Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hmmm, while it does sound interesting, I don't think Odette would be with someone unless she really loves him. And as twisted as he may be, she would probably feel being with someone else is betraying Ben.
Perhaps, we can kind of mix both of our ideas? Like, rather than her having a fling with him, the four of them (Rey, Finn, Poe, and Odette), have to go undercover on some planet and so they pose as two couples (Rey and Finn as one and Poe and Odette as another). Ben sees this and thinks its real. He flips out in jealously, tracks Poe down, and badly injuring him? Then we could do the pairing with him and Tatooine girl later on once he's recovered?

What I'm thinking is that, perhaps, after the attack and her being held captive in secret by Snoke, she escapes and heads back to Luke's temple in hopes of finding him. Only he has already run off in shame of what happened with Ben. She's searching whats left of the temple for some sign of where he could have gone, when she finds a piece of the map to the first Jedi Temple. Now she has three of the four pieces and just needs to find the last piece (finding a clue of where it is in some of Master Luke's writings). She is preparing to leave, when a ship lands on the planet. This ship ends up being Leia, Han, Chewy, and some of the other rebels. Leia, having lost contact with Luke and fearing the safety of her son, came to the planet to see what happened. They bring Odette off of the planet, where she tells them what happened. At the news of this is when Han leaves and Odette tells Leia her plans of finding the first temple and continuing to train, basically hiding herself away. She knows she's not ready mentally to face Ben and decides to train until she is. With that, Leia gives her a ship and Odette leaves with BB-11, leaving BB-8 there with her as a means of Leia finding her if need be. I figure her meeting Leia is a bittersweet thing for both, considering for Odette this is the mother of the man she loves, and for Leia, Odette is kind of like a daughter in law in a way XD I can also see Leia telling Odette that she knew of her and Ben, Luke having told her long ago about the building relations between the two Jedi.

I figure Odette finds the last piece of the map to the last Jedi Temple (perhaps the temple Luke was at in the Last Jedi was not the First Temple, but still a very old temple). She hides herself away there, continuing to train. I figure we could have Luke die in some other way than the disappearing thing XD Something more dramatic, such as him being killed by Ben or dying protecting Leia. And after Luke dies and Rey still needing to finish her training, Leia knows they have no choice but to reach out to Odette again, Leia and all of them going to where Odette is to convince her to help them.

From there it'd be pretty open XD That's just my thoughts of how it could go. What do you think?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Also, quick question XD I noticed in your post that you already did the assassination of the padawans. Weren't we going to do the interactions between Ben and Odette before that? With Ben coming to her and after a short discussion between the two (seeing him in disarray and her asking what was wrong) he does the Force Sleep thing to her and hides her away to keep her safe? Only for her to wake and get injured by the Padawans he chose? Him thinking they killed her from seeing the hologram?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hmmm, while it does sound interesting, I don't think Odette would be with someone unless she really loves him. And as twisted as he may be, she would probably feel being with someone else is betraying Ben.
Perhaps, we can kind of mix both of our ideas? Like, rather than her having a fling with him, the four of them (Rey, Finn, Poe, and Odette), have to go undercover on some planet and so they pose as two couples (Rey and Finn as one and Poe and Odette as another). Ben sees this and thinks its real. He flips out in jealously, tracks Poe down, and badly injuring him? Then we could do the pairing with him and Tatooine girl later on once he's recovered?

What I'm thinking is that, perhaps, after the attack and her being held captive in secret by Snoke, she escapes and heads back to Luke's temple in hopes of finding him. Only he has already run off in shame of what happened with Ben. She's searching whats left of the temple for some sign of where he could have gone, when she finds a piece of the map to the first Jedi Temple. Now she has three of the four pieces and just needs to find the last piece (finding a clue of where it is in some of Master Luke's writings). She is preparing to leave, when a ship lands on the planet. This ship ends up being Leia, Han, Chewy, and some of the other rebels. Leia, having lost contact with Luke and fearing the safety of her son, came to the planet to see what happened. They bring Odette off of the planet, where she tells them what happened. At the news of this is when Han leaves and Odette tells Leia her plans of finding the first temple and continuing to train, basically hiding herself away. She knows she's not ready mentally to face Ben and decides to train until she is. With that, Leia gives her a ship and Odette leaves with BB-11, leaving BB-8 there with her as a means of Leia finding her if need be. I figure her meeting Leia is a bittersweet thing for both, considering for Odette this is the mother of the man she loves, and for Leia, Odette is kind of like a daughter in law in a way XD I can also see Leia telling Odette that she knew of her and Ben, Luke having told her long ago about the building relations between the two Jedi.

I figure Odette finds the last piece of the map to the last Jedi Temple (perhaps the temple Luke was at in the Last Jedi was not the First Temple, but still a very old temple). She hides herself away there, continuing to train. I figure we could have Luke die in some other way than the disappearing thing XD Something more dramatic, such as him being killed by Ben or dying protecting Leia. And after Luke dies and Rey still needing to finish her training, Leia knows they have no choice but to reach out to Odette again, Leia and all of them going to where Odette is to convince her to help them.

From there it'd be pretty open XD That's just my thoughts of how it could go. What do you think?

This sounds good. I don't have anything to add to it. Also, "awww" I love the way Odette is cheering for Ben. Knowing she's alive is going to send him into chaos.

Also, quick question XD I noticed in your post that you already did the assassination of the padawans. Weren't we going to do the interactions between Ben and Odette before that? With Ben coming to her and after a short discussion between the two (seeing him in disarray and her asking what was wrong) he does the Force Sleep thing to her and hides her away to keep her safe? Only for her to wake and get injured by the Padawans he chose? Him thinking they killed her from seeing the hologram?

Also forgive me. I jumped the gun on this cause honestly I kind've forgotten that conversation. I could go back and rewrite it or we could assume these things happened (Odette being put to sleep and faked killed). Also I'm going to edit that post to include the chosen Padawans as well.

Again, my bad. My head is a tad scrambled and foggy at the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

If you want, you could copy and save that post in a word doc or something for a few posts from now (since obviously he's going to leave with everyone dead in a few posts anyway XD and we could write the part with the interactions between her and Ben. And perhaps what happens when he sees the hologram (probably killing the Padawan or two that did that to Odette?)?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody Will do. Just give me a second and I'll let you know when its ready.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Awesomesauce x3
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody Alright, so I've edited the post. Let me know if you're okay with it : )
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


It was fine XD I'm so excited for all of this haha. We're finally getting to the main meat of the story X3
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody I know lol. It only took us over 100+ posts :D
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lol, yep.

I'm going Pokémon catching with my brother and will be back in a few hours. I'll post then.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Just got back from catching Pokemon lol. Gunna start on my post XD
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody Great, I might be up when you finish, might not.

Regardless, how'd the hunt go?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Finished my post :)

It went okay. We have a Duskull nest nearby and so we spent quite a lot of time there trying to get a shiny (none so far, but we'll try again another day). I hatched about 11 Alolan eggs and finally got all of the Alolan forms that are out so far, so that's a plus. Oh, and we caught a Snorlax. So, while we didn't get a shiny, it was still fun.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody That sounded more eventful than I imagined it would be. That's good though.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@RennyOh, with me and my brother it is XD We race to click on the Duskulls in hopes of getting the first Shiny. We're always screwing each other up, knocking pones out of each others hands and stuff (we're in the car, so we know it won't break lol). He's the normal annoying older brother. There was also other Pogo players there as well trying to catch a shiny, so we had to race to click on them before others did as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody lol, sounds like a blast. Well my post is up, hope you enjoy the read.

EDIT: Also, that song from earlier, its taking on such a sad interpretation for me. Playing Ben Solo turning into Kylo Ren is kind of giving the song a new life for me. It's almost bitter-sweet. Cause I want that love for him but he's tossing it aside, willingly at that. :(

Still a great song though.

Kylo x Odette forever lol.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Renny That was an awesome post x3 I'm still kinda waking up, but once I'm not so tired I'll start on my post.

Also, I just kinda thought of something to hit Ben hard. What if after she wakes up, Odette sees the destruction and heads back to her hut (currently left untouched in the destruction). There she finds that Ben had packed a bag for the two of them of things they would need (books, her saber, and other things Ben would find essential to take with him when leaving). From there, She writes him a note and slips it into the bag, knowing he'll return for it, along with a trinket. I'm thinking he gave her something a while back such as a necklace or ring, to represent their connection and commitment to one another (maybe even something that represents engagement if we wanted to go that far). That way, after she if 'dead' and he returns to Snoke, given a living quarters and such, he opens the bag and finds it, hitting him with the feels xD

Edit: Also, I just posted the profile for Tatooine girl. Hopefully her story isn't too similar to Anakin's lol. I figured there must have still be plenty of slaves and such on that desert planet XD Let me know if you feel its too similar though I can edit it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobody Maybe not engagement. I can't see Ben doing something like that while planning the destruction of everything he loved. Probably a precious memento or something. As for the idea, I'm all for it, especially the note.

The girl is a bit like Anakin but who says he was the only slave to escape Tatooine lol. Also I like her but I'm wondering if she needs an entire profile. We're focusing on Ben x Odette right? like Poe x Terra is a side-story.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yeah, she's just a side character xD I just got bored and flushed her out haha.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@AHeartlessNobodyOh lol. My bad for the 3rd degree
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