Team Leader


Andromeda "Romi" von Stratton | Cinnamon | xxxx/12/18 | #14A989

Seventeen | Female | 5'10 | 135 lbs

Aloof - cool and distant; conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested
Idealistic - unrealistically aiming for perfection
Daydreamer - someone who always seems to have their head in the clouds
Cunning - having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by any means necessary
Frugal - sparing or economical with regard to money or food
Amiable/Charismatic - exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others; polite, friendly, and likable

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Hex- Being able to form blasts of energy- usually in the form of a black mist around her palms and wrists. The longer she uses this ability, the more draining it becomes on her body. If all of her aura is used, she will fall unconscious until the energy is replaced- whether from eating or from rest or both.
Aura Detection- Romi can see the color and strength of other people's auras. Due to her empathic nature, she is also able to sense other people's emotions through these auras.
Thief- If she touches someone else with magical abilities, she may be privy to taking their magical abilities as well as their life energy. The victim of this will be left a bit nauseous, but otherwise unharmed. The stolen powers are always returned to their owner.

Romi has an increased metabolism of that of at least double that of a normal person. She can eat a large meal, and still be hungry in a few hours. She can eat anyone under the table and never gain weight from it. This, however, can become debilitating if not sated quickly.
Her hex has a tendency to burn her if she expends too much of it or cannot control it.

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Quiet afternoon train rides, thrift stores, black coffee, vintage clothes, comfortable, oversized sweaters, autumn, spicy food, bullet journals, scrapbooks
Spending too much money on food or clothes, lettuce, expensive coffee, summer, heels
Romi and her father have spent the majority of her life traveling the world, and she has ticket stubs and maps of the most memorable places stored in a scrapbook that is incredibly important to her.
As much as she loves traveling, she wants more than anything to find a place to settle down and make actual friends.
She and her father have had to pinch pennies her whole life, and even now when she doesn't have to, she prefers to be thrifty.

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She's always preferred black coffee over something that is expensive or far too sweet.
Her father gave her the nickname Romi when she was a child.
She's never felt the need to dress herself up, and is far more content wearing a pair of old, patched up jeans and an oversized sweatshirt that she got on clearance. The only thing she's ever considered spending a lot of money on was her hair and piercings.
She can speak three languages (English, French, and Chinese), and has an interest in learning many more because from her experience, it's always been easier to live in a place if she knew how to speak the language.
For many years, her scrapbook has been her only real place of solace.
Repeated a grade. Not because she's an idiot or doesn't care about her grades, but rather because she received an academic scholarship from Arcadia, and convinced her father she wanted to experience going to school with other girls her own age.
Romi is an empath, and has been since birth. Even though she knows nothing about her powers, she knows that she can tell how another person feels- especially if she's close to them.
Romi eats at least 3000-5000 calories a day and has never gained a single pound.
She keeps a pendant that was given to her by her mother before her father took custody of her tucked underneath her shirt at all times.

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