Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ramjammer
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Ramjammer Confirmed Memelord

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Physical description

Alignment: Neutral
Positive personality Traits: Efficient, Stable, Intelligent, Dedicated, Dependable.
Negative Personality Traits: Ruthless, Stubborn, Predictable, Arrogant, Judgemental.

Rasteva's imposing stature, and rather terrifying appearance cause people to be wary of them at best. At worst they presume them to be nothing more than a monstrosity bent on harming anyone crossing their path. Such reactions are not new to Rasteva and they have grown indifferent to them throughout their existence, making no effort to correct anyone on the matter unless it absolutely conflicts with their personal interests and existence. Rasteva will not be found helping others without being sure that they will receive what they consider a sufficient reward in return. Doing good for the sake of good is not something they will be found engaging in, and concepts such as valor and honor are of no interest to them. Rasteva only ever adheres to the laws of a given territory, not because it is the right thing to do, but because it will simply save them trouble to do so at all. The only upside to this is that Rasteva is equally uninterested in doing Evil for the sake of Evil, and makes no direct effort to go out of their way to harm others unless they feel particularly threatened, They can and will however engage in acts of evil should they find it to be most beneficial to their existence and overall goals, whatever they may be at the time.

Despite being unconcerned and indifferent to morality, Rasteva is rather even tempered and polite, often greeting others with a great deal of respect and surprising kindness. Rasteva does enjoy conversation quite a bit, and they are especially fond of gossip and stories even if they prove to be true or not. A self proclaimed collector of knowledge, Rasteva has spent countless millennia of existence travelling and absorbing as much as they possibly can. This is possibly the single most glaring loophole in their indifference as Rasteva will gladly assist someone in a given task in exchange for something previously unknown. This insatiable hunger for knowledge is something that Rasteva is unable to ignore and deny, and may very well be their sole reason for existence.

Rasteva is quite confident and self assured as most of their kind tend to be, and rarely, if ever doubts in themselves or their abilities. An exceptionally long existence has granted Rasteva with learning and experience unfathomable by shorter lived races. This of course also comes a high degree of arrogance, though they feel it to be completely deserved as many Supernatural Entities are prone to. This has also led to Rasteva being exceptionally set in their own ways, and changing their opinion on nearly anything is a hard fought battle, and more often than not is a lost cause.

While not prone to starting fights or causing trouble for others, Rasteva can show a terrifying lack of empathy to anyone not deemed an immediate ally. The Daemon can be as ruthless in regular interaction as they are in combat, caring nothing for the motives or ideals of their opponents. Rasteva has no qualms about killing in the slightest, and won't even make excuses for doing so beyond that it was convenient for them to do so at the time. Rasteva will only ever act in a manner that is beneficial to them and their continued existence. To Rasteva the only thing that matters and will always matter is Rasteva. They make no pains to compare the lives of others to their own, as the Daemon's life is the only one worth considering and holds value immeasurable. Good and Evil are the same thing to the Daemon, and as such makes no effort to differentiate between the two. The only things that Rasteva makes any effort to distinguish from each other is things that can be made use of, and things that have no use at all.

Anything found to be wholly useless is cast aside without a second thought.


Rasteva has existed far longer than many other beings, and has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. Their true age is unknown and Rasteva has no interest in knowing what it may be. A traveller like the rest of their kind, Rasteva's existence has been spent wandering their own universe and perhaps even others in an effort to gain as much knowledge as they possibly can, all in an effort to find the core of their individual existence.

Rasteva is a member of supernatural entities referred to as Daemon.Despite sharing a namesake with the more well known Demons of myth and folklore,Daemons are neither inherently good or evil. Their ambiguous nature can leave many that do manage to meet one wary as their true motives are often up for debate. In actuality a Daemon's ambiguity is in reality a 'Default setting' and all of them are driven by an unknown and all consuming impulse to discover their individual nature. Defining it only as a drive to be their "Complete Self", it can range from each Daemon becoming either a complete monster like the Demons they share a namesake with, or beings of complete virtue. From the moment of their conception up until their existence ends altogether, a Daemon’s sole drive is to seek out and find the meaning of their own existence.

Daemons can and will meddle in the affairs of Mortals.This can be something as innocuous as choosing an individual to watch and learn about while remaining unperceived, or something a bit less harmless such as making their existence known and giving people portions of their own power to see what happens.

It tends to go about as well as one would expect.

Daemons are incorporeal by nature, and lack true physical forms. The best way to describe a Daemon is not as a living being, but instead as a ‘concept’, flitting at the edges of realities but never truly making themselves known.Because they most often exist outside of the realities inhabited by mortals Daemons cannot be perceived or even fully comprehended unless they actively choose to be. The closest an individual can come to seeing a Daemon as they are will describe it as noticing a shadow flitting by at the edge of their vision, but will disappear when looked at or even considered fully. This has led to myths considering them to be the wandering spirits of the dead, and rarely divine beings such as Gods.This statement is for the most part false, though some Daemons have been able to achieve near Godlike power through unknown methods. Daemons that choose to manifest in a reality to better observe and interact with mortals are forced to take on a physical form as their existence simply cannot BE without one. Some choose to take the forms of animals, though most will disguise themselves as mortal beings. Some have even been known to take the form of inanimate objects,and each form often coincides with a particular Daemon’s goals in whatever reality they’ve manifested in and their own personal tastes. Daemons mostly adhere to the same laws of physics that other beings do in whatever reality they’ve found themselves in, and while not capable of feeling pain, they can still be injured, dismantled and killed while in a physical form. A particularly weak Daemon that cannot manifest their own form will often take possession of a random object until they are strong enough to project a form of their own. This is often done out of desperation on the Daemon's part and is often considered to be embarrassing and shameful.

Daemons do not adhere to a particular hierarchy within their society, if they even have a society at all. Daemons that come across each other will recognize another of their kind on sight and they will usually stop to exchange pleasantries and stories of their travels before moving on their way. Daemons do not gather together for any reason outside of chance meetings, and do not actively seek each other out unless they specifically know another of their kind to be nearby and willing to interact with them. Though their species does not possess any lands or holdings to claim heritage to, a Daemon that takes a liking to a particular reality will gladly choose to settle there.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by knuxieh
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Name: Sara Kinsley
Age: Twenty-Three

Unable to really decide the direction that she wanted to go, Sara is currently studying a mix of the arts and fashion. She is a bright young woman, and is currently attending university on scholarship. Her family could have paid for her education, but she insisted that she earn her way into the program instead, wanting to see if she could get in by her own merit. Growing up as an only child left to her own devices, she is a rather meek girl, doing her best to keep to herself as to not cause bother to anyone. As her parents often had many meetings, she learned social cues on when not to interrupt, or how to ask for things in a polite manner being that many calls that her parents took were to businessmen who had little time or patience to be put on hold. Since her parents were usually busy handling affairs, they thought it best for Sara to get accustomed to being at the home, and was home-schooled for a large duration of her education. The plan was to have her marry off to improve stocks, but Sara insisted that she did want to pursue a higher education for herself.

She enjoyed her many lessons, from music to learning other languages, but she has long since forgotten most of it. As a child, the music lessons were her favorite, mostly because she was able to play to a small audience of her many stuffed animals and just a few hands around the home. Due to this, she grew rather attached to her stuffed animals she had tons of during her childhood. The hands were busy taking care of the house, but they had little in common with a young girl. With no actual friends to play with, her imagination simply boomed to keep her entertained. Unfortunately, this habit has caused her to become quite awkward when talking to new people, and confide her stuffed animals or pets over the years.

Still, even if she is not the best around people, she goes out of her way to show kindness towards others, often putting their problems in front of her own. Sara herself isn’t much of a fighter, if at all. Not having much interaction with people didn’t lead her to really having to know anything as far as defending herself. Even still, she will do her best to help those that need it, even if she had no idea what she is doing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ramjammer
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Ramjammer Confirmed Memelord

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Name: Lorette Lècuyer.
Age: 34

The CEO of Apex Implementations, Lorette Lècuyer is known to be both fiercely ambitious and intelligent. Apex Implementations is a big player on the world's stage in terms of Military advancements, and often paves the way in new technology and weaponry used the world over. While Lorette is by no means the first Human to ever make contact with Daemonkind, she is the first to capitalize on their power and potential. Lorette became aware of the existence of Daemons over 8 years ago while on a business trip in China. It is currently unknown what transpired between her and the Daemon known as Tasosael but an understanding was reached between the two of them and the resulting pact left Lorette bristling with the power to forge an Empire. Since that day she has worked tirelessly alongside Tasosael to ensure that Daemons have a place in society alongside Humans, and Apex Implementations has since expanded from an American Corporation into an International Conglomerate. Practically a Household name, Apex Implementations is the leading force in Daemon Reasearch, Registration and Utilization. To the outward eye the efforts of Lorette and Tasosael are nothing short of noble. Two beings working side by side to bridge the gap between two wildly different races. Behind closed doors however there is a noticeable tension between Lorette and Tasosael and one is left to wonder who truly steering Apex towards the future.

At first glance Lorette seems to be rigid in her bearing and possesses a rather cool demeanor. Her voice is noticeably deep and her mere presence commands the respect of those under her. The Media has never been sure what to make of Lorette both framing her as a Paragon of Humanity and a greed driven Corporate Executive in equal measure. Lorette shrugs this off with practiced measure, caring of her public opinion only enough to remain on the general public's good side. Past outward glances Lorette has proven to be both patient and kind. She believes fully in the potential of others and takes great pains to nurture that potential to the fullest in all that serve under her. Many have found her presence to be both calming and reassuring, though there is a noticeable intensity in both her gaze and mannerisms. Despite her constant efforts to see her own ambitions brought to fruition, Lorette operates by a strict code of honor and conduct and has a strong dislike of underhanded tactics, something virtually unheard of in the Corporate Sector. This is best demonstrated in her interest and regulation of Daemon fighting circuits, and more recently in her efforts to crack down on the Anti-Daemon Coalition calling themselves the Purgers.

Lorette does not often engage in public Daemon Battles, preferring to watch and observe during televised events. This does not extend to private sparring, and she can often be found in the Apex Headquarter's private training grounds, more often than not testing her skill against the Chief of Security. The CEO is never seen without a Tactical Sword tied at her hip, a new form of weaponry that has gained popularity amongst Daemon battlers. She has proven to be exceptionally efficient with the blade and is a fearsome opponent.

Name: Tasosael
Age: Unknown

It is currently unknown how old Tasosael is, but they are rumored to have existed since the dawn of Human Civilization. Their particularly monstrous form can be somewhat off putting to those that see it firsthand,and they certainly look the part of a Demon found in Biblical texts. Their name seems to be Hebrew in origin and some have speculated that this along with the names and appearances of other Daemons, may be the basis for many world religions. This, coupled with Tasosael's overwhelming power would lead many to wonder why Tasosael and other Daemons did not fashion themselves as Gods among Humans, and Tasosael even admits that Daemons have made contact with Humanity throughout various points in history. Despite this, they claim that Daemonkind has no need to do so, and they find the idea both frivolous and pointless. Tasosael is not one for conversation and tends to be aloof, speaking only at length to Lorette and only to others when absolutely needed. Tasosael works closely with Lorette to ensure that Daemons are afforded a proper place in society alongside Humans and like her they appear outwardly to be of noble standing. Their true motivations for all of this however are less than clear and they often butt heads with Lorette in private.

Much like their Human partner, Tasosael operates on a code of conduct and honor, though it is noticeably less strict than Lorette's. A pragmatist at the core, Tasosael can and will employ questionable methods to achieve their goals, though it is mostly hampered by their partnership with Lorette. It is currently unknown why Tasosael chose Lorette to help them along in their ambitions or what they stand to gain from it in the end, but there is no question that the Daemon continues to benefit in unknown ways from their pact.

Tasosael enjoys fighting a great deal and looks forward to their sparring sessions with Lorette. They do wish that she took part in more real battles however, and is always seeking an opportunity to stand toe to toe with other Daemons.

When not manifesting a physical form, Tasosael resides in the Tactical Sword that Lorette carries everywhere. A weapon of their own design, Tasosael wishes that Humanity had never stopped carrying swords to begin with and finds most modern day weapons to be too noisy and unsightly for their tastes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ramjammer
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Ramjammer Confirmed Memelord

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Allister Schoen

Allister has known Lorette personally since childhood. The only child of a wealthy family Allister carries himself with a great deal of refinement, though unlike Lorette, Allister tends to be more easygoing and approachable. Polite and affable, Allister enjoys conversation at length and will often invite others to Tea in order to engage in idle chatter. Allister has a deep appreciation for beautiful things, and tends to be fastidious in the manner in which he dresses and conducts himself in public. This along with a particular charm tends to draw people to him like moths to a flame, though he doesn't mind. He would describe himself as 'charismatic' but close friends often refer to him as an attention whore. This coupled with his insistence on maintaining a certain aesthetic causes Allister to bump heads with less than refined employees of Apex, and on more than one occasion Lorette has had to step in and reign in his behavior. Despite this Allister has nothing but the utmost respect in Lorette and trusts her wholeheartedly, and she returns this trust and respect in full.

Allister is a fervent believer in Lorette's ambitions, and sees the introduction of Daemons into society as a step towards a bright and glorious future for Humanity as a whole. As such he is more than happy to enforce Lorette's will if it means bringing those that would stand in the way of this future to heel. His even temper and refined attitude would not cause one to immediately peg Allister as being combat oriented, nor does he carry and weaponry like other Apex employees and yet this does not make him any less dangerous. He and his Daemon are both of the opinion that fighting is not an act of violence, so much as it is an artful display meant to be observed by all. A display that Allister is more than happy give whether the recipient is willing or not.

Name: Faendr
Age: Unknown

This Daemon takes on the form of a ghostly Stag, and indeed their passing is marked by an etheral fog settling over the area. Like Allister, Faendr is overly concerned with keeping appearances and dignity. As such, Faendr strictly judges other Daemons based upon the physical forms that they choose to take and has no love for those deemed too hideous or unrefined for their company. Faendr can be somewhat stern, and is rather standoffish towards anyone that isn't Allister. Unlike their Human partner, Faendr will not be seen speaking at great length with anyone over tea, though they do enjoy the attention of others especially any kind of praise. The Daemon enjoys being in the spotlight and showing off and so they will not be found turning down the opportunity to fght. Faendr sees the Arena as nothing more than a stage and will dance around their foes in combat, always to the thunderous roar of the crowd.

When they are not manifesting a physical form, Faendr resides in a Stag shaped pin on Allister's lapel.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ramjammer
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Ramjammer Confirmed Memelord

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Audrey Kinnaird
Age: 28

Audrey is fairly recent hire of Apex implementations, joining only a scant year and a half ago. She caught Lorette's eye during a particularly grueling Daemon Title Match and though both Audrey and Sanzir's spirits burned brightly that day, they were ultimately defeated. While Audrey was rather despondent about the loss, Lorette saw in the younger woman great promise and even greater power. Never one to miss out on a profitable opportunity, the CEO was quick to bring Audrey on board and had her placed directly under the watchful eye of her Chief of Security as an intern. Since then Audrey has been promoted to a Junior Officer, and answers to the Chief of Security and in the event of his absence, his Lieutenant.

Hot-Blooded and unyielding, Audrey Kinnaird is a force to be reckoned with on and off the battlefield. The woman's crass manner is abrasive to many, but those that truly know her speak highly of her loyalty and unwavering conviction. Audrey is significantly more casual in manner and behavior than her coworkers, often not bothering with honorifics or titles. Because of this, she is by far the most approachable of her team. She is loud to talk and quick to boast, and even quicker to come to blows with those that have wronged her. Audrey has always preferred to punch first and ask questions later, much to the chagrin of her superiors. But her heart has always been in the right place, and the woman's actions are always motivated by the desire to do right by those around her.

True to form, Audrey is a fighter at heart and is always looking for a means to test her strength. Audrey is well versed in several Martial Arts and when she utilizes Sanzir's ever burning flames, she is capable of delivering devastating unarmed strikes with hands and feet wreathed in fire.


A Daemon that shines brighter than the Sun, Sanzir is a rather impetuous and arrogant. According to several sources, they are fairly young for a Daemon, not having yet reached 500 years of age. This, of course, means that Sanzir is somewhat immature and headstrong, and prefers to settle disputes through combat rather than conversation.

Despite all this Sanzir, much like Audrey is very friendly and they are quite empathetic to others. A chatterbox to the core, the large bird will talk to anyone and everyone, regardless of if they're listening or not. Sanzir is best described as a 'creature driven by emotion' and they feel very strongly about many things. Never one to do anything half way, Sanzir fully believes that if one gives all that they are, others will do so in return. This is very well illustrated in their personal bond with their Human partner. Sanzir understands Audrey in a way no one else can and vice versa. They play best off of each other's feelings in the midst of battle, and such is their connection that Sanzir does not require verbal commands or even gestures to understand what Audrey requires of them.

Sanzir's projected form is not wholly their original one and for a long time they took on the form of an every day hawk. According to Sanzir, when they and Audrey and first began to fight side by side, they collaborated on what the Daemon should look like as they wanted to stand out amongst a sea of other combatants. The Daemons's brilliant plumage burns incredibly hot and shines bright enough that they cannot be looked upon for too long. In Audrey's own words Sanzir's Phoenix like form is 'fucking sweet' and the Daemon agrees with her assesment wholeheartedly.

When they are not manifesting their physical form, Sanzir retreats into a tattoo on Audrey's back that depicts a Phoenix with wings outstretched.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ramjammer
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Nikhil Bhattacharya

A brilliant Mechanical Engineer and self proclaimed Daemon enthusiast, Nikhil Bhattacharya heads the Research and Development division of Apex Implementations. Nikhil was not always an employee of Apex Implementations, and at one point even worked for one of their competitors. This all changed however when Daemonkind first made contact with Humanity and Nikhil's interest in them was both immediate and all consuming. Sensing an opportunity to delve into one of the greatest mysteries ever set before Humankind and attain knowledge unheard of, Nikhil resigned from his current position and immediately went out to seek Lorette Lècuyer.They knew that the woman was the first to bring Daemons into the public eye and saw in her an opportunity to be at the forefront of any of Humanity's advancements made in their regard. While Lorette was familiar with his work and had even read several of the man's published journals, she openly questioned where Nikhil's loyalties might lay. His brilliance was obvious and she knew full well how much of an asset he would be to her, but the CEO wondered if one day he might betray her in turn as he was so quick to leave his last employer without a backward glance. Nikhil swore to Lorette that all he desired was to continue his life's work and to hopefully usher in a new age of technology through the study of Daemons, seeing this as the single greatest opportunity that he would ever receive in his life. Swearing lifelong fealty to Lorette and that he had no desire to work anywhere else, Nikhil was brought into Apex and has remained there ever since.

The Engineer dove into his new work immediately and with a newfound vigor. Under his direction the R&D Department has flourished, and Nikhil has made great strides in the field of Daemon Technologies. He was the first to bring the Daemon Registry Project to its fruition and is responsible for the advancements that allow for the scanning and containment of Daemons. With the help of their Daemon partner, Nikhil has delved into the sea of mysteries that surround Daemonkind and strives every day to delve ever deeper. Nikhil is a soft-spoken man and is not one to be overly emotional. He does, however, tend to ramble on excitedly when speaking about his points of interest, and will easily talk the ear off of anyone that will listen. Nikhil's research into Daemons and all corresponding technology keeps him very busy and he has little time for socializing. Though he is well mannered and polite, Nikhil can be overwhelmingly blunt to the point of rudeness and on more than once occasion has a joke flown completely over his head. Despite this, or because of it, other members of Lorette's core team can often be seen coming and going from Nikhil's Lab to bother him. These spontaneous visits would irritate him greatly at first, but over the years he has grown accustomed to them and now enjoys them a great deal though he'd never openly admit it.

Nikhil is not a combatant by his own choice, though when he was first hired Lorette did stress the importance of learning the ins and outs of Daemon battling to better understand them. Since then Nikhil has become better versed in fighting alongside a Daemon, though he and his partner prefer operate in a defensive manner rather than go on the offensive.

Name: Eson
Age: Unknown

An oddity even by the standards of Daemons, Eson is known to be both infuriatingly vague and prone to overwhelming others with mountains of information at the same time. Like Nikhil, Eson is remarkably brilliant and seeks knowledge unheard of before. Eson is like most Daemons in that all they know about Humanity comes from strict observation over a long period of time. When Humanity and Daemons first came together in an effort to gain a better understanding of each other, Eson was very excited, eager to finally gain a hands-on understanding of Humans. It is for this reason that they work so well with Nikhil and eagerly answers all the man's questions so long as he answers theirs in turn. Together the two of them have made massive strides towards better bridging the gap between their two species and are constantly working towards building a bright future for both Humans and Daemonkind

As far as appearances go, Eson rests at the upper limits of the Humanity's ability to comprehend the incomprehensible. Eson possesses 20 humanoid arms, each one moving and acting of its own accord and claims that manifesting any more would render any Human that looked upon them completely mad. Much to Nikhil's amusement, Eson's multi-armed visage looks very much the very Hindu God's that he worships, something that amuses Eson in turn.

Like Nikhil, Eson does not engage in combat often and devotes their time to study and research alongside their Human partner, only fighting to garner information used to further the pair's study on the capabilities on Daemons in general. In battle, Eson uses their many limbs to grapple opponents and deflect strikes rather than outwardly attacking. Their vast number of limbs are also disorienting to Human opponents, and their constant movements can be disorienting as Humans cannot focus on each one separately.

When they are not manifesting a physical form, Eson retreats into the Visor that Nikhil specifically created to better track the separate movements of Eson's 20 arms as doing so without it leaves him disoriented and sometimes makes him ill. The visor is indispensable both in and out of battle, as it feeds the Engineer a constant stream of data from his surroundings and aids in his research and as such he is rarely seen out of it.

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Name: Richard Solberg

Name: Afnet
Age: Unknown

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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Matsuko Oshiro

Age: Unknown

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