Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Major and Minor Characters

***Thread contains character death spoilers***



Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

CS PGS 1-40

Crow Lockton

Age: 21

Short Bio: Crow had made himself known all throughout the kingdom of Brerra with his thievery. His face was the one everyone saw plastered on wanted posters, and his name was the one whispered across the regions by peoples of every status. He had become thoroughly infamous as ‘the thief who could steal anything.’ He was a phantom in the night, gone before the king’s men even knew he was there. He was so elusive, it seemed like no one could catch him.

The only problem was that Crow was a braggart. To hasten the spread of his name, he boasted of his achievements in taverns, showing off his stolen prizes to the commoners who frequented them. In the end, it was this pride that turned out to be his downfall.

In an especially daring —or quite possibly foolish— move, Crow told the people that he was going to steal the king’s crown. It just so happened that one of the king’s informants was a frequent visitor of that particular tavern. He wasted no time in relaying the thief’s plan to the knights. So, on the night Crow made his attempt, they were ready and waiting for him.

He spent the following year in prison, until one day he received a message that the king himself wanted to speak with him… personally.

Time Skip

Two Years Later

Crow Lockton

Age: 23

Short Bio: WIP
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Buzzbee
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Penelope Vermillion

Age 22

Timeline for Penelope :

Year 1

Year 2

Bio/Personality : After growing so close to the infamous thief of Brerra, Penelope was not completely the same upon returning to her position as a knight. She's become less concerned with enforcing the law and no longer acts as coldly as she once did in order to live up to the standards of a knight. Many have come to see her as a bit rebellious due to this but her skills and accomplishments keep her reputation high among other knights.

Though she doesn't go out of her way to fit in with the standard anymore, she has a tendency to bottle up negative emotions even more than before, something that seemed to naturally develop as she had to keep about what happened with Crow to herself, and is usually a difficult person to get close to as she has built up walls that very few people get past. So far it seems the only person to have gotten past most of the walls is Olivia, merely since she knows more about what happened with Crow than anyone else.

However, Penelope hasn't completely changed. She is still stern, empathetic and selfless. Though her sense of humor and playfulness has died down a bit, it occasionally comes out when she is with those she is close to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Here's the other two knights:


Age: 35

Personality: Stubborn and serious. He is skilled in battle.


Age: 19

Personality: Curious and often quite oblivious to social cues. He is at least competent in battle.


Feel free to use them in your post, if you need to ^-^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buzzbee
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh sorry!!! I didn't see this before I posted!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

That's okay XD I can adjust the CS to fit your post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buzzbee
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I can just change that last little part to fit Lazarus if you want.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

That's okay, I fixed the CS :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buzzbee
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks! I'll work on my reply then. It'll probably be my last one for the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Okay! I'll reply tomorrow evening, because I'm going to bed soon
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Buzzbee
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

John Vermillion

Age : 50

Bio :

Sir Vermillion grew up as the son of elite nobles. He was raised to be a leader, a general. He followed his choosen path with the pride of his family and kingdom. At a young age, he was married off to the daughter of another elite family. The marriage was arranged for economic reasons as the Vermillions found themselves in debt due to his younger brother's arrogance. Not long after he was married, John was sent out into the king's guard and served for about two years before returning home to his wife. They ended up having their first born, Layth Vermillion.

Things seemed to be running smoothly in the household for a very decent amount of time. However, things changed when John found himself falling for one of the servant girls named Lilliana. She was pretty, hard working, and a kind soul. He found himself quite taken with her and struggled to keep his loyalty to his wife. But forced love can never stand in comparison to the real thing. He and Lilliana ended up seeing each other often in secret. After a while he began to neglected his really family and his wife started to become furious. She was going to banish Lilliana away until John heard word of her pregnancy and it was his. He choose to follow his heart rather tha his head and stood besides the servant instead of his wife. While the act was brave and touching, it left him a bad situation.

His wife left him with nothing but Lilliana, their unborn child and Layth, wanting nothing to do with John. His kin turned their backs on him and his new found family as they now had their own economic struggles since they had lost the aid that came from his marriage. He was forced to seek refuge with Lilliana's family who were poor peasants. They got by though. John took up a steady job as a local guard and at this time Layth was ten and already showing an interest in joining his father.

Then, Penelope was born. It was a cold winter and a hard birth. Lilliana ended up dying and Penelope seemed to be on the verge of following in her mother's footsteps. John was horrified and fell into a depression after her death but he still had Penelope and Layth to take care of. It was hard and he often sought help from Lilliana's sister to take care of Penelope and Layth while he continued to work for the guard.

It wasn't until Penelope reached the age of five when he finally caught a break. John had been rising through the ranks for years and once he had earned himself a respectable title, he sought forgiveness from his family and was able to move back into their manor with Layth and Penelope. From there, he continued to work as a valiant knight and passed his knowledge onto his children.

Penelope was and still is viewed as a mistake by his family. Due to this, he felt it necessary that she prove her worth as a fighter rather than becoming their servant or another housewife. He also keeps Penelope oblivious to the fact that her mother was a servant rather than a noble woman.

John is a man of few words and rarely shows any emotion. He keeps a wall built between him and his children, though he cares deeply for both(but he silently favors Penelope). Ever since Lilliana's death, he has become more cold hearted and shut off to the world. He buries himself into his work as a way to try and seal away the pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Buzzbee
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Layth Vermillion

Age : 30


Layth grew up in a very broken house hold and therefore, has become a bit broken from it. Abandoned by his birth mother, raised in a peasant setting, then back to nobility, and out of favor with his father. Layth strives to prove himself and often looks up to his father as inspiration.

He is very perceptive of people and can usually tell when a person is lying or telling the truth. He talks violently and, if pushed, will acted upon said feelings.

When it comes to his sister, Layth finds himself envious of her as he knows of his father's fondness towards her despite his cold act. For that reason, he is competitive with his sister (though Penelope is likely oblivious to it) and out does her in nearly every category. Not only is he competing for his father's affection, but he also harbors a deep grudge towards her and her mother for ruining his family. The rest of their family looks to Layth as becoming the next head, earning their love while Penelope is pratically shunned or forgotten.

He alwaysticks close to his father and so the two are rarely separated when working. However, he is quick to push Penelope away with any opportunity that prevents itself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

(This what I imagine Olivia to look like :D)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

(I got bored and did personality types for our side characters and I think they all fit pretty well cx Abraxas’ was kinda difficult to do considering we don’t use him too much lol but I think his still kinda fits him)

For Layth & William- https://www.16personalities.com/estj-strengths-and-weaknesses
For John - https://www.16personalities.com/infj-strengths-and-weaknesses
For Abraxas - https://www.16personalities.com/infp-strengths-and-weaknesses
For Olivia - https://www.16personalities.com/estp-strengths-and-weaknesses
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@BuzzingBee Love it~ What was Penelope's again? I remember Crow was ENTJ... almost the same as mine IRL actually XD (I swing between ENTP and ENTJ) Maybe that's why I love his character so much lol
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Penelope was an ISJF. Ironically the one I’m a INFP like Abraxas xD
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hartley Bennett
Younisian Thief

Age: 17

Personality/Bio: Wily and reckless, Hartley is the type of person to act first and think later. He became a thief only one year ago when his apprenticeship to a weapons smith didn't work out. His master had told him he was too impatient to make swords, so he would no longer teach him. Hartley began looking for other apprenticeships around his town, but because of his reputation for being dangerously impulsive, he couldn't find work. He wanted to move to another town, but he didn't have any money to his name. The uncertainty was what kept him planted until finally, his father told him to get a job and made him leave home.

With no options left, Hartley travelled to from town to town looking for work. However, no one would hire a homeless youth, so he remained penniless. He eventually ended up in a border village that hosted a large market every week. Even here, no one would take him on as an apprentice. He was left with one choice: steal to survive. Every week, when the merchants gathered to sell their goods, he snuck in and stole coin purses from unsuspecting peasants, using the money to pay for food and other necessities.

His skills as a thief grew with time, and now he considers the occupation to have been his fate all along.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Raulin Bennett

Age : 37

Personality/Bio : A simple peasant who’s the father of Hartley Bennett. He’s an uptight and proud man with a rigid up bringing of his own that has made him a stickler for tradition and hard work. He makes an honest living as a candlemaker and has built up a rather decent reputation for himself. Raulin, as a father, has never been the best. He often kept a distance from family life, only settling down because he had always been told that he should do. He married at the age of 19 to his wife, Isa whom was rather taken with the candlemaker who was able to provide her with a stable home.

A year later they had Hartley and would eventually come to find out that he would be their only son due to complications that Isa had during the pregnancy. Due to this, Raulin always put a large amount of pressure on Hartley to make something out of himself. After the boy failed his apprenticeship, was beyond disappointed and angry with the son he considered to be a failure. After being bugged by how some of the townspeople acted about his son’s impulsive nature and already angered by the failure, he kicked Hartley out of the house without second thought.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rogue Sloth
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Rogue Sloth Narcolepsy Unchained

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kip Fletcher
Younisian Basket Weaver

Age: 16

Personality: Soft-spoken and gentle. She embodies the desired qualities in a Younisian wife
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

[fixed the original c;]
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BuzzingBee
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gavin Hyde
Brerratic Knight

Age : 24

Bio/Personality : Gavin is a bit arrogant and very career driven. He can be a bit overly serious, not really one for having a great sense of humor or acting childishly. He does, however, have a charming and charismatic way about him that often gains him popularity as well as favor amongst other nobles. He can have a bit of a temper but is usually able to control it rather well. He is quite strict when it comes to adhering to the law, though usually doesn't push this onto others. While he does strictly follow the law, he does have his own grievances with it, which allows him to understand those that due break the rules. He’s got a kind-heart, often very understanding of others, with a strong sense of loyalty towards those he cares for. Gavin can actually be quite sweet and puts the needs of others before his own.

Gavin was raised by two very wealthy and busy nobles. He’s the middle child of his five siblings and the most forgotten one. Due to this, he was raised more so by the maid rather than his actual parents. It made him more sympathetic to the peasants as he never forgot who truly raised him. His years as a knight were spent as a local guard in one of the outer villages, where he quickly learned how harsh the world could be. Wanting to make a difference, he worked to rise up in power, and found that one of the easiest ways to do that was through marrying a knight who was already higher up in power.

Though their courtship began as a business move for Gavin, he's actually come to develop strong feelings for Penelope.

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