Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Her bright blue eyes glanced across the room from her place along the wall. Her hands linked together in front of her. Her body seemed relaxed but Vera was tense under a deep red strapless ball gown. She didn’t like parties like this. It was a common thing among the humans to invite one another to visit. A way to show off what they had and who they had for possible marriages. However, this wasn’t just some silly human party. With the kingdoms of many different races spreading across the land, humans were never the only people attending these gatherings. She knew that no one could sense their powers, or that they were anything more than human, but it still made her uneasy. As the oldest of all four sisters, she was the reason they were in this mess. If anything were to happen it would be her fault.

To hide herself as oldest child, Vera kept off to the side lines, making sure to keep to the shadows. It was boring yes, but it would help keep herself hidden from being deemed the oldest. As much as she did not want any harm coming to her sister’s she had to live. She could hear someone coming to her left, she glance to her side and saw her father. Well it wasn’t her real father, but he raised all four of them as if they were really his children. “Father.” Vera said with a small smile, she knew what was coming.

“Darling. You know how sad it makes me when you don’t join all the fun. I’m sure there is some wonderful gentlemen that would surely make your happy on the dance floor. If not you could easily make some small talk even if you must pair with one of you sisters.” He said as he came up beside her giving her a kiss on the cheek. Vera sighed.

“I know, perhaps after a drink? Would you go get me one?” She asked smiling at him, however, the emotion not making it to her eyes. Her hands unlocked for a moment as her hand came up to tug a strange of blonde hair behind her ear. It had fallen out of its place in her up do.

“Of course my love, but you must promise to go socialize after I get it.” He said but she didn’t reply as he walked away she only smiled. However, the next moment, the lights in the room all cut at once. Fear rolled through her whole core, as her eyes went wide. She started to turn to run from the room but ran right into a barrier trapping everyone within the room. Vera stumbled back a little as her hands came up to hold her nose, her shoulder already aching from the hit it just took.

Looking at the exit now, her eyes were wide, fear and horror over taking her as she stared at the soft simmering glow of blue before her. Using one hand, the other still grasping her nose, she reached out slowly to touch the see through wall before her. The colour solidified under her touch making her pull her hand back quickly as it hovered above her chest. She was trapped. She hadn’t yet realized what was going on in the room yet. Her mind to focus on the barrier before her. She could feel her chest tighten in panicky.

“May I have this dance my Lady?” a deep voice rang into her ears, making her glanced over towards the voice. Levi smiled a little, her short hair bouncing a little as she did so.

“Oh course, but perhaps I should know the name of my wooer first?” She side smiling a little more.

The man chuckled, “of course my Lady. I, Duke Georgie of the Elementalist of Fire would enjoy your company on the dance floor.” He said with a small bow. Levi grinned a little.

“Oh I guess I shall honor you with a dance then.” She said placing her drink down to the side and taking his hand before he led her out onto the dance floor. The music was a soft hum of string instruments, slow and lovely. Their sounds perfectly echoing through the room, easily entrancing anyone who may enter. When the two finally got to a spot on the dance floor, he took her one hand and placed it by their shoulder level a little away from their body, her hand came up to rest on his shoulder and his hand on her waist. Without a second to think, the two followed into step as they started to waltz around the ballroom.

“You really are a beautiful woman.” He said, Levi smiled up at him, but she was cursing inside. The four of them had made a pack no guys outside of the court and therefore, they must wait until they are taken back to the Seelie court before even think of finding a man. Fae law, was very strict about marrying within your own race. It was okay to fuck with others, literally but, you could not have children with them, and therefore marriage was not an option.

Soon after that, the lights in the room went off all at once. A gasp echo around the room as the instruments screeched to a stop. Levi and the Duke had stopped where they were still holding each other, as they glanced around. The click on metal on stone echoed only faintly in the murmurs of the crowed. Levi glanced up to see thirty men descending onto the party. Levi gasped, making the Duke look up, before pulling her deeper into the mass of people. When they got the floor, people backing up to make a space for them, a few people screamed and made way to leave only for a bright blue wave to cover the whole room. They were trapped in.

The Duke had his arms wrapped around her, one hand still holding hers. She couldn’t he but tighten her grip around him, fear over taking her. She wasn’t scared per-say but worried about what was to come and if they, the sisters, would have to do something.

“Ah, sorry to interrupt the party ladies and gentlemen, but there is something I need before you all can carry on with your over indulging lives.” A crocked voice rang through the room. Levi’s head turned towards it despite not being able to fully see what was going on from their place in the crowd. She bite her lip a little, a pit in her stomach growing. “As you can see no one shall be getting out until we get what we want. Now we won’t hurt you so long as you push the Duchesses forward now, otherwise, some people are going to hurt.” He paused “And by Duchesses I mean the four McClair daughters.”

The man whom had just been holding her had let go and started to walk pass her. “My lord wh-“ She started to ask before she realized what he was doing. She started after him, seeing how his hand was held but no fire was coming from it. The room was magic locked. She reached her hand out to him, but it was too late, he had charged forward, jumping into the air ready to bring his lack of flames down on what appeared to be the leader.

The leader didn’t flinch though, everyone gasped as the Duke was quickly forced to the ground, metal cuffs digging into the floor to hold him. “As you can see!” The leader roared, the room is magic locked, and I presume all your weapons were taken before you entered, if not, if you wish to try and attack, you’ll end up just like this guy.” Well the leader was talking, Levi had glanced up to see a shadowed figure on the second floor gallery. Pressing her lips into a firm line she glanced around for her sisters but couldn’t see any of them. It was then that she could see the glisten of the leader’s blade being pulled up, he was going to kill the Duke to ensure his power in this position. Levi rushed forward pushing people out of her way.

“DON’T!” She scream, her hands being held out as if that would stop him. The leader paused half way throw his swing and smiled at her. It was the type of smile that sends shivers down your spin. But it wasn’t just him, it was all of the men. She took a step back.

“Oh no you don’t!” Another man lunged forward grasping her forearm making her scream as she was pulled into his arms. Levi struggled for a moment, but it was no use, her had her turned around, on her knees and her arms awkwardly pinned behind her back. She could feel the pain rushing up her arms into her shoulders. She gritted her teeth together. “Awe, don’t you wanna scream? I like when they scream.” The man who had taken her hissed.

“Go to hell.” She hissed.

They were on the upper level of the ballroom, despite the light in the room casted up on the three levels (galleries) that looked down on the open ballroom. Feodor had his eyes closed as he focused on keeping them unseen. He had been hired by this group of criminals to use his gift of dark magic to aid them. He was a dark mage for hire. He would go from group to group, rather than be bound to the laws of a leader. He wrote his own rules and didn’t like to stay in one play too long. Pinching he brigde of his nose a little his eyebrows pulling together he opened his brown eyes and glared at the group around him who had started to bicker. “Would you all just shut up!” He growled before rubbing his index finger and thumb together as he walked up to the edge of the balcony. He could see all the colours of the party, all the different races that were dancing, laughing, and drinking. He couldn’t help but smirk a little. This was going to be fun. Watching them all panic. All just one big show. It would have been easier to take the girls in the night, went the party was over, but no these guys like the fear, they fed off it.

“Feodor are you ready yet?” The leader braked his body tense and his eyes wild for things to get started.

Glancing back he was still smirking darkly. “Of course I wasn’t sure if you boys were ready for this just yet.”

The man growled softly. “Move it already.”

Feodor chuckled to himself before raising his hand which was still rubbing his index and this thumb together and let them part. Suddenly the room was dark, screams of pure horror and fear echoed up into the high domed room. The kidnappers then stood up on the railings then then started to go down on ropes, the metal hooks attached to the railings themselves. Just as the lights had gone out, Feodor had bent down on the craving on the floor and cut his thumb on his dagger before running his thumb along the craving, a soft glow of blue started to come from the craving, singling that the barrier was up.

As he crouched down, he could see through the polls of the railing, the chaos that was starting to unfold downstairs. He brought his thumb up to his lips and gave a lick before the cut sealed closed and he stood up. He leaned along the railing, and glanced down.

“Now we won’t hurt you so long as you push the Duchesses forward now, otherwise, some people are going to hurt.”

One person jumped towards the leader, his hand held up like it should have some type of attack in it. Feodor smirked snapping his fingers and the man was suddenly pinned down by large metal cuffs around his arms, legs and neck. He struggled a little, giving Feodor a chance to really look at him, he was an elementalist if he was right about the energy that should have been coming off him. Feodor had added an extra twist to the barrier, temporary magical lock. No one but him could use any powers. The leader brought up his sword when a girl in a lovely dark blue dress with just a hint of white pushed forward screaming for him to spot. Bingo, there was one, three more to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 8 days ago

“I assure you my Lady, I happen to be one the strongest sword fighter of my lands.” The young Duke stated proudly a bright proud smile on his face. The Duchess had to fight the urge to roll her light hazel eyes which were green at the moment at the man before her who was unable to stop talking of himself. Aria smiled politely at him before letting out a soft laugh.

“Is that quite so? How very skilled you must be. However I fail to see what that has to do with the fact you are unable to dance?” She retorted her voice sounded a little confused.

“I find that some skills prove better use than dancing my Lady.” The Duke whispered after leaning to her ear. How very rude of the Duke, if her human father saw such a thing, he would have had more than few words for the man for sure. Aria started to look away for her father, before feeling the Dukes hand on the small of her back. Although she felt the urge to slap him, she had already gotten in a lot of trouble for doing that very same thing the last ball. As he leaned back in to kiss her lips, she let her glass of wine slip from her hand. Her hand going up to her mouth hiding a smile, as red wine ran all over the Duke’s white dress clothes.

“My apologies Lord Samuel, had I knew such a unwelcome advance were to happen. I would have moved my drink farther away.” She said softly before simply turning away to refill her drink and leaving the man to stare at her in confusion before finding another. Aria almost hated the parties though it wasn’t out of fear like her sister, it was because she felt that she was one of her fake fathers things which were on display. Sure there were other Duchesses at the party some of which she knew well, but when it was one of her sisters that were not dancing, the Dukes seemed to flock to them.

“I assure that I know how to dance my Lady.” A voice came from behind her, making Aria turn her head and laugh. Smiling brightly at the red haired Nymph, which stood behind her. Duke Natral of the Woodland Nymphs, every year he seemed to look for her to dance. The Duke seemed to understand well that she only wanted to dance, as he never seemed to flirt with her anymore.

“Is that so my Lord? Perhaps you should prove such.” She said smiling as the man nodded his head leading her to the floor, take her hand he twirled her looking at the brown dress she wore. Her hand rested upon his shoulder as his hand on went to her waist, however as they started to dance the lights cut out, and she pulled herself from his grip, moving a little closer to see a Duke try to attack the group. A grasp escaped her lips as she watched the man getting pinned to the floor and the men take Levi.

Quickly she tried to back farther into the crowd, only to feel herself be pushed forward from behind. “Here!” Looking behind her at the man pushing her, to see Samuel, she stumbled forward confused slightly before feeling her twins hand calmly pull her back into the crowd. Only it was too late, the men had seen her, feeling an arm wrap around her thin waist she screamed out kicking her legs and a few in front of her. When she was up to where Levi was she kicked the man holding her between the legs, being pushed down on her knees by another as the he doubled over in pain.

Outfit// Hair

What fun these things were so many people and races all together. Blue eyes looked around happily for the next Duke to dance with; Aviva loved parties because there was always someone to dance with. Dancing always helped the worries from her every day of worrying about being found out, she also believe the best place to hide was in plain sight with the many others unlike her….or at least that was what she told Aria at the beginning of the night.

Most of the night Aviva had been out on the dance floor, dancing and enjoying herself, having danced with a third of the Dukes at the party she headed to get herself a drink feeling perched. “May I have a dance once more my Lady?” The light amused voice came from behind Aviva, making her turn to look at the red haired Nymph.

“Why of course, but I believe it is my sister Aria you are looking for my Lord. For she hasn’t even yet found someone who can dance with her.” She said smiling brightly at the Duke whom her twin always danced with, before pointing to her sister getting a drink.

Duke Natral looked ahead with a pleased smile before looking back at Aviva and giving a small bow. “My thanks, my Lady.” He said before moving past her, Aviva smiled happily watching him leave. Good it was nice to know Aria was going to have some actually real fun, if only she could talk Vera into having some fun instead of hiding along the walls as she always had.

“Does that mean you are free for a dance with me, my Lady?” The voice came from behind her, Aviva smiled at the tall man behind her.

“Once again Duke Isaac? For you have been hogging me half the night, my Lord.” She said politely hint that she did not want to dance with him, she was starting think he had the idea to court her. However when he started to turn defeat on his face, she frowned sadly. She hated to make the people around her sad, and it pained her to see such sadness. “Perhaps one more dance will not hurt anything.” She said finally stopping him, with a smile he led her to the dance floor.

However there wasn’t much time to dance before the lights went out, everyone around her started to panic, strangely Aviva was the calmest person in the room. It felt almost like a strange peace had token over her. When the one Duke was pulled to the floor and Levi was taken, the Duke Aviva had been dancing with once again went into full blown panic, running until hitting the barrier full force being knocked back. She almost missed her sister being pushed forward, from watching. Quickly and calmly she grabbed Aria to pull her back into the crowd.

It sadly wasn’t quick enough and two of the men grabbed ahold of them. Aviva watched as her twin panicked and struggled. Though struggled slightly, she calmly allowed them to walk her to the front, the lack of fear upset the man taking her, and he roughly pushed her along. Frowning she backhanded the man as she straightened up, only to be pushed back on her knees beside Aria. A slight smile on her face as she watched the man her sister kicked double in pain.

Outfit// Hair
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just as she hissed at the man holding her, she saw something in the corner of her eye stumble forward. It was a brown dress, followed by a purple one that Levi would have even been caught dead in. She knew it was the twins. She struggled a little making the man holding her pull her arms higher up behind her back to still her making her grunt softly as she tried not to scream. She knew that Vera was most likely well hidden, but that didn’t stop her blue eyes from flickering around to see if she could spot the deep red dress that would scream at anyone who saw it. Good thing there was a wide range of colourful dresses here tonight. It would be harder for the men to find her. Then again, it was clear the four of them were all blonde.

Aria was first pushed down beside her, making Levi’s eyes flicker back towards her sister. She could just see the man in the background double over in pain. If they were not being kidnapped at that very moment Levi would have smiled at her sister. Then again if this was any other time she most likely would have sighed at her sisters improper manner. “What the hell happened?” She hissed at Aria seeing Aviva get pushed down beside her twin sister. It was clear that one of them fucked up, and the other tried to save the other from the mistake and got dragged in. “You guys suck at hiding.” She hissed before her hands were pulled up making her gasp in pain.

“No talking.” The man who was holding her hissed in her ear his breath tickling along her ear making her head rolled to the side trying to cover the feeling as it made her want to throw up.

“Well done!” The leader praised the group smirking as he walked out in front of the three girls still facing the crowd. “One more and you all can go peacefully.” He said and no one pitched in. After a moment of silence he grinned wickedly. “Well if no one wants to help, then I guess we’ll have to start cutting you down one by one!” Horror struck the group making them all press back into the barrier. The leader laughed darkly before turning to the girl, the men holding them making them glance up at him. “So what colour dress should I be looking for?” He asked them before their father’s voice cut through the panic cries of the people trying to get out.

“You will not find her! She was not in the room when your plan took effect. Now release my daughters. The moment you release the barrier the knights will overtake you and your plan will fail. Give up now and maybe I shall spare your lives.” The Duke said from across the room standing on one of the table. The leader turned to him smirking.

“Old man, I think I’ll just kill your first, maybe then one of the girls will talk.” He said before glancing back at his men. “Get him.”

“NO!” Levi screamed as she started to struggle, almost breaking free by surprising the man holding her.

“That’s it you stupid bitch!” The man who was holding her hissed before he pulled out a needle and pushed it into her neck. Her eyes went wide before her whole body went limp. The man pulled the needle from her neck and dropped her limp body on the ground.

In her panic Vera ran along the back wall her hand dragging along the barrier trying to see if it ended and when it didn’t she could feel a tightness in her chest. She had to get out of here, they were made. A hand came on her shoulder to pull her to turn her around, she screamed her hand coming up before it was caught. The action she had done was all done with her eyes closed. “Vera!” Her father said making her eyes peek open with tears in them.

“Father?” She whispered even though it was clearly him.

He nodded. “This isn’t good, I’m not sure where your sister’s are but we need to hide you for the time being. It looks like the whole room is enclosed. Until I can get the knights in here to control the situation I need you to hide.” He said with all seriousness on her father’s worn face. She nodded a little, lost and confused. He turned away and started to drag his daughter towards the throne before it parted. Her eyes went wide. “There are no times for questions, just get in.” He said before pushing her in.

“Fa-“ She started to say before the door was shut on her. She was in total darkness, the sounds in the room muffled and hard to hear in the chaos of what was going on. She bite her lip and backed up a little her hand coming up to her chest clutched in a fist. “Breath.” She whispered to herself before looking down at where the floor should be. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes letting out a slow shaky breath. However, the door of the throne opened again, she started to part her lips thinking it was her father already, but it wasn’t. It was a man in a hood covered almost head to, but his hands which were bare.

“Well ‘ello there lovely.” He smirked at her, the surprise of the door opening turning to pure fear. She took a step back her head turning to realize the small space was smaller than she thought. There was nowhere to run. Her eyes flickered back to the man wondering how he found her so easily. Her lips pressed into a tight line wondering what to do, there was no way she could get away. She had that power, but. . . that was the last of last resorts. What if they really didn’t know the McClair girls were not human? His hand came up his fingers waving for her to come forward as he said “Come here now.”

Her eyes narrowed at him, “go to hell.” She hissed before his lips curled into a smirk.
“Been there done that.” He said before waving his fingers again but this time her body shot forward, she gasped her eyes going wide. How had he done that?! But before she could react to the involuntarily movement his other hand came up to push his thumb into her forehead. A shot of power could be felt moving into her body as her eyes went wide before they fell shut. Everything had gone black.

Feodor watched in piece from her place on the second level of the gallery. The leader was acting like he was all mighty god and had control of everything. Feodor knew if it wasn’t for him that this would not have gone so well. But it was all about the show for this group and they were getting it. After all their faces could be seen, unlike Feodor who wore a hood to cover himself. There was no point in becoming more wanted then he already was. He leaned on the railing of the gallery, resting his head on one of his hands as he watched the show unravel. The group did know how to work the fear in the people. Then again having the weapons and a locked in room most likely helped as well.

It wasn’t long before the second daughter was pushed out, a third trying to save her sister but failed. Feodor couldn’t help but laugh a little as the scene below him. It made him wonder why the Duke McClair hadn’t spoke yet. His eyes wondered along the crowd looking for the old man, it didn’t take long, there were only two people who weren’t paying attention to the center of the room. The old man and a blonde woman in a lovely red dress. Smirking a little he pushed off his perch above the criminals below and started to walk along the level above them making his way over to the two to see the father push her into a compartment hidden in the back of the throne. He raised an eyebrow knowing that the girl still wouldn’t be able to get out of the room but could keep her hidden just long enough to make the criminals believe she really wasn’t here. Even more so since the guests had already started to turn on the daughters.

“So what colour dress should I be looking for?” The leader yelled out clearly enjoying the spot light a little too much. The Duke then climbed onto a table to bring the attention away from his guests and captured daughters and onto himself.

You will not find her! She was not in the room when your plan took effect. Now release my daughters. The moment you release the barrier the knights will overtake you and your plan will fail. Give up now and maybe I shall spare your lives.” He called out losing Feodor’s interest. He had already made his way behind the throne in the room and grabbed a long fabric tapestry and wrapped it around his leg before sliding down to the main level. Landing with ease he walked up to the back of the throne and with a small wave of his hand the back opened making the last daughter look up at him a hint of fear behind the surprise.

“Well ‘ello there lovely.” He smirked at her, before the true fear over took the surprise in her eyes. She didn’t scream though just backed up more into the throne hitting her back against the tiny space. “Come here now.” He said raising his hand waving his fingers towards his body, her eyes lowered into a glare.

“Go to hell.” She hissed before Feodor smirked more.

“Been there done that.” He said before waving his fingers again but this time her body shot forward, she gasped her eyes going wide before his other hand came up to push his thumb into her forehead, her eyes went wide before she went limp in his arms. Chuckling to himself her let his bare hand run over her cheek, and titling her chin up. After a moment of looking at the daughter he shifted her weight and threw her limp body over his shoulder with a bit of a grunt before using his free hand to part the guests so he had a path to the rest of the group. “Found her.” Feodor called out his face still hidden by his hood, only the smirk on his face could be seen.

“Well done.” The leader called back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 8 days ago

Aria looked through the crowd looking for Vera, actually she wasn’t looking for her as much as looking around the walls to make sure no one had pushed her forward as well. It was hard to look for one person in a red dress in a crowd of easily at least a hundred people. She looked over to her sister frowning as Levi hissed at her, asking what the hell happened. “Some asshole pushed me forward.” She hissed back at her as Aviva was pushed down beside her, although her sister clearly believed it was one of their faults, it wasn’t. It was that jerk Samuel’s fault for pushing her.

“We hid better than you.” Aviva said calmly beside Aria before the men behind them told them to stop talking. Aria nodded looking at her sister, at least they had tried to hide, instead of just running straight out.

When the leader praised his group Aria rolled her eyes. After all wouldn’t have been better just to say good boys and patted their heads? Like they were dogs, doing the work as he stood there doing nothing. In truth when the leader asked the last of her sisters, Aria was surprised that the cowards didn’t push her out as they did her. Though as the crowd was quiet she actually did wonder where Vera could actually be. By now even a few guests were against the walls, and she had not been even seen.

The man holding her reached his hand around lifting her chin so that she was forced to look up at the leader. It was enough to make her skin crawl, the disgusting man touching her face, who knew where his nasty hands could have been before now. She tried to jerk her head away, only for his grip to tighten. When he asked what color dress to look for, Aria looked him up and down. “You would look good in pink, I believe.” The man behind her lifted her arms up in response making her whimper in pain as their father finally spoke.

Vera wasn’t in the room? That was what her father had said, though Aria was quite sure she had seen Vera against the wall, talking to their father before dancing. How did he know to get her out in time? And why the hell hadn’t he gotten the three of them out as well?! The men started towards their father to grab him for the leader to kill him, when Levi tried to get away to stop it. It was then that they stuck a needle into her neck. Aria had no clue what they had given Levi, if they had killed her for trying to get away. However her first instinct was to check on her sister, to make sure there wasn’t some way to fix her. She jerked roughly to get away from the man to Levi. The man pulled her back roughly enough to make her cry out, before a needle was stuck in her neck as well, she was let drop before her eyes closed all the way.

“Some asshole pushed me forward.” Aviva heard Aria argue as she was being pushed on her knees beside her.

When Levi comment on their hiding Aviva frowned looking over at her past Aria. Really? Because she was so wonderful at it, just running right to the kidnappers. “We hid better than you.” She retorted her voice as relaxed and calm as the state she seemed to be in, though in her mind she was panicking just as much as Aria. Before the man behind her told her harshly to shut up, pushing her body forward just a bit. It was clear that, Aviva not being afraid like the others was bothering him. She didn’t even need her powers to tell, as he kept sighing almost boredly behind her, and pushing her body up to get a raise from her.

Aviva found it interesting that the leader kept praising the group of men, it wasn’t very intimating to be patting the men on the head with his words. Though at the same time it was, because he, well they didn’t care if they were known. She never even thought to look for Vera though, knowing she was very likely pushed up against the walls of the room as always.

The guests where quiet when asked to push Vera forward, and relived because it met that even if the guest knew where she was...they had no reason to give her up as they did Aria, though Aria could be a bitch so that was no surprise. It wasn't until the leader said he would cut all the guests down that she truly started to worry, but not for Vera, for everyone else. She highly doubted her sister would give herself up just to save all of these people.

Normally Aviva found enjoyment out of someone lifting her chin, depending on the person doing such, the human gesture could be found sweet or funny. Her father often did it to make her smile when sad. But when it was done by the man behind her to make her look at their leader, it was neither. If anything it was insulating as she was already watching the group’s leader before now, noting the fact he seemed to enjoy scaring everyone. She didn’t need to be forced to pay attention to him.

“You would look good in pink, I believe.” Those words made Aviva look over at her twin frowning. If there was any time for her smart mouth to stay shut, this was probably it, rolling her eyes she looked back towards the crowd as her father started to talk. She was actually happy that Vera wasn’t in the room, the kidnappers would have to lower the barrier to get to the fourth sister, and they wouldn’t go through all this trouble to leave one sister behind. Would they?

Levi panicked when the leader told his man to get their father, Aviva didn’t see the man stick her with a needle, only seeing her sister fall to the ground. Aria beside her reacted, trying to get away to check on their sister, and that was when Aviva saw the needle being stuck into her twins throat as well. Somehow that did not look like a very enjoyable experience, so she stayed still hoping that they wouldn’t stick her as well. She heard a man’s voice saying that he had found Vera, making her blue eyes look towards the man in the hood carrying Vera over his shoulder. Before everything went black and she felt herself falling forward instead of sideways like her sisters.


The floor was cold and hard feeling against her ribs, that was the first thing that registered in her foggy mind when she started to wake. How the stone floor hurt her ribs, yet her head was cushioned by soft fabric. Surely she must have fallen out of bed, pulling the sheets with her, any moment her father or one of her sisters would come and wake her up like every morning. Likely grumpy, and Aviva would send the next hour just trying to cheer up whomever wake her, so there wouldn’t be any drama around her. Then Aria would miss it up with her smart mouth.

Slowly her flickered open, to find that she wasn’t in her brightly colored room, and the soft fabric under her head was her head lying on Vera’s side. What she remembered happening was indeed not a nightmare, well it wasn’t a dream that is, it was a nightmare. Slowly she sat up looking around her, the floor she had been lying on was cold and dirty stone, the walls bricks the matched the same dull and gray color. Even if she hadn’t been kidnapped, being stuck in this cell would be a downer in itself.

Looking at the bars of the cell, she saw someone move ever so slightly, and the panic she hadn’t showed before creped upon her once more. Aviva quickly moved to each of her sisters making sure that they still had a pulse, though she was worried they would be out for a while longer. “Hello?” She asked softly as she got up and moved to the bars. It was possible that the man didn’t hear her, but she still frowned, hitting her hand against the bars to get attention. “Hey! You are aware I can see you ignoring me, yes?!” She yelled angrily at him, the calm leaving her voice and being replaced the mixture of anger and fear she felt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Feodor walked up to the group of men he looked down at the three sisters. Each with a different colour dress but clearly looked related. Just by glancing at two of the sisters it was clear that they were twins. Feodor threw Vera to the floor so she landed beside her sisters. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Feodor smirked before a swirl of darkness blasted out from his body and as the mist of darkness disappeared the men and the four daughters were gone. The lair where the criminals called home was about four hours from the home of the McClair nobles. It was hidden in the depth of the woods, the outside looked like a broken down house that was rioting away slowly from age. The inside appeared the same way, dust and cobwebs colouring the lifeless place the men called home. However, hidden under the home was a large open beer hall where the men liked to party, plot and live their lives. The beer hall was connect to two different hallways on each side of the room. On the left connected to the chambers, and the right had four more chambers and yet another set of stairs that connected to their make shift jail.

It was cold down there, the sound of dripping water echoed through the dark musty space. Stone floors, walls and ceilings only added to the lack of happiness and life that could easily be found in the beer hallways. There were a total of four large cells down there, each with metal bars rusted from the water yet strong as steel. There were runes running up and down each bar, hardly noticeable due to the rust. When the four girls were thrown into the cell, he was left with some food and ale as he was set to watch them. He would enjoy a good party, he was sure there were some whores up there that knew how to have a fun time. If that wasn’t enough these men really knew how to throw a party. When they weren’t working they were drunk out of their minds having the times of their life. However, being down there was good, he got a bigger cut in the pay they’d be getting, plus he was the only one with magic. Sure these girls were simple humans but you never know the kind of tricks could be pulled. He was most likely the only man there that knew how to keep it in his pants and hold his alcohol. This meant the girls were lucky, they wouldn’t be rapped one by one or even gang rapped before being handed over for the cash.

Having cleared his plate and down three large glasses of ale, Feodor rested on the stairs, his back pressed to the wall his legs stretched out along the bottom step. The girls were in the far left cell and had no way of seeing him. Bring his hands up behind his head his hood which was still up hiding most of his face, only his lips could be seen. Humming softly to himself he tapped his one foot along the stone step as he waited. He knew it was going to be along night and quickly became bored. Luckily for him, a voice called out from its cell. A smirk, his humming cut off and his foot stopped. He wanted to see what she would do. He had no idea which one of the girls it was nor did he care, he just wanted something to amuse him. Her hands came up to hit the bars her anger rise. “Three, two, one.” A zap would run through her body and possible sending her flying back. “I wouldn’t touch those if I were you. They tend to be rather temperamental.” He called out with a smooth deep dark voice. Finally glancing towards the bars he chuckled softly to himself and pushed himself up to stand.

Giving himself a bit of a brush off he started to walk towards the back cell whistling softly to himself his hands pushed deep into his pockets before coming into the sight of the cell and paused for a moment acting like he still ignoring her. The whistling cut off as he turned to look at which of the daughters was awake. It was rather surprising that the one who was knocked out last was the first to awake. Smirking at her he started to walk up to the ceil coming so close that he almost touched the bars himself. “What can I do for such a lovely young lady?” He mused knowing that he was going to have playing with her. Innocent, naïve people were always the most fun to play with, so easily troubled, corrupted and they were just so damn stupid to reality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 8 days ago

She sure as hell hadn't been expecting the bars to actually shock her body when she hit them. Aviva had been so sure their kidnappers had been far too stupid to even know anything about magic, after all they didn't have the common sense to wear hoods or another to cover their faces. The foolish men seemed to want to be caught, how would they be smart enough for magic? When the shock went through her body, Aviva let out a squeak as she was pushed back her butt to the stone floor and coming close to landing on Vera. When she heard someone comment on the bars, Aviva narrowed her eyes looking through the bars. The voice had come from another side of the room then where she had seen movement, and she was pretty sure she didn't want to know what is really was she had seen.

“Yeah, thanks for the warning.” Aviva hissed annoyed at the man she couldn’t see, before she started to get up and attempt to wipe some of the dirt she landed in off of her dress, hearing the laughter that was clearly at her. Hearing the whistling coming closer to the cell Aviva moved forward to peek out of the bars to look at him, though she kept far enough from the bars that she was sure she wouldn't be shocked again.

As she watched him come closer to the bars Aviva crossed her arms frowning, she hadn't really gotten a good look at the other members of the group, but she had seen him when he was carrying Vera. It would have been so much easier to read his face if it still wasn't covered by the hood. As it was now, all she could see was his lips pulled up into a smirk. Even though she was angry Aviva couldn't help the slight blush at being called lovely, such was just her normal easy going personality when not around conflict. “Well you could realize you've made a damned mistake and let us go.” She said sweetly and calmly to him. “Or at least tell who the hell you are.” She added narrowing her eyes at him again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As he came up to the bars she was up close to the bars again, however, this time being more careful of what she was doing and not touching the bars. Honestly, the bars would be harmless to the touch but part of the fun was her not knowing. When he asked her what he could do for her, after she demanded him so angrily before, he noticed the anger fade as the emotional innocence of her naïve ways showed across her cheeks. If he could smirk anymore he would have. He didn’t say anything at first and just watched her. She was clearly younger and therefore so was her twin, which he could see from the corner of his eye. The thing everyone around the McClair home always wondered what daughter was the oldest. It was almost like it was something to interest the nobles and even lesser classes of the land. It had spread across the lands like many Dukes seemed to be doing lately. Hiding their heir. However, he couldn’t help but laugh at her foolishness.

Bring up his one hand he reached through the bars towards her face letting his gloved fingers run down along the side of her cheek to under her chin making her look up at him. “Such a cute blush you have my dear. Your innocence would drive any mad with lust for you.” He said darkly wanting to see her reaction before letting his fingers leave the underside of her chin and coming back to his side of the bars. “You do not scare me, no matter what threats you pull. You’ll stay were you are. However, I’m sure if you want to try and go upstairs that pretty dress of yours will be ripped from your body in seconds. These men are animals. Be thankful I’m here to keep you from their dirty hands.” He said laughing to himself again, a deep in chest laugh before he turned away from the cell. He waved his hand towards her carelessly. “I shall be at my post if you need me my lovely dear.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 8 days ago

Aviva stared at the man in front of her as he simply smirked and watched her despite her words. For a moment she wondered if the man was slow in the head. Her having already answered his question and its result being him just staring at her through the bars no words being said. Aviva started to purse her lips slightly again at the man, disliking the feeling her words had been completely ignored, when he started to reach through the bars. For a moment at first she moved away a little, afraid he was going to stick another needle in her neck though she hadn’t been misbehaving for the most part. However instead of sticking her, his gloved fingers ran down the side of her cheek, causing a look of total confusion from her, and a mixture of emotions to run through her. Part of her wanted to move away from the man that took part in kidnapping her and her sisters. Clearly there was something very wrong with a person you would do this kind of thing to four girls. She didn’t even know if he knew what they were.

However the easy going and fun loving part of her found him slightly amusing in an annoying way. And there was a kind of sweetness of the gesture that only made her blush darken a bit as his reached under her chin making her look up at him. Aviva fought the urge to smile as the human gesture always made her do so. The man’s words about her innocence driving men mad with lust, made her smirk. How cute that he thought just because of her looks she was innocent. Sure she was proper, fun loving, and easy going but she was no more innocent than her sisters. Hell her twin was more innocent than her. The only difference was that unlike Aria she didn’t act on the impure thoughts she had. “Maybe it has, though for someone so rude to ruin my fun dancing. I wouldn’t care if he went mad” She answered with a wide smile moving a bit closer to the bars.

Aviva frowned at him. “But I didn’t threaten….” She started confused again, she hadn’t threaded him, that wasn’t what she did to get her way. Aviva flirted when wanted to get her way with men. Wide eyed at his words about upstairs, she shook her head crossing her arms to her chest as if that would keep her safe as he laughed at her. “But I didn’t threaten, I just asked to at least know who you were.” She answered with a slight whine in her tone.

He waved his hand carelessly at her taking about his post, and she softly placed a hand on the bars instinctively. “Wait please don’t go. I hate the quiet, do….do you have anything to drink?” She said looking for any reason for the only awake person but her not to leave her alone, Aviva loved being around people and if a kidnapper was the only one she could get. Well she was willing to work with that if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As his hand reached through the bars are her, reaching for her cheek running his gloved hand along her cheek before tilting her chin up towards him. He could only smirk more as she blushed even deeper her face becoming a hot red. He couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh of amusement. He could see her fighting to smile the corner of her lips twitching ever so slightly. He then let his hand leave her skin in a slow and snake like way before telling her how she was drive men wild with her innocent ways. She was not just naïve, innocent but young. He couldn’t help how young but surely young enough. However, when he brought up that point she smirked at him, as if trying to show her toughness a laugh able think and that he did.

It was then that he waved her off and told her no threats would sway his mind set. He was after all only in this for the money. He ignored her try at saving the conversation they were having. He may have been bored out of his mind, but that didn’t mean he was going to let some little girl wiggle her way into his mind. She may just be some little human girl but women were tricky creatures on their own. Feodor wasn’t stupid enough to get caught up in them without a good get away.

He worked his way back to the stairs before sitting down like he had before his back pressed up along the wall his feet stretched out along the step. He was in the middle of pushing his hands behind his head when she spoke again. “Wait please don’t go. I hate the quiet, do….do you have anything to drink?” He couldn’t help but glance back towards the cell she wasn’t able to see his core body but his feet, but he could see her fingers wrapping around the bars as she clung to them. She had figured out not to hit them, or it was dump luck. However, he leaned back with a sly smile letting his hands come behind his head. “You’d trust a criminal enough to take a drink? Or do you think I’m stupid enough to leave long enough for you to come up with some sort of plan to get away?” He mused slightly amused.

He started to whistle softly again to himself as his one foot bounced a little as his legs crossed at the ankles. However, he stopped before smiling darkly. “If I perhaps come up with some sort of drink for you, whatever could you offer me for something like such?” He mused in his care free tone. Playing with her mind for a little before he had to tone out all four girls would at least give him something out of the hell he would have to deal with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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This role play has been moved to another site. If you desire to keep reading please PM me for details.

Touch of Insanity
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