Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

“Your right. We can’t keep this up forever. We either need to join up with our allied forces or find a place to lay low for a while.”


I shoot another trooper over my shoulder. “Keep going towards the senate tower. Everyone is either busy fighting us or protecting Presidential Palace. There probably won’t be too many guards left to defend the senate. And maybe one of the senators left behind a fancy ship we could steal to get out of here.”

Hayden Twilight

“I’m not going anywhere.” I slim my lightsaber to deflect a few blaster shots. “If I abandon this fight, chances are Sucal will get away. I won’t let that happen again.”

Gavin Greshh

“Hayden, the planet is blockaded! There is no way he can escape now. And besides, you cant carry Jude around all day. You need to get his body back to base.”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I gun down another pair of troopers as they rush us again, forcing them back into their cover. "We go to the senate building! We can figure out our next move once we're out of their immediate line of fire!" Pulling a plasma grenade off my belt, I hurl it behind the cover the Republic troopers were hiding, sending them screaming as it explodes and sets them on fire. "But we need to hurry before one of those blasted droids decides to target us!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

“Agreed!” I wave to the group to follow me as I sprint off towards the tower. It wasn’t too far away now, and as we drew closer, we could clearly see there was no major fighting going on nearby. Hopefully it stayed that way long enough for us to catch our breaths.

Nor Saxon

A young Mando falls from the sky and crashes against the ground near Gavin and his group. A moment later, another Mandalorian flies down to inspect his injured companion. “Hey! You alright, nar vod?”

Gida Saxon

The injured warrior lifts his head. “Oof, I’m fine. Just rattled.” He places his hands on his helmet and begins to pull it off.

Nor Saxon

“No!” Nor smacks Gida’s hands away. “Not during battle. You leave it on until Mand’alor says you can take it off.” He looks up and spies the group of Revolution and Temari’s hunters. “Oh your feet, cousin. We have friends.” Nor helps Gida stand, giving a belated salute to Temari.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I return the salute before indicating a Hunter to help the wounded warrior to his feet. "Well met, verda. But you are far from the battle. What happened?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nor Saxon

“Mand’alor sent us. When the shield came down and everyone charges in, she sent us to lead a squad to your location. Render assistance however we could.”

Gida Saxon

I step away from the hunters, quietly thanking them for their help. “We didn’t anticipate your move away so fast, or that the area would be so swarmed. We’ve been hoping across the district searching for you all.” I point to my back. “One of those damn droids nicked my jet pack. Lucky for me, I just so happened to land right in your paths.”

Gavin Greshh

“Luck or the Force. Are you all that’s left of your squad?”

Nor Saxon

“Unfortunately. We got separated. Most are dead. Others probably assume we died and ran off to rejoin the fight with Clan Chief Zarka.” I look away. “Sorry we couldn’t give you the backup we intended. This battle is not as one sided as we all hoped.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

I shake my head and indicate for the pair to follow us, the troopers having given up chasing us for the moment after their friends were all set ablaze with a plasma grenade. "You two are enough. The smaller a target we present, the less likely one of those droids is to come after us anyways. How went the battle as you searched for us?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nor Saxon

“It would seem the Republic is better at defending itself then we thought. They’ve been holding back all their best weapons in order to maximize its protection of the palace. We began the battle as one major force, but since then, the Mandalorian army has been scattered. Mand’alor leads the main host, but there are clumps if warriors and Revolution all over the place. Victory... may not be as certain as Mand’alor believed.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"I was afraid of that, but victory is still possible. By withholding their best, they've weakened themselves numerically, which they hope the droids will make up for." As if no cue, one of the original models of Sith Hunter droid toppled out from between a pair of buildings, plasma and cryoban making it non-functional as Mandalorians and Revolution both rammed their blaster barrels in between it's armor plating and unloading. "But they're proving no more reliable than a standard combat model. The army is scattered, young one, but we are from from defeated."

The senate building loomed larger as we got closer and I signal for us to slow down as the sounds of fighting were more distant, almost as if both sides were avoiding the building. "It would seem our hopes were correct, Gavin. How fair your men?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

"Not great. They aren't nearly the fighters the Mandalorians are. They are acting more as a diversion than a real offensive, but its costing them greatly. I'm afraid the Republic will slaughter them all before the day is over."


"They chose to fight. To follow you. They might not be soldiers, but at least they are fighting for what they believe in."

Gavin Greshh

"True. I just hope some of them are left over to see the freedom their comrades died for." I continue towards the Senate Tower. "Maybe once we are inside, we can send a mass transmission to the Revolution. If we can get them to converge on that location, they could turn the place into a temporary command post. We can land reinforcements and evacuate wounded from there."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

As we get further away from the battle, whatever was jamming our comms lessens and I can finally get through to the command center we'd set up in that hotel. The news I receive is less than reassuring. "That plan may not work, Gavin. The Republic went after the command post and while they've repelled the majority of attackers, there's still a new model of Sith Hunter droids fighting the Mandalorians and Becca Twilight."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hayden Twilight

I snort. “If my mom is there, she can handle those droids now problem.”

Gavin Greshh

“I’m sure she’d appreciate the confidence, but even the strongest can be outnumbered.” I look Hayden in the eye. “You should go back and help. If we find a transport on one of the pads of the tower, you should take it. Bring Jude’s body back, maybe take a few of my Revolution, and help the defense.”

Hayden Twilight

“I told you I’m not leaving until Sucal is dead. If you are so worried about the team back at the hotel, maybe you should go.”

Gavin Greshh

“I have to stay here and lead the Revolution! If I abandon the battlefield, it might demoralize them and cause a panic.” I narrow my eyes. “Technically, I’m your boss for this mission. I could order you to go back to base, but I don’t want to do that. So please stop arguing and just do why I ask. Please.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Temari Ordo

"We don't even know if there's a way for her to return in the tower, so for now, let us cease bickering until we know." The rest of the trip into the tower proceeded without further incident and once we were inside, the Hunters spread out to search it and ensure we wouldn't be caught by surprise by an unseen guard who was still there. Fortunately, there were no guards and so we all settled down in the entry way to rest. "It would seem the battle will come no closer to the building. Manda'lor knows that destroying it would only hurt her chances with the people of Coruscant."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gida Saxon

I exchange a look with Nor before we holster our weapons and allow ourselves to relax. To Temari, I ask, "What's the plan? We just catching our breath or is there some strategy here?" I lean against the wall, crossing my arms. "Not that we wouldn't enjoy a minute or two to rest, but every moment we spend away from battle is fewer blasters pointed at the enemy."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"Extra blasters alone will not aid the battle, young Saxon." I look around us and then out towards the flashing lights of the battle as the others begin preparing in case a squad of troopers were to happen upon us. One of my Hunter, Rem Ordo, approaches me from my right.

"The Saxon's right, teacher. We need to do something, even if sitting on our laurels is a nice, if brief, reprieve." I sigh, knowing the veteran warrior is right.

"I know." I turn to the others and wave Gavin over to join us while one of the other Hunters, Anas Ordo, one of our veteran female warriors, lead Hayden towards one of the shuttles that they'd found. Once the young Twi'lek joins us, I beckon to the flashes of war.

"We need a plan to definitely turn the tide. Announcing our capture of the tower may be just that."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

"That would divide the Republic's attention. Inspire the Mandalorians and Revolution, and perhaps demoralize the enemy. Maybe if we could somehow send a broadcast out..."


"The IS the Senate building, after all. There must be a cam droid around here somewhere. Maybe you could try making a speech or something."

Gavin Greshh

I nod quietly. "That would definitely bring the Republic running... and the Revolution will rally." I look at Temari. "Do you agree to this plan?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"We'll want to either find a more defensible position within the building or call for some reinforcement first. This building is far too large to hold ourselves." I look around and realize that, aside from the Hunter who went with Hayden, two of them are missing. "Treus, Avan, report!" Silence answers me. "Odd, but not unsurprising. Those two are always on the look out for hidden threats."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nor Saxon

I look at Gida, a surprised look beneath my helmet. To Temari, I say, “Perhaps we should go find them. Make sure they are okay.”

Gida Saxon

“They’re Mando’ade, Nor. I’m sure they are fine.” After a pause, I catch the way that Nor’easter head is cocked. I realize he is glaring at me, and I shiver slightly. I always hated the way he did that; even when we were kids. It was a look that said ‘I’m about to hit you’. Quickly, I straighten up. “Or... you know. Maybe they might need a hand. This is a big place, like you said. Maybe they got lost.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"If you feel the need, then go. But do not take too long. If we cannot find a way to contact the central command location, we'll have to make do with who we have." I turn back to Gavin. "Your Revolution are best equipped for hit and run tactics. Perhaps we should arrange for that to work to their advantage. Pity we don't have an astromech..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Greshh
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Lord Greshh

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gavin Greshh

“Astromech...” I think about that for a few seconds before the pieces click. “Astromech! The Droid Gotra is part of the the Revolution!”

Nor Saxon

“The droid what?” I give my cousin, who has made no attempt to go find the missing hunters, to a questioning look. He shrugs, showing he doesn’t know what the Gotra is either.

Gavin Greshh

“The Droid Gotra is a group of droids from The Works, as well as a collection of discarded droids from across Coruscant. They’ve basically never had a memory wipe and developed too much personality. Now they consider themselves sentient and therefore worthy of recognition as citizens of the Republic. If we could get some of them to come here, I’m sure they have at least a few Astro droids in their ranks.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Temari Ordo

"A solid plan. You get in contact with the droid. Mando'ade, find a more defensible position. This foyer is too wide and has too many entry points." I turn to the two members of the Saxon clan. "Find my missing Hunters and get them back on task. Time is of the essence."
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