Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chapter One - Identity

The Aegis Compound is the location where our heroes first awaken. There isn't much known about their exact location or if an outside exists. What will be known to them in Chapter One is outlined below.


The Aegis Compound uses technology that condenses the space between to locations. Due to this technology, the characters won't ever need to use a stairwell or elevator. Simply passing through the designated door (ie. portal) will take you exactly where you need to go.
  • Waking Chamber - This is the chamber where the characters first awaken. It is a summoning chamber, which adds further mystery to the Aegis Compounds use of science and the arcane.
  • Cafeteria - After reception, this is the area where characters can relax and chow down on some good grub. It works much like a regular cafeteria except that the food can be ordered using panels. The food is then presented to the character upon a tray, popping up from a hatch.
  • Quarters - This is where characters will retire for the night. They each get their own room with a sink, bathroom tub and shower. The floor is Co-ed.
  • Command Center - Rookies have no business being on this floor, and so it is a prohibited zone until characters receive special authorization. Characters who try to access the command center portal will discover that the hallway merely continues.

Other Sectors

  • Aegis Simulator - This room utilizes the Aegis system. The Aegis engine is capable of exposing characters to realistic simulations, scenarios, and training grounds. Similar to the "Danger Room" characters are capable of dying in this room if they choose to train on a level above what they can handle. The simulator room is not allowed to be access without a Monitor. The Monitor oversees the simulation and can eject characters from the simulation in case of serious emergencies.
  • Aegis Arena - The Aegis Arena is for those characters who have a more competitive and aggressive personality. This is where characters can resolve disputes or train with someone of equal strength. Characters cannot be killed in the arena. When a character loses, the match ends. A character's Win, Lose, and Draw record is recorded for research purposes. Like the Aegis Simulator, characters can decide on a realistic battle environment.
  • Library - Sometimes you want a quiet place to study or if you're the type to seek out information, the library just might be your niche. There are no books in the library. Instead, users have access to various computer terminals. Not all information is accessible.
  • War Room - This room is where briefs mostly take place. This is also the room for written exams. The characters receiver their first brief in the cafeteria, but after that brief, all briefs are held in the War Room.

Chapter One - Identity (Summary)

Everyone’s character will wake in the mysterious compound. Their information will be recorded, they will receive their clothes, and they will eventually be released in the Mess Hall to eat (and they will be starving). During the Mess Hall period, the game is pretty sandbox as your characters wait for the brief. During this time also, characters can be acquainted and friendships or rivalries can be made. Eventually, the characters will receive a briefing in the Mess Hall by The Compound Director. You will learn why you are here, what kind of training you will undergo, and how you will graduate. Throughout the training phase, the character’s may see their bodies (muscle memory) performing stunts that they didn’t think they could do, and it all seems familiar. However, by graduation, The End of Chapter One, their memory should start to return and they remember who they are. They then realize the actual purpose of the training was to awaken the heroes before the real battle begins!

I gave you this summary of the chapter that we will play out so that we all know the direction the chapter is supposed to go. The adventures we have getting there is the fun part.


You awake in a room. You do not know your name. You do not know where you are. You can’t remember anything, but you are not alone.

The chamber is dimly lit and the room is square and stark-white. There are nine other figures surrounding you, lying on what appeared to be blue magic circles. They appear to be asleep having not yet awakened like you have. As you gaze around at your surroundings, you hear the soft murmur of machinery humming from behind the plain walls. The floor is cool and smooth like metal.

You notice that your rune circle has stopped glowing and a rectangular impression forms in the shape of a door upon the wall before it slides open to reveal a lit gray corridor. Curiosity eventually has you get up and travel over to the door. You step through and walk to the end of the plain hall where another door opens.

The room opens to a reception where several business-dressed men and women are seated greeting you with friendly smiles. They weren’t all human as you notice with the rabbit-eared receptionist who first greets you, “Welcome to Alta. That is the name of our world. You will learn as you proceed. My name is Sofia Keys. I am here to record your information. What would you like to name yourself?”

After Sofia is able to gather your information you continue to the other stations receiving a blue jumpsuit that zips in the front from the crotch to the collar bones. A receptionist directs you to your final destination, a room full of delicious smells: melted butter, baked bread, sizzling meats…you are directed to grab a tray and regain your strength for the brief would begin soon.

Notable NPCs

This section can be added to as writers create NPCs. The NPCs that go in this list are NPCs that you think everyone should know about or who people will more than likely encounter on a regular basis.
  • Aegis Director - Althea Rose - Director Rose is very assertive and she is a quick decision-maker as well as problem-solver. She likes when plans go smoothly, and smooth is what she strives for. She is highly admired and wound up being the secret crush of numerous Aegis personnel - men and women alike.
  • Aegis Instructor - James Rosencrantz - He is also called "Burnface" but I wouldn't recommend calling him that to his face. He is the senior trainer in charge of conditioning and teaching the heroes. He is very rough around the edges and not easy to like. He is not there to be anyone's friend. He is there to give the characters what they need to survive. So hush up and listen!
  • Aegis Receptionist - Sofia Keys - Sofia is a Lapine, a being that bears the characteristics of a rabbit. She is motherly to the characters and may prove to be very helpful. She is the first person you meet!

Post Header

This header is to be posted above your post every time you post. This tells people who you are role playing, what class they are, what their current location is, and who are they currently talking to as well as mentioning in their post to direct those writers' attention. This is for the convenience of all writers. I normally add "Time/Date" to the header but we will be moving from Day One to Day Two together. So it is irrelevant in this chapter.

Temporary Name: This is your character's temporary name. The name he/she made for him/herself. This is not the name of your historical character so do not put that here! I will say it until the conclusion of this chapter. Do not reveal who you are role playing.
Class: What class is your character?
Occupation: What is your character's occupation?
Location: Where is your character on the ship?
Tagging: You can place the @Mentions here or you can write the character's names here.

Example Header Use

Temporary Name: John Doe
Class: Warrior
Occupation: Monk
Location: Library
Tagging: Steven, Kara, Frank


1. Try to keep all OOC conversations in the OOC. That is why it is there.
2. If you use pictures, please size them down. We do not want ridiculously huge pictures taking up the whole game and lagging out people’s computers.
3. Activity: You have 14 days to post. If you do not post within 14 days, then I will PM you. If you do not respond within 30 days, then I will do what I need to do with your character. However, after 7 days of inactivity, I will ask the writers that you left hanging to move on.
4. What I say goes. I tend to make decisions for the sake of the game and not for the sake of my personal opinion. If you do not like my decision, then you can either: a) deal with it, b) tell me in a constructive manner why you don’t like it, preferably in PMs, or c) get out. This takes us to the next rule.
5. No drama. I don’t like pointless arguing, so if you start an argument over this game, I will tell you how to fix your problem. If you don’t like it, then leave. I’m not going to argue with you. It would be a waste of my time to do so.
6. Chapter One Rules: Do not reveal who your historical character is. PM ME who you plan to play. PM MEEEEE! Do not drop it in the OOC going, “Oh man, this game sounds fun. Can you reserve me for hjdhfkjdhf?” NO! NOOOOOOO! Just don’t do it. If you read this, then in the first response to this game write “Ireadthisbruh.” If you didn’t read this, then I’ll definitely find out now won’t I when you screw up?
7. Communication: Please PM me when you're going to be absent for a long period so I can accommodate your absence. I do not need to know your business. I just need to know an estimated duration of absence.
8. Have fun!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Temporary Name: Brett
Class: Healer
Occupation: Entertainer
Location: Started in the Waking Chamber and ends in Cafeteria
Tagging: NPCs

There was a soft humming, and then the sensation of a cold solid floor was felt along his back. He was lying down and his brows twitched before converging on his forehead. Slowly his eyelids cracked open and he squinted up at a dark ceiling. He was in a room…but why? Fingers twitched and eventually his body started to move as he turned onto his side and curled into a ball. The floor was lit beneath him. The blue runic circle reflecting in his coffee-bean eyes.

Where am I? it was the first question that entered his conscience. The young man laid there unmoving. His mind felt so empty. What else couldn’t he remember? What did he even know? He gently grasped his face and closed his eyes. The more he wondered, the more he got a headache. How could he think about what he didn’t know? He didn’t even know where to begin.


He glanced to the strange rectangular formation that had moved to present an opening in the square chamber. For a moment he stared at the opening, and then raised his head as he noticed several other beings just like him lying about. Were they…dead? No; they must have been sleeping just as he had been. Why…no. He wasn’t going to question anymore. If he wanted answers, then he had to go find them.

Slowly and carefully, he rose off the floor to his feet and then glanced down to see that he was wearing nothing but white briefs. Blushing softly, he crossed his hands over his crotch and glancing at the others again, he cautiously started over to the door. He stopped next to it and tactfully peered around the corner to gaze down a lengthy and empty corridor. It had been plain just like the room, and it didn’t look too bad.

Stepping through the door, he ventured down the hall, glancing at his surroundings and then back at the room he left. He noticed at the end of his trip that there was going to be another door. He felt a little nervous for he didn’t know who or what might be on the other side, but he knew that he couldn’t just stay in that other room.

This…this is a dream, he figured. It just seemed too unreal.

He stopped before the second door, thinking that he could take a moment to summon his courage, when it slid open and a bright light assaulted his retinas. Hissing a little, he flinched and looked away, clapping his hands over his eyes. He had not been ready for that.


There was a voice. It sounded like a woman. Lowering his hands, he squinted about, his vision blurry.

Please come over here, Sir.

He crept into the next room where—as his eyes adjusted—he saw several desks arranged in a circle and behind those desks were people—but not always as he noticed with the bunny woman. She gave him a friendly smile while he stared at her as though she had rabbit ears growing out of her head. She beckoned him closer and like a frightened animal, he ventured closer to her.

The rabbit woman giggled warmly. “You must have never seen a Lapine before. Hello there, my name is Sofia Keys, and I will be taking some information from you.”

“I’m sorry but…I think I might have lost my memory.”

Sofia simply nodded. “Mhm, that’s expected. What would you like to name yourself?”

He arched a brow. “Excuse me?”

Sofia cocked her head and smiled, her red eyes glimmering. “I need a name from you. You can simply make one up until you remember your real name.”

He felt silent as he contemplated something as simple as a name. “John” seemed too common. “I…suppose…Brett?”

“Mr. Brett,” Sofia echoed before she glanced down at a tablet and her slender fingers blurred as she tapped out his name and other information (mostly appearance) on a keyboard on the screen. When she was finished, she looked up with a smile and welcomed, “Hello Mr. Brett. Welcome to Alta. That is the name of our world.”

She then rose a little from her chair and waved her hand to the other stations. “Please proceed to the next station where our receptionists will continue to help you.”

Brett did as he was told going from one station to the next getting his vitals recorded in a machine and several other strange examinations of not just the body but the mind too. Eventually he was given a blue jumpsuit and some footwear and he wasted no time in getting dressed. He zipped it up to his neck and then zipped it down a little to below his collar. A receptionist pointed him in the direction of another door and curiously glancing back at the man who continued to point in the direction where he needed to go, Brett followed his gesture over to the door. When the door opened, a wave of heat and delicious smells washed into him. Closing his eyes, he couldn’t help but inhale the pleasant aroma as a smile broadened on his face.

Not a dream…this is heaven, he thought.

His last instructions were simply just to eat and he didn’t find them hard to follow. There were several tables and chairs but…where was the food? He could smell it but didn’t see it anywhere. He wandered over to one of several screens and stared at it curiously. The language was…unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Blinking, Brett scratched his head. “I can’t read this.”

The text on the screen then suddenly changed to a language he could understand. The screen asked: What do you want to eat?

Can it understand me? Brett wondered before he answered: “…how about a hot dog?”

Suddenly, there was a whirring noise and the metal hatch beneath the screen opened as a burst of air shot through it, tossing up a plate with a hot dog and bun on it. The hatch had closed swiftly before the plate could fall back inside. Regarding the plain hot dog in surprise, Brett couldn’t help but grin.

“Well look at that,” he said impressed. He reached out to take the dog, feeling the warm fluffy bread and the heat pouring off the link. He took an inspecting bite out of it and he didn’t think he would ever stop smiling. For being a plain dog it tasted better than he thought it would. Cramming the rest of it in his mouth, he stammered through full cheeks:

“How about a bratwurst? Mustard; sautéed onions and green peppers…” He figured that he would have to be descriptive. The machine gave him exactly what he ordered and Brett couldn’t resist trying to come up with more things for the machine to purvey. It wasn’t long before he was taking a seat at one of the tables with a full tray of western-style food: cheeseburgers, fries, pizza, hot dogs, soda pop, and an apple just because he felt he might have been overdoing it with the junk food. He couldn’t understand why he was so hungry, but he was excited to dig in.

Bringing his hands together, Brett smiled as he wanted to pray…pray to who? He raised his bowed head to stare obliviously across the table. He couldn’t understand why he had wanted to do it. Whatever. He just happily dove into his meal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Temporary Name: Jane
Class: Warrior
Occupation: Samurai
Location: Started in the Waking Chamber and ends in Cafeteria
Tagging:@Holy Soldier and NPCs

Jane woke to a metallic floor and a faint and low hum from the walls. She had opened her eyes to a squint and through her partially opened eyes she saw a red glow from what appeared the glowing runes around her.

She had almost instantly jumped to her feet before collapsed to the floor feeling light headed. After a few moments she realized she had no idea where she was "Where am I... What is this place...? I-I can't remember. Aaaah! Why can't I remember!? It's like there's a blank white sheet where my meories are.

Then she stopped, realizing there were other people around her and that she had been in panties and a pra this whole time. After inspecting them she found that they were sleeping like she had been moments before. She stood to look around the room more thoroughly but this time she took her time.

She noticed there was one spot where she assumed someone had already awoken from. She also found that there was a door leading into a white hallway that looked like it never ended. After deciding to leave the room she began to walk down the hallway only looking back at the room she had come from once.

When she was nearing the end of the hallway she came to another door. After looking at it for a few seconds trying to see how it opened, when it slid open on its own she was blinded by light as she jumped back shielding her eyes. Becoming adjusted to the light she heard a voice of a woman.

Hello and welcome. Please come over here miss.

As she cautiously moved into the new she saw desks arranged in a circle and that he women who had spoken to her moments ago had bunny ears. Moving closer the woman smile her head and said Hi my name is Sofia Keys, and I will be taking some information from you.

Realizing what she said she stopped to look at her. I'm sorry but I don't know anything about myself so I don't think I can help you with that.

Yes, that's normal. Oh and don't worry we won't ask you questions you can't answer. Also would you like to make a name for yourself?

Name myself? I guess since I can't remember my name I'll have to make my own. How about... Jane? ya I like it.

Hello Jane and welcome to Alta. then gesturing towards the other stations she said Continue to our next sattion where you will continued to be helped.

After checking her mentally and physically using weird machines and methods she was finally done and they gave her a blue jumpsuit and footwear. She immediately put on the jumpsuit but didn't exactly know how to close it up so she asked a receptionist who showed her how a zipper worked. After zipping her jump suit a little further than her chest she looked at the footwear and decided not where them, she like to feel her feet breathe.

Once that was over they brought her to a new door which she guessed she had to pass through. Once the door opened a waft of hot air and the smell of delicious food hit herface and she instantly realized how hungry she really was. Walking inside she noticed there was no food in the room except for some strange looking food a man with an identical jumpsuit was eating.

Sitting across from the man she had seen and said Excuse me but how do I get food? with a confused look on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Temporary Name: Brett
Class: Healer
Occupation: Entertainer
Location: Cafeteria
Tagging: @Lunar

Excuse me but how do I get food?

Brett looked up from cramming more food in his mouth than he could swallow. His cheeks were large and spherical like a hamster’s with ketchup, pizza sauce, and crumbs smeared across them. Quickly chewing his food, he closed his eyes and raised his chin as he swallowed it all down and then hammered his chest with his fist.

Whew! he gasped before he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Sorry about that. This food is just so good!”

It almost made him cry just thinking about it. He rose from his seat with a friendly smile and motioned for the girl to follow him.

“This way, sweetheart,” he directed as he guided her over to the screens. It was there where he explained to her how they worked, and afterwards, waited eagerly to see what kind of food she would order.

“No matter what you order I think it will be delicious. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted food this amazingly good. I might have to be careful. I do got a figure to watch,” he jested, patting his tummy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He awoke with a chill sitting bolt upright. He opened his bright blue eyes, then looked down at himself realizing he was nearly naked. A dream? He didn't remember going to sleep-- he didn't remember anything. Rising to his feet he hugged his arms around himself noting the rough scarred flesh.

Taking stock of his surrounding he noted the other sleeping figures around him as a door opposite opened with a hiss. Glad none of them were awake he hastily shuffled over to of the room following the hallway. He walked into a reception room full of people going about their business. When the bunny-eared girl stepped forward he spoke aloud “What a strange dream, my my what are you?” he asked.

She answered with a smile. “I'm a Lupine, you'll learn more on that later,” She said smoothly bringing the topic back to what she was here for. “This is no dream, welcome to Alta that is the name of our world. My name is Sofia Keys. I am here to record your information. What would you like to name yourself?”

“Very well, I'll play along for now, my name is... Alstair.” He hesitated for just a moment in thought.
“Excellent right this way Alistair, we'll need to just run a few quick examinations.” She gestured behind her.
He sat through the tests noting the strange equipment, all of it had a sleek design speaking of efficiency. There was a small disruption when a nurse touched him and received a static shock. They laughed it off and mentioned it must have been something to do with the process, whatever that was. Soon enough they were done and Alistair was given a jumpsuit and a pair footwear. He quickly donned them and zipped it up to the collar then making sure his arms were covered.

He was told to proceed to the next room, the smell of food and quiet chatter leading the way. As he entered he saw a man demonstrating a strange machine which spat out food from seemingly no where. “Fascinating,” he muttered. “This is one strange dream." He puzzled out the machine its screen changing from a strange language to one he could read. “Hmm, I think I'll have some roast chicken, caramelised vegetables and your finest wine too.” The machine materialised the food but no wine. “Fine orange juice then.” He said with an air of annoyance, the machine obliged and he left with his tray.

Hesat a few seats down from the other two. He listened and watch picking at his meal as they chattered noting that they were both wearing the exact same clothing but each wore it differently somewhat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tempaorary Name: David
Class: Warrior
Occupation: Brute
Location: Starts in Waking Chamber and ends in Cafeteria
Tagging: NPCs

A low groan echoed as a large man shifted on the floor. He had a powerful headache that felt like a horse had kicked his head in. His appetite also could have been sated by said horse. Sitting up with a wince the man rubbed the sleep from his eyes before taking in his surroundings. "What in the sam hill?" Said the man in a burly voice as he noticed the other sleeping men and women highlighted by weird purple circles. He then looked at himself and noticed he too was only clad in unmentionables. Standing the man tried to remember how he had got there only to drop to one knee groaning in pain unable to accertain the answers. Come to think of it he could hardly remember anything. Not even his own name.

Standing once more the man looked around searching for an exit. He found it in the form of a recessed door, but he couldn't see how to open it. As he approached the door it slid open and scared the man causing him to jump back. It had then shut again only to open as the man slowly approached once more. Finding the threshold he took the chance to step over and back again watching the door open and close over and over. In all his available memory the man had never seen a door open on it's own. It was a strange experiance on top of all the already strange circumstances.

Finally stepping through the door the man followed the hall to another door. Stepping forward it wasn't the door that caused him to jump back this time. It was the blinding light. If it wasn't for the fact he had seen people up and walking around for a split second he would have walked back and waited until someone else woke up. Stepping forward again the man shielded his eyes until they focused again. Once adjusted he saw a woman...with rabbit ears? No must be some kind of hat or something. "Um, excuse me miss, pardon my lack of clothes, but I have no clue where I am, how I got here, or even who I am." Said the man a he approached the woman with rabbit ears.

"Teehee, It's quite alright sir." Giggled the woman. "All will be answered in due time. First things first, I'm Sofia Keys, welcome to Alta. I'm going to need a name. You can call yourself whatever comes to mind until your memory returns." Explained the woman.

A name? The man took a moment to think. "For some reason I think I've always liked the name David." Said the man...no, said David. It was better than nothing David supposed.

Sofia smiled and typed on a machine. "David it is then. Thank you for your patience. Now i'll need you to move on the the next stations where your vitals will be measured among other things as well as being given clothes." She said with a chuckle gesturing to the next station with another woman. At the mention of clothes David perked up. Standing there he had started to get a bit chilly. Following Sofia's insistance David moved on and after all the tests he was finally given a jumpsuit and a weird pair of slippers. They were both very comfortable. He was then directed to another hall that led to the mess hall, which he had to be explained was for food not actual messes.

When he finally arrived the warm room caused David to adjust his clothes. Unzipping the jumpsuit to his waist he took off the upper part of the jumpsuit, rolled it over itself, and tied the arms like a belt. The decadant smells caused David's stomach to rumble. He saw two people at a machine much like the ones that scattered the whole room and another walking away from one with a tray of food. Walking up to one of the machines he saw one of those things the doctors had been tapping on with weird symbols. David tried tapping too, but it didn't work. "How does this thing work?" He mumbled to himself. The symbols changed to ones he knew. "What do I want to eat? A big stack of fluffy pancakes'll do. With lots of butter and syrup." Said David.

The machine whirred and hummed until a drawer opened with a ding presenting the tray of pancakes just like he asked. Taking the tray David was amazed and now his curiousity was bigger than his stomach. "Okay, let's try eggs over easy, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes, and mushroom gravy." Challenged David. Once again the machine whirred, hummed, and dinged presenting David's order. Satisfied David carried his trays over to a table that sat between the man with the chicken, and the man and woman sitting together. Taking a moment to thank whoever or whatever made his meal David then tucked in.
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