Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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@Ermine I'd be down with that. Out of the current cast, Andrea's probably the one Hana'd get along with best. Besides, Hana as Andrea's muggle best friend would totally low-key talk shit about everyone else be able to give sage advice and some semblance of normalcy.

@Raijinslayer Oho, Ian's trying to find out Hana's identity? This'll be a fun time.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Joshie


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Asmodeus, huh?

Great. Just great. Demons are involved. :p

But a curious question does arise here. You are half human, right? That makes your mom human by default. Was she 'super' human or regular human? Was her fling with Asmodeus consensual by normal standards or consensual by Asmodeus standards (aka, she was driven by lust)? Do you know her? If not, do you care to know her?

If you do, tell me abut her.

@Hyper Harlequin

Quite a few curiosities here. I honestly don't know where to start...

Okay, let's start simple: Shannon. I take it that young Shannon has yet to introduce you to his parents, hence why he hides you in the shed all the time. That being said, he obviously cares for you.

...something tells me he doesn't have a lot of friends.

But yeah, tell me about Shannon. How did the two of you meet? What sort of interactions do the two of you engage in? Do you even 'like' the kid?

You sleep at the bottom of the lake sometimes? What lake would that be? Halcyon is a big city, after all.

Also, I see you are a part of the power struggle of high school politics it seems. Are you even aware of what is going on around you? Is it the same as your own school, I mean with the cliques and what not?

And who, exactly, have been trying to recruit you to be with them? What have they done to persuade you to hangout?


Between the photo club projects and your super heroing, you must know the city quite a bit. I need to keep that in mind.

Any interesting pictures? I'm sure you have some amazing ones that you couldn't help but take, being that you had to have had your camera with you sometimes when you are out super heroing as Swarm.

And speaking of Swarm, don't lie to me. I 'know' that you have to be pissing off your parents and your internship and the photo club. You're Swarm, and being Swarm is VERY inconvenient when it comes to time share. I'm sure you have broken curfew. I'm sure you've been late for your internship multiple times and I'm sure you've missed more than a few club meetings.

How do you balance it all? And how do you keep your parents from prying too deeply in you private life, because parents aren't idiots and if you aren't too careful, they WILL find out that you are Swarm. And based on what you already told me, that's not a good thing.


So... how IS the school life going? I mean, here you are with this giant doom cloud over your head and you are surrounded by teenagers who live as if the whole world is ahead of them. Dates. Movies. Careers. They take them all for granted.

I mean, you want to kiss someone now, yet you see shy Wall flowers who put this off because they have 'all the time in the world'.

How does this make you feel? How are you coping with this?

And how is the life of 'Doktor Faust' working out for you? Any complications or hangups that you've been experiencing (besides the obvious mental and psycological taking over part, that is)?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@JoshieIan: "Yeah, my mom was regular human -though her family was, and still kinda is, decidedly less so before my grandpa decided against running the family business- and, from what little I know about my . . . conception, the thing with Asmodeus was more of happenstance on her part. She went to a club an met someone who seemed like the literal definition of tall, dark, and handsome, had a few drinks and, before she could even think, she was be led to a nearby hotel. The rest I've never had the desire to know more about, but my mom didn't know her little bouncing boy was half-demon until he started shifting into his demon form at school and scaring the shit out of the other kids. Luckily, my great-grandfather was an Exorcist in his day and was able to read the signs and inform my mom just what shed gotten herself into. So on top of being a young single mom who was living with her parents and struggling to make ends meet, she also had to deal with her son being the spawn of the Demon Lord of Lust. Took some getting used to, for sure, but she'd grown up in a family that had been steeped in the occult world just two generations before, so it wasn't like she had to deal with it alone."

"As for specifics, my mom is a bit, uh, what's a respectful way of putting this . . . she doesn't really think things through? She tends to take hold of something and rolls with it, no matter how bad an idea it might seem, and that has gotten her in a bit of trouble from time to time, but she's a sweet and caring person. She loves me, demon side and all, and sometimes jokes about getting child support from my dad. They aren't funny jokes, but I laugh all the same. She's the kind of person that never seems to stop smiling, no matter what the situation, because it always helps to have an optimistic outlook on life. I think that's what I really respect about her, that unwavering ability to take everything the world can throw at you, and laugh it all off."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Answers edited into the Q/A here
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So... how IS the school life going? I mean, here you are with this giant doom cloud over your head and you are surrounded by teenagers who live as if the whole world is ahead of them. Dates. Movies. Careers. They take them all for granted.

I mean, you want to kiss someone now, yet you see shy Wall flowers who put this off because they have 'all the time in the world'.

How does this make you feel? How are you coping with this?

And how is the life of 'Doktor Faust' working out for you? Any complications or hangups that you've been experiencing (besides the obvious mental and psycological taking over part, that is)?

It sucks. Why do you think I told a complete stranger with no powers whatsoever about my doom? Clearly I have something wrong with me, other than...nah, it's actually fine. I'm good. Sure, I don't have as long as everyone else, but that means I also have less time to be mad at them, or jealous, or whatever. They're not really worth all the negative stuff. As long as I keep them safe, I don't care how they deal with their problems. Kisses are just one of those things I'll have to deal with not getting as much of as them. If I manage it, great. If I don't...well, my world's going to end anyway. It's really not that bad anymore. More mad at my idiot family than them. I can deal with it much better now that I'm living with someone else's family and get all their happiness and drama instead of this "super duper evil thing is going to take over and do all the bad things" crap.

As for the Doktor Faust side, not so many problems, no. Haven't had any hints of Mephistopheles' influence for a while, which is kind of dishearteningly calming. Just have to be careful with my powers and not hurt anyone, and I'm good most of the time. I'm not going to let the looming threat of literally losing my mind take over.

@Raijinslayer I find the jokes funny. ^~^
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@ErmineI think I'm going to have Ian refer to Faust as 'Nurse' Faust so that he can say "Helloooooooo Nurse!" all the time. Also, who do you guy think should be the one that Ian accidentally hurts with his powers?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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@Raijinslayer I'll nominate Hana. Like a lesson that you shouldn't use mental powers on someone with mental partitioning vast enough to manage a metric crapton of insects. Things might get... complicated.

Also it would eliminate the whole "wait until she falls asleep and find out who she is" strategy. Because that would be too easy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@GreyI was thinking physcial harm rather than mental, cause while not as bad anymore, his mental abilities tend to come with certain . . . side-effects, such as making it hard to refuse him, getting weird, not-appropriate thoughts about random people from time to time, and the most dangerous one, having some of your soul being tainted by him, which causes people to act much more impulsively, giving into their Id more than they would normally. Also, because of the thing with his mother's boyfriend, he doesn't really use his abilities on people anymore so it would be highly unlikely that would be what malfunctioned.

Also, even if Ian was going to dream travel, he's already settled on not using his powers at all in order to find out her identity, relying purely on his own ability to deduce things and follow clues. It's more of a game that he plays then a thing he puts serious effort into, so he doesn't really care how long it takes to get it done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Liliya
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So, pre-warning, this is a work in progress, and I really hate posting anything that isn't done. However, because there is a large amount of relationship/team building in this game, I'll go ahead and put this out there in case anyone wants to fill those sections with my character. Just let me know what you're thinking if your interested, and we'll hash something out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@LiliyaCool character, I like her a lot so far. I feel that her and Ian would either get along really well, or he'd get on her nerves immensely with how easy-going he is about being a hero. For Ian, helping people out is mostly just so he can do something good with the abilities he has and learning to control his abilities. It's not something that I think he understands the full ramifications of, just bits and pieces of it. He could probably relate with Alexandria on growing into your powers, as he had a few moments himself. Some are kinda funny, others being decidedly less so.

Edit: I also think Ian would be a perfect choice for the whole, 'shaming your legacy' thing, considering a variety of factors. Not the least of which being he loves to play pranks on established heroes.

He usually gets caught doing them, but it's funny none the less.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshie


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Note: The School will be known as Halcyon High for simplicity sake. This is open to change later.

Speaking of telling people things, I hear Alexis has told you a bombshell (it's okay, she told me too, so we don't have to go into details).

What did you think of Alexis and Her mom before the revelation? What do you think of them now?

Riley was telling me about the student body of Halcyon High and I understand that there are cliques and groups and the sort. What are your thoughts on this?


It's kind of heartwarming to see that you and your mom is getting along. But what about your dad? Is he aware of you?

And come to think of it, I haven't been keeping up with the Heaven/Hell dynamic of Halcyon... is he a 'good' Demon (or rather as 'good' as a demon can get) or an evil one?


I know a little about 'Ursae'... but lets get to know more about you, 'Alexis'.

Let's just pretend that you couldn't bench press Ethiopia. Your mom is not one of the greatest heroes in present time Halcyon. Your mom isn't well known at all. You are just a beautiful, normal teen attgending Halcyon High. Surely, you have dreams of what you want to be. What are they?

Oh yeah, and on the subject of Halcyon High, it came to my attention (Riley, if you must know) that Halcyon High is kind of ran by cliques. The students there are very image conscious, whether by looks or reputation. Were you aware of this?

And where do you think you stand on the scale of 'coolness' at Halcyon High? Why?


So, Hana, I need to ask you something. I hear that Andrea told you something about herself lately. Something quite personal. She already told me about it, so don't worry, you are not breaking her confidence.

How do you feel about her now? I mean, she could die (or worse) next month. Next week. Tomorrow, even!

...and why do you think she told 'you' of all people? I mean I think of other people in your social circle, for example, Ian and Riley who are both a bit of social butterflies (on the point of Ian, woman are on him like stink on a monkey... which makes me ask what you think of him), and then there is Alexis among others...

Why you? What are your thoughts on that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@Joshie"I have no idea, never met the guy. Being the almighty demon lord that he is, I guess he doesn't have the time to check in on his son or send child support checks. And don't worry about the whole 'heaven/hell' situation, I don't know a thing about it myself either. I'v never come into contact with a demon or an angel before, and personally, I'd like to keep things that way."

Asmodeus is aware of his son, but he doesn't really care that much since Ian hasn't 'converted' yet. Ian is far from his first child, and neither he nor his mother rank very high on the demon's list of priorities. He only communes with his spawn once they have fully given into their demon blood, as that's the only time he finds them worthy of noticing, though their have been the few rare exceptions.

Asmodeus himself is neither good nor evil, as far as demons go. He's best described as being Chaotic Neutral, doing whatever the hell he wants to whoever the hell he wants. He doesn't have any extreme levels of malice towards most beings, and can even be helpful to a degree, but never think it's because he cares for people. He never does anything for anyone unless he thinks he can benefit from it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Liliya
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I know a little about 'Ursae'... but lets get to know more about you, 'Alexis'.

Let's just pretend that you couldn't bench press Ethiopia. Your mom is not one of the greatest heroes in present time Halcyon. Your mom isn't well known at all. You are just a beautiful, normal teen attgending Halcyon High. Surely, you have dreams of what you want to be. What are they?

Oh yeah, and on the subject of Halcyon High, it came to my attention (Riley, if you must know) that Halcyon High is kind of ran by cliques. The students there are very image conscious, whether by looks or reputation. Were you aware of this?

And where do you think you stand on the scale of 'coolness' at Halcyon High? Why?

Just Alex, b. Alexis is a name for some bubbly blonde happy person. Assuming my best, well, only friend wasn't stuck into some contract with a demon that's slowly eating her alive, and my mom was just some former Lonestar City cheerleader who came to Halcyon City to try and be an actress or something stupid like that? I mean, I have this idealized vision of myself just having been a happy, normal kid who had friends, went to the mall on the weekends, cried about my boyfriend breaking up with me instead of my friends being in mortal danger. I mean, I see them all the time; the girls who, even when they're unreasonably sad about something, just bounce back because there is no permanence to their troubles. Like one week their world has ended because Robbie Bowman didn't jump to correct them when they said that maybe they could stand to go on a diet in front of his friends, and now they're, "fat and ugly and," and what? Doomed to never get a f#$%ing date with Robbie Bowman? Next week they’re over it and still running off after Robbie, of course, as though nothing ever happened because nothing ever did happen. Nothing permanent, anyway, not the kind of thing supers deal with, and knowing you can’t be that makes it all the more obvious when other kids get to be. In my vision I’d be one of those bitches, just fumbling around in the dark trying to feel wanted, validated, loved by someone, but devoid of any real, serious complications. Really though, I’d be kidding myself if I thought things would be that simple.

Maybe I get it from my mom, but I occasionally think I have a serious martyr complex. Like, even if I was some normal kid I’d find something to get into, some cause, probably something to do with digging wells for poor people in the third world like my dad. I’d still be fumbling in the dark, just like I am now even with super powers, but I’d be overcome by the soul crushing guilt and understanding that if we as a people, as a species, would only just come together, work together to try and make the world a little bit better, lives of actual people could be saved, entire cycles of poverty and death replaced by a reasonable quality of life and health and happiness, instead of being crushed down by the understanding that to act means my eventual death and to not act means the immediate deaths of other people, totally okay people who didn’t have to die. If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m killer fun at parties. Good thing I’m tall and blonde and hot, otherwise there’s no way anyone would put up with my bullshit. I really do think it’s a brain chemistry thing, though. Like I’m not really crazy or anything, I just feel like I for some reason always have to, if I’m flattering myself, “stand in the way of darkness,” or some stupid shit like that. More realistically I think it’s just more comfortable for me when the sky is falling all around me and I feel like me and mine are the only ones who can, or will, do anything about it, even though it hurts us.

We’ve established that I’m not a particularly selfless person. I really do care how other people feel, but I think I care more about how bad I feel when I see people in pain than I care about how they’re feeling. Maybe everyone’s like that, maybe I’m just not a totally okay person, but really I can count on one hand the number of people who I care more about how they’re feeling than about how I feel. Like, my mom has that prayer of St. Someone of Assisi hanging in, like, seriously every room in the estate, right? The one that goes, “seek not to be comforted, but to comfort,” yeah, that was my dad. I don’t think he was religious, we never went to church, and my mom’s one of those Southern Christians who hates gay people and Papists and somehow justifies it against Jesus telling people to love their neighbors, sinners, and Samaritans, however that one goes, but he really lived that prayer. He’d have given you the shirt off his back, and managed to keep a functioning charity and some old money estate going strong without stepping on any little people, basically an impossible feat in modern Halcyon City. He dies, my mom hands financial control over to the supposedly, “proper,” money people, and suddenly the estate lays off its employees, most of whom have been here longer than I’ve been alive, hires illegal immigrants and threatens to call Immigration on them if they aren’t basically slave labor. Meanwhile, Savannah Newman-Hathaway talks on every conservative talk show about how much we need to build a wall and set up a deportation task force.

But I don’t say anything, do anything. I feel bad for them. I could stand up to my mom, but I don’t. This isn’t abnormal, either; you can easily demonize the woman behind the mask of Lodestar for being a total c#$%, which she is, but this is just normal for people with the kind of money dad’s family had. He was one of the only holdouts who wasn’t doing this kind of awful shit, because he was a good person. Three super heroes live in this mansion, while wage-slaves keep up the grounds and robot butlers cook our food, because we can. I mean, it isn’t Andrea’s fault, she doesn’t know what’s going on here, but I do. We actually have bunkhouses on the grounds for the families who work the property, and most of their pay is in room and board. It’s f#$%ing gross. Don’t even know what happened to the groundskeepers I grew up around, the ones that were paid well and taken care of, dad sent their kids to university, the whole deal, and mom just threw them out with the last of dad’s clothes. I mean, at the time I thought she was just going through a lot, I mean I was going through just as much, but I hardly noticed, just kinda in a daze for weeks after he died, you know? But she never brought anyone back on, and if they’ve tried to contact me to figure out what the hell happened I have no idea. At the time I was more concerned with secreting dad’s clothes up from out of the trash and into a box in my closet.

That got dark fast, sorry. I’ll change course, --, have I mentioned I love computers? Like, not as in social media and all that, but the actual construction and programming of hardware and software? I know that I’m the muscle in the group and all, but I’m actually really smart and good at stuff. I tried to open up the robot butlers, see how they tick right? Reprogrammed one to drive, did the software myself, and it actually worked. Not on surface streets, never took the project that far, but it could recognize obstacles I set up on the property and intelligently respond to them. Talk about a science fair winner, assuming I could bring one of these things into school, which of course I can’t. Felitrix was impressed with my code though, real neat, tight, efficient, great stuff, --, for an amateur. I didn’t take it as a slight, I mean she is Scarborough Enterprises, and they are technology. If anyone can call anyone an amateur in that field and not sound like a bitch it’s her, she is modern robotics and supertech. My dad was an engineer, or educated as one anyway, before he was in charge of the Hathaway Charitable Foundation. We used to solder little circuits together, and I could get some pretty cool stuff built up by the time I was around eight. Maybe even in some alternate universe where I wasn’t a super I still would have wound up at Scarborough Enterprises doing some kind of research and development type of stuff, working for Felitrix. I guess I’d have known her as Anne Scarborough in that world, but still.

We used to play chess, too. I got pretty good just before my dad died. We’d sit and talk and play, and he’d tell me all about the different moves and strategies and the history of it all. I never won, unless he let me, and he could never bluff well, too honest maybe. Maybe I just knew him well enough and recognized his tells, or maybe he’d have had an easier time bluffing someone that wasn’t his daughter. I’d get mad if he let me win, throw a fit and all, so I always lost. I learned, though. He was a grandmaster, young one at that. Guess it isn’t hard to get to that point if you’re smart and basically have unlimited resources, but he did have a job and me and other stuff going on, so maybe he was just really good at the game, couldn’t say. Maybe in some other world I’m a chess geek, I’d wear those thick rimmed glasses that were ironic for a while but phased back into being lame real quick, and I’d get open mouthed stares when this six foot tall blonde hottie walked into a chess tournament and actually took games off of fat nerds. I kinda like that alternate universe. In this one, I haven’t touched a board since he died. I mean, unless I actually did join the chess club I don’t have anyone to play against, and if you’re going to play yourself in this day and age may as well just play the computer, right? Besides, it’s one of those memory things. His death doesn’t hurt day to day anymore, why open old wounds?

As to the day to day life of Alex Hathaway, the high school senior, things are in a grey area. It’s busy, I take AP classes and hardly have time to study, so I manage a B- to C+ average just trying to pick everything up on the day I walk into class, I’m on the cheerleading squad because my mom is bribing the dean of students to keep me on the team, even though I’ve made maybe half the games and probably less than half of the practices, and literally no actual cheer events, and I eat lunch alone and on the fly more than half the time. I say, “eat lunch,” because supposedly that’s what high schoolers do at lunch break, more realistically I eat half an apple from a school lunch cart or picked from off of some freshman’s tray while walking hurriedly between classes and the computer lab trying to get homework done that’s due in my next class. I had a date to homecoming, who bailed for some more prestigious prize, which turned into a total disaster thanks to Ian, and wound up dateless, covered in hot fudge and chicken feathers, and all in front of the entire school. I considered Carrieing him right then and there, but didn’t, and am now known as Hot Fudge Sunday. Most people wouldn’t actually say that to my face, I think they think I’m like a weird dangerous person or something, probably because I’m taller than most high school senior guys and eat lunch alone, plus my mom is the crazy Build a Wall chick from the TV, but even so the kids say hello.

I’ve never been disliked, or uninteresting enough for everyone to just ignore me. I think that would have to be worse than what I’m dealing with, the kids that no one says hi to, talks to. I say hi to f#$%ing everybody, which is probably another reason people think I’m weird. Not that I’m terribly nice to people as a rule, I’m not, but I don’t walk by human beings and pretend like they’re not f#$%ing there because they’re what, below my station? Now there are a lot of short, fat, nerdy, friendless freshmen who have asked me out because I say hi to them, which would be awkward if I had time to let it be, but mostly I just turn them down and make it clear that I’ve never even been on a date the way my mom is, and the way she keeps my schedule. I think they understand. Everyone knows what a right wing bitch Savannah Newman-Hathaway is on the TV, I assume they think she’s the most overbearing parent on the planet and just accept that I’ll probably never go out with them or anyone else which, unfortunately for me, at this rate I probably f#$%ing won’t. Hell, at this rate I’ll wind up going to prom with Andrea, if I’m lucky and she doesn’t have a date. I think Riley pays more attention to the game then I do, tries to play it and use it to her advantage. I don’t need leverage over high schoolers, she does, it makes sense that she works her pheromone thing and gets people to like her, offer her the goods and services she needs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Speaking of telling people things, I hear Alexis has told you a bombshell (it's okay, she told me too, so we don't have to go into details). What did you think of Alexis and Her mom before the revelation? What do you think of them now?
I don't recall telling a specific totally-not-a-superhero-person (Hana) about my doom. Maybe I did? I mean, I'm the same as the normal people, but there are just so many normal people it's hard to tell them apart, you know? Even if they are cute. I remember telling my long-time-friend-who-understands-everything about it. That's a thing that happened. In other words, I told Alex about my doom, yeah, and she shared some particularly interesting secrets about herself. It's what friends do, ja? And as friends, how I feel isn't gonna change. It's no secret her mom's a bitch; why would any related revelations be a huge surprise? In my experience, people don't change much, and tend to self-reinforce their ideas and actions. Why do you think we moved halfway across the world to come to Halcyon City? No one likes it when you point out how bad of a person they are. It's why I don't believe in middle ground - you're good or you're evil, and anyone who says they're neither is either a liar or hasn't found their true path yet. Most people are good. Just not what's-her-name.

Riley was telling me about the student body of Halcyon High and I understand that there are cliques and groups and the sort. What are your thoughts on this?
That's a real thing? I thought it was some myth propagated by the film industry. Here I am with my small group of friends, not worrying about us all being the same (I mean, most of us are the special type, but not all), when I should be finding people who are exactly like some shallow classification I file myself under. What would I even go with? I'm not particularly close to any one classification. I'm just...a girl. I like fun. I like cookies. I like...cakes. And pies. And...cookies...and brownies, and...and...crumpets! But that doesn't shove me into any boxes. Like I said, I hadn't even noticed they were a real thing until you said something. And now I'm not sure what to think. Should I find one? Eat my daily brownies while they eat whatever they eat at lunch? Maybe they'll go out monster hunting or hunting some other kind of villainous do-badders with me some day. No? A girl can dream. I like my friends enough I don't need to find a way to validate myself. My actions validate me better than other people do. Unless there's a clique for people who are literally going to lose their minds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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So, to facilitate some conversation, anyone want to talk about the Team building stuff? Me and @Liliya have already discussed something for when they first all met up that I think would be pretty cool. As for the rest of it, what do you guys think should be the place we destroyed? I'm thinking a mall, or maybe a part of one? Like, we're all just minding our own business(or on a patrol) when some villain shows up, we all dawn our respective costumes and battle stances,m then things go down hill from there. No casualties, a few injuries, and a lot of property damage that Ina swears is entirely the villain's fault. "Like, I'm telling you he has some flamethrower or something on him when we fought? How else can you explain the fat that the Macy's is on fire. And before you ask,he put chemicals in the fire to make it blue, and it's just a coincidence that my hellfyre is also blue."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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@Raijinslayer Well first off, what exactly did you two already come up with in regards to the teambuilding? That's probably important to know before everyone else starts throwing their two pence in.

And just so we don't have to jump between pages in the thread or sift through the Playbooks, here are all the questions we'd have to answer:

  • We destroyed our surroundings in the fight. Where was it? What did we destroy?
  • We didn’t trust each other at first, but that changed. How? Why?
  • We saved the life of someone important, either to the city, or to us. Who was it? Why are they important?
  • We paid a high cost for victory. What was it?
  • All things considered, we did well and impressed an established hero. Who was it?

@Joshie Since the Andrea parts don't really apply, I'll just answer the Ian part only unless you've got alternative questions for our Janus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 6 days ago


Well, I have an idea. Different members of the group had happenstance responded to the same threats before, but the first time the group as a whole got together they were fighting off some baddie or another, the normal. Things were going bad, everyone was getting smacked around, even badass Alex got knocked back hard, a few feet to Ian's left. He made some witty, smart ass remark and just let the villain have it. Swirling hellfyre all over Ian's body, arcing and flinging off all over the place, totally awesome looking. The villain dodges a beam of death ala Ian, he loses concentration while tracking the villain, and one of the arcs swings a little far to his left. Camera pans to Alex just as she's getting to her feet, a gasp, and a thud, some acrid smoke for flavor. Next thing you see is most of her right hand, pinky through the tip of her index finger and most of whatever the actual hand part of the hand is called on the ground, the remaining flesh smoldering, and a big ass gash across her lower ribs just pouring dark blood, stupid ass costume half burned off and, what's left of it, still on fire. She flies forward, catches the villain mid dodge, and runs his head along the pavement for fifty feet or so. After that the villain is just out, unconscious, half dead, and Alex is leaning over his body left hand still squeezing his head in for a few seconds before she just collapses on top of him.

Doktor Faust rushes to pick up the pieces, grabs Alex and just fuckin' books it out of there, cellphone in hand frantically yelling at whoever's on the other end of the line. Ian just freezes, totally stunned, while Swarm and Riley handcuff the villain or whatever and get out of there, letting the cops and EMTs deal with it. Ian gets dragged out of there by Riley and Swarm, and he's just in his head for a day or so, freaking the fuck out, right? Swarm has to frantically come up with some excuse why she can't go home, and the two are basically babysitting the mentally withdrawn half demon. Meanwhile Andrea got Alex to the Guardians who, with a combination of old, forbidden magicks to counter the atrophy of the hellfyre, advanced cybernetics and cutting edge micro-neurosurgery repair the hand, leaving it biological for the most part, and with some of the feeling and nerve clusters still intact. The ribs and internal bleeding were stopped, but she still has a big ass, very visible scar in a curved line from her bottom right rib up below her right breast (thank God for Alex not having big tits, right?) across her chest and nearly to her solar plexus. Bye, bye bikinis. So a day goes by, and in a daze Ian gets Riley to take him to a nearby church, which turns out to be one of those Catholic ones that are always open with all the pews, and he just gets on his knees and breaks down, and Alex, along with Doktor Faust just walk right the fuck in, in costume of course. The Hellfyre didn't kill her, but some of the mental aspects did get stuck in there, whether it was because of the magicks the Guardians used to save her life or because of something inherent in Ian's sorcery. Either way, Alex can literally feel out where Ian is, says she can feel it in the scar somehow and just knows, and the two are now kind of forever bound, and the team is formally, well, formed in that church.

Not necessarily bound in a romantic way, she no doubt turned down all of his flirtations with smart ass remarks of her own, but in some weird demon/magick/soul kind of way. Something unique to Ian, some kind of supernatural identifier got literally welded into Alex, for better or worse (some interesting directions that could go plot wise). I would have to broach it with the rest of the group, of course, and it could use some detail, but I absolutely love it. Thoughts?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

along with Doktor Faust just walk right the fuck in, in costume of course.
This is funny 'cause Andrea has no costume. She literally just wears an "official outfit" (as in a schoolgirl outfit or a suit (I hadn't decided yet)) all the time. Like...a closet full. She makes no attempt to hide who she is.

Otherwise kinda answers it all. And Andrea's still not quite trusting of the half-demon. Just a thing. But she's all "actions are more important than past".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Liliya
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All things considered, we did well and impressed an established hero. Who was it? Felitrix.
Yeah, that day… I don’t talk about it much. I mean, I’m over it and it’s cool, but it was pretty nuts. Me and Andrea got an alert about some kind of disturbance, big time stuff, over Felitrix’s dark app. The Guardians responded, but all of them were twenty minutes out, and it was Class A, lots of civvies were in danger. We were a few minutes out, tops, and I beeped in. Normally they’d have shot down my request, I’d have gone anyway knowing how far out they were, but this time they didn’t. I knew it was big shit when they accepted and sent over an asap order. I threw on my costume, and we flew over. Dragoon is major league, like we shouldn’t be fighting this kind of villain, but that’s how the job goes sometimes. There are these three costumes just going at it with Dragoon, Andrea knew at least one of them from a previous job, but just from looking at them I knew that they were kids, and not the legacy types like us. I don’t know how they heard about the situation, too fast for it to have been on any of the big news channels, probably facebook or twitter, “Er mah gerd, super villainy at fourth and main! It’s Dragoon!! E’erybuduh Run!!1! #catsignal,” or something. Bugs f#$%ing everywhere, the literal animal kind, and I really don’t like bugs. Dragoon’s just smacking these kids around. She’s one of those former supers turned baddie, I hear it isn’t her fault, some kind of mind f#$% courtesy of our old friend Doctor Zondervan, yeah, the Doctor Zondervan, but it doesn’t really matter.

She was a danger, and we had to do something about it. Dragoon is a professional, usually wouldn’t have set off any kind of alarm, we’d only have heard about it after she was gone and everything was said and done. It was some kind of fancy lab, one of the ones with Grade A Scarborough Enterprises security systems, and she must have done something off script because she wound up getting boxed and having to fight her way out through robot security drones, made a lot of noise in the process. Anyway, Andrea’s throwing everything she’s got at her, and I take advantage of the distraction to just light her, Dragoon, up, laser beams and then a flying broadside punch, me and Andrea’s regular approach, but this is no ordinary supervillain. She dodges Andrea’s stuff, my lasers, and then swats me off like I’m a fly when I went in for the physical stuff, and I wind up right next to this monster lookin’ guy. Like, seriously monster looking, horns and everything, this blue fire that you just know isn’t normal in the physics kinda way dancing and arcing off him, all big and badass looking. He’s firing some beam at Dragoon, and the street is just melting away, nasty stuff that fire, and I’m getting to my feet. Dragoon dodges, I mean even with her armor no one wants to take something like that straight on, and this horned devil is just honing in on her, real focused you know? Tunnel vision must’ve set in, happens to all of us, because he clearly wasn’t paying attention to where we were in relation to each other.

I learned later that some of that fire, which as I had assumed at the time was no ordinary flame, was arcing off of him and went a little too far to his left. At the time I just remember looking at Dragoon and seeing an opportunity, then there’s this burning like nothing I’ve ever felt, I mean not like, “ow, hot!” more like my skin is covered in boiling cheese and is just bubbling up, like I’m seriously melting, and everything the bubbling guck touched on me was just instantly changed into the same awful crap. I guess it didn’t stop me, because the next thing I know I’m in midair, I have Dragoon’s helmet off somehow and I’m just dragging the back of her head along the street, at speed, crushing her head in with my left hand. I’m right handed, and I remember thinking it seemed wrong that I was using my left, but it didn’t matter enough for me to stop and consider the thought for any length of time, I was kinda busy after all. So I drag her like fifty feet, felt like fifty miles, and I just kinda fall. Not like collapsed to the ground, but I wasn’t flying anymore, just standing there crushing this chick’s face in. Her head looked like someone took a bat to it. I remember looking down and realizing that thick, dark, goopy blood was all over her face, her neck, her chest, and knowing that it shouldn’t be, wrong angle, like it was just falling down onto her from somewhere while she looked up at me, her eyes all big and wide and unseeing.

Next thing I know I’m floating, like literally floating, horizontal to the ground looking up at the sky. I tried to reach up and cover my eyes with my hand, right? Because of the sun and all, but it just wasn’t moving. So I look down, and my hand is just wrong somehow. I think it took me three whole seconds to realize that half of it was missing, in a semicircular cut from the bottom right side of my wrist to the tip of the index finger, including my pinky and ring fingers, and everything but the left half of the bottom section of my middle finger. I mean, you’d think it would have been some instantaneous understanding kind of thing, but I really had to puzzle out what was different about it, like seeing someone who you think changed something about their hair but have to make sure before you ask. I guess I mumbled something about it, like, “where’s my hand,” or whatever, but I mostly just remember feeling abject terror, and then Andrea was talking to me, telling me everything would be alright or whatever. I wasn’t paying attention to her, at least not enough to remember what she said, I was just looking at what was left of my hand, didn’t even occur to me to ask why the rest of it was missing in the first place. Never even realized that my costume was half burnt off, or that my hair was half burnt off, or the small factor that most of my ribs, along with some organ and intestinal tissue, were showing through the big ass rend in my chest.

I next woke up in what easily takes the place of the worst pain I have ever felt, and I’ve been nearly cut in half by, what it turns out to be, is known as hellfyre. I learned later that Andrea had gotten me to some Guardian safe house, and then they took me to some kind of hospital that they operate for dealing with the weirder kinds of injuries you might happen to receive in this line of work. Normally the hellfyre would have spread decay through my system, the flesh would have turned necrotic, I’d develop sepsis and die. Better to cut off anything touched by the stuff, but you can’t just cut off a deep chest wound. Anyway, they had some old connections to some interesting people, and got some monk or something to show up with some kind of hoodoo potion, boiling wine, herbs, supposedly, “holy,” holy water, though I doubt whatever that thing was happened to be a Catholic priest, what with the tree bark for a face and antlers sticking out of its head, the blood of a dove, eye of newt, f#$%, the shit was probably Drano for all I know. What I do know is that when you boil it and pour it into an open chest wound, and maybe this is true of any boiling liquid poured directly onto muscle and organ literally inside of your body, it is easily worse living through than losing your hand. The pain is actually necessary, too, like at least according to Tree Face I couldn’t be on a pain med drip or anesthetized until after going through it, cleanses the soul.

I don’t know if I felt any holier afterwards for being conscious through the process, and I kinda think in retrospect Tree Face was probably just pissy about being made out of wood and wanted to watch me squirm, but I lived, the flesh didn’t turn necrotic, and after I went through having the shit poured on what was left of my hand, including the missing parts which creepily I could swear I felt just as plainly as if they were still attached, and then I was just out, some kind of gas from one of those hospital nose tube things they’d put me on. I woke up, Andrea was there holding my hand, mom was yelling at Gravitron how she was going to castrate that mongrel pestilence before he could spawn any more of his ilk, to which he kept saying that he was just a kid and probably wasn’t evil, Felitrix was sitting on a chair in the corner typing something into a tablet, and I remember thinking to myself, “wait a sec, Andrea’s holding my hand. That’s new,” I don’t mean she’s never held my hand or whatever, I mean the hand was literally new. Or at least it was as good as new. I could feel her skin on mine, even in the pinky and ring finger that were completely cut off, and I squeezed her hand just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, not so hard that it would hurt her, of course, even drugged on that bed I remembered what I could do if I wasn’t careful, but it was enough to get her attention and satisfy my new hand curiosity.

I asked her why they cut my chest open; in my blood loss and drug induced delirium I guess I thought they had to start my heart with boiling oil or something, and forgot all about what side of the body the heart is on, and that people don’t start hearts with boiling liquid. She just told me that the wound came from the same place as the other one had, and called the adults over. So they showered me with affection for, like, five minutes, and then berated me for another ten. It was really f#$%ing weird too, like I just kept looking over at Felitrix and occasionally squeezing Andrea’s hand while Gravitron and my mother acted like a couple parents going back and forth between loving and scolding after their idiot kid got herself hurt. She didn’t seem to notice anything was wrong with this picture, though, just kept playing with her tablet, hardly even looked up when Andrea told everyone I was awake, and I guess I was just letting my own internal knowledge get outwardly expressed in my head onto her. So, being as everyone else really had to get back to their real world duties, they all started leaving, followed protocol. I mean it’s one thing for Lodestar, Polaris, Doktor Faust, Felitrix and Gravitron to be missing all at the same time, but for Lodestar, Polaris, Doktor Faust, Felitrix, Gravitron, Savannah Newman, Alex Hathaway, Andrea Faust, Anne Scarborough, and Jan Poole to all be missing, for what turned out to have been nearly eighteen hours, right after a very big, very public battle like that? Way too risky to everyone’s secret identities.

Andrea and Felitrix stuck around the longest though. After mom left, Felitrix pulled her chair up next to my hospital bed, one of the rolley ones that adjusts up and down and sideways, and lifted my torso up with the push button controls before sticking her tablet in my face. I took it, in my left hand, I didn’t want to move my right one from Andrea’s considering, and I read the article headline. “DRAGOON APREHENDED AFTER DECADE LONG MANHUNT, BUT NOT WITHOUT CASUALTIES,” and right below that is this big honkin’ picture of me bent over dragoon, on fire, bleeding like a stuck pig from my side, tit flopping out of where my costume used to be. They didn’t even have the decency to give me one of those censored bars, just one of those microscopic little blurred out star things over my nipple, --, f#$%ing bastard news media reporters. The first line of the actual written part went, “Bold new super hero team in Halcyon City?” and it goes on to talk about the five of us, speculations on who we are and what our super hero names might be, old articles about me and Andrea, Polaris and Doktor Faust I mean, something about some girl in a costume who was seen fleeing the scene of a crime after bodily interrupting a police investigation who they thought was the same person as the bug controlling hero of the day, pondering on whether the six and a half foot tall demon looked like that regularly, if it was some kind of prosthetics used as part of his elaborate costume, or some kind of activated transformation.

They wished me the best in my recovery, of course, all the while capitalizing on my injuries, vulnerability, and nudity, simultaneously hoping that I had died from my injuries so that they could cover the death of Lodestar’s daughter for some extra publicity, f#$%ing assholes. Of course they speculated whether or not Dragoon would survive her injuries which gave me some intense feelings up and down the spectrum. I mean, I hadn’t thought about her or what had become of her up until that point. Last time I saw her she looked pretty f#$%ing dead, and it was at my hands. Guess I’d just forgotten, what with the whole nuttiness of the ensuing eighteen hours. On the other hand, I didn’t know if I was glad she was alive, but I certainly didn’t want to have been responsible for killing another person, either. Squeezed Andrea’s hand hard enough to hurt her while looking at the picture and reading the article, hadn’t realized until she subconsciously squeaked out a protest. Guess she was just looking out for me and didn’t want to say anything, Andrea’s good to me like that, but I loosened my grip and muttered out an apology anyway. Down at the bottom, with like a hundred thousand likes, was a comment from Felitrix’s official account, the one used for correspondence between her and the Guardians and the newspaper. She had basically said that she was incredibly proud of this burgeoning new team, and that had we not acted the Guardians wouldn’t have been there in time to have prevented Dragoon from causing massive damage to life and property in her, likely successful, attempt to escape.

I looked up at Felitrix, and she just looked back down at me, waiting for me to say something. I didn’t know what to say, of course. It had been a hell of a day, I hurt everywhere, had a naked picture of me on the front page of the newspaper, had recently been cut nearly in half, and sewn back up after getting boiling liquid poured into the hole in my chest. I really just wanted Andrea to crawl into the weird rolley bed and hold me, cry for like an hour, the gross sobbing kind of crying, too, with like zero chill or composure, have some morphine dripped into my veins and forget this whole day had happened for a little while. Didn’t matter, though, Felitrix wanted me to say something, the right something, and she always managed to get people to do what she wanted. “We aren’t a team, Anne,” I said to her, dumbly, clearly flailing for something smart to say and just flopping instead. “Of course you are, says so right here in the paper,” she countered, feline smile spreading across her face. She’s pretty, Anne Scarborough, but she has the biggest mouth, and the evilest grin I’ve ever seen. Like, Jagger big mouth. Like, Jagger Face on the Cheshire Cat big mouth. Wonder if that’s a meme somewhere? It should be. “Never met them before in my life,” somehow her grin got even longer, wider, and I was starting to think there might be morphine in my drip after all. “Sure you have, Alex,”.

I thought to myself, “Holy shit, have I?” like a total tool, and squeezed Andrea’s hand, making her squeak again before Anne finished her sentence. “you fought off Dragoon together just a few hours ago… Did really well, too,” she leaned over me and pushed the bookmarks button on her Scarborough Enterprises psyPad Septum, pulled up some website. We were all over the Halcyon City page, the city run one for upcoming events and names of important people next to their business numbers and job titles, and people were actually cheering for us. Like, really applauding us for what we did. I mean, half the comments were about my boob, but most of them were people thanking us for finally doing what the Guardians had failed to do for ten years. One, I read it aloud and showed the screen to Andrea, was this lady, Maria, saying Dragoon had killed her eighteen year old son on the first day of his internship with some indie newspaper company, and that she had night terrors for years thinking about if she might show up and do the same to some other poor woman’s baby, and said that the night before was the first time she had gotten a good night’s sleep since her son, Victor, had passed. She posted his picture along with the text, and it just went nuts. Like a hundred people wrote on it that they remembered Victor and what a good guy he had been, and it just spread from there with hundreds of other people posting pictures and stories of how Dragoon had killed this person and that person. It seriously blew my mind.

I mean, first of all, I’d always known that there were some real baddies out there, but not kidding, thousands of people posted about how Dragoon had killed someone that they loved. It reminded me how in over our heads me and Andrea were in going up against her, but I think it’s where I first realized just how much people really need super heroes. I mean, Dragoon had been doing this shit for a decade, and had hurt who knows how many people, reasonably okay people, in the process. I don’t have an official list from anyone, but I sure as hell saw enough people on that website to feel like what me and Andrea had done was worth the scars. “I always thought you two would wind up on Ken’s team, but I guess it’s time to let that one go, for now,” Anne stood, put one of those canvas book bag briefcases stamped, “Scarborough Enterprises,” all officially on the foldey flap part onto the folding tray on the hospital bed’s left arm rest, collected her tablet, and made her way to the door. “Clearly you five have a lot of good work to do. Keep the other supers on their toes,” and she left, still grinning like some caricature of a person. Andrea said something about that being super awkward, and I nodded, patting the briefcase down with my left hand, still refusing to take my right from Andrea’s, before reaching into the main partition of the unzipped sleeve. There were five phones, Scarborough Enterprises pay as you go psyPhoneGo brand ones, stupid name really, and a blonde wig, for some reason. “Wait, what…?”

"Where is my f#$%ing hair!?!?!?!?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Liliya The amount you write is both awe-inspring and terrifying. You must have, like, six kinds of carpal tunnel or something.

That aside, once Ian gets passed the thought of 'oh god I almost killed another hero' his next thought would probably be 'Okay, need to avoid Lodestar for, like,the rest of my life now.' and 'Oh shit, looks like I've debuted. . . and who's the idiot who thinks it's prosthetics? Have they never watched Face-Off?'
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