Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sasha drifted in and out of consciousness that night. He was cold and pale like death. The few moments that he spent awake, he tried to draw close to the warm body beside him, desperate for heat. Even when the sun rose, he continued to shiver and tremble.

It was decided that he couldn't be moved. Any time he tried to roll or moved wrong, the wound would crack open and begin to ooze blood and pus. He was too big to be carried, and now too fragile to risk. So a shelter was built around him, big enough to fit the small group at night to sleep.

The second night was spent huddling close to anyone near him. He was still so cold. But by morning, his skin was starting to sweat. The fever started off minor. He could be washed down with cool water every now and then to keep it down, but as the days passed, it only got worse.

By night three, his fever had peaked. He vomited anything given to him, be it food or water. It wasn't long before dehydration set in, and he grew weak. It was briefly discussed among the group if trying to save him was worth the waste of resources. At the time, it didn't seem likely that he would make it.

Delirium set in somewhere around that time. Any time he was awake was spent mumbling to himself in Russian. He wouldn't respond to words spoken in English. The fever dreams were the worst; his whimpers and soft cries would keep the others awake at night. What he thought he was seeing could only be guessed at.

By day five, the fever finally broke. Sasha's body cooled down, and he slowly regained his mental clarity. However, the last four days without food or water staying in his stomach had made him very weak. He could barely speak, and he had to be helped to roll onto his side to eat or drink. His diet consisted solely of water and mushed up berries and fruit. Anything else was too hard to stomach.

His weight loss was worrisome. Going from a diet of around 4000 calories to barely 500 had forced his body to waste away. About half of what he was given actually stayed down, and the other half was heaved back up. As weak as he was, he was helpless to offer any help to clean himself or the shelter floor up.

By day seven, he could finally hold down food again. It was decided that it was best to give him small portions about every two hours. Sasha was still weak, but he was slowly regaining a bit of strength. He could just about sit up on his own to feed himself.

Over the course of the next seven days, Sasha finally grew strong enough to shuffle around the camp and do minor tasks. Being able to finally wash himself on his own was the first thing he tested.

He looked like a completely different person, having lost almost 60 pounds. It looked pretty awful. The scar on his side had slowly healed, but any time he strained himself, it threatened to tear open and begin to bleed again. It usually bled slowly, but it was persistent enough to be bothersome when he was already so drained.

Sasha kept himself busy with some wood he found and a stone knife. He whittled the wood down into the vague shape of a shoe sole, stopping often to resharpen the knife. The shoes he appeared to be making were far too small for himself. The task of whittling them down into what should be a comfortable form took him the better part of three days in between rest. He was still weakened from his injury and illness, so he slept several more hours than usual.

After he finished four of the wooden soles, Sasha began to poke around in the scrap leather for something he could use as sandal straps.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 11 days ago

Day one: The shelter had finally been built. They would have a place to stay and be protected from the elements. Eventually they were able to make a crude loincloth, but Ysran new he could do better. Maybe. He had a friend who was a cobbler, and could recall a few techniques he was taught. Although... you likely couldn't make shoes out of Scales... Skinning the Scales off of the corpses of the Panther-Lizards, he began to observe the scaled patch. Hmm... Perhaps...No. He was drawing a blank. What could he possibly do with this? How about...? Flipping offer the long strip of Scaled flesh, he could see a thin layer of soft skin. Hmm. Taking the rock knife, he cut the large scaled patch into a long and wide strip. Long enough to go around his torso and wide enough to cover most of his chest. Perhaps, he could use this as...Something? He didn't know. He tried all day trying to use it as some sort of armor, a footwrap, even as a bra! But, he didn't make much process.

Day two: Ysran decided today he'd work on a tool of sorts. But what? Well, a fishing pole could be useful. Grabbing a short branch off a tree, he ripped off the branching sticks. Next, he needed something to tie to the end. Wandering around the forest's edge. A sturdy, thick, vine hung out off the tree. Grabbing it, he tied it around the branch. Then grabbing a twig, he broke the end off, making it almost like a barb, and stuck it through the end of the vine. Hopefully this would work. Grabbing a tiny chunk of meat, he stuck it to the end of the twig. Heading around the lake, he put the pole in the water and sat down. After about four minutes of wating, something started pulling down on the vine. Ripping the pole upwards, and a fish promptly landed on his lap. A fish like that he caught in the stream. The pole seemed fine. The branch was ok, the vine was still hanging in there, but the bait had been eaten. As sturdy as the pole looked, it is likely pretty fragile, the vine or stick will likely need to be replaced.

Item obtained: Crude Fishing Pole X1

Day three: Ysran sat around most of the morning, bored out of his mind. He didn't have anything to read, or anything to write with for that matter. He decided to to his one of his favorite things: Research! But what to research? How about the plants? Yeah, that'll work. Ysran told the others he'd be out in the forest for a while. Wandering around the forest, he came across a large tree, with fruits hanging off of it. Some looked like they were eaten somewhat. The looked like a combination of an orange and a peach. Climbing up the tree, he grabbed a fruit. Sniffing it, it smelled really sweet. Almost like an expensive candle. Taking a small bite, he immediately spit it out. It smelled sweet, but damn was it sour! The skin was soft and sweet, but the juice was so sour he couldn't bear to put it in his mouth again. But of course, Ysran was a man of science. So he had to. Grabbing a second bite, it was, still sour, but now that he was expecting it, it wasn't that bad. Almost... nice in a way. They weren't nice, but they'd have to do. Grabbing an armfull of them, he ran back to camp and dumped them with the rest of the food. He then ran back to the woods, looking for more cool new stuff to explore. There were a fee small berries here and there, but he didn't bother with them, transporting them would be useless, as he could only carry a few. Not to mention some could be poisonous. But he did find a plant that looked much like Aloe Vera. It was spiky, rigid, and stood upright. Looking around, there were actually quite a few of these little clusters. Breaking the stems on one of the clumps, a thick white liquid began to ooze out. Perhaps this would be useful? Digging up the plant, he took one back to camp, and then another. The rest of the day was fairly uneventful exploring, not finding anything of interest.

Items obtained: Aloe Vera? X2

Day 4: Ysran woke up to the sound of a loud cry, presumably a bird of sorts. Today Ysran decided he'd need a weapon. A good one. Walking around the lake's perimeter, he found another pair of rocks. And soon enough, he had another rock knife. And with it, he began to sharpen the end of a stick. Until he finally had an impressive looking wooden spear. Well, as impressive as a wooden spear could get. However, there was one thing on his mind. Those damn birds! All day long they've been screeching. Enough to drive a man insane. Following the screeching, he stomped over to a large tree. There were at least a dozen large birds in that tree. They had short legs, but their bodies were black and fluffy. Their necks were long like an ostrich, and their beaks were short and stubby. The one closest to the ground stared at Ysran with its beady little eyes. Ysran was having none of it. He hurled the spear as hard as his arms could, and hit the bird right through the head. The others flew away in a panic, and then, it was silent. Picking up the bird he carried it back to camp, a demented grin on his face. This would make a fine trophy.

Item obtained: Rock knife X1 Big ol' bird corpse X1 Wooden Spear X1

Day five: Ysran spent the day fishing, bringing in several fish, and then smoking them by the fire to be used later.

Items obtained: Smoked fish X7

Day 6: Ysran woke up with a bad headache. Like migrane levels of hurt. Not to mention a bit of nausea. Maybe he caught something from Sasha? There's that day wasted.

Day seven: Ysran was definitely feeling better, and decided to do a few things around camp. Tidying up, sharpening his spear, doing a bit of fishing, and even smoking that bird he got yesterday.

Items obtained: Smoked bird X1 Smoked fish X3
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