Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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"A back up plan is a good idea." Steph said with a bit of a nod. She gave a small shrug with a weak smile. "I think it's cool." She started, "I like that you can see ghosts. I'm just a petty thief, gods know what I can do now with this fucking body.." Steph receded into herself a little.
Every time she thought about her old life she felt horrible, the depression slowly crept back into her mind. She shook it off and pretended to smile at Benjamin.
"Who knows! Maybe we'll get some very angry Poltergeists, and you helped with the stuff with the Gems!"

Harriet looked at her phone worried, she had sent messages to Gaia over the last hour or so, yet she hadn't replied.
Harriet couldn't contact her through her mental link either; and she couldn't shake the feeling of murkiness in her head either.

Harriet moved to lie down on her bed with a sigh, closing her eyes as she felt the inky tendrils cover over her consciousness.
Do not fear.... A voice whispered, Everything isss safe... Allow me to... Teach...

"And I'm sure it's killing you to do so." Carl added under his breath before he grinned towards Morrison.
"Back into the city." He started, "Apparently there are three males loitering around the city, yelling at people about things being 'Angel' Territory."

Jase relaxed as the other two didn't seem to pay him much attention. He moved a hand into his hood to feel his now pointed ears and let out a flinch and a kick of his foot into the passenger seat on accident.
"Sorry." He uttered quietly, "Slammed my hand between my head and the window." He lied.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin nodded when Steph mentioned the poltergeist and the gems. But she had mentioned her body twice now and not in a positive way. "Have you tried flying?" he asked her. "Your body may have changed, but if you explore it you may discover you can do all sorts of cool things now. You didn't die when you got shot, that is amazing! Although unless you know why you didn't die I wouldn't recommend trying that again."

Morisson made a derogatory sound. If those men really were Angels they had just created a whole lot of extra work for their organisation. "Didn't we make an agreement with the Angels that they would lay low so people wouldn't get scared? The masses can't handle the knowledge of the paranormal being real." He sighed as he quickly went over the options they had. "We may need to launch a cover-up story about the Angels being a cult or a gang that police managed to disband after we're done."

When the helicopter landed the agents entered it, carefully bringing the female agent in and securing her to the floor in her cocoon.
"We're in the helicopter," the leader reported. "On our way back."
The helicopted lifted into the sky and flew the team back to the base.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Benjamin's voice pulled her back to the real world, she looked up to him with a blink. She hesitated before she shook her head softly.
"No, I haven't tried flying yet." She started, "I kind of... Shunned the wings. You know, the whole 'demons are bad' sorta thing." She admitted with a bit of a small shrug.

She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, "I don't intend to get shot again, I promise. But I doubt there's much I can really do..." She spoke sadly.

The Agent shifted in her Cocoon; the webbing moved slightly as she slowly started to regain consciousness. She was unaware of the changes through her body, but that didn't matter for now...
She opened her eyes slowly and pressed against the webbing with her hands, not fully trying to get out of the webbing.

"They could be fallen." Carl stated, not taking his eyes off the road as he spoke. "A cover-up story would be easy, there are enough Gangs in this place to make up some sort of rumour."
Jase listened to Carl and Morrison spoke, He wanted to ask questions but he didn't trust his own voice at this point.

Jase closed his eyes as he felt another wave of pain flood through his body as he tried to focus on everything else, feeling the pressure on his shoulder blades and tailbone.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

"You should try flying," Benjamin said. "Imagine going on a flight with Harriet and Gaia, you could have so much fun. I'm sure Harriet would love to fly with you. And you may even get to join more missions if you can fly with them." He put a hand on her arm. "It is a part of you, you might just as well get acquainted with it."

Morisson grumbled at the mention of fallen angels, he hoped that wasn't the case. They often caused a lot of trouble and he already had a busy night planned. "Right," he said, "let's see what people reported on the internet about it." He took his phone and searched for mentions about these angels on social media or news reports. Luckily he couldn't find much, which meant the problem wasn't as big as he had feared.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph looked at his hand on her should before she looked up towards him with a smile.
"Yeah, flying might be nice." She started as she thought to herself. She closed her eyes slightly before she breathed in.
"I need to ask you a question." She started, "And I need you to answer completely honestly..."

Carl gave a small shrug as he drove into the city.
"Not too far now." He started, "Last report had them around near the edges of the center city."

Jase slightly winced at the sunlight that hit him, turning his head away and accidentally let a bit of his now suddenly soft green hair drop into view. He blinked and tried to focus on anything but his body trembling.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

"Okay, I will," Benjamin said, waiting for what question it would be. If someone started like that it usually was a serious topic, so he gave her his undivided attention.

"It seems to be pretty well contained," Morrison said as he out away his phone. He looked outside through the windshield, eyeing the area they were driving through. If this was close to where they were spotted, there could be clues here. "You okay back there, Jase?" he asked without looking back. "You've been awfully quiet."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph breathed in, "If... You had no interest in me." She started, "Would you... Be afraid of me?" She asked, tilting her head.

Jase jolted when Morrison spoke to him, he cleared his throat shakily.
"No I'm fine." He said quickly, "I'm just... Thinking. I'm thinking." He finished.

Carl moved the mirror to look at Jase while he was driving, he noticed the green hair but didn't say anything.
"We're close." He started before he slowed down the car and looked towards the road with a sigh. "Just leave it to me in terms of talking to them."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin stared at her, then his forehead wrinkled as he thought about her question. Not only did he have to think back to how he felt about her, he also had to determine when he had started seeing her as more than a friend. He remembered witnessing her transformation and thinking back, that initial transformation had probably shocked Steph as much as it had shocked him.
"I don't think I can give a simple yes or no answer to this. It's a bit of both and I'll do my best to explain because it depends a lot on the situation." He didn't want to just say 'Yes', because it wasn't entirely true and giving a definite answer like that would give an unnecessary sting and could lead to Steph making assumptions he then had to try and rectify.
"Generally," he began his answer, "I judge a person by their actions, not their gender, race, or species, but I did grow up with certain ideas which are hard to unlearn. We met after I had joined the organisation and I was already used to the idea that creatures from myths were real, but the organisation also reinforced the concept creatures like vampires and demons are evil. Then we met your group. It was shocking to see something like Gaia in real life and honestly, I was a bit afraid of her at first. And when saw you for what you really were I too found it difficult to look beyond what I had already learned about demons and such, and..." He looked straight at her. "I admit I felt fear, but that moment passed immediately when I saw how the agents reacted to you, and you to them. I didn't stand up for you because I liked you, I did it because I saw who the dangerous ones were."
He recalled she had only shown her true form, nothing more, and the agents had aimed their guns at her. The thing he remembered most clearly was her fear for them, and for good reason, the agents had looked ready to fire at her. It had immediately shattered the thought 'demon!'
"But," he continued, "if we would have met in your true form back when I was still a ghost hunter and you wouldn't be the victim of aggression, I think I would have been afraid, because you would have been the first demon I'd have seen and I wouldn't have any reason to assume you weren't evil."
It was probably not exactly what she had wanted to hear, but it was the truth.

"Then why was I even suppose to come with you?" Morrison asked, glancing at Carl from the corners of his eyes. "To have back-up in case things go sour?"
It wouldn't have been the first time, he was often used for missions to take out dangerous creatures, not explore possible harmless ones. Although he had never had to battle an angel before, he had quickly read up about their weaknesses when he had gotten this assignment.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph nodded slowly, "Thank you." She said, looking to her lap as she thought, "Thank you for answering that honestly."
She looked up to Benjamin with a small smile, "I'm glad you don't hate me just because I'm a demon." She fanned her wings out slowly before she looked back at them. "I feel like I need to make a better name for the demon species."

Carl glanced towards Morrison, "Back up, moral support." He started, moving to mutter under his breath, "If you can even do that."
Carl pulled the car over quietly, moving to slip out of the drivers side. "Come on, we're at the place." He started, moving to open the door for Jase.

Jase flinched when the door opened before he glanced towards Carl with a weak smile, noticing the flick of hair before tucking it away quickly before he looked to the Angel happily. "Thank you." He uttered quietly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin walked through the small room until he was at the wall and leaned against it with his back. "It's admirable you want to give the demon species a better name, but have you met many of your kind? If the good ones are the exception than you shouldn't go through the trouble of giving the species a better image, just show others they don't have to be afraid of you. If the evil ones are the exception, then I will help you clear their name. We just need to find some more and see what they are like."
He did have a breakfast planned with that woman who looked like a succubus too, so maybe he could get a better idea of the species as a whole through her.

Morrison exited the car and looked at Jase, narrowing his eyes. He then glanced around but didn't spot any angels. He checked his weapons and then nodded to Carl. "So far no trouble. Let's see if we can find them. If we're quick you two lovebirds can have some time together." He checked the reports to see where they had been, it was unlikely they would return to any of those places, but it gave an indication of what circle they operated in. "I recommend we start our search in the west-side and head to the centre," he said to the others.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph listened to Benjamin's' words and frowned.
"Apart from that one we met today... No." She said with a sigh, retracting her wings slowly. "I just... don't want people to hate me for being who I am. I don't want to be a target."

Steph pulled her legs in a bit, trying to shrink herself down again. Whatever confidence she had was fizzled off.

Carl rolled his eyes, "Awh, not going to have team coffee with us afterwards?" He almost taunted.
He walked away from Jase and towards Morrison again. He looked around at all of the buildings as he closed his eyes slightly.

"Fallen give off a strange Aura." Carl said, trying to remember the little amount he knew of the Fallen Angels, "Its low but it starts to get stronger as you get closer. Luckily for us Fallen can't sense other angels."
Jase followed behind quietly, he looked at his feet before he looked to Carl at the mention of the Fallen.

Jase breathed in and closed his eyes, he focused with the feelings running through his body. He felt suddenly queezy as if he was about to vomit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin had his eyes on Steph, noticing how she slumped. "Of course," he said. "No-one wants that. Groups of people have been fighting to be acknowledged throughout history. It's very human of you." He crouched down in front of her, looking slightly up when he looked in her eyes. "It's a good thing to strive for and I will be with you along the way. But before you start on that quest, you need to know who you really are. And for that you need to learn more about the others of your kind. Let's go meet a few."

Morrison glanced at Carl at his taunt, he didn't see any reason why he wanted to have a coffee after this mission and watch them smile at each other.
The talk about Aura's didn't help him, he couldn't sense that. It didn't matter really, he was just back-up after all. He'd make sure Carl and Jase wouldn't get hurt. They were colleagues and no-one, not even fallen angels, would get them. He put a hand on his hip as he looked around, it would be close to his gun that way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph listened to Benjamins' words, she lifted her head gently to properly look at him with a tilt of her head.
"I doubt I can just go out and meet other Demons." She started with a weak chuckle, "The place we work for want to kill them all." She sighed before she started to uncoil slowly. "I'd love to be able to meet others though, that one we met in the city seems nice." She sighed slightly, "You could ask her if she has any demon friends we could... meet?" She asked, almost confused but hopeful.

Carl started down the first Alleyway he turned to, something was calling him down there. He didn't even call for the other two to follow, he had his hand on one of the walls and continued down them.
"We know you're here!" Carl called out, there was no response.

Jase looked sheepishly at Morrison as Carl left down the alleyway.
"W...We should follow yeah?" He asked, sounding unsure, "A...And if it helps. I...I think you're great backup." He said with a weak smile. "I'm... Sorry that Carl is being a bit... Snippy."
"I said-" Carls' voice came again, "I know you'r- GAUK" He was cut off sharply with the sound of metal slamming against something hard.
Jase's eyes widened as he heard the noise, "Oh no." He whispered in fear.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

"I'll bring it up tomorrow, after we talked about what she wants to talk about." He still wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about, but he'd find out in the morning. "For now, why don't you try to fly a bit?" he asked. "We'll go outside and you can spread your wings. I'm sure it will feel nice to do so."

"We should," Morrison said as he started to move. When Jase mentioned he was a good back-up the corners of his mouth lifted into the faintest of smiles and he briefly touched Jase's shoulder. "I'll do my best, but Angels are not my area of expertise."
When he heard the noise he narrowed his eyes and ran to the alley. So far he wasn't doing his part as back-up, but he would make that right. Running into the ally he looked around. "Carl?" he asked, his eyes moving from left to right to take in all the details.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph perked up when Benjamin mentioned about speaking to the other Demon. Her eyes lightened up as she listened to the idea of trying to fly.
"It sounds like it could be fun if I can manage to fly!" She said excitedly, "Maybe we could get some tennis balls and play catch and stuff?"
The idea of moving around and exercising made her happy again.
She stood quickly, fanning her wings out a little bit more and swayed her tail.
"We'd have to find a trail so people don't get angry at us.." She said with a tilt of her head.

The Ally-way seemed deserted, there was some blood splatter against the wall.
A spanner suddenly flew past Morrison, barely missing his head before a figure darted around the corner of the Ally-way. There was a bit of laughter.
Jase followed quickly after the Spanner hit the ground, he was still fulled with fear but something seemed to be bubbling in his chest.

"The angels?" He asked before he saw the blood against the wall and froze up. "No... no no..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin went to the door. "Try and spread your wings outside HQ first, go up just a bit to see if you can. If that works, we'll find a remote place where you can test how fast you can go. I'll see if I can keep up with you." It wasn't ice-skating, but he wouldn't turn down the opportunity to run.

Morrison looked at the blood spatter when the spanner barely missed him. He quickly turned around when he saw some dart away.
"Focus, Jase. The blood doesn't have to be Carl's." He ran to where the figure had been going. "If they fucking hurt him..." he grumbled as he went around the corner with the gun in his hand.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

Steph smiled at his words, giving a small nod before she headed out of the room happily.
She completely ignored the stares and glares she was getting from some of the other agents. There seemed to be a mix of awe and disgust as she walked quickly through, stepping outside as she breathed in slowly.

"Right." She started, glancing back towards where Benjamin would walk through. She wanted to take off immediately, if she could, of course- But she wanted to wait for Benjamin. He seemed to have this mysterious charm about him that made her just feel... Happy. She loved that feeling. She loved him.
It clicked slowly.
She loved Benjamin.

Jase nodded gently, "R...Right. Focus." He said as he slowly followed after Morrison. He was trembling, part of it was fear, something else bubbled inside him.
As Morrison rounded the corner, another tool shot past him. This one was thrown much sloppier, and the next one to be thrown didn't even make it to the two agents.

"RUN." A voice yelled as a figure dove around another corner, "THEY'VE FOUND US."
A multiple chain of clangs and tinks before sudden silence. There was a bit of a groan from the other corner, and Carls voice quietly creeped through the air.
"Put down the pipe and we won't harm yo-" Another loud yelp echoed from the corner before a bit of laughter echoed again.
Jase felt his blood boil, he bared his teeth, which were now suddenly sharp. "Carl." He hissed, which was unlike him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin followed Steph outside, walking to her with his hands in the pockets of his pants, seemingly without a care in the world. "Ready for it?" he asked her. He wanted to see this, to see her fly and accept who she was. And he was glad he could be a part of that. He thought back to the argument he had with Mike earlier, and he was certain she was not the dangerous monster he seemed to think she was.

Mike looked at Steph and Ben through the window of the library. He had done some study about the dragon-like demons as Morrison had suggested and he had decided on a break. Again he worried about Ben, he had to be under her spell. Succubi did that and everything Stuart Greyhill had taught him about those demons affirmed that. But how could he protect Ben if he didn't want to be protected?
"Is that the Succubus?" someone asked and Mike turned around. He saw it was Stuart and nodded. "The spell to send her back to the demon realm is a fairly easy one, once you memorised the gestures and words. Just make sure to carry a ruby with you at all times."
"I have one," Mike assured him. "Ever since our conversation today."
"Those alien gems mr. Johnson talked about, he thinks they can be used for spells. They would give us a better fighting chance against demons. I understand they are unsafe to use, but maybe we can find a way to make them safe."
"Maybe..." Mike muttered. The precious stones, the gems from earth, did a good enough job as far as he knew, but he was still in the early stages of understanding these banishing rituals while Stuart was an expert. If there was anyone who could find a way to make them safe for humans to use it had to be him.

The helicopter landed at the Heliplatform of the mansion and the agents brought the female agent to a nursery. The leader of the team when to mr. Johnson to report about the mission.

Mr. Johnson was in his office, looking at a GPS that showed were Gaia was. The device in her back that would make her wild doubled as a tracking device. Now all he had to do was make sure she was wreaking havoc where Ethan saw it and Ethan could prove his worth to the agency. Judged on the latest report by agent Morrison, Ethan wanted to prove himself to the agency. And according to mr. Greyhill, Mike was an eager student, capable of banishing Steph. The only useless one was Benjamin. Annoyingly, he even seemed to spend a lot of time with the Succubus. He glanced at the screen that showed small images of all security cameras. Steph and Benjamin were outside and it seemed she didn't even try to hide her true appearance anymore. He could tolerate her presence when she hid under an illusion, but something had made her drop it.

Agent Morrison was in pursuit and rounded the corner, entering the ally from which Carl'svoice had come from and raising his gun as he assessed the situation. These angels relied on throwing tools and weren't even good at that, they couldn't be much of an opponent.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 16 min ago

"Yeah!" Steph started before she spun to face him and fanned her wings out slowly. She closed her eyes and focused before she flexed the muscles. "Right." She reopened her eyes slowly, "How am I suppose to actually try and fly?" She asked after a moment with a bit of a laugh.
She had no idea where to start when it came to flying.

"Do I jump?" She asked, looking at the floor, "Do I just flap my wings?"

The female agent seemed to slowly be waking in the cacoon, the medics moving around her keeping her vitals seemed to be chattering between each other. The Cacoon split slightly and the Agents hand quietly reached out.
She mumbled something under her breath before she lifted her head, the Medics all surrounding her to make sure she was okay.

"I'm fine." She started quietly, lifting an arm to rub her head as she felt her hair stick to her head. "Ew. I think I need a wash."

The Angels were surrounding Carl, who was slumped on the floor against the end of an Alleyway. The three of them all looked up to Morrison and Jase who trailed behind the other agent.
"Shit!" One of them said before they moved to stand in front of the other two, fanning out his tainted red wings. "Back off he's ours!"

Jase felt his blood boil, but he didn't move at all. He couldn't move, his body just bubbled.
"Give him back!" He yelled angrily.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 12 hrs ago

Benjamin laughed. "You're asking me? I don't have wings!" He looked at her fanned out wings. "Maybe Harriet should give you a lesson, but I think you should just try flapping first, to get a feel for the movements. And after that..." he paused as he thought about it, he wasn't a flying expert at all, but nature did have some examples. "I never saw birds hop or jump before taking off," he continued, "but I do think they crouch a bit and then push off as they take off. That's something you could try. You know, when I go ice-skating I always take a starting position so that I can push off against the ice and use that initial speed to go forward. You just have to remember you aren't going forward, you have to go up."

"He's not," agent Morrison said as he aimed his gun, then he heard Jase. "As my partner said: give him back. Now."
A click sounded, the safety of the gun was off and he would shoot if they would even remotely look like a threat. "And maybe," he added, "you can explain what the fuck is going on here."
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