Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"It's definitely worth it, I'll say that." Steve said in agreement to them sneaking around. He wasn't a man who liked secrets, especially when it came to people he cared about... He could give you a pretty big list on things Nick Fury and him argued about because of the little details he forgot to mention as he dove to risk his life only for his personal agenda... But this was kept a secret because they worked in a very dangerous field of work, and people would love to know any weakness on the infamous Agent 13 and Captain America...

When she called him a bachelor, Steve gave a laugh and smile at her, shaking his head. "Is that so? Never been called a bachelor before, that's more of Stark's profession." Steve moved his hands down her back. It was nice knowing that very few have gotten to know Sharon the way he did... And even fewer were able to give her a back massage, which was even nicer... But there was the constant nagging in the back of his head.There was a minute of silence as Steve kept massaging her back until Steve blurted out the question quietly "What do you know about this Winter Soldier?" He probably just killed the mood, but he couldn't pretend like the thought of this mystery guy getting the best of him and killing innocents wasn't eating away at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Him agreeing that keeping their relationship a secret just made her heart sing with joy. Secrets weren’t always a bad thing, and this was an example of one of those times. Simply because they didn’t have much of a choice; if they told others they could be in a lot of trouble within work and the possibility of real life causing one of them to get into danger. This secret was better kept a secret. Smiling softly to herself, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the massage, giggling softly at his response about being a bachelor as a profession of Stark’s… wasn’t that the truth!

His next question threw her off slightly; though, at the same time, she shouldn’t be too surprised. He was always such a caring and gentle soul that she should have expected it to be on his mind. “I don’t know anything.” She said softly sounding disappointed that she didn’t have more information. “The only thing I know is that both Clint and Natasha flinched at the name; either they know something or they’ve heard something. Either way… it’s, it’s not good…” A small sigh left her before she rose to her feet. “Your turn, sit down on the ground.” She said softly with an inviting smile as she gestured for him to sit; can you blame her for being excited? It was Captain America after all, Steve Rogers; also known as her neighbor and one of the best men she had ever met.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steve listened to Sharon talk about the Winter Soldier, and she didn't know much about this guy. He wasn't expecting much. From what he can tell, this man was a serious threat, and there was a lot of mystery surrounding this man. His thoughts were once again focused on Sharon who stood up, telling him to sit down on the ground. He stood up, giving her a smile. Sharon was really a one in a million type gal. He didn't really know what it was about her, maybe it was because when they first met she didn't really know who he was. He was just a guy to her.

Steve sat down in front of the couch, and it wasn't long until Sharon's hands went to work. He was probably beyond tense with everything that's been happening... But her hands were doing wonders, and he closed his eyes, moving his shoulder around lightly as it felt much better than it has. "I think Natasha knows more than Clint." Steve concluded. "When Director Fury mentioned his name, it was one of the first times I've seen Natasha scared and Clint go pale..." He said quietly. Steve gave a quick sigh of pleasure at Sharon's massage.

"The sooner we get this guy the better off we'll all be." He still hasn't forgot that this Winter Soldier tried to kill Sharon, and succeeded in taking out their whole head quarters... He was being ridiculous. He was getting a back massage by a beautiful girl after a romantic night and he was talking about some merc who happened to get away... He turned his head to look up at her, giving a smile. "I'd also like to point out that a lot of SHIELD agents would kill to be in my position right now, being with one of the 'sexiest and deadliest' agents in SHIELD history." Steve let out another sigh, closing his eyes. "And if they knew that you gave incredible back massages, I would have a lot more competition."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Sharon’s small hands worked Steve’s large shoulders. It was amazing to touch someone like him in such a fashion. She could feel his muscles relaxing under her hands as she began to work. His back was warm because of the heating pad and he seemed to relax, even as he spoke about the feelings that were apparent from both Natasha and Clint’s reaction. She nodded softly as she continued to work ever-so lovingly on his back and shoulders.

It was hard to believe that everything was happening. Between the destruction of headquarters, living in Stark’s Tower, Natasha wanting her and Steve to date even though they were already kind of something, and now they were neighbors once again except… Stark lived on the other side. That wasn’t exactly the most pleasant of ideas but she could live with it if Steve and she could keep having their secret.

When he looked back at her, she looked down at him with a small smile on her face. His comment not only made Sharon laugh but blush very hard as well. “Most people wouldn’t put me under the category. At least from what I hear that is mostly used to describe Natasha but I’m beyond flattered that you feel that way.” Leaning down she gave the side of his neck a gentle kiss. “But I will tell you,” She said in a whisper in his ear. “Any woman working in the building, any woman walking the street and any woman who has access to history or news would love to be in my shoes right now.” Her hands traveled up his shoulders and draped down across his chest, feeling his firm peck muscles under her small soft hangs. “The Bachelor and heart throb of S.H.I.E.L.D. isn’t start Steve…” She said softly her lips gently kissing his neck up to his ear once again. “It’s you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steve smiled up at her, seeing her face blush a bit at his comment. He laughed a bit at her words, and then leaned his head to the side slowly. "You would be surprised to hear what everyone has to say about you, Miss Carter." Steve said. Then she leaned in to whisper in his ear. It sent shivers down his spine as he listened, giving a soft smile. He never thought about those things. He never thought about what people might think of him with his actions. He just wanted people safe. Justice, Freedom... Her body leaned on Steve's, her hand on his chest, and he could feel his heart beating faster. She had that effect on him.

He put his hands on her arms, moving his head to kiss her cheek. "Well, I'm completely fine with just being Steve Rogers, the kid from Brooklyn who, depending on who you ask, got very lucky surviving a lot of things..." Looking back at his life, he should have died a very long time ago, with so many medical visits as a kid, getting injected with a revolutionary steroid, dive bombing in the Arctic, and fighting an alien army in New York... He's cheated death a bit more than most people. "And i wouldn't want any other gal right here with me. You're one in a million, Sharon." He gave a small smile and gave a then kissed her on the lips.

"How much longer do you think we got until everyone starts walking up stairs?" Rogers asked, rubbing her arm with his hand gently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sharon would be surprised to hear what other people say about her around the office. She used to be a pencil pusher until she showed amazing physical skill in the field and tactical thought pattern. When she began an agent, people she used to work with were very impressed and continued contact with her. But it wasn’t until she developed a friendship with Black Widow that her friends out of the field began to ignore her. Who knows what circles of things were being said about her, especially after Tony Stark saved her from the falling building; little did they know that it wasn’t Iron Man who she was interested in. Though, most people wouldn’t put her as being interested in Steve Rogers thanks to his relationship with her aunt way back when.

Resting her head gently against his shoulder, she breathed softly against his neck, her eyes closed as she listened to him to him speak. A small laugh left her as he called her one in a million and she gently kissed his neck. “And so are you Steve and I am very lucky to be here with you.” Upon the mention of the other people coming up the stairs she let out a sigh, knowing full well that at any moment one of them could be knocking on either his door or hers.

A shrug lifted her tiny shoulders as she gently rubbed her hands against his chest. “I’d say maybe an hour or so. But my door’s locked and the only other person with a key is here with me. So I’m not too concerned. Are you?” She asked sweetly looking over his shoulder at his face with a smile across her full lips.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steve liked the feel of her hands on his chest, the breath on his neck, and the smell of her hair. When asked if he was concerned about these circumstances, he shook his head, looking over at Sharon as she did to him, returning the smile. "Not one bit." Steve said, leaning over to kiss her yet again. In that moment, Steve got an idea. "Hold this thought, I'll be right back." Steve sat up, and very quietly, left the room to go get something from his...

Steve came back holding a notebook and a pencil, closing the door and making sure it was locked. "Alright, I need you to stay still for a little bit. Its a surprise, and you just gotta trust me." Steve said, a small smile on his face as he sat down in front of Sharon. Steve had a lot of little secrets and hobbies. Very little people knew that Steve was actually a skillful artist... He liked to keep that a secret. No one really would expect someone like him to be able to draw rather well. He liked to do it in his past time, and he's been wanting to draw something specific for a long time now. Now was their chance.

While Steve started drawing, the two started talking lightly. Jokes, Steve yet again discussing on how disappointed he was that the Brooklyn Dodgers moved to San Diego (and how he hated the Yankees). And not before long, his drawing was finished. "Alright, it isn't as good as the real thing... but its not bad." Steve said quietly, a bit nervous if she would appreciate it. He turned the notepad around to show the sketch of Sharon, a very realistic one at that. Steve gave another weak smile. "Lay it on me, Don't hold back." Steve said with a laugh, still holding the notepad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Sharon’s heart sank a bit when he said that he wanted her to hold the thought and he got up from her. What was the thought she was thinking? Or supposed to be thinking? She was, at first, thinking about how good looking he was, how amazing he was and how wonderful he treated her. Then she had begun to think about what Director Fury would say if he found out about their relationship. Or whatever this is? The thought disappeared as she watched him walk out the door and she continued to think about them together instead.

When he returned, he came back with a notebook and a pencil. Her eyebrows raised slightly as he sat down in front of her. But they kept their conversation light and fun, she gave him a small smile as he talked and she responded. It wasn’t until he turned the picture to her that his eyes went wide and bright in surprise as she reached forward and took the notebook from him.

“Oh my god Steve this is incredible!” She shot her blue eyes up looking at him in the face. “It looks like a photo! Wow!” Her gaze moved back to the drawing in shock. She handed the book back to him before leaning forward. “What else can you do Steve?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steve smiled and blushed a bit when she showed interest in the picture. He let her look at it closely, running a hand through his hair. He took the picture back, and when asked what else he could do, he simply shrugged. "Well, I can't get rid of all my secrets, Miss Carter." Steve put aside the notebook and took a position next to Sharon. "I heard that with time, people start to know each other's secrets when they're in a relationship--" Steve stopped what he was saying. He gave a nervous laugh. "I mean, if we were in a relationship, I didn't meant to say that, or... assume that we were...Sorry." Steve started to ramble, and soon started to trip on his own words.

He guessed they never announced that they couldn't see anyone else... Or how long this would last. Steve never thought of it that way, though. As he's said a lot of times, he has never been in a relationship, and what he had with Sharon was the closest thing to one. He liked the thought of Sharon being his girlfriend, even if they couldn't publicly announce it... but he didn't want to jump in to conclusions. He liked to think that she liked the idea too... Now there was no avoiding the conversation, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The annoucement of them being a couple, in a relationship probably wouldn’t be taken too well. The Avengers were a huge deal and having them be single was a great publicity thing. It wasn’t uncommon to see signs that claim someone wants to marry them out along the streets or talks of what someone would do to win over an Avenger. Even within the office girls and guys alike plot ideas and make plans on how to win over one of the Avengers but no one has had the guts to go through with them. Listening to the men plan over how to win Black Widow’s heart was always funny and the girl’s idea of ‘what the men would want’ was always humorous as well. But she never thought she’d be here, face to face with Captain America and hear him say that they were in a relationship.

He stumbled over his words like the awkward kid from Brooklyn that he still was on the inside. It was great to see that his outside appearance hasn’t changed his noble and modest heart. Sharon liked him, she really did and could you blame her? She had wanted him ever since she was a child. Reaching forward she placed both her small hands on his face and rested her forehead against his. “You’re not the only one who’s assuming that we’re in a relationship Steve, I’m thinking the same thing.” She said with a small nod as a smile moved across her face. “So if you want to call this a relationship, know that I do as well. And if you want ‘seal the deal’ you need to do it with a kiss.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It was official. Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter were no longer on the market. Steve never looked at any other person the same way he did Sharon ever since he first met her, but now that they set it in stone, he had much more of a reason not to. Her words were music to his ears, and he had no problem sealing this with a kiss. He leaned forward, and their lips enveloped with each other. This time it felt even better than before.

As much as he didn't like it, Steve left for his room a bit later. He didn't want to impose on staying any longer, and he didn't want to somehow get caught. He knew they both needed their rest for the events tomorrow. They were finally going to get some answers on this Winter Soldier. Steve watched the city below for a while, though. His mind thinking about so many things. How far deep does this security breach go? Who was in on it? Why did they attack him, and Sharon? Who was this Winter Soldier? Then of course the thought of Sharon went through his mind. How she almost died because of this guy. Twice. He didn't know how, or when, but Steve Rogers was going to make sure this guy is caught.


The next morning felt tense. It was finally the day that Nick Fury was going to debrief them, and tell them everything he found out about this recent compromise. Steve was one of the first up. There was no way that he would be able to go outside for his morning run, so the next best thing was Stark's gym. He spent a while in there, trying to ease his mind, waiting for the call to come back up to the penthouse to finally get in to action. The time went on, though. The more there was no word from Fury, the more frustrated Steve got. He was starting to lose his patience. That was until Jarvis' voice came through the speakers. "Captain Rogers, you are needed back upstairs." The voice said. Steve sighed, grabbing a towel and wiping off his forehead as he made his way back up to the penthouse on the top floor.

He was confronted by the whole crew sitting down, glancing over at him. Tony was right next to Sharon, he's probably been trying to flirt with her for god knows how long. Little did he know, that she was officially in a relationship. Rogers walked towards the group, the towel around his neck, still in his workout attire. The frowned slightly though when he saw that Nick Fury was not here. Instead, there was Maria Hill. "Glad to see you put on your Sunday best, Rogers." Maria said, standing in front of everyone. Steve didn't bother coming up with anything, anyone who knew Maria Hill knew that she was at times much scarier than Nick Fury.

"Where's Fury?" Stark decided to ask, arms crossed against his glowing chest. "He won't be joining us today, he has been held up. But that doesn't mean we aren't starting in finding out all we can." This made everyone uneasy. There had to be a very good reason why Fury wasn't here. The glass screen that was Stark's television came to life. "I'd like to start by saying every single one of you in this room are trusted with this information. No one outside, not even coworkers, will know about this." She said before standing up a bit more straight.

"The SHIELD building was blown up by a chemical bomb near the foundation of the building. From the inside." Maria said. "Our resources say they were there for two different reasons. One was to recover a chemical that Agent 13 stole... And the other reason was to eliminate Agent 13." She said casually. Everyone turned to look at Sharon, then back at Maria.

"Upon further investigation, we are also certain that a man codenamed the Winter Soldier was at the scene as well." Natashia and Clint seemed to move a bit uneasy. "After Captain Rogers encountered him, there was no other sign of him..."

"While investigating possible containment breaches, we came across the name 'Arnim Zola'" After Maria said that name, Rogers stepped forward. "He was Red Skull's second in command. Why is he being brought up now?" Steve asked.

"Good question. We dug as deep as we could, and before unknown security safeguards pushed us out, we got some coordinates." The screen turned to a picture of a run down military base, with a weathered steel sign in front of a rusted gate with the words 'Camp Lehigh' printed on it. Once again, Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "That's the camp I was trained at..." Steve said quietly. Once again Maria nodded. "We don't know why, but it seems that our only lead to the mole in our system is here. There's been a few instances of electronic frequency here in the last few decades, which is suspicious since this place hasn't had running electricty since the 40's. Fury wants a team lead by Rogers to go check this place out, since he's the most familiar with the Zola, and this base."

Everyone's attention turned to Steve, where he simply nodded. "And Fury has also added two new agents in to this roster, but they only need to know the basics..." Maria warned as the doors to the elevator opened. In came two people Steve knew rather well. The first one was Brock Rumlow. He was a very skilled covert-ops SHIELD Agent who has saved Steve's life more than once on field missions. He gave a smile and nod to Steve as he walked in. The other person was one he also met recently, but became close friends with.

Sam Wilson was a man Steve met right after the battle of New York. He had medical treatment in Washington DC, and one of the people assigned in the same room was Sam. He was a war vet who lost his field partner in a mission gone bad. He was also covert-ops, but for the United States Army. Sam kept Steve sane in that place, with laughs and joking around. Besides Sharon, he was truly the only person who treated him like a guy, and not a walking legend. They also boxed together, and Wilson can throw a mean jab.

"Captain. Nice to meet you again." Brock said with a small salute. Steve returned it. Same gave a look around the room, went wide eyed for a bit, then looked at Steve. "Hey, man. How're you doing?" He asked with a smile. Steve shrugged. "I'm doing alright, still recovering from the bruise you gave me after that mean upper cut to the jaw." Steve said jokingly, making Sam laugh. "yeah, you gotta watch out for the 'Wilson Combo'" He said jokingly, then turned to the rest of the crowd. "Uh... wow. First time I've been in a room with a god, billionaire, and well... every other badass in the country." Wilson with, giving a wave and smile to everyone.

"So, Cap, Hill, what do the rest of us do while Steve's party goes out?" Stark asked. "Whoever doesn't accompany Rogers on his mission will stay here, and if I hear anything else from Fury, will give you your own work to do."

"Alright. Sharon, Natasha, Clint, Suit up. We're going to take a little drive to Jersey." Rogers said, pointing to all the SHIELD operatives. he knew that every single one of these people want to know about the truth just as much as he did. It would be unfair to have them sit out. He then turned to Brock and Sam. "You two got your suits too?" Rogers asked. Both nodded. "We're ready when you are."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Of course Sharon thought he’d say yes and kiss her, but that doesn’t mean that she didn’t have a worry. What if she wasn’t good enough for Captain America himself? What if she wasn’t this or that and he didn’t like something about her. It could be an ordeal but it wasn’t. He leaned forward and kissed her, enveloping his lips against hers. A shiver moved through her body as she placed her hand gently against his cheek and tilted her head. This was an amazing feeling and something she never wanted replaced!

The night was a magical one of simple situations met; relaxing on the couch, watching tv and kissing each other. It was simple, sweet and very much what they needed. Who knows when the next time they’d have a chance to be a couple again? Simply put they wanted to spend as much time together as they could and even when Steve left, she was still on a mental high thanks to her new boyfriend… god that felt good to think!

The next morning rolled around and like a good agent; she dressed in her shield clothing and began to venture into the meeting room. What she expected was the Avengers to be there; and her boyfriend, that handsome man in the Captain America outfit. Sitting next to Stark was uncomfortable but she kept dodging and avoiding any of his questions and comments he said. Sighing softly she ran her hands through her hair before looking up at Maria, someone she had known for a long time and even she gave her the look of ‘I’m sorry’ prior to Steve’s arrival.

The mood of the room began to shift as the questions arose about the Winter Soldier and what he stood for. The mention of Red Skull’s second in command made the group jump slightly and the mention of the camp made Sharon’s eyes flick to Steve, even she knew of that camp thanks to her Aunt’s stories. Her eyes widened slightly as she turned her attention back to Maria listening closely to what she had to say. But it wasn’t until it was mentioned that they were adding in two new people would be joining their little group of amazing individuals. The first person that walked in surprised her a bit and the blonde turned her head away for a moment before looking back. Three years ago… it was three years ago but three years still wasn’t a long enough time for past feelings not to disappear.

“Sharon.” Brock said softly with a tender smile to her. Sharon looked back up at him, and returned his smile with a standard smile she gave everyone, even Stark. “Brock, nice to see you.”

“Heard you had gotten in with the Avengers, good for you.” Brock said softly with a nod and a smile. They used to care about each other in a romantic fashion but not anymore… at least Sharon hoped that was a case.

“It’s been an experience.” She said with a small laugh before looking at the new person that had entered. It was hard to believe that these people would join them.

Soon they were suiting up ready go to and as Natasha and Sharon left, Brock fell into step with her. “Sharon, when we’re all done for the day, do you want to go out for a drink or…”

“Brock,” Sharon said softly as she adjusted the sleeve of her body suit. “I’m flattered but what we had is over and besides I… I’m already seeing someone.”

That got Natasha’s attention rather quickly; her red hair jerked looking up at Sharon with a sense of shock. Sharon, on the other hand, kept her attention forward, a small smirk playing on her face as she straightened out her suite and rounded the corner to load into the back of the hummer truck for the ride. “Captain.” Sharon said as they climbed into the back giving him a nod. Going past him, she took a seat and Natasha sat across from her, her eyes flicking between Sharon and Steve. Sharon kept her attention away from Natasha not giving her any ideas but, it was too late. The redhead smirked hard indicating that she had figured it out and the blonde merely shrugged.

“Captain.” Sharon started, turning her attention to him as he arrived in the back of the truck. “What can we expect from this location? Could there be hidden land mines or traps that we should be aware of?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steve was immediately brought to the side by Maria. "Are you sure you can keep these guys occupied?" Steve asked. As he turned around Banner and Stark were already talking, walking towards the lab overlooking the penthouse. Thor on the other hand was clearly in thought. On what, Steve didn't know. He wasn't of this world, but he cared for earth very much. Right now, though, this was Steve's fight. He crashed down in the Arctic thinking that he took HYDRA down for good. With Arnim Zola being brought back in to things, and his old camp, he felt like he had some unfinished business. Maria shrugged. "I'll keep them busy. Just find out whats over there." She said. Steve gave a nod and smile before walking off. "And Rogers!" Steve stopped and turned to look back at Hill. "Be careful, we don't know what you'll find there." She said rather softly. Steve nodded once more, and with that went to the locker room.

He was once again stopped by the sound of someone tapping on glass. Looking up at where the noise was, Tony was waving him to come up. He quickly walked up to see Tony and Bruce working on something, but soon swiping it away. "Steve. We got a present for you." Stark said with a smile. Steve raised his eyebrows, curious. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I couldn't sleep last night. This whole, SHIELD conspiracy and that Winter Soldier guy... Anyway, I made some modifications to our suits. I started off with yours, and by the time you all get back, we will all have little features to help." A hologram of his suit popped up, and the forearm lit up. "We put a magnet on your forearm that only attracts your shield. So if you happen to loose it in battle, just give your glove a little squeeze, and you'll have your shield fly back towards you... oh, and we added a bit more padding in your suit. After seeing what that metal armed guy carries, we don't need our 'glorious leader' to fall..." Tony said the last part sarcastically, but had a warm smile. "Hurry up and figure this out so the rest of us can play."


Steve Rogers wore his red white and blue suit, holding his helmet in his hand, and putting the shield on his back. He looked at his left forearm where the magnets were places, flexing his hand to see how it worked as he stood in front of the driver's door of the Hummer. He immediately looked up when he saw Sharon walk by, giving a "hello" as she climbed in to the car. "I call shotgun." Sam said as he walked towards the car, eyeing it. "Man, the best of the Avengers, eh?" He said.

"Well we usually take a giant jet, but with the cost of fuel nowadays and SHIELD trying to stay low..." Steve trailed off, and Sam shrugged in agreement. "Well, lets get this show on the road."

Everyone soon climbed in to the Hummer, Steve being the last to go in. As soon as he got in, Sharon asked him what to expect, and to be honest, he really didn't know. It had been over 70 years since he's seen the place, and he looked a lot different as well. But he sat down, giving a sigh. "From what I know, it was mostly used as a training facility, specifically for the Super Soldier project." Steve closed the door to the car, and hit the wall to indicate they were ready to move out, and soon the car went to life, and started to drive out of the underground garage, and in the Streets of Manhattan, heading for New Jersey. "Looking at the pictures of the place, its run down, forgotten... But if I this place is the prime suspect to find this Winter Soldier guy, then who knows what we'll find. Just stay alert.

The ride was a long one, and as they all sat tense, and ready to be there, Sam spoke up. "So... Rumor has it that no one can lift Thor's hammer expect him. Is that true?" Sam and Brock looked at Clint, Natasha, and Steve for a response, and they looked at each other. "Yeah, its true. But Cap over here made it move a bit." Natasha said with a smile, Steve only smiled and shook his head. "Nah i didn't, it was a late night, most of drank too much, and tried to lift the hammer. Nothing happened." Steve said with a nod. "Whoeverso holds this hammer,is of pure heart, is worthy to be Thor' or whatever. None of us were worthy." Clint said in a Thor impression, making a few of them smirk. "So has he ever left it on a toilet seat, or something weird like that to mess with you guys?"

"No, not yet, and don't give him any ideas. The last thing we need is him finding another way to mess with us." Clint said with a fake stern voice, making the car laugh. For a moment the mood was light, like they weren't going to try and hunt down a killer. The talk was short, and light. Occasional questions popped up on whether or not what they expected to find at an abandoned military base, but the only real way to find out was to go there themselves.

After a long road trip, they were there. Steve climbed out first, his helmet on, shield on his hand. He glanced around at the scenery. The abandoned and run down fort was surrounded by a thick forest, the gate still in tact but rusting. The buildings were old, with moss and vines growing on the side of the brick walls, and out the windows. An old flag pole stood near the entrance, the flag blowing dimly in the wind. The sun was low in the sky. They spent the whole day driving, but all of them were wide awake, alert.

Steve walked to the locked gate, and with a quick swipe of his shield, the lock broke, and the gate opened. Steve was having a hard time being here. It brought back a lot of memories. The team all walked in, the place very quiet. Steve noticed the field where he and his fellow soldiers would do their morning push ups (Steve would always be on the verge of vomiting after the workout). He saw his old barracks, the track they would run for hours, and the place he first met Peggy Carter. He looked at it all, his spine shivering a bit.

"Hey, you alright?" Sam's voice said, looking at Steve with concern. Steve nodded. "yeah... Just a huge sense of deja vu." He looked at Sharon for comfort for a second or two, finding ease in seeing her face, but knew he had to look away before looking a bit too suspicious to the rest of the team.

The team started to walk carefully around the base, but it didn't take long for Steve to notice something out of the ordinary. "Regulations state that firearm bunkers aren't supposed to be this close to the Barracks..." Steve said out loud, walking to the steel door, and with a bit of ease, kicked the door right open, the sunlight revealing a much cleaner and fresher floor, and Steve was sure that this place was built much later after World War II ended. Steve looked at the group. "Found our first clue. You guys ready?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The idea of returning to this specific training ground must be hard for Steve but Sharon did her best not to look at him. However her heart pulled tightly as they walked through the base. Oh god… it looked so much like the pictures her aunt had showed her. So many stories of her time with the Captain played like movies in her head. She could hear her aunt’s voice reliving the story of when Steve Rogers jumped on what he thought was a live grenade and insisted that everyone left for their own safety. He was truly the perfect man for the project they were working on and her aunt knew it from the moment she saw him.

Peggy Carter admired Steve Rogers and there was no doubt about that. Young Sharon Carter used to sit cross legged on the floor in front of the chair of her Aunt listening closely to the stories about working and living on the base. The annoyance of Howard Stark (like father like son huh?), the darkness of the War and the admiration she had for Captain America both before and after he crashed. That caring and completely unselfish nature of Steve Rogers was an inspiration for both Carter women; Peggy who got to meet him in person and Sharon who lived vicariously through her aunt’s memories… until recently. Who would have thought the Carter women would fall for the same man.

The five walked around the grounds, all steady with their hands on their weapons and prepared for the worst. Walking into the firearm bunkers was intense and even Agent 13 was holding her breathe as they entered inside. Nothing looked out of the ordinary but if this wasn’t supposed to be here than something was very wrong. “Captain.” She said, speaking before anyone else, “What looks out of place?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The only light coming through the bunker was from the moonlight from the door. Steve glanced around as the small team walked in cautiously. The room was just like any other firearm bunker. It had items that would be considered relics now sitting on shelves on or desks and things like that, and they had a fine line of dust on it... But then there were counters he noticed that seemed to be recently used, no sign of aging. The floors were well kept as well. His focus was kept looking around the room, but he heard the voice of Sharon Carter by his side. He didn't answer at first, his eyes scanned every inch of the place. Natasha, Clint, Sam, and Brock all stood cautiously around the perimeter. He held up his hand to silent and stop everyone from moving, and they did so almost instantly. Steve listened very carefully... And he heard it.

A very faint and soft whistling was heard... "There's a draft somewhere." Steve finally said, glancing and listening. He slowly walked towards a large gun rack in the back of the wall. He listened closely, and put his hand around the edges until he felt a cold chill and whistle. He found it. Steve felt all around the sides of the rack, and he finally found a small button. he pressed it, and the rack started to sink into the back of the wall, and then moved to the side, revealing a secret hallway to a staircase that lead down into darkness. The group huddled around it, staring down.

"Alright... Who wants to go down the mysterious, creepy-as-hell staircase first?" Clint asked, a small smirk forming on all of their mouths. "Age before beauty, I guess." Steve said with look back to everyone, and then taking the first steps down. Steve as well as everyone else made it down the staircase with flashlights shining. This was obviously built before the 40's. The stairs ended in a hallway, still pitch black. "What is this place?" Sam asked quietly.

"Steve." Natasha called out, nodding towards a wall. On it was a worn out logo, and next to them were pictures of very familiar faces. Howard Stark's picture stood proudly at the camera, almost looking very much like his son. He was a bit older than Steve remembered, but it was the same one. The next one he remembered was his old Commanding Officer, Colonel Chester Phillips. Looking older than dirt as always, and that natural snarl on his face... And the last one was a picture Steve knew too well. Peggy Carter had the same look of dominance and pride as she always did. She hadn't aged as badly as the others, but it was obvious that it had been a while since Steve crashed landed in the Arctic.

There were other worn or destroyed photos on the wall, but those were the three that he noticed. "That's a SHIELD Logo..." Brock said quietly, looking at the logo next to the pictures. "That's Stark's dad... And that's Colonel Phillips. Read about him in history class... But who's she?" Clint asked, looking at Steve. He didn't answer, he gave a quick glance at Sharon before looking down the hall. "Let's keep going... Anyone know which hall we should take?" Steve asked.

As if on cue, Lights flooded the hallway, making loud snaps as they turned down, but only illuminating one hallway, until the lights turned on around a corner. What was this place? Why were his old friends on this wall, and what exactly did they just stumble on to? He felt like everyone was looking towards Steve for an answer, but he was just as confused as everyone else.

He made a silent hand gesture to continue down the hall. The lights lead them through a complex maze of hallways until they reached two wooden doors. Everyone hesitated for a moment before Sam and Natasha slowly moved towards the doors, weapons drawn, and opened them to reveal...

A semi circular room full of desks, ancient computers, and a large screen on the opposite side of the wall. On the floor was a larger version of an old SHIELD logo, and the place looked like it was rushed out of quickly years ago. Everyone stepped inside of the room, all with a look of awe. "What the hell...?" Sam said quietly, Steve stood in the center of the room, a weird sense of deja vu and confusion and awe all swimming through his head. "An old base of operations..." Steve muttered.

"Some of these papers date back to 1947." Clint said, kicking aside a few loose files on the ground. "This can't be what I think it is..." Natasha looked at Clint, Sharon, and Brock to see if they were thinking the same thing.

"Rogers. Steven Grant. Born July 4th 1918. Enlisted in the Second World War under the Super Soldier Program. Went MIA in 1944 in the North Arctic." A metallic voice with a thick German accent came through the room. "Wilson. Samuel Thomas. Born September 23rd 1978. Enlisted the United States Air Force under the FALCON program. Had medical leave due to an accident."

"Who the hell is this--?" Sam demanded.

"Romanova. Alianovna Natalia. Born November 22nd, 1984. Formally affiliated with the KGB. Now a member of SHIELD. Barton. Francis Clinton. Born January 7th 1971. Raised in a rural farm until he honed exceptional marksmanship. Member of SHIELD. Carter. Sharon. Born 1994. Niece to Margaret Carter. Enlisted in SHIELD and later got the nickname "Irma Kruhl" World's most deadliest spy."

"You are correct with your assumptions. Forgive me if I have come out rude..." A digital face started to flicker on the large screen on the back wall. "Over 70 years ago Captain America was created in this very camp. Years later an organization known as SHIELD would also be created. And that is where you are now. The original home of SHIELD. And I am the mind of it. I am Arnim Zola... Or, what remains of him. Do you remember me, Captain. Because I remember everything about you..."

Steve's face turned from shock, to horror, to hatred in a matter of seconds. He stared at the screen in front of him, the digital face looking very familiar. "You were a professor for HYDRA... Red Skull's right hand man." Steve stated.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“This is bad…” Sharon said. As the computer began to talk the blonde quickly began to go through the room, this wasn’t the time to listen to the screen talk; something was wrong and in her gut she could feel it. Shit shit shit shit SHIT! We need to leave, we need to leave! Her movements took her around the room as the computer screen began to talk listing off their information; there has to be a way out, this isn’t good this isn’t good at all!

Her movements froze when her name was called and her attention turned to the screen in horror. He knew of her nickname, that information was so confidential that hardly anyone knew of that. Instinctively her gaze turned to Natasha who shot her that “We’re talking about this later.” look before going back to listening to the voice. Sharon’s head hung slightly as she had never wanted to keep something like that from someone she trusted so much but she didn’t have a choice.

Arriving to a computer, her fingers began to fly across the keys. “This is bad!” She shouted to the group who turned to her. “There are missiles locked onto our location coming directly for us. We need to leave.” With that the impossible mission began. The girls jumped on two computers and began to type. “Captain!” Sharon called out to him. “Please see if you can bust a way out of here, we’ll buy you some time.”

“You are in so much trouble.” Natasha muttered under her breathe as she typed on the computer.

“We don’t have time for this.” Sharon muttered in response.

“You’re Irma.” Natasha barked at her sounding annoyed. “Didn’t think your streak was better than mine!”

“That’s what you’re worried about?” Sharon said, her voice was filled with a small amount of laughter.

“That’s part of it, we will be having a serious conversation after this.”

“Captain. Where’s our exit?” Sharon called out in an attempt to ignore Natasha glaring.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steve, and the rest of the group seemed shocked at the information. The digital face of a man Captain America once knew stared right at him, which sent a deep sickness down in his stomach. He had so many questions, but right now, it wasn't he time. Sharon's voice echoed through the room, and it was up to Cap to try and find a way out of the place he spent so much time in... except, he never went into this part. He scanned the area, and then looked at Clint, Brock, and Sam. "Everyone, search for a draft within the walls. Knock on them, move stuff around, we need to find their emergency exit.

The digital laugh appeared again. "Very good, Rogers... Still haven't lost your touch."

"You better shut the hell up!" Sam yelled, running across the room in search of some secret exit. "13, give us a timer. Worst case we'll make an impromptu bunker." Steve called out, scanning the room, and then turning his head towards the computer screen. "How did you...?"

"survive? After you went into the ocean, foiling Herr Skull's plans, HYDRA went underground, and acted like we never existed. Years later Margaret Carter and Howard Stark confronted me in prison, and asked for my assistance in a... project. I was a founding member of SHIELD, and able to hide encryption that not even Stark could find. Soon, my life would come to an end, but not before I found a way to live on for eternity... Cut one head off, two more form." The sinister voice said in a thick German accent. Steve took a second from looking to glare at the screen. "The best part, Captain, is that everything you've sacrificed, and worked for is null and void. It is over, Captain. We have one in every aspect."

"Hey, Cap! Over here!" Brock called out, trying to punch a small hole in the wall with an old chair. The rest of them rushed over to the hole, and Steve smashed his shield over and over into it until there was a hole big enough for them to crawl through. "Alright, everyone, move!" Steve called towards Sam, Sharon, and Natasha.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Black Widow and Agent 13 typed like lightening on the keyboards in front of them silently praying that they could change the direction of the incoming missiles. “Five minutes incoming.” Agent 13 shouted giving a time frame. Every twenty seconds she would call out a time. It was important for them to know how long they had. The more and more Arnim talked, the more distracted Steve seemed to become. “Captain we need you to focus.” Don’t get in your head Steve. Sharon’s silent plea didn’t go unheard as he finally broke his attention to where Brock called out.

“Two minutes and fifteen seconds.” Agent 13 called out as they took off towards the entrance. This crawl was nothing new for any of them as they quickly worked their way through the whole. By the time everyone reached the exit they took off running. “Eighty seconds.” Huff huff huff, “Sixty seconds.” Huff huff huff huff huff. “Thirty seconds.”

Whistling could be heard off in the distance coming closer and closer, “Fifteen seconds to impact.” Sharon screamed as they reached the gate and everyone made it passed it. “Five seconds!”


As Agent 13 had predicted the impact happened five seconds after she called out and the team was blown forward by the explosion. Luckily years of training helped as the team rolled to protect themselves from any damage. Sitting upright Agent 13 stared at the flames in front of them; had they not made it out in time, everyone would have died. But they were fine.

That evening, Sharon was sent home after Steve had left and the blonde climbed the stairs. A heavy sigh carrying her feet, she was still shaken by the situation but it was okay. She was alive, Steve was alive, everyone was alive. Stopping at Steve’s door she took in a deep breath, the pretext of seeing him this evening was to ‘make sure he was okay’ but really, she just wanted to be around him.

Raising up a small hand, she gave the door a knock and waited. Was he home?
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