Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Selene sighed as she walked over to the shed doors and opened them completely, allowing him to ask his questions, as she opened up the fence for the flock again. As on cue the sheep followed the fence work, eager to go outside and head towards the pasture.
"Well technically it's not our land. Our family more or less is allowed to use it from the village, the land we do own is the land we're standing on and the farm itself." She said as she turned to him, nodding for him to come along as she walked on the otherside of the fencework along with the flock.
Waiting for him to catch up she took a deep breath and started explaining what happened.
"My mother and father died, they were attacked by those creatures and killed, it happened 6 years ago when I was 15, they had gone out to help out a family that otherwise had trouble getting stuff ready for the yearly tribute. Being the kindhearted people that they were they went to help out for at least a week at that point, but they didn't return.
The Elders send out a search party and found their bodies, their wreaths torn from their necks." She shivered as she told him this.
"The Elders suggested we would be taken in by other families, but I wouldn't have it. I didn't want to lose my brother and sister after already having lost our parents. So, I made a deal. I would fill that roll, pay the yearly tribute and we would be allowed to remain the way we were. If I would fail in my duties, well...let's just say I have still managed to pay the toll each year." She stated proudly as she raised her chin up with some pride.
"Though girls in our village start to get 'paired up or matched' when they reach the age of 18. So far I've been able to avoid their matchmaking schemes, but I know from my friend that they'll start to demand I find someone. That's what Edric meant with his teasing." She sighed as they entered the green pasture in one of the open area's of the woods. It had been fenced all around and divided into section for quicker and easier retrieval.
Leaning against the fence she stared out over the pasture.
"I love my brother and sister, truly, I might act and look like a harpy, but its only because I am very well aware of what is at stake. What I have to lose and wanting to keep my family for as long as I can." She looked down before she looked at him.
"Which is why you shouldn't feel any obligation towards me, make your own decisions. Don't let me keep you from doing things you need to do. I just have to play 'mom' all the time that I sometimes forget that people should have a say in their own lives." Before mumbling.
"Besides for all I know I am keeping you away from your own loved ones and that wouldn't be fair of me if I did."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Malcom's breathing slowed as he gripped the wooden fence with both hands, his knuckles turning white.
Relaxing to a meditative state, he said with all calmness, "My family..is dead."
"I lost my little girl to a giant centipede looking creature, my wife died soon after."

He pushed himself away from the fence, turning his back to Selene, as he stared in the direction of the city.
"Pay tribute? Sounds like the same policy as the city government, and if you choose not to pay, what will the elders do then?"
"Why do you let strangers tell you how to live, and who to marry?"
Malcom turned and faced her, looking into her beautiful eyes.
"Is this some wacked out religion now?"," Where is the freedom?"
"Why stay here, why not move away and be free of all this burden?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Selene looked saddened at his words, knowing all too well what losing one's family meant.
That was before he startled her from her thoughts by all his other questions, causing her to chuckle a bit.
"Our Elders decide a lot, but not who we marry. It's just that the village depends on its people. I am no leatherworker or smith or doctor or teacher. We all have a trade and perform a certain amount of hours of labour or fruits of our labour to pay up the toll for the tribute." She explained. "I provide the wool of our sheep, I don't have to give up everything, but we all supply goods and services for the tribute. Yesterday was our toll day where you have to bring in your goods and get a supply of rations from the rest. Because I supplied more wool and a couple of sheep last year, I was able to pay for things I can't make myself, like those boots you're wearing and some more meat and potatoes." She smiled knowingly.
"Oh sure it isn't freedom, but I didn't hear you complain last night or this morning about the food you consumed or the tea and milk you drank. Bella I traded for early on, because I wanted to have more say in what I could offer up as tribute. The Elders only kick a fuss when you can't pay and it is not like they'll evict you. They just try to find out what works best. Also normally girls want to get matched up because they look forwards to a life of their own, away from their family. It's just that I am the exception." She smiled at that.
"It is all Ella thinks about, getting swept off her feet by a handsome young stranger at the Tribute feasts, though she reads far too many novels, I wanted to indulge her this year by letting her attend with a new dress. The Elders sort of encourage the young people to mingle during these feasts so that the future of the village is guaranteed. They'll even invite neighbouring villages in order to get some new blood in." Selene explained as she started walking along the fence knowing that there were some berry bushes nearby and intending to get some.
"So you're free to live your life more or less." She ended looking at him with a gentle smile. "It isn't so bad."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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"If you don't mind people telling you how to live, or take a shit."
Anger reddened his face, " I don't understand people who wanna live under tyrancy."
He chuckled a bit harshly, "I'll pay for my food and drink with chores, don't worry your self none."
"Then, I'm heading to the city to get my stuff, before heading to Alaska."
" I plan on making a home there and living off the land, one thing i know for sure, bugs hate cold weather."
Looking down at his feet, he mumbled " I was hoping that you and Edric, and Bella would come with me."
Malcom looked up at Selene, taking her hands, as the redness in his cheeks took on a brighter shade.
"It's a better life to live, free and not worry about anyone telling you how to live...come with me."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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She felt her face flush and her breath stop as she listened to his words, when he took her hands in his she felt her insides turn into goo.
Think Sel, Think. Her brain poked at her as she felt hooked and drawn by those beautiful eyes.
"You'd... you'd really want to stay with us? Are you sure you'd be able to live with me? Like my brother tends to say I'm terrible." She said with a nervous chuckle.
Oh she couldn't deny the attraction. She wasn't sure what it was that drew her to him, but what she always had regarded as foolish fawning of the other girls from her village over the young men, she now couldn't deny that she was just as guilty of the same behaviour.
What saddened her though was that he was so set upon leaving. She really didn't want to think of that.
But to leave herself? Leave her family home? If she had been alone she would have cast it all aside, but she wasn't alone. She had siblings that depended upon her. Her brother required medicine and treatment and if she pulled away Ella now, she would not be able to offer her any possible future of her own making.
Her sense of reason reminded her romantic heart that love was nice, but was not enough to survive upon.
"Alaska?" She frowned at his words. "And live where? In what? What will we do for food or other supplies?" She felt like she needed to force some reality on him.
"If we just go with the clothes on our back we'll starve within the year." She said, knowing she had to pedal back and not scare him off.
"Listen..." She took better hold of his hands stepping even closer to look at him with earnest eyes.
"If it just had been me then I would have followed you to the ends of this world, but I have more than just me to worry about." She sighed heavily. "Edric's health is frail and he needs medicine regularly and if Ella wants to have a choice in her own future than I can't uproot them. The village and the Elders despite your protest have provided for their needs when I wasn't able to pay for it. They care in their own way, but if that shackles you too much I understand. I however am not as free to go as I please as you are. I suggest you stay for a while at least, garner some supplies before you begin your trek up North. I couldn't bear the thought of you starving out there." She stated before she took his face in her hands and gave him a chaste kiss upon his forehead.
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Malcom walked away with his head down, he had hoped she would have came to her senses,but obviously she is anchored to this old place.
He picked up the axe and began chopping wood, taking his aggression out on the logs.

How could anyone want to live life under someone's foot?
Starting to sweat, he removed the vest, and continued chopping.
No matter how much i want a family again, i can't, no, I won't live under tyranny.

After he finished chopping and stacking the firewood, he went about repairing the roof.
He had noticed a few worn out places that needed patching, and after finding what he needed in the barn, he climbed up on the roof.
She has lived this life for so long, she could never change, why am I even thinking about it?
Once I'm done repaying what she has done for me, I'm out of here, this place has too many bad memories for me.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Selene kept watch over her flock until the midday hour started and moved over to Malcom.
"I'll go get us a bite to eat, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." She told him still feeling a sense of anger or unease come off of him. She could tell he was disappointed in her, but what choice did she have?
Thinking a little picnic would do the man some good, food after all was a wonderful healer of bad tempers, she hurried home and packed up a basket with all sorts of goods and after they would take the flock home she would suggest he'd take a tour of the village at the least. If was so focussed on leaving then he'd better go and get some orders for tools and whatnot in. Also some thicker clothes that he wore now.
Feeling rather gutted by the fact that the one guy that had entered herself seemed to dead set on leaving again, her feet faltered a bit.
That was before a cry tore through the woods.
Fear immediately struck her, who was in trouble? It was still daylight.
To assure herself of that fact she cast a glance up at the sky before another terrified scream tore her away from that and almost forced her to run in that direction. If it was one of the village...
Making her was towards it she noticed one of the Elders Widow Weaver cry as two of the Devildogs of the Farlanders tore and dragged her away by her leg. The woman cried out for help, but this seemed to only make the dogs more aggressive.
They were a monsterbreed from the City. They were bred to deal with the creatures, but these two seemed far more interested in people. Having nothing but her wooden staff, she put the basket hopefully out of sight and reach from the beasts. Then she swallowed, gathered all her courage and tightened her grip on the staff.
"I must be insane..." She uttered before she ran at them and whacked one on his head while screaming to get lost.
It earned her their anger. Before the Elderly woman could offer any thanks the two dogs focussed on Selene.
Slowly being driven backwards, her staff was the only thing that stood between them. Bared bloody fangs flashed and she could almost see the murderous red radiate from their eyes.
Panic and Adrenaline fought for control within her as she tried to keep calm and focussed.
One lunged at her, to force an opening, before the other jumped up and went for her throat. Through the sheer speed and force of the attack her staff broke as she had tried to bat it aside and she fell, immediately followed by the pain of the fangs that sunk into her flesh.
Through sheer luck she had brought her arms up and that had been her rather painful rescue. The first dog had latched onto her upperarm and started dragging her, whilst the other had sunk its teeth in her leg, shaking her violently.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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One of the local farmers ran up with a rifle, but all he managed to do was fumble the clip and drop it to the ground.
Malcom quickly picked up the clip and blatantly ripped the rifle free from the farmer, and loaded the clip in.
He took aim, and fired, the bullet tore through the dog that had her by the leg, it let out a loud yip, releasing Selene momentarily.
Malcom fired again, this time the bullet sunk deep into the dog's left eye.
The ex soldier dropped to one knee, took aim, but couldn't get a clear shot.
He jumped to his feet and ran over to them, grabbing the barrel of the rifle, he swung it like a bat *whack*
The butt of the rifle connected with the dog's head, knocking him loose from Selene, but now the dog has turned to face Malcom.
It leaps at his throat, and Malcom swings the rifle again with all his might.
He wasn't sure if the cracking sound was the rifle or the dog, or both, lucklily for him, it was both.
Malcom had broken the rifle and the mutt's neck on impact.
"You broke my gun." Said the farmer.
Malcom knealt beside Selene, "Hold on, it's over now. "
He turned his head at the farmer who was holding the broken rifle, "I've had this rifle for fifty years, and now...."
"Fuck the rifle old man, get a damn doctor now!" Malcom ordered.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Widow Weaver came limping towards them.
She tore the sleeves of her own shirt off and tore those in makeshift strips, before she started wrapping up Selene's wounds, so the bloodflow would be stopped.
"Go to doctor Bentley in the village...He'll be able to help her." The grayhaired woman said nodding kindly to Malcom. "I thank you young stranger, we owe you our lives." She spoke before nodding at Selene.
"I'll send William over to watch your siblings..." Maggie started before Selene interrupted her.
"No...the flock, let him take the flock in before dark." Maggie nodded at Selene's own suggestion before she scolded the other farmer.
"Oh Donald I'm sure the Carvers will be able to fix it up and otherwise I'll hand you that old monster of mine if you're so separate for one." She said as she limped onwards.
"Maggie, you can't be walking like that back to the village. I'll go and get the mule." Donald said leaving the others to their business.
Selene was crying and whimpering in pain, as blood stained her clothes and feeling nauseous escaping from her rather fatal fate.
Still more worried for his clothing, she protested somewhat.
"I'll be fine, I probably can walk..." She protested trying to stand up, but sink ban down immediately as her body flared with pain.
"You'd best carry her, we can't risk anything else showing up and taking us by surprise." Maggie suggested to Malcom.
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"Give me the rifle."
Donald looked at Malcom, "What fer, ya dun broke it."
"The stock is broken, but it can still shoot, i might need it again." replied Malcom.
Donald handed the broken rifle to him, "Fifty years"
"Do what?" Malcom asked.
"I didn't say anything mister." Donald replied as he went to get the cart.
Malcom stuck the rifle between his belt and trousers, before cradling Selene in his arms.
"Maybe, I need to give you a bath now. " chuckled Malcom.
He carried her to the doctor's house, but of course he wasnt there.
Selene suggested that he might be in the village center, but Malcom insisted that they stay here.
He kicked open the door of the doctor's home, and carried Selene over the threshhold and laid her on the Doc's bed.
"I'll see if i can find some bandages or a first aid kit."
Malcom neatly tore the place apart looking for what he needed.
"This will sting a lot, bite down on this."
He placed part of a leather strap between her teeth, before pouring peroxide and rubbing alcohol on her wounds.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Her cheeks flashed red at his remark, as he carried her all the way to the village.
Sadly the doctor wasn't in, but that didn't stop Malcom from busting down the door, to which Selene could barely believe her eyes.
Outside the commotion had started and some had gone to inform and fetch the doctor.
As he placed her the doctor's bed Selene could barely get two words in.
"Malcom calm down, he'll be here in a few moments I'm sure..." Before she watched him tear up the house for supplies.
She was about to protest even louder when he placed the strip of leather in her mouth to bite on, making her realize he wasn't going to wait.
As the fluid was poured over her wounds she could barely hold still.
"WHAT THE DEVIL IS GOING ON HERE!" Doctor Faustly spoke as he hurried inside, finding the pair. His spectacles fogged up from the running he had just done.
"I suggest you step aside lad. No offense, but as the young lady is part of the village I do not want to see her care butchered up." He said as he made his way towards them and regarded the would with a careful eye and shook his head at him.
"Devildogs?" He asked looking rather concerned about something.
"Next time clean the wound first." Was his stern yet fatherly reply, before turning to Selene speaking in a much softer tone.
"My dear this will need stitches. So I will need you to be brave and keep looking and holding his hand." He suggested, before he shifted and told the man to sit on the otherside of the bed and keep her occupied.
Doctor Faustly opened up a drawer looking around for his steriled set of needles and some thread.
Selene grabbed hold of Malcoms hand trying to not look at what the doctor was about to do.
Still it hurt like hell, she squeezed into Malcom's hand looking at him with pleading eyes, but knowing she had to allow the doctor to do his job.
The leg seemed less drastic, and only required two small stitches. Her arm however held more than 10.
He bandaged them up with clean wraps and told Selene to take it easy for a while. She would need to rest and recover and got a salve for the pain and itching as well as a tea to sleep better.
"There you go my dear, now I suggest your friend borrows a mule from Jeremiah unless he intends to carry you all the way back to Ramsley Farm." He said with a teasing smile, before turning to Malcom.
"Next time, I'd prefer if you didn't tear up the place like a hurricane, but instead look with a bit more care. Some of the bottles contain hard to get ingredients that are a hard to replace." He said as he took his glasses off to clean them with his hankerchief.
"Lady Weaver will be needing your assistance too, doctor. She got attacked too." Selene told him worriedly.
"Not another...I wonder if they simply escaped their Farlander masters. It is all most troubling. First the Millerboy, then you and now you tell me poor Maggie Weaver was attacked as well? I shall have to inform the other Elders of this. We might need to set a watch upon the border again." The doctor stated before he dismissed them and suggested they should head home.

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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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"What the fuck do you think i was doing doc?, that's how ya clean a wound."
"Ever since i left the sewers,it has been a shitty deal for me, you're damn lucky i don't snap your fucking neck!"
Malcom slammed his fist into the wall, *wham*!
"Fuck you doc, and this whole damn village." Malcom blatantly said as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.
He greeted the onlookers with hostility, "What the fuck are you looking at?"
"I don't how any of you dumbfucks have managed to live this long."
Malcom shoved some man outta his way, as he walked back to the farm, leaving Selene with the doctor.
It was quite a walk, more than he realized when he got back to the farm.
Malcom undressed, neatly folding the clothes, before lying them on the front step of the house.
He stood there in his briefs, "Damn, she burned my clothes already."
Malcom got dressed, but did leave a note, I'll return in a month and pay for the clothes, y'all be ready to go to Alaska by then. Malcom
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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"He's got quite the temper hasn't he?" The Doctor refered to Selene looking at her in worry.
"Yes, but I am sure he has his reasons for it. Still, he shouldn't have acted that way towards you, I'm sorry for that." She apologised.
The doctor nodded,.
"I'll ask old Jeremiah to take you home himself, you shouldn't walk all the way back on that leg. You need more time to heal."
Selene frowned.
"I need to run the farm...how long will I have to..."
"Maybe your siblings can help you out with that. Otherwise you'd need to hire help. I'm sure the Elders are willing to do so if asked."
Selene sighed, feeling defeated.
She didn't need to wait long for her ride home and felt terribly empty when she limped into the house.
When she entered she saw the saddened faces of Edric and Ella as a note lay on the table in front of them.
"So he left huh?" Selene asked barely audible.
Edric looked at her with concerned eyes.
"What happened with the two of you?"
Selene explained as best she could what Malcom's had told her and how they had discussed the matter. She felt worn and in no mood for dinner. Edric confirmed that their sheep had been brought back and that they had mentioned that their sister had been attacked.
Selene sighed telling both of them what had happened and cast her eyes down.
"Please...just take a little rest sis." Were Ella's worried words.
Selene nodded walking towards the barn. "I'm going to take a bath first I need to get the stench off of me, besides I still have one good hand, so I am not a complete invalid yet." She said forcing a smile.
"I'll get you some water and other clothes..." Ella offered as she hurried upstairs.
Selene simply waited now having to rely on others to help her, its was almost soothing in a way if it didn't feel so dreadfully wrong.
When the bath was ready Selene asked Ella to just leave her be for a while.
There as she sat down into the tub she felt herself break down completely. Desperate she stifled her sobs, not wanting her brother and sister to hear her grief.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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Malcom came across a small cave, which was more of just an overhanging rock, but would allow him to get out of the wind at least.
He didn't build a fire, didn't want to attract attention from any of the Muties.
He wiped his eyes, fighting back the tears, he had a chance to live a peaceful life with a new family, and he threw it all away.
Slapping himself in the forehead over and over, wondering what the fuck was he thinking.
That night, he cried himself to sleep, something he hasn't done since he lost his first family.
Sometime in the middle of the night, near early morn, he got up to relieve himself.
Leaning against a tree, trying to keep himself awake, so he don't piss on himself.
Was that a snap of twigs, i just heard?
Malcom turned his head to look behind him, and caught the rifle butt across his head.
"I got the son of bitch!, over here!"yelled out the outlander.
Two more men came a running, "Quit your damn hollerin Fred."
Zeke , the bigger man of the three, kicked the body over onto his back.
"Don't look anything like the fella from the description , lil Billy told us bout."
"I'm telling you, it's him, i know it is."replied Fred.
"Alright, tie him up and lets hurry on back before any monsters show up from all Fred's yelling."ordered Zeke.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Ella had checked in on her sister a little later, but Selene seemed quite dejected and ready to just give up.
She had gone to bed early and had more or less asked if they would take over for a while.
Not that Ella minded, but she and Edric were pretty clear about the reason. Whatever the deal was with Captain Malcom, he clearly had had his effect on their sister. Ella knew what it was her sister ailed from.
Like in the stories, she had simply fallen hard for the man and his sudden leaving probably felt like rejection.
Normally Ella would not be surprised her sister's stubborn pride would have chased the Captain off, but it was rather uncaring and rude of him to just leave as if she meant nothing, as if they hadn't mattered.
Well, time to take matters into one's own hand. Early that morning she poked her brother awake and told him to go and get ready.
"What for?"
"We're going to look for him and tell him to come back and otherwise you'll have to challenge him for Sel's honour." Ella stated as she tossed him Sel's vest.
"Excuse me?" Edric looked horrified. "Why the hell do I have to challenge him?"
"Because you're the only man in his household, though truthfully you're more mouse than man."
Edric looked annoyed at her before bringing up a strong point. "But we don't even know where he went...for all we know we could be looking in the wrong places."
"He can't have gotten far yet, since he can't travel at night and it was pretty late when our sister came back, plus he wanted to go to Alaska, my guess is he headed towards the North. Plus there are some caves around there, a good place to hide."
Edric frowned at the knowledge his little sister seemed to have, but refrained from making a comment on it.
"All right, but we're not going unarmed. After what happened to sis, I have no intention on getting munched on by anything." He said as he took the rifle his sister had taken that fateful night when Ella had gone missing.
"You can lead the way, I'll be right behind you."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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Zeke, Earl, and Fred dragged Malcom across the dirt floor of the cave, and dropped his unconscious body down in front of an old woman.
"I dun find him ma, i find the man who killed pa."said Fred as he knelt beside his ill stricken mother.
"Zeke, what say you?" asked the old woman.
"Fred thinks it's him, but i aint too sure."
"Lil Billy come here and take a look at this man, see if you recognize him." Zeke said.
The little boy hobbled with his crutches to the body lying down in front of his grandma.
He was different looking than the other man, the one before had hair on his face, this man didn't.
Malcom began to stir, he could hear voices, he opened his eyes slowly, "Selene?"
The boy screamed when he saw those eyes, he recognized them right away.
"He killed grandpa!"
Zeke and Earl grabbed Malcom, and stood him up on his knees before their mother.
"You kill my husband, do you know what the good Lord says, eye for an eye."
Malcom protested "I didnt kill your husband, i dont even know who he is."
"Liar! I saw you kill him!" Billy yelled between sobs.
"My grandpa was trying to help a lady, and you, you attacked him."
"Wait..that butcher was your grandfather?"
Zeke slammed his fist into the back of Malcom's head, "Watch your tongue mister."
Malcom looked up at the old lady,"If you are anything like your husband, fuck you to!"
She spat in his face, and her three boys went to work on Malcom, punching and kicking him, until he slumped back into unconscious again.
"Hang him up in the meat locker, I'll tend to him myself." said the old woman.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Ella and Edric meanwhile hurried up into the hills following Ella's knowledge and heading north.
"Now we better keep a low profile...there's people that live here too, but I am not to sure about whether or not they're nice." Ella said as Edric caught up with her, slightly out of breath.
He had slung the rifle over his shoulder and eyed her uncertainly.
"You sure this is wise then, last thing I want is getting killed over Selene's boyfriend."
"Oh hold your tongue, you liked him well enough yourself!" Ella scolded before stating. "Well why don't you stay here then you big baby, I'll sneak up closer and see what I can find out." She said as she darted between the trees and kept close to the underbrush.
Edric not wanting to be outdone by his sister, hurried after her.
As they passed a man made clearing, Ella's caves could clearly be seen. Even several wooden structures stood around, clearly indicating the presence of people.
Ella and Edric had just ducked into one of the thicker bushes when they spotted movement outside of the cave.
Some men were dragging someone along with them.
Someone rather familiar.
"That's the Captain." Edric whispered trying to stay as silent as possible.
"He looks bad, what do we do?" Ella said not having forseen this particular problem.
"Watch, for now, we can't handle them all and I doubt we'll outrun them." Edric suggested as they looked on how the men dragged Malcom to one of the structures.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 4 mos ago

They strung Malcom up by his ankles, splitting his legs apart.
Zeke squatted and grabbed Malcom by the hair, lifting his face up.
"Mama gonna have some real fun carving you up."
Zeke stood back up, looking at Earl who was jumping up and down singing, "We gonna eat good tonight"
"Earl shut the hell up and come on." Zeke said pulling his younger brother by his ear.
"Ow..Ow...Ow,quit Zeke...I be good."
Zeke swung Earl ahead of him and kicked him in the seat of his pants.
"Go git some firewood, you no good for nothin."
Earl whimpered and ran outta the cave.

Malcom opened his left eye barely,his face felt like a mac truck hit it.
He tried to gather the strength to pull himself up, but he was drained from the beating he took earlier.
"God, I aint never asked for anything...I'm asking now, help me out of this, and I swear I'll do the right thing."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

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At that instant, Malcom heard a snip sound, then a twang, and then snap!
The rope snapped from the ceiling, and his body came crashing down on the hard dirt rock floor of the cave.
"Next time, I'll pray for a softer landing."chuckled Malcom as he untied the rope from his feet, which nearly broke in his hands, because it was so old and brittle.
Malcom stood to his feet slowly, still aching from the beating he took.
Voices told him someone was coming, sounded like Fred and the old woman arguing.
"You just go and check on him, make sure to strip him down to, i need to go sharpen this edge." the old woman ordered.
Fred came whistling a tune, and turned the corner, and saw the rope lying on the ground.
He started to turn and yell out, when Malcom came up from behind him,wrapping his arm around Fred's throat.
The young outlander struggled but couldn't break free, and Malcom snapped his neck.
Letting his lifeless body fall to the ground, Malcom quickly moved along side the cavern wall, he wasn't in the clear yet.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Ella and Edric continued their watch, worrying about Malcolm and trying to figure out how many were there.
"Look what if I try and sneak around, you can give me cover..." Ella suggested to Edric who frowned.
"Are you stupid? What if you get shot or captured?" Edric retaliated.
"I won't just watch me..." Ella said intending to stand up and out of the bushes before her brother pulled her down again as two men came out with one pushing the other forward with a glare telling him to get some firewood.
Edric looked speculative at that as an idea formed in his head.
"...That might work...we just lure them out one at the time...starting with his one."
Ella looked confused at him.
"We'll sneak up on him and you can distract him whilst I knock him out cold." Edric said with a smirk.
"You'd better bring him down, we don't want him calling for his family."
"I won't you just worry about being enough of a distraction." He snorted earned a turned up nose from his little sister.
"I am a rather good actress thank you very much, I am perfectly capable of beguiling him."
Edric rolled his eyes.
"Just play a lost girl, before you fancy yourself a Juliet, we have enough trouble with that Ophelia of a sister of ours."
Edric looked at her rather concerned. "Hamlet? Shakespear ring a bell? God's, what kind of trash romance do you read?" He commented earning him a glare before they focussed back on their prey. They would take them down one at the time...that was best...they hoped.
So as they sneaked up on Earl Ella made sure to stay enough of a distance away before she made enough noise to draw his attention, feigning a sprained ankle she limped and leaned against a tree moaning in pain.
Edric meanwhile carefully sneaked up behind him holding the shotgun like a club, ready to be swung at the right moment.
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