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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Miki Kirihara

Nickname: Usagi

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese


Personality: Miki is perceived as a shy helpless girl by all those who don't know her but is in fact simply a very private girl who's true nature is only revealed when among friends on in Cosplay. Her friends nicknamed her Usagi (Bunny) because of her bottomless levels of energy. She is friendly to those she trusts and aloof to those she doesn't.

Biography: Kiki was born on Kyushu her Father is an industrialist and her mother owner of a chain of fashion stores. Her parents were loving but couldn't spend the time to raise her so as soon as she was old enough sent her to private boarding schools till two years ago and she chose to attend Fujimi Academy and live in a private home nearby.

Little is known about her before she began attending Fujimi Academy about her life or which schools she attended and her grades.

What is known is that Miki is an expert costumer creating her own costumes that are the envy of the Otaku club and the conventions she attends. Miki also is a member of the girl's swim team know for holding her breath for up to five minutes and an anchor on the relay team.

Crush: N/A

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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Violet Xander Thunderhart)

Theme Song


Height = 1.88m (6’2”)
Weight = 72 kg, (160)
Sex = Female
Age = 17
Species = Human

Xander is a member of the Bori people a small but stubborn sect of people that fell away from civilized society so long ago none remember how or when this happened. They are a very secretive people who practice strange uses of Dust and some say is the reason for their most obvious trait; they are giants, whether this is true or not is speculation but Xander does stand half a foot taller than the average male at the Academy and will continue to grow till the age of 21 to 24 years old. She appears lanky in build but it is a property of her stone which is Yellow dust marking her as a lightening user of the Bori.

Her eyes are bright green and she always seems to wear a smile but never laughs. Her emotional composure is centered around a calm approach to any event in life which again is a Bori trait gained in meditation and how they move through Grimm infested lands almost never in conflict with those fearful creatures they share their world with.

She moves with a long legged grace that hides how quickly she covers ground either walking or running and prefers going as casual as her surroundings often wearing nothing more than a sports top and her fighting gloves along with whatever passes as baggy athletic pants that gather at the ankles. In her wristbands and what appear are leg weights are specially chosen yellow dust crystals that she uses to channel her aura through and generate huge electrical charges.


She is the Weapon her apparel only enhances that power
Xander is a Yellow Dust user who was chosen at the 2nd year of her life by the Elders of the Bori to be what she is and has since her initiation ingested a small amount of Yellow dust every day of her life. This is a practice of the Bori to make Lighting Wielders who are a specialized fighter who can use the electrical properties of their Stone (Dust) to a degree that is well beyond the ability of people that use all the Elements but only in that one Element; its flaw is in the use of other Elements which are one tenth as powerful.

Around her wrists and ankles are bands of Yellow Dust weighing a half Kilo each and specially chosen for their balance in power so that no limb is even slightly more powerful than any other limb. This balance allows Xander to focus more on power than balance when in combat and its effects are obvious when she is moving via electrical current her entire body becoming shrouded in a nimbus of electrical arcs.

On attacking she can use two methods of energy release the first being brute force delivered by a stone breaking fist or hammer kick; maybe a roundhouse or thrust. Using her power release this way is tiring and depletes her internal energies quickly forcing her to retreat and recover more often than most fighters but it is offset by the extra muscle energy with her electrical current. ( She basically controls an electrical muscle spasm to increase her strength )

Her second attack style is a rapid fire nerve attack used when her hands are held more like claws than fists as she injects electrical current into her target’s nerve points. This is her speed attack and takes time to show results as none of the attacks are powerful but cumulative the more she lands eventually leading to paralysis and or intense pain. Using this style of attack makes her able to take on the largest adversary so long as she has support and isn't overwhelmed.

None of these effects could be possible if Xander were not infused with traces of yellow dust because the power would destroy anyone not so prepared shattering their nervous system in a short time.


Thunder Goddess
This semblance makes it possible for it’s Wielders to withstand killing levels of electrical energy by perfecting them as superconductors that can shrug of direct lightning strikes with no ill effects.

It also makes the user able to increase speed levels to medium high levels (Fast but not the Fastest) Also it makes them sensitive to even the smallest electrical currents which at Xander’s level allows her to sense the bioelectrical current of living beings and nearly impossible to sneak up on (At higher level it can be used to predict her adversaries movements just before they happen but that’s perhaps two or three years in her future at the least)


Xander was born among the Bori in what was seen then as a boon to her clan because she was one of fraternal Twins and as such was given her brother’s name as her second name as he was given her’s and by age two she was chosen as a Yellow stone user as was Xander and they both worked hard to become a team of Fighters which would make their clan proud and until two years ago had begun to become two of the strongest ever seen in their clan.

Then a little over two years ago the brother and sister team of Xander and Violet were set to guarding a lonely but quiet corner of their clan’s camping grounds when they were overrun by a group of large Grimm that had been agitated by an unknown source into a stampede. Knowing they fought above their level of power the Twins didn’t retreat and their action slowed the Grimm enough that the Bori behind them had been warned into action but at a cost when Violet was struck down by a back attack that even though she sensed was impossible to avoid. Badly injured she looked into the soulless eyes of her killer and began her death chant but just as the monster lunged in her brother Xander stepped in between her and doom sacrificing his life for her’s.

For the first time ever in her life Violet felt white hot with emotion and poured her anger and grief into her Aura and into the dwindling Aura of her brother causing an electrical discharge of such power the shockwave knocked down nearby smaller Grimm and trees as well as starting a forest fire. So powerful was her blow that she killed a Grimm that would have taken two Elders of the Yellow stone normally to take out and she paid the price.

Well trained and conditioned as she was she wasn’t prepared for what she put her body through that day and spent four months as an invalid while she was treated by the Elders as they restored her health but were unable to heal her broken heart. It was not uncommon for a team to lose one of it’s members but it was unusual for a fighter to not find a new partner within a year but Violet was that exception. She was judged as Half Life or Half Soul by the Elders and spent the next year as a Solitaire Fighter which is considered a none member of her clan and soon to die in grief or wasted effort. (The Bori always travel in pairs and a Bori without a partner is thought of as Insane) To show she accepted her fate and to ensure her sibling not be forgotten Violet Insisted on being called Xander

Then one day an outsider came to the Bori to negotiate with the Elders and while they were their asked again if the Bori would send any of their own to the civilized lands Academy and the Elders saw the request as an Omen. They sent her to the Academy in the hope that outside of the Bori she might find the other half of her Soul and die in peace.
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Velvet Gertrude Moon
Alias & Nicknames: Bunny
Age: 23
Place of Origin: Mystic Bay Maine

Blood Status: Muggle/Squib
Sexual Orientation: Not really sure because she’s still chaste
Relationships Status: Single

Wand:Moon Dancer is made using supple Birch 10 3/4" Gold 16 gage wire enhancement with a Vella hair core
Education: Hogwarts / Hufflepuff
Speciality: Transfiguration Spells and Artificing
Experience as a Regulator 2 years as a Regulator, before that she was attached to the Department of Muggle Affairs 3 years

Biography: Bunny as her friends call her was born to a very surprised couple in Mystic Bay who if asked would say everything about her was a grand joke of fate and proven her birthday (April 1st) then add to that her mother who was a Squib of the Crane Family and her dad heir to a fishing fleet and a muggle who none would have guessed could produce a magically adept child in the first year of their marriage and two more besides.

Bunny was so named by her dad because of his eldest daughter’s insistence he read her a chapter of Watership at least once a week when he was at sea and she embraced it without shame. She is described as a daddy’s girl and the daughter such men dream of because she’s never given her parents a bit of worry till two years ago while working in Muggle Affairs she was asked to help a group of Regulators who’d encountered a powerful artifact that one of their targets was using to keep them at bay and broke which unfortunately sent it into overload. Bunny was working in the duty of muggle crowd control (making sure there was no crowd) when her supervisor called her over to make use of her odd skill with magical devices.

She approached the object and said she couldn’t stop it from falling apart and detonating; few people heard her add that she could alter its effect as they were shouting out orders for an evacuation of the local population of muggles which was guessed at 20,000. Because no one heard her no one was able to tell her not to try which she did. She was delighted to see the elemental bonds were failing and drained off a portion to make an area encompassing simple illusion of an explainable dust devil (mini tornado) in the Manhattan construction lot which the team had taken the broken device to so as to limit its damage.

The Dust Devil was easy to see as an illusion if you were magically gifted but for the Muggles it was flinging sand and dust along with trash which caused them to shield their eyes, close their doors and windows to keep out. Then she twisted the spell energy into a badly set Gemini replication which she’d chosen a brick as the subject of so that within 3 minutes all the spell energy was expended creating 10, 000 badly shaped red bricks in a large pile and leaving her coated so thickly in dust she had to puff a cloud off her face to breath.

Since that day she has been a member of the Regulators serving a role as their supplier of magical items specialized for their mission, repairing their brooms or wands as well as serving backup on cases.

Notes:Color Claimed is Dodgerblue

Bunny’s Parents are Mark David Moon and Melissa Crane Moon
Her Dad and his family own a fishing fleet that numbers 45 craft of all sizes up 25,000 tons to 1,000 and therefore are a family of some wealth in the Muggle sphere
Her mom as a government liaison to the Department of Muggle Affairs
Her two sisters are Hope (12 Ravenclaw) and Daisy (7 and a nuisance who still lives at home) / Good relationship with both and her sisters are as proper as she is.
Her mom’s Family the Cranes are of old Pure blood Boston wizards who came of with the first colonists and adore Bunny and her sisters
Bunny’s broom is nicknamed Nightmare because of its extreme power curve that is frightening to all but a few who she’s allowed to ride her. (Velvet can’t help but tweak and work on her things; if she were muggle she’d be a gearhead with a need for speed

Deathly Encounter When Bunny was 9 years old she begged her way onto her grandad’s boat which he used to keep the fleet supplied she was caught in a storm returning to Mystic Bay and capsized rolling over the boat she was on sending its 5 man crew to their deaths and leaving only a frightened little girl adrift in the storm a debris. She would have been lost but for the concern of the three men whom she was related to who visited her there on the waves and whispered to her the secrets of survival such as the nearby location of one of the sunken ships 10 man rafts and what supplies that stayed near the surface.

For 3 days and 3 nights Bunny was tossed on the sea like a plastic shopping bag in a march wind and all that time she was as alone as many would think as the ghosts of her Grandfather and Uncles watched over and comforted her. And by the time the Coast Guard found her she had been given up for dead along with the others and had survived several attempts by the sea to make them true.

From that day Bunny has been a sort of magnet for those souls that still wander the earth and chose to attend Miss Oxynte or Miss Night as her students and taught the extracurricular Ghoul Studies course at Hogwarts

Bunny’s tenure as the unit’s Artificer and came up with these

There are of course the occasional explosions, rapidly expanding clouds of smoke, soap bubbles or gut churning smells; she is the resident mad scientist after all. (in Homage to 007 she is Q)

But beyond the expected there was the “Nude Bomb” that wasn’t intended to be a bomb but turned out that way when anyone standing within 100 meters of its detonation suddenly found themselves as exposed to visual appraisal as a newborn. Bunny was working on a device that could change the clothing of an agent with a touch and command word.

Then there is the time that she was building some sort of flying device and it activated prematurely punching a hole in four walls before escaping the workshop and never being seen again.

The last one is a common source of her mishaps; think of Bunny as a speed freak

Odd possessions
Back home where her Muggle family live Bunny owns a 1970 Black and Yellow Camaro
Given to her by her Muggle Uncles for Acing her GED in a perfect score and it is kept garaged in Mystic Bay Maine at her Light House Mystic Point
Down in Mystic bay at the Family’s extensive docks waits a 1950s Trawler Yacht The Sally Brown in the dry lot ready to be launched by the yard staff within 2 hours of notification. The Sally was launched in Boston in 1951 and served as a Lobster trawler for Mystic Seafood nearly 30 years retiring in 1980 and used as an auxiliary boat till 1984 when a rich New Anglelander from New York used his bubble money to have her converted into a trendy yacht by Fetters & Sons a local company. He lost her in stock crash where he zigged when he should have zagged in 1995 and she came up to auction in 1999 and was bought by Bunny’s grandfather who died at sea and whose ghost visits her from time to time and told her he’d left her in his will because she loved the sea.

In her often frowned on oiled leather Pack Bunny keeps a dimmunitized Flying Scooter with detachable Sidecar called The Cloud which she uses when she has to travel in the muggle environment for work and her broom will not suffice.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Name: Sydney Smith (No really it's Smith)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: Retrocognitive, Omnilingualism , Probility Manipulation
Appearance: Black hair, Green eyes, 5’8” and like most Meta her figure and muscle tone perfect no matter what or how much she eats. Her Picture
Bio: Born in Yellowknife in The Northwest Territories of Canada Syd was always a curious child whose parents thought her inquisitive nature marked for the sciences and encouraged her to seek answers to her questions and cultivate a skill at research.

When she was only 11 Sydney happened to pick up a school friend’s coat by accident and was stunned by finding herself reliving an abusive beating her friend had undergone just that morning before school. She screamed for her friend’s father to stop beating her but found out she couldn’t be heard or seen and was just about to try anything she could to stop the man when she was shocked out of her fallback as she’s come to call them when her teacher shouted at her asking her name loudly.

Unable to explain to the school what she saw Sydney was sent to see the Board Psychologist and subjected to all sorts of screening and Diagnosed as a Schizophrenic and told that she was seeing things that weren’t there. Put on meds that made her sluggish Syd looked to be damaged and had to attend a special school with other children like herself only they weren’t which she discovered after only three months and wished she never had.

It was while attending the special school that Sydney’s power bored through the medicinal haze showing her the life her fellow students lead when not at the school and she was horrified to see the things they suffered at the hands of the people that said they cared for them but was afraid to tell anyone what she was really seeing for fear of becoming institutionalized.

Only twelve years old there was little she could do that wouldn’t affect her in a negative way if she was found out so she put her abilities to use secretly gathering information about the abuse and printing the crimes in detail and sending it in a note to the abusers which actually put a dent into their activities and just to make sure that id did stop she began sending the Children's services copies.

Her school blew up in scandal when the RCMP dug deeper encouraged by the data they held and discovered a pattern of abuse in the staff along with coverups. It was this scandal that caused her parents to move to California and it was there that Syd tired of how icky the meds made her feel and the classes designed more as daycare than school.

She gave her approach a great deal of thought and came up with a plan that was both entertaining to her parents; she did an object read on their car keys debit and credit cards and gave them an on the spot detailed description of what they had done that day. Naturally they thought it some sort of trick and her a clever girl but they also now had a bit of doubt and tried to prove it wasn’t possible but they quickly came around happy that she wasn’t a Schizo and then they felt guilty when the realized that they had allowed doctors to dope her up.

It seemed as if everything was coming up roses as Syd discovered she held other talents such as the ability to understand whatever was said around her no matter what the language and grew close once more with her mom and dad.

It was the first time her cruel and capricious talent with probability revealed itself while visiting they were visiting Vegas. Her talent saved her by having her accused of theft and tossed into a holding cell, a holding cell that protected her from a raid by a gang who boldly but foolishly tried to spring their boss only to be felled by the cops when they stormed the jail. Her parents who had been trying to talk to the police were among the 23 dead but not the 65 wounded so she was alone.

Her parents dead and Syd just 16 and loathing the idea of becoming the latest guest of Child Protection who’d likely find out her status as a Schizo and force her back on the meds which she couldn’t tolerate so she sued to become emancipated and won her case because she had by luck, insurance settlement and passed a screening for her former condition the doctors citing that she’d been wrongly diagnosed and was in their eyes capable of taking care of herself.

So two parents less Sydney now lives in the house her parents bought and manages her resources (1.4 million after paying off the house)

She graduated school early but hasn’t yet decided on whether or not she will attend college.
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OOC Name: RumikoOhara
Character's Full Name: Sandy Cooper
Nicknames: (Not so Lucky or Cursed)

Personality: Sandy is an inquisitive young woman who’s seen by her peers in college as a bookworm because she always has her Pad or a Book in her hands reading. Quiet and unobtrusive she is the perfect roommate in school especially when she is out of the country working on her Undergraduate in Anthropology (Archaeology); did I forget to mention she’s a geek girl.

Outside of the serious field in which she is seeking a Doctorate Sandy loves things like Anime, Comic Books, and Fantasy. She attends the yearly convention in Atlanta where she goes to Emory and can be seen that time of year dressed in at least three different Cosplay costumes which amuses her roommates and the neighbors and she doesn’t bat an eyelash.

But that is the Civilization Sandy because when she is on a dig she is a tireless excavator, cataloger, cook, nurse, or whatever else she’s asked to be by her professors. She is more in her element when digging through the earth of past ages and shifting the remains of someone out of the terrain than she ever felt at home.

Background/ History: Sandy was on her way to a dig and the flight her first leg as she was flying halfway around the world. Normally she would have been traveling with the rest of the Dig crew but in this instance she’s the lead element of the dig and was going to make sure they had the equipment and laborers ready and waiting for the professors and other graduate students to arrive.

Accessories: Victorian Ladies Compass given to her by her Grandmother who said it was once her great, grandmothers. Designed for ornamentation more than service it still has a beautiful needle and face which can serve as its intended appearance if you had no other.
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Hi my Name is Bambi and I’m the sexiest Being in 23 Parallel Dimensions and it is my job to fill you in on what's up.

We have detected your rise to power in the Meta worlds from which each of you hail...wait..what?
What these are the forgotten powers? What ..Oh!

Sorry Guys but never worry this is your lucky day because you see in your own continuum you were going to die unknown or so overshadowed that only your progenitors would know your name; all but forgotten or wasted potential. But now that’s all changed because you see the Architects of dimensional continuum ...well you won’t need the address as it would be a permanent transfer on your part all you need to know before you accept is that you will be thought of as Heroes and Gods because the world is at the Bronze / Iron Age cusp and people with your abilities will be perceived as such; Oh and there’s a Bonus, you can chose to live there for a temporal period of not more than 2,000 of your planet’s years or be transferred in 500 years if you show a talent in power balancing..who knows if you’re lucky you could incarnate on my world and become one of my 1,000s of lovers..

Well they are cutting my contact least I drive you mad with lust and turning you over next to some odd and ugly creature named the Gatekeeper who will do your transfer and answer any other question you might have.

Okay this is a superhero powers game where we will be transported to another earth to either become adversaries or comrades to the gods present there all ready; Oh and if it isn’t clear I’m saying at least in the offered dimension Gods and Goddesses are Mutants/Metas ( Some Magical types permitted so long as they aren’t religious or demonic, can’t have cross theocratic pollution)

WOW that still needs work but thought I’d post it to get the ball rolling

Your Questions will help me nail this down so please ask?
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Here's a girl I plan on getting into trouble

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Full Name: Amelia Fortuna Hawkmoon

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Alais: Bunny
Given as a pet name by her mom and dad

Blood Status: Pureblood

Description: Amelia is a petite girl standing barely five foot in height and weighs about ninety-two pounds. She is a strong believer in regular exercise and engages in gymnastics to keep herself fit concentrating on floor exercises and uneven-parallel bars which as one expects gives her a very tight muscled frame. Her eating habits are as controlled as the rest of her activities and show an attention to detail and concern for her overall health.

She loves to take care of her appearance and display a sense of fashion all her own but isn't a snob about it doing it more for fun than any other reason. Her hair and sometimes even her eyes shift color so often she forgets her own original color; It's length and style is also in constant transition changing as often as three to five times a day by expert use of spells used in beautifying it's user and altering her appearance.

Birch 10 3/4" with Silver 16 gauge wire and crystal enhancement on the but of the wand
Artificer Alvin Hawkmoon

Patronus: Great Horned Owl

Boggart: A horde of Frogs and Toads
Amelia discovered this odd little fear the day she first touched her wand and accidentally transfigured a nest of bees into the slimy creatures and being covered in them. (It isn't just her Boggart but a reoccurring nightmare where she is pursued by an angry horde of toads and frogs who are the vengeful spirits of the transfigured seeking revenge against her family who at one time were well known to turn muggles that offended them into the creatures)

Familiar: Irish Wolf Hound named Chauncy has been Amelia's for 8 years; a full grown male of his breed Chauncy weighs well over two hundred and fifty pounds and is a frightening sight for many visitors to her home. He loves and protects all those of the house but adores his young mistress with sometimes destructive enthusiasm. He is for unknown reasons unafraid of ghosts and even seems to be able to sense their presence and track them.

Personality: Amelia is an openly friendly girl who loves to get people to talk about themselves but rarely exposes any real details about herself. She is an inquisitive personality bordering on nosy loving to dig into the details of any subject or person that catches her interest and as a lover of facts strives to never speak about any subject that she doesn't know enough about to be certain of her statements Another facet of her love of facts means that she dislikes telling lies or hearing them.

Loves: Reading; not just magical text but fictions, romances, Muggle school books, and biographies
Aerobatics; she is basically fond of Thrashing on a Broom
Artifice; tweaking magical devices such as brooms and eyewear
Playing her Flute

Dislikes: Liars
Stains on clothing
Fish smells
Locked boxes

Hobbies: Gymnastics
Practicing wand control; Amelia has what she refers to as a baton which is an exact duplicate in weight, balance, shape and size of her wand which she manipulates in either hand tracing spell patterns over and over till each motion becomes second nature.

Fears: Frogs or Toads
Being exposed to Nomag society as a witch

Bio: Amelia was born in Mystic Bay a Village located on the Mystic River, which flows into Long Island Sound, providing access to the sea. Her father Alvin Hawkmoon was from a branch of the original Pequot native Americans that at one time controlled the area till they were defeated by Captain John Underhill one of her mom Alexis Underhill's ancestors. Luckily they didn't hold a grudge against each other and got along at family gatherings which meant that she had a pleasant childhood.

Her father is a well-known Artificer who makes custom wands and brooms as well as other specialty magical items his work in high demand. Her mother is a maker of potions for the use of witches as Beauty products as well as spellcasting complete makeovers and clothing. Both her parents work out of the home which is located above the Store they do business out of sitting in old warehouses by the river. Called Hawkmoon's Trading post the structure has stood since 1650 at one time the only magical goods store in New England.

It was in such an environment that Amelia grew up and because of how small the village is she was playing with Nomag children as well as her magical cousins from an early age developing a tolerance few purebloods know. She was so used to playing with Nomag that she one day exposed two of them to the magical world forcing her parents to erase their memories even having ever been friends with their daughter. They went to such extremes because they knew that any further exposure of them to Amelia might weaken the spell and their memories return and to teach her that she must not ever let it happen again.

At home Amelia started watching her father in his workshop and learn from him at least some of his art; she was a Daddy's girl wanting to emulate her hero. Then puberty happened and she began taking interest in her mother's art giving her an odd balance of skills and habits. Add to that a need to perfect her wand movements and the tempo of her casting and you find a formidable witch.

She graduated the Academy at Salem with a Masters in Artificing and another in potions and went to work for the bureaucracy of the MACUSA starting out as a secretary in the records department and by some method not yet known was made an Agent of the Office of Secret Sorcery by her second year.

Amelia's Car
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Name: Hanna Gertrude White
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Skills/Profession/Trade: Hana is a LIST (Land Surveyor In Training) who works out of her father's office studying under him because is an RLS (Registered Land Surveyor)
She is skilled in her profession and has the education and experience to take on any job assigned to her. She can operate many pieces of construction machinery at a competent level as long as precision isn't required. She is an avid hunter and fisher enjoying each as a hobby her favorite and highest skilled type being Bow in either sport.
Short bio: Hanna is the middle child of a family of 6 boys and 1 girl and raised because of it a Tomboy and worked for her dad's business as early as 15 years old in the summer.
She graduated college at 20 and went to work in her father's company as a Party Chief while working on becoming and RLS like her dad and two older brothers.

[Color Code 1C5752 ]

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Name: Jain Roe
Age: 22
Rank: Sergeant
Unit: Scouts
Marital Status: Single
Synopsis History:
Jain was born in Portland to Doctor Henry Roe and Doctor Hana Clemson/Roe
She was 8 years old at the outbreak losing her parents within 3 weeks of the Event.
Captured by the Silverton bandits and made a slave for perhaps 1 year
Liberated by the 4th Cavalry of Mount Hood and brought to Lasthope
Raised in the Orphan’s Creche till age 12 when she began her cadet training
Transferred from Troop to Scout Service age 14
Graduated age 16 and placed in the 3rd Scout for Field training
Age 17 advanced to Private 1st class
Advanced in Combat to Sergeant for actions at Clackamas Creek age 20
Placed in command of 4th Scout age 20 to present.
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Name: Trish Mystre
Nickname: Trish the Dish (What Else?)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Fluidic
Age of Death: 24
Occupation: Courtesan
Species: Demoness
Appearance: Trish is tall standing nearly six foot just short an inch or half inch depending on who measured her. Her measurements are a state secret but obvious and sinfully curvy. She dresses in what seems goth but lacks the connection somehow and prefers low cut tops that displays her cleavage and the fabric soft and clingy.
Personality: Playful, Thoughtful, Loves to Tease and is Dangerous when aroused
History: Trish is her name simply because she liked it and whatever it was before she doesn’t say and how she died is another thing she doesn’t speak of though none of this seems to be because of trauma.
Powers: Kiss of Jezebel: Anyone who allows Trish into hand to hand combat range risks being kissed by her and feeling what she calls the Jezebel effect. This effect manifests itself by causing a burning desire that grows stronger each passing second after contact till eventually it burns the target in flames as intense as any found in the underworld.
Succubus's Seduction: This power is line of sight and requires eye contact and only the most powerful wills stand a chance of fighting off it’s effects. Once Trish has locked eyes with her target they will become attracted to her and forget all other things outside wanting to please her and and do her bidding even turning on their friends
Weapon: Scourge of Guilt Made from the Spine of some long forgotten Demon the Scourge of Guilt first causes numbing pain that paralyzes the victim as it forces them to relive all the pain they caused others; and it causes horrible wounds while doing so each stroke like a band saw blade slicing through a side of beef.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Hideki Nuriko
Age: 22-26 ?
Gender: Female
Enhanced Biology
(Neko's abilities are the result of Genetic Mutation or Mad Science which brand her as an Aberrant life form who while appearing human shares only 91% of her genetic code with humanity.)
Her extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1200 pounds (545 kg), running a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph) and being able to leap across gaps 100 ft.(30.48 m.) Or as high as 35 ft. (10.67 m.) are examples of her mutation
Her physical toughness is extraordinary her skin able to shed off small caliber weapons rounds (9mm) that leave only welts and a pissed off Neko her bones nearly as strong and light as chromoly are very difficult to break.
Her eyesight is akin to Low light vision systems though she suffers from color blindness hinting at her feral genetics.
Her hearing is also enhanced as is her sense of smell and comparable with that of canines.
Neko cannot become intoxicated by drugs and poisons including alcohol,or by impurities in the air and is immune to terrestrial diseases.
She is also highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit her focus.

Skills: High proficiency in Judo, Boxing, Taekwondo, Krav Maga and Capoeira are her unarmed skills. In Melee she is proficient in several different sword forms as well as a good improviser of informal weapons (2x4s, pipe, pots-n-pans ect..), Thrown weapons, Infiltration, Surveillance, Shadowing and Mimicry

Weapons : Usually unarmed unless engaged in a mission but when engaged in active combat her arsenal usually consists of archaic weapon types
Appearance: Neko
Bio: Neko's background is a mystery that she never even hints to so that leaves only what has been found to be true about her since her first appearance two years ago.
Neko suddenly came on the scene as a predator on the lower elements of society when she attacked the unaligned drug house of a now defunct minor gang and stripped it of all cash assets.
She has been thought a hero by some but those that recognize such things and keep watch on them say she is a symptom of the worlds evolution, a human predator who has no agenda outside of survival

Other: Neko is an Aberration of genetics that some say if the result of Gia's anger and others claim is the result of secret experimentation; for either argument there is no supporting fact. The one truth is that unlike mutants she is genetically as different as if she came from an entirely different species and proof is that while her kind appear fertile they cannot interbreed with humanity.

Natural Born Sinner

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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Above is her only hit album cover

Name: Abigail Cynthia Winterborn

Gender: Female

Age: 22 / October 31st

Nationality: British / Manx from the Isle of Man Her Passport

Appearance: Abby has to wear clothing more suitable for a girl half her age or have them special made which often gives her the appearance of a lollie.
She is very petite weighing only 6 stone (#85) with eyes so blue many believe they are contacts. Her hair drops to below her shoulder blades and is a silky Honey blonde with red highlights at her temples and even her figure is less that of a woman’s and more of a young girl and qualifies her as a Little Person but of equal body proportions.

Height: 1.39 (4’7”)

Personality: Abby is outgoing and has a zest for life along with boundless amounts of energy. She sleeps in catnaps and is able to sleep in places and situations that most would find Impossible. She was once found sleeping in a partly closed upright Bass’s hard case at a studio.

She loves to eat and follows her nose to any foods being cooked near herself and will always try a bit no matter how much her friends are off put by her consumption of said questionable food. She is rarely ever sick and considering her lifestyle a source of amazement.

A wicked sense of humor she will play to her situation especially if the person she having fun with has mistaken her for a little girl because she feels she must. Add to that a poison tongue which can fire off quips with the best and is supported by an active imagination and people either learn to love or hate her with few remaining in the undecided.

Role: Leadsinger/Composer

Specified Job Details: Abby can play the piano at a professional level and is also a Drummer.

She is a trained singer of Opera who is a Mezzosopraano she has a power that is unnatural and brassy but her diminutive size prevents her from joining any companies of any worth so she turned her powerful voice to rock music and eventually fell in love with Metal.

Her talent as a Composer okay but not prolific and used more to arrange Cover songs for her own style

Relative Experience: Classically trained in Opera by Helga Lier former Diva of the London Company and her grandmother from 9 to 18 years old.

Mentored in musical studies by Ian Slice of Bomber Bob in piano, drums, and writing.

Her first album was “Star Child” and while a bit dated in its style is a coveted trophy among her small group of fans and was released on her 17th birthday.

Recruited as backup lead vocalist for a studio created band called “Concrete Kittens” she was quickly pushed forward into the lead before their first public performance.

Performed at the Isle of Wight Music Festival as a warmup band and made a 30 minute encore at the crowds demand.

Released the Indie Album “The Mouse That Roared” at age 20 sold 1.2 million copies as lead of Concrete Kittens then left the band before the expected release of “Pretty Ponies” due to creative difficulty (This was blamed on her as being a difficult talent and resulted in her being Blacklisted)

Biography: Abby’s mom is a woman more concerned with public appearence and moving in the right circles and an unexpected child was against her plans in life so she shoveled her off on her mom to raise.

Abby’s grandmother was a retired London opera Diva who lived on the Isle of Man and while demanding was also a loving and supportive woman. She raised Abby to believe she could be anything she wanted and was pleased when her granddaughter began singing scales with her students and often outshining them in power, control, and endurance when she was only 9 years old.

So taking her on as a student her grandmother became two different women; one a loving and doting granny and the other a demanding voice coach who resembled a camp guard or drill instructor. Then at age 15 when her grandmother thought she was ready they made the trip to London where using her connections she got Abby an audition. The board was impressed with her range but said she was too short and could only be used a a chorus singer playing the part of children which would mean she’d have very little work.

Dejected Abby returned to the Isle of Man vowing she’d never sing again; a vow which her grandmother wouldn’t stand for and made her continue for a pointless dream.

Then as Abby explains she was wandering the Island during the Tourist Trophy when she met the drummer of the band Bomber Bob who were big in the 60s and 70s but now largely forgotten and his two twin daughter Mandy and Sandy age 7 and hit it off. He was at that point a single parent trying to run a small recording company and watch after the two girls and was overjoyed when he found Abby would help by acting as their babysitter, tutor, and friend.

He taught her how to play piano and drums when she showed an interest in them and even tried himself to get her auditions with other recording companies who rejected her because at they said she was little more than a novelty act. Her grandmother at first disapproved of her classical training being used to sing such rock standards as “Itching for You” and “Blue Angel” but when she met Ian and saw he was trying to get Abby work and inspiring her to keep singing she joined forces with the man.

Ian’s little record label recorded her Album written by both Abby and Ian called “Star Child” and it enjoyed a bit of success when it was found in the bargain bins of the Liverpool shops and became an underground staple. Rough and still needing polish it still displayed a power hidden in her small body few could believe actually came from her when they saw her live or in person.

Abby was working harder than ever at that time till on her 18th birthday her Grandmother, Ian and even Mandy and Sandy were victims of the Ferry disaster which left her alone in the world for the first time in her life and resulted in a deep depression that made her disappear for a year as she worked through her problems.

Then one day out of the blue Abby showed up in a London studio that was trying to create a Girl band and needed a backup vocalist

Abby’s band was a surprise at the Isle of Wight Music Festival when she popped out on stage with the Band she was working with at the Time know as “Concrete Kittens” and seemed to explode vocally her voice more powerful than her size might be expected to reach.

Then a month later Abby and the Concrete Kittens released the Indie Album titled “The Mouse That Roared” which made them instant Stars in England’s Metal scene but soon their success caused friction when the band’s founder and the manager tried to take advantage of Abby’s Size and made her do a Lollitta Song called “Pretty Ponies” which set her up as a bad little girl complete with one of those huge lollipops and a babydoll skirt.

She hated the song and thought it would make her fan base shift to the creepy pedos that had already begun to plague her and the arguments began and eventually came to a showdown which resulted in Abby’s quitting the Band.

Out of work and black balled at home she came to the city hoping to at least get work as a session singer and try to get control of her career.

Voice Coach/Grandmother-Helga Lier-deceased
Manager/Producer/Music Tutor-Ian Slice-deceased


"A Hint of Abby's Style"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Yu Kwan (Kwan)

Age: 19

Height: 1.88 (6’2”)

Weight: 67 kg (148)

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese though born in Japan

Branch of Surface: Imperial Marines

Rank: 2nd Lieutenant

Experience: Veteran

TSF: Type-97 Fubuki

TSF Loadout:
Type-87 Support Assault Cannon
Melee Halberd
2XClose Combat Daggers

TSF Role: Impact Guard

Personality: Kwan lost her parents at age 6 and was taken in by the government and placed in the Alternative Care Facility Iwate Prefecture and adapted quickly to her new life making her an Institutional Person more at home in an organized bureaucracy than what many might see as a normal environment.

As part of her indoctrination in the institute Kwan learned to enjoy being another cog in the machine sublimating her needs for those of the group. Taught by her former teachers and guardians that excuses were useless she accepts responsibility for her actions without complaint. Another trained response is to accept cheerfully any task assigned to her and finish no matter the personal cost in physical or mental exertion.

Aware that her stature is abnormal for a woman Kwan operates as the female most useful for heavy work even enjoying the feeling of accomplishment.

She enjoys cooking and will volunteer for kitchen duty to have the chance to practice her craft even making the government supplied food taste better.

History: Orphaned at 6 Kwan became a ward of the state and doomed because of her genetic nationality and age to be in the bland care that made up the faceless children. From their ranks many a troublemaker come and there are those like Kwan who thrive in the environment.

She didn't have many friends at the Iwato Alternate care facility she called home because many thought her a pawn of authority. Never a Suckup to authority but also never a thorn so long as authority also played within the rules Kawn is pragmatic about life and understands there are times when her own ego doesn't count in the common thought. She sees society as a function of consensus, she enjoys order and predictability so long as she is given dignity.

Experiencing a growth spurt at 10 and continued at breakneck pace to an additional 30 centimeters by age 13 her clothes were always too small. (Kwan is still growing having gained 12 centimeters from age 17 to her present age of 19

Institutionalized in her thought and general environment Kwan was smoothly inducted and trained as a Marine, one of her instructors commented "She must have been an easy birth because she was an easy Marine"

Her Deployments are about as average as a Marine's get standing out for no notable success or failure she is a Bland study of statistics...a Grunt.

Her only claim of any fame is as a female Judo practitioner but she's never joined in on any sort of competition gaining her rep on the unit training mats.

All in all Kwan's Biography could be used as punishment or a cure for insomnia but who knows what her future holds.

Extra: Kwan feels as if she has been shirking her duties in her last deployments and hopes to find a release for a pent-up energy that she has discovered every time she has chased the sound of guns

"The Nail that sticks out gets hammered down"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blaster Pistol

Vibro Blade

Appearance:Lez is a Gold Skinned Twi’Lek who stands 1.9 m (6’3”) her Lek tattooed with a pattern of Silver stripes. Her right arm is tattooed with elaborate tribal patterns which pleased her former master. On either side of her belly are Tattoos declaring her to be a Fighting slave, a gladiator; on her right thigh a cartouche of ownership bearing her master’s seal. On her left breast and cheek are symbols of luck and for those either lucky or unlucky enough it is said she has others beneath her clothing.
Melee Combat / Parry specialising in Vibroblades
Brawling / Parry trained in the brutal style of the arenas
Blaster pistols
As a former slave Lez has very little knowledge outside of what was drilled into her as a fighting slave which at times can make her seem an ignorant being fresh from a stone age culture. Her ability to read and write are limited to what you might expect of a grade schooler as is her math skills and technical knowledge beyond the use and upkeep of her weapons.

Trained as a Fighting Slave she is brutal in combat showing and giving no quarter and killing it seems with all the emotional detachment of a Hunter Killer and as controlled if under the command of her elders in the Believers.

Special Abilities:
Because of her brain tentacles, called "brain-tails," "lekku," "tchun-tchin," or "head-tails" Lez’s advanced organs can be used for communication and cognitive functions. These make her naturally quick and cunning, and able to excel in both physical and cognitive skills, able to perform feats of dexterity that significantly surpass other species’ capabilities.

History:Her earliest memories were of her Master who initially treated the young Twi’Lek better than other slaves feeding and educating her in the sciences of combat as opposed to the normal lessons other Twi’Lek females. She was encouraged to dominate the other slave children on her Master’s ship and punished if she allowed herself to be so dominated; this was all part of Ven Novos plan to create a Beautiful Killer.

As a child she was safe from the advances of the male fighting slaves but as soon as she was judged sufficiently developed to begin the next phase of her training her body became the prise any of the male fighting slave might have if they could defeat her in combat. Such brutal treatment would have broken any other slave’s spirit but her Master’s initial training saw to it that all it really did was make for a more clever killer. She was not allowed to simply surrender and beaten once the victor had her as they wished if she didn’t fight to her full potential; this was all a part of her Master’s cruel training regimen. Within 2 years she was able to defeat half of the males in her Masters stables and by the time 4 years had past able to defeat any but his two Champions and then thrust into the staged combats the Hut enjoyed watching and making huge bets on.

For another 4 years till she was 20 years old she fought and killed and was also expected to serve anyone her Master demanded she serve which was a mistake on Ven Novos’s part for his previous training had taught her that submission to a weaker person was something she must fight against; the seed had been planted.

Then one day while being tended by a physician slave she heard two nearby serving slaves gossiping about the Rebellion and it caused her to wonder if a slave could ever be truly free; nurturing the seed of desire.

It was four years later that she was taken by Ven Novos aboard a starship alone just the two of them and he felt her so well trained that he feared not being alone with her for he’d done so many times before using her as a guard while he slept. Then he made the mistake of desiring her and trying to take her to his bed and she resisted finding her was a weakling who’s only power had been her constant domination and the others he surrounded himself with. She might have allowed him to live if not for his whimpering and begging for his life which disgusted her and made her pent up rage after being forced so many years to do his bidding for fear of his power that vanished like the fog in the light of day.

No fool she knew the penalty for her act of rebellion and ran as far and as fast as she was able and might have been caught were it not for the Believer’s finding her and showing her the way to safety. They taught her how wrong her life had been and how the Masters and those who supported them were as weak as her former master and she asked to join them in their struggle.

Soon she was using her beauty to gain access to targets posing as a dancing slave and waiting for the inevitable nature of the cruel beings that used other beings as toys which could be neglected and discarded a will with no care for their feelings to seek to use her body. She needed no weapons to kill and proved quite good at it becoming a much used infiltrator into the minor houses then later those greater and more cruel. She was labeled an assassin and she scoffed at the thought for assassins were driven by money and she was driven by her desires and were she not directed by those with cooler heads might have for a brief time become a mad killer of the Masters.

Lez enjoyed hearing them beg, seeing them plead and offer her their vast wealth for something they valued and had taken from others ignoring their pleas. Many she killed using her powerful legs to strangle the life from them and most of them willingly placed themselves at disadvantage to make it too easy. As the Believer’s killer she learned her craft quickly and coupled with her natural cunning began racking up a tally that matched those of some of the best bounty hunters.

So good was she at her art that her handlers began to worry she might eventually turn on them till it was discovered that she couldn’t kill a slave or former slave so long as they didn’t hold a weapon against her. She was in fact kind to them even admitting feelings of guilt for the deaths she had caused when her throat bore a collar and did as she was told.

So now a free woman Lez seeks to express her freedom by setting others free and waits for the day when she may cease being a killer and perhaps finally find true peace.

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