Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Storytime Fairy
Avatar of Storytime Fairy

Storytime Fairy The Boss of You

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hi there! I'm the Storytime Fairy, and this is my repository of general information and RP ideas! It will be expanded as I get new ideas and crave different kinds of stories, so feel free to check back later~ Now... let's get started. We'll begin with:


So to start off, I'd like to give a brief overview of myself. I'm a long time roleplayer. I started when I was 10-ish, on MUDs, and still play through similar mediums today. I'm 33 years old, so that's a whopping 23 years of experience at this sort of thing. I've played everything from silly tongue-in-cheek fantasy stories to super grimdark horror, and I often bounce between different ideas and characters, so even if one scene doesn't appeal to you, feel free to keep looking or make an offer of your own! I might be interested!

As far as characters go, I play all kinds. Males, females, and even futanari. I only play OCs, never characters from established media or fandoms -- though I might use art of characters to represent my own. Speaking of art: I don't like RL pictures. It's actually a major turnoff for me, and I strongly prefer to use art to represent characters whenever possible!

I play all kinds of genres, though my favorites tend to be fantasy, modern, and near future settings. I like adult situations. Violence, sex, all of that stuff -- but I like story with my smut! I stick to a 13:7 story to smut ratio in most cases; lots of adult content, but never at the cost of the story! As far as specific kinks go, I have a few that I tend to lean on more than others... but I'm ultimately pretty vanilla, so if you're looking for really crazy stuff I'm probably not the fairy for you!

Now then! I think that's probably as much as you need to know about me from the onset! Let's get into some pairings and ideas.


The following are just general pairings that I enjoy or have some interest in, with no set storyline in mind. This is not a complete list, and I will have forgotten to include things that might have slipped my mind. Expect it to be expanded as I think of new stuff to include! Roles in BOLD represent the role I prefer unless otherwise stated!

Slave x Master
Brother x Sister
Sister x Sister
Android x Owner
Creation x Creator
Best Friend x Best Friend
Teacher/Headmaster x Student
Employee x Employer
Student x Student
Prince x Princess
Princess x Hero
Princess x Villain
Villain x Hero*
Shipwrecked Person x Native
Virtual Person x Real Person
Holographic AI x Creator
Harem x Master - This one is a little weird, but I'm gonna include it here for now!

RP Blurbs

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Storytime Fairy
Avatar of Storytime Fairy

Storytime Fairy The Boss of You

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Added a couple RP blurbs for those interested! I'll add more later today, or tomorrow!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Storytime Fairy
Avatar of Storytime Fairy

Storytime Fairy The Boss of You

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I added a new RP advert! Check out the silly idea at the bottom and get back to me if it appeals to you~
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Benzaiten
Avatar of Benzaiten


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hey. I'd be interested in a FxF villain / captured hero story. If you're still interested in that, shoot me a PM and we can discuss what we both expect from it.
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