thing. With that in mind, Pahn bartered with the separate elements of Earth while they were still relatively shapeless and promised to create bodies for them where they could gather their vast powers and dwell in a humanoid form similar to his under contract for their services when required. So you'd have beings that could become a magical wind or a shapeless mass of enchanted Earth and such making them nigh invulnerable. This was due to them having literally no specific point of being vulnerable, no organs and all that. They obviously became combinations of the elements with their children and less bound to the earth after procreating with other species. (Anora could maybe be like sunlight/some-form-of-shadow)

Also, just as a general rule, no being in my universe is truly invulnerable. There's always something that can cut or harm any existing consciousness. But, when it comes to the guardians we're talking about, you'd have to be strong enough to practically split entire continents with ease to harm them in the least while in their shapeless form.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Riven Wight
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Riven Wight Insomniac Vampire

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oh boy. That’s a difficult question for me to answer right now, in all honesty. I don’t like gore just for the sake of gore/hack-and-slash, but lately my tolerance in general has risen, so I’m not sure exactly where that’s at right at the moment. I don’t mind blood, and admittedly love torturing characters. Not sure if that helps any. Would it be possible to just go with it, and if it hits a point where I’m like, “Whoa, that’s a bit too over-the-top for me,” I let you know? Or do you have an example of a worse-case-scenario?

So, a pocket of the magic of the universe meshed with human forms created by Pahn from an agreement, thus creating the beings that became known as Titans, as well as, to those few who knew the truth, Guardians? That all sounds pretty great to me, though the last sentence was a bit confusing, with the “less bound to the earth.” But that might be because I need more sleep. Would I need to change anything with how I’ve been playing her powers, then, or would that particular element mix (light and shadow) in combination with magic in general allow that to stay the same?

Oh, yeah, I HATE truly invincible characters. I do believe I used some form of “nearly” when I mentioned it. Throw in magic and who knows what else from other worlds, and you’ve got potential weaknesses to work with when in that form. I’d be good with someone weaker than that being capable of taking them down if they have the right means of doing so.

By the way, wow! You really took the writing suggestions to heart. I’m impressed! :-D Also, before I forget to ask (if I haven’t forgotten that I already have asked), do you mind at all that I'm writing in past tense here?
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