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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Sabine entered the meeting with a tight chest. She gave looks to everyone present. The most fleeting glances were directed to those clearly showing their uncertainty. Ri'vashi, Vera, and Oswall all counted amongst them, though they were not the only ones. More surely had questions for her.

She stopped and stood near between the table and where Do'rhajul and Yerig. She nodded by way of a cordial greeting, clutching the Staff of Magnus vertically in both hands against her left side. She opened her mouth to respond to Saras and hesitated.

"Take your time," Vera added softly, leaning forward on her elbows. "Start from the beginning. From the moment they escaped with you captive."

Sabine lowered her eyes and cast her mind back. She was so scared back then that forgetting the events from the start would have been a miracle in itself.

"They teleported away," she began monotonously. "Somewhere else in High Rock, I found out later. Arinette hit me, tried to make me tell her the plan. I was too afraid to say anything. They went to set up camp, so...the orc twins took everything from me and tied me to a tree. They put manacles on me that drained my magicka. They hit me some more as well. Arinette spoke to me again. She told me she would let me go if I could guarantee her killing Meesei. She also said she would torture me, and that they had suppression gas if I tried to transform. Then they rested for the night. I stayed awake. I was too scared to sleep."

Sabine blinked rapidly in a pause. "When morning came, they approached me. I had a little magicka because the manacles were not strong enough to drain everything. They once more said they wanted Meesei's head. I refused. Meesei is my mother." She repeated the words she said back then. She did not even mind how many people in the meeting knew of Meesei guardian relationship with Sabine. "Arinette took out a wooden stake. They..." Sabine's hands creaked against the wood of the staff. Her fingers went white from her tight grip. "They drove it through my hands, into a tree over my head. There was blood..."

Red rings had formed around Vera's eyes, despite her stoic expression.

"She...Arinette took out a knife." Sabine's tone wavered more with every sentence. She took longer to form her words. "She demanded to know where the clan was. "She stabbed me when I refused. Cut me. I...then lashes. They lashed me. I could not die because...she healed my flesh. She liked it when I screamed. She was smiling. I made her angry when I refused." A held-back tear escaped down from each of Sabine's eyes. "She said Meesei would not suffer like this for me. She was lying. Meesei already has. Then she put a knife into my mouth."

Saras likely only wanted to know how Sabine escaped but she had already forgotten about that. The memories played like her mind was a stage and she was tied down to watch it. Most on the council were either pale, saddened, or hiding their thoughts.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Saras held up a hand, showing a grim expression. Sabine's experiences were now clear, to him and everyone else that was present. Apart from Meesei most of the pack had not heard what happened in such detail, so most of them were even more heavily affected by the words. Ahnasha in particular was having a hard time listening to it all, given the memories it brought back for her. Her ears lowered against her head, and she wished it would not have been impolite to cover them.

"You need not share any more detail on that if you do not wish. We understand your...situation. From what I was told, you managed to free yourself, yes? You can pick up there if you wish. Explain how you escaped, and how this man, the 'General', played a role, if you please." Saras requested.

Meesei could not say much at the moment, nor even show much in the way of outward emotional support, but she was at least looking for some opportunity to help Sabine as they listened.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Unlike Ahnasha, Fendros' reaction was to stare sternly. One could have believed that he was being callous, but he had mentally prepared himself for listening to Sabine's story. It was all he could do to stay composed. However, Ahnasha's expression did not escape him. He placed a firm hand on Ahnasha's shoulder to reassure her.

Sabine tripped over her words, nodding to Saras. She tried to bring her mind forward to the escape. Reliving her experiences had scattered her thoughts, so she spent some seconds with her eyes closed. She remembered the start of her opportunity back then. The protests.

"It was hours later. Yerig and Do'rhajul were the only ones that did not take turns to hurt me," she continued. Her tone had stabilised into its previous monotone, through no small effort. "Do'rhajul was standing nearby. Yerig was away. But Yerig approached, shouting while Arinette used magic to make me feel burning. He said...it was barbaric. He confronted Do'rhajul, asked why I deserved this, asked how he could stand for this having known him previously not to, and said he was told to fight monsters and not torture." Sabine's voice grew a little. "Arinette was angry and said I was a monster and that I would kill him if I could. Yerig got angry and called her and the rest of the group monsters. He said he saw monsters but none of them were nailed to a tree. Do'rhajul...he tried to calm Yerig by telling him that he did not want this either. But he also said that it was for the greater good. That lycans would take over Tamriel if they did not do this. I tried to tell them that was not true. Arinette burnt me more for speaking."

Sabine remembered the anger she felt that drove her to act. It showed in her brow as she continued. "That was when Yerig brought out the evidence Ahnasha left him. He had read all of it while I was trapped. He showed Do'rhajul the pages detailing the experiments at the Elsweyr stronghold. The kidnappings, lycanthropy infections, experiments, releases. Do'rhajul was shocked and questioned Arinette. Arinette claimed it was fake but Do'rhajul knew the handwriting. He got very angry." Sabine cocked her head, lowering her voice. "At the time, my arms were numb, but I could still move them a little. I felt the wooden stake slide through my hands. And through the manacles, I had some magicka left. So I..." Her stomach knotted even thinking back on it. She reflexively rubbed her palm over her fingernail. "...I...pushed off the stake. It still hurt but I hardly noticed. Then...I paralysed her. With everything left, I paralysed her and took her staff."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The continuation of Sabine's story was no easier to hear than when it began. Still, it did provide the context that the council had been desiring, and explained why Sabine had brought Do'rhajul back to the clan not in chains. The evidence they had planted had its intended effect, though few in the council had actually expected Do'rhajul himself to be converted. Even so, the explanation alone was not sufficient to convince everyone.

Ri'vashi's claws scratched across the stone table in front of her. "How does that excuse him, or anything he did? Do'rhajul may not have tortured you himself, but from how you described it, he just stood by and watched for, what? Hours? Just let them do all of those things to you for the 'greater good?' He was complicit in your torture. Why should he be forgiven for it, and for all the lives he has taken over the years? Why should he get to live, while the people who raised and cared for Ri'vashi her whole life had their souls harvested by this monster's minions? Where is the justice in that?"

Ri'vashi was obviously the most deeply affected by the actions of Do'rhajul, but that did not mean her plea for retribution could not resonate with anyone else.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Sabine's pause was to collect herself before continuing. Ri'vashi's interruption threw Sabine momentarily off. She tried to respond with five points at once that all depended on one another for context and ended up saying nothing. In frustration, she almost raised her voice. Meesei had encouraged her to be assertive here.

She locked Ri'vashi's eyes, breathed in and spoke as level as she could. "I am not finished, Ri'vashi." She stared intensely into her eyes for another few seconds. "Please."

"Go on, Sabine," Vera said, gesturing forward. She did not indicate being convinced by Sabine's reasoning, though neither did she refute Ri'vashi's reasoning.

Sniffing back her emotion, Sabine cast her eyes down again. "I wanted the pain to stop, so I used the staff. I healed everything on my body. I was still...so angry and scared. They tried to attack. I threw two of them away with magic. I think one ran away. I made a ward so I could be safe but they did not attack. I told them where the book came from. Everything still hurt, even with the healing magic. When Yerig admitted they may have been mislead, when he tried to calm me down, Arinette recovered. She shouted that I was lying. Yerig protested. Do'rhajul was not convinced by Arinette either. He said he had been stonewalled and kept from secrets with Vile's priesthood. Arinette lost patience and struck Yerig down with a lightning spell. They were about to fight, but...I was so angry. Angry at her. I picked her up with magic and would have torn her apart, layer by layer. I could have done it. Then...I saw her face. And I felt my beast spirit. Cowering. It does not cower. Not since long ago. So I released her. But they kept trying to fight Do'rhajul, all of them. I started crying and rendered all of them but Do'rhajul unconscious. I did not want to happen what happened. I tried to make it right. So I went to Yerig and made his heart beat again. Then Do'rhajul surrendered."

In a similar voice, Sabine recounted everything of import from the following few days. Everything from the details of Do'rhajul's pact, his lost former life, her conversations with Yerig and Do'rhajul, taking the prisoners to the Daggerfall clan, and the entire process of defeating the dragon. She told no lies or misleading statements, though she curiously referred to Do'rhajul as 'Rhajul' from when he surrendered. She also omitted explaining her reasoning for allowing Yerig and Do'rhajul to help her defeat the dragon or why exactly she did not immediately return home after they capitulated. Other details, such as her dependence on the staff for comfort and the other lasting effects of her trauma were also left out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

There were no more interruptions through Sabine's recollection of events. Saras was taking detailed notes, while many of the others listened on, showing varied reactions. It would be hard to get past Ri'vashi's obvious anger, but there was some sympathy that could be gleaned from her expression. Ri'vashi and Sabine had been friends for quite a long time, after all, and it was no easier for her to hear what Sabine had been through.

There was a brief silence after Sabine finished speaking before one of the council, Tola, spoke up. "I am...not sure what to say. I think we have all heard the rumors that have been spreading since your return. About how you singlehandedly killed our enemy leaders, and a Dragon along with them. They are obviously exaggerated...but not by a great deal. I cannot even begin to imagine what you went through, but even weakened as you were, you still disabled an enemy that outnumbered you, and then went on to claim the Axe after that. No matter what is decided here, I think it should be said that we are all in your debt. There is no way of knowing how much suffering you prevented through your actions. Whatever you need to recover after your ordeal, I believe we should provide for you."

There was no argument from the other members of the council, so Saras spoke up next. "It goes without saying that you will have any support you need, Sabine. As for the matter of these two..." He began, motioning to Do'rhajul and Yerig. "It is still more complicated. At least for one of them. The original scope of your mission was to plant evidence that would convince the Nord, Yerig, that he was fighting on the wrong side of the war. Based on your account, that effort was successful. I believe Yerig should be forgiven for any past crimes against us, and allowed to continue to aid us if he so chooses. I do not believe there is any argument to the contrary from this council."

Again, there was no argument from the council. Not even Ri'vashi had any qualms about forgiving Yerig. However, that was the easy part of the debate. Ri'vashi was still obviously angry, but one could see that she was trying to be more calm and rational as she spoke. "Ri'vashi thinks that she...understands why you have forgiven Do'rhajul, Sabine. He helped you escape a terrible situation; Ri'vashi understand that. Ri'vashi cannot blame you for that, but likewise, can you understand why she wants him to see justice as well?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Sabine gave each of Tola and Saras an acknowledging nod. From her humble demeanour, she likely felt it inappropriate or strange hold a debt from the council. Ri'vashi, on the other hand, Sabine lifted her head to fully and spoke in response.

"I do, Ri'vashi." Sabine was nervous but she knew what to say. She nodded. "I know it is not the same but Rhajul wronged me as well. Before he captured me. He almost killed Meesei, personally. His men killed a friend I had made from the pride of werelions we saved from the Senchal clan. And, you are right, he was complicit in my torture. He was complicit in many things." She slowly took in a shaky breath. "I am not forgiving him for any of that. I do not think I should forgive him for any crimes he committed. But he is not like Arinette, who did it because she enjoyed seeing suffering. Rhajul did what he did under false pretences, believing he was protecting Tamriel. He has been shown the error of his ways and..." Sabine glanced over at Do'rhajul. "...it has crushed him. Everything he gave up was for lies. Everyone he killed or captured was for lies. And he now knows it without any doubt."

Sabine lowered one hand from her staff. She took on a more confident posture. "His soul is Vile's as well now, Ri'vashi. Just like all of your clan. I do not know what you want for him, but I know what I want. I want all of Vile's stolen souls released. Rhajul's soul and every lost soul from the Orcrest clan and every other lost soul from this war. Even all of Vile's stolen souls if we can. And I think that if Rhajul helps us do that...If he gives his life to that...then any other treatment of him will be a lesser justice for the Orcrest clan."

Oswall furrowed his brow but he waited. Sabine's story had given him some patience.

Vera leaned back in her seat and sighed through her nose, thinking.

Darahil, in his usual cross-armed, board-straight posture was stoic as ever. He merely slowly blinked, opening his eyes in Ri'vashi's direction to hear her response. Though his look had a knowing glint to it.

Do'rhajul's crimes were great. None in the room could deny it. But they all knew Sabine in one capacity or another. To see someone they knew suffer such a horrible experience at Do'rhajul's vigil and come out trusting him -- let alone implying they should let him help with the expected terminus of Hircine's war with Vile -- started a melee in their minds that would not settle easily. For those more emotionally charged, however, outrage was sure to brew in the confusion, righteous or not.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Ri'vashi seemed to be perpetually agitated, though she was at least not becoming even more outwardly angry. Compared to her conversation with Sabine the previous day, she was willing to speak more calmly. "You want him to help us against Vile? Ri'vashi can respect the...idea of what you are suggesting. But do we really need his help? Can we even trust his help?"

Among the more pragmatic of the council members, Saras naturally had a quick response to Ri'vashi. "The debate about what he deserves aside, I do not think it controversial to say that Do'rhajul's knowledge alone could be quite valuable to us. Even if they were lying to him, he would still have to be privy to a great deal of truthful information about our enemy to fill the role he served for them. Not only their secrets, but their strategy, tactics, and procedures as well. There is little question that we could gain some advantage from that."

"And do not forget that he is still a lycan." Meesei added. "His soul is still bound to Hircine in death. If there is still punishment deserved for him, then he will never be able to escape it, no matter how far he flees on Nirn. If our lord does not judge his redemption sufficient, then we will only have delayed his punishment a few mortal years."

There was silence from Ri'vashi. Her gaze still held the intensity of her emotions, but also confusion. She seemed possibly close to relenting, but perhaps needed another push.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

"Ri'vashi and I are of a mind here, Sabine," Vera added. "I am sorry, but with all the measures this man has taken against the clans, we need more proof that we can trust him."

"I agree," said Oswall.

Sabine held her breath for a moment, trying to hide her nerves. "I trust him," she said. "Even after everything, and after nearly killing me when they ambushed us some time ago, I trust him. He swore his life to me and would do so again. He followed me into a fight against an old and powerful dragon, knowing he could die. And he knows that I could have killed him at any point. He took no opportunity to either escape, threaten me, or kill me when I escaped my bonds. This was even when presented with such opportunities. This was even with a trusted friend that could have helped him kill me many times over. And now he fully at our mercy. It is now impossible for him to do worse than what he could have. And he has done nothing but obey me. I trust him."

Darahil blinked, which was somehow enough to give himself attention. "I believe, in matters as absurd as our final plan..." He panned his eyes over the council. "...we need all the help we can get."

"There is one more thing," Sabine interrupted. She blinked a couple of times, unsure. "Ri'vashi. I know how you feel about Rhajul. I do not expect you to forgive him. But you know him as a monster. Rhajul?" Sabine turned her head to him. She spoke with the utmost gravity. "You have not had a chance to speak. Do you have anything to say to Ri'vashi? I believe you know what you had done to her people."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Do'rhajul had remained completely silent, until he was called upon to speak. Most of those present had not actually heard the former General speak in person before, but merely his voice alone made it apparent how he could be such a commanding presence. Even when actively being humble, his voice gave him an undeniable presence in the room. "There is no denying what I have done. No excusing it, no forgiving it. I would not accept forgiveness, because I do not deserve it. I was lied to by Vile and his cult, but I should not have been so blind to the signs of what was happening. That was my failure. When I surrendered myself to Sabine's mercy, I had to be persuaded to accept the chance at life that she wanted to give me. I believe that my thoughts matched yours." He said, facing Ri'vashi. "I know that my death would be justice, and I would not resist it if that was Sabine's choice. But, she convinced me that it would be ultimately pointless. I have killed, or caused the deaths of many lycans, but there are many more that yet live. And many who may die in the fight against Vile. If my efforts can keep even some of them alive in the coming battle, then I am willing to try. All of my skills and knowledge are at your disposal. I do not need nor want anything in return. I do not ask for amnesty, nor will I resist death if you ever decide to give it. I intend only to follow the lead of one far wiser than myself." He said, motioning a hand towards Sabine.

Between Sabine and Do'rhajul, Ri'vashi had been given much to think about. She did not have a response for Sabine's counterarguments, particularly as her mind was torn between emotions. The hatred she felt whenever she looked at Do'rhajul would likely never die, but Sabine was also a trusted friend and ally, and it was difficult to form a reasoned argument not based upon a subjective sense of justice. All of the conflict left her silent, her eyes going towards Vera and Oswall as if looking for direction.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Oswall had his eyes cast down and twisting him mouth. Vera returned Ri'vashi's look with a similar conflict in them.

"I am pleased that you were the one to accept Do'rhajul's capitulation, Sabine." Of all people, Darahil was the one that broke the silence. "Were it anyone else, I dare say we would be talking to a head on the end of a spear. This is an opportunity, I think. But I would rather secure any new bonds we decide here by means we can all relate to." Darahil unfolded his arms and wove his fingers together, resting them on the table in front of him. "Do'rhajul, Sabine..." His piercing eyes flicked to catch both of the pair before him. "Would you be willing to form a new pack? With Sabine as the alpha?"

Sabine opened her mouth a fraction, letting in a tiny, shocked gasp. She stared at Darahil without any idea how to respond.

Vera lifted her brow and hummed thoughtfully. "If he truly wants to help us, that relationship would be the closest thing to make sure he does."

"You cannot just force such a thing," Oswall said indignantly.

Darahil patiently responded. "I do not believe there shall much force at all, Oswall. See their relationship already." Darahil nodded to Sabine and Do'rhajul. "Between them, Sabine is clearly acknowledged as the more powerful one, the wiser one, and she herself is clearly prepared to be responsible for Do'rhajul's actions. And his protection."

Oswall gestured forward. "How can we expect him to just...become one of us all of a sudden?" He shot back. "After everything he has done?! He is a danger! A curse! One false move and he reveals the location of this place for all his hunters to bear down with gasses and silver."

"Do you doubt the motives he and Sabine have related to us, Oswall?" Darahil asked.

"I...no." Oswall let out a breath. "If in that position, with the knowledge he had, I could not guarantee being present enough to sway differently." He emphasised each individual word continuing. "I just see this as a risk. One better left not taken."

"If Sabine is his alpha, there shall be no significant risk." Darahil recrossed his arms, all but indicating the end of the argument. Indeed, Oswall slumped back into his seat with nothing further to say.

Vera spoke up. "Do'rhajul, have you been part of a werewolf pack before? Do you know what it entails?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Do'rhajul shook his head. "No, I have not, and I do not. At least, I do not assume that I know what it entails. There was a great deal that I thought I knew about lycanthropes before recent days, which was proven to be false. I have control over the beast inside of me, but aside from that, if you wished to enact this plan you are discussing, I would need to be taught like any new arrival."

Meesei had been almost as shocked as Sabine by the suggestion, though she did not show it as openly. In truth, she believed that every adult member of her pack was perfectly capable and qualified to be an alpha on their own. They had all served leadership roles during the war, and they were all strong enough to defend their claims, Sabine especially. However, Meesei had not so much as thought about anyone leaving her pack for many years. But more than that, Meesei was worried about how it might affect Sabine in her current condition. Her mind was terribly scarred from her experiences, and Meesei did not know if the stress of responsibility that would come with being a pack alpha would be helpful to give her a new focus, or if it would be overwhelming to her.

"I do agree with Oswall in one regard." Meesei began. "This is not something that can be forced. I believe most of us here know what it means to be an alpha. To take on the responsibility of the welfare and growth of everyone under your command; It is a great honor, and a stressful responsibility. It is not the place for me, you, or anyone on this council to make that kind of decision, and we should not be speaking about Sabine's future as if she is not here."

Meesei's gaze focused onto Sabine. "This is a choice you alone can make, Sabine. You know if you are ready or not. I can say that if you choose not to accept Darahil's suggestion..." She said, halting herself briefly as she gave Do'rhajul a cautious glance. "...then I believe I would be willing to take him into ours. In a limited capacity, at least."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Sabine closed her mouth. "N-no. No, I can do it," she said to Meesei. She lowered her eyes. "I have not been an alpha before. But I will take responsibility for Rhajul, if that is what the council requires."

Before anyone confirmed the verdict, Vera spoke up again. "Do'rhajul, taking Sabine as your alpha and becoming her packmate means more than simply deferring to her strength and allowing her to eat first on a hunt. You will forge a bond as close to family as you can obtain without relation by blood or marriage. Sabine shall become your guardian and mentor. You shall become an extension of her actions and capabilities, recognising her as your utmost authority and assisting her in whatever ways you know. You will protect one another, you will dine together, you will live in proximity, your fates will be twined as one indivisible unit. And in the end, at Hircine's Hunting Grounds, you will hunt together." Vera left a moment for the words to sink in and leaned into her seat. "And should Sabine take on more packmates, they will be as siblings to you. Sabine will remain your authority and guardian, though all other conditions and expectations between you and her will extend to your other packmates. That will be your life, with a new family."

"I do not wish to interrupt, Vera," Darahil said with a frown. "But I would rather not have a few of us get ahead of ourselves in spite of everyone else." He turned his head to each in the council, pointedly lingering on Ri'vashi. "What other sentences, if any, are to be brought forward for discussion? We have heard Do'rhajul's case. We have heard the arguments for and against. If there are options to be discussed, let us hear them. I will not allow my suggestion to be taken without thought."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Do'rhajul bowed his head briefly. "I have already sworn myself to Sabine's service. If that is the capacity in which she wishes for me to serve her, to be a part of a pack as you describe it, then that is what I shall do. I do not know what the Daedra who holds claim over my spirit intends for me. I do not know if Vile would have ever fulfilled his promise of a cure, but I have abandoned that possibility. I will serve you in life, and await judgment in death, Sabine."

Meesei reached over and placed a hand gently onto Sabine's arm. "If this is really what you want, Sabine, then I will support you however I can. Do not let yourself rush into it, though. A pack is more than just two people, and you need to be ready to take responsibility for everyone you command. I have no doubt you are capable of it; I think everyone in my pack is, you especially. Take your time forming your pack, and if you decide against it at any point, know that Do'rhajul will live regardless."

Ri'vashi felt Darahil's gaze, but for a while, it was met with only silence. Even the least adept at reading Khajiit expressions would see that she was still angry, but it was now more distant. It was no longer dictating her words or actions. After giving a long stare to Do'rhajul, she released a sigh. "We had better make good use of what he knows."

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

While Sabine's face was far from confident certainty, she sounded as confident as she could be to Meesei. "I think this is the right thing to do."

With the closest thing to Ri'vashi's allowance given, Darahil rotated his head to Vera.

Vera looked back and gave a single nod. "If there is no dissent," Vera said. "The council has come to a decision. Do'rhajul's crimes against us were based on a lie that he has both expressed remorse over and is willing to be at our mercy for. What you did, Do'rhajul, will go down remembered amongst us as a chapter of terror in the lycanthrope community. I doubt there could be anything to make up for what you did. But Clavicus Vile remains the artist of all of this tragedy. He holds the souls of our friends and loved ones. Our mercy extended to you is for the sake of their salvation. He held your stolen life ransom, just the same. If you can be pivotal to helping our people finally finding peace, perhaps Hircine shall see fit to extend mercy as well." Vera turned her eyes. "Sabine, you know the magnitude of your decision here. May its weight be steady on your shoulders, for it is heavy."

Sabine curled her lips and nodded.

"Do not pretend this means you are accepted, Do'rhajul," Oswall warned, pointing a finger. "Our mercy is not born of compassion for you, but for our own. You will not find welcoming faces in his clan. In fact, I hope you see the faces of every lycan you impacted with your campaign. Every innocent family cut in half. Every widow and orphan and cripple. Let it be a reminder of why you are still alive; to reach for some redemption, if it even exists."

"Quite," Vera agreed cordially.

"I second that sentiment," Tola hissed.

Darahil took in a small breath. "Very good. Now, I believe this decision has made necessary some following points to discuss." Darahil gave Do'rhajul a sideways look. "Points better discussed in the confidence of the council only, in my opinion."

Knowing Darahil, he wanted to discuss how to explain to the clan why they gave mercy to their worst mortal enemy.

"Um," Sabine chimed in. "I can leave and take Rhajul to get settled. But..." She cleared her throat. "Ri'vashi, after this meeting, I want to talk with you. Would that be okay?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"Since we have heard your testimony, I do not believe there are any more questions for you at the moment, Sabine." Saras stated, looking around at the other members of the council. With no objections, he nodded to Sabine. "Very well. Feel free to get him settled as you see fit. However, I would not recommend allowing anyone else to learn his identity just yet. We are going to need to find a way to announce this development to the clan, though I suspect that shall not be easy."

Meesei raised one hand up from the table slightly. "I believe I have an idea in that regard. In fact, I believe we should plan out the details sooner, rather than later."

Do'rhajul had maintained a stoic silence through both Vera and Oswall's response. It was likely unclear to them how he was taking their words, but Sabine would be familiar with the kind of guilt he felt. Regardless, once it became clear that his presence was no longer desired in the meeting chamber, he gave a respectful bow to the council and approached Sabine to guide him out. Ri'vashi had bowed out of the conversation, bearing a distant expression since her begrudging agreement to the plan, but she nevertheless acknowledged Sabine with a nod when she asked for them to meet later. Darahil had not specifically mentioned Yerig, but he assumed they would not want him to be there either, so he followed suit.

Meesei waited for Sabine to take Do'rhajul and Yerig out of the chamber before continuing. "In the wake of recent events, we are now closer than we have ever been to being ready for our invasion of Vile's realm. We have the Rueful Axe, and from what Saras told me when I spoke to him before, our other teams have gathered enough sigil stones to carry out the plan in full. The only step left is to have the Axe empowered by another Daedra, and I intend to approach Molag Bal with that request. But, assuming I am successful, we will have to get everyone ready. Everyone. Every single lycan under our command in all of Tamriel who can help in any capacity will need to be gathered here in Blackreach. Every hunter who serves Hircine, every non-lycan ally. If we can persuade the Empire or Dominion to lend troops, then they will need to be gathered here as well. It will certainly compromise the secrecy of this place, but at that point, it will not matter. If we survive, we can move the clan, but we will need every single soldier we can possibly gather for such a monumental undertaking. To invade Oblivion...we will need to put every resource we can into it. If we have to spend every last coin we have buying weapons or supplies, then we will do it. Tamriel will not be afford failure from this invasion, because if we do, then nothing we have done for the past decade will have mattered."

Meesei paused, giving a severe look to each member of the council. "That is the magnitude of what we are going to be asking from our people. We are going to have to inform them of the details of this plan eventually, so we are going to have to keep morale as high as we can. People will have to believe that we can succeed, else we will not have an army with which to fight against Vile. To that end, I propose announcing our recent successes, and Do'rhajul's defection, with a feast for everyone in the clan."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

Oswall's expression eased when Do'rhajul exited the room. "Hmph. With Do'rhajul out of the fight, this war may be as good as done on Tamriel. It is as good a reason as any to celebrate."

"Indeed," Vera said. She took a steadying moment, likely to switch from the magnitude of Meesei's other proposal. "A feast may soften the impact of...not executing Do'rhajul and his companion. We at least have control of how many details we give away, excepting the rumours already circulating, of course." She lowered her brow. "But I still think we will need something more. I don't need to repeat what Oswall said to Do'rhajul. We have all been affected by the war, one way or another. I do not think it is controversial to assume that everyone here had to fight a part of themselves that wanted revenge on Do'rhajul for all he has done. That will be the same for everyone else in the clan. And all the other clans, as well."

Darahil filled in the question. "How exactly do you intend to word this turn of events, Meesei? We shall get to the other things you mentioned soon."

Once Sabine had walked outside with Do'rhajul and Yerig, she had to stop and lean on her staff for a short moment. She then looked up at Do'rhajul with a small smile. "I think I am relieved. I thought it would be more difficult to convince them." Her smile faded as the weight of the parting words struck her again. "I am sorry that you had to hear what they said. Are you okay?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"I think those rumors may turn to our advantage." Meesei replied. "Sabine did kill the main course of our feast herself, after all. If we unveil a platter with the head of a dragon, one of the most fearsome beings in Tamriel, in front of the clan, that will send a message. The people are going to need hope in the coming days, and we can give them a hero. I know that Sabine has never particularly wanted that kind of attention, but I am confident she would accept it for the sake of the clan. Her accomplishments were equal to those of figures who have been immortalized in song. That is something that our people can look up to. I think it would be best to emphasize how Do'rhajul is now a servant of Sabine. Our noble hero who caused even the greatest of our enemies to bend his knee to her. With the right kind of presentation, they may see it as an even greater accomplishment than killing him outright."

Saras hummed in contemplation. "That is possible. The rumors I have heard circulating around already do seem to focus on Sabine. We would just need to take care in how exactly we portray the events. And in what order they are announced."


Do'rhajul let out a long breath with his eyes closed, hesitating just a few seconds before responding. "They said nothing to me I have not already said to myself." His eyes opened and firmly fixated upon Sabine's. "But I am at a disadvantage in this place. I am clearly not as familiar with your clans as I had thought. I want to know what this means for you; your Champion seemed surprised at the Altmer's suggestion."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 44 min ago

"There will still be those who disagree," Darahil said. "However, I do not believe it will be possible to convince everyone. A message with that much impact will suffice for enough people, I think."

Vera let out an amused breath. She was clearly glad to be talking about better events. "I say we put the idea of Sabine's legend to practice. There are skalds in this clan. We ought to involve them. If anyone can make Do'rhajul's capitulation sound gratifying enough, it would be poets."

"Excuse me," Oswall interrupted with his brow so furrowed his eyebrows jutted like caterpillars. "Is no one else wondering as I am if a dragon is even edible?"

The council went quiet. Slowly, everyone's eyes settled on Darahil. For all his esoteric knowledge, Darahil simply shrugged. "I fail to see how anyone expects I have an answer to that."

Oswall gave up and let his palm fall on the table. "Well, I will try it all the same. A feast it shall be!"

From the side of the table that had previously been silent, there was a clearing of a throat. Fendros leaned his forearms onto the tabletop and looked markedly more reserved than the others. "On the question of portrayal, I think it is quite simple. We tell the truth, with omissions. Both for Sabine's sake and for the sake of the story, I think it fair to omit Sabine's experiences while captured. That is most important. She does not need that reminder and the clan does not need to know. I also believe it may serve to...rephrase what persuaded Do'rhajul to do what he did. Perhaps to say that he was under a curse from Clavicus Vile that Sabine broke with the staff." He spread his hands. "Sabine revealed Vile's lies. A lie is as much a curse as any other, symbolically speaking." He took a slow breath. "It may also be wise to omit that Sabine went for the axe to help her persuade us that Do'rhajul could be trusted. To just say she fought the dragon for the axe because we need it to defeat Vile should be enough for most people. There is no need to complicate it."

Sabine glanced between Do'rhajul and Yerig while she thought of an explanation. She blinked her eyes away to one side.

"It is not complex," she said. "If I start my own pack, I am no longer in Meesei's pack." She glanced at Do'rhajul. "Meesei is still my mother and my packmates will still be like family to me. But I will be...starting a new pack. I will be independent from them."

While Sabine did not have the life experience to equate the move to exiting the family household, Do'rhajul could likely draw the parallels. It was clear from Sabine's expression that she was just as confronted by the prospect as Meesei was.

"And I will have to be a leader," she added. "I do not just have to make you do what I originally asked anymore. I have to take care of you."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Meesei hummed a moment. "A Dragon is flesh and blood, like any other creature. I am sure we will be able to serve it."

Lorag let out a brief chuckle. "Just hope its flesh tastes good."

"Well, regardless, serving its head on a platter will send the same message." Meesei continued. "And I agree, sharing the reasons for her actions are not as important as the accomplishments themselves. It may be unavoidable that people would assume Sabine was tortured in the hands of the enemy, but we do not need to mention or dwell on it. Portraying Do'rhajul as being trapped in service of Vile, and subsequently rescued by Sabine may be effective. In any case, we need to make it clear that he is in service to her. I believe the largest of our dining chambers will be able to accommodate everyone, even if it is somewhat crowded. Fortunately, the Dwemer preferred spacious chambers."


Do'rhajul nodded in understanding. "If that is what you wish, then I shall abide by it. Where should I stay for now? I think that it would be best for me to keep out of the eye of the public until your leaders have announced my presence. I doubt most here would recognize me, but there may be a few who would know my face." He reasoned before giving a glance to Yerig. "Though, I do not think the same applies to you, my friend. You have never so much as even killed a lycan. I do not think you have to be as worried as I."

"Aye, though I don't mind keeping you company. If I'm going to be helping you, though, I think I'd like to know more about all of you." He turned his attention to Sabine. "I'm still a bit out of my element, here. I don't want to accidentally pick a fight with anyone, or something like that. No need to rush that, though. I'm fine just keeping to myself."
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