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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso took note of the result of his attacks on Mikey. It seemed like Ki was the most effective. 'Looks like his super form is also based around Arki, as I suspected..' Jenso thought. As Mikey charged at him, Jenso flicked his left wrist quickly. The ring of white flames from before suddenly closed in on Mikey and Jenso, and began to take the shape of a flame whip. It seemed to phase straight through Jenso's body, as if he was actually a giant flame himself. It was aimed to wrap around Mikey's knees to hopefully delay him, even for only a very short moment, and was set to explode in a smoke screen if Mikey chose to overpower it.

Jenso dashed to the right at the same time to avoid Mikey's charge, and took aim with his right hand where he sensed his flame ring to be at, dashing behind Mikey immediately as he threw a spear made out of pure Ki at Mikey's lower back. If it managed to connect, Jenso would snap his fingers, and make it explode into a shockwave of Ki from within Mikey's body.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Unfortunately for Jenso, dodging was out of the question considering the close quarters. Mikey collided with him directly, interrupting his retreat and sending both of them stumbling in the direction. As Jenso's whip wrapped around Mikey's legs though, he paused and fell forwards, into a roll, past Jenso, ending up behind him. On his knees now, Mikey's legs phased through the whips, and he spun his body to face Jenso, while lashing his right hand towards him and creating a horizontal bladed wave of water that shot towards him from below.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso spun around to face Mikey as well, gritting his teeth as the blade of water headed for him. A controlled burst of flames suddenly emerged from his body, which launched him upwards to avoid the blade of water. It seemed similar to his rocket bursting that Jenso had done with his feet in the past, but far more focused and controlled. He kept maintaining the condensed heat area around him and kept focused on Mikey while spinning his body in the right angle to land. He kicked at Mikey diagonally with his right foot, making it look like he was kicking air. Suddenly, a focused shockwave of Ki erupted from it, aimed to smash into Mikey's shoulder and right arm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Mikey Braced himself to dodge, but was caught off guard again by the Ki projections, sending his body tumbling backwards into a spin. He landed on his chest, bounced, and spun onto his back, before using his hands to stop himself and flip back onto his feet. With both hands he connected the base of his palms together, as if he was about to launch some kind of attack. But instead, the water in the air around Jenso because to glow, surrounding his body.


A moment later, the air around Jenso flashed with forceful energy, each water droplet expanding outwards in several hundred tiny spikes that threatened to pierce and shred everything in their vicinity.

"Flash Flood!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso's eyes widened as Mikey began his technique, suddenly looking at the ground. With a flick of his wrist, the flames that he'd channeled underground at the start of the battle began to unite in the ground below his position at top speeds. He crossed his arms afterwards, coating them in Arki while curling up into a ball to increase the maximum heat that his body gave off.

"GEYSER!!" He shrieked.

A large beam of white flames suddenly erupted violently out of the ground, enveloping Jenso's figure entirely as a massive wave of heat came along with it, which was an attempt to block Mikey's attack, or at least decrease the damage he would take. The white flames didn't hurt him at all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Mikey waited patiently for the flames to subside, and when they did, Jenso was unharmed. A clear stream of air was left behind where Jenso's attack struck, and evidently, it had destroyed the water particles he was trying to detonate. He kissed his teeth and the water began to fill the small zone again. But he didn't use his flash flood ability right away, right afterwards. He expanded both of his arms into spikes, and jumped towards Jenso, slashing at him after he emerged, with one hand, and preparing to follow up with the other.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso narrowed his eyes at Mikey as he leaped at him. He couldn't allow Mikey to do that technique again, or he'd surely be finished. He coated his hands in defensive Arki, quickly hopping further to the right to avoid the first slash from Mikey's right hand. He rose his own left hand as Mikey followed up with his left, leaning out of the way of the second incoming spike as he aimed to grab his left arm with both hands while steering clear of the pointy end of the spike. White flames erupted from Jenso's left side as he aimed to rapidly spin Mikey around at insane speeds in circles while he was in mid-air, to build up a massive heat area, in order to evaporate Mikey's form and heat up the room to get rid of the water in the air. "MMMMIIIIKKKEEEEYYYY!!" He screamed violently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Mikey Slashed, and slashed against. He grit his teeth as Jenso caught his second arm. Something about the man's movements were way more sloppy than how he'd usually fought. Mikey's sudden boost in power and speed was overwhelming, but his personality was suffering because of it. As Jenso began to spin him, the water around his form rippled violently. Waves of energy caressed his entire body, as the hand Jenso had grabbed, half of his face, and part of his torso was revealed through the liquid form. The water immediately around Jenso and Mikey flew away towards the edges of the room as Jenso built of a sphere of heated energy and force. But before Mikey's form could be torn away completely, he managed to morph his right arm back into its normal hand-like form, and grab Jenso's left arm. With a single grasp, he sent a massive shockwave of energy through his arm, forcing him to let go, which launched Mikey into the ground. A giant crater spread out around him, and the water in the air flew upwards, falling back down into puddles all around the room.

What Jenso might have realised after the exchange, is that when Mikey stood up, it was obvious that his left arm was shattered, and not coated in water anymore. Blood trickled down it towards his mangled hand, but the rest of his body, from his elbow upwards, was re-coated in his sage form. Jenso on the other hand, still had used of his left hand. But his super form's white flames no longer extended past the base of his forearm. Mikey had sealed off both his arcane, and Ki flow to his left arm. Mikey panted heavily as he struggled to keep himself on two feet at the center of his crater, slowly reorienting himself to regain his balance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

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Jenso grit his teeth in pain as his left arm's Arcane and Ki flow was sealed, and looked at Mikey. It reminded him back when he and Mikey fought in the arena in Feraldia, all that time ago. "Brings back memories...right?" Jenso said to Mikey, with a small smirk on his face. It wasn't a smile of cockiness, but one of happyness. He truly enjoyed that fight, and he had to admit, this fight was a real thrill too, despite the fact that Mikey was trying to kill him now.

Jenso began to walk over to Mikey, struggling to stand while breathing heavily as he took note of the puddles all over the room. He kept the heat up around his body, channeling more flames into the ground through his legs. They were intended to spread around underground, in order to heat up the ground from below to evaporate the puddles all over. "Mikey...we need medical attention. Please...just listen to me. It doesn't have to be like this...you're my friend. I don't care what you are, or who made you. You've saved my life and helped me so many times, and I'd be damned if I let another one of my companions die. Like Lark..." He spoke.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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When Jenso Mentioned Larks name, Mikey flinched. His stance strengthened for only a moment and his body began to flash purple. "Stop it," He growled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso frowned at Mikey, with a sad look on his face. "We fought valiantly against Yzeira...yet he still won. Lark wanted us to press on, to go on with our lives. And I intend to do that...with you by my side, man." Jenso stated, showing no hostility in his stance whatsoever. "We never would have gotten this powerful if you didn't back us up...even when Yzeira stood against me, you didn't waver and didn't flee. You stood beside me and Lark, and we faced him together...please, I need your help once again, man. I can't do this without you." Jenso stated, and paused for a moment. "Let's work together once more...and face the ones who caused so much suffering...The Order of Chaos! We can do it, as long as we stand together! I believe in you Mikey...as I've always done!" Jenso muttered.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Mikey stepped back, slowly out of the crater, and looked down at his mangled hand. Thoughts rushed through his mind, of the Feralda Tournament, of Yzeira, of his teachings in Tech-Mo. Purple energy began to overwhelm his body. His once mangled hand was covered with his sage-mode aura again, and Mikey's body looked towards Jenso. He was silent for a few moments as Jenso got closer. "That's not me. That's.. Fake. That's a fake. The real me is here. This is real. Right now is Real..." Mikey paused and looked intently at Jenso. "But if somebody believes..." The aura around his face began to melt away, "Does that make it... Real? Just because..." Mikey reeled backwards as his face was completely revealed. The purple energy in his aura gathered around his stomach. He felt it. Solid. Like a ball of poison collecting in his gut. "Jenso," He said, his voice returning to the normal tone that Jenso was familiar with. Mikey rose his fists and got into a combat stance, identical to the one he used in the Feralda tournament. "I want that part of me to be real. I always thought, the fake part of me, always thought. It always. It always thought. Thought... Monsters, ghosts, demons, and all sorts of scary things were real." Mikey's face trembled but he managed to get his thought across. "I got over that fear... Because I couldn't punch them. They weren't there. They were fake, because I couldn't punch them."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso frowned at Mikey, not exactly sure what he meant about monsters being fake since he was unable to punch them. "Sorry...I don't really understand...Do you mean, each time you got punched when you were your other self, it didn't feel real?" He asked Mikey, truly trying to understand his friend's situation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Mikey chuckled. "No, Jenso. It means the only real things, are things you can punch. I thought you'd get that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso frowned at Mikey. "What can I do to help you, man? I'll do anything.." He stated.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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"Well, I mean, if I'm gonna follow through with this line of thought, then there ain't any other way, is there?" His aura flashed and his head was consumed slowly. "Before the 'fake' me gets erased..." In the last moment, before his mouth was blocked off, Mikey smirked.

"You're just gonna have to punch me out of this reality!"

~ End Of Chapter 167 ~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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~ Chapter 168 ~

Grit Those Teeth!!!

Mikey's sage mode aura completely consumed him again and he rushed Jenso, with his arm still working at the behest of his energy. The puddles that evaporated rose up into a steam that filled the room slowly, once more. This time it was heated, but it slightly affected the vision of both fighters. Without Delay, Mikey began to fire Liquid lances at Jenso in rapid succession from both his hands.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jenso dashed out of the way of the incoming spears to give Mikey a harder time to hit him, dashing around Mikey as he left another trail of flames behind him while maintaining the heated barrier around his body. 'Did he completely lose it..?' Jenso thought, as defensive Arki coated his right hand. He slammed his left foot on the ground at Mikey's right side and then moved behind him, while readying his right hand to deflect any spears that got too close. He would feign a punch at Mikey's back if he managed to get close, but calmly waited to see how Mikey would respond.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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Mikey slowed his attack as Jenso got Close and expanded a layer of water around himself, pushing everything nearby away with a shock wave as his battle bubble took form. But unlike his usual bubble, this one didn't impede his movement or make him float. It meshed to the ground, and followed him as he turned to face Jenso. From the edge of the bubble, a torrent was high-pressure water shot off in his direction.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

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Jenso attempted to move out of the way by dashing to the left towards Mikey's right side, while keeping the heated area up around his body in hopes to decrease the damage of the water shot in case it would reach him or to simply evaporate it as it passed by. He flicked his wrist as he moved, causing a white flame wave to move at Mikey from his right side, getting wider and bigger as it moved which concealed what Jenso was doing from Mikey, while Jenso could clearly see Mikey through them. He began to channel Ki within his right hand, and threw an energy spear through the white flame wave while still moving constantly to give Mikey a hard time to locate him. If the spear managed to reach Mikey's bubble, it would hopefully dig into it with it's tip and explode in a shockwave of Ki.
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