Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The day had been full of challanges for the pale-scaled dragonkin. Abandoning her usual routine out of the small temple in Mitrongi to answer Gladios Magnus' summons was different enough, but accepting the assignment to a rather rag-tag band of scaleless fighters on a poorly-planned errand to oust some scoundrels from their stronghold was, frankly, vastly removed from the cleric's usual pursuits.

Yet even as she struggled to remain upright on the sandy-coloured light horse that had been chosen for her by the others, her legs sore and her sharp teeth clacking inside her snout at every harsh trot, Rhindani felt a subtle push, a nearly imperceptible impression that this path had been laid out to her by Draconis Rex himself. Rhindani had felt this mysterious wordless reassurance several times in her life, and it hadn't proved to be false yet.

Regardless, by the time the seasoned fighters reigned their mounts in for the evening and sought out a place to make camp off the road, the dragonkin was highly tempted to use the divinity of Draconis Rex on her own aching limbs. Even her horse seemed exhausted, likely from being forced to carry such a novice rider, and Rhindani was convinced that it was only the beast's instinct to remain close to its fellows that had kept it moving over the miles they had passed through the day.

Clutching her blue shawl at her breast as she slid down from the saddle, the healer took a few moments to lean against's the creature's side, whispering an apology for her own ineptitude in her native language and giving it a few guilty pats on the withers.

"I'll get better," she promised.

It was fortunate that the stablehand who'd handed the palfrey over to her back in Mitrongi had been interested enough in the rare sight of a lizardfolk to find an excuse to talk with her and pass on a few basic tips, which was the only reason Rhin knew to loosen the cinch under the horse's belly to offer it some comfort through the night. She dragged her saddlebags down from the gelding's rump and set it down just long enough to tie the creature up with the others before heading to where the soldier types had started a fire.

The thick leather saddlebags and her satchel both landed with a thump in the dirt next to her bare talons and the dragonkin heaved a sigh. Both hungry and tired she wasn't sure which to address first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Upon leaving Mitrongi with the group who had become her fellowship, Saida mounted her new friend and stead, beginning their journey towards their destination. She rode well as she was not new to riding a horse, she understood them and loved them, allowing her to quickly and easily understand this horse and caress it into behaving for her. The ride was long as cumbersome to their first camp, Saida noting that the Dragonkin whom she had yet to approach and speak to was somewhat struggling under the reigns of her stead.

As they approached their first camp, Saida dismounted her horse and kissed it's nose in appreciation for the work he'd just put in for her. "Thank you my friend." She whispered with her hands running along it's neck in gentle comfort. She was sure to put her horse in a warm location near enough to food and drink so he could replenish himself if need be. She then removed her saddlebags and slung them over her shoulder when she saw the struggling Draginkin ride up and dismount. She watched quietly and unknowingly as her companion assembled her things and limp to a resting stop by the already prepared fire.

A stew was already being prepared when Saida put down her saddlebags near her bedroll and pulled two bowls from within them. She brought them over to the stew and dumped two portions into the bowls and then made her way over the the Dragonkin. She delicately whispered a small blessing on the second bowl so it would being soothing comfort the he who drank it. "May I join you?" her voice was soft and gentle, echoing modesty and sympathy in it's depths. As Saida sat before the warm fire she handed the Dragonkin the second bowl before staring into the fire, her light blonde hair almost floating above the group as it lay fallen down her sides, reflecting the orange light of the fire. Saida touched the bowl to her lips and took a small quiet sip of it's contents.

The soup was only just tasteless as it wasn't decorated in the many herbs that could have complimented the dish and were unavailable due to the current circumstances. Her face betrayed no such feeling or emotion as she continued to sip, placing the bowl in her palms that sat in her lap between each sip. Her deep blue eyes turned to match the Dragonkins, "Pardon my manners if you will, I am Saida Keyran of the Brightwoods.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The pale-scaled creature had just lifted her hands to pull the hood of her blue shawl back, the delicate shape of her frills and crest glittering somewhat where the firelight stuck her scales. She wasn't gold. Not really. Nor was she white exactly. Every movement dazzled with a hint of some other colour, though at present she seemed to favour the golds and reds of the flames. Perhaps the effect would have been even more striking if not for the salve that the dragonkin dutifully used to dull her scales every morning.

The steaming bowl appeared, held up by the slender hand of the elf, the melodic voice speaking to her in a question. Rhindani took the proferred serving and looked down at the simple fair, the thin nostrils at the end of her snout flaring slightly to inhale the weak scent. Well, at least it would warm her even if the taste was bland.

"Of course," the cleric nodded cordially, following the elf with her eyes, which appeared dark now that the sun had fled. There would be room next to the other woman, but before Rhindani moved to join her she reached up to unpin the golden dragon brooch over her left shoulder. This caused the heavy but smooth blue fabric to slide free, caught by her tail before it could land in the dirt.

Rhindani's wings stretched, unencumbered by the garmet that had contained them, like a butterfly freed from a caccoon. Behind her, the back of Rhindani's simple green dress was designed so that a long panel down her spine could be laced to either side, eliminating the need for her to leave her back bare to accomodate those long appendages. For the most part the healer seemed solid without being overly athletic or built, the primary exception being the sinewy muscle that held her wings to her body.

Sitting down next to Saida, she was careful to not brush the elf with her wings or her tail, which curled politely around her feet as she pulled the robe into her lap and sitting the bowl on top.

"I'm Rhindani, of Metal City. I appreciate your kindness," she went on, nodding towards the bowl, "but in the future I might suggest not using your gifts on me without asking first." It wasn't as if she was an injured or dying fighter too far gone to assent. In spite of her request for the future, she used her fingers, each tipped with a small claw, to fish out whatever gristly meat might be swimming around in the stew and popped those into her mouth first.

"I've heard that elves have a natural kinship with horses and other beasts. Riding can't be as painful as all that all the time or no one would do it. Before today I've only ridden a few times and never at such a pace. I do most of my traveling on foot." Though perhaps one day her wings would be of use. After fishing out all the meat from her stew, the dragonkin began to sip the remainder, the warmth filling her belly even though the taste left a lot to be desired.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Saida pulled her wooden bowl up towards her lips and sipped on the stew that lay within it. The warmed of the broth filled her up and spread across the skin in accompaniment to the fire. She watched the flames rise up in the night air dancing in their tribalistic ritual towards the sky in a battle of who can raise the highest, spread the furthest and be the warmest, unifying at the core before whipping up again.

Saida watched the graceful movement of Rhindani's tail before she spoke. Saidas eyes caught the dragonkins for a moment as she spoke before Saida turned back to face the fire quickly but not rudely. "I beg your pardon." her voice was gentle and apologetic. "I suppose I must get used to asking before performing such tasks. In my village I was neither asked or requested to do such things, I did them as the healer instinctively." Her eyes found Rhindanis again at the end of her speech, filled with apology. She finally released her gaze at watched the flickering light against the dragonkins scales the reflections dancing like sun ripples on water.

Saida listened to the Rhindani's voice once more, listening to the unique characters that make up the natural rhythm behind each word. "Perhaps I could help you?" the words left her lips before she could catch them but was happy they did. She meant what she said and it was the least she could do after so rudely inserting her magic into Rhindanis stew. "Perhaps at first light we can train for an hour or so before we are meant to leave again."
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