Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Creation - 6 Khookies

Name: Vowzra's Victors
Description: A large Order of 500 individuals (400 humans and 100 Uri) dedicated to the gods, and who go after the god of Time who created the first forms of life - ants and trees. It is made up of hundreds of loyal adherents whose base is the Mountain's Crown, a large, well-fortified mountain monastery located in the Southern Mountains. The monastery has a smithy, a meditation garden, a storehouse, a library, training grounds, and is surrounded by high walls of stone and metal, guarded day and night. The also has two top secret underground escape routes leading a kilometre away from the monastery.
Vowzra's Victors are specialised in the use of weaponry and Wi, and they were the very first to domesticate horses. They are rather famous for their metal armour, which covers them from head to toe, much like it does an Alma Igna, and the surrounding mountains provide ample metals for Rejys' smithy. They are also famous for the various weaponry Rejys' inventive mind - no doubt a blessing from the Fiery One - has managed to come up with. This includes swords, maces, axes and spears, with shields being a common sight on some.
The Victors are a staunchly loyal and religious bunch, they have faith in all the gods and truly believe that they are protected - whether it is by the Celestial Above, the Chaotic One, Our Mother of the Wi or others. They follow them all and do their bidding as it best deserves to be done. Years of meditation, contemplation and rigorous study have also given them increased mental capacity, focus and skill with Wi, and so too has their enthusiastic following of The Way and Stoicism. On the battlefield or in the temple, these are warriors famed, models of human character and morals, and unmatched worshippers of the gods.

Creation - 2 Might

Name: Vowzra's Victors; The Hallowed Hundred
Description: The hundred most loyal, veteran and unbreakable members of Vowzra's Victors, known as The Hallowed Hundred. These are individuals who are mighty in their own right, but who are, together, utterly unconquerable. They have honed both their minds and bodies to their limits and beyond. Their loyalty is absolute, their wrath is mighty, and their power unmatched. While normal Victors refer to each other and are referred to with the honorific 'Brother', those of the Hallowed Hundred refer to each other and are referred to with the honorific 'Battle Brother' to distinguish them.
Battle Brothers of the Hallowed Hundred usually have decorated and more personalised armour and weapons. They also usually have names for their foremost weapon and share a unique and intimate bond to it, viewing naming and using it as a way of honouring the Fiery One of the Forge. Zerabil, though the leader, is also referred to as Battle Brother and his status as Prophet and Son of the Celestial Above does not make him above questioning or challenging. Obedience to him, however, is favoured, and challenging him on a point or a command is only allowable in reasonable situations or when he gives an absurd order. These individuals are all blessed by Zerabil, making them rather unique from others - for they never age.


Name: Stoicism
Description: A way of life aimed at leading one to happiness by achieving the truly ‘good’ things in life, what are called ‘Virtue’. The supreme ideal of Stoicism is a combination of ‘Wisdom’ or moral insight, ‘Courage’, ‘Self-Control’ and ‘Justice’ which includes upright dealing with other people. By following the supreme ideal and achieving it, a man becomes truly self-sufficient; that is, immune to suffering and bad fortune. ‘Virtue’ is a personal characteristic, not one bestowed by class or position: thus, even a slave who has achieved ‘Virtue’ is free, because no man, not even a king, can affect him.
Stoics believe in that, as all people live in a singular community under more or less similar conditions and restraints, all have a duty to live in conformity with the community. There are two main principles; 1) resigning oneself to Fate and; 2) living life according to nature’s laws.
Although resigning oneself to Fate seems to mean that one should not try to improve the future, this is not correct: stoics put a high value on public service, for instance, or striving to better oneself. In the case of stoicism, resigning oneself to Fate means that one should not set too high a value on cursory, transient thing. By avoiding a fixation on the unimportant, man can find true inner peace and unshakeable contentment that does not rely on possessions or fortune. By accepting that things come and go, this contentment and peace will withstand the obstacles of ambition, luxury, and—most importantly—greed.
As for living life according to nature’s laws, this can mean generally conforming to society, but is also deeper as a key tenet of stoicism is ‘questioning convention’. Living according to nature’s law are two-fold:
  • Training oneself to live with only the bare necessities. A man should know how to live with just basic food, water, clothing, and shelter. “Set aside now and then a number of days during which you will be content with the plainest of food, and very little of it, and with rough, coarse clothing, and you will ask yourself: ‘Is this what one used to dread?’”
  • Stoics insist on developing the gift of reason. One must perfect their sense of reason to conquer their devastating inner emotions: grief, pain, fear (of death, especially), and superstition. Reason allows one to escape from and discipline their passions, understand that ‘nothing is good or bad, only thinking makes it so,’ and to generally accept the mind as a greater source of truth than the body or emotions. Stoics are famous for their idea that ‘the shortest route to wealth is the contempt of wealth.’

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Daichi SaduzowHe of the Wings

Theme: Heart of Courage

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Kiyoshi SaduzowDemon-Blade Kiyoshi

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Character's Full Name: Horath Evren Al'Montsar

Character's Date of Birth: The Third day of the Eighth Month

Character's Age: Two Decades

Character's Gender: Male

Character's Nationality: Vinngealos

Character's Skin Colour: Golden Beige

Eye Colour: Night Black

Hair Colour: Light Black/ Dark Grey

Hair Length: Medium Length/ Neck Length (As Pictured)

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Member Seen 9 days ago

Work in Progress

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Agriculture: (crops, farming methods, harvest)
Architecture: (aesthetic styles, buildings, materials, streets, waste disposal, walls or defensive structures)
Arst, visual: (common art forms practices, styles, how are artists supported, how important is art/what is its societal role?, religious art)
Art, performing/non-musical: (dance, theatre, street performers)
Art, music: (instruments, styles)
Calender/Holidays: (harvest, solstice/equinox, other) side note: we may want to make universal months for this RP, probably best to stick with a traditional 365 day year, and we could get creative with months.
Climate: (average rainfall, temperature, noteworthy weather conditions)
Crafts: (local materials, level of technology, relative worth of materials, styles, kilns, forges, furnaces)
Crime: (criminal underground, common crimes, contraband, illegal magic)
Cuisine: (beverages, dietary restrictions, methods of preparation, range of foods, spices used, typical meals)
Dangers: (native beasts, likely pitfalls for visitors, diseases)
Economy: (coinage, economy)
Entertainment: (gambling, festivals, sports, games, what do they do for fun?)
Environment: (flora, fauna, geology, water, biome)
Etiquette: (dining, grooming, group functions, formal vs casual, taboos, bodily functions, behaviour around offspring etc.)
Humour: (satire)
Family Structure: (extended family, living situation, marriage, child rearing)
Fashion: (clothing styles, materals, different social groups, body modifications, cosmetics)
Foreign Relations: (xenophobic, xenophillic, etc.)
Government: (selection, church & state, important ruling figures/officials)
Languages: (writing, accents, dialects)
Law Enforcement: (watch/guard details, honest or corrupt, punishment)
Laws: (how formed, how codified, how consistently applied, criminal laws, civil laws, religious laws)
Literature: (poetry, fiction, etc.)
Livestock: (mounts, pets, hunting animals, food production)
Magical Traditions:
Medicine/Health: (who is it available to?, magic or science?)
Military: (special units, army, navy, air force, siege weapons)
Naming Conventions: (surnames, nicknames)
Religious Traditions: (rites of passage, death rites, daily/weekly practices, mythology, marriage)
Romance: (casual sex, courtship/dating, what is considered attractive?)
Secret Societies/Mystery Cults:
Social Classes:
Superstitions: (lucky charms, bad omens)
Transportation: (road network, sea routes)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Name of Nation:





Territorial Claims:





Air Force:

Territory: 7 - Your nation is small, with room for some cities, some decent farmland, but it is still small.
Tech: 6 - Your nation is rather antiquated, but it is on the cusp of beginning a modernization effort.
Army Size: 10 - Your army is decently sized, and is maintained year-round.
Economy: 6 - Your economy is weak, and is teetering on a recession.
Production: 9 - Your nation is a mix of agrarian and industrial.
Navy Size: 1 - You have no navy.
Airforce Size: 6 - You have no air force.
Magic: 3 - There is a great dearth of magic in your land, it is scarce and likely weak. Most likely what little you do have is imported or utterly foreign entirely. The mysteries of the arcane are just that - mysteries.
Mobilization: 5 - It takes a few months to mobilize.


Foreign Relations:


Name of Nation:





Territorial Claims:





Air Force:

Territory: 11 - Your nation is somewhat average, with perhaps a little extra. It has plenty of space to go around.
Tech: 8 - Your nation is still antiquated, but modernization is about to begin or in its beginning stages.
Army Size: 9 - Your army is decently sized, and is maintained year-round.
Economy: 1 - Your economy is weak and ineffectual. It is in the middle of a massive crash or is undeveloped entirely.
Production: 2 - Your nation is largely agrarian, with some natural resource exploitation to a small degree.
Navy Size: 1 - You have no navy.
Airforce Size: 1 - You have no air force.
Magic: 8 - Like a nation that is aware of modern technology, and seeks to acquire it, yet falls far behind, your nation lags in the field, struggling to keep up, and at best keeping pace in a select field. Perhaps, were your nation to pool its resources and brainpower, you could produce one of the contraptions of more magical nations - but it would be a true national effort.
Mobilization: 15 - It takes a month to mobilize.


Foreign Relations:


Name of Nation:





Territorial Claims:





Air Force:

Territory: 4 - Your nation can be best described as a city-state. It is composed of a single city, and likely imports its food from outside its borders.
Tech: 10 - Your nation is still antiquated, but modernization is about to begin or in its beginning stages.
Army Size: 4 - Your army is restricted to personal guards and retainers, but the nation maintains a system that allows for small armies to be conscripted during wartime.
Economy: 5 - Your economy is weak, and is teetering on a recession.
Production: 6 - Your nation is somewhat agrarian, with okay natural resource exploitation.
Navy Size: 1 - You have no navy.
Airforce Size: 6 - You have no air force.
Magic: 8 - Like a nation that is aware of modern technology, and seeks to acquire it, yet falls far behind, your nation lags in the field, struggling to keep up, and at best keeping pace in a select field. Perhaps, were your nation to pool its resources and brainpower, you could produce one of the contraptions of more magical nations - but it would be a true national effort.
Mobilization: 10 - It takes two months to mobilize.


Foreign Relations:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Name of Nation
The United and God-given Righachd of Sidara (shortened: Sidara, the Sidarid Isles, the UGR, Seihdhara, the Righachd)

Unitary Parliamentary Elective Monarchy



Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Sign of the Warrior

Sign of the Mother

A Bed of Procrustes story would be interesting

Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

[color=2E2C2C.]and nowhere[/color]

King John Remonnet

Kingdom of Sypius
Sprawling City of Nyhem - Miserth Keep

Nyhem also houses the Royal Army, and the Royal Naval Fleet. Conscripts are taken in during their teenage years so as to allow sufficient training and education for their troops. Most conscripts serve seven years with the Army or Navy before being released from military duty. After seven years, the conscripts may rejoin as soldiers or sailors if they desire. Life in the army and the navy are lucrative places for a poor man to be, as both areas of the military offer high paying positions for which a man can provide a modest lifestyle for his family.

Family name: House Humber
Kingdom Location: Coruneon/Rathikun
Crest: Black and white crest with a black jaguar on it
Family motto: Freedom or death
Relations with other Kingdoms: Neutral, good terms with House Manshrew
Family reputation: Strong willed, head strong, carefree
Kingdom's main export goods: Stone, ore; iron, steel, cooper, meat
Description of Kingdom: The kingdom of Coruneon and Rathikun has a harsh terrain with various ravines and canyons scattered about. The coastlands have very rich soil and are used to grow the kingdoms food. The population of the kingdom are harsh and straight to the point; however they also possess a carefree attitude. The majority of the populaous live in mountain villages or coastal towns. The capital of Coruneon is Calchester Hold; a castle which is considered by many to be most impenetrable structure in Formaroth. To the north is the large town of Sipdon, which was the original capital of Rathikun. Coruneon’s climate is considered to be warm and pleasant by most. Rathikun however is extremely hot and many who live in the south of Formaroth find the temperature unbearable when they first arrive.
Family Background: House Humber originally ruled only Coruneon. During the Remonnets conquest of Formaroth, House Humber supported the Remonnets and conquered the kingdom of Rathikun for the Remonnet family. Impressed with the loyalty of the Humber family, the Remonnets allowed House Humber to keep the lands of Rathikun for itself. During the civil war, house Humber supported House Manshrew and were considered to be their strongest allies.

Name: Daeron Humber
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Position: Head of house
Background: Daeron fought on the side of House Manshrew during the civil war. Even after the war ended Daeron hold Andrew in high regard and respects him more that he does most. The thing that Daeron cares for the most is his daughter, Hemala as she is now the only family he has left.
Personality: Headstrong, laidback, firm but fair, strong sense of justice
Appearance: Tall muscular man, bald, harsh facial features, tanned skin
Skills and traits: Master military commander, Master axeman, adept ruler, expert leader, novice economist

Name: Hemala Humber
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Position: Eldest and only child
Background: Hemala is the only child of the Humber family and is heir to the throne of Coruneon. She lost her mother, Saerenna Humber, to an unknown disease at an early age and as such has been raised by her father for most of her life.
Personality: Strong willed, idealistic, headstrong, laidback
Appearance: Tall, slender, short brown hair, tanned skin
Skills and traits: Expert mace user, Expert Military commander, master leader, adept ruler

Name: Maerya Bernalys
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Position: Head advisor
Background: Maerya is the head advisor of house Humber and deals with most political and economic affairs.
Personality: Blunt, straight forward, wants the best for her homeland
Appearance: Thin, black hair, tanned skin
Skills and traits: Master ruler, Master economist

Humenaki: divinus-mk4.fandom.com/wiki/Humenaki
Songs: divinus-mk4.fandom.com/wiki/Songs
Dircaans: divinus-mkv-encyclopedia.fandom.com/w…
Monkilli: divinus-mkv-encyclopedia.fandom.com/w…
Kubrajzar: divinus-mk4.fandom.com/wiki/Kubrajzar
Qabar-Kirkanshir: divinus-mk4.fandom.com/wiki/Qabar-Kir…
Qabar-Kirkanshir Cultures: divinus-mk4.fandom.com/wiki/Qabar-Kir…
Dehrthaa: divinus-mk4.fandom.com/wiki/Dehrthaa
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