Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Annabella McClain(her real name is Sara McCrady, but she changes it after she leaves town for multiple reasons. This could possibly cause problems for James if he accidentally calls her Sara when she now thinks of herself as Anna).
Age: 19
Bio: Anna grew up a normal girl living life under her overly religious mother. All of her life, her mother did almost nothing but criticize her, spit scripture at her, and force her to go into the 'prayer closet' for hours if she did anything her mother thought was wrong or 'sinful'. She was home schooled up until sixth grade when the school board of the district had it ordered she attend public school. The moment she set foot into public school, she was immediately targeted by the popular crowd and constantly put down by everyone in the school. She was shy and awkward, not leaving much room for her to make friends. But, there was one friend. James. He was unpopular like herself and the two just seemed to click. The two stuck together like glue and never left each other's sides when they were at school. Though her mother always ordered her to come straight home from school she would sometimes come home late and face the consequences or even risk sneaking out at night just to go hang out with him. They went on through the years like this. He was everything to her, the only thing she looked forward to in her sad life.

When she turned 16, something horrible happened to her. Her period. Her unstable mother had never told her about a period, nor had she ever even learned what one was. Her only thoughts she could possibly go to was that something was terribly wrong and that she was bleeding to death in the shower of the girl's locker room at school. In her mad scramble to find someone to help her, the other girls int he locker room did nothing but call her a freak and chant at her to 'plug it up' while cruelly throwing tampons and pads at her, even video taping the incident.as she laid on the floor crying and begging for someone to help her. With the video uploaded to the internet and spreading all over school, Anna's life became all the more miserable. She skipped most of her classes, spending her time hidden away in the library, sometimes alone, sometimes joined by James who would comfort her and cheer her up. Time passed, and some forgot the incident, while others continued to bash on her for it. She eventually got the courage, thanks to James, to go back to her classes. It wasn't too long after the incident though, that Anna noticed a huge change in her life.

Strange things had started happening to her. A light bulb bursting here and there. Objects suddenly being knocked over even though she never laid a finger on them. It wasn't until the mirror in the girls bathroom she had been looking into shattered that she realized what was going on. She had powers. Amazing powers. She could move and control objects. It was in this realization that Anna felt....special. Unique. Like she had finally accomplished something. She worked and worked at her powers, slowly learning to control them and make them stronger. And it remained a secret. She didn't want anyone to know. Especially her mother. Her mother was already so close to the edge, she knew if the woman ever found out, she might do something horrible to her. Another school year passed, and soon approached senior prom. She of course, hadn't been asked, but thankfully neither had James. So, it would be only natural that the two decide to just go together. She worked in secret, locked away up her room while her mother was at work, sewing her own dress. And finally, when the faithful day came, she told her mother she was going to the prom. Her mother of course disagreed and told her it wasn't right, and that going to such an affair and wearing something so unmodest as the dress she had made was a great sin. Her mother then tried to force her into the prayer closet, but this time, Anna was not going to comply. She wanted to go to prom, to have this one night. In a rash move, Anna used her powers on her mother, lifting her in the air and putting her in the closet, and locking it, as well as scorching the lock into place to keep her from breaking out. It was then, that Anna got ready. She fixed her own hair, did her own makeup, put on her dress. She looked like a new person.

That night, James picked her up and the two went to the prom, enjoying everything and having a good time. It was during a slow dance though that things thickened for Anna. With she and James being so close together, it wasn't hard to guess something might happen between them, and it did. He kissed her. And in just that kiss, two of the lights in the prom burst. Everyone chalked it up to bad electrical issues, but Anna knew if the two of them were to continue their little romance, they would have to go somewhere more secluded. So, she took him down the hall of the school and the two of them snuck into one of the classrooms, where Anna finally told him of her powers. He was surprisingly accepting of it, and even said he suspected something of that sort, having seen certain clues that lead to that. He told her it didn't matter and he loved her with or without the powers. In hearing he say such a thing, the emotional Anna kissed him again and they did something the two of them had never thought they would do together, much less in a classroom at school.

After that was over, the two went back to the prom, over joyed with their new found romance together. They sat down with all the other students as the people who put the prom together went up on the stage to announce who had won prom king and queen, only to be all together shocked and confused. She and James had won. The new dazed couple walked up to the stage, accepting their crowns and in their last moment of happiness, shared a kiss on the stage together. But, the moment after their lips touched, they were showered from above by none other then a bucket of blood, the horrible video of her terrified moment in the ladies locker room playing over head on the projectors as the crowd laughed and chanted just as the girls in that locker room had all that time ago. This upset her, but this wasn't what set her off. The hard metal bucket from above broke off its rope, falling and hitting James on the head. The room fell silent as he fell to the ground and Anna frantically knelt beside him, trying to wake him up, but couldn't. The moment Anna came to the conclusion James was dead(or so she thought anyway), something inside of the girl snapped. The lights over head exploded, showering everyone in glass and things int he room began flying. She mentally locked the doors, and killed them all in different ways she saw fit. With the deed done she left.

She wasn't sure what time the police arrived, or even when someone discovered the massacre, but no one would ever know it was her. She had made sure of that. She hadn't physically touched a single person, nor had she left a single pice of evidence linking her to the massacre. She had made sure of that.

With the deed done, she left and went home. She entered her home to find something terrifying. Her mother had broken out of the closet. The woods had literally been ripped apart from it.

She went around the house, searching for her mother, and unable to find her, went into the bathroom to wash the blood off of her. She became frantic and hysterical at the sight of all blood, both animal(from the bucket of blood) and of the humans she had killed and quickly washed it off of her, crying and screaming the whole time. When she was free of the blood, Anna left the bathroom, in a fresh change of clothes and in walking out, found her mother standing there. In search for comfort from her mother, she ran up, hugging her. Her mother for once seemed relatively calm and offered that the two of them kneel and pray. So, Anna agreed, kneeling with her mother hugging her. Only her mother didn't want to pray. Her mother stabbed her in the back with a knife. There was a struggle between the two, her mother yelling at her, calling her a sinner and a witch, and in a last attempt to save her life, Anna summoned with her powers any sharp objects she could think of that layed about the house. A dozen knives and scissors came up from their spots that had been laying and impaled her mother, pinning her to the wall. Even more hysterical and frightened now that she had not only killed her classmates, but now her own mother, Anna did the only things she could do. She packed up anything she could find and stealing her mother's car keys and any money and credit cards she could find, set the house a flame and left.

Other: If you haven't noticed by now, Anna is not too mentally stable XD As crazy as it may seem, she has a few momentos from her past, locked away in a secret place in her apartment. The momentos include James's glasses(which she had took from his face when checking his head wound at the prom and had kept in her hand during the attack, as well as carried home with her), the still bloodied prom queen crown, a cross necklace her mother had worn, and the cell phone of one of her peers(the one who took the video of her in the locker room. the video is still on the phone).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: James Chandler

Age: 18

Bio: James had little luck in life from the outset. His mother absent since just after his birth and his father a drunken auto-mechanic, he was both a reminder of said father's mistakes and nothing of what he had ever wanted in a son. Whereas his father was a powerhouse of a man with a thick torso and heavy paunch, James was scrawny and mild mannered from earliest days. There were no relative to take shelter with, no other family at hand to question the belt-wide bruises across his body and back. Even teachers at school tended to look the other way, for while James was certainly one of their brightest pupils he was also one of the oddest. It wasn't just a matter of his favorite foods, which consisted of ketchup and pickle relish sandwiches and milk flavored with curry powder. There was just something... off... about him. Perhaps it was the way he would stare at people others with a curious if innocent intensity, like people were puzzles to be figured out. In elementary school, his habit of answering correctly almost any questions put before him combined with consistently challenging back with his own questions earned him no amount of teasing from his peers. Skinny little know it all Jimmy. "Jimmy." How he hated that name! Jimmy was the name of schlocky comedians and bad actors. As far as he was concerned, he was James. Like James Monroe or James May or Professor James Moriarty or any of the hundreds of historical and literary figures he had come to revere.

By the time middle school had rolled around, the teasing had turned into bullying. He retreated further and further into his own world to escape the abuse from both his father and from his schoolmates. And what a world it was! James had developed a passion for science fiction and fantasy, compounded with a love of history. He found escape in writing and reading and dreaming. And then he discovered another way to escape the pain: cutting. After a slip caused him a paper cut, he came to realize the control it gave him. He'd heard of cutting before, of course. It was something that goth and emo kids did to both punish themselves and/or to cry for attention. That wasn't it for him. No, for James the small sliced he etched along his upper bicep were all about control. Others could hurt him and there was little he felt he could do about it; this was his, his own secret pain to covet because he could do it whenever he wished. He didn't want to be discovered, keeping the neat little cuts in areas least likely to be found. He even took great pains to make sure the nicks and slashes were kept clean and bandaged.

But it was also in middle school that he noticed girls. James knew he stood no chance of dating any of the popular girls and didn't even try; while their physical beauty attracted his attention, there was something about their personalities he simply could not stand. It might have had something to do with how their boyfriends tended to beat him up to amuse them. He was outside of the social pack, an exile in their midst. Lower class. Unclean. Sub-human to these bullies. James deeply desired revenge on all of them for making his life a hell. As powerless as he was, it was only a futile dream realized in short stories and near-novels that would never see the light of day. He couldn't say when it was that he noticed Sara. In many ways he was surprised he hadn't noticed a fellow outcast before. It was sometime before he worked up the courage to try and talk with the meek girl, waiting for her by her locker one day after school. As she approached, James found his normally overflowing mind completely empty. Somehow, they managed to strike up a conversation and soon were best friends. It wouldn't be correct to say that he didn't have his own ulterior motives in the relationship, and Sara featured in many of his fantasies from there on out. But they were both so meek and mild, he was too scared to actually ask her out.

The following years of middle school and eventual high school brought a camaraderie between them, a closeness that helped ease the loneliness in much of his life and he hoped did the same for hers. He never told her about the cutting, although he was sure she knew. James hated to be parted from her, only when his father forced him to get a job he had little choice but to comply. Forging student work papers, he managed a job at the local library; the result was another beating from his father for doing 'woman's work.' After a school fight that broke his wire-rim glasses, James begged the school shop teacher to teach him welding and solders so he could fix the frames; surely learning such a 'manly' skill would earn his father's approval? No, it resulted in yet another round of fists and the hated belt. Not only had James let an expensive (if highly outdated) pair of glasses get broken, he had let on how poor he and his father really were. He did everything he could to keep his wounds hidden from Sara, not wanting her to be burdened with his woes as she already had more than her own.

Their senior year had become something of a whirlwind of activity and anticipation for them both. Only a few short months and they would both be free of the school, leaving their old lives and torments behind them! He had plans, college acceptance letters and scholarships and loans and grants, all done on the sly! And she was not going to be left behind, not if he could do anything about it! He had saved all the money he had earned. James purchased his own car, an ancient but reliable mailman jeep that he fixed up himself and painted black (and for once in his life, meeting his father's grudging approval). After graduation, he was going to drive to her house like some knight to rescue her from her mother and they'd drive off together to start fresh. James had planned on asking her right after the prom, the biggest night of their senior year. He even spent the rest of his money on a new pair of black framed glasses for the occasion! That she agreed to go with him helped to solidify his plans. Everything was going to be different after the prom. During the prom, too, it turned out, as they shared their far more than just their first kiss together. When she confessed her powers, James was hardly surprised. She fit the type perfectly as described in almost every book he had ever read on the subject: teenage girl, socially outcast, retiring in nature... It was funny how both fictional accounts of such things and documented historical records agreed on such matters. After years of being her friend, he finally declared his love for her. The rest? He would save for later, after the dance. Because it seemed like after that night, anything would be possible for them.

When their names were announced as King and Queen of the prom, James was both startled and suspicious. They were the least popular kids in school, how the hell did they get elected?? Only Sara seemed so happy, he couldn't protest. Once on stage, there followed... something. He couldn't remember what. Something went wrong, he thinks, and remains so. If only he could put his finger on it.

Come to think of it, if only he could put his finger on anything...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh gosh Justric! Break my heart! Poor Sara T_T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I thought it was a rather sweet proposal, myself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It was! It was very sweet. but you know she has to feel horrible because he doesn't realize hes dead and she knows she was to tell him T_T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There'll be a small delay. We're in the middle of a snow storm and I've been shoveling since 10 am. News says more to come, too. Funny thing is, it was 55 degrees and sunny this time yesterday!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So weird! And you're in new york, right? Does it normally snow this time of year over there?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

We're usually not "safe" until mid-April, although hopefully this will be the last big blow. Buffalo is known for its snowy winters. Even so, this one has been really strange. And get this: this friday and Saturday it's supposed yo jump back up into the mid-40s.

Okay, hot cocoa break done. Back to shoveling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Awwww, poor Justric. Have fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amused myself today by reading "Mira's Gone. It's Anna Now." It's really interesting to see the differences between my James and Thinker's Vincent! Though I have to say, I think Vincent is taking being dead just a bit better than James.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Haha Yeah I know! I like to try the same rp with different partners to see the differences in character takes, ya know? Its interesting to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey just letting you know school has been really busy. I'll post either today or tomorrow :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't be mad. :( I think I've just lost inspiration for the Mira rp. Do you think maybe we coudl start a different rp and come back to it if I get inspiration for it again?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That's hardly a reason to be mad! I will of course admit to disappointment (the details of the bedroom scene were going to come back to haunt both of them later.) That being said, I would far rather you be honest about things than to guilt you into going on with a story that just no longer held your interest!

(Laughing) Although I have to admit, I wish I had read this before I just finished replying!

Did you have ideas for another RP already?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

NO NO NO NO!!!!!!! I mistyped that. I meant this rp! The Anna rp! Not the MIra! I have plenty ideas for the MIra rp!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Laughing) Relax! If you want to shelve this one for now, that's fine, too!

But either way, the question remains the same: was there a different rp that you wanted to work on, then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, I have a few options.

An Avengers Based rp
A historical(WWII, Civil War, or Revolutionary War)
Or this Plot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh! Or a piratexprincess/prince or mermaid/mermanxpirate!!!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hm. Well, the Avengers RP is pretty much out; I fear I've been "comic-booked" to death over the years, and fanfic of that sort leaves me rather cold. The same for the football player scenario. All of my athlete characters start to blend in my mind after a bit.

Historical, now... I am an amateur history buff (as if the Puritan role-play we're in doesn't give you enough warning.) Here are a few ideas just to throw out at you in that vein:

1) The First World War - A German Zeppelin is shot down over the English countryside after a bombing run on London. The only survivor is a badly wounded airman who must depend upon the good graces of the Englishwoman who finds him and starts to care for him.

2) The First World War (fantasy) - A US citizen who felt he could not let Germany's atrocities go unanswered, he joins a Canadian regiment at the start of the war to find himself in France. By 1916, he's seen his share of horrors yet managed to survive. Now a sergeant, he finds himself trapped out in No Man's Land during a nighttime raid, the rest of his raiding party slaughtered. German artillery starts a barrage as a the enemy prepares to charge the English trenches and he's caught right in the middle. Then he spies a woman in white who seems completely out of place. He manages to drag her into a crater just as the shelling starts and saves her life. As the shelling stops, she abruptly vanishes. Throughout the rest of the war, she appears to him when no one else is around. They begin to form a reluctant relationship, one strained by the fact the he knows she's hiding some sort of secret. (Who she might be is left to you: time traveler from the past or future, figment of his imagination, visitor from an alternate timeline, etc...)

3) World War II - The Nazis complete their occupation of the Netherlands. A German Major from the Wehrmacht has been retired from the lines due to wounds (he walks with a cane), and has been given the job of co-ordinating all of the various organizations to make sure things run as cohesively as possible (Waffen-SS, Gestapo, Luftwaffe, local government officials, Dutch Nazi sympathizers, etc...) Due to staffing problems, he finds himself forced to draw upon Dutch locals to supplement his clerical pool, including a rather pretty young secretary. What he does not know is that it is her recently-deceased uncle's mansion that he has been given to as his residence and offices. What he also does not know is that she is Jewish.

4) Civil War Era - A "cannaller" and his crew on the Erie Canal become caught up with the Underground Railroad and reluctantly transport a pair of escaped slaves and their female conductor from Albany to Buffalo. While they are aware Federal marshals and slave hunters are probably on the hunt for their passengers, it seems the conductor has some forgotten to mention that she is wanted as well... and the person who wants her back will spare no expense for her return.

5) Prohibition - Double Dan is down on his luck. It most likely has something to do with always betting double or nothing. Having lost far more than he's won at the racetrack, he doesn't have an ever-loving dime in pocket. Not a plug nickel. Or a wooden one for that matter. After a really bad loss at Saratoga, he hoofs it to Buffalo in the hopes of placing a last bet that'll save his neck. Only, not having the scratch to place any more bets, he is forced to roam the streets and avoid being picked up by the gendarmes. When a young lady dressed to the nines is attacked in the alley he's sleeping in, he comes to her aid. Turns out, this doll is the widow of a pretty high roller, and she now owns a little speakeasy that is also down on its luck. A rival gang is making things tough for her, and she needs whomever she can get to help turn the tide. (This is sort of a cross between the webcomic Lackadaisy and the stories of Damon Runyon.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mermaid / Sailor idea - in the early 18th Century, a scholar who has lost everything he loved decides to commit suicide in the most unusual way: by stranding himself on a desert island in the Pacific. Little does he know that the island is also the central focus for a pod of mermaids! Their usual wont is to lure men into clutches, use them and then kill them (in some versions, they are cannibals as well.) Only being half-deaf, it's hard for any of them to lure him off of the island. So when one finally goes up on land to find out what the story is, she becomes puzzled at how unlike all the sailors, whalers, fishermen and so forth he is. He in turn is puzzled at what a beautiful young woman is doing out in the middle of the ocean to begin with and why is she naked?? As they both work to solve their questions about one another, the rest of the mermaid pod is getting upset that this man remains in their midst.
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