Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

Relaying the orders through a private channel for some of the Hunters to flank around and use the buildings for cover while the rest of us join the Revolutionary leaders where the hologram can see us. Those two droids would be a problem and being on this side of the dome, they wouldn't be our only encounter with the model. "We need some kind of plan," I privately radio Gavin, "I've got five Hunters moving for a flank with one on orders to fall back if this turns south."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

I tap my earpiece. “Have then hold position until I give the direct order. Not a moment before.” I look up at the hologram. “Give is a moment.”

Jorg Sucal

“Of course. I’ll allow you a moment to say your tearful goodbyes.” I fold my hands in front of me patiently.

Gavin Greshh

I shake my head. “There has to be a way around those droids. What was it Becca said? They’re easily fooled? They can’t process multiple orders at once, and they can’t improvise.” I tap my chin. “We need to trick them somehow...”

Jude Sucal

My eyes widen with realization, and I look up at Gavin. “I have an idea. Do you trust me?”

Gavin Greshh

“What? Uhh, yeah. I’m willing to hear any suggestions you might have.”

Jude Sucal

I nod. “Wait for my signal.” Without another word, I jump over the wall and run towards the generator.

Hayden Twilight

“Jude! What are you doing!?” I try to jump after him, by Gavin grabs me. “Let me go!”

Gavin Greshh

“Hayden, stay down!” I push her back behind the wall. “Jude! Get back here now! That’s an order!”

Jude Sucal

I ignore them, focusing on the droids guarding the generator. I notice the moment they pick me up in their sensors, turning to face me with their weapons up. Only then to a skid to a stop, my heart beating a mile a minute. This was a reckless and stupid idea, and part of me wanted to turn back, but it was too late. I look up at the hologram. “Father!”

Jorg Sucal

I look visibly surprised. “Jude?!” I forcibly straighten and try not hide my emotions. “What do you think you are doing? Don’t be foolish. Return to your revel friends.”

Jude Sucal

“No, Father.” I say, taking a reluctant step forward. “I’ve returned to face you.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I relay the order, with a slight amendment that they should prep cryoban and plasma grenades just in case things went south quickly. "They're holding position."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jorg Sucal

I watch Jude take another step. "Enough, Jude! The droids will kill you if you continue forward!"

Jude Sucal

I shrug. "Maybe." Takes another step, and I can see the droids getting ready to fire. "This is between the two of us, Father. Call off the droids and I will submit myself to you. I'll surrender willingly." I take my lightsaber off my belt and toss it aside.

Carice Malori

From off screen, I whisper to Sucal. "It is a trick, my lord. Do not trust him."

Jorg Sucal

I keep my face passive, by I can feel my hands trembling. Jude takes another step. "Return to the wall and I will send an armed team to collect you..."

Jude Sucal

"Not happening. Call off the droids or they'll shoot me." As I speak, they each take a step forward, locking onto my position.

Gavin Greshh

I continue to hold Hayden back, though she isn't struggling as much anymore. Into my earpiece, I say, "Get ready to move. I see what Jude's doing now. When Sucal calls off the droids, that is our window to attack."

Hayden Twilight

"It's too risky. Jude! Get back here NOW!!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I prep the lone plasma rocket prototype that Jerus had given me for my mission and then a cryoban grenade and pass along the order to the Hunters waiting to flank. "On your mark, Gavin."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jorg Sucal

I hesitate farther, seeing that Jude isn’t bluffing. He knew my weakness for him, that he was exploiting it to it’s fullest. I’d be proud of his cunning if it weren’t directed against me, and he weren’t in mortal danger. With a huff of anger, I make up my mind. “Fine! You win! Just STOP!!” I hate the weakness in my voice, but I can’t watch my own son kill himself. I reach to grab remote to disengage the Sith Hunter droids… only the remote is gone. Bewildered, I look to Malori, and see her clutching the device in her hands. “Give it to me.”

Carice Malori

“No.” I say simply. “You are being deceived.”

Jorg Sucal

“I don’t care! Give me the remote now!”

Carice Malori

“I will not allow you to make this mistake.” I hold the remote close. “This is for your own good, my lord.”

Jorg Sucal

Anger and panic rise up within me, and I step towards Malori. “How dare you!” I quickly turn to the holoprojector. “Get away, Jude! Now!” back to Malori, I try to surge at her to take the remote. It should have been easy; I was a full-grown man and see a slender built woman. Yet as I come at her, she plants a firm hand against my chest, and it feels like a solid wall is holding me back. “How is this… Stop! Stop this! Give me the remote! P-please!”

Carice Malori

I told my head. “Please? You beg? I thought you were above such weakness.” I easily shove him away, sending him crashing to the floor. “I will remedy that.”

Jude Sucal

The hologram of my father had disappeared after issuing one final command to retreat. Now only the drone flew over me, watching me with mechanical eyes. Behind me, I can hear the screams of Hayden. In front of me, I can hear the droids whirring as they adjust their weapon arms. For a moment, everything felt frozen in time, leaving me standing alone and exposed. I close my eyes and allow the Force to flow through me fully. It felt comfortable, like a warm blanket on a cold night. When the blaster cannon torn into me, I didn’t feel a thing.

Gavin Greshh

I have to practically throw myself on top of Hayden to stop her from jumping the wall. Her horrified screams are almost too much to bare.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

My warriors and I waste no time as I utter one simple word into our channel. "Kyr'amur." My plasma rocket flies into the droid on the left, the extreme heat already messing with it as a group of grenades, cryoban and plasma, come from behind the droid on the right, similarly messing the mechanical menace as we jet towards our respective targets, the four Hunters who'd stayed with me joining me in attacking the droid on the left. "Gavin, we'll deal with the droids, do what you need to!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

I watch as the Mandalorians begin their attack. Temari has good instincts; she didn’t need me to give the order to know when the best time to strike was. I release Hayden and stand to my full height. “We charge for the generator. We end this now!” I leap over the wall, motioning for the Revolutionaries to follow.

Hayden Twilight

“I’m going to kill Sucal for this!!” I activate my lightsaber and finally jump the wall, screaming a war cry.

Jorg Sucal

I stagger to my feet and stare at the hologram displaying Jude’s body. For a few seconds, I stand silently, trembling with building emotion. Then, all at once, I release everything in a Force Scream of pain and anguish that echoed across the planet. “RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!”


Becca Twilight

I stand in Korre’s room, keeping guard while she sleeps. My hand rests on my right arm. I can feel pain there, but it isn’t my own. I look at Xan. “Jakito... I think he’s hurt.”

Xanthippe Naberrie

“Nothing to be done about him now. He knew what the risks where when he left to find Stoneheart. Only thing to do now is...” Suddenly, both of us are overcome with an ever strong disturbance in the Force; one that drives us both to our knees and screams in our ears. “Ahh! What is that?”


As the waves of Sucal’s energy roll over me, my eyes suddenly pop open and I am wide awake. Without thinking, I blurt, “Oh no...” and acting on instinct, I jump out of bed. As soon as feet touch the floor, my water breaks. “B...Becca!”

Becca Twilight

I look up in her direction. “Shit.” Both Xan and I climb to our feet and rush to aid Korré. I prayed this hotel had at least some basic medical equipment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

Laying into the droid with my rifle, two of my Hunters wrap their grapples one of it's legs and pull, using their jetpacks to try and topple it, as was happening with the other droid. If we could get them knocked over, we'd be able to take it apart at our own pace without using so many munitions.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jorg Sucal

While the Mandalorians battle the two Sith Hunter Droids, and the Rebels scramble between them to reach the generator, I turn my fury to Malori. Both hands raised, I blast full power lightning at her. But, in my anger, I’d forgotten her self modification, and the forks of energy pass right by her, hitting everything but the doctor. “Damn you! Damn you to the deepest pits of hell!!”

Carice Malori

I shake my head, sighing heavily. “Your attachments make you weak. No wonder the Mother of Wisdom has abandoned you.”

Jorg Sucal

“Kreia chose me! I am her heir!”

Carice Malori

“You were. But now you have lost control. Your enemies have allies themselves against you, and your defeat is imminent. I no longer wish to be a part of that.”

Jorg Sucal

“Then go! Flee like a coward before I kill you!”

Caricd Malori

“I plan to, and I am will be taking the Gendrys with me. There are greater mysteries of the Force for me explore elsewhere, and greater powers to serve than your pathetic dream.” I casually turn away and leave the office.

Jorg Sucal

I sink back to the floor, unable to muster the will to go after her. Let her run. See if I care. She was wrong anyway; I wasn’t defeated yet. I still had more Sith Hunters and the entire Republic army at my command. This day had only just begun.

Gavin Greshh

Hayden and I do our best to defend the saboteurs as they begin to plant their explosives to destroy the generator. The Sith Hunters continue to battle the Mandos, as well as fire in our direction, occasionally picking off one of the Revolutionaries. Though the warriors were trying to bring them down with robes, I could tell it wasn’t going well.


“Just a few more minutes!” I call as I indicate the next spot to plant a charge.

Gavin Greshh

As I bat away blaster fire from a few newly arrived drones, I notice something; as one of the Mandalorians zips by on his jet pack, the Sith Hunter pivots to shoot after him. As it does, one of it’s shots hits it’s droid partner in the shoulder. It seems they have no awareness of friendly fire. That... could be useful.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

Landing on the back of the droid I was attacking, I fire multiple shots into the droid's wiring, trying to disable it so it wouldn't shoot more of our saboteurs. There were enough wasted lives in this courtyard. Of course, shortly after, the drones showed up and I resumed my flight, trying to down some of them as well. "Hurry!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago


“We’re going! Just one more...” I begin to hook up the wiring for the last bomb.

Hayden Twilight

My tearful eyes turn red as I gather all of my power. I reach out with the Force, and the Sith Hunter Temari is not riding lifts into the air. With another roar of hatred, I begin to squeeze both my hands together, and the droid starts crumbling into a ball. I then pull it down in front of the generator as a makeshift shield.

Gavin Greshh

It still surprised me how much raw power Hayden had, especially when properly fueled. That was one droid down. One more, plus a mess of drones to go.


“Almost... done!” I finish the wiring and the bombs glow green. “Everyone get clear!”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"Tok'kad!" My Hunters and I begin falling back, but not before another barrage of grenades assault's the final droid before we lay down covering fire for the retreating Revolutionaries. On the way back, I retrieve Jude's body, setting him behind the wall before I fire on a drone. While I had not known the boy well, nor had I had any personal attachment to him, there were those present who did and would appreciate the ability to give him his final rites.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

I jump over the wall, then signal to my mother to activate the bombs. With a nod, Vette presses the detonation button and the charges explode, destroying not only the generator, but the Sith Hunter droid nearby. A moment later, the shield above us dissipates.

“We did it.” I say with relief, then my eyes turn to Temari and the body in her arms. “Thank you for retrieving him. He deserves a proper burial after this is over.” Not far away, Hayden has stalked off to be alone. Part of me wants to check on her, but I know better. I’d have to give her some time to process first.

Gathered around me are the few remaining Revolutionaries and the Mandalorians. We’d suffered many losses, but we had come out on top in the end. “Alright. The easy parts over. Now, the real fight begins.”

Mandalore the Risen

I watch as the shield dissolves into nothing. I knew Temari would come through in the end. Smiling triumphantly beneath my helmet, I signal to the legions of Mandalorians at my back, as well as the mobs of Revolutionaries who have gathered to aid us. “The shield is down! Follow me to victory!” I blast off with my jet back to thunderous cries of ‘For Mand’alor!’. My warriors fallow me into the sky, while the Revolution mobs take to the streets. Already, I could see Republic Troopers and the smaller variant of Sith Hunter droids mobilizing to defend the Senate District. This was sure to be a fight to remember.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"And a glorious battle it will be." Still, as I look at the others and out at the generator, the final scene before Jude Sucal's death played out in my mind. There was still another player in this game, and she was on the run.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Major Alion

The alarms signal that the barrier around the Senate District have fallen. Rallying my squad mates, I rush out to join the rest of the Republic forces in battle. “Havoc Squad, let’s move! For the Republic!” As we run into the streets, I can see the massive Sith Hunter droids marching towards the advancing armies of Mandalorians. I can also hear the roars of Revolutionaries as they pillage and attack in hordes. All around us is chaos. As much as I wanted to aid my fellow soldiers in the front lines, Havoc had a very specific place to be.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Talion Wren

As the special forces squad moved out of their barracks, the sound of jet packs roared over them before a squad of Mandalorians set down and immediately open fire. The lead Mandalorian wielded twin heavy blaster pistols and had downed one of the troopers before they had properly responded. "For the glory of Manda'lor!" The beskar clad warriors fired and moved into cover as did the members of Havoc squad, though neither side made it unscathed.

Harold Berson

The sounds of battle echoed around the haggard members of the Revolutionary squad, a human male, twin female Twi'leks and a Bothan. They had been part of a larger fighting force of about thirty Revolutionaries, but the bulk of them had died in a Republic ambush. The four were now on the run from a group of soldiers, their bolts flashing over the squads heads as a dangerous reminder that they were still there. "This way, hurry!" One of the twins, Ora, an orange skinned young woman indicated a four way intersection's right side, which lead to a two way path.

Rushing down it, the four took cover just in time as the larger squad of troopers got clear shots, but they still managed to singe Tana's lekku, a black mark on her otherwise green skin. The four turned and opened fire, but the Bith still went down quickly. Harold, the human, cursed as he pulled the pair down to avoid a fresh barrage of fire. They were pinned and he knew it, even though he also knew the squad couldn't move up without giving the trio free shots and reducing their own ability to attack. "Sith spit..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Major Alion

I duck behind the side of a building, yelling for my team to do the same. Most of them make it, but two troopers fall to the Mandalorian's blaster fire. At least we managed to take one of the Mandos with us. I activate my helmet comm. "Enemy contact! Requesting backup!" We remaining squad members continue to fire back at the Mandalorians as we wait for assistance.


Commander Kye

As the Rebels go to cover, I signal my squad to stop firing. Into a megaphone, I call, "Listen to this; You have no chance of victory! This is a misguided act of defiance that can only end in death! Why throw your lives away? Surrender or we will be forced to resume fire!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Harold Berson

Harold wasn't dumb, he knew what would happen the moment the three of them walked out from behind their piece of cover; he was a former mercenary after all. When the bulk of his group had joined that deranged Sith Gendry, he'd stepped out and stayed with the true Revolution, helping it's various cells and leaders avoid detection. But this situation..."They'll surrender only when they're dead, Republic dog! For the Revolution!" Another group of Revolutionaries must of heard the fighting and come to their aid, peppering the now pinned Republic troopers with fire as Harold and the Twins joined in.

Talion Wren

As the two groups exchange fire, more troops come to Havoc Squad's aid and cause the lead Mandalorian to grimace before a grin adorns his face. "Guardians!" Two of the bulkier armored Mandalorians come up, their rifles still spitting death at their foes. "Push formation, setting 4." The pair nod and step back out into the line of fire before dropping a pair of energy shields that blocked the Republic's attacks and allowed them to slowly move up, the other Mandalorians behind them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Commander Kye

There may have been more Revolutionaries, but many of them were simply armed civilians. The Republic team had better weapons, better armor. and better training. After throwing down a few portable shields, the troopers are easily able to raise back out of cover and open fire on the ill fated rebels.


Major Alion

As more Mandalorians fly out in formation, I am forced to call my team to retreat to a better vantage point while we await aid. We give ground, firing over our shoulders down the street.

Zarka Saxon

I turn to one of my Guardian Commandos and laugh in triumph. "Look at them! Fleeing before us." A moment later, a Republic transport flies overhead, carrying a Sith Hunter droid. I releases the droid and it smashes into the ground, coming to life instantly and turning to face the squads of Clan Wren and Saxon. "Ah! They brought us something worthy of our time at last!" I jet off towards the droid, followed closely by the commandos.

Hunter Ordo

I pace outside of Korre's room. I have come to help stand guard while Becca and Xan are 'preoccupied' with Korre's delivery. Luckily, the hotel did have a working team of medical droids, so they were not left entirely to their own devices.
The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I hear my father's voice whisper "Mercy". I sign and shake my head. That was the only thing he ever said to me. Ever since I learned of his death, I've been trying to find some way to commune with him, but it never worked. Hunter Twilight may have been Force sensative, but Kamari Ordo was not. I wondered if that would somehow effect my father's ability to speak to me, or if he simply had nothing else to say but Mercy... whatever that meant.
My comm beeps, and I answer. "This is Kam. Go ahead."

Rory Fett

My voice calls through the comm. "Kam! We've spotted Republic transports headed this way. Looks like they're hoping to stop the swarm by destroying the nest. We have auto turrets active, but something tells me that won't be enough. Especially if they send in special forces."

Hunter Ordo

"Damn! Do what you can. I'll make sure the inside is locked up tight. Hopefully Jerus, Cosen, and Jakito get back soon." I switch off the comm and bang on Korre's door. "We've got company. We'll stall them as best we can, but be ready in case they try to barge in."

Becca Twilight

I frown. Why couldn't any births in this family be simple? As I grip Korre's hand reassuringly, I look up at Xan and meet her eyes. I don't say it out loud because I don't want to worry Korre, but my expression is enough to convey my thoughts; They are coming for the child.
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