
With the boxes again packed up with the neatly wrapped cables, although some had come undone in the fall, Eli tried to smile in a relaxed manner. Sadly, it came across more like a grimace than anything. It probably had something to do with the Haunter laughing away around them, Latuna gazed at him confused as to why he was laughing, and Eli tried to put him out of her mind as she gave Latuna a very enjoyable chin scratch as an apology.

As Eli moved to help the purple haired girl, who introduced herself as Denni, up from the ground and tried to say two sentences at once.

“Pleased to thank you” She Spluttered for a second and gave the sentence another go. “Very much meet you.”
A small whimper and a sigh Eli felt herself turning very red, utterly embarrassed with herself. She’d been here for barely an hour and already she’d gone and made a fool of herself. Trying to keep her breathing steady Eli decided to take things from the top, and try to salvage the situation as best she could. She took a deep breath.

“Heya, I’m Eli. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Both of you.” Eli quickly added the last bit. “I work here as the IT Specialist, and pretty much the IT department. So, any problems with your computer or what have you just give me a shout.”

By her feet Latuna huffed and looked expectantly up at his trainer.

Eli grinned happily. “And Latuna as well. What he lacks in thumbs, he makes up for in helpfulness.” Latuna also smiled and puffed out his chest, content with Elis description. “You can find my office down the hall and to the left” She pointed down the hall the way she had come. Or maybe it was on the right?

“Don’t suppose you might be able to tell me where the main Offices are?” Eli knelt down to pick up the boxes, bending her knees as her Mother had drilled into her from a young age when picking up heavy objects. “I was told I needed to finish connecting everything to the main server; cables are more reliable than wi-fi but it takes a bit more legwork.”
