Space. The Final Frontier...OF ROCK AND ROLL!

UFO sighting at a rock concert...they're breakin' the law, breakin' the law.

TL;DR Summary

  • Science Fiction Comedy
  • A rock band is abducted from Earth through shady contracting practices and loopholes in Terran and Interstellar law...and put on tour in Space.
  • I honestly want to play the band. I'm looking for the long suffering tour guide, possibly a trapped and malevolent intelligence that runs the tour ship. Or some other variation of that theme. Both sides should be able to do multiple characters here.
  • Sex, Drugs and Rock N' Roll, but no probing without mutual consent.
  • Plot is inspired by "Space Jam," "This is Spinal Tap," the Rolling Stones, "Year Zero" (novel) and the work of Douglas Adams. As an homage to "This is Spinal Tap," there will totally be a drummer that is repeatedly cloned. And cloned from that clone...well, yeah, it doesn't go to a good place.
  • Yeah, rock. Let's face it, a rock band is going to get the most out of debauchery on a galactic scale. I don't see J-Pop artists doing all the drugs, do you?

In Character Info

Not everything that's happened at a rock concert has to do with the drugs, though that certainly helps fit everything that can happen, such as alien fan invasions at rock festivals, into the category of plausible deniability. Not everyone is smashed or baked, but no one takes reports of weird shit happening at these concerts seriously anymore. Good thing, otherwise the question of whether or not Humanity is alone would have been a moot one a long time ago.

Interstellar culture has been a fan of music since the 1960's, which is when the space race started, SETI was built and other things were put into place. As soon as alien anthropologists picked up the radio waves emanating from Earth in their study vessels, they started studying Earth culture with a heightened interest. Compared to the advanced standards of the aliens, Human art was laughably primitive, acting was 'so bad, it's good' and so on and so forth.

But what humanity had to offer was music. Aliens loved the music precisely because they were so bad at it, whereas Humanity could hit the sweet spot, every time. Often imitated but never duplicated, the hardest core of alien fans would try to sneak onto Earth just to attend a concert. But because of reasons, such as interstellar law, aliens were prohibited from making actual contact with Humanity, who were a long way off from becoming technologically advanced enough to cope with their place in the galaxy. As a stopgap measure, LSD was introduced into rock concerts by the galactic authorities as part of a damage control scheme designed to minimize the impact of these blockade running music fans.

The live concert was the ultimate temptation for whatever-illions and OMFGillions of Alien fans, dying to see humans play music first hand.

Enter the band; just getting famous off that first album, taking the rock-loving world by storm...and tragically perishing in a freak bus accident on ice somewhere in Canada.

They're a long way from home, and they have a legion of screaming, tentacle-waving fans waiting for them in packed arenas, literally everywhere.

Out of Character Info

First and foremost, this RP is definitely a parody. The band is a long way from home and forced to play for nefarious, shady aliens that want to make money off a real, live touring human band. Then again, that's not too different from most managers and promoters -- these guys just happen to be trans-dimensional horrors that have fangy sucker thingy tentacles. There's a lot of choices to be made by the characters, such as do they try to escape, do they try to rally alien allies to their cause? Do they bother to go home? Would they even be allowed to go home without being mind-wiped? Worse, would they have to assume a new identity, like Chad the Intern? So in a sense, they are captives, albeit pampered, beloved captives that have to figure out where they want to go with this.

I personally envision a rock band like the Stones, Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, Van Halen or Stone Temple Pilots because these groups have a debauched reputation and I think that it's a much more fun RP if the band is basically willing to try any type of pill, powder or drink put in front of them...good thing the ship has a cloning tank.

Beyond that, I'm all ears on variations on the plot and where it can be taken. If we're laughing a bit as we write, we're in the right place.