Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Willow's eyes blinked open when she felt Jason pull away slightly and she gazed up at the boy. She smiled up at him before nuzzling her face against his chest, wrapping her arms around him as she hugged him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason looked at her. "Out tests will'be starting soon, we should head inside." He says softly as hr looks back at the girl he had been kissong a second ago
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Willow nodded but didn't move right away. She honestly never wanted to move from his arms period. Eventually she sighed and stepped back, lacing her fingers with his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason held her hand as they walked into the building and towards thier destined futures. He was nervous about the stupid tests, seeing as people would see into his head. That's strange
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Willow gave Jason a smile and a kiss on the check before she joined her brother on the Amity side. He raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason got a few raised eyebrows from the other erudite. He waited for his'test
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Soon, their names were called and Willow and William stood and walked towards their testing room. William gave his sister an reassuring smile before stepping inside. Willow glanced back at Jason, gave him a nervous smile and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her. She looked over at the other person in the room and saw it was a Dauntless women. Willow nervously walked towards the chair and took a seat, waiting for the women to finish getting everything ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason walked forward and entered the room of his test, he had an abnegation woman, with the last nameof prior. She got him ready for the test and moved to the computer. She told him to be readyfor the test
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Willow was handed the liquid and she quickly drank it before handing the glass back to the women. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again she was in a field of flowers. She stood from the chair, looking around. "Choose." A voice spoke from the air and Willow jumped, spinning around to see two bowls: one holding a knife and another holding a piece of meat. "W-Why?" Willow asked. "Choose!" The voice shouted. Willow jumped but didn't move to pick up either of the items, scared to find out what would if she did. It's just a simulation, it's not real. She said to herself. A loud bark sounded out and Willow yelped and whirled around to see a dong standing a few feet from her, hackles raised and fierce growls rumbling in its chest. Willow gasped. She slowly tried to back away but then froze when the dog barked again, its growls growing louder. Willow was reminded of a time when a rogue dog had gotten into the Amity compound; her father had told her that if she ever encountered something like that to make herself look as non-threatening as possible. The dog barked again and began to run at her. Willow quickly dropped to her stomach, head lowered to the ground. The growling stopped abruptly and Willow cautiously raised her head. The dog was sitting a few inches from her, whines escaping it as its tail thumped on the ground. Willow smiled, slowly climbing to her feet. "You're not so scary, are you?" She murmured. Suddenly a child's voice rang out. "Doggy!" Willow looked over to she Rosy, a little girl that lived in the house next to hers. She smiled before a bark rang out again and the dog ran at the little girl. She screamed, too terrified to run. Willow reacted without thinking. She had always been a fast runner and she used her speed to darted around the dog and throw herself in front of the child, closing her eyes as the dog leaped. Her eyes shot open with a gasp and the Dauntless women was pulling her from the chair, ordering her to go out the back. "B-But what was m-my test result?" The women took a deep breath. "It was...inconclusive. "It's called Divergent. Now go, say you were sick or something." At that Willow was shoved out the door, where she stood there for a few minutes, confused and not knowing what was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Willow was handed the liquid and she quickly drank it before handing the glass back to the women. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again she was in a field of flowers. She stood from the chair, looking around. "Choose." A voice spoke from the air and Willow jumped, spinning around to see two bowls: one holding a knife and another holding a piece of meat. "W-Why?" Willow asked. "Choose!" The voice shouted. Willow jumped but didn't move to pick up either of the items, scared to find out what would if she did. It's just a simulation, it's not real. She said to herself. A loud bark sounded out and Willow yelped and whirled around to see a dong standing a few feet from her, hackles raised and fierce growls rumbling in its chest. Willow gasped. She slowly tried to back away but then froze when the dog barked again, its growls growing louder. Willow was reminded of a time when a rogue dog had gotten into the Amity compound; her father had told her that if she ever encountered something like that to make herself look as non-threatening as possible. The dog barked again and began to run at her. Willow quickly dropped to her stomach, head lowered to the ground. The growling stopped abruptly and Willow cautiously raised her head. The dog was sitting a few inches from her, whines escaping it as its tail thumped on the ground. Willow smiled, slowly climbing to her feet. "You're not so scary, are you?" She murmured. Suddenly a child's voice rang out. "Doggy!" Willow looked over to she Rosy, a little girl that lived in the house next to hers. She smiled before a bark rang out again and the dog ran at the little girl. She screamed, too terrified to run. Willow reacted without thinking. She had always been a fast runner and she used her speed to darted around the dog and throw herself in front of the child, closing her eyes as the dog leaped. Her eyes shot open with a gasp and the Dauntless women was pulling her from the chair, ordering her to go out the back. "B-But what was m-my test result?" The women took a deep breath. "It was...inconclusive. "It's called Divergent. Now go, say you were sick or something." At that Willow was shoved out the door, where she stood there for a few minutes, confused and not knowing what was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
Avatar of JessieTargaryen

JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
Avatar of JessieTargaryen

JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
Avatar of JessieTargaryen

JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
Avatar of JessieTargaryen

JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
Avatar of JessieTargaryen

JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
Avatar of JessieTargaryen

JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jason took the glass from the nice lady, thanking her of course, and before he took a sip "I'm sorry about the bullshit my mother writes about abnegation. There's a reason I'm leaving Erudite." He says to her before downing the liquid. His eyes drifted closed and he found himself standing in the erudite compound, infront of him lay a knife and a hunk of meat. His mother stood a few feet away. "Choose wisely, choose Erudite." She said and disappeared. If a choice is a knife, something dangerous is coming. I'm going to choose the knife. The boy stepped forward and grabbed the knife. He looked up to see a large dog growling and barking at him. Ready to attack. As it lunged towards the boy, he analyzed the room and what he knew about dogs. It would jump and go for his throat. He knew that. Jason turned and ran down the hall, before jumping onto a desk then using the wall as a springboard to catapult himself into the air towards the dog. He flew over the Animal and plunged the knife deep'into it. Killing the dog instantly. He saw the little girl he tutored. "You... killed it." She gasped and stared at him in horror. "It would have hurt me, so yes I did." He said softly. The jolted awake to find himself in a chair and the abnegation lady telling him to keep calm and go out the back door. Go home and pretend you were sick. "My results?" Jason asked. 'Dauntless, Eruidte, and Candor. Your test was inconclusive. They call it Divergent. Don't tell anybody and if anybody askes you got Dauntless as a result' she said and led Jason out the back door. He stood there silently, he was what his mother had vowed to destroy.
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