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"You're certain that you're alright?" Kili was hardly convinced. Saeril wasn't herself. There was plenty he did not know about his godmother, or her past, but none of that had mattered until now. Something felt wrong; her outburst was not quite natural, and he feared he'd done something wrong to trigger this.

Carefully, Kili rose, and he offered her a hand up even though while seated, she was practically his height.
"Perhaps I can talk him out of searching," the youngest decided, determined to set things right once again. If he could get Thorin to see sense, they could focus on rebuilding their kingdom rather than focus on what was missing from it. "It's worth a try. Fili and I are his closest of kin."

Offering a smile of reassurance, Kili found himself feeling more determined than ever before. Saeril was trusting him with this task, and he was determined to do a good job, though her current condition was troubling to say the least. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather rest, Delva?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Honestly, at this moment, Saeril felt herself being a child again; sitting on the floor in tears, and with Kili present, it was like their roles have been switched. This time, it was him that was giving her comfort, showing affection in his caring nature for the she-elf's wellbeing. Inside, Saeril somehow felt safe with him. Again, it was like their roles were switched, but in reality, it wasn't to be, naturally.

Feeling the youngest carefully retract himself from their embrace, the she-elf willingly gave him her hand, and allowed him to help her stand. Though Saeril was really pulling herself up, even though she felt Kili's effort to help her stand, regarding their significant height difference. With him to even recall confronting Thorin alone, Saeril was about to protest, but she remembered her promise to allow him to make his own choices. With a sigh, Saeril eventually albeit reluctantly nodded. "Very well. Just...be careful, young Durin."

Speaking of rest, the she-elf didn't remember the last time she had a break. With everything prevailing, it was like "rest" couldn't be reached, not rig everything and everyone in such a dark situation. But Kili preferred it for her, and Saeril figured that perhaps now was the time to get it. "I will", she, once again, reluctantly nodded while slowly seating herself on the bed, and carefully laying herself down on the comfortable side of the bed. Not bothering to cover herself, it truly has been years since she slept/rested in a proper bed.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Good." Kili grabbed hold of the corner of the heavy blanket that covered the bed, and from there, he covered Saeril up and pat the pillows behind her so that she could be comfortable.
"You've cared so much for Fili and I, Delva...it's time we help take care of you, too." At that, he smiled at her, then leaned over to kiss her forehead. For a dwarf, Kili showed more emotion than most, and he was rather astute when it came to the feelings of others. Kili was usually upbeat and optimistic to a fault; he wanted those around him to be happy, not sad. "I'll be back soon."
Shutting the door behind him, Kili left Saeril to rest, hoping to find his uncle in better spirits than before. The chances were slim, but he needed Thorin to hear him out. There was much to be said, and much to be decided.

Each hall seemed to mirror the next, and every stairway seemed to go on forever. It didn't take long for Kili to become impossibly lost; the rooms were large and impossibly bleak.
Kili wasn't worried, however. This gave him plenty of time to think and plan what he would need to say to his uncle.
Just as Kili began to plan his next course of action, he felt a shadow overcome him. Turning, he was met with the king. "Thorin -- I didn't see you there," he was mildly alarmed, and taken aback by the suddenness of his approach, yet he recovered swiftly.

"I take it you've rested." Thorin was impossible to read.

"I did, yes." Kili watched him closely, his godmother's warning echoing in his ears. "What have I missed?"

Thorin moved a step towards a window, one that overlooked the collection of stone they'd used to block the entrance. "See for yourself."
Unsure what to expect, Kili stepped alongside of his uncle, taking a look for himself as suggested. As soon as he Kili saw the stone and heard Thorin's explanation for it, he took on a look of absolute disbelief. Slowly, he turned to Thorin, angered by what he had learned. "You've locked us in...and everyone else out."

"I've done what was necessary. No one is to be trusted." Thorin's answer was clipped, his gaze cold. "One day, you will learn to understand, and you will see what I have sacrificed for you and our people."

Kili shook his head, unwilling to accept this answer. "This isn't right, none of it," he spoke with more bravery than he'd expected to, and he kept eye contact, even with Thorin's penetrating stare. "We can't shut everyone out! Your desire for the Arkenstone has made you this way."

Thorin rounded on his nephew, the words hitting a nerve. "What has that she-elf been putting into your head?" He snarled, gripping his nephew's forearm with violent force and pulled him closer. "She's poisoned you against me, hasn't she? She's filled your head with lies, and you're foolish enough to believe them."

Eyes wide, Kili pulled away from the deranged king, angered by the accusations. "She hasn't poisoned me against you! She's only tried to help!" This time, he raised his voice, the empty chamber filled with his words. "You've lost sight of what is important! You have no right to..." The sentence was never finished, for Kili was struck across the face with so much force that he fell.

"I have EVERY right!" Thorin bellowed, fists clenched at his sides. "I am your king, and you WILL show me respect!" From there, the king took a threatening step forward, though he made no move to strike him a second time.
"You have forgotten your place -- and if you speak out of place again -- you, and she, will be banished from my kingdom."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Fili was walking about the desolated, bleak halls. For a few minutes, he's been waiting for his brother to return to the treasure room to help their search, but with his prolonged absence that lasted for an hour or two, the blonde was starting to worry. He tried to convince himself that Kili was resting, but no doubt he would be looking for Delva. The youngest was attached to their godmother by the hip, it would seem. That gave Fili an amusing feeling, but he still worried. With Thorin getting impatient, at each and every minute, Fili just realized that they were not safe. It didn't feel like wonder in this mountainous structure; it only felt like an unsettling anger thriving in the stone walls. Something was terribly wrong...he could feel it.

Just before he could take a left at an intersected hall, the blonde could hear voices; they sounded hushed, so his instincts told him to turn right, right towards the source. He kept his footsteps light, and the voices got louder, getting clearer, as it seems to sound more like an argument when he got closer. He heard his uncle's voice, then...Kili? What was he doing talking to Thorin? Now the brotherly impulses took over, already becoming worried about his little brother being in his deranged uncle's presence once again. His thoughts were cut off when he heard a slap, right before Kili could even finish a sentence! Fili actually despised the dwarves who belittled Kili when they were younger. They lead to the blonde getting involved in fights to cover his little brother, and the aftermath resulted in the eldest also getting hurt, just with minor scratches, cuts, and bruises; Kili looked no better.

But this was Thorin doing the belittling, and Fili felt conflicted for the first time whether to cover for him or not. However, he wouldn't allow his uncle to furthen the damage already done, so he advanced into the room, towards his uncle and brother. "Stop it!", he shouted, coming in between them, and running to his brother's side. Seeing the bruise on the youngest's face made the blonde feel betrayed. "Oh, Kili", he breathed in a mix of anger and sadness. "How could you?", he asked his uncle. "Striking upon Durin flesh and blood; answer me!", Fili was angry; his voice was reverberating off the walls. He couldn't imagine how Saeril would react if she were here.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Banished. Being struck was nothing compared to that.
Before Kili might muster a response or take action, Fili showed up, just as he used to when they were young. The eldest must have had a sixth sense when it came to Kili being in distress; he always seemed to arrive no matter what the situation was.
As Fili looked to him, Kili swallowed hard, turning his head in the opposite direction in an attempt to hide any evidence of being hit. He was humiliated to have been struck by their uncle, and devastated by the threats made towards he and their godmother. As Fili came between them, the youngest regained his footing and grasped for Fili's wrist. "Fili, don't!" Kili didn't want the same to happen to his brother; he knew how loyal Fili was to their uncle, and he didn't want to be the cause of further conflict between them.

Thorin's jaw was set in a grim like as he faced his eldest nephew. "Your brother has spoken out of turn," he snarled, enraged that both of his sister's sons were against him. Fili's tone of voice did nothing but agitate him; he now found fault in him, too.
Every thought that entered the king's head was askew; he was constantly defensive and casting blame on the ones closest to him. As the days dragged on, Thorin became more and more unhinged, consumed by his desire to have the Arkenstone returned to him.
"The she-elf has turned him against me, Fili..." The king observed his nephew, his eyes lacking their normal shade of blue. "Has she turned you against me as well?"
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The tension, and the anger, never left Fili's eyes, as he continued to glare at his uncle. Kili was (at the most part) innocent, and beloved by their kin, and for once, the blonde couldn't believe that his little brother would be so confused by the amount of hate they were both currently receiving. They were already looked down upon by both Man and Elf. Not Saeril, though; not in the very least. He was being held by Kili's pleading words, and the blonde can't allow himself to move forward, and create more conflict. For once, he listened to him.

He looked at his little brother, slightly relaxing, but still seething, just by seeing that mark. The eldest pulled himself from his grasp, but didn't advance towards Thorin. "She has no part in this", his words were reserved yet direct. "You will not speak of her with such venom", Fili slightly calmed himself, trying to be careful with his tone. "This isn't you, uncle. Mum wouldn't allow such behavior; think of her", he had to at least get this to him; to heal him.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Kili could scarcely believe it when Thorin began to accuse Saeril again. This couldn't have been farther from the truth; she had only tried to warn them about the dragon sickness. Thorin's behavior was unlike him, and Kili began to wonder if the Arkenstone would fix the problem. Saeril had cautioned against this too, however. If Thorin did not have the Arkenstone, he would go mad searching for it. If he had the Arkenstone...would that quench his desire for power, or would he seek more of it?
Kili allowed his brother to pull away, relieved that he'd chosen not to fight. Fili was wording things better than he would have, he was always so sensible and levelheaded. The mention of their mother was a wise move; Thorin was snapped out of his rage long enough to see a bit of sense.

The king stared at Fili as he spoke, and for a moment, it was as if he did not recognize the blond before him. Slowly, the words sought their way into his rattled mind, and he looked towards Kili, shocked to see the bruise on his face. Dis would have been outraged. The thought of his sister was enough to silence him, a heavy pause lasting a short about of time.
"We must continue searching," Thorin's voice was weighed, heavy from loss of sleep, and possibly even guilt. This only lasted so long before he seemed angry again; he was completely unpredictable, and that was what made him so dangerous. "Tell me the truth, both of you. Does she know where the Arkenstone is?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The tension, once again, was there, but it became calmer than before. It was an awkward standoff right now, and Fili stood his ground against his now corrupted uncle now king. He was reluctant to answer him but the blonde found himself caught when he heard someone enter the room. Thank Mahal, that Dwalin managed of step upon the scene. Otherwise, Fili wouldn't know what else to do. "Thorin, the Man of Laketown; someone's approaching the gate. He rides here now", he reported, although felt some vibe of unsettlement. He glanced at the king's nephews, though noticed something faint on Kili's face, but didn't question it.


Saeril laid in the bed that Kili willingly let her borrow, to at least get the rest that her conscience really needed. She couldn't stop thinking about her earlier episode, and truth be told, she couldn't stop the nightmare that continues to plague her, keeping her "awake". Rolling on her back to look at the ceiling, a sigh escaped the she-elf, and gracefully pulled herself up to sit on the side of the bed. A groan came, and with a struggle to stand up straight, she managed to unravel her wings, tuck them behind her, and get the door open.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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The question shocked Kili. Thorin was awaiting an answer, but the thought had never occurred to the youngest. If Saeril had the Arkenstone, would she have told him? He wanted to believe that she could confide in him, but he also knew that there was plenty he did not know about his godmother. She was still a mystery, even despite their bond.
"I..." Kili began to answer when Dwalin showed up, and he fell silent almost immediately, unwilling to discuss this in front of him.

Thorin turned towards Dwalin, annoyed by the interruption until he heard his reasoning for coming. "I will handle this," he mumbled darkly, already defensive when he thought about Bard coming. The wall of stone had been put there for a reason -- why had he come now? To address what had happened in Laketown? None of that could be helped now. Unless...he wanted the gold. Without so much as acknowledging his nephews, Thorin brushed past them, already planning what he would say to Bard. They had clashed in the past, and they would once again.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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With Thorin walking past them, Fili could finally release the breath that he found himself holding in. Finally looking back to his brother, the blonde turned his little brother's face so he could see the mark that their king left behind. Even if the brunette stubbornly attempted to hide it, Fili effortlessly made the mark be in full view. He sighed sadly, though felt a little angry at this unnatural act. "What made you have the right mind to even approach him?", without me present, he wanted to say, but couldn't be overprotective again. Not like this. "Tell me, what did you say to him?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Kili watched as Thorin left, his emotions at war. For many years, Kili had idolized Thorin; he was the only father figure he would ever truly have in his life. Right now, he wasn't sure how to feel towards him, and he wasn't sure who to believe anymore.
Saeril and Balin seemed to think that the Arkenstone would worsen his condition, but what if this was not so? What if the Arkenstone could solve all of their problems? Could she really know where it is?
The youngest was pulled from his thoughts when Fili looked his face over. "Fili," he huffed in protest as he looked away, stubborn and prideful as ever. "I didn't say anything," he responded briskly, hurt yet angered. "Nothing worth being banished for, at least..."

Turning away from his brother, Kili sighed in defeat, realizing that Fili deserved to know what had taken place. Thorin's condition concerned him too. "I told him that the Arkenstone has made him like this...and he accused Delva of turning me against him. But that's not true." Kili thought back to their godmother, troubled by the memory of her flying into the mirror, and the tears afterwards.
"Sometimes I wish we'd never come here, Fili. Things were better back home...everyone was happier."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"But still, why did you approach him?!", Fili did not want to baby him again, but he wanted to know why Kili would recklessly approach their unstable uncle. He already fooled him with a ruse back in the treasure room, to let his little brother get away. But he didn't expect him to go back with open-minded words. Now, he wondered if they could involve Delva in this? However, the eldest already began to have second thoughts, as soon as he thought about it.

Now that Kili brought up Delva, the blonde became concerned almost immediately. "Did you find her, at least? Is she okay?", he asked, finally pulling away from his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Because," Kili grew frustrated, for he felt like a child right then. "He was rude to her, Fili! And...he's not the same, he's changed. I thought that, since we're kin, he would listen to me...but..." The words trailed off, and Kili shook his head, brushing the thoughts aside. This had been a complete failure.

"I found her...but she doesn't seem the same either. She's got a lot on her mind, Fili." Kili began to worry what their godmother might think about all of this. "She was very upset. She started crying...she can't know about this."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Expectedly, Fili wasn't surprised of his brother's true reason. No doubt he would speak upon Delva's behal, making their apparent bond become unbreakable. Well, to an extent, anyway. Thorin has upset their Delva, and Kili was quick to defend, albeit in a reckless fashion that could have ended badly. He wanted to agree with him and do the same, but with their uncle in this state, it was a lot harder than it seemingly looked. Honestly, Fili didn't know what they could do anymore. They were at Thorin's mercy, and under his tyrannical command...

The blonde sighed, almost in despair, and looked in sorrow at the brunette's mark. It was starting to bother him, and Kili was quick to point out that Saeril would notice, and potentially become enraged. The thought of his brother getting hit by an arrow, made their godmother become something they didn't expect. She made quick work on Bolg, and Fili didn't want to think about how she would behave around Thorin, if she found out. He didn't want to keep any secrets from her, but if they could do this for their godmother's sake, it could possibly work.

With that, the eldest reluctantly nodded, though he was looking at the ground, a little troubled. "Let's hope it fades soon", there wasn't really much they can do.


Bard was riding horseback towards the mountain, just hoping that if he could reason with the Dwarven King, they may possibly avoid an all-out war between them and the Elves, who recently showed not too long ago, with supplies. He just only hoped that through negotiation, Thorin would come to the terms that he proclaimed before Smaug's attack.

Coming to a halt at the front gate, the barge-turned-bowman took notice of the king himself, as well as his two nephews and Dwalin. Fili, trying to act and forget what happened earlier, since the faint mark on his little brother's face continuously showed a harsh reminder of crossing the king. He would make sure to not let it happen again...

"All hail Thorin, son of Thrain!", the bowman declared, knowing his manners well. "I have come with a peace offering. Will you not speak with me?"
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"It will." Kili spoke with more confidence than he felt. Erebor hadn't solved their problems, it created them. "If Delva asks about it, tell her that I fell, alright? It's true. I did fall." Lying wasn't something Kili enjoyed, but for the sake of all involved, dodging around the truth was better than coming clean.

Face still throbbing from the contact of his uncle's mighty fist, Kili started to follow after his uncle and Dwalin, though he took care not to venture too close. Thorin was still upset with him, and he didn't fancy the idea of being struck twice. The fact that it happened once was difficult enough for him to comprehend, and the threat to have he and Delva banished made his stomach knot up. He doesn't care about us anymore, the youngest decided, watching Thorin through saddened eyes. Only the Arkenstone. At the realization, Kili felt himself grow tempted to search for the elusive stone once and for all, desperate to win his uncle back. For now, he hung back with Fili, watching Bard from afar.

Thorin followed Dwalin, choosing to forget the episode with his youngest nephew. It was as if his sister's sons did not exist to him; no one did, really. Thorin could not afford to waste time arguing when they should have been searching.
As Bard made the announcement of his arrival, he growled lowly, already on the defensive. "What is it that you have come to discuss with me?" He viewed Bard with contempt, awaiting his explanation for such a visit.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"I ask for you to honor your pledge", the bowman went straight to the point. "To give a share of the treasure, so the people of Laketown can rebuild their lives", in reality, Bard had no idea that the King Under The Mountain was influenced by a malevolent force; a force that has left behind a curse being foretold by Durin's Folk for generations.

Fili remembered Thorin's promise to Laketown from before: that he would give half of the treasure to them, and fulfill the town to be ten times as powerful as Dale had once been. Although, with his uncle now in this state, he really didn't want to say anything aloud. He feared that if he did so, the king's hand would be laid upon Kili again, not to mention, himself. In truth, the blonde would take the risk, then he remembered about Saeril. To keep the incident a secret, both of them can't say that they fell down. Otherwise, suspicion will arise for the she-elf...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Thorin scoffed lowly, disgusted by the request. “I will not treat with any man while an armed host lies before my door," he spat, having no intentions whatsoever to fulfill the pledge he'd made. "Your threats do not sway me," he grew more riled each moment, the sickness had nearly succeeded in claiming his mind once and for all. “When did the men of Laketown come to our aid, but for the promise of rich reward?!”

Kili remained in his place, watching the exchange with sorrowful eyes. This wasn't right -- he felt that in his heart, but he was reluctant to voice his thoughts on the matter. If he spoke out of turn again, he feared being banished along with Saeril and Fili. Thorin hadn't threatened Fili, but Kili knew he would accompany them. Fili was remarkably loyal.

Still. Fili belonged here, they all did. Kili hated feeling this way; he felt cowardly. Bard and his children had been good enough to take them in. He'd supplied them with weapons and shelter. This was no way to repay such a debt.

Thorin and Bard continued to argue back and forth, voices raising at every syllable.
"A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright for blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade?" Thorin never broke eye contact. "Tell me, Bard the Dragonslayer...why should I honor such terms?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"That armed host will attack this mountain if we don't come to terms!", the bowman countered for his side of the arguement, a little baffled towards the dwarf king's refusal. "What of your conscience? Does it not tell you that our cause is just?", Bard asked him, reminding him that he could use good judgement to see the consequences of taking this path. "My people offered you help, and in return, you brought them ruin and death!", that is where he became a little angry, getting louder with emotion in his voice. Particularly because he could have lost his own children in the firestorm. "A bargain was struck. You gave us your word, Thorin; does that mean nothing?"

Fili's heart raced and tightened during this back-and-forth exchange. He took a glance to the side at his little brother, and he could see vulnerability in both his posture and troubled expressions. The blonde figured that he was thinking about Saeril, and what their uncle's tyranny would potentially bring. By his refusals and declinations, he wasn't going to show mercy. If they ever crossed him, it would most definitely bring something darker. Saeril came to his own thoughts, but they had to stick to their secret a little longer.
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While Thorin and Bard were in discussion, Bilbo approached the group, weary after a day of searching for something he already had. The Arkenstone was becoming a great burden to him, one he wished to be shed of for the sake of all involved. When Bilbo saw Fili and Kili, he was surprised to see the bruise on Kili's young face. "Kili! What's happened?"

Kili glanced to him, clearly uncomfortable. "I fell." This was the first lie of many he would tell, but he was prepared to do so.

Bilbo sensed something was amiss, but he knew better than to press. Just like the other dwarves, Kili was incredibly stubborn and prideful to a fault. Seeing both brothers like this saddened the hobbit -- these dwarves were so very different from the two who had arrived at his home all those months ago.

Thorin, however, had changed the most of all. Bilbo watched him from afar, brows knit with concern for his friend. What's happened to you, Thorin? The question was one he kept to himself. Risking Thorin's temper meant risking death.

Thorin turned his back on Bard, growing silent for a time. He eyed Bilbo and his nephews briefly before making up his mind: "Be gone, ere arrow fly!”

Bilbo was aghast. Thorin's refusal would bring chaos, he was certain of it. They would never survive if Bard reported back with the king's answer! “What are you doing?! You cannot go to war.”

Thorin started past him, eyes unblinking. “This does not concern you.”

Although he was frightened, Bilbo managed to find his voice. This was getting out of hand fast.
“Excuse me?! But just in case you haven’t noticed, there is an army of elves out there. And not to mention several hundred angry fishermen. We-we are in fact outnumbered!”

Thorin smirked lightly, having no fear whatsoever. If Bard would seek revenge, so be it. He would welcome the challenge. “Not for much longer.”

Bilbo felt the need to check that his ring was still in his pocket, but he managed to survive this encounter without doing so. “What does that mean?”

“It means Master Baggins, you should never underestimate dwarves.” Thorin turned towards the company, raising both hands in the air. “We have reclaimed Erebor - Now we defend it!”

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Bars was angry now -- no, frustrated, at Thorin's refusal to consciously think about what his actions had caused: the potential for war. He couldn't argue any further with him now; he just declared to continue taking the warpath. The bowman grunted before turning his horse around, and heading back to the desolated sanctuary of Dale. The ElvenKing did say they will attack at dawn before he left, so he may have been right to come in the first place. There was no turning back from a fight that has already been started...

Fili turned his glance to look down at the ground, once he heard Bilbo ask about Kili's thankfully-fading bruise. He wouldn't want to lie either, but he never felt so conflicted with his little brother being the reason not to trust Thorin. Kili did tell him that Saeril wouldn't be pleased if she found out, and that is where he was troubled the most. Thorin has declared war; whether they like it or not, they were vulnerable and at his corrupted mercy.

Nearby, behind the company, the she-elf was listening, as she leaned against one of the stone structures. By what she just heard, Thorin was getting worse, both mentally and spiritually. She would talk some sense into the king, but that would put her godsons at risk, while in this condition. Silently, she head her way back to the bedroom, where Kili would have last seen her; getting her mental state ready for what was to come.
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