Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Johnathan Dexter - East Coast Of Isla Delmar At 8:34 AM

The grunting startled the whole squad as they walked through the thick foliage of Isla Delmar. Once again Dexter shifted his sleeves so that his arms wouldn't be uncomfortable in the Island's humidity. He panted every step he took as the sweat ran from his forehead down to his neck. As the squad walked closer the grunting became more frequent and louder, and it sounded... Animal. Dexter crouched down low, attempting to peek through the dense island vegetation to see what was ahead, but in the thick layer of fog he was blind past three feet. He shimmied closer to the noise, still on the ground with the rest of the squad doing just the same. He heard the grunt again and frightened, he grabbed for the M-1911 at his waist and unlatched it. He had seen dinosaurs before, and he was fine with them, but if he didn't know what it was, or where it was, but he could hear it... That's what scared him. He took a deep breath, and watched as a body crawled past him. The others were passing him up.

"Relax, kid. You'll be fine." He heard a familiar voice say. He shook his head and glanced over at the hooded man next to him. Whoever he was, whatever he experienced, it wasn't what Dexter had ever experienced. "Y-you don't know that. Whatever's out there, you don't know what it is. You don't know what it can do." The man who was talking to him put his hand to his covered forehead and sighed. He started to crawl again at a faster pace, gesturing for Dexter to keep up, which he did. "Neither do you, kid. Look, I've worked with velociraptors for years. You've joined my squad, and now your telling me your afraid of whatever triceratops is out there in the woods right now? C'mon kid. Put some hair on your chest and keep moving forward, because you do that, or you stay here, because there is no going back." It seemed like he was going to go on with his speech before another voice interupted.

"Um. Owen," The voice said a little faintly. "What is it Barry? Do you have sight on anything?" "Yes, and not that your little speech there wasn't great but, whatever this thing is... It's not a triceratops. It's not... Anything I've ever seen." Johnathan swallowed. Owen was right, there was no going back, no matter how much he wanted to right now. He continued to crawl forward until he was next to Barry and Owen. He could see the creature now. It was laying quietly on its side, sleeping. The grunts they were hearing was it breathing. It's underbelly was a pale peach color getting more green as it reached its domed head. It looked like a mix between a Pachycephalosaurus and a Triceratops. The big body, the domed head that was plated around a thick skull with small horns at the end. Dexter swallowed once again, and cleared his throat. Is that a... a...""A hybrid? Yes. It looks like InGen has been busy lately. You know Wu, he never does like to disappoint."

Claire Dearing, Zach Mitchell, and Lowery Cruthers - East Coast Of Isla Delmar At 8:41 AM

Behind some trees and a couple of thick vines a small van was hidden from sight. Inside was a jumble of cables and wires and a couple of monitor screens. Despite Claire's previous job as Chief Director at Jurassic World, she wasn't wearing the fancy white labcoat, the high end jewelry, or high heel shoes, and she didn't smell like the latest Channel perfume. Instead she wore denim shorts, a gray tank-top, and tennis shoes in a rusty old news van converted into a viewing station. But even though all of that was basically her life now, never for one second did she regret leaving InGen, instead she felt it was the best decision of her life. "Lowery, Zach, are you seeing this too?" She asked, her eyes staring blankly at the screen.'"Yes, yes I am," Lowery replied, his eyes also glued to the screen. Zach, too dumbfounded to even speak, simply nodded his head in response. "What is it?" He finally said, his eyes not leaving the screen as he spoke. "It's... A. It's a hybrid. Dr. Wu didn't give up on this did he."

Lowery turned to another monitor, which appeared to show the whole Island. "There are several more enclosures like this one throughout the Island.", but the other ones are too close to the main building to access without being spotted. I might be able to sneak in an-" "No," Claire said sternly. "You'll be distracted, too emotional. Zach and I will go, you'll stay here." Lowery pounded his fist on the desk giving Claire and Zach a start. "I'm not going to sit another one out because Vivian is in the same building. We were close friends and Co-Workers at Jurassic World, but she's on a different side now. I've moved on. It's time you should move on from thinking I haven't." With that Lowery exited the van out to the armory truck and grabbed an small pistol. He didn't really use guns, and wasn't a fan of using them, but if he needed to he would. He headed in the direction of the Main Building, not looking back at the van.

Claire put her head to her desk and sighed. It had been a long day, now to find out there are more hybrids and with Lowery storming off, it got even longer. "Sara, could you go with him. Make sure he doesn't get lost."

InGen Corporation - Delmar HQ On The East Coast Of Isla Delmar At 8:49 AM

As Wu was presenting the latest militarized hybrid, Ed, the intern was passing out glasses of water to the camera crew and Vivian. "Oh, Vivian, I also have a copy of your speech for you if you didn't already memorize it." Ed shuffled through a stack of papers in a folder until he came to one folded in fourths into a perfect square and handed it to Vivian. He put a glass of water on the table next to her and was off. The lab was filled with claps from the monitor as Wu finished his speech.

He glanced towards Vivian, and smiled back at the buyers. "And now, may I introduce one of InGen's finest, our very own Vivian Krill with some more in depth stats on the Raptor H2." As Wu walked off camera he looked towards Grant and started to head his way.

"Apparently something triggered the silent alarm in sector A. Probably just another wild boar trying to mess with the Stego, but could you check just in case?" He didn't look concerned on the outside, but there was a glint in his eye that said otherwise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kodiak
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Kodiak Shadow of the Kodiak

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grant stood like a atill statue with his arms crossed in the corner of the Isla Delmaro Headquarters as the conference with the potential buyers was underway. The forty six year old man was still trying to figure out how video conferences were preferable to actual face to face conversation. Time was harsh on the man who stood in that corner silently, he had been raised in an older world where technology like this was not a thing, back in his day and firm handshake was sort of a big deal to people, although it was ironic that he was more mystified at communication devices then he was knowing the island he was on was filled with hybrid dinosaurs. Quite honestly that fact was the least of his thoughts at that moment, everyone knew about Jurassic World and the creation of extincted animals, and well if you were privy to other information you would also know of the first attempt at opening a dinosaur theme park, the original Jurassic Park as it was called. Truthfully extinct animals brought back to life had in the recent years become nothing more then old news. However Grant did not have time to think ponder life's advancements in technology, his job at the moment was to ensure that things went smoothly at this conference. This was very important to the future of Ingen and Grant knew that well.

Unlike most of the parks security Grant was offered more information pertaining to what was going on with Isla Delmaro, part of his deal for coming to this island was full disclosure of what was happening on the island. Grant was a methodical entity, a knowledge first kind of person. He did not like walking into something an not knowing the specifics, and Ingen seemed dead set on making him the Chief of Security here so it was a small price to pay to get him out of seclusion. As it turned out the whole reason Ingen wanted him in the first place was because an old friend of his fathers had told them about his experience in the military. It seemed that his fathers last act before passing away was to contact and old friend in the military to find him a place after his recovery. But due to the death of Grants Family which drove him into seclusion the man was never really able to offer Grant a position, but his families ties ran deep with the military and they respected his father and his sacrifices so that same man took it upon himself to locate Grant and send Ingen to recruit him. Later on as Grant was told more, he came to realize the man whom had found him was also part of the same program that was now watching the presentation before him.

This deal with Ingen was very important to the US Military, and they endorsed Grant so highly because they wanted to be sure that the project was not hindered by certain groups who wanted to see Ingen fall after the incident at Jurassic World. Although things had been rather quiet since he was posted here, that however did not mean it would stay that way for long. Grant looked up as Dr.Wu was climbing off the stage as the on watchers clapped for him, the man had a way with words he would give him that. Grant didn't mind Wu much as he did other higher ups in the company, the man seemed more down to earth then most of the money hungry executives Grant had to escort around the island from time to time. Not that it took away from the fact that Wu did have a slight air of superiority about him at the same time, but he was the one who made this possible both in Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, and now here on Isla Delmaro so in a way the man did deserve a little right to hold himself in higher regards. But Wu treated Grant and the others respectfully and that was all that really mattered in the end.

Grant watched Wu approach him and listened silently to the man as he spoke. He talked of a silent alarm being triggered in the Stego Hybrid paddock in sector A. He passed it off as probably just being a boar messing with the hybrid but Grant had been around long enough to see that subtle look in Wu's eyes if he was calm on the outside or not.

"I will go take a look ASAP Dr.Wu."

Grant nodded to Wu and turned walking out of the conference room and made his way to the lobby of the H.Q. taking out his radio he pressed down the button and went to speak but then stopped himself. He thought for a couple moments as he released the button, eventually he nodded to himself as if he understood something and pressed the button back down.

"Henderson this is Hotchner over."

"Go for Henderson over."

"I am heading out for a bit report over to the conference area and keep and eye on it, make sure both entrances are secured. Over."

"Copy that I am on my way. Over."

Grant replaced the radio on his belt and silently walked out into the brisk air of the night, walking down the steps of the building he turned sharply and walked a short distance to a garage area on the side of the building. Swiping his keycard, the door gave a click and slowly opened up revealing a small parking structure of security vehicles. Grant hopped in one of the vehicles and motioned for one of the stationed guards within the structure to come over.

"I am heading over to the Stego Paddock in Sector A a silent alarm was tripped there, I need you to assemble a team of yourself and two more men and meet me over there. Do not use the radio's I want this kept silent, I will be approaching the paddock from the south entrance so I want you to take the north entrance if anyone is in there I don't want them getting to far. Also the Stego Hybrid is rather annoy-able so it would be best if we did not disturb it so use the electric vehicles only. Remember no lethal weapons are to be used on hybrids so make sure you pack non lethal weaponry, I do not want mistakes."

The man nodded to Grant, starting up the electric vehicle Grant exited the garage and headed for the southern entrance of the paddock. As Grant drove down the road he pulled the radio from his belt and clicked the button down.

"Roderick, this is Hotchner come back."

"This is Roderick. Over."

"Roderick I need you to switch the patrols, I want them to do patrol pattern Delta Omega tonight, would you inform all guards of duty of the change. Over."

"You got it. Over an out."

Grant set the radio down on the seat as he said good under his breath and put his foot to the pedal, he didn't like the look in Henry's eye's tonight, and this being the big night where a deal might possibly be made... there was no room for error.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JackalopeLove
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JackalopeLove A Loser

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vivian stood to the side of the camera crew, not wanting to distract anyone. This was an important event, these could be the buyers that make all the work she’s put in for Ingen worth it. She had been working for Ingen ever since the Jurassic World incident, they escorted her off the island and offered her the job almost immediately and she jumped at the chance to continue working. Though the idea of genetically altered war dinosaurs seemed a little barbaric, it makes more sense than keeping them in cages for the public to gawk at, at least that’s what she tells herself.

Doctor Wu was giving a sales pitch to the potential buyers, it amazed Vivian all of his talents, from scientist all the way to sales person. Henry was such an amazing public speaker he did not sound condescending at all, he just had a way of explaining complex ideas in a very simple form. It was amazing to watch such an intelligent man explain his ideas without hesitation, he almost seemed like a robot the way he listed out all the information. In all honesty, Henry Wu is a great employer, he challenges Vivian every chance he can and also rewards her generously when she exceeds his expectations. She enjoyed working with him, she has learned a lot from him and will continue to as her time as an employee for Ingen continues. It’s been a long time since she started to work for Ingen and a lot has happened since then, but Vivian’s goals are almost in reach so she will continue to do anything they ask.

Today was different, Vivian always has a nervousness to her, but being back on the Islands made her much antsier than her usual self. Also, it did not help that she had to give a speech about the Raptor H2 to the people behind the screens. She practiced her speech over and over again, but this was the first time Henry Wu trusted her to actually speak to the buyers, it was a big step in her career and she did not want to mess up. This also meant that her face would be cemented with Ingen after she gave this speech it would be public that she supports the militarization of dinosaurs. Sometimes she missed the old days of running a functional amusement park for entertainment, but maybe militarization would be a good thing, after all, Vivian saw firsthand what those things could do, just imagine if they were on our side.

All of a sudden someone interrupted her train of thought, it was Ed, the intern. Ed reminded Vivian of herself when she first started, he seemed to be trying very hard and doing the best he could but at the same times seemed a little overwhelmed by everything"Oh, Vivian, I also have a copy of your speech for you if you didn't already memorize it." Ed then shuffled through some papers and handed her a folded up paper square that had her speech on it. Vivian takes it from Ed and carefully unfolds it as a wave of relief falls over her and just like that she was no longer nervous. “Thank you, Ed” She said with a small smile of gratitude.
As Vivian quickly re-reads the information on the sheet, she is interrupted by the sound of applause, which meant Wu had finished his speech. "And now, may I introduce one of InGen's finest, our very own Vivian Krill with some more in depth stats on the Raptor H2." Vivian walked past Wu and in front of the cameras. The moment she reached the center she looked directly into the camera and coughed once into her hand and then she began to speak.

“Hello, my name is Vivian Krill, I work for InGen and we are the leading provider if not the only of the hybrid dinosaurs. We have created a multitude of creations that can be used in militarized fashions and extraordinary successful operations. I would now like to discuss the most exciting new hybrid we have acquired we call it the Raptor H2.” Vivian paused and looked at Wu, she then took a deep breath in and let it out and then continued. “The Raptor H2 is a combination of 3 raptor species. The base genome is a Velociraptor, known for their high intelligence and pack hunting traits. The secondary species is an Utahraptor, which can jump even higher than a Velociraptor, and their slimmer toe-claw allows for more precision, but still allows it to be deadly. The third species is a Pyroraptor. The small fan-like feathers on the back of its arms allow for balance and speed. All of this is glued together with cuttlefish DNA, to allow it to camouflage and DNA from a Therizinosaurus, which allows for significantly longer arms to grab and kill enemies quicker. All of these amounts to the Apex Predator of the world.” Vivian smiled into the cameras “Now if you all are still interested, which I sincerely hope you are, please stay put and we will be right back with more information on the next steps of this process to get involved. Thank you again for joining us, hopefully, I will see you again very soon.” The lab was once again was filled with claps from the monitor as the camera shut down. Vivian sighed relief and looked at Henry Wu for a sign of approval.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SimplyDebonair
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SimplyDebonair The Forgotten One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nicholas Grayeson

The team had been in the tropical foliage for a few hours, trekking along a route that SATCOM had provided beforehand for his team. Some he noted were former special operations, others were prior military, and a few were contractors. An effective team was established by their mysterious employers from the dossier he was issued at their staging point. The mission was simple for him: protect the personnel, conduct reconnaissance, and escalate direct actions to neutralize the InGen operations. They were all provided equipment of their choosing, some chose high-end tech that the employers provided. He decided to opt for his own, trusted equipment he had utilized throughout his years. When their briefing was over, they mounted on insertion boats and made their way offshore to Isla Delmar. From there, they made their way deeper into the jungle from the East before the morning sun.

The movement wasn’t terribly slow, but for those who weren’t use to humid environments, it seemed like a death march. He and a few others who were prior special operations managed without much difficulty, same for the former military; but the pure contractors were sluggishly trailing at the end. Due to their lack of acclimation, they were assigned as rear guard and the rest comprised of the main force save for two front scouts. Everything slowly came to a halt as his front most scout signaled a halt, following down the line to the rear guard. Making his way quickly, but quietly to the front; he passed two members of the team as they discussed moving forward. Over the chatter, someone made mention of an “Owen” wanting to see what was ahead. Following the duo as they came to an opening, not much could be seen due to the thick, early morning fog that enveloped the area. But what caught his eye was the massive beast that lay before them on its side. Dropping to a knee and taking in the sheer size of the monstrosity, he listened as the others mention it was a hybrid of two different animals. Rumors had echoed through the intelligence channels of InGen’s cloning procedures; but nothing about their genetic manipulation or research.

“Hit-Man Actual, this is Hit-Man 1-3.” a voice buzzed in his ear piece.

“This is Hit-Man Actual, receiving.” he responded, pressing down on the receiver clipped to his plate carrier.

“Hit-Man Actual, Hit-Man 2-2 is reporting movement from our 4 o’clock. BREAK. Bearing down on our position at 48khm. Over.” the voice responded, giving a clear message.

“Hit-Man 1-3, Hit-Man Actual acknowledges. Have Hit-Man 2-2 keep tabs on that movement, we will break from the AO. Over.” he responded.

“Roger Hit-Man Actual, Hit-Man 1-3 out.”

Turning his attention back to the group gawking at the enormous creature, he turned to his nearest scout and motioned to start moving towards the Northeast. Without hesitation, the man nodded his head and started his creep in the direction his superior indicted. Removing his boonie, he wiped the sweat collecting on his brow before placing it back on his head; followed with moving closer to the trio before him.

“Gents, we have to cut it short. We have tangos moving in on our location and we need to clear out before they arrive.” he said to the others in a low, calm voice.

Turning his back to the three men and the animal, he rested on his knee and kept watch for the others of the team moving out of their current location. Sticking the butt-stock of his rifle into his shoulder socket, he watched intently in the foliage that was foreign to them. Though they were careful with their movements, it’s not too surprising there was a patrol heading to their position. But what struck odd to him is the timing of the patrol was too coincidental to their arrival. Could they have tripped a detector once they arrived on the island or were they being tracked somehow? Either way, it didn’t feel right to him and he kept his eyes scanning on the jungle. He had been in ambushes before, on both sides of that coin, and he didn’t feel like being in one again.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 38 min ago

Sarah-East Coast of Isla Delmar
8:41 AM

She leaned back into the side of the van, wiping the sweat from her brow as they waited for the camera's to show them more intel on what was truly going on here. They had yet to seem much, most of the cages too close to the facility which meant to high a risk to explore just yet. The other three with her hardly needed her help for the time being so Sarah had made sure to keep out of the way. It was when they spoke up about a hybrid that she sat up a little straighter,moving closer to the screen to have a look and swiftly pulling out her notepad.

The triceratops DNA was evidence by structure of the animal body and size but the most easily noted part was the horn placement. If the shape of the skull and the armored like head plate was anything to go by than the mix was with a Pachycephalosaurs. The markings and coloring suggested this as well but there could be another surprise in the creature. It would probably be quick to be irritated or annoyed and most likely would start up a fight, charging at anything it deemed too close or a threat to dominance. Sarah quickly jotted down some note before starting to work on a sketch. It was terrifying yet entrancing all in the same breath. This was why InGen needed to be feared.

She was jolted out of her thoughts when Lowery spoke up about sneaking in which made a frown etch onto her features. Sure, getting a better look at the mysteries so closely guarded was a thrilling idea but it wasn't a move they should be making just yet. Sarah was about to speak up when Claire did it for her only the other woman had taken a different direction with her no that almost had Sarah wincing. She looked to Lowery and it was clear he had an issue with the statement and was going to say exactly what he was thinking. She felt for the guy, she wouldn't want to be stuck having to go against a friend. He was saying it was behind him now but she worried that when face to face with Vivian that that resolve might crumble.

She wanted to believe in him though. He knew what was at stake just like the rest of them and wouldn't lower him into thinking he wasn't ready. He was here and that was good enough proof for her. "Don't worry Claire, I got his back. I'll try to reason with him." Sarah replied before hopping out of the van, grabbing a gun from the rack and strapping it to her back before running to catch up with Lowery.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Johnathan Dexter - East Coast Of Isla Sorna, 8:44 AM


“Gents, we have to cut it short. We have tangos moving in on our location and we need to clear out before they arrive.” Jack looked toward the head of operations, but he saw Owen as more of a head of it though. That wasn't to say he didn't respect him, but he wasn't leaving till Owen did, and he seemed especially interested in the hybrid. He heard a small buzz in the distance, but knew it wasn't an island bug. There was a vehicle moving their way. Dexter tapped the ComLink that was around his ear and spoke,

"Claire. Claire do you copy?"

"Loud and clear. What do you need... Um..."

"Johnathan. Johnathan Dexter. I need you to get into the security mainframe and give us eyes on a vehicle moving our way."

"Yeah give me a second or two... Ok. I got it. There's one half a mile from your Location, moving at about 40 miles per hour. Oh my god... I can see the rest of the island and info from here. I have to go, tell me if you need me again." There was static from the other end on the line which meant Claire had hung up.

"We have a vehicle about a half a mile away coming at 40mph."

While the rest of the team moved on Dexter stayed behind with Owen, who was now right next to the hybrid. He didn't like it, but owns was a raptor trainer, how was a Triceratops-Pachy hybrid any different.

Claire Dearing and Zach Mitchell - East Coast of Isla Delmar at 8:46 AM


Claire pressed her ComLink and changed it to a different frequency. She scrolled through some for a bit until she found the right one. "Sarah, Lowery. I have access to InGen's security systems. I can open a few doors if you need it but turning off security cameras and silent alarms is restricted. The gaurds ComLinks also have trackers, and they are switching shifts. It's weird... It's like they know your coming. Your going to have to go the long way around if you want any to avoid getting caught. I'll keep you posted along the way. Claire sighed and fell back into her chair. "They're going to get themselves killed." She said grimly.

"Hey, Claire. I need a breather, I'm gonna be right outside the door of the Van." Claire nodded in acknowledgement and sat sat on the ground leaning Againts the van.


"But you aren't always going to be around..."

"Hey... Look at me. We're brothers, and we'll always be brothers and we'll always come back to one another. No matter what."

"No matter what."


Zach was now on the floor, crying. He tried to fight back the tears but it was no good. It was quiet enough so Claire wouldn't hear but he didn't no how long he could keep it that way.

Lowery Cruthers - East Coast of Isla Delmar at 8:46 AM


"Look, Sarah, as much as I appreciate you tagging along. I don't need your help. I'll be fine and so what if Vi- Ok. Yeah, we'll go around to the North Entrance. Bye. Now, like I was saying," Lowery now planted himself in front of Sarah, "So what if Vivian is here, outlet friendship was over the moment she signed that contract with InGen. I don't need your help, Claire's help, or Zach's help for that matter. You've all got your own problems, let me deal with mine." Lowery turned heel back to the way he was facing and started to walk away and plant himself in a squatting position behind some dense shrubbery.

From where he was the HQ was easily spotted. A tall white building in the middle of a desolate Island? Not suspicious at all. Claire and was right about one thing though, the gaurds were changing shifts. To move to try and get into the East entrance was a suicide mission. He stood back up and moved around through the foliage, occasionally looking back to see if he could spot Sarah still trailing him.

Dr. Henry Wu - Delmaro HQ at 8:52 AM


Wu clapped as Vivian finished her speech and the monitor shut off along with everyone else in the lab. If they closed this deal that would be a lot of money in the company's pockets, and it might just be Vivian who sold it for them. Once the clapping was over Wu pulled her away from the crowd discretely, walking her into his lab. "Please, sit." he said in a warm voice. You did a great job with your speech just now, and you may have just sold it to them. You are a big asset to this company, and we will talk about a raise and possibly a promotion a little later, but what I need to talk to you about right now is far more important," Just like that Wu's face went from warm to cold. "In sector A, the Stego Hybrid enclosure's silent alarm was tripped... By multiple entities. I believe your friend, Lowery Cruthers is among them," Wu, swallowed, not wanting to continue on, but he had to. "If, the situation arises where you too come face to face with one another I need to know that you won't hold back and you will... End it." Wu passed her a small handgun that was attached to his belt.

He stood up and walked around his office looks by out the window down on some of the dozens of enclosures. "I'm sorry, I know that it seems harsh, but to think... All of this, all that this company has built, will go to waste because of an old friendship with one person. I can't, won't think of it. So I need to know," his face was like ice when he turned to face Vivian once more. "Will you end it?"
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