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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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The Keep at Echo Valley

Phillip of the House Greeling twisted in his saddle to again glance back to the people following behind him. My people, he thought to himself. My subjects. There were mounted warriors, counselors, smithies, builders, teamsters, farmers, artisans, bakers, and more; in all, between those on horseback, in wagons and carts, or walking alongside or at the tail, more than 60 people -- men, women, and their children -- had followed Phillip on a ten day trek to Echo Valley. There were even a few whores hidden amongst the number, though not as hidden as the sole priest amongst the entourage would have preferred.

"Why do they call it Echo Valley?"

The mounted man beside Phillip, Terrano -- the Captain of Guard and one of Phillip's oldest and dearest friends -- had been eying the steep cliff falling away on his side of the mountain trail. One misstep by his horse and both he and the animal would be lost to gravity and, ultimately, to the river that could be heard but not seen at the bottom of the treacherous decline. Once registering his Lord's question, Terrano looked over his shoulder and whistled sharp and short to one of the mounted Guardsmen riding just behind him and the newly-knighted Noble. "Why do they call it Echo Valley?"

Without hesitation and all in one motion, the Guardsman ripped his sword out of its scabbard and swiped it to his right, coming solidly into contact with the shield of the unsuspecting Guardsman beside him. As the clash of metal on metal dispersed out through the valley, the shocked man exclaimed with a profanity and reached for his own weapon, unsure of what exactly was taking place. A moment later, the first of several echoes -- of the clash and of the foul response -- came back to the group and to the man whose question had initiated the mock attack.

The mayhem and the repeating sound of it continued for some time as the two Guardsmen playfully pounded at each other with sword and shield until finally Terrano reminded the two that they were one stupid move away from a very long drop. Laughter and giggling from the entourage gave way a moment later to a return of the singing that had on occasion kept Phillip from going mad over the seemingly endless trek.

It seemed a life time ago that they'd left the Capital, a life time more since he'd been given a Noble title -- with the rights and responsibilities that came with it -- and another life time more before that when the Greeling men -- Phillip, his father, and his two brothers, all now dead save for Phillip himself -- had been part of the now ended war. It was during that war, during the final battle, that the Greelings -- simple landed peasants, not knights or lords -- had rallied and led a mounted army of more than 500 men to crush the year old siege that had very nearly seen the end of the Royal House of Backkrum.

The slow trek continued for another three hours when finally the steep canyon walls began to widen and a green valley began to make itself known. Soon, the train came to a stop as the trail began its plummet, and Phillip was looking down upon his lands, a wide, heart shaped valley that flanked the merging of two rivers that became the one the people of House Greeling had been following for the past several days.

"This is all mine?" Phillip asked Terrano in a low whisper, not wanting the others to find him un-Noblelike in his disbelief that he could be Lord of such a land. When his Captain nodded to him, Phillip's lips smiled wide. He'd never in his life imagined that he would ever have more than a small portion of his father's 50 acre farm, and now he was Lord of an entire valley. He glanced back over his shoulder at the weary entourage, then back to Terrano. "We will do good things here, Captain."

"You will, m'lord," Terrano corrected, reminding Phillip that he was the one now in charge. Looking down the slope to a shaded portion of the valley, the Captain pointed and said, "You can start by rebuilding that."

Phillip rode forward a bit to get a better view around the cliff's edge. A small village sat surrounded by cultivated fields, which were surrounded in turn by open grasslands, recently harvested forestland, and finally the still standing forests that rose up the steepening valley walls. Phillip didn't immediately understand what Terrano had meant with You can start by rebuilding that until his gaze fell upon his future home, the Keep.

He grimaced, asking softly of Terrano, "What happened to it?"

Terrano answered with a solemn tone, "War happened, m'lord."

Phillip had been shown a painting of the Keep shortly after being named Master of it...

...but what he saw now was practically a ruin. The wooden roofs were singed black from fire or simply missing, having collapsed under the weight and momentum of trebuchet-thrown rocks and fire balls. Most of the stone work of the main tower seemed still intact but when they would inspect the far side of the Keep, they would find an upper portion of that wall also collapsed and in need of immediate attention.

Phillip could only barely identify what had once been a sturdy, secure pole palisade protecting the inner and outer wards. Some of the wall had been breached, repaired, and then breached again by the three separate assaults launched during the ten years of conflict. But warfare could not explain the near total absence of a palisade now. Phillip would learn later that much of the missing pole work had been removed after the fall of Echo Valley, used by the peasantry for other purposes around the village, from construction to fire heating.

"We will rebuild it," Phillip said with a confident tone. He again glanced back over the people behind him, then to Terrano. He repeated with a steadfast expression and tone, "We will rebuild it. I will not let this opportunity to do something important and meaningful with my life go unanswered."

"You already have, m'lord," the Captain responded without hesitation. Terrano looked behind them to the two banners held high by a pair of Guardsmen several yards behind them. "It's why we are here."

One was the banners featured the newly designed crest of the House of Greeling, Phillip's crest. It included a small red shield surrounded by a half dozen towering fir trees with a grain field at their base. The trees and field were meant to signify the bounty offered by Phillip's new lands, the Echo Valley.

The small red shield, however, could be more easily seen on the second banner, which offered a much larger and more intricate version of it, set in a field of dark blue. This was the crest of the Royal House of Backkrum, to which Phillip owed his allegiance and his blessing of the land below him.

"You saved the King's life," Terrano continued, urging Phillip to begin his horse down the trail before them. "You saved the King and the Crown. And did something important and meaningful. And now you will do the same for a second time … here."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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As he and his Captain led the others down the steep trail from the canyon into the valley, Phillip couldn't help but notice the rising number of people gathering near the village's edge. They came from homes, shops, and fields; by the time Terrano felt it safer to send four of his Guards out to lead the procession, more than 100 men, women, and children had assembled. They flanked the packed dirt road and parted as the strangers cut through them.

Phillip took note of the condition of the people who were now his people. There was a general appearance of despair, exhaustion, and need in their faces. Some showed obvious happiness -- even delight -- at seeing their new Lord arrive, while others seemed uncertain.

Phillip had been warned that there might be issues with loyalty amongst the locals: when the War of the Three Rivers began, the Earl of Echo Valley had been a Royal Loyalist; three years later, he'd switched sides, only to be besieged, captured, and killed; and then, two years later, the Rebel Lord who'd replaced him became a Royal Loyalist, only to meet the same fate of his predecessor. It was going to take Phillip weeks, possibly months to determine who he could trust and who might very well stick a dagger in his back when given the opportunity.

Phillip leaned closer to his Captain, saying softly, "I want to stop … talk to the people."

"Not yet," Terrano responded without hesitation as the train continued its slow progression between the two ranks of mostly peasants. When his Lord asked why, the Captain nodded his head toward the small hillock atop which sat the decrepit Keep. "Let's wait 'til we reach the rise. It will be easier to protect you."

"Do I need protection?" Phillip asked with a serious tone. He glanced about the faces looking up at him. He inquired of his long time friend, "From them...? They are my people now, aren't they?"

"Some are," Terrano answered before shrugging. "Some aren't."

They rode on a bit farther, leaving the more thickly developed portion of the village as they neared the Keep, located on the far side of a bridge that spanned a slow moving portion of one of the rivers flowing through the valley. Terrano continued his explanation, "You are a benevolent leader, m'lord. You will be … I am certain. But now … right now … these people don't know that. For decades they have been subjects of progressively harsher Lords. For the past six years, they have lived in a constant state of fear as the war raged around them … and sometimes came here to visit them, invited or not."

Terrano kicked his horse lightly in the ribs, urging it ahead as they reached the bridge. It was a rickety replacement to one that had been burned years earlier. (That bridge had been a replacement, as had the one before it, too.) Once across, Terrano awaited his Lord to finish, "Once the people get to know you, m'lord … you will not have to fear them."

Phillip nodded his agreement to his Captain and rode past the stationary soldier toward his destroyed home. Behind him, Terrano looked out upon the gathering, which had moved along with the train as it, too, reached and began crossing the bridge. He contemplated his words to his Lord: You will not have to fear them. It was a lie, of course. Even the most benevolent of rulers lived with at least one detractor who was willing to risk his own life to end that of his Master's. And it only took one. That was why Terrano and his Guard was here, of course. But even so, the Captain knew that he and his men could only provide so much protection.

Terrano waved over one of his Lieutenants. He gave the usual instructions for assembling the Earl's tents, then the Command Tents, then those for the others. The wagons and carts were assembled along the river's edge to provide a faux wall should they need it. Patrols and static stations were organized, as they had every night of the now 10 day old trek.

Phillip had taken a few minutes to inspect his devastated home, then returned to his Captain's position near the bridge. Many of the villagers were still assembled on the opposite shore, getting an eyeful of their new Lord and his imported subjects. He ordered his cook to be brought to him, and when the man arrived Phillip pointed to an open field between the river and the village. "Set up the kitchen tent there and cook the rest of the food."

The Chef gave Phillip a confused expression, finally responding, "M'lord … I'm sorry … I don't understand."

"I want to feed the people of Echo Valley," Phillip clarified.

The Chef pointed to where a tent was being unrolled amongst poles already being raised. "M'lord, we are setting the kitchen tent up over--"

"Over there," Phillip interrupted, again pointing to the far side of the 100 foot wide waterway. "We can't very well have everyone cross the bridge to eat, can we."

He looked to Terrano, whose expression told Phillip he understood where his Lord was taking this … and wasn't happy. Phillip asked, "Can we invite everyone across the bridge to eat, Captain?"

"I would prefer not, m'lord," Terrano said with a harsh tone.

The Chef's eyes and mouth only widened further as he, too, realized what Phillip was suggesting. He asked with shock, "Every one m'lord?"

"Everyone," Phillip confirmed. "Keep back two days of food for us … cook the rest. Everyone feasts tonight."

To Terrano, Phillip said, "Go inform the people of Echo Valley. Invite them to bring food to cook if they wish, but ensure they understand that they do not need to contribute to partake."

The Captain eyed his Lord for a short moment then smiled. He told Phillip once again, "You are going to do great things, m'lord."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Marina never expected much from the new Lord. She already accepted the inevitable truth that he was just going to be like the other Lords before him.

It didn't matter whether he was a loyalist or a rebel. Both sides would just see them as mere peasants only to be used for their own political goals. They wouldn't care a damn if they all starved or died in their wars if it didn't affect them. She was fine with them having to pay high taxes to fund their lavish lifestyles and their wars, as long as they took care of them well.

Unfortunately, so far, all the Lords of this land never gave a crap about them in the slightest. And they suffered greatly as a result.

So when the news came that the replacement Lord was arriving, she wasn't that excited like some of the other villagers.

However, she still went out on the road to see him and his entourage nonetheless. Everyone else was doing it. It would be odd if she was the only one who stayed behind.

And besides, she still had a little curiosity in her heart herself.

Just a little though.

To her surprise, she managed to get a good look of the new Lord up close.

Well, not that close as there were obviously soldiers surrounding him, guarding him from any riff-rafts that might approach him.

But she was in front of the crowd, and it was the closest you could ever get to him as an ordinary peasant. It's not like you're ever going to ever be called to meet him in his fancy keep or castle.

She didn't intend to be there from the start however. Somehow, she ended up being pushed to the front of the crowd against her will.

At least this time around she didn't get her arse groped from behind. That tend to happen whenever she got into a heavy enough crowd.

And she had to admit, she was surprised. He looked entirely different than all the other Lords she had ever laid her eyes on.

He was young. Really young for someone who was supposed to be a reigning Lord. He shouldn't be that much older than herself.

She remembered. How he was originally just a landed peasant that became a noble after saving the King's life. The news had reached all the way here as he was pretty much acclaimed as a hero by the kingdom, or at least, among those loyal to the King.

She still didn't believe he would be any different however. Her pessimism, build by so many years of hunger and starvation under cruel and selfish Lords, was not so easily cured by a mere first impression.

However, she was willing to give him a chance. To see what he would do to this land as a new noble.

Perhaps, just perhaps, he wouldn't be as rotten as the rest of them.

She wouldn't hold her breath for that however.

The feast the new Lord established didn't really surprise her in the slightest. It was quite the tradition of new Lords to celebrate their ascension in status with lofty feasts and dance parties, though it was usually only done in times of peace, for obvious reasons.

What surprised her however was that he didn't ask any of the villagers to contribute their own food into the feast. Everything was provided by him and his men.

It was a terribly generous act, and naturally, every single villager came to the feast. Free, delicious, filling food for everyone. Who could resist?

It was enough for some villagers to start singing praises to the new Lord already, drinking their beer on his name. The feast quickly turned rowdy as a result, as more and more villagers were starting to be intoxicated from all the free drinks they could get.

Marina on the other hand was still pacing herself grumpily in the corner. She would not, could not, put her faith on the new Lord just because of this one act of kindness.

She still partook of the food however, stuffing herself as much as she could without hurting her stomach.

Naturally, she rejected any drunken fool who asked her hand for a dance. She was in no mood for such a thing.

And besides, she needed to watch over her father who was also there in the feast with her. She needed to make sure he wasn't drinking too much.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Once he was sure the village dinner was underway, Phillip returned up the slope to the Keep for a more in depth survey. The Master Builder -- on loan from the King gave his assessment of the damage, as well as the effort, cost, and time involved in rebuilding the Keep. It wasn't good news.

Phillip looked about himself at the fire and trebuchet-projectile damage and asked with disbelief, "Tell me again."

The Master Builder hesitated, cleared his throat, and looked to the parchment on which he'd been keeping notes. "I believe it will take at least 40 skilled men, m'lord … skilled artisans in carpentry, masonry, and other fields, not simply general laborers … 40 skilled men, working sunup to sundown for at least three months."

"And the cost...?" Phillip snapped at the man. His tone was unfair to the Master Builder, of course. After all, the architect hadn't destroyed the Keep; he'd only been contracted to rebuild it. After realizing he'd raised his voice unkindly, he turned to face the Master Builder. "Forgive me, sir. This is not--"

Phillip went silent, then looked to Terrano. In a softer volume he asked, "Can I afford to rebuild this … this ruin?"

"Yes, m'lord," the Captain responded quietly. He waved the Master Builder out of the tower in which they were having their discussion and moved a step closer to Phillip. "The King's gift of coin was generous, m'lord. However … while rebuilding the Keep may take only a few months, rebuilding your County's economy may take years. That m'lord … that you may not be able to afford without sacrifice."

Phillip clenched his teeth at the word sacrifice. He knew what that meant; he'd come from the Peasantry after all. When a Noble or Royal talked about sacrifice, they were talking about their Peasantry's sacrifice, not their own. He murmured, "I won't do that."

"You may have no choice, m'lord," Terrano responded quickly. They chatted back and forth about the options available, and when it was obvious that no decisions were going to be made tonight the Captain suggested, "It's been a hard day, m'lord … ten hard days. Why don't you return to your tent and get some--"

"I'd like to go to the celebration," Phillip said. He turned without hesitation and began making his way out into the darkening night that was falling upon Echo Valley. His Captain argued that he and his Lieutenants hadn't yet determined the risk of danger to their Lord, but Phillip was having none of it. He ordered with a bit of a disapproving tone, "Put your four swordsmen around me like you always do and come have dinner with me and my subjects."


Bill did his best to hold his flagon of beer steady as he danced about the packed ground lit by torches burning high upon tall poles rammed into the earth. Dance was a generous word, of course; he'd suffered a painful, damaging injury to his right leg as a young man while working the fields and, to be honest, was lucky that he could even walk let alone prance about what had become a makeshift dance floor as the evening proceeded.

He'd promised his only living child, Marina, that he'd be careful of his alcoholic intake, a promise he made often and typical stuck to. But tonight was different: this ale was free, a kind gift from the stores of Echo Valley's new Lord, Earl Phillip of the House Greeling.

He lifted the flagon high and sucked down the last gulps, then turned and headed again for the wagon in which the open keg was tipped over for dispensing. But as he wobbled his way through the crowd, he caught sight of something truly unexpected: Earl Phillip. Bill did his best to stand tall and prevent his body from teetering. It wasn't so much that he was tanked; he simply … well, honestly, he was tanked.

The Master of Echo Valley made his way slowly through the crowd, a pair of soldiers leading the way while another pair followed close behind. A sixth man was present, a soldier Bill had heard was the Captain of the Guard, a man named Terrano. The old farmer took a long moment to study both of the men, knowing that often a Lord was only as good as the men who surrounded him. And this Captain had the look and movement of a well trained and well experienced warrior.

Bill watched with curiosity as his new Lord moved through the crowd. The young Earl addressed villagers who seemed open to conversation, talking with them for a moment about mostly nothing of importance. When a small child waddled his way up and slammed into his shins, the Earl lifted the young boy up before him and playfully asked him if he knew the punishment for assaulting a Nobleman.

Finding himself intrigued by the Earl, Bill paralleled him through the crowd for several minutes in an attempt to further draw a conclusion about the young man. Phillip slowed his trek through the crowd after a bit, and while he continued to talk to the villagers near him, his gaze and attention seemed to return to the same location again and again.

Due to his inebriated state, it took Bill a while to understand just what had caught the Earl's attention: it was Marina, who was standing in the crowd just beyond a table from which villagers had been snatching up delicious offerings of food that they rarely saw in the poverty-stricken village.

Drunk or not, it didn't take a genius to understand that the young man was fascinated by the young farm girl. Bill's first reaction was anger and fear; how dare this stranger ogle my daughter, whether Noble or not! But as he contemplated the situation, Bill found himself calculating the benefits of his new Lord feeling lust for his young daughter.

If not for the ale, Bill might have found himself embarrassed by the thoughts rushing about his addled brain. If he fancies Marina, and Marina submits... the thoughts began. Nobles often paid well for the company of peasant girls; they often took them on as consorts or even Official Mistresses; and if a child was born to a loving relationship … well, there'd be a small home with property and a stipend at the end of that.

Bill couldn't know whether most of his current thinking was due to the alcohol surging through his veins or due to normal fatherly thoughts about what was best for his daughter. Oh sure, little girls didn't grow up thinking I want to be a Noble's consort, want to spend my nights parting my thighs for him or feeling him pound my womanhood from behind until his hunger was fulfilled. But one way or another, beautiful young Marina would end up a man's play thing, whether it came with ringing of church bells or the jingling of a coin purse.

He stepped back into the crowd a bit, then hurried to curl around to where Marina was standing, watching the Earl as he continued talking to the others. Stepping up to his daughter, Bill grasped her hand to urge her forward, whispering with force, "You must meet him, my love. You must let the Earl see you up close."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Marina watched with a sigh as her father danced, or at least, did vague, random movements that she believed was supposed to be a dance. She considered to drag him back, but she figured, why not let him have his fun? Feasts like these certainly didn't come often after all.

She diverted her attention back to the food, and took another large piece of lamb leg. She then took a hefty bite out of it, not bothering in the slightest with forks or knives and the like. They didn't even provide them on that table, probably knowing that most peasants wouldn't use cutlery like the upper classes, especially when the food was something easily grabbable like a lamb leg.

She also took a sip of her beer mug. Just a sip though. She didn't want to get drunk.

She didn't notice the glances the new Earl was giving to her in the slightest.

And then, suddenly, her father came up to her, dragging her to meet the new Lord.

"W-what, what are you talking about, Father?" she said to him all confused and bewildered. "Oh no I shouldn't have let you drank that much. Alright, come now, Father, we should get you back home at once."

Unfortunately for her, even in his old age, her father's grasp was still firm; his pull being strong as well. She couldn't free her hand that easily, let alone reverse the situation and be the one to drag him out of the feasting fields to go back home.

"F-Father!" she shouted as she continued struggling to free herself. Now that she was this close to him, she could clearly smell his drunken breath and see his red face. He really had too much to drink.

"Come now, my Love, just for a little while!" he insisted. He normally wouldn't be this brazen with his beloved daughter, but thanks to his drunkenness, he couldn't really think straight at the moment.

"Alright, fine, fine, I'll go meet him!" Marina surrendered. Just like herself, her father could be surprisingly stubborn at times. "But just for a simple greeting, nothing more. And that is if his guards would appreciate us just barging in like desperate nobles who wanted to gain favor with him."

Bill relaxed his grip on her arm. Marina then used her other free arm to fix her hair and dust her dress a little. She wanted to be presentable, even as a mere peasant, when meeting such an important personage.

Bill then guided her to where the Earl was currently standing. Once they were close, he announced her proudly, not caring in the slightest on what a social faux pass he was committing. After all, other drunken villagers had come up to the Earl and praised him for the feast after all, and they weren't punished for it.

"My liege! Behold! My beautiful daughter Marina!"

He then pulled her forward, nearly making her trip in the process. Marina quickly did a curtsy as she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lord. And thank you for the feast." It was all formality, and her tone was absolutely neutral. She couldn't do what other girls might do and act all happy or even flirtatious to the Earl.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Phillip had glanced away from the beautiful, young peasant girl to speak to a man about grain supplies, and when he looked up again she was gone. His disappointment was interrupted by a discussion that quickly began about the need for a new village well. Phillip listened to the concerns, asked his own questions, and made promises that seemed to please one and all.

Suddenly, his Guardsmen and Terrano were moving, as if to intercept someone approaching him. When he leaned to look between the men at the supposed danger approaching, Phillip was pleased to see the peasant girl again.

"All if well," Phillip called to his protection. He commanded Terrano, "Let them through."

The Guardsmen parted and their Captain stepped aside and back, and an older, obviously intoxicated man announced, "My liege! Behold! My beautiful daughter Marina!"

Some of the other villagers laughed, and Phillip himself couldn't help but smile in amusement. The young woman stepped closer, performed a simple curtsey, and greeted, "It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lord. And thank you for the feast."

Phillip was still new to the whole Nobility thing; until just months ago he, too, had been a simple peasant after all. He didn't fully understand the protocol regarding a Noble Lord addressing a Peasant Subject, and before he'd even contemplated the ramifications -- and before Terrano, at his side, could quietly lecture him against it -- Phillip had leaned forward, taken the woman's hand, lifted it, and ever so gently kissed the back side of it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, m'lady," he said. He stood tall again and let the young woman's hand slide from his as he smiled to her with delight. He glanced about the feast -- at the music, the dance, and the villagers watching his ever move -- and looked back to the woman named Marina. "And the feast is the least I could do for the people of Echo Valley."

Beside Marina, her teetering father was simply beaming with joy. Phillip looked him over for a quick moment, then confirmed, "Your daughter is, indeed, beautiful my good man. My compliments."

Phillip looked back to Marina, smiling with delight. He let his gaze work its way down her form, then back up as he asked her some random questions about Echo Valley and what her family did for a living. His attention wasn't on her answers; hell, later he wouldn't even recall the specific questions he'd asked. His attention was firmly on this girl's beauty and on his desire to invite her to his elegant tent on the far side of the river … to see what other beauty she had to offer from under her simple gown.

There had been a great many things learned over the past months, since Phillip was lifted to the Noble Class. And one of those things learned had been how much easier it was to get a woman to remove her clothes and slip into his bed. Some of the women who'd kept him warm at night had done so for the coin left out for them in the morning. Some had done so in the hopes of gaining favor from a man of power.

Phillip was no idiot; he knew what the women of recent months had wanted from him. For the most part, they'd gotten it. At the same time, he'd known what he'd wanted from them. And, again, he'd gotten it. It had been nice, but it hadn't been enough. Phillip yearned for the love of a woman, not just the lust.

But the love of a woman likely wasn't in Phillip's future. His Counselors had already begun the quest for a suitable wife, one that would bring political or financial power to the House of Greeling. Phillip was yet to have a home -- or even a bed -- in which to spend time with a future wife, and yet his Counselors were already searching for just such a woman.

Phillip wouldn't marry for love. Oh, he might find love with such a woman some day in the future. But that wasn't the ultimate goal, of course.

For now, the best Phillip could hope for from a woman was a night of warmth and wildness. As he looked upon the beautiful Marina of Echo Valley, he couldn't help but imagine finding such with her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Marina's heart skipped a beat when Phillip brought her hand up and kissed it. A blush began to form at her face as his action took her entirely by surprise.

And she hated herself for it.

Normally, a noble lord would never have done something like that. Certainly not to some filthy peasant he had just met. He would only do it to the flowery noble ladies, not someone like her.

After he released her hand, she hurriedly performed another curtsy, bowing her head as deeply as she could in the process.

"I-I thank you for your benevolence, Milord."

And then, he spoke to her father, praising her for her beauty.

Once again, her heart skipped a beat. She had always been easily embarrassed by anyone praising her looks, even when she knew the praise was just pure formality and they didn't really mean it. Her mother always said that flattery was a woman's weakness and that she should be careful not to have her heart stolen by some silver-tongued charmer that never really cared for her other than for her looks and her body.

Phillips then continued to ask her about who she was, what her family did for a living, and many other questions about Echo Valley. She answered all of them to the best of her abilities as politely as she could. But she couldn't help but notice how he was ogling her back and forth as she spoke, and it immediately made her uncomfortable. But she couldn't just leave. Or slap him for it for that matter. Both would be criminally rude (and the latter would certainly count as assault), and she and her entire family would be jailed for it. Perhaps even executed. She knew how these noble types worked. They could not stand any peasants that stood against them. They would be publicly executed, as a reminder to the other peasants on who was in charge.

Urgh, why is he ogling me so much? I'm not wearing anything revealing and my chest isn't that voluptuous.

Oh great, we have a young perverted noble on our hand. I would be willing to bet it wouldn't take him a week until he took some random village girl to his fancy little keep just to plough her.

...Oh no, being here is a really, really bad idea then. If he were to fancy me...

She shuddered at the thought. Want it or not, she would have to go or else her family would be made to suffer for sure. But the image of him ravenously forcing himself at her made her want to puke. She certainly would like to keep her virginity for her future husband, not for some spoiled lord that would never take a look at her again after she warmed his bed for one night.

She finished answering his latest question. And then, before he could say anything, she exclaimed, "E-excuse me, Milord. I would have to leave you now. I... need to excuse myself to the privy, you see. Too much beer," she said with a fake blush. After giving him another curtsy, she put her hand on her father's arm and dragged him away from the scene.

"Father, that was a bad idea," she told him sternly once they were out of sight, mingling back to the crowds. "He was leering at me. And you perfectly know what nobles could get away with with us peasants."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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"E-excuse me, Milord. I would have to leave you now. I... need to excuse myself to the privy, you see. Too much beer."

Phillip chuckled at the young woman's confession, short and sharp and low but not at all unnoticed. He didn't mean to laugh, but it was funny. It would have been funny coming from a Peasant to another Peasant; it was even funnier coming from a Peasant to a Noble.

"Of course, m'lady," Phillip said simply, again using that title that was more appropriate for someone of higher standing. After she again curtseyed and then grasped at her for her father's arm, Phillip tried to ensure that their discussion had meant something to him by adding politely, "Marina of Echo Valley."

Phillip smiled as he watched the young woman essentially drag her intoxicated patriarch into the crowd and eventually out of sight. Without hesitation, a number of peasants stepped closer with hopes of engaging their Lord in a similar manner as Marina had. Phillip listened to them politely for a couple of minutes, then made a familiar gesture to Terrano.

"I'm sorry," he called to the villagers as he stepped between them and Phillip, who was already turning away to make an exit. "It's been a long day and a long journey..."

Phillip didn't hear anymore of his Captain's excuse as he and four Guardsmen headed away from the feast for the bridge. Other villagers tried to engage him or simply bowed or called out their thanks for the event. He was friendly with them, but Phillip's mind was elsewhere. He slowed as he mounted the bridge, looking back to find the faster moving Terrano and a third pair of Guards nearly caught up to him.

"Go ahead," Phillip told the Guardsmen. Once he and Terrano were alone, Phillip said with a suggestive tone, "The Master of Coin … I was speaking with him earlier about the need to staff the Keep from the village population … that we didn't bring enough house servants with us."

Terrano's lips spread in a knowing smile. "I believe that is true, m'lord. Should I go to the village tomorrow … ask around … fill some vacancies in your staff?"

Phillip hesitated a moment. He was still getting comfortable with the power he now wielded. Honestly, he wasn't sure he would ever be comfortable with the idea that if he saw a pretty face in a crowd and wanted to see the pretty body attached to it, all he had to do was send Terrano or one of his other Counselors out to make the arrangements, sometime with the need for coin, sometimes only with the promise of future favors.

Some Nobles didn't bother with coin or favors at all. Instead, they only gave their command and got what they wanted. Phillip swore he would never be that kind of Ruler.

"Yes, please do that, Captain," Phillip confirmed.

"A chambermaid, perhaps," Terrano continued, even though they both knew nothing more needed to be said. "Perhaps a young, curly headed brun--"

"Yes, Captain," Phillip cut in sharply, just before turning his head to chuckle and suffer a hot blush through his neck and face. He began walking away from his mentor, finishing, "You can be a mean, mean man sometimes, Captain."

"Yes, m'lord," Terrano agreed with humor in his voice. He called after his Master, "I will work on that, m'lord."

Terrano turned to look back on the village and feast that continued off to one side. Today had been a good day. With any luck, the days to follow would be more of the same.


"Father, that was a bad idea," Marina chastised her father as she led him away into the darker village. "He was leering at me. And you perfectly know what nobles could get away with with us peasants."

Bill laughed, both out of inappropriate humor and out of a feeling of accomplishment. Earl Phillip had liked his daughter, there was no doubt about that. Bill may have been drunk and teetering, but his eyes had worked just fine. And his eyes had seen the Noble's eyes taking a walk up and down his beautiful daughters form.

Tomorrow morning, when he was suffering a hangover headache and begging his wife to stop yelling at him to get up and out into the fields, Bill would probably begin to question whether or not what he'd done tonight had been a good thing. Marina was right about her last statement; Nobles could get away with anything when it came to peasants, and when it came to chaste girls like his daughter, that anything they liked to get away with was to make them not so chaste anymore.

After three flagons of beer, though -- or had it been four, or five -- offering Marina to the Earl with the hope that coin would be coming the family's way had seemed like a stellar idea. Even now he justified himself to Marina with, "Your Lord liked you, and that's a good thing. And tomorrow, you will cross the bridge to seek an audience with the Earl … to see if there is work for you in his--"

Suddenly, Bill fell forward and slammed onto the ground with a thud. He grunted, more in surprise then in pain, then laughed as he felt cold enveloping the foot that was now less one shoe. He looked back to from where they'd come and saw his shoe stuck in a root that had grown up out of the ground.

As Marina attempted to help him back to his feet, Bill pulled her down to the ground and wrapped his arms around her. He laughed, then gave her a big, sloppy kiss on the cheek. He grasped her face and turned it to look directly into her eyes.

"I love you, daughter," he proclaimed with a sincere tone. "You are my child … my only child … my loving child … and I would do anything for you … give anything to you … anything I can … anything I have."

He hesitated to turn his head and burp, laughed with drunken joy, then looked to Marina again to continue … now with tears beginning to fill his eyes. Almost sobbing, he apologized, "I have failed you … and your mother. I have failed you. I have nothing to offer you but the breath in my body--"

He burped again, laughed, and warned, "And right now even that is nothing you would want to have."

He pulled her tightly to him in an almost crushing bear hug before looking into her eyes again as he continued, "I have failed you … and I have nothing to offer you. But you are a beautiful girl … and you can go out into this horrible world of ours and take what you need … take what you want. It is all up to you, my beauty … my daughter … my love."

Bill gave Marina another wet kiss, another tight hug … this one lasting longer … ending only … when his arms slumped away from her and he fell back to the soft grass … out cold and already snoring.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Karl stood at the crenulations of the highest tower of his family home, Black Rock Castle, and stared out upon the land below with both pride and disappointment. Legally, his estate was only a County, as Karl himself was a Count, yet the lakes, rivers, valleys, hills, and mountains that made up his property were very nearly the size of the Earldom of Echo Valley, to which he owed allegiance and fealty.

How can it be that I am but a Count while that … that BOY … that BOY is an Earl?

Karl was, of course, thinking of the Peasant-turned-Nobleman, Phillip of the House Greeling, Earl of Echo Valley. Karl was nearly twice Phillip's age; he'd been in the field fighting his and his now deceased father's enemies when the Earl was still suckling him mother's tit; and if the War of the Three Rivers had gone a different direction, he would have been Chief Counsel to the new King.

Of course, that was the issue at the heart of his current situation: Karl had bet on the wrong horse.

As the War of the Three Rivers neared, Karl had anticipated an opportunity to expand his recently departed father's estate. In the years before the War erupted, Karl had been expanding the County Guard and testing their metal by picking fights with neighboring Nobles over border disputes. By the time the real war arrived, Karl's army had expanded from a 60 man Guard to a 500 man Army.

The County of Black Rock had historically flown their banner for the Earl of Echo Valley. But when the fighting came to the Earldom and the Earl called for Karl's support, the Black Rock Guard failed to appear. Only after the Earldom fell and the Earl himself was executed did Karl send his army in to save the people of Echo Valley. He pushed the invaders out, then set himself up as Lord Protector until the war ended and the King selected a new Earl.

Of course, while he and his forces occupied Echo Valley, Karl pillaged the land of most of its value: gold, silver, weapons, crops, livestock, and even beautiful young women were packed up and hauled north to Black Rock. Karl justified it all as payment for services rendered. Once he'd pillaged Echo Valley of all he could, Karl pulled his army back to his own County so that they would make a second trek into yet another conquered County and repeat the rescue there.

This and other betrayals went on for the extent of the war, getting even worse when Karl pledged fealty to the most powerful of the rebellious Nobles opposing the King, Earl Yorran. Yorran promised Karl three Counties -- including Echo Valley -- and the title of Earl, as well as the role of Chief Counsel to the King once the current King was caught and executed.

Of course, that didn't happen, thanks to a man named Samuel of Greeling and his son Phillip, now Earl Phillip of Echo Valley.

After Yorran was killed and his army -- which had included Karl's forces -- were crushed at the Great Infiltration, Karl found himself all alone and facing charges of treason. The only thing that saved him from the gallows was the vast amount of coin he paid out to Nobles, Peasants, Soldiers, and Merchants, bribes to get them to proclaim to the King that Karl had fought the Crown's enemies during the war, not the Crown itself.

It worked, or at least, it was working. His spreading of silver and gold to dozens of seemingly honest people had caused a great deal of uncertainty in the Capital. Was Count Karl a traitor? Or was he a misunderstood hero? In the end, the King had put off a decision about what to do with Karl until he was able to deal with other important issues … such as anointing a new Earl of Echo Valley.


Karl's musing about his situation ended with the sound of his Chief Counselor, Bruin of Piermont. "Yes?"

"You requested to be informed when Lady Clara had returned to the castle, m'lord," Bruin said as he approached along the wall walk. When he was close, the Counselor offered out a rolled sheet of parchment, explaining, "This arrived my messenger just moments ago as well."

Karl took the scroll, nodded his acknowledgment and his dismissal, and -- once alone again -- broke the seal that indicated the message had come from one of his spies in the Capital. He read the short note, then again; then he smiled. Part of the King's proclamation regarding the new Earl of Echo Valley was that within six months Lord Phillip take a bride from one of the many Houses that had so faithfully served the King during the War.

So faithfully served, Karl thought to himself. I still have my home … my lands … my wealth … and my head. Faithfully might seem a stretch…

He reached out to stick the end of the message in a torch burning from a holder on the wall's merlon and tossed it to the stone walk to burn out of existence. He hurried down the wall walk, down the spiral stone staircase, down a public hall, and past the Guards who stood station at the door of his private chambers all hours of the day. Inside, he shed his cape and sword, passed through a door hidden behind a large tapestry, and ever so quietly navigated a secret passage that took him to the inner wall of his niece's bed chamber.

There, he cautiously pressed his face to the stone before pulling aside a small leather flap that concealed a hole in the wall. His timing was perfect: just ten feet before him, his beautiful, shapely niece was being helped out of her travel garments by two of her Chambermaids. As he watched, Karl's body reacted as expected to the sight of layer after layer of elegant clothing being loosed and set aside until finally Clara -- who had only just recently celebrated her Age of Consent -- stood next to her steaming bath tub in nothing but nothing at all.

Karl continued to watch the unfolding scene: Clara gingerly stepping into the hot water; a Chambermaid dousing her head with a pitcher, darkening and slicking back her long hair; a second servant soaping up a cloth to scrub the young Noblewoman's arms, back, and neck.

Typically, Karl would have remained at the peep hole until his niece exited the bath, for one last wondrous look upon her naked body, the candle and fire light glistening off her wet flesh. But tonight he was a bit rushed, needing desperately to write a letter to the new Earl of Echo Valley, requesting an audience with the man who might one day father a child with the young beauty that he himself wished he could lead into womanhood with a long, hard fuck.

Who knows, he might not want her, Karl thought to himself as he replaced the leather block and made his way back to his own chambers. When he was far enough away he laughed to himself, thinking, EVERY man wants her. What are you saying.

Back in his chambers, Karl wrote an eloquent note to Earl Phillip, requesting to either come to Echo Valley or to host Phillip at Black Rock Castle. Once the message was sealed and out the door with a messenger, Karl made due with one of his Chambermaids while all the while imagining that he was pummeling the womanhood of his niece instead. After his release, he dropped onto his bed and imagined how such a marriage could benefit his House.

After all, the marriage he envisioned wasn't only the one of Lady Clara to Earl Phillip; it was of the County of Black Rock to the Earldom of Echo Valley. Karl's plan was simple and, in his mind, foolproof: Clara would marry Phillip and birth him an heir; shortly thereafter, Phillip would be killed in an unfortunate accident; the heartbroken Clara would, of course, select her Uncle as Regent, putting him in charge of caring for and educating her child in the ways of Noble leadership; once Karl's power in Echo Valley was without challenge, his niece and her child would also fall victim to an accident and die; and without a legitimate heir to the Earldom, Karl would officially take control and make the appropriate promises to the King, reassuring him that a combined Echo Valley and Black Rock would bring him more taxes, more conscripts, and more power.

Simple, he thought as he reached to grasp his current lover by a handful of hair and urge her head toward his groin, whispering, "You aren't done yet."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Marina returned a frown when she heard her father laughing at her concern. She knew he was drunk and was not thinking clearly, but it still irked her nonetheless. She hated it when she was not taken seriously.

"Your Lord liked you, and that's a good thing. And tomorrow, you will cross the bridge to seek an audience with the Earl … to see if there is work for you in his--"

Before she could reply angrily to his outrageous words, he suddenly fell forward and slammed onto the ground with a thud.


Marina's reflex was unfortunately too slow to catch him in time, so she could only crouch down and help him get up.

Only for him to abruptly hug her and kiss her on the cheeks.


The scent of his drunken breath was terribly unpleasant, making her struggle to release herself from his embrace. But once again, his strength won over her, and she could only stare in discomfort and confusion when he grasped her face.

"I love you, daughter," he proclaimed with a sincere tone. "You are my child … my only child … my loving child … and I would do anything for you … give anything to you … anything I can … anything I have."

"Father, what are you talking about?" Marina replied. She now had stopped struggling as she was starting to be seriously worried for her father.

"I have failed you … and your mother. I have failed you. I have nothing to offer you but the breath in my body-- And right now even that is nothing you would want to have."

"Father, stop saying that!" Marina shouted back, tears starting to stream out of her eyes as well. "I'm perfectly happy with the life we have now! And you have done so very much for our family already! You're not a failure! You never are!"

When he hugged her in a nearly crushing hug, she hugged his back as strongly as she could. He slurred some more terrible words that she didn't want to her, gave her another kiss and a hug, before slumping back as he lost his consciousness.


Marina screamed. The people surrounding them were now all staring towards them as they had made quite the scene. Thinking the worst, Marina nearly called for the guards for help.

Only for her to hear the snore coming from her father.

He was sleeping. That was all.

"Oh Father..."

She quickly carried him upwards. She was strong enough to do so without any help though it was quite the awkward thing to carry someone taller than you. Slowly but surely, she left the feast, back to the road towards their humble little house. Thankfully it wasn't that far from where they were right now, so she didn't have to call for help to carry her father.

She never liked depending on others. If she could do it herself, then she would. One man actually offered his help to her but she refused, saying that they would be fine on their own.

Once she reached her home, with every inch of her body soaked with sweat from carrying her father, she forgot everything involving the Earl as she threw herself on her rough straw bed, after changing out of her damp dress into her terribly worn and thin nightgown. She fell asleep so terribly quickly with how full and tired she was. She wasn't bothered in the slightest by the noise of the lecture her mother was giving to her father for arriving back home in such a state.

Little did she knew that her life would be changed forever, all thanks to his father forcing her to present herself to the Earl.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Clara sighed as the sight of the castle was approaching closer and closer. She could see it through the window of her carriage, carrying her back to her home, Black Rock Castle.

It would be such a lovely place... if not for her uncle.

Ever since she was taken in by him after her parents perished, she never felt right around him. She kept feeling that she was being watched by him, and many times she caught him from the corner of his eye staring at her direction. And it was not the kind of stare she was comfortable with. It was creepy, and dare she said it, lustful. It fit more for a lecherous old man than a noble Count.

And that didn't include all the questionable things he did in the war. She knew how he had pillaged Echo Valley when he was supposed to be its guardian while the old Earl was being replaced. Not only for the food and good but for the women as well. It honestly disgusted her. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it. She had no power in the kingdom's politics. And he kept doing it to other places as well again and again until the war ended and the loyalists became victorious. She had hoped that he would be executed for his actions by the King, but unfortunately, thanks to his bribing the capital massively, the King decided to put off on what he would do with him.

She still had her hopes however. Perhaps, if she could bring a more concrete proof of his betrayal to the right person in the capital, she could send him off to the gallows after all.

Today, she was just returning from a social visit to a noble's little tea party. She normally wouldn't like wasting her time in such trivialities, but if they could lead her away from her uncle, then she would take all the invitations she could get.

Once she arrived, she ordered her chambermaids to prepare a hot bath for her in her room. She was tired from the long journey and a good hot bath could certainly relax her aching muscles.

She had no idea in the slightest of the hole that her uncle frequently used to peek on her. Sometimes she would hear odd noises from the wall it was on, but she never put too much thought on it.

And so her uncle once again was gifted with the sight her of pure naked body. Underneath her fancy dress was hidden a silky smooth white skin, taken care very well by her maids, and an hourglass figure that would make any woman jealous. Her breasts were her finest point, full of bouncy and supple flesh that were large enough to entice any male that happened to catch sight of them. Only her buttocks were somewhat lacking, but other than that, she was the very epitome of beauty. And you didn't need to find her naked to appreciate her beautiful long golden hair and her bright blue eyes. Or her large bosom for that matter.

She enjoyed her bath in silence as her maids took care of everything. Aah, as usual, this really feels nice... She enjoyed her bath for longer than necessary, longer than her uncle could stay.

Slowly but surely, she embraced the drowsiness that approached her, before falling asleep inside the tub. The maids just smiled. They didn't want to disturb their tired mistress.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Phillip had always been an early riser, and this first morning in Echo Valley would be no different. He slipped a robe over his thick, woolen pajamas and pulled aside the opening of his tent to find the mountains to the east dark as night with the sky above showing the first signs of the dawn.

His tent looked south upon the river and upon the village beyond that. And his first thought upon eying the community was of the young beauty with whom he'd had such a hopeful conversation the night before. Phillip turned to look at his bed, specifically at the woman still sleeping within it. Ellora was beautiful and highly skilled in her Art, and Phillip had very much enjoyed her company and service -- both in and out of bed -- during these first months as a Noble.

But the two of them would part soon. It wasn't that Phillip was tiring of her, and it wasn't even the fact that she was only servicing him for the coin that had been and would continue to come her way. The choice to end their relationship was actually Ellora's. She hadn't traveled north from the Capital to Echo Valley simply to fill her purse with Phillip's silver; Ellora had business in the northernmost of Phillip's pledged Counties, that of Black Rock, the home of Count Karl of the House of Blynne.

Phillip had attempted to learn more about this business of Ellora's, but the woman had begged off questions, with respect, m'lord she would always add. Unlike many men who treated whores little better than they treated stock animals, Phillip had respected Ellora's desire for privacy regarding Black Rock.

He looked away from the bed to the village again, then stepped out to look to the mountains that were the northern boundary of Echo Valley and the southern boundary of the County of Black Rock. Phillip had known nothing of this Count Karl of the House of Blynne until near the end of the war. The man's loyalties had been in question during the fighting and -- according to Terrano's spies -- remained so even to this day.

There were rumors that the Count had switched allegiances several times, that he'd invaded and pillaged neighboring lands, including this very village laid out before Phillip now. But for every person of note who spoke against Karl of Blynne, there was another who spoke for him, spoke of his bravery and loyalty to the Crown during the bloody years.

Terrano's eyes and ears in the Capital and throughout this region claimed it had cost Karl nearly his entire fortune to buy such a grand tale of duty to the King. It was likely that no one would ever know what the truth was. Phillip recalled something his captain had told him about the truth: Often, it can be found on both sides of the same gold coin.


The sun was high in the sky before Terrano finally located the home of the peasant girl, Marina. The Captain could have found her sooner, but his Lord had wanted the search to be done -- in Phillip's words -- without it seeming as if the village was once again being invaded by foreign troops.

So rather than simply going house to house, business to business, field to field asking Echo Valley's residents Do you know the identity of the beautiful young peasant girl who spoke to the Earl last night as he ogled her delicious body, Terrano dispatched the 6 Guards who had been accompanying him and Phillip through the feast the night before to wander the town and simply look around for the girl or her father, both of whom most of the Guards could easily identify.

It would be the latter that one pair of the Guards would come across after a few hours of searching. Bill was resting in the shade of a huge oak tree on the edge of the communal plot of land his and eight other families farmed. Once upon a time, a 20 acre portion of this field had belonged to Bill and Bill alone. But his status as a Landed Peasant had been revoked when -- after three straight years of drought -- he couldn't pay his Earl's taxes. Since then, he'd worked the land with other simple peasants, surrendering half of the harvest to whatever Lord was in control at the time and splitting what remained with far too many other residents.

Bill had spent much of the morning conflicted about the night before. He had treated his daughter like a whore. He'd put Marina out before the new Earl and essentially told him For a bit of coin, m'lord, you can have her virtue. He was ashamed of himself, as was his wife and -- he presumed, as they hadn't discussed it yet -- as was his daughter.

And yet at the same time, Bill knew that what he'd done was likely the best he could have done for his daughter. Oh, no father wants his daughter to be some man's play thing. But, if that man is a Noble and not just a Noble but the Earl of Echo Valley … well, what better man to be the one in whose care -- and in whose bed -- Marina ends up?

What other options did Marina have? She had been a poor peasant girl all her life, she was a poor peasant girl this day, and she would continue to be a poor peasant girl the rest of her life. Oh yes, she might get lucky and marry a Landed Peasant or perhaps a merchant or Smithy who owned a home and a soft, stuffed bed that didn't lay on a hovel's packed dirt floor.

Bill had always wanted more for his daughter than that, and -- as despicable as it might seem -- this was the only way he saw Marina getting what she deserved, a comfortable life in clean clothes with a table full of food and wine.

"You are the father of the girl Marina?"

Bill flinched at the unexpected question coming from one of the Guardsmen who'd approached him during his daydreaming. He rose quickly, grimacing at the pain in his leg, then bowing slightly without knowing whether or not he was supposed to do so or not. He murmured, "I'm sorry...?"

The Guardsman repeated, "You are the father of the girl Marina … with whom our lord, Earl Phillip, had a conversation at the feast last evening."

Bill's eyes widened as he realized that his drunken hopes of the night before, as well as his more sober ones of this following morning, were coming to pass. He stared at the two soldiers for a long moment as the conflicting thoughts waged war inside the confines of his skull. Then … he spun away from the two men and retched all about the trunk of the ancient oak.

The Guardsmen stared at the old farmer and glanced between themselves, intrigued by the reaction but remaining quiet while the man suffered through his body's actions. Finally, Bill rose, wiped his chin, turned to the Guardmen, and answered with his most confident tone, "Yes, I am the father of Marina of Echo Valley."

"You are to bring your daughter to the tent of the Lord of Coin before day's end to discuss her service as a member of my Lord's household staff," the Soldier who'd spoken before informed the farmer with a commanding voice. "Failure to appear will result in--"

"No, no!" Bill cut in, again half-bowing to the Guard, not just once but twice. "We will be there. Please...! Inform your Lord … my Lord, I mean … inform him we will be there."

He bowed again, teetering a bit and trying to hide the fact that he felt as though he was going to retch once more. The Guard confirmed Bill's commitment before he and his partner departed; they separated to find the other two pairs of Guardsmen to let them know that their mission was complete.

Behind them, Bill simply stared for a long moment … before turning to once again pollute the base of the tree with his stomach's contents. Once he had regained himself, Bill ran off to find Marina to tell her the good news. Or … was it bad news? The conflict was still raging in his brain. He located her, pulled her off away from the others, and took both of her hands tightly in his, both to signify the importance of his words and to keep her from possibly running away screaming.

He stumbled through a rambling explanation of what had just happened at the old oak. Then, after looking to the ground for a moment to contemplate what he was about to say, he looked into his daughter's eyes and told her, "You do not have to do this, Marina."

He might as well have said You don't have to part your thighs for this Nobleman you only just met, simply to bring coin into your family's home. For that was, in fact, exactly what Bill was saying. He knew that; Marina knew that; his wife, her mother knew that.

But they were beyond that now. In a drunken haze, Bill had essentially offered up his virtuous daughter to his new Lord; now, sober and thinking straight, Bill knew there was nothing he could do now to correct what he'd done.

Ironically … he wasn't entirely sure he would do anything to change what he'd done if he could.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Good morning, niece," Karl said as he looked up from his breakfast to see Clara strolling into the dining hall from the door at the far end. He gestured to the plentiful display of food and drink laid out before him, then nodded to the only other chair currently positioned at the table that sat 24 and said with a polite tone, "Please sit … eat. I have news I would like to discuss with you."

During her years of living under Karl's roof, Clara had been given a great deal of freedom by her uncle. He'd made only three demands of her over that time: be safe, which essentially meant allowing him to send 2 Guardsmen with her everywhere she went; be respectful, which essentially meant not engaging with others in the never ending gossip about whether or not he had betrayed the Crown during the War of the Three Rivers; and be at breakfast every morning, which essentially meant she had to spend each and every night here in the castle in order to make an appearance in the dining room each morning as she was now.

So long as she followed these three simple rules, Clara was free to do as she wished, if you could call that freedom.

"You had a good day yesterday, niece," Karl went on as he lathered a purple jelly across a thick slice of dark bread. "Made some nice conversation."

It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement; each morning, he got a report from not only Clara's Bodyguards but from any number of eyes and ears who tracked her every move and conversation within and without the walls of Black Rock Castle. Karl's keeping tabs on his niece was mostly about his interest in whether or not she was involved in the continuing investigation of his loyalties during the war.

Karl knew she heard things about him at some of the social events; he knew that she said things about him sometimes, too. So far, though, he hadn't heard anything that concerned him too deeply. He wasn't a stupid or careless man; if ever he feared that Clara's investigations posed a serious threat he could simply kill her. He'd done it with others already; he'd done it with many others already.

But Karl was hesitant to kill his niece. She was valuable to him as a political trading piece. And, of course, she was nice to look at when she undressed for bed or bath. No, Karl was less concerned about the waves Clara might make than he was about the loss he would suffer if he couldn't marry her off to a Noble who could help his cause … that cause being keeping his head attached to his body.

"I received a letter from the Capital yesterday," Karl began once Clara was sitting in the chair just one place to his left. "The King's choice of a new Earl of Echo Valley is seeking a wife."

He hesitated to stuff a small piece of sausage into his mouth as he looked to Clara for her reaction. He chewed and swallowed, then finished, "I have dispatched a message of my own … to the new Earl … suggesting that perhaps he might be interested in meeting the most beautiful young woman in all the Kingdom."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

The next morning, before the sun even rose over the mountains, Marina woke up earlier than her father and mother. She took off her gown and put on the same dress she wore yesterday. With how poor they were, they didn't have much in terms of clothing. And her sweat from last night had mostly dried, though it wouldn't matter much as soon, it would be dampened again when she worked on the farm.

Her father was, naturally, still hungover from the party last night, while her mother was still simply still resting. She took care of the house chores as much as she could before she had to leave to the farm. She didn't want her mother to work so hard as she had those so-called "bad bones" thanks to her not getting any younger.

She swept the house, drew the water, and cooked breakfast (merely some vegetable soup) just in time for her mother to wake up. Bill was still sleeping, she told her. Marina sighed. She already knew how late her father would wake up every time he returned home like that.

"I'll take care of him. You can go now," her mother said as she kissed her goodbye on the cheeks.

"Thank you, mother," Marina replied with a smile, leaning forward and returning her kiss. "I'll try to be home early tonight."

When she arrived there, there were already others working on the fields.

"Hey, you're late! And where's your pops?" one of them shouted to her.

"Sorry! He got too much to drink yesterday!" she shouted back as she put down her bag and grabbed her shovel.

The land was communal, so it was shared with eight other families. It used to only belong to them however, but thanks to how draconian the tax given by the Lord of that era was, combined with the drought, her father couldn't pay the taxes anymore thus his ownership was revoked. He had stopped being a landed peasant, and now was just an ordinary one.

Just another list of the many grievances she had with the former Lords of the valley.

Marina worked just as hard as everybody else, even though she was the only female among the male sons and fathers of the other families. After working with them for so long, they had to accept and respect her as one of their own, as her work was just as good as any of them. At first however, she was somewhat bullied by them, thinking that no girl should be working on the farms, and instead should just be looking for a husband. She had no plans for such a thing however, even though she was already 20 years old, and the average marriage age for peasant girl was around 15. She was more than alright with her just working as an old maid farmer until she became too old for it. Then she could just be some other family's nanny or maid until her deathbed. At that point, she would be unattractive and old enough so no sane rich noble would try to bring her to their bed.

Unfortunately, Fate seemed to decide otherwise, as her father, Bill, suddenly appeared and took her away from the others, saying that he had something really important to tell her.

"Father? What's the matter?" She looked at him with a worried look on her face. She could tell from his expression that it was something very grave indeed.

And then he told her the news. That she was ordered to become one of the Earl's servant and that she had to go right away.

Her heart sank. It had happened. The worst thing that could.

"You do not have to do this, Marina," he then said. But both of them perfectly knew what would happen if she would to refuse. Even if she and her family would just run away from the Earl's territory, the Earl could just ask his neighboring lords to return them back to him. And running even further away would not be a feasible option to them, especially with the current health of her father and mother.

"I-I'll go," she answered, her voice shaking. "I will go, Father," she reaffirmed, though more for herself than for him. "Let us depart right away." For if I delay any longer, I might end up changing my mind as my resolve weakens...

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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"Let us depart right away."

Marina's father donned a concerned expression, glancing down to her dirty, dusty clothes and equally so hands. He asked with surprised, "Like this?"

He grasped her by the hand and hurried her back toward their nearby house, mumbling to himself as they went, "No, no … this won't do … this just won't do … bad enough already … bad enough I've done this to her … sending her to … sending my daughter … no, no … won't do to appear like this."

Bill hurried Marina into their little hovel and commanded his wife, "Bathe your daughter. Fix her hair and make her pretty."

He turned back to his only child with an apologetic expression and tone, saying, "You are always pretty, my love. I did not mean it that way."

By now, Mary was questioning why the two of them weren't out in the fields earning their keep. She, after all, had been slaving away inside all morning, making bread -- not for them but for sale at Market -- and darning clothes for merchants and other peasants who could afford to part with some coin.

Bill was fussing with Marina and -- finally fed up with Mary's nagging -- turned and snapped in anger, "Do as you're told, woman! Bathe your daughter!"

Bill could be a drunk at times and feigned being a carouser at times, though never once in his life had he ever actually cheated on his wife. But one thing he rarely if ever did was yell at his wife. He'd done so maybe three, four times in all their years together. So Mary knew something important was happening; she went quiet, just staring at her husband and daughter, hoping one or the other of them would explain themselves.

Bill grasped Marina's face in his big hands and kissed her on the forehead, telling her in a loving tone, "Make yourself presentable, my daughter. I will return shortly."

He turned away and hurried to the fireplace, where he wiggled loose a stone, setting it aside. Reaching down into a shallow hole, Bill fetched a small leather purse, untied its thong, and spilled coins out into his palm.

"William! Mary exclaimed as she watched confused. With her tone becoming more concerned, she begged, "Please, Bill. Tell me what's happening."

But instead, Bill moved to his wife, kissed her as he had his daughter, and repeated his command in a more gentle voice, "Bathe your daughter … and make her hair pretty, like you did for your brother's wedding. I'll be back."

And with that, he was out the door without another word.


Enough time had passed for his wife to bathe his daughter before Bill burst back into the hovel … presenting before him a a brand new dress that had cost him half the family's savings.

He looked to Marina for her approval, smiling as he said softly, "A beautiful dress … for my beautiful daughter."


It was well before sundown, the time limit given by the Guards, when Bill and Marina arrived at the village side of the bridge. The farmer gave his half nod-half bow to the Guards there, explaining, "My daughter, Marina, has an audience with the Master of Coin, m'lord."

"Sir," the Guard said with a correcting tone. "You call the Earl's Guardsmen sir … and you have an appointment with a Counselor and an audience with the Earl."

"Of course, m'lord," Bill responded, repeating his nod-bow before correcting himself, "Sir. My daughter, Marina, has an--"

"Go ahead," the Guardsman said, stepping aside. "You're expected. Ask for the Master of Coin's tent when you get to the other side."

"Yes, m-" Bill caught himself this time. He grasped Marina's hand and headed across as he finished, "Yes, sir, thank you sir."

On the far side of the bridge, Bill inquired about their destination and was pointed to an elegant tent with a pair of armed and armored men flanking its entrance. The men didn't hesitate to pull open the tapestry-like flap doors upon Bill and Marina's approach. The farmer thanked them as he had their predecessors … hesitated with nervousness … then looked to his daughter.

"We can turn back, daughter," he whispered, suddenly certain that he'd made a horrific mistake. But they entered the tent after Bill drew and exhaled a deep breath meant to calm him, murmuring, "I love you, daughter."

Inside the tent, Bill stopped short … and his mouth fell open with awe. They were in a tent … a tent! And yet the décor of the place was more extravagant and spectacular than he'd ever seen in his life. And he'd been inside the Keep of Echo Valley once, back in the days of the now deceased Earl who Lord Phillip was replacing.

"You are Marina?"

The question came from a man sitting behind an elegant wooden desk near the far side of the tent. He asked it without looking up from the parchment upon which he was writing, waiting for a response from either the girl or her father. When he'd gotten his answer, he glanced up for a quick moment, then returned to his writing … only to then quickly look up for a double take of the young woman before him.

His assessment of Marina was all too obvious; just as had his Lord, the Master of Coin let his gaze lower, rise, and repeat in the direction of the girl's face and body. He set his quill pen aside, stood, studied Marina, then came around the desk to get a closer view of her.

"How old are you, girl?" he asked as he began a slow pace around her that required Bill to take a respectful step back toward the entrance. After she answered, the Master asked, "Do you have any experience as a house servant...? Chambermaid...? Galley servant?"

He listened to her answers again, beginning his second encirclement of her. He went quiet for a long moment, then headed around the end of his desk to stand before his chair for one last ogle of her. Then, for the first time, the Master of Coin turned his gaze to Bill.

"Your daughter will be permitted a probationary period of service to your Lord, Earl Phillip, Lord of Echo Valley," he said as he dropped into his chair and again lifted his quill and began to write. His tone and quick cadence made it obvious that he'd been through this all too many times today or in the past or both. He spat out a bunch of rules, including how she was to act in the presence of Phillip or anyone else who was her superior.

"That's everyone," he growled without looking up, adding, "Even the scullery maid"."

When he finally did look up the Master of Coin asked with obvious, snobbish disapproval, "Is that the best dress you own?"

He didn't even wait for a response, instead telling her that she would be provided with appropriate clothing but that she would be responsible for its cleaning, care, and replacement should she dirty or damage it.

"Guard!" he snapped, standing and setting the quill aside once more. When the Guard entered, the Master commanded, "Take this girl to the Earl's tent."

The man then reached into a small wooden box on his desk, withdrew a leather purse, and tossed it onto the edge of the desk nearest Bill. The farmer -- who had stood silent and still near the back through the whole interview -- knew from the sound and size of the purse that even if it was no more than coppers, it was still at least three or four times what he'd spent on his daughter's dress … and that had been half of the family's secret savings!

"That's for you, sir," the Master said.

Bill remained silent and still, expecting more from the man. But nothing more came, with the exception of a hard, impatient glare from the Master of Coin. Bill hurried forward and took the purse, backing until he was standing next to Marina once again.
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"Good morning, uncle," Clara replied, lifting her red dress and bowing slightly, doing a light curtsy towards him. As much as she despised him, she still had to the polite to him. It was just how she was raised. Those lady mannerisms were drilled into her from a young age.

However, she could make it so she never smiled when she greeted him, and that her voice would be cold and emotionless.

She took the seat as instructed, and took the near piece of bread before lathering it with her own favorite type of jam, which was strawberry. She then used the fork and knife provided to cut the bread before putting a small piece inside her mouth. She then brought the warm cup of tea and brought it close to her mouth also, only taking a small sip from it.

That was how a lady was supposed to eat. Just small, bite-sized pieces. With how tight their corsets could be, a bulging stomach would cause a big discomfort to them. Not to mention that they were supposed to remain talkative at the dinner table, spending more time conversing with others over actually eating and drinking. It was how it was done in the tea parties she attended as well. That's why they could last for hours at times until the tea and cakes all disappeared.

"Indeed I had," she answered him once her mouth was empty. It was bad manners to talk when you're still munching your food.

And then, she heard it. The news that the new Earl was looking for a wife.

She immediately could tell where the conversation was going. She kept her calm, not showing a single reaction on her face. Her expression remained calm and neutral as always.

"I see," she replied. "I assume the woman you are referring to would be me."

She took another sip of her tea before continuing.

"Fine. I shall be willing to meet him," she answered, as calm and composed as ever.

She had known perfectly well that there was a high chance her uncle would use her as a bargaining chip sooner or later. With his reputation being in such a critical state, it would make sense for him to want to regain the trust of the crown back. Just using his wealth would not be enough. But offering his niece as a marriage candidate to the new Earl who had just saved the King's life, if he were to accept her, it would practically mean the Earl would be allied with him, strengthening his position and allowing him to silence all those naysayers in the capital that was against her. His position would be secure once again.

And oddly enough, she was feeling somewhat glad for that.

If there was no necessity for him to offer her up for marriage, she had a feeling he would end up taking her for himself instead. Eventually, his false politeness would disappear and he would force her into that position, whether she was willing or not.

And with how disgusting she felt of him, she would rather be married off to some other nobleman than him.

The newly knighted Earl, huh? I believe he was previously a peasant, and that he was still a young man. At the very least, I wouldn't have to marry an old man...

But still, I would rather keep my virtue over giving it to some rude, uncouth former peasant. I'm sure one wife would never be enough for him. He would have many, and I would merely be his first.

Heh, he might already have some whore on his bed right now.

Well, it's not like your typical lords are any different. At the very least, he's still young. I just hope he has that good youthful looks so that I wouldn't want to puke when he ravages my body.

She had always been a realist and a pessimist. Well, perhaps not always. She remembered her being a much brighter, happier person when she was still a youngling and her parents were still alive. But now, she had accepted the fact that the chance of her earning the freedom she always yearned was very little, and that she would be far more likely to end up with a man that she would never like.

"I assume we would go today?" she asked her uncle. "I believe I am already ready. This dress would be good enough, no?"

She didn't want to bother going all-out in her makeup just to meet the man that would take away her freedom. Hours sitting on the dressing chair with her maids tending to her were never pleasurable to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Karl took note of his niece's lack of enthusiasm for sitting down to breakfast with him. He wished she would be more socialable with him, more friendly, perhaps even playful and flirtatious. But why she should? Karl had little doubt that she would just as well push him from the crenulations as to sit down to a meal with him, particularly one that had been so firmly ordered as was breakfast.

Clara accepted that she would meet the new Lord of Echo Valley, as Karl had expected. And she showed just as much enthusiasm for that as she had for breakfast, again as Karl had expected.

Publicly, he'd made it clear that she would wed one day and that her intended would be a man that Karl himself picked. And because of this lack of choice, Karl had never expected Clara to be happy with the situation. Privately, though, he wished she would fight against the forced marriage, decline it with all her heart and soul. In that case, of course, Karl would have no choice but to wed -- and, of course, bed -- his niece. After all, custom said she had to marry someone, and -- because of Clara's great beauty, poise, intelligence, and Noble standing -- that someone should be a person of equal or better standing and wealth.

So, Karl thought often and fantasized even more often, why not him.

He saw Clara's lack of enthusiasm now as a good sign for him. He couldn't know, of course, that his niece would probably marry the ugliest, fattest, and rudest Noble in the Kingdom rather than marry him.

"I assume we would go today?" Clara asked. "I believe I am already ready. This dress would be good enough, no?"

The mentioning of her gown gave Karl a justified reason to let his gaze fall to his niece's body without appearing as if he was ogling her delicious curves. After a moment, he reluctantly tore his eyes away from the young beauty and reached for his glass of Morning Wine, a very weak drink that -- closer to water than to wine -- was meant to provide safe hydration rather than intoxication.

"I sent word to the Earl of our intention to visit," Karl confirmed. "I have also arranged lodging with Viscount Crooper for this evening."

The Viscount was one of the Lesser Lords who had vouched for Karl before the King. And he'd benefited greatly for it. Crooper's estate shared a river land border with Karl's County, and the Viscount had always yearned for a small sliver of land that offered a wonderful location for a toll bridge. After the Viscount's testimony, Karl had very quietly sold the valuable land to the Viscount … for one silver piece. Since then, Crooper had built his bridge and siphoned away a great deal of toll-paying merchant traffic from yet another Viscount downstream.

"The village at Echo Valley is a two day ride by coach for those wishing a comfortable ride," he continued. Karl was rarely in a hurry to get from one point to another these days. He preferred taking his time so that he could check in with his eyes and ears spread all about the Kingdom. "We leave at half-to-noon."


A couple of hours later, they were on the road southward. Karl sat facing forward and his niece sat facing to the rear. He always offered her a seat next to him, so that she could see where they were going as opposed to where they'd been. But never in all her years with him had Clara chosen to sit that close to him.

The County of Black Rock had been well and appropriately named. Tall, steep cliffs of dark, volcanic rock rose up all around the lush, green forests and valleys. The narrowness of the valleys and canyons meant that there wasn't often a lot to see at any one time. But what could be seen was simply magnificent.

"The Angel Falls are at full flow," he said to Clara, breaking a silence that had existed since leaving the keep. He gestured with a lifted chin toward the falls as they passed. Some time later he interrupted a second silence by pointing out the opposite side of the coach and informing his niece, "My Master Builder says he'll start on the cart bridge over Widow's Creek this next month."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Phillip's first full day in Echo Valley was a full and busy one. He'd begun as he always had, meeting with his Counselors.

Terrano was first, giving Phillip an update on the security situation. The Captain of the Guard had sent teams of 4 Mounted Guardsmen out to survey the land immediately surrounding the village the night before and then again early this morning just after sunrise. They'd found evidence of two small groups of people living in the forest, but upon the Squads' approaches, the people melted into the forest. Terrano surmised what he saw that they were likely displaced people, made homeless by the recently ended war.

"We'll have to help them, Captain," Phillip told him without hesitation. Asked how, he ordered Terrano to send a Squad out to make contact with the refugees, adding, "Take a cart of food and supplies … blankets and such, to each location. If they flee again, simply leave the cart's contents. We'll go back the next day and try again."

After his Captain, Phillip met with the Master of Coin. He had an update of the cost of rebuilding the Keep, and it wasn't good news. "I will begin meeting with the Landed Peasants today to determine their needs for the spring planting. I am reluctant to report this, m'lord … but the fields should already be green with sprouting plants … grains, beets, turnips, potatoes … but few of the communal fields have been planted, and many of the privately owned fields are still unworked."

"The reason...?" Phillip asked.

The Master of Coin hesitated, not wanting to speculate but also knowing that his Lord would want an answer now. "Poverty, m'lord…? I fear that perhaps many of the farmers … the Landed and not … I fear that they may simply not have the seed and roots to begin planting."

"I saw a lot of green out there as we descended from the pass yesterday," Phillip pointed out.

"Yes, m'lord, but … much of that is simply wild pastureland," the Master of Coin explained. "Pasture is excellent for sheep and goats … however..."

Phillip waited for the man to finish his thought and when he didn't, Phillip understood. He finished the thought with a solemn tone, "However … there are no stock animals. What wasn't stolen during the war … the peasants have eaten out of desperation."

"Milk goats … wool providing sheep … even plow horses," the Master of Coin expanded. "I see very few stock animals across the river, and those that I do see seem to be guarded closely by their owners. I fear the situation is more desperate than we were told prior to leaving the Capital, m'lord."

Phillip met with his other Counselors, then took another tour of the Keep to be shown the additional work that was now known to be necessary. Midday had passed by now, and as he returned to his tent Phillip caught sight of a long string of villagers on the far side of the river, lined up for a hundred yards from the base of the bridge.

"What is this?" he asked Terrano as he surveyed the line.

"You requested that the Crier let the villagers know that you would be taking audiences with those in desperate need beginning at midday," Terrano answered. When Phillip shot him a look of surprise, the Captain explained, "I think it's every one in the village."

Suddenly Phillip wondered whether or not Echo Valley had been such a good deal after all. He studied the string of peasants for a long moment, as most of them studied him in return. Even from here, he could sense the desperation in their faces and body movement. They were exhausted, both mentally and physically. Ironically, Phillip suspected he would be, too, before he'd turned this town around.

"Very well," he said, turning to return to his temporary home. Entering his tent...

...Phillip found the worried Master of Coin standing over a mass of record books and parchments, some spread out and held in place with stones some Guard or another retrieved from the river's edge. Phillip walked past the man without hesitating, saying with a touch of humor, "It could be worse. We could have left the Capital without a trunk full of silver."

The Master of Coin mumbled something Phillip didn't comprehend, then followed it with a respectful, "Yes, m'lord."

Phillip passed from the forward business portion of the two section tent into the rear residential portion. There, he found Ellora lounging back in a pile of large, soft pillows...

"You look worried, m'lord," she observed with a sincere tone. When he looked her way, she slowly and seductively lifted the lower hem of her dress to reveal her otherwise unhidden womanhood. Her lips spread in a devilish smirk as she asked, "Is there anyway I can take your mind off your worries?"

Phillip smiled as he took a moment to consider taking a break from his new responsibilities, but then instead turned away and began shedding some of his outer wear. He asked, "When will you be leaving, m'lady?"

Ellora didn't immediately respond. She didn't want to leave Phillip's service; he'd been a kind and gentle master, unlike many of the men she'd served in the past. But for years she'd known that her future was to return to the County of Black Rock to settle some scores. She answered Phillip with, "I serve you, m'lord. I will leave when and only when you give me permission to do so."

He looked to Ellora as he washed his hands in a basin of recently warmed water. Phillip hated to lose the woman, her services, and her companionship. Ellora had been much more than a bed partner to him; she'd been a friend in moments when he'd needed one. Phillip liked to believe that she'd been so good to him for reasons other than the coin he'd given her over the past months, but … how could he know?

"You may leave at any time, m'lady," Phillip finally told her. As he dried his hands, he moved to a wooden desk and retrieved a purse. He moved to Ellora, offered her a hand to rise to her bared feet, and pressed the purse into her free hand. "I have enjoyed our time together, Ellora. But … it is time for you to find your future."

She stood on her toes to kiss him on the lips, parting her own lips and lightly touching her tongue to Phillip's as she simultaneously pressed her body against him. She whispered, "One more night together, m'lord."

"No, m'lady, " he returned, also in whisper. "It is time to move on … for both of us."

They kissed again before Phillip pulled away and said in a businesslike tone, "But right now, I have things to do."

Phillip headed for the portal between the two halves of the tent, then heard Ellora ask, "Are you sure, m'lord?"

He looked over his shoulder to find his beautiful, sexy companion standing naked in a pool of her now shed dress. He drew a deep breath, releasing it with a hungry growl. Phillip knew that if he took this moment to lay between those milky white thighs that he would never let her out of his life. He diverted his eyes for a moment, contemplating … then turned and entered the other portion of the tent.


"The raiders came in the night," yet another villager continued with his tale of woe. "They stole my animals … burned my barn. They--"

The words stuck in his throat as the emotion welled overwhelmingly. He continued with two words that told all Phillip had to hear, "My daughter..."

Phillip stood and moved to stand over the kneeling man as he broke down. He gestured to the Guards who gently helped the man to his feet. With great sincerity, Phillip responded, "I can do nothing to help you with your pain regarding your daughter, sir … but I will do what I can to help you feed and care for your family. Record your name with the Master of Coin. And be strong."

The man moved to the table at which sat the Master of Coin, gave his name, took the offered coins, and was escorted outside.

"How many more?" Phillip whispered to Terrano as he returned to his chair to await the next needy peasant.

"You have seen dozens, m'lord," the Captain responded. "Perhaps we should call it a day and begin anew tomorrow."

"No, not yet," Phillip said reluctantly. "We will go until sundown."

He was mentally exhausted after so many horrific tales. He himself had lived a life not too unlike that of many of the villagers: he'd seen his sisters raped and murdered, his eldest brother executed, his other brother and mother killed in a fight with rebel soldiers, and finally his father overwhelmed by the injuries inflicted during the Great Infiltration. And yet after all that, he still found himself feeling luckier than many of the people who had told their stories to him this day.

"And the rest, m'lord...? Those who you will not meet before sundown?" Terrano asked. "There are perhaps twenty on this side of the bridge and another fifty on the other side."

Terrano had restricted how many people were allowed on this side of the guarded bridge for his Lord's safety. He was still not certain of Phillip's security yet, and he wasn't about to let the brand new Lord of Echo Valley get knifed by a disgruntled subject.

"Give each a silver coin and tell them to come back in the morning," Phillip cut in. "And have the Master of the Kitchen set up the Troop Kitchen on the other side of the river again … not a feast, but a meal at the least."

Terrano acknowledged the order and left as yet another desperate villager came forward to tell his tale and seek assistance. The stories were pretty much the same: theft, murder, rape, fire. Then suddenly, she was there: Marina. Phillip hadn't immediately realized it was the same young beauty from the night before; her hair was elegantly arranged, and she wore a dress that -- while not of Noble quality -- was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen on a peasant girl outside of a wedding.

Phillip stood to get a better view of the young woman. The peasant before him was continuing his tale of woe, but Phillip's attention was firmly on the woman who had so captivated him the night before. When he realized that the man had gone silent, Phillip stepped forward and helped the man to his feet himself. He responded as he had with so many others but this time in a hurry.

"That is all for the today," he commanded.

The Guards escorted the peasant out of the tent; a moment later there were sounds of dismay as the others waiting were told they would have to wait until tomorrow. Phillip barely registered the slight uproar; his attention was fully on the young woman before him. He simply stared at her for the longest moment, mesmerized by her beauty. He didn't know what to say to her; he had lured her here with the offer of respectable employment because -- in all honesty -- he wanted to strip her out of her clothes and partake of her womanly offerings.

Phillip finally opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by his current bed partner's question, "Would your guest like some refreshment, m'lord?"

Phillip's heart leaped at Ellora's voice; he'd literally forgotten that she was in the other section of the tent. He looked back to find her dressed again, this time in a form fitting dress and corset that very well displayed her hour glass figure and the upper swells of her breasts. Ellora walked forward toward Phillip, but -- remembering her place as his whore, not his wife -- curled away to maintain the proper distance while in the company of others.

"We have tea … and citrus water," Ellora offered before lifting a decanter and adding, "Or wine if you prefer … m'lady."

Phillip was at a loss for how to react. The woman he was currently fucking was being nice -- or at least feigning to do so -- to the woman he wanted to be fucking. Ellora filled a gilded cup with wine, set the decanter aside, and moved close enough to Marina to offer it with an outstretched arm.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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"We don't need to be all fancy," Marina replied with an annoyed expression. "They are the one who called for us after all."

"And besides, we're just peasants. Being dirty is just to be expected."

She had no interest at all in dressing up for some perverted Earl's delight. Let him see her usual, dirty and peasant-like appearance.

Unfortunately for her, her father had the very opposite idea.


Once again, she couldn't go against him.

When Bill kissed her on the forehead back at home, she only returned a glare at him. She saw him taking out the family's savings and she perfectly knew what she was going to do it.

"No, don't bother, Father! Don't waste our money for that!" she shouted. "It doesn't matter in the slightest what I'm dressed in!"

However, he didn't listen. He only kissed his wife before leaving through the front door.

She allowed her mother to clean and dress her up as best as she could. There was not much she could do other than just throwing a bucket of cold water on to her before scrubbing all the dirt that was stuck on her hair and body. They weren't some noble family who could afford all those fancy perfumes and cosmetics after all. She also put her hair up in two big loops, just like the way she did it for when she had to attend her brother's wedding.

In the process, her mother asked her what in the world was going on. She refused to answer, telling her to just ask her father. She couldn't bring herself to tell her what she soon would become. And she was positively still angry that this all had happened because of his father in the first place.

...No, that's one naive thinking she had. It wasn't like the Earl couldn't just happen to stumble upon her one day. And he would be attracted to her, and this would happen anyway.

...Why was he attracted to her anyway? She never considered herself pretty. Those noble girls were certainly far more beautiful than she was.

She would never understand the mind of nobility.

Bill soon returned, and just as she had feared, he brought with him a perfectly new dress. And it wasn't just a common frock either. It actually looked nice, and she would love to have and wear it.

If he hadn't spent their savings for it.

She perfectly knew how much a dress like that would cost. It was an expense they could not afford. That money should only be used for emergencies, like when somebody fell sick. Calling a doctor was never cheap after all.

"A beautiful dress … for my beautiful daughter," her father said softly with a big smile on his face as he presented it to her.

And that was enough to erase her frown completely.

His words, as much as she didn't want them to, touched her heart completely. She gingerly took the dress, examining it closely and admiring how pretty it looked.

"It's... it's certainly beautiful..." she whispered to herself. She then looked up to her father and asked, "I would wear this to meet with the Earl?"

Her father only nodded in response.

"...Fine. I will. I suppose they would be offended if I come in all ragged and dirty."

"Even though it's all thanks to them that we live in such a terrible state like this," she added under her breath.

She returned to her room and took off her current ragged frock. Bill didn't bring any new undergarments with him so her old one would have to suffice, even though the white color of her bloomers had decayed so much over the years that the dirty yellow stains on them were the more prominent color, thanks to all her sweat and the natural yellowing of the fabric itself.

Once she put it on, she couldn't help but do a twirl. The more she looked at it, the more she realized that this was pretty much her dream dress.

She was a girl after all. No matter how tomboyish she could get, she still wanted to wear pretty dresses like all the other girls in the world.

She left her room to show her new appearance. And both of them were clearly impressed by her new look.

"Oh my dear, you look so pretty in it!" Her mother exclaimed as she approached closer to her. "Your father made the right choice in buying that for you!"

"Too bad this is all only so I would look good in front of the Earl," Marina thought sarcastically.

"Ha, I knew you would look good on it, my love!" her father said with a genuine smile, grabbing both of her shoulders with his hands. "Alright, we can go now."

"Go? Go where?" Mary asked. She still hadn't been told anything by Bill.

"Oh, just to meet with those nobles, my dear," Bill replied. "They realize they're lacking in servants so they're recruiting us villagers to be one."

He, naturally, left out the part where the Earl clearly had his eyes on his daughter.

Mary's eyes widened with surprise. She then turned to Marina and grabbed her hands, saying, "You're going to be one of the new Earl's maids? Oh, that's wonderful! A girl shouldn't be working on the farm! Being a maid would be far better for sure! And no doubt he would pay you more generously than the money we got from selling our crops!"

Marina's mother was one of the villagers who were charmed by the Earl. They had trusted him to be a more benevolent ruler than his predecessor.

Little did she know that he just ordered her own daughter to be his consort, whether she wanted to or not.

Marina couldn't say anything. She couldn't break her mother's heart. Not when she was just about to leave.

And so she didn't say anything. She only gave a glare to her father, telling him without any words that it was his obligation to break the news to her.

When they arrived at the encampment, Marina let her father did all the talking.

She was not in the talkative mood in the slightest.

Just before they were about to enter the Master of Coin's tent, her father suddenly turned around and said to her that she still could turn back.

"A bit too late for that, wouldn't you say, Father?" Marina replied with the most venom-laced smile Bill had ever seen, before dragging him into the tent.

There is no turning back. I have to do this if I want my family to survive.

"I love you, daughter," she heard him murmur. She didn't say anything to that.

The decor of the tent's inside took Marina by surprise as well. Just like Bill, she had never expected the inside of a tent to be this lavishly decorated. It managed to look far better than their gloomy and dirty house, even though it was just a tent.

"You are Marina?"

"Y-yes. I am," Marina quickly replied, the voice bringing her back from her fascination.

The voice came from the man sitting behind an elegant wooden desk in the center back of the tent. As this was the Master of Coin's tent, it was same to assume that he was the Master of Coin himself.

"My name is Marina. I-it's a pleasure to meet you, Milord." She curtsied. It looked so much better with her new dress.

She immediately could tell that the man was eyeing her up and down, and it made her uncomfortable. It was not a lustful gaze however. It felt more like the gaze of a ranch owner that was about to decide whether or not he wanted to buy the cow in front of her. Clearly, he was assessing her. And with how seriously he seemed to be doing it, she knew that she was not going to be just some ordinary servant.

He really is assessing me if I'm worthy for his Lord.

She took offense to this. She was not just some merchandise. She was a living human being, with her own dreams and aspirations, even if she was just some peasant girl.

"Hah, I guess it's too much to expect something like that from a noble," she thought wryly.

But she didn't voice her displeasure. She knew better.

He then asked her what her age was. "20, M'Lord," she answered. He then asked whether she had any experience before. "None, M'Lord," she replied again, just as succinct as before.

No sense to lie. We both know what I'm really here for.

After he circled her for a couple more times, he spoke to her father that she would be permitted some probationary period in service of the Earl. He then turned back to her and gave her all the rules she had to obey in the presence of his Lord.

Hmph, nothing out of the ordinary. Just the usual things you would expect. Obey his every order. Always be courteous. Show respect. Do not speak when not spoken to. And do not enter his room if he doesn't ask me to.

And of course, everyone would have to obey them. Even the scullery maid.

He then insulted her dress, which made her dislike him even more. She had gotten proud of this dress, bought by her family's savings that had been painstakingly collected over the years.

"It's the best we have, M'lord," she replied matter-of-factly. Not in a confrontational tone, but not in a pleading one either.

She then listened how she would be provided with the appropriate clothing and that she would be expected to take care of it well.

"Thank you M'lord," she replied, curtsying. She never looked up to the Master of Coin's eyes all through this, not wanting to show him the deviant expression she had.

And then, finally, she would be escorted to the Earl's tent. And as she went out, she gave a glance towards her father, and she saw how he was paid quite generously for bringing her here.

She didn't say anything. She should feel thankful that she was valued that much, but thinking about it only made her feel hurt even more.

Her eyes and Bill's then met. Just for a single moment. But it was enough for Bill to see how his daughter's eyes were watering.

She quickly shook it off however. She would not give them the satisfaction.

When she arrived, the Earl was in the middle of having audiences with the peasants.

She was surprised. She thought he would be on his bed with another woman, half-naked after engaging in their usual lascivious acts. For a Lord to be willing to waste his time listening to his subjects like this, it was unheard of.

She waited in the corner, watching silently as he did his work.

And she had to admit. She was impressed.

He answered them all calmly and politely, reassuring them that their problems would receive his attention. And when he realized he wouldn't have time to answer to all of them, he ordered his men to give them each a silver coin compensation and to return tomorrow. Once again, an example to his generosity.

So much that she was fixed on the audience that she didn't realize the attention Phillip was giving to her once he realized she was there.

And then, he finally declared it was over for the day.

Marina gulped. Now it would be her turn to speak and interact with him.

She looked at him, and she realized that he was now staring at her.

"A-ah, g-good evening, M'Lord." She curtsied. "My name is Marina. And I would be your servant starting today."

"Would your guest like some refreshment, m'lord?"

Marina gasped. There was still another person in the room.

And judging by their voice, they were a lady.

And sure enough, her prediction was correct. One look at her and she immediately knew that she must be his escort in bed.

...I shouldn't be surprised. It was foolish of me to get my hopes up. Of course he would already have a whore or two to warm his bed.

She then asked what she would like to drink.

With a sour expression, Marina replied, "I would take the wine."

She took the cup she offered, and then emptied its entire contents in one gulp.

...It would be easier if I'm drunk while doing this.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

As he watched Ellora serving Marina, Phillip suddenly realized that his heart was pounding. The three of them together like this -- the Noble Lord, his current consort, and his intended future consort -- was the makings for a very, very awkward situation. And when Marina took the offered cup and drank down its contents in one lift, Phillip was certain his night was going to end much differently than that for which he had hoped.

What exactly was it for which he had hoped? Well, he'd hoped that after an hour or so of politely hosting the young peasant girl that she'd understand and accept that she was here to provide him with sexual pleasure … and then … he would fuck her. Pretty simple.

And yet, as Phillip looked upon her now, he began to realize that he wasn't that man. He wasn't that Noble that -- unknown to him, of course -- Marina of Echo Valley presumed he was. Before going off to war, Phillip had only been with one woman -- the love of his young life -- and he'd only been with her that night before he left to become part of the Woodland Warriors.

After that, during the war itself, he'd been with a handful of camp whores, again just once per. He'd had the need and fed it, and yet he'd never wanted to be with any of the professional girls a second time. There had been something about knowing that the woman was only doing what she was doing because there would be a coin at the end of it all.

Later, after the war and after he'd been given a Noble title, it had been pretty much the same thing only with a higher class of whore.

Until Ellora, that was. From the start, she'd made Phillip understand that she could be more to him than just a body with which he could find gratification. She'd helped him understand his new role as a Lord in ways Terrano or the other Counselors could. She'd given him truths when others only told him what they thought he wanted to hear. And, of course, she kept him warm at night and drove him to heights of pleasure he'd never before known.

Phillip could have fallen in love with Ellora, but she hadn't allowed it. She'd made it clear from the beginning who and what he was, who and what she was, and how the twain could never be together. Besides, Ellora had a mission in life, and while she wouldn't fully explain it to him, Phillip honored her dedication to seeing it through.

So, here he stood now, conflicted. One half of his brain was telling him to send Ellora to small, nearby tent that was her own so that he could strip Marina to the flesh and fulfill that need that had drawn him to her upon seeing her that first time; the other half was telling him that after he did, he would have to provide her with a small pile of coin and then exile her to some distant village so as to never see her again.

"Your dress is beautiful."

Ellora's compliment pulled Phillip from his reverie. He turned his full attention back to them as his bed partner began a slow encirclement of Marina. She made note of the amount of detail that had gone into the stitching, asking Marina for permission before reaching out to feel the intricate lace at the back of the collar.

Phillip wasn't sure whether Ellora was being sincere or was making fun of Marina. Ellora's dress was simpler in design, but it was made of the finest Capital fabrics, and fitted to fit her and her alone. When it had been created, it hadn't been for a simple whore; it had been for an Earl's consort, which made it nearly fit for a Lady of the Court.

"Come," Ellora suddenly demanded with a smile of the other young woman. She took Marina by the hand and began backing toward the portal connecting the working and living sections of the tent. "Come, let me show you m'lord's home."

She laughed and she essentially dragged the farm girl with her, correcting, "His home for now, I mean. Soon, Lord Phillip will be back in the Keep, and you will have your own bed chamber, and you will be surrounded by wood and stone rather than all this fabric and canvas that billows in the night when the winds howl."

Phillip didn't realize it but his eyes had widened and his mouth had fallen open a bit as he watched his current lover lead his prospective one away into the other chamber. Ellora sprung into an explanation of the tent, its contents, how they were kept, cleaned, replaced, and what not.

Phillip, for his part, only stood there and stared in confusion; when Ellora had first entered, he'd almost expected a cat fight, and yet Ellora was giving Marina the same polite explanation of how things were and how they were to be as she had with him so many months ago. There was no animus from the woman whose place in his bed would be filled before it even got cold.

But … would it? Again, as he watched the two young women together and recalled his feelings about his past relationships with women, Phillip knew that he couldn't treat Marina like just another whore with whom he could find feed his need whenever it arose.
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