Welcome to Pineborne. A small town smack dab in the middle of Jefferson National Forest that no one would know existed unless they were blessed (or cursed depending on your point of view) with being born here. Outsiders tend to end up here when they take a wrong turn off the main road. Many continue on their way and never turn back. Others become some of those unfortunate enough to get lost in the woods. Or that's what the residents say to help themselves sleep at night. No one wants to admit the truth.....well ALMOST no one.

Pineborne is home to the Hewitt family, a clan that is nearly as old as Pineborne itself and has a proud but shrouded history within these woods. The Hewitt family know the secrets of the forest. They know that Pineborne sits in a place where the veil of reality is thin. So thin in fact that something has been coming through for centuries. Some are harmless and go mostly unnoticed though are occasionally spotted by the odd hiker or driver. Some are simply territorial and cross the wrong person at the wrong time. Then there are some that mean to tear into this world. Creatures that are attracted to our world like a cloud of piranha to a child in a river. The Hewitt family ancestors swore an ancient oath that many still uphold today. They will stand at the threshold of the night and fight back those that would seek to destroy. They will stand and fight or die trying. Many Hewitt's take up the mantle of hunter, others simply turn their backs on it and pretend it's just a myth. A family story to thrill the kids. They close their eyes and pretend as though they don't know the truth. That the Wolfman doesn't roam the woods every full moon, that vampires don't tear people open like Christmas gifts, that creatures that don't even have names come streaming through to devour light where they find it. Like Elvis said though:

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away..."