Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The word 'asylum' has been taken and twisted by society to mean something bad. It's a place where the unwanted, deranged, and violent people go to live out their miserable existence. It's a bad place; a scary place. But this isn't what asylum means. Asylum means haven, refuge, hideaway. It's a place were one goes when nowhere else will take them. It's a shelter from the storm, a friendly smile here and there, and a bed to sleep in.

The insane have been labeled as violent people: heartless, cruel, cunning, and murderous people. For some, this may be true, but for others, they are just as human as anyone else. They are just as sick as a patient with cancer, only they don't receive the pity. They are cast out from their homes, shunned from society, and treated like criminals. The last place for them to go is the very place that has been the subject of nightmares: the asylum. The very place that is portrayed in horror movies, video games, and spooky tales is the place these people call home; sometimes the only place they have left.

Here, we can follow the lives and times of the pariahs.


In case you didn't notice, I really love crazy people. This RP will take a different from the typical 'horror' genre that most asylum RPs have. I want a realistic, true to life story of your schizophrenics, antisocials, psychopaths, bipolars, ect. This may require research if you don't know your stuff already. I don't want the poorly portrayed, slasher film psycho that most people have come to know as the 'typical' insane person.

They will be living in a privately owned mental health hospital that charges next to nothing for it's patients to stay there, receiving it's funds from donations, charities, state, whatever. Most of the patients there are paid for by family members or disability checks. The hospital allows them to stay as long as they need, until they're ready to live in the real world, or until the day they die.

The staff may seem nice enough, but one has to remember that nurses are people too. Taking care of the patients is their job; they get paid for it. As such, some may be just as thrilled to do it as you are with your own job. Others may be genuinely thrilled.

The hospital offers double occupant rooms for those that enjoy company, and single occupant rooms for those that don't. There is are plenty of social areas to encourage mingling: a TV room, art room and music room, a small gym, ect. They is a cafeteria that offers a fairly wide menu: three hot meals a day, and sandwiches/salads/wraps for those who don't want whatever their serving.

All and all, it's a fairly nice place. Still, it's a hospital, and a mental hospital at that, so there's bound to be drama. This nurse doesn't like that patient, that patient doesn't like this nurse, this patient doesn't like that guy, this guy tried to piss on that guy, ect.


In each hospital, there's a social foodchain. Each link is very important, despite what they may think. You can play any of these people.


You went to medical school 10 years for this shit; of course you're at the top. In most cases, what you say goes.


The heart and soul of the hospital. You deal with the patients more than anyone; you put up with their crap, you grow attached, and you sometimes you just can't wait until your shift is over. It's your duty to ensure that each patient is treated with dignity, comfort, and safety. They may not be all there in the head, but they're still human beings.
Part of your job is ensuring that the patients are kept clean and hygienic (especially the schizophrenics who would let themselves go to hell otherwise). You may be a go-for to get them food, drinks, blankets, ect. You will have to escort them around the hospital to ensure they don't cause trouble. Most of the time, you'll be assigned a handful patients specifically.


You're still learning, you are often paid only in experience, and when a patient shits themselves, guess who gets to clean it up. You.

Secretaries/janitors/other staff

Who gives a shit, honestly.

Student shadows

You follow the nurses/techs around, watching but not doing. Most are highschool students who are there for a psychology class. The hospital sees you two different ways:
1: A chance to teach the youth
2: An insurance liability


Patients could go at the top OR the bottom, it all depends on how you choose to treat them. The days of forcing treatment on unwilling, mentally ill people are slowly coming to an end. But at the same time, sometimes you have to do what you have to do to. A normal patient in a regular hospital has the right to refuse any procedure, even if it could save their life. A mental patient, however, may not realize the importance of what you're trying to do. They're scared, confused, and sometimes it's just easier to drug them up.
Most of the patients wear scrubs, just because they're easy to clean and comfortable.



Code blue: Patient is in cardiac arrest
Code black: Bomb threat
Code walker: A patient has wandered off/ is missing
"Paging Dr. Armstrong": A combative patient/person. Nurses need backup.
Code White: Evacuation for whatever reason.
Code red: Fire
Code brown: Internal disaster. Be is a dangerous spill, the roof falling, whatever.
"Paging Dr. Pain": A patient has hurt themselves.


Position: (doc, nurse, patient, ect)

Diagnosis: (if patient)




Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Dylan Moore
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Position: Patient

Diagnosis: Catatonic schizophrenia

Personality: Dylan's not a bad kid; he's just a little eccentric. He's become something of a social butterfly since coming to the hospital. He'll happily talk at you about nothing for hours. He's goofy, a little nonsensical, but tries his best to be a good person. He's supposed to be on his medication, but rarely actually takes it. The struggle to get him to swallow his pills has become an increasingly long, tedious, and often fruitless task. When on the meds, he can pass as a regular guy. He does normal things, like shower, eat, watch TV, ect. When off the meds, he's a much more colorful character. Dylan often suffers delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and even violent episodes should his hallucinations make him feel threatened. He bares the classic symptoms of schizophrenia: he piles layers upon layers of clothes on his body, shows little interest in hygiene (thankfully, his nurses make sure he washes regularly), he's forgetful, creates sudden, inappropriate emotional outbursts, and exhibits jumbled language.

Other: Dylan suffers from a subtype of schizophrenia called catatonic schizophrenia. This type of schizophrenia is characterized by extremes of behavior. At one end of the extreme the patient cannot speak, move or respond - there is a dramatic reduction in activity where virtually all movement stops, as in a catatonic stupor.
At the other end of the extreme they are overexcited or hyperactive, sometimes mimicking sounds or movements around them - often referred to as catatonic excitement.
Dylan may be walking around, doing nothing out of the ordinary when an episode occurs. He will freeze, his muscles tense, in whatever position he was in last. When in a stupor, he will resist movement; if he is re-positioned, he will retake the position he was in before disturbed. Sometimes his body is so rigid, he can't be moved at all. Other times, he will repeat the same movement over and over again, like a broken record, until the episode is over. The episodes can last hours, days, even weeks. Medical intervention is sometimes necessary. There is a wide array of other strangeness that I can't be bothered to describe.

He has a huge big dorky crush on one of the nurses. When Dylan was still rather new, he'd purpose cause a scene until they gave up and called her in. He's gotten better about it.
Due to his paranoia, Dylan refuses to eat anything that isn't prepackaged and opened by HIM. He's afraid someone's poisoned it otherwise.

Appearance: He's a tall and lanky guy, standing at 6'3" and weighing around 163 pounds. His curly brown hair is always messy, hanging in his his brown eyes. He often has heavy bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He dresses in a rather sloppy fashion, his scrubs always wrinkled, and doesn't seem to care much about how he appears to others. He's not particularly gorgeous, but he's not really ugly either. With some work, he could be decent.

Dylan was raised by a single father, the word 'raised' used very loosely. His father never had much time for his son, and by the time he was 9 or 10, his father hardly came home at all. Dylan didn't go to school, he didn't grocery shop, and he certainly didn't take care of the house. He survived by sneaking into his neighbor's house and stealing food right from their kitchen. Having never really been taught right from wrong, he saw nothing wrong with this. It was a miracle that he could even do simple things, like carry on a conversation.

Around the age of 10, he began showing signs of schizophrenia, but no one was around to catch it. He proceeded as if the voices he heard and things he saw were perfectly normal. This continued until he was 19, when someone saw him lifting the neighbor's sliding glass door off the track to sneak in their kitchen. The police were called and jig was up. His father was tracked down and arrested for neglect, and Dylan was taken into custody. The house he had been living in was a total wreck: garbage on the floor, broken glass in the windows, writing on the wall, and vermin crawling everywhere.

The neighbors decided not to press charges, seeing how pitiful the guy was. He was sent off to the hospital to get treated, and has been there since. He's made a lot of progress since them. He's gone from a barely socialized, introverted, and aggressive person to the halfway decent patient he is today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Alex Mavros

Age: 20

Gender: Male last time he checked

Position: Patient

Diagnosis: Suffers from Psychosis. Scrooge syndrome possibly. Bipolar syndrome.

Personality: Alex isn't purposely what many what would consider immoral or pessimistic. His perspective was forcefully impaled into him. Much to do with his history, Alex is rather morbid and depressing. Ale was once happy when he was much younger. Alex will in most of the few conversations he makes repeat what some has said and question it as if he did not quite grasp something. Often times just attempting to annoy or get to a deeper point. In a few words Alex is a rather sad dull boy. Only smiling when someone says something that he likes or something. If asked he will say he is "collecting the one thing that matters..." Referring to knowledge. Alex likes reading books, watching documentaries and other things that could possibly inform him on a topic of interest. He considers gaining knowledge the only splendor worth enjoying. Despite all of it he can sometimes be humorous. Mainly in a dark humor way but still.

Other: Alex is Asexual. He sometimes has a lack of grasp on reality and over thinks many things. Alex hates majority of things that can be thought of. Especially in the mind of a human. Meaning Money, Sex, Religion, Government, and many other things. He holds a strong hate for said subjects but doesn't appear as physically hostile towards anyone related to one of them. He is an Atheist. Alex when not reading, loves to debate or draw. Also worth mentioning, Alex has bruises scattered all over his body.

5'9". Skeletal. Weighing 125 pounds. Alex has pitch black hair. Shaggy and occasionally covering his eyes. Ears hidden by his hair. Pale, and in some areas like his face, smooth skin. Thin lips. A somewhat long neck. Average shoulder with despite being slightly shorter then average height. It is notable his nails are at least a centimeter on each finger.
The scrubs everyone else. Surprisingly he actually tries to keep it clean. Though clean and wrinkles are two different thing :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Not acceptable, sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I can make it longer slowly editing I'm not done yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I think you should probably read the RP before you make a character :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry I'm not done yet. I'll tell you when I am and then when my character sheet is judged when completed I'll leave. I sorta accidentally posted it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well done. For the most part. If you require history I can edit it in right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I didn't put 'history' there so it could be ignored.

Also, I stated in the description that all patients were scrubs. Yes, all of them. Why? Sanitation reasons. This is a hospital, not a fashion show.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright my mistake sorry for all this bothering by the way. I shall edit then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Almost done, but not quite.
Name: Charlotte Lane
Age: 26
Position: Nurse
Diagnosis: N/A

Personality: For the most part, Charlotte is a model nurse. If she's not on time, she's early. If there's a patient who's being trouble, she's the first to volunteer to help them. She genuinely enjoys her job, and wants to help the patients as much as she can. She's got a calming demeanor about herself, and has a patience and gentle touch like no other. She values the patients more than herself and doesn't fear putting herself in danger if it means helping someone else. Charlotte laughs easily, and is both attentive and laid-back. She makes sure the job gets done, but if a patient isn't ready for something, she won't push them. Equally, if she knows a patient is simply being stubborn, she won't budge until they do what they need to. With the other nurses and doctors she has a desire to please and be useful, and follows directions well. Where she will stand up against persistent patients, she won't realize when her peers and bosses are walking all over her. 

The main thing she's terrible at is interacting with people outside the asylum. She has no patience for the majority of them, and has a flash temper with anyone who suggests people with mental illnesses and disorders are anything less than human or that they're defined by their illness or disorder. Charlotte is also terrible at dealing with big changes and loss, having an affectation of becoming very attached to the things and people around her. 

Other: She's the nurse Dylan has a crush on. She's requested to never be given a student shadow and stays away from most of them. While she does believe some drugs really help the patients, she is very opposed to drugging patients to control them. She only focuses on caring for a few patients, but is known well by all of them-mostly because when something happens with a patient that isn't hers and no one else can calm them down, she's the one they call before resorting to restraints or drugs. She's also well known by the patients for being an excellent book-reader and scrabble competitor. Charlotte has not been in contact with her parents since she and Alice went to the asylum. They refuse to return phone calls, e-mails, or Christmas cards and claim Charlotte betrayed them by doing this to Alice.

Appearance: Charlotte is about five foot six, from european descent, and has auburn-brown hair. It frames a round face with hazel eyes and delicate features. The rest of her body is slender and she rarely takes up a lot of physical space. On her left wrist is a nicely-made white waterproof watch, and around neck is a long and thin-chained necklace with the gold letter C dangling from the bottom. During work hours her necklace is kept under her uniform out of sight.

History: Charlotte came from a small family of four in an even smaller town in the middle of nowhere. Her life was relatively normal up until she was about seventeen. That's when her life completely changed direction. 

She had always been the favorite child, better attitude, outlook, and grades than her younger sister. To her parents, she could do no wrong, and her sister, Alice, could only do wrong. She constantly forgot things, messed things up, tripped and broke something, got bad grades. The more her parents had yelled at her to be more like Charlotte, the more mistakes she made. The thing her parents fought with her most though, was the way she would suddenly become extremely happy and hyper. One moment she was normal, and the next she was in the backyard running around and yelling with joy. If no one interrupted her soon enough, she would think of some dangerous thing she was sure she could do, and she would do it. And she would get hurt. 

And then the next moment, she would be empty of everything. Every little thing was the worst thing she had ever seen, and she would cry and cry until nothing more came out. Once or twice she was caught trying to do the same dangerous thing she had before, but her smile was gone. 

Her parents told her repeatedly to stop being so dramatic about everything, and thought nothing more of it. Until Charlotte was seventeen and Alice was fourteen and she was found in the corner of a classroom in school, white-faced and hyperventilating. The school psychologist told her parents she had a panic attack, and she should see someone if it happened again. 

It did happen again, and again, and again. The more often she flipped between moods the more she would get a panic attack. But her parents refused to hire someone. They refused to recognize that anything was wrong. They told Alice to get it together, and left it at that. 

Charlotte, however, was not going to let her sister go unhelped. That was when she first started looking into what might have gone wrong with Alice, and how she could get help. That was when she decided to pursue medicine. For the first two years Charlotte went to a local college, unable to leave her sister alone at home where her parents barely acknowledged her anymore. Once Alice had graduated school Charlotte scraped up money for Alice to follow her to a better school that would allow her to learn what she needed to help. It was around this time Alice got worse, having bouts of paranoia and violence to not only herself but others. 

Then Charlotte found the hospital, one she could afford and one that would work with her to let her be near her sister. Soon enough she got a job there as a nurse, and she was able to keep by her sister. 

But this nice life could only last for so long. Alice was getting better, slowly, but in between the periods of normalcy, there were panic attacks and depression worse than before. The doctors said it would get worse before it got better, but it could only get so bad before Alice could no longer handle it. One day in the summertime soon after Alice's 21st birthday, another nurse got a report of loud banging noises in the south hall. When she reached Alice's room, the girl was lying on the floor, her head severely banged up and her body, the dresser corner, and the floor covered in blood. By the time doctors who could help reached her, there was no way to save her.

Charlotte continued working at the asylum after Alice's passing, and is now in her fifth year of working there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Looks good so far :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cool, I just finished it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So am i accepted or nope?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

No. You never fixed your history.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Evangeline DelTorro



Agoraphobia & Acute Insomnia.

Evangeline. Never quick to anger, raise her voice or throw her fists. She is often caught staring whilst over thinking things. This could very well be one of the reasons she is in the position she is in, and trust me she's thought about that as well. It doesn't take much to make her cry as she is a bit on the sensitive side. She does not get bored easily due to the many nights awake and inside, she has found ways to entertain herself quite quickly.

Has taught herself how to paint, and quite enjoys doing just that.

Evangeline has an Italian background, she could get very tan if she allowed herself to go outside, but because of many years indoors she has became quite a soft peach color. Her eyes are large and a bright hazel color that almost seem golden in the right lighting. She's quite small in height (5ft 1). but gained quite a bit of weight in the years she stayed home and didn't do much. Her hair is long and is shaded in a deep dark brown that is often pulled into a big messy bun on top of her head, but when she is feeling adventurous she likes to let it down. She wears scrubs comfortably, and doesn't mind getting a little paint on them here and there.

"If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound my love?" Evangeline's mother asked her daughter as she sat upon her cushioned lap. Evangeline's eyebrows furrowed upon her forehead as she thought. The young girl was five years old at the time, and her mother often gave her these questions to make her think. "Are there squirrels inside?" Eva responded, as her mother let out a loud laugh, "Perhaps my love, perhaps." Perhaps was a word deeply implanted upon the tongue of Eva, the word was used in all situations, "Did you have a good time at school today?" "Perhaps." "Do you want ice cream for dessert?" "Perhaps." "Did the murder of your mother change you?"


Eva was 16 at the time of the occurrence. The two were living together happily in a small apartment on the not so great part of town. Her mother had raised her wonderfully despite being alone. Her father after all was a non-existent part in both of their lives from birth and everyday hence forth. "I'm going to go grab the mail Eva, I'll be right back." her mother called from the small kitchenette as the young girl worked on her homework from the one bedroom the two shared. "Alright!" she called without another thought. Suddenly a large thud and a barrage of blood curdling screams echoed in the hallways. The scream was jolting and familiar to Evangeline, the scream belonged to her mother.

Not even stopping to lock the door behind her Eva sprinted down the flight of stairs, tripping over her own feet she only imagined the worst had come. It indeed had. There her mother laid in a puddle of her own thick red blood, a gun shot to the head. The cause unknown, but often thought and rethought over in the thoughts of her one and only daughter. Evangeline broke down into a mental state of mind that no one could really explain. She grabbed her small mother and hoisted her up the flights of stairs and brought her back into their apartment. Sitting her up on the couch the young girl climbed onto her mother's lap, her clothing seeping up crimson life that once filled her mother. Evangeline did the only thing she could do, she sobbed uncontrollably.

It wasn't long before the police came, did their business and brought Evangeline back home. She urged the police that her father would be home from his job soon, and that she would have them call them when he did. Reluctantly they left, and of course received no phone call there after. Evangeline would and could not leave the 4 walls of the apartment. Friends came and went, only getting promise or excuses from the very young girl. It wasn't until the year's rent was overdue that the higher authorities were involved, truancy officer and state officer alike had means of getting this girl the help she needed, but there was no use.

How can anyone force a bird out of a cage when the bird has removed its own wings?

By 18, Evangeline had found her ways around things. She took online classes, found jobs she could do from home, and even had people do mundane things as her grocery shopping or bringing her, her mail everyday. It wasn't until her father found her that it became a problem. Evangeline doesn't quite know how he found her, it might have been the story in the newspaper of her mother's death, or a gossip around the friends that her parent's shared, but her father finally showed up. At first she couldn't believe it, "Who are you and what the hell do you want?" she called through the door. It wasn't until she looked through the peep hole that she could even begin to grasp what was going on. Her father had finally came for her. It wasn't quite the relationship she had hoped for, as her father had one thing in mind. "I'm going to get you some help." were his parting words.

You wouldn't think the man of said history would be so persistent, but he was. The next day she was shipped off to the asylum and has been there ever since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

DarkDissolver said

Literally all you did was erase the history section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

XD Eh screw it sorry for bothering you all this time.
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