Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mitheral
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Name Duncan Moran
Gender Male
Age 25
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Dark brown, almost black, cropped short
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’7”
Build: Rugged (extremely strong for his size)
Other Features:
No tattoos, piercings or jewelry. However, he walks with a limp (left leg) and wears a fingerless soft leather glove on his left hand. The glove covers a scar where his hand was split in half from about an inch and a half above his wrist between his 3rd and 4th fingers.

Duncan is from the 21st century - 25 Sep 2020 - his 21st birthday. In his own time he was a genius, someone who invented a time scanner and eventually a time portal. Even then he kept his knowledge a secret. He foresaw the end of civilization as he knew it occurring on Jan 4, 2021 - nuclear armageddon.

He travelled back to 1880 (140 years) and bought 1600 acres of scrub mesa land. It was a parcel cattle ranchers had bought as part of a deal to control water. They paid $1.25 per acre for the land. Whatever sum he paid the previous owners were happy about it.

He has bought enough cows, pigs, goats, and chickens to sustain himself. But he seems uninterested in competing with ranchers on a large scale. He keeps the farm active enough to keep it legally used land.

He spent two years there trying to work out some problems with preventing the war, then vanished once more.

Much of this doesn’t apply to a local setting, but I’ll translate it as best I can. It just give an idea of what he was like in his own time.

Duncan loves all hard science (ie not the squishy ones - Biology? Bleh!) He refused to take it EVER. He is a natural mathlete. He is an expert at chess, but is utterly bored by it.

He didn’t DO social media. No Facebook. No Twitter. No … what are some others?
Hates texting. My god. You have a phone in your hand. Use it maybe?
Despite multiple awards for computer science, he sucks at all things computer. Oh he can use office software, CAD, math programs. But build a website? BBCodes? Download an App?
He and electronics to not mix. He will hire someone else to add memory to a laptop. If he tries it, good luck.
Car repairs? Same issues. That’s why they make mechanics.
Hates being told he can’t do something (that noone could - permission is another thing altogether). It just makes him want to try. You may as well have dared him.
Bluntly honest. His friends know better than to ask him anything if they don’t want honesty. (He does try to be constructive usually. He can manage tact.)
Enjoys debating and taking the unpopular side if noone else will. (He once defended slavery in a class where caucasian was the minority as part of an exercise. He even used his southern accent that was usually absent. He won the debate.)
Movies? He’s seen a few. But he’s missed out on a lot when he was younger.

Likes helping people
Natural leader - whether he wants to be or not.
Prolific Inventor
Athletic (despite all the injuries)

Hates people. He hates having friends. They are such a royal pain, always needing maintenance and attention. Go away!
OCD (not extremely so. He’s not Sheldon from TBBT. But his books are arranged on his shelves by subject, alphabetized. When he buys groceries he organizes everything in neat rows and in set number - like 4 of everything. If bored he’ll start organizing everyone else’s stuff.)
Can’t sit still for long.
Remembering things he’s told. Photographic memory has nothing to do with ears.
Generous to a fault ...

Science and Technology
Science Fiction
Looking for new things to like
Food (international, new, etc)
Cooking (His mother taught him a little so he wouldn’t starve to death.)
Teaching, tutoring, etc. Few things give him more pleasure than seeing the light come on in someone’s eyes when they finally understand a new concept.

Gangs, drugs, alcohol

Demophobia (fear of crowds. He can speak to an audience. He can teach. He can play for a band. But through him into the middle of a dance floor and he will be on the verge of a panic attack. He will hover on the edge of the room.)
Arachnophobia (yes, if a tarantula dropped on his arm he will scream like a little girl)
He is otherwise fearless.

Other stuff
Photographic memory (not eidetic)
Speed Reading
Foreign Languages - Turkish, German, Russian. Also knows Cherokee, Japanese, Latin and a little Italian.
Desert and Mountain survival, basic
Stone Age skills (fire starting, making adobe)
Boy Scouting skills
MMA (mixed martial arts, mixed because of moving around)
Sharpshooter with a rifle
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Soulstrifer
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Soulstrifer Friendly Neighborhood Taxidermist

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Her name is Ada - Adeline-. She is 24 years old, stands 5'4" and 126 lbs. She's got a soft Irish accent that has dulled down since living in New York. Ada is a very forward woman, hard to make blush, but she is the sort to just jump right into things. She can be fairly feisty, even if most could break her across their knee. Adeline doesn't really have much fear, at least she doesn't express it around those who might take advantage of it.

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