Hidden 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
A N G E L A T M Y S I D E , D E M O N A T M Y B A C K

P L A Y E R S: Lord Wraith & Hillan G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, School, Slice of Life T Y P E: One X One, Linear, Sandbox
"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 28 min ago

C H A R L E S M I C H A E L S:

Thursday, May 25TH - 04:41 PM | Kingstown Neighborhood - New Lilith

The barbell barely budged as Chuck put all his might against the bar above his chest. Less than twenty four hours ago he had managed to stop a rampaging behemoth of a man with his bare hands. The behemoth in question had ripped the antique steel doors from their hinges on New Lilith First National. Mere seconds from what could have possibly been his own impending death, Chuck had managed to catch one of the massive fists. What followed was something he still hadn't wrapped his mind around - his feet had dug into the ground, the marble floor beneath them cracking as Chuck was able to push back against the super strong being, throwing him off balance enough for his new ally to fly into the air and deliver a staggering blow. Still imbued with his newfound strength, Chuck ran forward before sliding on his knees and deliver two super strong blows to the man's knees, bringing the behemoth to the floor as it cried out in agony.

Yet here Chuck was now, laying beneath a two hundred and fifty pound barbell, unable to budge it more than an inch. Letting out a sigh of exasperation, Chuck sat up on the bench as the garage door before him began to open. The familiar shape of his step-father's Police Charger returning from work, pulled into the drive way alongside the aged half ton that Chuck himself drove. The horn on the Dodge signaled that Landon had seen Chuck as he reached into the passenger seat, holding up bag that Chuck could recognize as Chinese from Leechee's. Feeling his stomach growling, Chuck stood up from the bench as he went to greet Landon.

"Feeling ambitious today Chuck?" Landon asked as he nodded towards the loaded barbell.

"Well y'know." Chuck answered with a shrug. "Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew."

"And that's why you're serving yourself after your mother and I have had our fill." Landon stated with a laugh as Chuck rolled his eyes before allowing himself to chuckle as he replied.

"Make sure you leave me some chicken balls then, I know how you pack them away."

"Some cops like donuts, I like chicken balls." Landon replied as Chuck gave him a swat at the gut.

"Starting to show, old man." Chuck teased as he ran inside.

"Careful, I can still throw you out of the house." He replied in his own mocking tone as Chuck shook his head.

"We both know that Mom would never let you do that." Chuck stated triumphantly as he took his seat at the dinner table.

"...Damn it." Landon muttered with a grin as he walked up behind the raven haired woman at the sink. "Hey, Becca!" Landon said giving the woman a peck on the cheek as Rebecca turned around and pressed her lips to his.

"How was your day?" She asked as Landon shook his head.

"It's New Lilith, things just keep getting weird out there. First came the reports of the Angel flying the skies at night, now we've got some sort of mutant locked up down town. Was found in the lobby of New Lilith First National, apparently apprehending by a couple of vigilantes."

"Vigilantes? Like men in masks and capes, skulking the shadows and bringing justice to those who prey upon the weak?" Chuck asked, the humor in his voice appeared to be disbelief in the situation. In reality it was pride towards the fake that he and the 'Angel' had managed to apprehend a dangerous Hyperhuman. An evolved human possessing abilities far beyond his own apparently human limits.

"No capes were mentioned in the report but one allegedly has wings while the other escaped on roller blades."

"Roller blades?" Rebecca asked, her voice filled with genuine disbelief.

"Yep, traffic cams caught the perp using some kind of tool to slingshot himself through traffic, building speed behind a vehicle before drafting out from behind it and tagging a new ride to advance further. It'd be impressive if it wasn't so infuriating that a punk on roller blades managed to evade two cruisers."

"Road block didn't catch him?" Chuck asked as he spooned guy ding onto his plate.

"Escaped down the allies, best guess is he found a way into the city's old underground subway tunnels. Nearly impossible to trace anything down there. Only way we're going to catch these guys would be a proactive sting to lure them out. But there's no way that Corrotto would give the department the necessary funds for such an operation." Landon lamented as he dug into his own plate.

"And yet they wonder why the city's crime rate is rising." Rebecca stated as she cut into a chicken ball before dipping it into the sweet and sour sauce placed conveniently in the middle of the table. "Anyways, enough shop talk at the table. Chuck," Rebecca said as she turned towards the young man. "Any plans for this evening?"

"I'll be out late." He managed to say with a mouth full of food. Swallowing, he continued. "Have a project to work on at Slater," He stated, referring to the city's largest post-secondary institute. "After that, I'm heading out with some friends. Sam and Tiff have a new bar they want to hit up on the Lower East Side."

"Absolutely not." Landon interjected. "Lower East Side is not a place for you, and it's especially not a place for those young woman."

"Relax, Bryce and Cliff with be with us." Chuck stated dismissively. "Besides, the club is literally on the border. We'll be good, scouts honor." He added with a mock salute.

"I still don't like it."

"Landon, I'm twenty one, even for a cop you're being a little over protective."

"I'm your father, Charles it's what I-" Landon began before suddenly finding himself cut off.

"You've never been, nor will you ever be my father." Chuck stated as he stood up from the table. "Thank you for supper, but I'm going to be late." He added pushing his chair in and walking briskly away from the table. Pausing to grab an aged leather jacket, and his backpack. Chuck hurried out the front door allowing it to small behind him.

An exasperated sigh escaped Landon's mouth as he leaned back, running his hand along his shaved head in frustration as Rebecca reached out a sympathetic arm.

"I know you've done nothing but treat him as a son, but Richard and Chuck had a special bond, one that no one could ever replace."

"Beck, I've been in his life since he was two years old, I was there for him when Richard passed. I've done nothing but treat him as my own son. Why is it so hard to at least acknowledge me as a father figure?"

"Chuck's just not programmed that way." Rebecca said softly. "Give him time."

"It's been nine years, Becca, nine years since we've been married. I'm starting to think he'll never accept me as his father."

"And so what if he doesn't?" Rebecca challenged Landon. "He doesn't respect you any less, he doesn't despise you or hold anger towards you. He looks up to you, you've inspired more in Chuck than you know."

"Yeah but I wish he was the one telling me." Landon stated, reluctantly resigning from the conversation as he leaned back in his chair. Suddenly he felt Rebecca's hands on his shoulder as she leaned over and spoke softly in his ear.

"Why don't you help me clean this up, and then we can relax with the house to ourselves."

"That's a plan I can get behind." Landon replied with a mile-wide grin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

T H O M A S C A M P B E L L:

Thursday, May 25TH - 22:41 PM | The Narrows - New Lilith

A Thursday night, one the youth of New Lilith spent studying for their next final at the Grimm University, or drinking in the company of good friends. That is however not where one would find the twenty-three year old Native of Longhorn City. Thomas Campbell had something in common with the less socially skilled of the young ones - he spent his night glued to his computer screen with his headset on. Unlike his peers, however, he did not spend his night playing video games, watching Youtube, or even porn. He spent his night watching security footage, and listening to the police scanner, trying to pick up on anything he could. He was watching security footage from a grocery store robbery that had happened the night before - while the Behemoth was robbing New Lilith First National bank.

The Grocery store's clerk, Gary Smith, a man from the same Neighbourhood as Thomas here in New Lilith, The Narrows. Had tried to fight off the robber, and gotten a gunshot to the chest to show for it. He was in critical condition at New Lilith General Hospital, the same one Thomas's mother was in, he was going to see her today, but he was too busy with this Grocery Store robbery, this was the fifth in two weeks, the guy on the security footage matched the one on all of the other tapes, 6'3, burly build, olive skin and a two snakes tattoo'd on his left forearm, his shirt pulled up to reveal it. That, and the 9mm Beretta Pistol he used was the same in all of the robberies. It was sloppy, at best. Damn right stupid at worst. This was work a rookie police detective should be able to solve, but, this was New Lilith, and it was only happening in the Narrows, no one in the Police Department cares what happens to three poor innocent people in the Narrows, they never had for the ten years Thomas had lived here.

The police scanner picked something out.

"A Code 64 on Third and Jefferson, One injured with a gunshot, one suspect heading east on foot. Available units can check it out if you have the time." The cops never had the time to head down here. Not now, not ever.

It was just a couple of blocks away, and it could very well be Thomas's Man. He stood up from his chair at the desk, and turned around, the light from the computer screen reflecting off of the two massive silhouettes coming from the man's back. Walking to his closet, he grabbed his gear, the bulletproof vest with the etched out POLICE marking, his black leather jacket, his leather gloves with reinforced knuckles and fingers. Putting the rock-salt loaded shotgun in his leg holster, securing it with the leather strap. He pulled the hood over his blond hair and flexed the wings on his back, heading out towards his balcony on the top floor. He was faster than any Police Cruiser, and you couldn't outrun him on the ground - for he controlled the skies.

He was Angel, and he lived up to name.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 28 min ago

S I X M O N T H S A G O:

Slowly opening the mailbox, Adrian Moretz reached inside reluctantly as his hand took a hold of a small pile of envelopes. A heavy sigh left his chest as he pulled them out, the emblazoned red letters of 'Past Due' staring up at him as he shuffled through each envelope. A crushing weight sat on his chest as he turned to go inside, slowly opening the front door of the aged Victorian home. The land the house sat on had been in Faulkner's family for generations, dating back to the 1700's. Before that, the land had been used in the Salem Witch Trials, many men and women having lost their lives on these very grounds. It was this tidbit of history that had allowed Adrian and Miranda to purchase the house at a reasonable price. The locals swore up and down that the land and house were haunted, the urban legend scaring away more than one potential buyer, at least until the Moretz's came along.

Desperate, with a baby on the way, the couple couldn't be deterred by myths and legends when they were rapidly outgrowing their current housing arrangement. Seeing the price, it was only a matter of days before they submitted an offer which was just as quickly accepted. Believing things had finally turned around for them, the Moretz's moved into their new home and prepared for the arrival of their son.

When the baby arrived, every possible thing that could go wrong seemed to do so. The baby was born very premature, leaving the Moretz's with a stack of hospital bills well beyond what they could afford. This was followed by Miranda's own complications as she became afflicted with postpartum depression, distancing herself from both the baby and her husband. Losing his job was only the latest development in the spiraling tale of the Moretz's.

Walking back inside the door, Adrian rubbed a hand against his forehead in frustration as the sounds of the baby crying echoed through the house. In between wails came the sobs of his wife as she tried her best to put the child down for the night. Suddenly there was a loud 'THUD' followed by silence. Pausing as the worst possible scenarios ran through his mind, Adrian turned and took a step towards the stairs. The silence was broken by Miranda's sobs escalating into the wails of a banshee as Adrian ran up the stairs, bursting into the room only to find Miranda holding their own life-less son. Despair filled his body, as Adrian sank to his knees, a man broken. His eyes darting back and forth across the room until cracks in the dry wall caught his eye. A perfect impact mark from a small head.

"Y-y-you..." His lips trembled as Adrian raised a finger towards his wife. "You killed him." He stammered as she violently shook her head.

"N-no." She replied before looking down. "No, no, no, NO!" She repeated, flying into a frenzy as the lifeless body was dropped from her arms. Adrian dashed forward, cradling his son as tears poured out of his eyes.

"Why?" He asked, the single word hanging in the room as it was quickly repeated, "Why?" He screamed as Miranda back away. Her hands scrambling as they found a pair of scissors. Her sobs became louder and heavier as they were mixed with Adrian's. Walking towards Adrian, Miranda held out the baby as she violently shook her head before suddenly lifting the scissors and driving them across her throat. Blood sprayed from the severed jugular as Miranda twitched and fell to the floor. The light in her eyes leaving as Adrian slowly sank to the ground, kneeling in her blood before collapsing into the fetal position, the warm crimson liquid soaking through his clothes and invaded his every sense.

P R E S E N T:

Thursday, May 25TH - 11:38 PM | Corner of Third and Jefferson

The alarms at Mildred's Fine Jewelry sounded through the small street as a hooded figure shambled away from the scene. Sirens could be heard in the distance as the New Lilith Police Department responded to the alarm. A cruiser rounded the corner, the figure being blinded by the headlights before it quickly shambled towards the alley way as the police bore down on the thief. Clambering up a fence, a hand suddenly grabbed the ankle of the thief as he was halted.

"Stop!" The officer cried as the hooded figure looked back. The light of the officer's flashlight blinded the man as the officer suddenly stumbled backwards in horror. The thief's face was twisted and rotting, his left eye barely sitting in its socket. With a snarl, the man pulled the rest of his body over the fence, the skin of his bare arms catching as he went over. A large laceration appeared down the forearm but no blood was spilt, just broken skin covered in yellow pus.

Scrambling for his gun, the officer drew the weapon and fired. The bullets clearly hit the man but they did little to slow him down as he kept running. Reaching for his radio, the officer squeezed it with his free hand as he held his gun up again to fire, this time aiming for the running man's legs.

"This is Officer McKenna, I've got eyes on the suspect, he's resisting arrest and clearly some kind of new freak. Code fifty three, possibly Hyperhuman."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"This is Officer McKenna, I've got eyes on the suspect, he's resisting arrest and clearly some kind of new freak. Code fifty three, possibly Hyperhuman."

A Hyperhuman? Thomas thought, getting the information though the bluetooth ear piece, connected to a phone he had bought specifically to use with the police scanners, to avoid detection if someone would get privvy to his extra curriculum. Bruce had taught him as much, and as long as he followed his father's teachings, he would remain a shadow stalking the New Lilith nights. If noone could confirm that Angel was real, they couldn't even try to stop him. His stunt at the bank the other night had been the first time anyone had properly laid eyes on him, and even then, nobody really believed anyone that had seen him. Sure, people who could throw fire from their hands, or lift cars was not unheard off. But a man with wings? That was far fetched to most.

Thomas pondered these ideas, as he turned left in the air, a sharp turn, catching a gust coming his way, using it to increase his speed and glide on it, without having to use any of his own energy. He saw the police cruiser, down the alleyway. McKenna was down in the alley, making his way over a fence, well, trying too, he was still too shaken up by whatever he had seen. Angel landed around the corner, McKenna drew his weapon, once he got down from the fence, hearing the tapping of the vigilante's boot on the ground. "W-Who's there?!" He cried out, as Thomas tapped his hand on the wall. "A friend. Stay where you are." The shotgun in his hand cocked, the officer froze, not having laid eyes on the vigilante. "Not very friendly there..."

"It's really for your protection. What happened here? A Hyperhuman?"

"Aye. Freak was immune to my bullets, he just shrugged 'em off."

"Like the Behemoth at the bank, on the news?"

"Aye. But, he was much smaller, faster too. Looked kind of like a zombie, really. Something out of a horror movie." The Officer continued talking, using his words to mask his movements as he tried to advance on the man around the corner. He approached the end of the wall of the house, where the alley turned, moving slowly. As e pushed the corner, his gun drawn, he found the alley empty.

Thomas had taken to the sky, to try and trace down this 'zombie' hyperhuman, whatever their deal was. Soon, he heard someone yell for help, and like a bat out of hell, Thomas was there. A young woman, mugged by two men late 20's, armed with knives. A third man was approaching, dressed in similar fashion to the other two, in his track-pants, hoodie and jacket. But, once the third man reached the other two, he attacked them, latching onto them, and the woman screamed once more.

Thomas pounched onto one of the men with the knife, Landing firmly on his feet, he hunched down in one swift motion, and shot his arms outwards, putting his force behind his arms as his fists collided with the man's chest, breaking his ribs and sending him a few meters into the ground, landing on the cold hard ground, unconcious. He would live, but breathing would be awfully hard for the next few months. The next one had the unknown man on him, he wasn't punching him, but he was.. Trying to bite him?

The man stabbed the unknown man time and time again, but the knife hardly seemed to phase him, panicked words escaped his mouth, some variation of "Fuck" and "Holy shit" As Angel turned his boot, walking towards him. The man who was trying to bite the first guy did not pay any attention to the winged man, as the two were on the ground. Angel grabbed the biter by the neck, and threw him down the street, into a trashbin. The man on the ground, viscera and pus all over him, was crying as he tried to get back up, his knife in his hand as he charged the hooded man with the wings. His attack was cut short as his legs gave way under him, a sweep from the wings sent him tumbling towards the ground, only to be caught by the throat by the man, pushing him against the brick wall.

"If I ever catch you trying to pull any kind of shit like this, ever again. I will kill you. Got that?" Angel spit out at him. "I- ffff-freak!" He cried out. Thomas turned around, where the man had been pointing, towrads the direction Angel had thrown the third guy, whom was now back on his feet his shoulder dislocated as he moved rather quickly towards Thomas. With a swift punch, he knocked the pinned man out, putting his attention towards the third dude. "All right, another hype. You can't be stabbed, and you can't be shot." His hands signaled a 'come on, then' motion. His wing pinned the man's arm towards the ground, much to Thomas's surprise, the man didn't evne flinch,but he simply snarled as he pushed back, his arm tearing at the seams as it came off, phasing the viglante. "The fuck" Thomas let out, before he was met by a disproportionately strong punch from the would-be Zombie, catching a glimpse of his hideous face in the dark.

Thomas was sent down onto the concrete, skidding on the ground for a few feet. He climbed back onto his feet and drew his shotgun, shootign the Zombie in the chest, to put him onto the ground. The bullet tore threw the man, taking most of his chest out with the rocksalt, his body clearly softer than a regular human's. Yet, missing most of his chest and the entirery of his left arm, and shoulder, he did not stop, but simply kept moving.

Thomas could hear the sirens of the police cruisers approaching, and as the Zombie made his way out of his alley, he was hit by a Police Cruiser that had not seen him properly, his body being properly dismembered now, leaving only guts, pus and really stale blood on the hood, traumatizing the officers.

Much to Thomas's Chagrin, he walked over to the torn off arm. Finding the fingers were still moving, and the arm was trying to move on it's own. He stepped on the arm, that was trying to drag it's way away from him. ".. Okay, what the fuck."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 28 min ago

L U C A S P I L G R I M:

Thursday, May 25TH - 11:38 PM | Corner of Third and Jefferson

A cat hissed as a dog startled it. The canine walking merrily along the back alleyway, a nondescript breed, the animal was clearly a mutt. It's fur was dark with a face somewhere between a Shepherd and a Husky. It's fur was plentiful and fluffy, bulking up its figure and hinting towards perhaps a Samoyed. But in terms of size, the animal was easily comparable to a Mastiff as it came to a stop just in front of the Officer. A growl rumbled in the dog's throat as a figure came over the fence behind the Officer but it vanished as soon as the dog put together that this figure was the vigilante from the news.

New Lilith's Angel.

A conversation occurred between the Angel and the Officer with the Angel departing in a rapid manner, his wings extended as he soared into the sky. A bark of excitement escaped the dog, startling the still nervous Officer who turned around in time to only see a raven taking flight into the night.

The darkly feathered bird soared through the cool night sky as it followed the Angel at a distance. Watching in awe as the winged man dove towards the ground, the bird followed suit, taking perch on a nearby ledge as it watched the Angel quickly dispatch several men assaulting a woman. One of the perpetrators however wasn't like the other two as the Angel blasted him with a shotgun. The man, or creature as the raven quickly realized with widened eyes, simply shrugged off the blow before being hit by a police cruiser. It left an awful mess but the worst part was that limbs were still moving, the Angel had encountered a real life zombie.

The raven cawed, fear and horror shook him to his core and he decided that this had been enough of an adventure for one night. Taking flight, the raven quickly flapped its wings as he made his way back towards the bell tower on St. Hillian's Cathedral. Landing on the ledge, the raven hopped towards a broken shutter before ducking inside.

The small room was empty, save for the bell that never tolled and a pile of clothes. A gasp of a man suddenly echoed in the room, as the weathers and wings fell away to reveal a young man, shivering in the night air as he reached for his clothes. Quickly dressing, Lucas Pilgrim, exited the bell tower, climbing down through the Cathedral, pass the confession chambers and making a beeline for the bike he had left outside.

Man, did he have a story for his blog tonight.
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