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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Time for the illness to spread," she whispered, eyes locked with War, "Burst."

War gasped in pain as his body attempted to adapt. It would, but it would take time and time was something he did not have against this insane woman. He narrowed his eyes and attempted to fight back but he couldn't. Not while his body was under attack from within and from outside. "Your people and it's allies destroyed us! We will kill you all one day!" He roared as he forced his dark magic to create a barrier around him for a brief moment.

"Another day, filth." He growled as his dark energy began to surround him.and a flash of light filled the room. When the light vanished War was gone, leaving Dawnfire, the gravely wounded Hisel and the unconscious Viran.

Outskirts of Second City

War flashed into existence above the outskirts of second city and focused everything he had into ridding his cells of the alien's energy. Slowly, more and more of the energy emerged and began to form into a ball as his body continued to adapt to the energy. He held the ball of energy in his hand and threw it out at a group of buildings on the outskirt of the city.

"One day. This city will fall." He growled as a portal of dark energy appeared and he staggered through it as he attempted to reach Death. Together, the two of them might have been able to kill Dawnfire. But this other threat would come first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"You know it gets quiet redundant when a being keeps coming back to the locations it has already failed to destroy," a voice yelled out to Death before a fast object sprang to life out of the clouds with large mechanical black wings high above Death literally covering the alien in a ominous shadow as a armor form mana warrior looked down at the being.

"Doesn't being sent to the dead to rot mean anything to you," Sirius asked as he kept his sword Eromreven sheathed not planning to initiate a fight right at the get go. Quite a few of the other Teen Titans were taking care of things on the ground level as such that left a few like Sirius the chance to deal with the rotting heart of the problem.

"I don't suspect I can ask you to idly put down your arms, and retreat so I wont... ill either force you to retreat... or kill you," Sirius said drawing out the dark blue blade from its sheath as he pointed it at Death. Sirius was highly aware of Deaths adaptability to magic, however Mana, and magic were to separate powers also given the fact Tengu mana was a power of is own meant it could still be used effectively against Death until he adapted... however that would prove no problem for the tengu mana.

"I'll allow you the first strike."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dawnfire was blinded for merely a moment and the next War was gone. She roared in frustration, slamming a fist into the nearest wall, it splintering away, leaving a giant gaping hole as if cut by lasers. Letting out huffs of anger and irritation, she turned her attention to the elder and Viran. The sight calmed her. Kneeling by the elder, she put his head on her lap.

"Elder," she said softly, "You need only wait a little longer. We have healers who can fix you up right away." Her eyes went to Viran, laying where she had placed him, on what looked like it had once been a couch. With a sigh, she looked back down at the Elder, putting a golden burnt hand on his head. Wincing at the action, she forced a smile on her feline-like face. Come here quickly, Friends, she wished in her thoughts, even though she had a deep sinking feeling that such a thing might not be possible.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

"I'll allow you the first strike."

Death slowly turned around and narrowed his eyes. "Mana being. I have not seen you for quite some time. I assumed something had killed you by now." He growled. "Once I adapt to your form of Mana it will make the battle against our new enemy much easier, and of course it will be easier to kill you once I adapt."

Death laughed. "You allow me the first strike. That could prove to be a fatal mistake." He said as he raised his arms and portals began to form all around the area and shadow creatures began to emerge from the various portals. The creatures made a beeline for Sirius as more and more of them continued to emerge from the portals. Death's arms began to glow with dark energy as his hands began to lengthen into claws as he charged at Sirius.

"Elder," she said softly, "You need only wait a little longer. We have healers who can fix you up right away."

Hisel smiled sadly. "It is kind of you to lie." He whispered. "You will hear my last words and you must remember them at all costs. Viran holds the key to peace between what remains of our people and the rest of Earth. More are coming, and they will...they must make a choice. They will either side with the betrayers or with Viran. Viran was engineered at birth to save our race...to change us for the better. You know what happened at the beginning."

Many Years Ago

Hisel looked around as the alarms flashed over and over as the command bunk's warning alarms wailed as the attack on their world continued. The fate of their world had been assured after the Militants had taken control of the government years ago. They had waged war against their neighbors amongst the stars and now their civilization was paying the price. He looked over at a few of the remaining members of the original government and pointed at the small pod that contained the future of their race. "Prepare for launch. We need to get him out of here, the planetary defenses won't hold them much longer. Once they fall, they will commence with a full bombardment."

"Yes sir!"

Hisel looked at the small infant who was quietly looking up at him and pressed his hand against the glass and the infant giggled once. "Goodbye Grandson." Hisel said quietly as the roof of the facility began to slowly open. Viran had been engineered to remove some of the more war-like traits that the Valkorians possessed. He was born only a year ago and had been raised in a different environment from most children. Instead of being raised by militant parents who believed only in war and battle, Viran had been raised in an environment that had promoted peace and justice.

"Father! The militants are nearly here." A young Valkorian woman ran into the room and shook her head. "They brought War and Vengeance with them! Our forces are barely holding them back!"

"Calm yourself Valis." Hisel said quietly. "What of your mate? Where is Kalris?"

Valis held back the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. "He is dead. By War's hand." Hisel bowed his head. "I'm sorry. But know that his sacrifice bought us enough time to send Viran to safety. Viran will help the survivors change for the better when the time is right."

A loud banging sound was heard against the doors and deep imprints of fists could be seen as the roof fully opened and the engines on the ship began to ignite. "Father, there is a scout ship nearby. We can escape!"

Hisel shook his head. "No...we must make sure Viran escapes first. There are only a few ships left and we need to make sure the civilians and non-combatants get away first. If there is room and Viran gets away safely than we will leave." Valis turned and looked at the small ship which was quickly shooting up into the air through the sky. "Goodbye son." She whispered as the doors finally gave way and two large hulking Valkorian forms entered the room followed by a slightly smaller one.

"Where is he?!" Vengeance demanded.

Hisel smiled. "He is gone. And you will not find him."

A large explosion engulfed the complex a moment later.

Flashback ends.

Hisel weakly smiled up at Dawnfire. "We escaped with as many non-combatants and children as we could. We were separated from the rest of the ships during the chaos of the bombardment. Viran's mother...my daughter was aboard one of the other ships, if she still lives I do not know but I pray that she does. Viran can bring peace...but he doesn't know any of this. He was not given a chance to know before the battle between Death and War."

Hisel smiled again. "He must know his heritage. When he wakes up you must tell him what I have told you. And let him know...that his Grandfather will always be proud of him for what he has done.

Hisel smiled as his eyes closed and his grip loosened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dawnfire listened carefully to what the elder said. He knew of her lie and her smile grew sad and sorrowful. Her hand holding his, nodded at his words. Her planet also knew of war like his. For a long time her own planet had fought the Citadel and many a kin had been lost to the ceaseless battles. It was a blessing that she had not lived during such war times. A blessing as well that neither had Viran. War such as that was harmful to the soul and turned many great people into cold killers and damaged kin.

Viran holds the key to peace between what remains of our people and the rest of Earth.... More are coming... They must make a choice... Viran was engineered to save their race... Viran's mother... Viran can bring peace... He must know his heritage... Let him know...that his Grandfather will always be proud of him for what he has done...

Dawnfire put her forehead to Viran's grandfather's as his hand grew slack in hers. Tears threatened to escaping her shining green eyes. Crossing the elder's arms over his chest, she closed his eyes and bowed her head.

"May the Gods and Goddesses of both your planet and mine watch over you wise one.... and forgive me of my negligence... Your wishes shall be done, by all my Tamaranian blood," her voice was merely as whisper now. Gently, carefully she set the elder in a position that many warriors, both on Earth and on Tamaran, had done to their own honored deceased. Standing she wiped her eyes and went to Viran. The dead were gone but not forgotten. And the living needed her now.

"Viran," she said softly, putting a hand to his sleeping face, "Oh that I am sorry for what I must tell you when you wake. Rest now, Friend. I shall guard you till the others come back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"The same stands for those who charge straight into a fight with nothing but bloodlust," Sirius spoke as the portals opened up all around them releasing the shadows Death controlled. Everything went silent as Death charged in with his shadows all after one target... Sirius. With a sudden tense grip on his sword Sirius spun in a 360 degree unleashing a violent and deadly burst of air that turned into a intense circle of tornados that sprung in each direction ripping apart most of the first wave of shadows as Sirius sword met and deflected Deaths claws.

"Your not the only one whose gotten stronger," Sirius spoke as the air went silent around Death, and Sirius as his eyes went hostile. With one flap his wings Sirius was suddenly upon Death like a furious falcon after the rattlesnake. strike were exchanged as Sirius chased Death in the sky only using at the moment his sword to fight not yet relying on mana. With a sudden spin of his sword Sirius's right hand let go of the sword as his left hand shot for the handle dealing a sneak attack slash from a blind spot upon Deaths chest as he swung himself above Death delivering a right hook ontop of Deaths head sending him spiraling back towards the ground with Sirius shooting right after him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Your not the only one whose gotten stronger,"

Death laughed. "I have not only become stronger, I've become Death incarnate!" He roared as he shot towards the ground and collided with it, creating a large crater from the impact. For a brief moment there was nothing but dust but the figure of Death slowly stepped out of the dust filled crater and grinned up at Sirius. "I can adapt much faster now. Which means that I can do this."

Death slammed both of his hands on the ground and dozens upon dozens of black tendrils shot up from the ground and a few of them hit the sword but the majority of them slammed into Sirius with a massive amount of force. A single tendril formed the tip of itself into a blade and slammed into Sirius's arm. The tendril in his arm began to shift shape into a massive blade.

Death grinned again as he shot back up into the air and was about to begin slicing Sirius apart when a sudden thought shot through his head. He could hear war's voice in his head. The Mana-being's mate is here. she attacked me in their command center before I could Kill Viran.

"Well...guess what I just learned?" Death laughed insanely,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Prime stood up, the blast still emanating from his eyes. He turned, shutting off the beam, and headed towards the compound, ignoring the other combatants on the field. He was here for something, not just to reveal that he was still here, but so that he could procure something. There was something here that he could use. But what?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

Death and War...Grandson...Mother...Stop...Peace between...

A Choice...

Viran's eyes began to make small, rapid movements as Viran's arms and legs made small movements as he slowly began to wake up. The movements became more pronounced as he fully regained consciousness.

"Uhhh..." He muttered as he slowly sat up and looked around despite being a bit dizzy. The last thing he remembered was battling it out with War and Genocide and than nothing. It looked as if he was in the Titan's mansion in one of the medical bays. There were a few things that were a bit odd. There was a large hole in the wall, Dawnfire was in the room and it looked as if she had just fought someone or something and a dead elderly Valkorian was laying on the ground with his head in Dawnfire's lap.

"Dawnfire..." he muttered as he tried to get to his feet. "What happened?" He asked in confusion as he looked at the elderly Valkorian. "And why is there a hole in the wall?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dawnfire tried to support Viran. She was concerned that he might need more than just one rest to fully recover. It would not be good for him to loose consciousness again. She did know that when humans lost consciousness too much it damaged them internally. She was worried some such thing might happen to Viran, since she did not know much about his biology. Putting an arm around his torso, she looked straight into the other tall creature's eyes, examining him.

"Viran..." her accent rolled his name on her tongue, as she looked at him with a tinge of sorrow, "The elder... he has passed. The one who attacked before is fled. The elder- no, your grandfather, wished for me to tell you..." She sighed, her deep red locks flaming at the edges as she got a bit upset. If only she had- No, there was no time for regrets. Only action.

"I apologize, friend," she gave him a sad smile, "I must tell you all so that you may know all... I was not able to avenge your kin. Not yet, anyway. I promise he will pay for it though." Her green eyes flashed and the green energy leaked down her face in what looked like tears. "I will repeat what the grand elder told me:

'Viran holds the key to peace between what remains of our people and the rest of Earth. More are coming. They must make a choice. Viran was engineered to save their race. Viran's mother... Viran can bring peace. He must know his heritage. Let him know...that his Grandfather will always be proud of him for what he has done.'"

She bowed her head slightly, still holding him up, in what looked like a kind of formal salute. Looking back up at Viran she gave him a soft smile. "There is not much time for grief, friend," her voice was soft, almost like a purr from a large feline, "The others are in need of our strength. Though... I think it best for you to rest easy... The others will require my strength to aid them. If you need to travel anywhere, my flight is at your command, but Viran... You must rest. You have been dealt many a blow and I'd think it best... I'd think it best that you do not fight so soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

"The others are in need of our strength. Though... I think it best for you to rest easy... The others will require my strength to aid them. If you need to travel anywhere, my flight is at your command, but Viran... You must rest. You have been dealt many a blow and I'd think it best... I'd think it best that you do not fight so soon."

Viran felt numb all over his body. He had just woken up...and now this. He had found that he had a family member amongst the Valkorians here but...now that one remaining link to his family was gone. His body began to shake with rage as he looked down at the old Valkorian and tears began to fall from his eyes. A Grandfather...I had a Grandfather. He thought.

"It was Genocide wasn't it?" He asked quietly. He had shared a mind with that creature for a long time. He could sense the type of energy he used and he could sense it all over this room.

"Where is he Dawnfire? Where is Genocide?" He asked quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I understand your need for vengeance," she said softly, putting two hands on either of Viran's shoulders, "But if you try to fight him now, he may take your life. And that is not what your kin would wish of you. You are too valuable to them. Friend, please listen to me." The other alien was distraught and rightfully so. But nothing, none of her warnings or advice, seemed to reach him. Loss was a deep dark pit of many rotting emotions. Her people knew it all too well.

"It was the one called Genocide," she finally confirmed, her voice soft and sullen, "He fled after I fought him. Underestimating me, he was on death's door." She grit her teeth and gave a low feral growl. "I was so close..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sirius took a more serious look as he used his wings to makeshift a shield from Deaths tendrils that ricochet in dozens of directions once making contact causing Sirius to growl. While down below it was already a war zone having random blast rain down upon the battle field was bad for foe and ally alike. Reopening his wings as he prepared to take on Death yet again he rose a confused eyebrow to the beings sudden halt.

"...oh and what is this remember we are in a battlefield... so talk away," Sirius's wings were enveloped in a dark blue mana before bursting into a flurry of feathers that rained down upon cutting at every piece of flesh and steel they could upon Deaths body. With a few movements of Sirius's right hand the feather vaulted back up and started to spin around in a spherical like cage around Death threatening to tear him apart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

"But if you try to fight him now, he may take your life. And that is not what your kin would wish of you. You are too valuable to them. Friend, please listen to me."

Viran shook his head rapidly as her words seem to break through the wall of grief that surrounded his mind. "I...I...You're right." He finally admitted as he heard Dawnfire say that she had been close to finally finishing off Genocide. "Genocide will always run. He is a coward who has no sense of honor. But as someone who has fought him time and time again, I just want you to be careful. He may be a coward but he is a coward who can adapt to whatever is thrown at him."

"...oh and what is this remember we are in a battlefield... so talk away,"

Death grinned widely as the Mana being's attack began to cut and slash away at his body. He didn't flinch away from the pain. He embraced the pain, he let it fuel his rage and let it empower him. He laughed loudly as he was encircled by the feathers.

"Nice try."

A solid wall of dark magical energy shot out and slammed into the feathers that were circling him, causing them to begin to wither and die. Death laughed again as a small portal began to form. "Your mate is apparently here. I think I'll go and pay her a visit. Maybe I'll bring you back a piece of her...She may have beaten War but I am a hundred times stronger than him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dawnfire gave a mischievous grin at the other alien and tilted her head to the side.
"I only made him think I put 'all my cards on the counter', as the Earthean saying goes," she chuckled and put a friendly hand on his shoulder, "He is not the brightest one, is he?"

He disposition sobered a bit when she looked back at the Elder who had given up his life to help her in battle. She gave Viran a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. "What is the funerary customs for the honored in your people?" she asked quietly, "My people feast for eight days when a highly honored one exchanges this life for the next.... Your Grandfather was a brave man. He deserves an honorable rite of funerary passage."

She closed her bright green eyes as if she were in pain and when she opened them again, glowing tears slipped down her golden cheeks. It pained her that she was not able to take revenge. Someday Genocide would die by her hands. She craved it. But... Her eyes looked over to her friend. Viran must crave it even more than her. This was his kin. He must feel very lonely...

"He was a noble man," she said softly, "He gave his life not only for me, but for you.... He love you dearly..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

"What is the funerary customs for the honored in your people?" she asked quietly, "My people feast for eight days when a highly honored one exchanges this life for the next.... Your Grandfather was a brave man. He deserves an honorable rite of funerary passage."

"I...don't know." Viran said quietly as his fists clenched. "I never grew up around my people. I was not raised on the home-world." Viran said quietly as he thought of the various ways he was going to physically beat Genocide to an inch of his life.

"What happened?!" Came a voice from outside the room as Tyran and Steel ran into the room. They stopped and Steel bowed her head sadly as she saw the body of Hisel on the ground as Tyran shook his head. "We were too late." Steel said quietly. "Tyran picked up the break in on his sensors and we tried to get back here, but we were too late."

Viran's eyes looked dull and sad. "They took my Grandfather from me. Possibly my only remaining family." He said quietly. Tyran shook his head. "According to recent records, they have renamed themselves. They go by Death and War now. Scans show that they are much stronger now. I managed to upload the data that was recorded in the mansion's security files, They appear to be wearing Valkorian combat armor that has also added to their already increased strength."

Steel turned to look at Tyran. "How do you know what it was they were wearing?"

"My databanks currently have vast amounts of data on the Valkorian race. Weapons, dietary intake, history and other data. In the time that we're from, we had many encounters with them including the survivors."

Viran looked over at the android. "What about funeral customs? Do you have those?"

"Yes. Funeral customs among the Valkorians are oddly non-military oriented for they're race. The deceased family and friends gather together and celebrate the life of the deceased. They feast for at least three days and celebrate the life of the deceased on the first day. On the second day they remember the personal struggles and triumphs of the individual and on the third day, they say their final goodbyes and the body is usually buried with the honors that the family feels the deceased has earned."

Steel bowed her head. "We could take him back to the Valkorian community near the city. I'm sure many of them knew Hisel."

Viran looked up. "There are others? There are more Valkorians?" He asked quietly.

Death simply laughed as he began to step through the portal. He casually waved his hand and dozens of the shadow creatures appeared as the ones attacking Eden suddenly stopped and began to dissipate. The air began to grow dark as more and more of the essence of what the creatures had been soared up through the air and were absorbed by Death. But the shadow creatures surrounding Death began to shift and change form. The claws that were already dangerous began to lengthen and the teeth few sharper as they began to take on more solid forms until they were totally solid. A pulsing black aura appeared in the chest's of the shadow creatures.

"It's funny how fast one can adapt to use Mana isn't it?" Death laughed. "I managed to adapt simply by having your sword strike my claws. There was enough residual mana left on the sword. I'm already beginning to produce Mana." He said with a chuckle. "I wonder how your mate will be able to fight me now." He said as he stepped further through the portal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sally R. Tudor had continued to watch as the Dragons of energy and shadow creatures fought, she was recording and reporting the entire thing and soon she saw a car drive up with a strange looking woman. ’That must be one of the Teen Titans. Hoped Sally as she watched a group of men walk out of the car and thank Rachel before walking inside armed. Sally smiled in glee knowing that the group of armed men meant safety as soon as she saw the Gold corp. Insignia and noticed that they were wearing occasional Gold Corp Uniforms. At least, it felt like such until she noticed the last man. She continued to report but after looking at that last man she felt a cold chill up her spine. She remembered him from somewhere but could not place her finger on it.

After a while Sally stopped reporting and noticed the men where now in the same room as her. The large windowed hallway was crowded with people so she could sneak by easily if needed though the facts remain. They were here and looking for something, and more than likely she was that something, after all she was the daughter of an important man after all. Slowly the girl backed up and knew that there was a side stair way nearby. “I see her.” Said one of the gold corp uniformed men walking as he tried to point at her without her noticing. Looking around she noticed she was trapped after another two gold corp uniformed men came out from the other side of the hallway. Looking around she had only one option. “EVERYONE RUN!!! I SEE THEM, THEY’RE COMING!!! THEY’RE ALREADY INSIDE THE BUILDING RUN!!! THERE IS A TEEN TITAN UP TOP, SHE’LL PROTECT US!” Yelled Sally in a panicked voice. Soon everyone in the hallway looked around and noticed that the Dragons were no longer protecting the building at the time and that the shadow creatures were climbing and the Teen Titan (Rachel) was nowhere in sight. Soon a mass panic happened, the perfect escape plan, cliché or not it was her only chance. Sally ran with the crowd that pushed the first three guards at the front down while and while the people climbed up the stairs Sally decided to run down and towards the back way fire exit.

The guards were no longer in sight and now Sally was right where she didn’t intend to be; which was right in the middle of all the action. Sally continued to run and hide from the monsters killing each other for as far as she could. Once the building was completely out of sight, her grip on the “On Air” Recorder tightened. ‘I’m totally screwed. I don’t want to die. I’m in the middle of it all…. I’m actually in the middle of it all!!’ Thought Sally, at first scared of her situation but now enlightened, this was her big break and her chance to make a major difference in it all.

Fixing up her stance to stand up straight and proud Sally had a smile during all of this chaos. “Hello peeps this is RMS again. Currently in the city of Eden, chaos spreads as the shadow creatures and the dragons continue to fight. It seems as though strength is not going to win this battle but instead it would be numbers. Every one person these shades… kill means another shade is coming into our existence. People of Eden I beg you all to stay in the safety of your doors or the nearest place of shelter you can. Everyone is being evacuated rather quickly and from what I can tell the Titans are the only ones here saving the day. Where are the sentinels, you might ask? Well clearly they aren’t here…. You know the place where they are NEEDED. God it’s like we’re all going to die because nobody is willing to take a stand for what is right. Like really, why aren’t they here? Even the Titans need help. Thousands of people are going to die because of THEY decided not to help. Our only protectors are the Teen Titans and they are putting their all in making sure no one gets… AHHHHH….” Sally screamed at the end of her radio report when five shadows came into sight. Quickly the girl ran through the alley way, only to run into one of the dragons of energy. Looking at its massive size Sally’s face turned pale. Behind her were the shadows, now observing their new prey and in front of her was the large gold flaming dragon of energy. Without warning it swung its massive claws of energy down to attack the girl, but with a quick jump left she managed to barely dodge the strike as the shadows all jumped at the dragon to attack. The battle was happening right in front of her and she was the bystander that was in the way of it all. Again Sally screamed for help as the five battled and while trying to attack her too.

Meanwhile, after talking with Rachel, Sinna began her flight to find her sister. Throughout the City a bright red orb flew around, leaving a trail of red, most of it was clear and hardly any bodies were seen, everywhere Sinna could see the Titans doing their best to stop these beings of energy. Sinna was feeling strange, almost as though she was being watched but still there was no time for “feelings”, her sister was probably in trouble and her mother might be as well. As Sinna flew she decided to get closer to the ground so she could fight against these monsters and dragons of energy. ‘This is Jilocasin’s work. Did he do this?’ thought Sinna as she undid he flying to be in her normal form so that in midair she could use her energy bladed hands to slice the head off one of the flaming dragons, making it disappear into the air before continuing her flight again. ‘What are you…’ continued Sinna’s thought before it was interrupted by a loud scream.

Without stopping Sinna’s flight speed grew incredibly and even in her “orb flight” form Sinna’s blades were already out, spinning in incredible speeds as she flew towards the scream’s direction, cutting, killing, and shredding any and everything that got in her way. ”Sally!” Said Sinna to herself as she continued to search for her sister, recognizing the scream as her sisters and that Sally was probably in danger.

The speed of Sinna’s flight continued to increase; the orb never stopped moving through the streets no matter what was in its way. The blades sliced through all the monsters and dragons but as the orb passed by it seemed more like everything it passed that was also made of energy just dispersed into nothingness all while Sinna’s worry and fear continued to grow.

When Sinna finally found her sister she was behind the four Shades and Dragon fighting. Standing there Sinna observed the situation without a word and looked at everything that was happening. Her flail was hiding her face and her secret identity from her own sister. Soon Sinna flew the blades of energy out as she started to fly to her sister.

When the Dragon struck down her sister screamed again, this was the end for her but before the strike could fully connect to its target it stopped. Looking up Sally could see a red glow coming from black glades of energy. Behind her was a girl that looked kinda like a seductress or a witch in a sense due the leather “armor” she was wearing and the flail that hid the girl’s face while a large red hood helped hide her face in black. On her arms were gloves with pentagrams glowing on the palms and the blades were coming out of her knuckles. Almost like magic. Before Sally could say a thing the dragon moved back to attack the shadows, smashing one out of existence. The girl then threw Sally away before creating a wall of energy to block the fire that was breathed out of the Dragon’s mouth at them. Without warning it then smashed through the force field of energy using its wings.

Taking the opportunity from this given advantage, the shadows jumped on the dragon’s back and started to strike and attack it with feral aggression. The dragon was able to reach back and grab one of the shadows to throw it on the ground away from it and not it’s attention was away from Sinna, as was its back turned. Without question Sina started to run forward as she shot her blades of energy at the two shadows on the dragon. Bosh shots hit its target but due to being made of energy they were able to easily regenerate the damage they took. Shortly after Sinna jumped into the air to levitate for a moment to get higher before doing a front flip with her foot having a blade of energy also shoot out of it, slicing one of the shadows and the dragon in half. When Sinna landed one of the shadows jumped on top of her and the two rolled on the ground. While the two rolled the shade tried to bite Sinna and the other was moving in fast to finish the job. Sinna had no time and little options, she laid on her back, took a deep breath to focus and shot a blade out of her knee as she kicked upward to knee the shade, a trick she learned from Rachel and the only reason she was going to live this situation. Sinna didn’t have much time to get back up and the other shade was already so close. Rolling on her side Sinna tied to get away during the shade’s jump at her. Once it landed she shot a blade out and cut off its hands and feet. They would regrow quickly but by the time they did Sinna was already on her feet and was able to finish it off with a blast through its body. Looking back at her sister Sinna flew to her slowly but didn’t say a thing.

“Thank you” Said Sally but instead of responding Sinna nodded then waved for Sally to follow her. Sinna walked and was now on guard for more of the shades or dragons; each one she saw was quickly handled without much problem. It wasn’t long before Sinna lead her sister back to the safety of Gold Corp walls like the other civilians. ”Stay!” Said Sinna sternly and bluntly to make sure it’s known that that place was safe for her sister before flying off to help the other titans.

While Sinna flew away she got word from Rachel that her Father was safe. “Thanks hun, I owe you one. I don’t know where Mrs. Tudor is but she tends to be well guarded, better than my father at times. So I think she’s fine.” Replied Sinna as she flew to help everyone.


While Sinna was saving Sally, Mr. Tudor was still in the streets with his group of body guards, stealthily getting to his house with hardly any trouble and the trouble they did get in to be handled quickly. Once he made it to his house his group lost 3 good men. Taking a short cut through an alleyway the group met one of the flaming dragons of energy on the other side and quickly responded but it killed the three men. The fight ended when Mr. Tudor took out his own gun and began to shoot its center instead of its head with his men and threw a sonic Grenade to further damage its energy while the rest of his bodyguards killed it. Once it was finished he made it home to see the four gold Corp guards and a man in his house. Without much warning he ordered his men to just kill them all but leave the last man for him.

Opening the door the guards killed their fellow comrades without hesitation and Mr. Tudor was able to see who it was that was in his house. By just looking at the man Tudor already had a hunch as to who it was but still decided to double check by taking out his wallet after searching the man’s pockets. “You know Mr. Anderson, for a Shadow Tech employee I expected less sloppy work. Holding your Wallet in your pocket, hiring my own guards that could’ve been used as spies, pretending to be me… You really lack in comparison to the previous men they’ve hired. So I’ll ask this once. Why are you here?” The man looked at Mr. Tudor and shook his head no, not willing to talk. “Oh come on Mr. Anderson… You’re a nobody who is completely replaceable. What are you worried about? After this they’ll kill you anyways if you go back and you know this. A family man with four loving daughters, a beautiful wife and you’re working just for the scraps that they give you like the worthless, replaceable dog that you are. So just tell me and maybe I can help you.” The man looked down at the pictures that were in his wallet that was thrown on the floor in front of him and closed his eyes. “Sir… they wanted me to kidnap your daughter to force you to “donate” half of your company’s profits to them. But I’m not the main guy… there is another in gold corp right now who’s doing another job.” “What is it?” “I- I don’t know I swear.” “Very Well”

As soon as Mr. Tudor finished his statement he aimed the gun at the man’s head, his eyes widened as he screamed. “OH MY GOD! N-“*BANG*

“Can you guys clean the dog shit off my floor? I’m going to get a drink. Once you’re done there’s some vodka in the fridge. “Said Mr. Tudor as he walked away and disappeared from his body guard’s sight, unnerved by what happened and not even worried about the spy in his company, his trap was already set to stop him after all.

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After waiting for a bit for Druid to respond to his question Daniel got on the giant sword ride that he summoned and flew off towards his destination. If druid joined him then he’d drop her off first then get to his destination to fight off the shades and dragons. Seeing his first group Daniel summoned some weapons and just cut through them all without much of a hassle. In fact his job continued to get easier as time passed though after a while Death was seen in the air fighting with Sirius. Heh. About time the mana came. Said Daniel to himself but the thing that continued to pester in the teenage boy’s mind was why did Jillocasin work with Death, let alone summon an army to fight with and against the shades.

Daniel continued to think about it, thinking back to his notes and investigation against Jilocasin. Something here was not adding up, the two never had communications and if they did Death would have fully mastered the arts, right? Looking back up at Sirius and Death’s battle Daniel continued to think. ”What are you doing? thought Daniel trying to figure out what Death was planning. Then is struck him, right at the last moment a sudden burst of energy was felt from a far. ”SIRIUS LOOK OUT! Screamed Daniel as he noticed that all the Dragons and Shades were gone. He doubted that Sirius could hear him when Daniel cried out to him. At the distance Daniel could see a bright gold and red flame in the distance as it took form to be a giant flaming Dragon made of fire and energy, it’s wings spread, ready for flight and Death was already halfway inside the portal.

Wide eyed and with no time to react Daniel had one shot, this was his only chance, he knew what Jilocasin was doing for once but not only that but he knew exactly where and how to strike without having to fight him head on. This was the one time only where he could finally end Jilocasin’s reign of terror. Though looking up it was clear that Sirius would not have time to get out of the way either. The dragon of fire closed its wings and spread it again as it darted at incredible speeds towards Sirius and Death. Daniel closed his eyes in frustration as he summoned the giant sword and had if fly upwards. The chance and choice of fate was determined as the sword flew, the die was casted and a decision was made between his friend and his lifelong goal in killing the great evil of the world. It all happened in a flash but to Daniel if felt like the energy of holding that one “shield” in place was against what felt like an unstoppable force.

A clashing sound was heard as the massive amounts of fire from the dragon’s wing stuck the blade in front of Sirius. Within a second the dragon too disappeared but so did Death and even though Daniel could not see it the Dragon grabbed him and took the insane alien through another portal all together. Watching up to make sure that Sirius was okay Daniel felt tired from that last summon and his recent decline of energy, enough to kneel as he breathed heavily from it all. He was angered mentally that he failed to take the one chance he had but was also somewhat glad his friend was okay. To make matters worse keeping the sword in the air and still enough to protect Sirius took further amounts of mana from the boy. His nose began to bleed as the energy he used took more than its toll from him.
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Spellthief watched Ace carefully through the fog as he moved around carefully behind Ace. Soon he noticed Ace’s moved quickly to throw the arrow behind him, still lacking vision spellthief had to admit his perception of the battle was outstanding, able to predict movements though Spellthief still held an upper hand. The arrow Spellthief shot at ace was now being shot back at him but it was clear that the lack of vision still took its toll since the arrow missed, even if it was only barely. Spellthied sat down as he used his shade ability to further complicate things. Once the copy was made it silently ran again behind ace to better confuse him.

Still in his original position Spellthief again manipulated the fog to speak to Ace.
“The clock ticks as arrows fly,
Shadows move within the ground’s sky.
Hunt for what’s missing look for what’s sitting.
Be warned, one may also be two that may be hitting. “

Once his other self was in position Spellthief again manipulated the fog to constantly move to better give the illusion that there are multiple people running around, all one at a time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

Death let out a roar of fury as one of the flaming dragons slammed into him, sending him flying through a different portal that had formed almost directly next to him. "NO!" The alien roared in fury as he attempted to create another portal only to find some sort of strange force blocking his ability for the moment. He could feel his body already beginning to adapt to the force but he was still angry. He could feel the energy of the one who he had originally sought to fight. The one who's power matched his own.

"I can sense your energy." Death snarled. "Face me if you dare!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well, that was some much needed practice." Rachel sighed as she stood back up and stretched, working out the stiffness from firing from prone position all this time. She climbed off the roof and verified that the last of the shadows in her area were completely exterminated before heading cautiously towards the mech. "Shadow here, I've cleared my sector... I'm going to check out the mech and see who's piloting it."

She had never seen the mech before and she hadn't spotted any logos or emblems painted on the thing that might have give them a clue as to who built this thing. After what happened a few months back, Shadow was rather weary of strangers just showing up. Especially if those strangers carried firepower like a battle mech around without raising any alarms or creating any ripples. It meant they probably built it themselves somewhere and it also meant the person controlling it would be extremely intelligent, knew their way around technology and had some serious skills... if they were friendly.

The mech seemed to be on standby or awaiting orders of some sort, at least that was what Shadow assumed it was doing. There were no targets left to shoot at and if this mech was dangerous technology or built by someone, they'd have left the scene by now before the military tried to capture it or trace its components back to a source. Staying here meant whoever was piloting that mech wanted to be approached. Still, she wasn't going to be stupid and walk right in front of its guns. It could be an elaborate trap.

Shadow teleported herself on top of the mech and tapped its head with the butt of her rifle. "Anyone in there?" She asked, not quite pointing her gun at the thing but not engaging the safety or leaving it pointed away either.
All hostiles within a half mile radius have been eliminated. Minimal damage sustained. Essential systems 100% operational. Ammunition reserves low, resupply ASAP. The computer was doing a post-battle diagnostics on the mech, and Arsenal was paying close attention while noting at the back of her mind that she somehow managed to make the readout look like some game screen showing player statistics. She would have to work on the weapons systems to make them more efficient if she didn't want to end up running out of ammunition for extended battles.

She was snapped out of her musing by metallic drumming over her head. Someone had gotten on top of her mech and was asking for her. It was one of the Teen Titans.

"Yes, er, hi. I'll be right off soon, just need to let this baby cool off a little. It's the first time she's left the house." She replied through the speakers, as if she didn't know the Titans were suspicious of her. Not that the mech pilot blamed them - they had been through a lot and she was showing up with a large mech carrying a ton of firepower they had never seen before. Though she would rather not expose who she was for now. She'd wait and see if the rest of the Titans were coming and arrange something at a later date.
Nightingale had cleared every last shadow from her sector, and kept the automated turrets mostly undamaged. She had gotten back for all of an hour before she was dragged into a fight again. "Life never gets dull here, huh." She commented dryly to heself as she sat on the ledge of the roof and leaned against the support for some billboard.

When Shadow reported in and declared her area safe, Hikari did the same. "Nightingale checking in, my sector's clear too, and I'm scanning through the security feeds to see if we can find out who or what caused this. I'll be five minutes." Once her report was done, she pulled her hood down so her hair fluttered through the breeze and cooled her off. She'd have taken her mask off too if she wasn't worried about someone watching.

"Back for an hour and I get dragged into this..." Nightingale sighed as she watched the streets below and made sure everything really was safe. "Not even a call from old dates yet."
Yan was walking towards the mech Rachel described, patting her stomach and sighing contentedly with a smile on her face. "That was a good meal. We should fight enemies like that more often!" She chirped merrily as she practically skipped down the street while her regular form returned, her silver hair fading back to blonde and her cat-like ears receding back into her scalp and her eyes returning to their regular purple hue.

"Whoa, that's a large mech!" She exclaimed when she finally rounded the corner and saw it. "Can we keep it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 8 days ago

Viran looked at Tyran, Steel and Dawnfire and then walked over to Hisel's body and gently picked it up, treating it with the utmost care and respect. He looked down at the still form of his Grandfather.. "I can't believe it. I just can't." He said quietly. "They always take everything from me." He growled. "They were the reason my world was wiped out. They tried to kill Mina and my other friends more than once. They attacked my new home. And now this."

They took my only remaining family."

Viran's eyes began to glow a blood red color and his body began to shake as his bones and muscles began to expand and twist as his body began to adapt. "I will find them. And they will die." He snarled as Tyran quickly scanned him.

"Warning: Viran's body strength is increasing drastically. Mental scans are showing increased rage. His body appears to be adapting to his current emotional state."

"Shut up!" Viran snarled as Tyran and Steel both approached him and Steel began to try and talk him down. "Viran...Listen to me. You need to let go of your rage. I promise you, you'll get your chance at them but this isn't the way. You need to calm down. Just wait until the others get here and we can get you help. Please. Don't do this."

Viran's hands were beginning to shift into claws. "Viran! This is just what War and Death want! They want you to lose control! They want you to turn on everyone! Fight it! Think of what Hisel would want for you!"

Viran snarled and pushed the group of people out of the way as he dropped Hisel's body on the ground and jumped down through the hole in the wall. Pausing only for a moment as he sniffed the air for a moment. And turned his sight towards the outskirts of the city and his eyes narrowed.

Tyran turned to Steel and Dawnfire. "In the time we come from this has been seen once before. It is known as Battle Rage. Viran's ability to adapt has somehow merged with his emotional state. The last time this was seen in our time, Viran had to be restrained for two days. But it was not this severe a case."

Steel turned to Dawnfire. "Alert the Titans. Tell them if they see Viran do NOT approach him alone. Right now he's enraged and confused and I don't think he knows friend from foe. But he needs to be stopped before he reaches Second City."
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