Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

I made an OoC, since I ran into a spot of free time. Stop by when you can, Genkai. I know you're busy. <3

Also, if you don't like something, please tell me. I'll change it as soon as I can.

{ ~ Swept away, underneath the cherry blossom trees . . .

~ Premise ~

The sweet scent would fill the lungs of both people who found sanctuary underneath the cherry blossom trees. They would steal glances at one another as everything else around them would slow down and eventually fade away. Their hearts would begin to beat more loudly, much like the taiko drums they heard at the festival, hours ago. In the year 2016, in Kyoto, Japan, two lost souls find themselves swept into another world, so terribly different than their own. This new world is filled with magic and fantasy and these two strangers must form a bond and work together if they wish to save both the world they already love, and the new one they've become rather fond of.

A story of danger and mystical fantasy await both people as they try to find a way to balance one world with the others. While one world suffers, the other prospers. And when their own world might fall into destruction which cannot be undone, it falls upon the two to come together and find a way to balance the lives they've established in both worlds. In their original world, they try to juggle jobs and real life responsibilities but in the other world, they train and traverse a great expansive region, trying to find answers to the problems that threaten both sides of the same coin. Is it possible to give both worlds happiness or must one suffer while the other prevails? Can history be changed? Can the future be changed? Two people swept away, underneath the cherry blossom trees, are determined to find out.

~ The Known ~

Conservation of Souls
Religion had the right idea. There is indeed a life after death, but its not the one the scriptures talk about. The universe likes to conserve souls with fundamental laws just like it conserves energy and matter. Everything is recycled. The same atoms in your morning coffee could be the same atoms that a dinosaur pooped out a millions of years ago. All the water on our planet is all the water that has even been on our planet, simply shuffled around and carried along to different places and in different forms.
Souls are no different. They are never truly destroyed, rather they take on different forms. The soul you have in you today could be the same soul from Julius Augustus Caesar or it could be from a banana slug some six-year-old killed with salt two weeks ago.
When a creature dies on Earth, they are reincarnated into a new body in Rathe, and vice-versa. The soul you have now has cycled through many lifetimes, always alternating between Earth and Rathe.
For those who know this as truth or simply take it as faith, they resign themselves to this fate. Not even the most enlightened know how to truly escape this cycle of suffering, or what other worlds may exist beyond it.

Conservation of Reality
The universe may not be an intelligent entity all on its own, but it does a damn good job at making itself seem like clever. Any time some enterprising traveler from the Rathe's astral wastes decides to tear holes in the fabric of space because they can't be bothered to use roads like the normal folk and just wanted to visit the next village over, reality tends to address these "problems" with extreme prejudice. Extradimensional travel is all fun and games, until someone loses an arm to a closing portal.
The fact is the universe polices reality and enforces its own aspects where appropriate. On Earth, there are no subspecies of humanoids that compete with Homo Sapiens for dominance. On Rathe, this couldn't be further from the truth with several races achieve supremacy at various points in history. But if by some cosmic fluke a warp wolf from Rathe ended up a jungle on Earth, reality will quickly rewrite the vicious, two-headed, teleporting, poisonous beastie into something more appropriate. If somehow an advanced smartphone-like contraption from Earth ended up in Rathe, and reality couldn't figure out what to convert it to, there's very strong possibility it would just blink out of existence entirely.
Reality is a temperamental child. If it doesn't get its way, it'll just remove whatever is annoying it from existence. Rathi sorcerers have sometimes ran afoul of this cosmic enforcer and their reality-defying creations, and sometimes themselves, became little more than a footnote in the history books, if they were written about at all. The souls, matter, and energy are then redistributed wherever they need to go as per "The Rules".

The Impossible
"...The greatest mystery, however, rests in a strange fact: there are beings who exist outside the rules. They have a few names: freaks, Windwalkers, gods. These beings don't have to trouble themselves with death to cross the boundary between our world and the next. When the wind blows in their favor, they get to ignore the rules and travel to wherever they please. As the saying goes, they "sail on a divine wind to distant shores."
How do these beings come to be? How are they able to violate the rules of reality and suffer no consequences? What happens to their soul, when they die? Some believe they are agents of the divine, or aberrant monsters perhaps. There are no answers, only more questions.
They often look and act no different than a normal creature of their kind. You couldn't never pick them out in a crowd. They can appear completely normal. It may even be someone you had lunch with last Tuesday, but they are among us, of that you can be certain."

--An excerpt from the conspiracy theorist blog Behind the Curtains
by Astronomer Henry L. Singh

~ A Brief History of Time ~

The history of Rathe reflects the history Earth went through. When the Dark Ages hit Earth, Rathe was developing and without much death or disease and conflict. When various wars hit Earth, Rathe had peace and comfort. But when Earth began to push into the mid 19th century*, Rathe began to struggle and weaken.
Magic is a mystifying force: it reacts and behaves like a living thing and is as fluid in its patterns as wind and water. Regardless of what it is, both Rathe and Earth need magic flourish--nourishment for the planet and for all living things.
Powerful streams of magic bind Rathe and Earth together in a shared fate. But like a river, their courses may change, split, form or disappear over time.
And for a long time, Travelers would use these streams to pass through each realm. In ancient times, Travelers weren't an uncommon existence. Ancient cultures on both Earth and Rathe make mention of otherworldly visitors.
For some reason, these streams slowly disappeared over time. The steady procession of technology seemed to edge out the existence of magic, accelerating the the rate of disappearances in just the past few hundreds years. Other streams were intentional cut off by enigmatic organizations and esoteric cults. Travelers who used the streams finding it increasingly difficult to travel between worlds, if at all. Many of them were trapped in one world or the other; their physical body would begin to deteriorate. Strange deformations or a painful fading claimed the lives of many of these refugees. With the risks apparent, few Travelers are able to pass through the streams. Such dangerous ventures are now the providence of the foolish and the insane.
Magic began to saturate Rathe's land, infecting it with life. On Rathe, crop fields grew into vast, unconquerable forests and plains; hunted beasts became the hunters or monstrosities unfit for sport or eating; diseases became more vicious and tragic, claiming lives by the millions. However, people began to live longer and longer despite it. Under the strain of myriad threats, a stagnant populace of nigh immortals, civilized societies became impossible to maintain. Wars would break out between kingdoms which were once friendly, others withered from ennui and neglect, but many were reclaimed by the steadily encroaching wilds. Few oases of civilization remain in Rathe--a place now where magic runs rampant and fuels a chaotic primal landscape full of untamed wonders.

Earth on the other hand slowly began to wither in health. It was commonplace for ancient humans to live for two or three hundred years in the time of magic, but even with all technology that exists, no one can make such claims since magic's decline. Earth's civilizations have prospered at the cost of losing thousands of species to extinction and the slow suffering of the planet.

Now, in the modern era, two people have found a way to slip from Earth to Rathe without harm or incident.

(*19th century: the widespread manufacture and use of steam engines really marked the beginning of the modern industrial era; technological advancement since then has been near exponential)

~ The Factions ~

Earth's Faction: They have been in the shadows for centuries and have gone by many names: The Order of the Green Dragon, the Illuminati, the Thule Society, Freemasons, Gnosis, etc. They have made continued efforts throughout the centuries to hinder or destroy the existing passageways to Rathe, seeing magic as a destabilizing force which threatened humanity. They knew without the flow of magic, Earth would be free to function without unpredictable chaos. Their group has been able to keep magic at bay and has sent in a few of its own to Rathe, in order to ensure its eventual collapse. They truly believe once Rathe is no more, that Earth will be able to continue to progress without the threat of war or turmoil. In order to keep the lines of communication and travel closed or hindered, their group has had to spread itself throughout the world, guarding and sometimes even destroying things/places.

Rathe's Unnamed Faction: Their numbers are far fewer than Earth's faction. Since they are kept in the dark, they have had to fend for themselves. They have had to struggle for survival as their world tips further down a slippery slope. Their members are limited so they have not been able to try sending someone through a stream. The dire risk involved pits them against overwhelming odds. With so few agents on Earth, many of them stranded, they cannot push their goals very effectively. This faction believes that both worlds need to carry the burden of magic. While the energy can be used for amazing feats, in high concentration, it is deadly and volatile. The faction is more passive than aggressive, unlike their counterparts. If the thought ever crossed their mind that destroying Earth would solve their problems, they would surely decline and consider another means to finding peace and stability. This faction's goal is endure and reopen the blocked channels.

~ The Cast ~

Ian Baird Chancellor, "Chance" ~ Aspiring law student with a morally ambiguous character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hello! I know our interest check as a ton of information so I'm glad you didn't jump dump it all in here since it would be a bit overwhelming. I think we need to focus on discussion and also prioritize them since some information we can easily figure out when the IC has kicked off. Also, if you make me a co-GM, I could edit your posts (in the OOC only for instance) if you're ever busy and you could edit mine if needed. If you'd rather not, that's fine too but I don't want editing and organization to fall solely on your shoulders, is what I mean. :)

Now, I really like your regeneration/recycle idea, I think it's a very good description of what we were going towards so I'm on board with that. In terms of comparing Rathe and Earth, should we just visualize two spheres side by side? Or do we want them somewhat parallel to hint towards some locations or geology mirroring one another? I'm kind of leaning toward them not being parallel because it's probably less complicated that way and that certain channels with highly contained energy/magic (cherry trees, for example) are the connective pathways.

The next conservation of reality, is fine with me but just to double check that I'm on the same page: A human from Earth may find themselves as another race in Rathe. I think I get that and that it's pretty randomized. And if someone from Rathe goes over as another race, they'll likely become a human but the alternative is vanishing from existence entirely. Do I have that right?

I think our first focus should be the factions? I think a general history and major players will be all we need before we start making characters. I think when we kick the IC off, we can go back and further detail the factions' layout and such. And of course, we probably need to go over skill sets with magic, maybe a basic idea of currency/economy in Rathe, but we generally know things are on the down slope, so to speak so food/supplies/etc won't be as readily as normal.

Should we try to go over a basic history of cycles between the two worlds? Should we assume one faction or maybe both together, decided to doom Rathe in the past, hence the prosperity being horded by Earth?

And we did want to focus on the weather and seasons too.

So...I think if we tackle each topic on its own, it'll be easier to brainstorm and focus.

Tomorrow I'm in class for four hours but before then I commute an hour each way. When I get home I usually don't go online unless it's pressing. But during class I can usually be online for a few hours, unless we have to do group/busy work or watch a film. And of course I have Tue off but I may go into the city to see a movie. But since two essays are done, this week looks a lot less congested for me. I hope things are going well with you and all your goals. I know you're even busier than I am so thanks again for getting our OOC started. *laughs*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

At work currently.
Added you as Co-GM
I have to study tonight for an exam tuesday, but I'll try to respond a bit when I get done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

No worries, I may head off for the night myself and go make some dinner.

Good luck studying for the exam and of course taking it. I'll try to add a bit of information and we'll see what will need tweaking and such.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

Oh thank god. After actually reading that wall post, this shouldn't take but a few minutes. Easy-peazy~

Procrastination Hooooo!

In terms of comparing Rathe and Earth, should we just visualize two spheres side by side? Or do we want them somewhat parallel to hint towards some locations or geology mirroring one another? I'm kind of leaning toward them not being parallel because it's probably less complicated that way and that certain channels with highly contained energy/magic (cherry trees, for example) are the connective pathways.

I actually view them as being parallel, but this is something important to remember: we're dealing wibbly-wobbly time-space shenanigans of the magical variety. Teleportation isn't a point-to-point transfer if you were to overlay the geography and topology because there's too many moving parts (atoms, planet's rotation, people moving, forces of nearby celestial bodies, etc). Cherry trees interconnect because magic doez what it wants goddammit! D=<

In short, they can be parallel and STILL not match up nicely because time-space is poorly understood in both worlds. Not everything requires such a neat explanation.

The next conservation of reality, is fine with me but just to double check that I'm on the same page: A human from Earth may find themselves as another race in Rathe. I think I get that and that it's pretty randomized. And if someone from Rathe goes over as another race, they'll likely become a human but the alternative is vanishing from existence entirely. Do I have that right?

Pretty much. One could extrapolate that a bit further and say conservation of souls and energy still applies, so while the bodies gets eroded into nothingness, the atoms, energy, and soul get repurposed elsewhere. The universe likes to recycle things like a pretentious, environmentally-friendly neighbor from suburbia.

I think our first focus should be the factions? I think a general history and major players will be all we need before we start making characters. I think when we kick the IC off, we can go back and further detail the factions' layout and such.

Should we try to go over a basic history of cycles between the two worlds? Should we assume one faction or maybe both together, decided to doom Rathe in the past, hence the prosperity being horded by Earth?

Agreed. A rough outline should be sufficient.
I'll be frank. I won't have the time to help you delineate something as detail-oriented as factions and history until sometime next week. I'll try to keep some side notes, if I get a chance to read anything you post between now and then.

Fair warning:
As much as I like world-building, and despite how long I've been GM'ing, I suck at making fictional histories.
I have diarrhea of the brain, so ideas aren't hard to come by. But! Finding a reasonable beginning and end to a historical record is difficult task for me. Too much choice.

And of course, we probably need to go over skill sets with magic, maybe a basic idea of currency/economy in Rathe, but we generally know things are on the down slope, so to speak so food/supplies/etc won't be as readily as normal.

Currencies and economies, I would write off 'til later honestly. I doubt Rathe has a de facto currency or a dominant economic model. Earth sure as hell doesn't. Rathe's economic situation could be just as fractured and wonky.

I've always like magic as being based in language, where the grammatical construction defines how magic is manifested. Moreover, there is no "right way" to invoke magic, just like there's no "right way" to create a language. The language is simply the interface. Where lexicon of "power words" (or whatever you want to call them) can be constructed in a variety of ways. Perhaps there's more than one kind of magical language? Perhaps its define by culture and/or race?

As for what magic is..... that's always tricky. Our earlier discussion implied that magic was somehow tied to the environment. What if it's just a form of unbound energy, readily available in its raw form, but the physical body acts as a conduit to refine and shape the raw resource into a manifestation.


Magic could be an exercise in stealing aspects of reality from already existing objects. For example, suppose two mage's are dueling next to a river of lava. Mage A throws some pebbles at his opponent. She then temporarily borrows the heat aspect from the nearby molten rock and applies it to the thrown pebbles. If these objects were to impact, Mage B would have a very unpleasant day.
So Mage B decides to jump and temporarily borrow the weight aspect of some rising gases, allowing him to dodge out of the way.
The effects are fleeting because conservation of reality applies, and the universe fix these "mistakes".


Something else entirely!

There's a metric FUCK-ton (recall your SI units, this is 10FUCK more than a metric ton ;3) of ways to do this.

My advice? Treat it like the lesser of two or more evils: when making a judgement, choose the option you haven't tried before.

And we did want to focus on the weather and seasons too.

Um, yes, but we can make that priority 3 or 4... somewhere after history, factions, and magic.

Tomorrow I'm in class for four hours but before then I commute an hour each way. When I get home I usually don't go online unless it's pressing. But during class I can usually be online for a few hours, unless we have to do group/busy work or watch a film. And of course I have Tue off but I may go into the city to see a movie. But since two essays are done, this week looks a lot less congested for me. I hope things are going well with you and all your goals. I know you're even busier than I am so thanks again for getting our OOC started. *laughs*

No trouble~
I feel like I should reciprocate with an outline of my schedule for the next few days, but I don't even remember what all I have going on. I just know I'm slammed 'til next thursday. :x

Don't let my busyness deter you from writing cool stuff though.

Edit: I check for updates at least once every 48 hours or so. I keep spark notes on my phone; thus, if I know I'll be stuck somewhere without interwebs and anticipate high levels of boredom, I'll work on brainstorming. Having inspirational nuggets available in this thread helps with that.

Currently trying to balance this and my friday night Pathfinder game, but I should be fine once exam season is over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

This week was fairly calm, sadly I still couldn't make time to come on until now, mostly due to a few stuff that doesn't really matter at the moment. I do apologize though. I could have at least popped on for an hour but personally I like to horde my time and sit down for several hours online so I feel like I'm tackling a lot. At any rate, I'm about to be stuck in a construction hell hole (our kitchen and bathrooms are being gutted) and my parents will be gone in a week on vacation, tie that with the last few weeks of the semester and I'll be busy. Which is why I regret not having logged on a day or so sooner. That aside, once the semester is over, I will have several months off before I get to tackle my final 2 quarters of college before I try to go aboard and teach or go be homeless out of state...


But yes, I am still here, still interested. I'll try to compact my reply so it ties to what we're first going to tackle. So don't think I'm ignoring a bit of information or something, I just want to make sure our focus is geared toward something and not a dozen things because then we get confused and drained.

Tomorrow and Sunday though, I should be free for chatting. Some plans fell through so I'm going to take advantage of that and try to get ahead on some upcoming essays and OOC shiz.


1. Land/History

2. Factions

3. Magic/Weather

4. Characters

5. Starting Point/Direction

So to tackle the first priority, which I think may tie into factions...

Did any of the photos I linked stick out to you (in the IntChk)? I do have others which we can sift through. I do think if we can but it certainly isn't necessary, we should give important/major locations a picture and general description. I'm not here to make a map or huge layout. Unless we want to. But generally I find that effort could be spent elsewhere. So Earth is pretty self explanatory. I suppose we should at least confirm if our characters are residing in Japan or America or somewhere in Europe.

I think we should also assume that when the Earth was first created, a twin planet (Rathe) was also created and was in turn, tucked in another portion of space/time but its likeness and connection to our planet was still in tact, as it still is to this day.

The history of Rathe reflects the history Earth went through. When the Dark Ages hit Earth, Rathe was developing and without much death or disease and conflict. When various wars hit Earth, Rathe had peace and comfort. But when Earth began to push into the mid 20'th centuary, Rathe began to struggle and weaken. Because magic is a living thing, it needs both Rathe and Earth to breathe and distribute itself evenly. When the major connections became blocked or somewhat risky, magic began to infect Rathe's land, leading to infertile land, disease and such. Because of the strain, wars would break out between kingdoms which were once friendly. Sustenance and life itself was beginning to dwindle with each passing decade.

And for a long time, travelers would have safe (enough) passage through each realm but around the same time magic began to build in Rathe, travelers vanished from existence, found themselves trapped in one world, or if they did manage to go over, their physical body would be much different, almost to the extent of deformation. With the risks apparent, travelers ceased trying to flee. Many living on Rathe tried to flee from the hardship but none were heard from, assumed to have perished during the transition. Now, nearly 200 or so years later, two people have found a way to slip from Earth to Rathe without harm or incident.

So that's what I have for the general history. I don't think we need to go in to too much depth with I feel like the factions will be able to add some color or interesting events. I kept it pretty simple but if you'd like to tweak it or add something, let me know. I'll add it to your first post so you can change it there if you want.

Now factions...I assume we're sticking to two because it's the most basic and easiest to handle. And I also assume that we'll keep one faction per world so also keep it simple. Also, their motives can be flipped if you'd like, so tell me what you think. I'll also add this to your post so you can fiddle with it. We can decide on names or use something from Latin/Greek, I'm not picky on names.

Earth's Unnamed Faction: They have been in the shadows for centuries. They decided after WWII to begin destroying and hindering the many passageways from Rathe in order to push the world into a better era. New things were in turn discovered and invented. They knew without the flow of magic, Earth would be free to function without unpredictable chaos. Their group has been able to keep magic at bay and has sent in a few of its own to Rathe, in order to ensure its eventual collapse. They truly believe once Rathe is no more, that Earth will be able to continue to progress without the threat of war or turmoil. In order to keep the lines of communication and travel closed or hindered, their group has had to spread itself throughout the world, guarding and sometimes even destroying things/places.

Rathe's Unnamed Faction: Their numbers are far fewer than Earth's faction. Since they are kept in the dark, they have had to fend for themselves. They have had to struggle for survival as their world tips further down a slippery slope. Their members are limited so they have not been able to try sending someone through a connection. The risk while great, would be difficult to manage with their lone member in Earth on their own. This faction believes that both worlds need to carry the burden of magic. While the energy can be used for amazing feats, in high concentration, it is deadly and volatile. The faction is more passive than aggressive, unlike their counterparts. If the thought ever crossed their mind that destroying Earth would solve their problems, they would surely decline and consider another means to finding peace and stability. This faction's goal is endure and reopen the blocked channels.

So that's all I can think of right now...I know you mentioned not being overly comfortable with factions. Since we're doing so much, I think keeping the details as simple as possible, will help us in the long run. If you're happy, we can move onto magic and it's aspects. If not, we can still hash out other ideas with the factions and such.

EDIT - Last time I used the GM Function, it let the co-GM edit GM posts but I don't think that's the case anymore...so you may have to just edit them in yourself. >___<'
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

No edits? That sucks. Oh well.

I'm mostly free now, but I'm not at home.

It's just completely dead at work, but I have leave in about an hour.

We could use etherpad or an IM of your choice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

I don't use IM anymore. Do you have a gmail account? We could talk through their chat?

I'm mostly popping on to get to a 1x1 post (I have a group post that I'll likely just finish tomorrow during class) but I should be on for about an hour before I have to go figure out dinner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

I feel like our schedules are generally incompatible with one another. xD

I like the way you're headed so far.
I did tweak the history (and factions a tiny bit). What do you think? Better, worse, indifferent?

Still hung up on names, but that can wait I guess....

If we're in rough agreement, I'd say move on the aspects of magic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

Gosh, I'm sure it won't matter when the IC is up and running but it does make plotting a little more tough. >__>'

I think the tweaks you made were fine for both sections, though I am a little unclear (maybe it's just the phrasing?) about "However, people began to live longer and longer despite it. Under the strain of myriad threats, a stagnant populace of nigh immortals, civilized societies became impossible to maintain." So with magic killing off people, there's some who are immortal instead of diseased? Or do you mean that because of sickness, it's impossible to have long standing lines of family/populations? Maybe the immortality thing was somewhat sudden but then somehow contradicted or discredited at the same time but I may need more 'filling in' with your train of there.

Alright so magic...

You had suggested two possible routes to take. I think the first would be the easiest to explain and implement. Different conduits if you will, like runes or books or flutes or rings, whatever. Each item or design would provide a user with a certain kind of magic (if we go the traditional route with four elements or something). Or if we do stick to the idea that magic is everywhere, it could just be an energy source without an affiliation to elements but maybe to just power/amount? Or weather? If it's sunny, it would be hot/fiery. If it's windy, the magic would be windy. It's somewhat like your second idea?

I do like the second idea since it does take into account the location and terrain and could make combat scenes very interesting but it might get out of hand. At the same time, if it's something you're really feeling, I don't mind going along with it. ^^

This is another crazy (read: random) thought but if we wanted to think many streams between Rathe and Earth are maybe tree related...we could have people fighting/using magic with small tree branches or something. Maybe certain trees have certain powers or abilities? Maybe if they flick it at someone, the magic would 'shake' from the leaves or branches and be directed at the target? Maybe some trees are healing, some are more for combat and after heavy use, they die? Again, just a random thought, I'm trying to add to some ideas since you added a few of your own and I don't wanna be a bum haha.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

I think the tweaks you made were fine for both sections, though I am a little unclear (maybe it's just the phrasing?) about "However, people began to live longer and longer despite it. Under the strain of myriad threats, a stagnant populace of nigh immortals, civilized societies became impossible to maintain." So with magic killing off people, there's some who are immortal instead of diseased? Or do you mean that because of sickness, it's impossible to have long standing lines of family/populations? Maybe the immortality thing was somewhat sudden but then somehow contradicted or discredited at the same time but I may need more 'filling in' with your train of there.

I had imagined as a sort of magic-fueled pseudomortality: people are biologically immortal, that is to say unless reaped by disease, war, or something else, the will live forever.
So death is still possible, just unlikely without some existential threat at work.
Thus, you'd have extremely old civilizations where internal strife over resources and encroaching dangers of the magic wilds outside keep the populations low.

As for magic....
I know I separated them with "OR", but you could actually combine both ideas.
For example, magic is the power source, the magic language is the interface, and the borrowing of aspects from reality is what magic lets you do.
For the sake of consistency, it'd probably be easier to stick with the ambient power source idea. The rest of it can be whatever.
Using plants as a focus for various kinds of magic could be interesting, but would be supplemental I think. Perhaps such ideas are enshrined in a particular tradition of magic?

I don't really have a preference, since I've written within the contexts of these different expressions of magic before. Whatever sounds fun to you is what we'll go with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

I'm just popping in during class, I'll likely pop back on tonight an hour or two before bed. It doesn't seem like any ICs or OOCs need me...so you'll have my attention haha. ^^;

I suppose the immortality thing works. Or just call it an extended lifetime, since I do think immortality may be a strong word.

We could always have different means of harnessing magic so our character(s) could do whichever we personally like, if we can't come to an agreement. Personally (I almost sound like a broken record here lol) I'd rather keep things simple since we're still stuck in the planning phase of things. I also think the more simple we keep things, there's more room for complicating things once we get comfortable. So if we just want to go with the idea that magic is everywhere and that the environment can influence magic but it doesn't need to, would work?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

Less a lack of "agreement" and more of a conscientious deferral of decision-making on my part. xD

But you're absolutely right in that we can outright skip "magic" and fuck around with the rules of it as we go along. In fact, we can do that with pretty much everything, if you really wanted to. But, I digress.

I say we skip to the ostensibly best part: CHARACTERS
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

So I have four essays to work on over the next two weeks which will total about 25 pages. Yikes. Plus I'm getting ready for a diet which starts in three weeks...but thankfully my quarter is almost over! So yes characters!

I'm eager to get back into roleplaying. Since things have been so inactive around here, I've turned to my own personal novels and short stories.

But yes...our main characters.

I'm thinking a general age range would be mid to late 20s.

I also assume we'll have to pick a city/town they both reside in. For the most part, we'll probably want to hammer out the skeletal aspects and then work from there to ensure we're not making duplicate characters or ones who would resist working with one another. I first presented the idea, under the impression they were strangers but if we wanted them to be coworkers or friends, that would also work for me. It may make adjusting to a new world easier?

I haven't give ambition or profession much thought but I am looking to play a woman who is pretty upbeat with healthy ambition but not too much that it blinds her. Maybe she's somewhat motherly or protective...or the flip side, maybe she wants to put so much faith in others that she doesn't feel the need to doubt/question/dote over them.

What thoughts have you give to your main character?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

I've had a few different character concepts actually.

By far, I like the idea of playing a single parent--mother or father, since I have no preference. I haven't played one in awhile, so I thought it'd be fun. However, I do think it'd be.... impractical in some ways, since the character would be so consumed with returning to earth to his kid, it wouldn't be conducive for much exploration beyond what is immediately necessary.

My other idea was to play a streetwise urchin of the big city. Something like a grifter with a heart of gold, who maybe has an unrequited crush for some social worker/shelter volunteer. This particular concept may mesh more easily with yours, at first glance.

We could always do the quintessential archetype of a normal school girl/boy swept away into a world of fantasy. lol xD

Age range seems reasonable, and yes it's probably better if both characters are at least passingly familiar with one another.

As for location, I favor korea, south africa, and the UK as places of interest, particularly large cities/capitals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

Just a heads up:
I'm going to be out of town on vacation starting tomorrow, so I'll be scarce until June 2nd.

I'll try to peek in on the OoC to check for updates every now and again, but I won't be able to respond often.

Good luck with all your essays!
I understand you have a huge workload ahead of you~
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

I just got back from vacation and I have no schoolwork to worry about, so I'm ready whenever you are! =D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago


Sorry about ghosting on you. Really not my intention at all.

School really kicked my ass the last 2-3 weeks with these awful final research essays. One teacher was nice, extended deadlines, was super sweet about offering people extra credit. The other bitch who I had two classes with, was pretty much the polar opposite. Even though I did well most of the quarter with her, I accidentally gave less than the minimum for the final essays which pretty much guarantees I'll be getting Ds or Fs on the final papers, according to her. So I've been pretty stressed about whether or not I'll need to retake those classes with her...still no word on final grades but...yeah I am finally done.

I will have three months of bliss! Which means I'll be gaming and roleplaying without paranoia and insomnia. :3 I hope your vacation went well and everything else is a lot more manageable on your end (compared to mine). I hope you're enjoying the summer and everything else, again I'm sorry. I feel like an awful person but at the same time, I couldn't even think about logging on much less writing when I was trapped in the eight circle of hell... -__-'

But I am glad you're still with me, cause I think we could make something pretty epic!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

Member Seen 27 days ago

Vacation was ten different kinds of awesome actually. My partner and I convinced the sound crew to announce the ISS passing overhead right before they started the memorial day fireworks show. It was completely spontaneous, but everything fell into place so neatly. The timing and conditions couldn't have been more perfect. You could see the bright light that is the ISS descend towards the horizon as they shot up fireworks.

Despite the magic of the moment, reality came kicking and screaming back into the forefront the moment I returned to civilization. Work and home are both chaotic environments by default--work especially is more demanding than it realistically should be--so I can sympathize with you there. Your hell is essays; mine is doing payroll (Ugh... If anything is out of place, you have 10-20 different people to berate you for your mistake, no matter how minor. I call the HR lady Damocles. =P)

But yes! It's good to finally have you back~

Escapism hooooooo~!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago

That sounds really amazing! I am super jealous of you but I'm glad it went as well as it could, or possibly even better! :)

At least my hell is over for the time being, yours is still constant but at least you had some kind reprieve yeah? I'm sorry that part of your job is stressful, I can imagine people are counting on you and then when something goes wrong, there's a ton of pressure and stress added on top of the normal amount. :/

And thanks, I'm glad to be back. I have forgotten what 'free time' even means but by the time I get used to it, I feel like it'll be the end of September already. I'm also on a medical fast, so I don't need to worry about cooking/eating...so hey more time to roleplay and play video games, thus postponing adult life a bit further eheheh.

So...where were we? XD
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