Name: Arturo Delfrezy
Race: Human
Rank: Lt.
Money: 100
Title: None

Inspirational Commander
Former Rank And File

Vanguard General
Magic Hater

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 3


The Story So Far:
Born in the bustling town of Vaughan, a few miles outside of the Gallian Captial. Arturo Delfrezy was born to a local noble family. The Delfrezy family had been through tough times the last war, they were originally ore miners in the outskirt town of the Tyrell. Most of the men old enough to join up to the war were sent, including Arturo's father - Jamieson. The men who did return to the family moved, maybe it had been the war that took it's toll on them or feeling to move on with their life but regardless the Delfrezy family moved closer to the border. It's there where they started a small mining company that operated a few mines on the country borders.

When the war broke out, the stoic young Arturo was working with his family managing the company. The mines they previously operated were taken over by the invaders. This crippled the family, and once again the men headed the call to battle. This time Arturo, along with other men in his neighborhood found themselves enlisting in the army. The walk wasn't too long to Pastelo on a day or so on foot from Vaughan, Arturo found others like him enlisting in the city and after a brief time at the recruiting office the nobleman found himself in the army.

Through distinguished actions in combat and proving, he had a good head on his shoulders Arturo was sent to an officer candidate academy, despite some reservations and nobility squandering he came out a fresh officer.