Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

>Rainbow Headquarters, Hereford, United Kingdom

Outside held a cold and brisk sight, a fog rolled inwards to foreshadow the future of glumness and unclear fates, yet all was quite so different within a separate compound located within the notorious SAS's home. However, this time it was not the usual. The training rooms remained empty, and the arsenal grew lonely of its lack of presence. The dormitories were surprisingly uneventful whilst the boardroom only held Six to study papers of her own. Transportation helicopters weren't yet departed. No man nor woman had left the vicinity of their walls, but had instead ascended to the upper layer of their Headquarters. Why, specifically, that area, one might ask? It was a time of celebration, or at least good-will, towards their current successes and progression throughout the campaign against the White Masks and other terror organisations. Sure, Team Rainbow had their ups and downs throughout these two years, but they had achieved a lot that no one else could. That, in itself, was more than enough to call a drink upon.

The department only known as the Composure Department held a fully functional bar, with several tables, chairs, small-time entertainment, pool-tables and etc. It was mostly what you'd expect to find in a regular bar, just hidden inside of a unpublished United Kingdom Special Forces Headquarters. No one could argue against it, even those who didn't drink alcoholic beverages. These fine men and women had earned every drop they could treat themselves to, and they never enjoyed themselves with such leisure on a regular basis with the knowledge of keeping training and practice up.

This time, the entire collection was there. The ranks of the entire force and bulk of Rainbow itself. At the seat closest to the bar, sat a very hyperactive Elias. He hadn't had access to this sort of celebration in a while, and it was the perfect opportunity to crack his humour to everyone without being yelled at in the field. In fact, he was given the chance to run the bar for the evening event, which came to a major surprise to himself. Beside him was a less excited Sébastien. Ranking up in the next order, there was Marius, Timur, Julien, Eliza, Masaru, Yumiko, Jordon, Vicente, Jack, Mike, James, Elena, Monika, Craig, Meghan, Dominic, Emmanuelle, Frankie, Gilles, Miles, Seamus, Ryad, Taina, Gustave, Tina, Harold, Alexandr, Mark, Maxim and Shuhrat. They needed to slide all of the tables together to fit one another down.

Most had beverages of light alcohol components to buzz their celebration to a more relaxing state, whilst those who didn't drink had plenty of mixed juices and beverages to satisfy their own needs. Most made small-take to each other, and laughing from the deepest voices would merge amongst the drawn out stories of other veterans sat around. But it didn't take long for the chatter to die down, as one individual stood up, glass in hand. With a roughened smile purged onto his lips, Gustave got to his legs and called out to the rest of his brothers and sisters in arms.

"I'd like for us to all simmer down. Yes...Yes...That includes you James." Once the room was fully quiet, he broke his own created silence. "I'd think it is about time that we all said a few words, as this is an evening for all of us to come together, rather than one for us to have as individuals. As one group, under many others, I'd be happy to share my thoughts with you all. Personally, I'd like to thank Elias, who of course was the whiney bastard who both begged for a restock in refreshments, as well as for us to have this get-together in the first place. Secondly, I'd like to give my gratitude to you all, for being here for all of us, as well as the world in their time of need. We work together well as one, and serve together as one."

He raised his glass, and the table did so too, all taking a drink in gratitude, before congratulating Gustave for his beginning words to say. It began to go around the table, one by one, they would stand up, and say a few words, some more than others, before they would sit back down. Some said interesting things, some said comical one-liners. Others spouted deep emotions and gratitude towards their time serving with these fine gentlemen and women.

"I am sat here, after reflecting my life. I trained as an operator of my country. I swam through pigs blood. I underwent torture preparations and extensive experience throughout years on the battlefield. And yet, I'm sat here on my arse drinking around a group of people who did the same, whilst fighting off terror all in one go. Wonderful life we have, to say the least, and I raise another drink to our progress."

By the time more and more spoke, it eventually reached Frankie. Frankie wasn't an overall operator, as such, more of a reserve for the overhaul of terror strikes happening worldwide. For he, actually, was in-charge of ensuring the equipment of all operators were in tip-top condition for when they needed to head out. This allowed him to gain access and much needed knowledge to begin his own creations. Though this was the case, he was not fully alike these brave individuals. He'd gone through the training, and still remained training alongside them, but was barely involved in activities like such. The special occasion was a large event for the Team, and it'd be wise to involve himself in it.

"Uhh...Yes, hello. Frankie here. The guy who fixes all of your stuff because apparently you can't keep it in the same way I left it. I'd, well...obviously I'm doing this under my own will, but to say at a minimum...I'm glad for your service, even if I can't follow you into the field just yet. Not only have you allowed me to extend my own interests, but you've kept families safe, and those in need in the havens of safety. So...Again, I'll raise my glass to you...Oh, and I promise I'll be ready as an Operator too soon...I should be done with my tool soon."

Receiving an interrupting, yet welcomed, remark from James, the laughter built up again. Upon sitting down, his close-friend, Emmanuelle, sat beside him whispered about her excitement to see what he'd been hyping everyone up about for the past few months. It was at least warming to see that he was being welcomed, along with Harold, a reserve much like himself but within a different and more involved position, into Team Rainbow as what he intended on becoming. Finally, these people were to also become his comrades, in at least a few week's time...

A quiet Composure Department held a few, silent figures. There were barely ten of them, less in fact. They sat, around a table of photos and files reminding one another of the painful loss that had succumb to all of those within Team Rainbow. At least all of those who were still left...

Photos of posing, training sessions, downtime laughter and Operation successes scattered like the reality they were facing, a break in a part of them all. The fragments stared right back at them, as if they were still watching. But they weren't. They were only photos. Many of the world would never know of the losses that had tipped the balance of this secret war; they would not hear of the disappearances of heroes and heroines that had served them for two years, and beyond. These were dark days, and the smiles and cheers were a thing of the past. Vegas had claimed Rainbow once more, much like it did in the past. It had torn through the glory days of Bishop's command, and now it had ridden the morale of Six's.

The German Operator, who until now had been relatively quiet, only speaking up every now and again or raising a glass, finally stood up, combat boots scraping across the floor. He indicated for a bottle to be slid towards him, and he was obliged, tipping out the dredges of the last bottle of vodka the group had. He sighed and drank it down quickly, letting the alcohol run through him, and he cleared his throat.

"We... Well. We've come a long way. We've lost friends. No, more than friends. Brothers, sisters, rivals... And some who were more than friends to us." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply, the brave dead that had perished at Vegas. Carefully, he picked up two pictures. One was of all of the GSG9 operatives shortly after the selection process for Team Rainbow, Bandit hefting his CED and IQ goofily posing with her Spectre like it was a phone taking a selfie, the other at the picture of Ryad Al-Hassar, the Spaniard shown standing next to Harold himself, both of them holding a beer. That had been after the Ibiza mission and they had been given leave time on the island. He sighed deeply and cleared his throat, placing his empty glass top-down on the table.

"I think, before we all depart, we should just... Well..." He spiked up his courage, and broke the solitary silence. He knew what needed to be said...

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our Brave men dead;
When the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews.
Summon up the blood.
Disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage;
Now, Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit high.
On, on, you noblest men.
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
Avatar of Jeep Wrangler


Banned Seen 7 mos ago

The halls ahead echoed with the boot-steps of three individuals. All moderately geared up, not keeping their full uniform that would be worn on active duty, the trio moved towards the main hall of their sector in Hereford. Here, the arsenal of new recruits, at least recruits to Rainbow, would be greeted by the two trainers, and of course one of their tour-guides for the day. Gilles took to the front of the pack, wielding no equipment, only a partial part of his armour. His face was not yet concealed by a balaclava, but it was in the shadow of a skull-cap tightly fitted around his head. To his right, a thinner Mark trudged along, looking less hardened than his glory days. He sported his gear, having only just returned from potential recruitment findings. And to Gilles' left, stood a half-uniformed individual. Frankie, of course. Scooting along the floor, much like Mark, he was being forced to be introduced towards the newest members of Team Rainbow.

As they knocked open the double-swinging doors that lead into the room where a formation of neatly ranked operators stayed. The three took to the centre of their front, slowly positioning themselves to be visible to all of them. Frankie still had his uniform on, without his facial coverage, as he began to look between all of the newest of operators. There were many high classification operators here, some that were deemed non-existent to humanity. Others were elite operators, still waiting to prove their worth in the best Counter-Terrorism Unit NATO had to offer. Obviously, they would all show their prowess on the field, but first impressions were a high importance to Frankie.

He too, had changed, ever since the outbreak of misery across the world of Rainbow's existence. It crippled his mind, but also acted as a pushing effect for his progression. Frankie was never Sonar before. He was just Frankie. Having thought of being an Operator during his time fixing, mending and maintaining all of their gear, he finally decided that this was a wake up call for him to become what the others would've wanted him to become. And so, he was very fortunate enough to gain access to the equipment selection box Fourth Echelon had to offer.

Gilles began to talk first, having the front-centre position of the pack. He introduced himself in a loud, and bellowing tone. He'd become a hardened trainer, the hardest of them all. It was difficult to bypass him with bullets, and it was difficult to bypass him with words...

"My name is Gilles Tourè...For those who did their research on Team Rainbow before coming here, you might be more familiar with the term Montagne'. You lot, tomorrow, will be assessed on your skills and abilities as an Operator. Obviously, we aren't going back to square one with bullshit exercise off the bat...That is for you to maintain yourself. Instead, we will be following the testing of Frank Edwards, the man to my left. He is in charge of the functioning of your equipment that you've brought with you from your services in CT Forces...We'll need you to demonstrate your arsenal before we can consider you fit for a mission...When you are ready, you will head to the Gear Management and Development Department, as assigned by the sign saying, as you'd fucking expect, G.M.D. You can ask questions to him there, and we'll account for all of you. Be there or fuck off, understood?"

In all honesty, he did not care for a response. He never expected one, whether the individuals were respectful enough to respond to his question. Anyone too stuck-up enough to not were likely to be noted down into his mental notepad in his mood-zone straight away. It was the way Gilles worked. Single out the out-of-line operators, and put them back into line before the White Masks put them into a coffin.

Soon enough, Frankie made an early departure. As he left the room, he could hear the footsteps behind him. They were going to head straight to the G.M.D. Department, right to where Frankie spent most of his days when not on a mission. Hopefully, these individuals and operators were going to be good company. He hoped for good cooperation, and the chance to perhaps strengthen a bond between a few operators, but that was unlikely due to his state. Besides, he was just Frankie, barely a fully-experienced Sonar...

It didn't take long for them to arrive, one by one. As they drew closer, he flicked out a clip-board and pen and placed it down onto the desk, waiting to serve and collect the first piece of technology being brought in by the Operators. The first to arrive was an unfamiliar one, probably located towards the back of the original rank during the very short, and brief, introduction. He stared at them, in the eye, in silence, for a short while, before nodding. Frankie was nervous, slightly. Not a good aspect of an Operator, but it at least allowed him to sink his teeth into some emotion for once.

"Alright...'Ello there...Name, designation callsign as given by Six and Thatcher, country of origin, previous CT Group...aaaand...Then you can gimme your equipment...I dunno...You could tell me some sorta fact about you...or something...But...This hasn't really been a social club for a good few months."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Harold was not surprised when a troop of new recruits walked into the G.M.D Department. He had woken up early specifically to get this done before they arrived, but it seemed that time had not been on his side. He quickly picked up the new ballistic glass plate and slotted it in, a magnetic screwdriver tightening everything up. Last training exercise had been with blanks, and they had cracked and chipped the glass in numerous ways, so he was fixing that. Minor tweaks to the place where he slotted his arm through to make sure that it still fit- he had been bulking up in preparation for going on missions once more.

There was a clank and a few of the rookies turned his way as he eased the construct down onto the floor, before bracing it. The straps were perfect; they fit snugly and he could easily rotate his arm around to a degree without feeling it chafe or pinch. The glass could be a better quality, it seemed to have a slight grey tint to it, although maybe this was a deliberate new policy to avoid being blinded by the light like some previous operators had been.

To the recruits, he would have seemed like an anomaly. He wasn't in any specific files as he hadn't been given a callsign under the previous operators, and yet here he was, clearly not a member of the new shipment, wearing combat boots and trousers, a long black top covering up his top and providing a little padding for the feat of lifting up the shield. His shotgun was also on the table and he pulled it up, placing it in position atop his shield, away from the recruits.

He listened to Frankie nervously make his spiel. For an operator six years his senior, Frankie sure didn't like public speaking. Hefting back his shield, he placed it back down, his shotgun atop it, and turned back to face the newbies. A platinum-blonde haired woman, a dark haired man... Well, those descriptions could have fit quite a few people in the line. He sat back on the chair and watched with a poker face, wondering who would step up first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Heretic Queen of Sarcasm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Her short stature of 5'3 was ideal for Desiree to stand towards the back of their formation to remain invisible. She always preferred it that way as she wouldn't likely get called out for one reason or the other. But Tourè's speech was rather short, ending abruptly with a smart-ass comment. She cracked a smile, thinking to herself that she might just enjoy it there.

Desiree was the first one to break rank and hurry off to the G.M.D. Department after they were dismissed. Once there, she noticed Edwards was looking somewhat nervous. That wouldn't have been a red flag had he not been in a leadership position, but Desiree dismissed the thought and figured he was just dealing with some personal issues. She was the first one to approach him as the others were still making their way there.

"Desiree Monroe, Murphy, USA, member of the FBI Counter-terrorism Division." She stripped herself of her weapons as she spoke, unslinging her M-4 to place on the table between the two of them, then unholstering her sidearm to do the same. Desiree then felt around for her multi-function tool, smirking when she found it and placed in on the table as well. "Just in case," she shrugged, then reached around for her backpack to take out her laptop. "And this is where all the magic happens," she added, pushing the laptop to the center of the table. "You can have one of your IT guys check it out, or if you know these machines as well as I do, then it's all yours."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Daniel was still cradling his rifle while getting his marching orders, to take his gear down to a drop point and have it check. He hoped they knew his tech wasn't allowed to be toyed with, GST didn't share there toys with anyone no matter the reason. He turned and stepped off to drop his equipment, more than anything he wanted a bunk he'd he was jet lagged and tired. He'd gone from his house at Fort Bragg to the airport then straight into a an overnight flight.

It had sucked, his transfer meant yet again his daughter was staying with his sister while he was off on a business trip. He hated lying to Katie he wanted to stay home and be a parent but being a soldier changed that, while this might not have been his usual gig he was going to do best he could. Finally arriving at the G.M.D. He laid his rifle on the table, speaking opening as he pulled off his sunglasses. "Daniel Matthews, Spectre, USA, special transfer." He added, knowing he wasn't allowed to talk about his work because it had never happened for all they were allowed to know he was mercenary.

"Don't touch the sights, just dialed them in before I left." He warned the clerk, before laying his sidearm on the table, next retrieving his drone. "Be careful with the little guy, he's worth more than I make in a year." He grinned setting the hover drone down on the table. Next he got out his eye piece and cross comm, laying it down on the table. "Whole thing is classified so no pictures. He next laid down the magnetic's sensors he had with him as well, before turning looking at the others who were there.

He decided to just move to the far wall and check his phone, maybe call his daughter and let her know daddy was okay. He sighed and just unlocked it staring at a photo of the two of them sitting on the porch swing, it was hard to believe she was four years old now. He wondered then smiled putting his shades back on and looking at the box of smoke's in ammo pouch thinking about having one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 7 mos ago

Frankie eyed the first person to take to the table. She was roughly his age, as he could tell, with a fair appearance. Indeed one of the more unusual of operators, especially when she placed down a laptop under her specialised equipment. It came as a slight shock, not knowing what to expect out of this. However, he was heavily briefed by Thatcher about who most of these Operators were. It would only make sense if she, this American lady, were to fit under the role of the Hacker. It was quite an odd and large device for such missions that were ahead.

He lifted his head towards her, slowly picking her laptop up and turning it from side to side. Amongst the American-grade weaponry, it was definitely something remarkable. His eyes switched between her and the laptop a few times, before he eventually managed to smile a little bit. It had been the first time he'd smiled for a while, in the previous week, but he'd found this amusing; however, not in a mocking way...

"Glad to meet you, Monroe...Good to see a variety in equipment here, including this...Laptop? Y'know...Kind of odd having one of these here. You sure you haven't tried scaling the size of it down?" He opened the lid, checking all the buttons and wiring with a dumbed-down addition to IQ's tool. It was pretty neat and tidy, compared to the work she'd be training for here in Rainbow. To her last comment, he smiled to himself, chuckling lightly in his highland tone. "IT Department...Oh I wish I had someone else to lend me a hand. I only became an official Operator for a few months, and I've been in this organisation since it started...But, uh...Just come 'ere when you need it, and if you need any tweaks or fixes, I'll be on duty."

Frankie knew that the discovery of him being an Operator may come as a shock or surprise to any of these new individuals. He didn't seem or look the part from first glance, but his ability within his gear was quite a different sight. That would have to be something for them to witness themselves in the future, but until then, he was left with only potential judgements. He knew that he wasn't even a match for Harold. Harold's experience and aggression was far higher and more intense than the sly approach Frankie usually gave.

Another operator stood forward before he had the chance to dismiss the pleasant Operator. He was a more smartened up figure, hair nicely styled well compared to the rougher look of Frankie's black hair. He had a blunter tone, placing his equipment down and warning Frankie to keep his hands off of any harmful approaches to his machines. This was what frustrated Frankie, in the past and the present. These people, trained to go into military situations, bringing expensive toys right into the heart of combat and danger, and yet they are reluctant to allow Frankie, qualified in handling them, to monitor and study their structure. It was a kick in the teeth if he knew one...

Frankie simply nodded at first. He knew what this person was, to some extent. He knew that Frankie had not earned the status to know of this man's origination, but could clearly tell who he was out of the group based on what little detail they received. Another organisation, most likely, much like Fourth Echelon and their tie ins with Frankie (Whom others were not likely to know about, due to the connections he had, similar to Daniel and the Ghosts). And Frankie could respect this, the secrecy. They did not need to know too much about one another, and it would be a luxury if they did. They were here for the same reason, hopefully, unless the transfer was against his own will. Either way, any man with any weapon that was effective with it would prove useful in the field.

"Right...Got it, no touchy touchy until I fully understand its structure. Which I can do, if you gave me time...Anyway...First impressions of the Headquarters? The countryside? The operators here?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Harold pushed himself up and walked over to the lady with the Australian accent. She had called herself a yank, but so had Eliza Cohen, and she had been Isralie. Offering a hand out to her, a neutral expression on his face, he gave her a proper looking over-once up, once down. "Hello there. I'm... Well, I'm Harold Fischer. I was operator for a while but you won't find me on any of the files, that's for sure." A sly smile crossed his face, one hand rubbing the slight amount of stubble that he had gained off-duty. He needed to start shaving again he realised, although that was a slight non-sequitur.

"They never gave me a codename, or at least they didn't until they had to." He indicated towards the modified shield, which even from here it was clear that it was not normal, a slanted angle allowing the force to be concentrated along one single line, weakening the surface before he properly burst in. "I'll be the one covering your ass. Krieg."

He wondered what the gal would be a specialist in. Most of the recruits in Six originally had been mechanical and electrical engineers- it was what made them as powerful as they did, most of them were experts having actually invented their gadgets. Unless the laptop had something under the hood, likely, she might not be that special.

He dismissed that thought. They were all in Six after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Daniel nodded to Frankie. "Yeah... It's pretty out here, I got a chopper ride in from the airport. It's pretty different to Fort Bragg." He added, obviously comfortable discussing home. "Sorry if I came little overprotective of my gear, it's just usually we gotta tell every clerk on base the rules with it. The 'toys' we use in my line of work are about as top end as it gets." He explained, skirting the subject of who he actually worked completely as usually.

"I am surprised with it all, I'm right out of the military myself so this is a hell of lot nicer than we usually get." He yawned loudly. "Of course, I've been awake now... Twenty or so hours, much as I like an all nighter, I can't wait to find my bunk." He added looking at Frankie, the guy seemed nice so he figured he might as talk for awhile. "As for the operator, I like the diversity but I look at this stuff and I have to wonder why they sent a sniper... I mean I'm also a drone and comm's specialist, though I suppose I have done a lot of anti-terrorist work in the past." He relaxed looking at his pack of smokes, thinking about one. "Oh, and you got a sat phone anywhere around here? I wanna call my sister and daughter, let them know I got here safe and sound." He added without much else to say.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heretic
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Heretic Queen of Sarcasm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Harold, nice to meet you," she replied, looking up at the man while gripping his hand with a firm handshake, "I'm Desiree Monroe, also known as Murphy." She eyed his shield, and for a brief moment, she pictured Fischer bursting through barricades and large crowds, sending people flying in various directions. The thought was entertaining, but she refrained from making a comment in that regard. On the job, she was always a professional first, jokester second, at least until she got to know her teammates and was comfortable enough around them to let her guard down.

"I used to be FBI, although my gear is nowhere near as impressive as what they portray on TV," she smiled, knowing that sooner or later he would inquire about her laptop. "But I seldom engage in offensive tactics as I'm more of a computer nerd. Don't get me wrong, I'm a hell of a shot, but I can get you eyes and ears on the enemy upon command, regardless of their location."

Desiree always felt she needed to defend her skills because one: she was a woman and two: she sat in front of a computer for a living. Put the two together and you've got a rather self-conscious agent who at times questions her own work.
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