Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella tilted her head back slightly, a soft gasp escaping her when she felt his sharp canines nip at her neck, her cheeks flushing with a light blush, a slight moan escaping her lips at the feeling. She clawed at his back slightly when he nipped and kissed her neck then went back to kissing him very quickly after, though after a moment, smirked under his lips and moved quickly, half tackling him as a wolf would. Giggling and having him pinned under he. she gave him her explanation for doing that, "I may not be a wolf, but I can try to act off instincts like one. After all, I have to give you some challenges if I want to keep you around." She kept him pinned under her, though she had a feeling with his strength that wouldn't last long, especially with how male wolves always wanted to be dominant over females. She smirked and bit down softly on his shoulder, as if playing a game of wolves with him.

Conner smiled when she agreed to have this be a mini date and lead her toward, his arm around her shoulders, only then realizing at the feel of her skin that she wasn't wearing a jacket. He blinked in surprise, before going to take off his own jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders, "Why aren't you wearing your jacket. You'll catch a cold like that." He stated, looking down at her eyes, confused to see a thin red boarder around the gold, "Wha...are you okay? You're eyes....I....I think their changing colors." He stated, a worried look on his face as he stood in front of her, hoping she wasn't getting sick or something of the sort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Natalie reached out and pulled herself closer to Conner the heat she produced being felt when she put herself against him not even really thinking about what she was doing, not knowing but allowing the wolf inside to have partial control over her actions. She placed her head onto his chest right over his heart beat her left hand toying with his shirt allowing her hand to explore what it could as she made a small crooning sound in her throat much like a wolf would when assuring another that they were fine staring up at his lips the red slightly spreading through her grey-blue eyes with the yellow spreading making her eyes seem like a sunset over the ocean after a turbulent storm. "Changing...colors?" She asked her voice taking on a soft husky sound as her right hand felt how soft his lips were. "How...so?" She asked again not able to stop herself from what she was currently doing.

Alexei was placed onto his back the red spreading in his eyes as he stares up at her smiling as she initiated the game of wolves with him, quickly switching their positions his teeth at the juncture where he would place his mark on her claiming her as his own slightly biting her there a soft growl escaping his lips. "Mate marked first. I gave mine back." He said barely able to keep the wolf back from taking what was theirs doing his best to fight it back every chance he had to force it back in its cage, but even he knew it was a losing battle to get back in charge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella was surprised how quickly he had switched their positions, her being under him now, and actually enjoying it. And when he bit at her, marking her as his mate, a soft groan escaped her and almost by instinct she arched her back, her chest pressing tightly against his, nails digging into his skin on his back once more. It was almost as if his wolf side as affecting her, causing her to submit to all of this as a female wolf in heat would. She wrapped her legs slightly around his waist, her breathing uneven showing how much this was affecting her. She layed there, pushing herself closer to him, enjoying the feeling of his teeth biting at her skin and even pulled his head closer to her, urging him to bite harder.

Natalie was acting strange, that much was easy to tell. She was acting different and all the more clingly to him, strange considering they had only met maybe a couple of hours before. And while he didn't mind her being so close to him and cuddling up him like so, he had a feeling something was seriously wrong and he didn't want to use that as a chance to get close to her. He felt like doing that would be taking advantage of her, something he didn't wish to do to her. Gently he pulled her to him, taking notice of her heated body and tugged her along, past the pizza place to the nearby park, finding a quiet spot where they could be alone with no one around. Carefully he brushed her white hair from her face, noticing her eyes turn more yellow in red then their normal grey-blue color, "You're eye are turning gold and red Nat. What is going on? Why are you acting so strange all of a sudden? I mean, if you're not feeling well I can take you back to the dorms. We can always have pizza delivered there if you still want some. But if you're sick we need to get you out of this cold."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Sick? I never gotten sick." Natalie answers looking a bit dejected as he looks at her the luster leaving her eyes. "Is this not acceptable? I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I'm doing." She said a small sad whine escaping her as she said that looking very much like a dog that was hit by the one she loved most. Gold and red? She jerked out of his hold and clenched onto a tree. "Get away!" She said fearfully hiding behind it as if that would protect him from the dangerous monster that was inside her. Gold and red...it caused a fearful sound to escape her, needing to get away before she hurt him or worse. "Please. I don't want to hurt you." She whines again getting further away as he tried to get closer she clenched her head as she knelt there beyond where he could see needing to escape to get out of there. It was then, for the second time in her life, her memories went black. In the jacket that Conner had given to Natalie was a small female white wolf, fear escaping it in buckets and when the human tried to get closer it let out a howl one that cried for someone, anyone to save her.

Alexei bit his mate harder pressing himself more against her when he froze his head tilting as even in this distance, he could just hear that cry for help by a wolf. He kisses his mate softly placing his head against hers. "I have to help her. I will be back soon though my dear. Then we can continue to play." He said the red still there in his eyes even if it faded because of that note of fear he had heard. She must be in really deep trouble if she needed immediate assistance. He shifted then and there into his wolf form licking her cheek and then rushed out where Toga was waiting a small bunch of wolves running in the direction of the call, their legs making short work of getting to the call, in the park, far enough away from the eyes of humans for it not to be too big of a problem for them to stage a rescue. Alexei using his big size to run fast, but not as fast as Toga ran they all reaching the park in little time finding the wolf who was cowering behind some bushes her tail in between her legs. She was as white as the snow her eyes yellow with a bit of grey in them staring at them shaking. She recognized the alpha whining softly laying on her back asking to be part of the pack needing one desperately to teach the girl how to handle the wolf inside. Toga nudges his head against hers accepting her into the pack, each of them turning when they heard the human male calling out for Natalie. Toga then turns to her forging for the first time a mental communication. Is that who you are? He asked.
....Yes.... She answered barely able to be heard over the protective haze the wolf had placed the girl under. He nods a bit.
Well then follow me. You'll be taught the both of you to live with each other. How long does this haze last?
....Last time....six hours. She answered barely there again. That might be a problem but now that she knew she was protected it might be shortened a whole lot. So they left, although the white wolf looked back whining softly her ears drooped over her head sadly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella was a bit confused when Alexei just stopped and then after telling her a quick goodbye, ran off so quickly she couldn't even get a word in. That confused Anna all the more, and honestly hurt her feelings that he would leave her so quickly. She frowned deeply, a saddened look on her face as she sat there on the bed, feeling somewhat...betrayed? She wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head lightly as she layed back on the bed, trying to get comfortable and fall asleep, but sleep wouldn't come. She felt tears escape her eyes and with an annoyed mumble, wiped them away, turning over, having her back to the door, planning on not even looking at Alexei when he came back, too hurt to do so.

Conner looked at her confused, "No, no, Nat. I don't mind. It's just your acting different. I just thought something might be wrong." He said, trying to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her, only to have her jerk away from his grasp, and when she did, he felt a pain in his chest. He looked down to see a claw mark on his chest, having ripped through his shirt and then glanced up to see a white wolf running away. He was so shocked and confused. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but whatever it was, he felt like Natalie needed him. So he ran forward into the woods, searching frantically, calling out her name loudly and in a slightly panicked tone, thinking that she might be in trouble. He moved as quickly as he could, worry in his eyes as he continued to search for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexei had rushed back to the house knowing that his alpha got the whole thing settled having guessed it had been the girl who had her family killed by rouges sixteen years ago. Needing to be around his new found mate knowing it had probably made a wrong impression with her he slowly made his way through the house the door still slightly open and he pushes it so he could fit through laying on the floor looking up at her turned back, his human shell laying on the floor staring up at her, knowing that it would take a while for her to forgive his transgressions, but beyond that he wasn't used to sleeping in beds any more, but he would if his mate let him, sleep in his own bed for the first time in years. He didn't move to leave or get any closer than where he was currently.

The white wolf stopped again as the rest of the group but for the alpha and her looking as she saw the human searching around for her. Toga placed his head on hers understanding that she chose him as her mate despite the fact that not only was he human but one that lived in this town for his entire life. He smiles in his head. It seemed there was just something about the humans in this town that their wolves adored. He insisted that she shift into her human form and she did under the command of the alpha and landed in the snow feeling like she had just been dragged once more through just a bit of a layer of hell and back again groaning a bit her hand on her head as it throbbed heavily like a beating drum. "Oww." She complains and looks into the gold eyes of the wolf before her as it ran up the hill beyond sure that it had made sure she would be safe. She had no idea why but it brought a comforting feeling in her soul that she wasn't as alone as she thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella heard the squeek of the door barely opening and glanced over her shoulder to see Alexei laying on the floor, looking up at her like a scolded dog. She huffed in annoyance and stopped looking at him from over her shoulder, keeping her back to him, trying really hard to ignore him now, but not doing so well at it. Finally after a long moment she sighed and turned over to face him, "You might as well get up here otherwise I know you won't stop looking at me like that if I don't let you."

"Nat! Please! Just talk to me!" He was starting to get all the more worried about her as he trudged through the snow, not liking the idea of her being out in the woods all by herself. So, he continued to search through the snow storm, unsure if he was close to her or not, or even if she was still in these woods, "Natalie! Whatever I did wrong Im sorry! But please come out so we can get out of this storm and talk about this!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Natalie sat up in the storm and looked around smelling the air as she stood up taking the coat in her hands rubbing her head as she followed her nose. "I'm here. Why are we outside?" She asked as she saw Conner a look of confusion on her face as she handed his jacket back. "Your going to get sick if you don't wear this." She took in his features her confusion deepening as she saw worry there. "What happened?" She asked confused. She then realized that she had no clue and knew that had only happened one other time in her life. "I'm sorry I worried you." She said honestly caressing her fingers on his face her eyes losing the yellow in them being replaced by the grey-blue.

Alexei got up from the floor and curled himself against her. "I'm sorry. There was a desperate cry for help. Being a beta I had to be certain that not only the girl who is like us but had been pack less was alright but to protect my alpha as well. Can you forgive me my mate?" He asked softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella sighed against him when he moved close to her and she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her head against his neck, thinking for a moment, before nodding, "Yes. I suppose I can. I just hope you don't run out on me every time we get close like that." She said and then smiled at him, kissing him softly, laughing softly as she brushed his shaggy hair from his face, "And I hope that you can be careful out there too. I don't want anything to happen to you." She kissed his cheek and looked back to his golden eyes, "Can you promise me that? That you'll be careful?"

Conner was relieved when he heard her voice and turned, a relieved look on his face when he saw her walking closer. He ran up to her, bringing her into a hug before he looked down at her. She seemed somewhat dazed and unsure. He carefully brushed her white hair from her face, watching as her eyes shifted from that yellow color, back to their normal blue-grey color. He looked at her, a concerned look on his face, "Why are we outside? You screamed at me to stay away from you and ran off. You had me worried sick!" Not to mention, she somehow left a claw mark across his chest, though he wasn't going to mention that, afraid to make her concerned when she was in a state like this. When she handed him his jacket, he shook his head and wrapped it around her again, "No, you keep it. I'll be fine." He sighed and began pulling her along to get her back toward the dorms, "Don't say sorry.....just....just please don't run off like that again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Natalie brought Conner close to her wrapping her arms around him, the warmth she had coming off of her and onto where she was pressed against him a blush on her cheeks. "I probably thought, at the time it was right, although I'm not sure why now. And please don't say that you'll be alright. You're so cold, that you just might get hypothermia if we don't get you some cover from this snow." She then turns her face a bit. "I can't promise that." She said sadly clutching herself closer to herself not wanting to promise that in case the wolf inside her got haywire again. She now knew that there were those that could teach her to keep the thing locked in her head. But until that happened she wouldn't be able to promise right now to not run off like that again. "At least...not until I get my anger issues all settled out. Can you please help me by understanding?" She asked him shyly looking up at him her fragile trust showing through in her eyes at that moment.

Alexei nuzzles against his mark on her neck a small wolfish grin. "I'll buy super strong earplugs for the occasion." He said teasingly bringing them as close as their clothes would allow them to get, his arms around his mate. "I will have Kouga make sure I get back to you safely or have my butt kicked worse than it is." He promised knowing that with Kouga protecting his back, he would have a bit off his shoulders and enjoying his time with Annabella.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella giggled as Alexei nuzzled against her neck and laughed at what he said, "I dont think any earplugs you buy will block that hearing of yours." She pulled herself ss close as she could to him and kissed him once more, playfully biting down on his lower lip, " Now, where were we before you ran off?"

Conner looked over at her, a frown clearly on his face when she stated she couldn't promise him that. He stopped walking and moved to stand in front of her, abruptly taking her face in his hands and before she could even say anything else, he was kissing her. It was a soft, yet powerful kiss and when he finally pulled back he looked down at her, "I do understand, but you understand that every time you do, I will chase after you, just like I did today." He gently placed his forehead against hers, "I don't know what's going on here Nat, but no matter what happens, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Natalie had not been expecting him to kiss her, but she automatically responded looking up at him as the soft pink came to her eyes her arms having woven themselves around him to keep on her feet. "I wouldn't mind your chasing me." She admits with a small smile.

Alexei smiles a look of thought on his face. "Hmm. I'm sure we were here." He said taking her lips in a hungry kiss and trailed down to her mark. "Or was it here?" He asks his wolf once more coming over his actions.
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