Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was morning, and Bluemoon Academy was just starting up for the next year. Arkan and the other teachers were already there, waiting for everyone to arrive. They knew that it would be soon, and as always, new students were joining as well as old. After a few hours went by of preparing everything for the day, Arkan finally opened the gates and the students that had arrived slowly entered. Arkan appeared in front of everyone as he stood in the main hall. Of course, Young Justice was already there, Kusuna standing in front of Jake and Tyson as she listened carefully to Arkan.

"Welcome everyone to Bluemoon Academy. I do hope you enjoy your stay. Please don't get comfortable with the people you are with, as you may be separated very soon. Here is the grand hall, where I will be making most of my announcements, I hope you enjoy your stay. It is nice to see new faces, as much as old. Now for the mean time, please wait patiently until we assign you all to rooms and buildings. Feel free to socialise and get to know your new potential class mates."

He smiled at everyone before disappearing completly, he had just vanished into thin air. As he did, the rest of the teachers nodded to each other and proceeded to leave themselves. Soon enough, the students were alone.

Moments Earlier.

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi looked to the lowly peasant that read the letter to him, staring at him with his cold dead eyes. Sure, it wasn't really a peasant but that was what he called all of his royal guards. Nothing but mere tools to be used in his ultimate goal. The listened to the worthless man as he read out loud.

'Congratulations, you have been accepted to Bluemoon Academy, where those with power reside to learn and settle in a new life. This secret academy is cloaked in magic and so is invisible to the naked eye. Travel to the Ragnorock Mountains and bring this letter with you. With it, the seal of Bluemoon Academy shall guide you to the gap between the mortal world and the academy for powered souls. Those who cannot make their own way will have Bluemoon Academy transport escort them directly' The man spoke once more as he slowly stood back a little.

"So, Prince Ali Sekhemi, when do you plan on going to the Ragnorock Mountains? You can fly, after all."

Sekhemi's fingers twitched repeatedly as he stared at the man in front of him. He didn't say a word, all he did was chuckle a little. Suddenly, the royal guard caught on fire and began to scream and shout while the flames burned him alive. Within a matter of minutes the guard that was there became nothing but ash.

"You lowly, good for nothing peasant. I shall not fly, it is far too much effort for a Pharaoh!"

He clicked his fingers and suddenly a few guards came. They cleared out the dust then the guards picked Sekhemi up and took him outside. They placed him on his throne which was on the elephants back, then with that Sekhemi Sabertooth and his lowlife peasant guards set off to the Ragnorock Mountains where he would meet this Headmaster.


Rika slowly walked out of his home and let out a soft sigh. Honestly, he was partially hoping he wouldn't be accepted into the Academy. He was worried that his demon side would attack the other students there. He looked at the map and then looked to the mountains. He could hardly believe it, an academy hidden within the mountains, it was wonderful. He closed his eyes and suddenly angel wings grew from his back. He checked his suitcase one last time as well as pockets to make sure he had everything. He then checked his right eye, his demon eye. Luckily the bandages were wrapped up tight around it. He didn't want anyone seeing who he really was. He flew up in the large cave of the mountain at th very peak and began to use the map to help guide him to the cloaked academy.

Prince Kuro

Kuro smiled and bowed to his messenger once he had finished reading. He was glad that he had been accepted into the Academy. Yoruichi looked to him as her tail swished gently side to side.

"Prince Kuro, you're not supposed to bow. You're a prince after all. The messenger is meant to bow to you."

Saying that, the messenger bowed back to him. Kuro smiled brightly, and stood up for a moment. He gave a soft nod to Yoruichi in agreement.

"I know, but it's polite Yoruichi."

He gave a small nod to the messenger and with that the fellow neko left. His ears twitched gently and his own tail swished before he began to walk to the exit of the castle. Yoruichi quickly followed behind him. The two walked out of the castle and got into the royal carriage. There, the escort turned to Kuro with a polite smile.

"Where to, Prince Kuro?"

Kuro quickly gave the escort the map to the Ragnorok Mountains and with that he gave a soft nod. Kuro, Yoruichi and their personal escort began to drive off towards the mountains. It didn't take them long to arrive. Once there the escort took the Royal Carriage into the cave and used the map to guide them to th portal.


Red had read the letter and was on her way to the mountains. Her large paper snake carried her there while she sat on it's back. Serpent was also sat on the paper snake, saving him from tiring himself out for no reason. After all he had to be there with Red at the same time to protect her. So, the three went on ahead, going towards the mountains on a giant snake. Of course, nobody would realise it was a paper snake. Red made it very realistic, just so she had a friend. Well, Serpent was her friend, but the more the merrier.


Sky read the letter and then looked at the map, he gave a soft nod and then used his magic to make them disappear until he later needed them. He had to at least try to meet others and socialise a little at this academy, besides, if he didn't use his powers, there was no way he could harm them. With everything he needed ready, he flew quickly towards the mountains.


Shade read the letter slowly, he then placed it on the floor, not saying anything whatsoever. He just stared at it blankly until eventually, he turned his gaze to the mountains. He wasn't sure how he was meant to feel, happy because he was accepted? Scared because others may judge and attack him? He didn't know. He wanted to meet others, he wanted to make friends, and besides, he didn't want to use his powers anyway, he was too scared his heartless nature would take over, and so Shade began to walk towards the mountains, he just had to try.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue read the letter and then looked to a tree. She rose her hand and the tree grew arms and legs, before standing up. It grabbed her and quickly began to take her to the Ragnorock Mountains. With long strides, it didn't take them long to arrive. Once there, she jumped off and went into the cave alone using the map to guide her.


Korta had read the letter and was on Daénix who was taking her through the caves. She used the map to help guide her through the cave. It wouldn't be long until she arrived, and when she did, it would be a whole new school, a whole new experience.


Zero read the letter and was on his way to the mountains. With his enhanced speed due to his suit, he would get there in no time. He ran quickly until he reached the mountains at which point he pulled out the map and began to use it to guide him.

Ruby Kiyiya

Ruby was in her wolf form running towards the mountains quickly. Her red eyes stared on forward as she raced through the wind. It didn't take her long to arrive, and when she did, she held the map in her jaw and allowed it to guide her to the portal.


Cyber had read the letter and was already boosting towards the mountains with her advanced tech. With the speed she was going at, she arrived quickly in which she used the map to help guide her to the portal where she would arrive at the academy soon enough.

Dixon and Dixoz

The twins were already on thier way to the mountains. With their powers, negitive and positive energy manipulation, they reached the mountains quickly. Once in the cave, they used the map to help guide them through it. They had a map each, so there were two to follow.


Kusuna and her team, Young Justice were already on the way in a stalthed jet. With the agentcy's advanced tech, the jet arrived quickly. Once out, the jet left and the team entered the cave. Now it was just a matter of using the map to reach the Academy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Angel read the letter before he looked to the sky and white wings grew on his back. He then flew towards the mountains. Once there he entered the cave and summoned the map which immdiately began to lead him to the portal where he would enter and arrive at the academy.


Slade was already on his way to the mountains. He had read the lettr and was surprised he had been accepted. Once he arrived at the mountains, he entered the cave and began using the map to guide him towards the portal. All the while he wore his everyday gear, covering and hiding his presence as he did so.


Tyson arrived at the same time Kusuna did. He looked to her then looked to Jake before looking at the cave. This was it, their mission to find the secret academy and investigate it. It wouldn't be easy with everyone here being powerful students each having their own power. None of them knew what to expect.


Foxy had never been to Earth before, she had only seen it and read stories about the strange world below although, it looked wonderful and she couldn't wait to get started there. Honestly, she didn't know how the letter arrived to her, she thought she would have to find some way to communicate with the headmaster however, it seemed his magic was extremely powerful and long range, so much so, it even entered the world above. Once Foxy had said her goodbyes to the other Angelic Spirits, she flew down towards the mountains. It wouldn't take her long to arrive, and soon she would be able to meet her fellow students but first she had to use the map to find the portal.


Yoshihiro walked slowly towards the mountains with the letter and details in his pocket. He was honestly in no rush to get there as he knew not everyone would of arrived as of yet. It was way too early but it was best getting there early rather not at all. He held his sword tightly in his left hand as he walked calmly feeling the dirt in between his toes. As he reached the mountains and entered the cave he used the map to guide him.


Dante grabbed his suitcase and placed the details of the letter and map in his pocket. He looked at the time seeing it being 7:30 in the morning. He pulled up his sleeve and pressed the middle button of his watch and as he did the watch began to expand and form armour all around him. Soon enough he was fully covered and encased with high tech armour. He grabbed the suitcase and used the boosters on his feet to blast himself off towards the mountains. Once there he entered the cave and began to head towards the portal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Jake Foley

Jake arrived with Kusuna and Tyson but before leaving the jet he took a few readings "it seams the new jet worked better that I would of thought but according to these readings there is still room for improvements. I'll improve the design for our next mission." Jake then left the jet to catch up with his team. Jake looked to Kusuna, "What do you think about the decision to set up the academy on Ragnorok Mountain? To me, it seems like a pretty obvious statement regarding the academies purpose and his goals."

Viper Blade

Viper climbed out of her hamack and saw her letter addressed to her on the cabinate. She opened it up and read the letter. She then pulled out a pen and wrote on the envelop explaining she was accepted into Bluemoon Academy and she left to enroll. She put the envelop on th cabinate for her parents and as she did leaves grew around her creating a set of armour and wings. She walked to the door and jumped off the tree house and flew to the mountains towards the cave to find the portal guided by the seal of Bluemoon Academy.

Storm Zoldyck

Storm just passed the hunters exam and recievd her lience when the letter appeared in front of her. She smiled as she opened the letter knowing full well she would of been accepted. She quickly skimmed the letter to find the intructions to get to the cave and to th academy. She put the letter and the map in her pocket as she did a gust of wind swirlled around her lifting her up as she flew off towards the cave she thought to herself that hopefully the academy would be more challenging than the hunters exam as she found it rather boring and she was also the possibility of meeting someone her own age.

Crystal Sea

Crystal read the letter and let out a soft smile, it seems she had been accepted to the academy. Suddenly her whole body began to glow as she covered herself in light energy as she flew off to the cave. She continued to smile as she thought about the adventures she would have and the students she would meet this year.

Leona Lionheart

Leona was by Kuro's side when he got the news he had been accepted. At the same time a letter had appeared in front of her, informing her that she too had been accepted. She followed three paces behind Kuro and closed the door behind him as he climbed in the carriage. Then climbed on th carriage and sat on the seat on the back. Only a thin wall separated her and Kuro with a small window in the centre.

Alex Mercy

Alex recieved the letter informing her of her acceptance to the academy which she found rather odd since she never applied. She thought to herself she could use a break from hunting the scum of the world and decided to go and enroll. Her hair wrapped around her forming armour and wings as she flew off towards the mountains and to the cave.

Kai Morningstar

Kai was in the middle of bathing in a pool of lava when one of his servants knocked on the door. "A letter has arrived for you my lord." "Yes yes come on in." The servant handed him the letter Kai quickly skimmed the letter and folded the letter and placed it back in the envelop and placed it at the side of the bath. "Retreive my clothes and equipment from my chambers. I'll leave for the academy momentarily." The servent bowed and left in a few moments later he came back with Kai's gear as he did Kai got out the bath and his servant dried him off and dressed him. He then put the letter in his pocket and walked to the gates of hell. A portal opened and as he stepped through it he appeared at the cave and pulled out thee map. Any who saw him arrive would of seen a portal made of pure fire open up and the young prince stepped through it.

Max Steel

Max was having a lazy day and laying in bed staring at the ceiling when the letter finally appeared in front of him. He had a puzzled look on his face as he wasn't expecting any mail and was a little surprised it appeared out of thin air. After reading it he realised he had been accepted into an academy for gifted students. He sighed and muttered to himself 'Well I guess I don't have anything better to do I may as well check it out' Suddenly he began to levitate off the bed as he used the magnetism on his metal armour. He then flew off to the cave. As he got closer he saw a number of people had already arrived and were following the map. As he began to land a metal mask covered his entire face. He began to change th colour, shape and texture of the mask until it resembled a human face. His armour began to melt and be absorbed into his skin. Now he looked like a normal boy wearing black robes. He pulled out the map and began to follow it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Kusuna looked to Jake as he asked about the Ragnorock Mountains. She continued walking until she reached thr portal and stopped. Slowly she looked to the others and spoke.

"Ragnorock Mountain, rumours have it that the academy is placed here to stop all world ending senarios if that was true though, why hide the academy? There is only a 0.5% chance that someone would come to the mountains to explore, choose the right cave and right path that ultimately leads to the academy. Something isn't right here."

Slowly she entered the portal and looked around. There were many different students here of all kinds. She looked to Jake and Tyson before looking forward and beginning to wait.

Prince Kuro

Kuro and Leona arrived at the egde of the portal, as he did the symbol of Bluemoon Academy lit up the portal, revealing it to them and everyone else. He gave a small smile before looking to Yoruichi, He actually didn't think he'd arrive so fast.

"We're here Yoruichi."

Before she could say anything he left the carriage and walked through the portal. She stared at Leona for a moment before following him. Once they were at the large courtyard Yoruichi turned to Kuro and spoke.

"Kuro, we just passed through Ragnorok Mountains. You've heard the legends, end of world mountain? Said to cause eternal darkness and destruction every thousand years? We should be careful."

Kuro gave a soft nod in understandment to her. He did know the legends, there were many in fact but each and every one ended with the world being in complete destruction or chaos. From what he heard though, the academy was set here to stop and prevent all sources of evil that could make the legends a reality, but hey who knows.


Rika finally arrived at the portal and it was revealed to him as he approached. Although just before he entered he felt an overwhelming sense of evil, making his right eye glow red and fangs start to appear, but in an instant the feeling was gone and Kuro kept in control. He placed his hand over his right eye for a moment and closed it as he did. Something terrible was coming. He stood through the portal and into the courtyard as he did he slowly stepped to the side and out of the way. For now, it was best if he was on his own.


Shade walked towards the portal and quickly entered it. Once he was in the courtyard he looked around before closing his eyes. Quickly, he melted to the floor, becoming nothing but a pool of darkness then that pool moved quickly to a small hidden and out of the way area until it was time to reveal himself. He didn't want to risk scaring his potential classmates before the year had even began and so for now, he kept out the way.


Teal had retrieved the letter and was already in the cave. It was strange, she never applied to the academy or heard of it however she decided to go instead of wandering around the world looking for something to do to keep her mind busy. As she reached the portal her deep yellow eyes stared at it. The mindless creature beside her just flew waiting for it's master to continue. Slowly Teal reached her hand out and spoke in a monotone emotionless voice.

"Magic. Stronger than I, stronger than you. Who else possesses a power such as this? Does mother know of this academy, of this power?"

She looked to the Skydren but no answer came. It hadn't the power for free will, nor did it have the consciousness that she had. It was a mindless servant who decided to follow her due to her sheer dominance and power. Slowly, Teal entered the portal and lookd around the courtyard as she did. She immediately sensed another and quickly looked towards Shade. The two were both mentally linked. He too would sense her just as she him. Just with her presence his ability to control his inner instinct would be easier to control. Although he was different. A shadeling who was conscious too? She didn't expect to see another. Teal landed swiftly as her power faded. She was still a heartless of course but it allowed her actually walk instead of float. Slowly she stepped forward towards the gate and wait. She turned to face Shade and watched him. Considering he wasn't coming over to serve her with her presence he was definately awake.


Korta rode on Daénix quickly and as they reachd the portal Daénix jumped through the portal. He stopped and allowed Korta to get her bearings, before she patted Daénix and climbed off him. Slowly she sat herself down and folded her legs and Daénix did the same. Together the two sat down waiting for the year to start.


Ruby continued to run through the cave until she reached the portal. She transformed back into her human form and then summoned a large peice of human meat. Slowly she walked through the portal and took a bite from the meat. She looked around the area then leaned against the wall to wait while she ate her meal.


Cyber reached th portal and once she did she transformed her battle suit into simple clothing. There was no need to show it off when she wasn't going to use it. The claws became gloves, the boosters became a back pack, it was simply high tech clothing for those who asked. She entered the portal and used her nanites to scan the entire area, including every student which gave her some information about them. What it didn't give is their powers but she would find that out soon enough. She continued to scan students as they entered to get whatever information she could on them.

Dixon and Dixoz

The twins arrived at the portal and they couldn't help but smile at it. This was awesome. A portal that took them to a whole new world of sorts. Hidden by magic. Thy looked each other before nodding.

"Awesome Dixoz! Come on let's go!" "Okay! Let's go in! Let's go in!"

The two ran into the portal and smiled brightly. Slowly they walked forward and began to wait for the year to start but as they did they watched everything and everyone, even sensing their energy, reading it.


Zero found the portal after being guided by the map. He gave a small smile and entered the portal. His light saber was attached to his armour on his leg. He looked around at the other students before beginning to wait.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue quickly found the portal and entered. She looked around for a moment before standing out of the way. While she waited she would observe. There wasn't anything else she could do after all.


Miarikia was already in the cave with Flash at her side. She arrived at the portal and slowly entered without a word alongside with Flash. Once in the courtyard Flash looked around and gave a wide smile.

"With so many students here, I think you'll have plenty time to train and grow stronger."

She smiled and nodded to him and then looked forward. For now she would wait until the year had fully started.


Red continued to ride her snake to the portal and when she arrived she let out a wide smile. This was a whole new world on the other side, she couldn't help but be excited. She entered the portal and looked around and thus began to wait for the year to start.


Sky flew towards the portal and quickly entered. As he did he looked around and moved to a more secluded area. For now it was best to be alone, there were just too many people around and he worried he would hurt other students even with the ring on.

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi arrived shortly after on the huge elephant. As he did guards paraded through the portal, blowing horns as loud as possible. Then seventy five golden camels came on through the portal after that thirty five purple peacocks followed. Next was ninety five persian white monkeys. Finally one hundred slaves were dragged through the portal. All the while the guards were singing and dancing. When the whole song and dance was over Sekhemi got off his elephant and walked in front of everyone. He looked around the area and shouted with anger.

"Where's the headmaster? He better not keep me waiting otherwise somebody is going to get hurt, very quickly."

He ignored everyone in the courtyard, not caring about one single person at all only about himself. Beside him stood Sabertooth, the only being who had earned his respect.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tyson listened to Kusuna and Jake and what they said made sense, why was the academy built on Ragnorock Mountain? He followed them into the portal and looked around. After a moment he began to wait while he thought about the academy. It was rather strange but that was exactly why they had been sent to investigate but from all the different students he could already tell it wasn't going to be easy.


Angel walked through the portal and looked around. There were certainly a lot of students around. He studied each and every student before moving towards a more open area. He was interested to see just what everyone was able to do here and how powerful they really were.


Slade reached the portal and as he did he hid his face under his hood. Slowly h entered and as soon as he did he sheltered himself in shadow and watched everyone from afar. He was crouched down, not missing a single thing with one of his blades drawn just in case someone spotted him. He could never be too careful with all these students.


Dante reached the portal and then stopped immediately. He deactivated his watch, making him return to his normal form before entering then when he had entered he stood waiting for the teachers arrived but as he waited he kept his eye on everyone. He needed to know who was an ally and who was an enemy.


Yoshihiro finally arrived at the portal. He sighed and slowly entered it. When he was on the other side he lookd around at everyone and didn't really expect so many different students but in the end he just shrugged. He leaned back on a wall and began to wait for everything to start.


Foxy entered the portal and looked around. She took interest in all the different students. There were a lot more than she originally thought there would be. She landed on the floor gently and sat herself down while she waited for the school year to get started. She was excited to find out who her class mates were going to be.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Jake Foley

Jake continued to walk with Kusuna and Tyson listening to Kusunas answer the three simply stood in the corner of the room continuing thir convention "I know what the rumours say i was simply wondering what you thought of the situation however i believe you forgot to factor in an important verifiable human persistence if someone or even a group wanted to inviltrate this academy without an invite the would simply have to conduct a coordinated serch they would likely be able to handle any traps or monsters they encounter at that point it just becomes a matter of when they find the portal and if the can force it open" however their convention was temporarily interupted when a student decided to make an over the top entrance

Viper Blade and Crystal Sea

Viper and Crystal walked though the portal and immediately saw the huge crowd of students she noticed a few new students as well as a few returning ones but instead of greeting them they would wait until Arken had made his introduction viper then began to settle in and wait for the headmaster to arrived with a new student barged in with a parade of slaves Crystal got up and walked over to him


While Crystal lectured him Viper sent out a wave of leaves towards all the slaves and animals cutting thorough their chains and freeing them

Storm Zoldyck

After Storm enterd the portal she took a quick glance around the room and saw a number of interesting people but one in perticuler caught her eye Slade it was obvious he was a wanabe assassin but the fact the he lacked any real stelth skills and had his weapon already drwan kinda annoyed her she slipped into the shadows and snuk up to him and stood by his side as she wisperid in his ear

"attempting to blend into the shadows and stay unnoticed is one thing hell your not enven the only one doing it but the fact that you have your weapon out tells me everything i need to know about you its obvious you have some naive dream of being an assassin but drewing your blade before a you identified a target shows cowardice a blade should neve be unsheathed until its time to spill blood that is not a defensive stans its a fighting stans and i have to say i dislike having a stalk around with his blade at the ready" after saying this Storm gently placed her hand on the handle of her sword

Leona Lionheart

Leona followed three steps behind Kuro as always listening them talk about the rumours and after seeing the number of students she looked to Kuro

"please be careful sir i know how powerful you are but if you got forced into battle here an attack could come from any direction protecting under those conditions would not be easy"

Alex Mercy

As Alex approached the meeting area she heard what sounded like parade, as she looked in disgust at all the slaves, singing and dancing while praising their master. Alex walked over to Sekhemi as she did wounds opened all over her body and a large amount of blood came out of her body and formed multiple blades. Blood spikes were fired out of the tips of the blades hitting all his slaves in the chest. Mixed in with her blood was a chemical that would render someone unconscious and give the appearance of death. Alex stopped as she stared in Sekhemi's eyes.

"You and bastards like you are exactly what is wrong with the fucking human race. Greedy, self centered, arrogant, stuck up, loud mouthed, inconsiderate, violent and just down right rude, only caring about your self and what you want and you'll literally step on anybody you have to to get what you want, believing your superior to everyone around you and believing that false sense of superiority gives you the right to do what ever you want with anyone. Scum like you need to be put in the grave but considering killing another will probably cause me a lot of trouble I'll give you one chance to walk out of this alive and you even get to choose how you do it. You can either fuck off out of my sight and forget about this school, or get on you knees and beg for your worthless life."

Max Steel

Max arrived a little after Alex and with everything going on he decided to stay out of it and simply observe the situation for now

Kai Morningstar

After walking though the portal Kai saw the large crowd of students but payed no atention to the mortals however he sensed demonic and angelic energy coming from a few students then he noticed the presence of a shadling and full heart Kai then shouted out to all the demons in the area


then the gates of hell rose up out of the ground behind him as they opend he called out the names of Cain, Cerberus and Orthrus as he did the thee walked out of the gates of hell Kai pointed to the Shadling "Thats your target destroy it"


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
Avatar of The One

The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

My entire post was deleted! So I'm going to post bit by bit considering it's so big so I don't lose it again.


Kusuna listened to Jake and nodded. He was right however the likelihood of someone spending years looking for an academy that was just a rumour was highly unlikely. She was about to argue her point when someone began to parade in with singing and dancing. She guessed that he was some royalty or something. Prince Ali Sekhemi. She turned away from the angry students and instead began to face another student, one that was shouting about something. Calling out demons, and asking them to help defeat his enemies. Then, her eyes widened as she realised something.

"Morningstar, the literal son of Lucifer but I thought that was just a old myth. The names Shadling and Full Heart, both names of powerful heartless. I thought that was a story told to children to scare them. This has become much harder than we expected."

She immediately began to look around to see what other myths and legends were here but the only other myth she saw were two Nekos who were fairly common now but still not much were known about them. Suppossedly there were highly intelligent and skilled in magic. She let herself sigh as she realised that this mission wasn't going to be as easy as she thought. She expected to see mostly nekos and a few humans, but not this.

Prince Kuro

Kuro listened to Leona and gave her a soft nod. Beside who would attack them at the academy gates anyway? He ignored the large parade of royalty. He didn't understand it. He was royalty and he didn't show off like that. He then looked to a man who was shouting out something. His eyes immedately opened wide as he heard the names being called out. He knew them too well. Morningstar, thee literal son of Lucifer. That he wasn't too afraid of. However, Shadling and Full Heart, his eyes were directed to Teal and he couldn't hold back the hatred showing in his eyes. Heartless! Slowly, he stood forward before turning to face Yorichi and Leona.

"I'm afraid there's a slight problem."

He turned to Teal again and held out his hand. Suddenly a large thick book appeared in his hand. As it did Yoruichi stepped forward and activated her pyschic powers to place a shield around Kuro.

"Just be careful Kuro."

She knew there was nothing she could say to stop him. He hated the heartless, she watched him kill dozeens, hundreds even. Her eyes were directed to Teal, then slowly to Shade. She let out a sigh and looked back to Kuro.


Rika watched as Sekhemi paradded in. It was loud, obnoxious and arrogant. His eye flashed red however, for now he kept in control. That was until a man began to shout. Someone named Morningstar, he knew that name. He knew it more than he liked. After all, his father was Lucifer. (I did tell you this before you made him!) His mother wasn't known to him and he refused to take on the name Morningstar. It would only make the demon stronger. He began to call all demons to help him kill the heartless, and as soon as he did his eye glowed red. He stood back slowly as he felt the demon trying to come out. His demon teeth appeared, and his claws grew from his fingers. His eye twitched and Rika couldn't hold him back. He began to breath heavily, trying to resist. The demon had been called, there was no possible way to stop it. So he had to warn them, he had to warn everyone. He looked up and began to sing as loud as he could.


Then he heard the demonic voice speak in his head, talking to him and only him. So only Rika could hear it.

"I have been called. Release me, relealse me now, RELEASE ME!

Rika shook his head screaming out loudly. He held on to his head as his bandage was starting to unravel. He was coming out, he couldn't hold him in!


Rika shouted, it was already happening. He could no longer suppress the demon within him. His body began to crack and break, the sounds of bones cracking echoed loudly throughout the field. He screamed loudly in a demonic voice. Soon enough he had transformed completely to his demon self. Everyone would feel the intense feeling of hatred and the intent to kill.

"So, Morningstar. Did your worthless excuse of a father ever tell you about his OTHER child? The one he abandoned because he wasn't pure demon? If this bastard child stopped resisting me, I'd be in my true form but he always resists, he always holds back my power. Perhaps we can help each other, Morningstar to Morningstar?"

He gave out a demonic laugh before looking to Shade then to Teal. Even without his true form, he was still powerful, strong enough to fight back.


Shade watched the parade but that did nothing for him. He didn't care about that. However, he felt the blood lust coming from someone called Morningstar. He knew that name, the literal son of Lucifer. His one yellow eye was starting to change hues as Kai declared that he was going to try and kill the Heartless. Then, the pure hatred leakeed of a young neko, he could feel it. His darkness inside of him was eating it all. Finally, another boy transformed into a demon. The pure hatred and evil coming off him, as well as the other demons, it was all too much. His one yellow eye turned red and that was it. Although, if anyone knew a heartless, they would see something truly terrifying. Shade had one black eye, and now a red one. It was time.


Teal watched as someone paraded in. She stared with a blank look but slowly turned to another student. She had met him before. Morningstar, the literal son of Lucifer. Yet again he declared that he was going to kill the heartless. She stared at him blankly, showing no emotion as she spoke in her usual monotone, dull emotionless voice.

"I have lost all desire to fight. There is no need to battle again. I do not believe we have five days to spare this time. Do you truly wish to fight yet again?"

Of course, she felt his blood lust and that answered for her. Slowly, her eyes closed and when they reopened her eyes were completely red. If she had to fight to defend herself, she would and she wouldn't hold back either.


Korta watched as Sekhemi paraded in. Although that was nothing compard to what came next. Someone named Morningstar began to shout about calling out demons, then a little boy transformed into a demon, he sang about the monster and how is broke him. Poor boy. She looked to the heartless and slowly she shook her head. this wasn't her fight. She wouldn't get involved, there was no need to. For now she would stand back and watch.


Ruby didn't care about Sekhemi, she didn't care about the demon Morningstar, nor did she care for the heartless. She didn't care about the boy demon either. This wasn't her fight, besides she was having a meal anyway. She took another bite from the human meat she was holding as she continued to watch.


Cyber watched as Sekhemi came in but honestly she didn't care for arrogant assholes like him. She continued to scan every student that came in, and when she scanned Kuro she let out a small smile. He was a neko prince. He didn't make a big scene, so it was practically impossible to know. She heard the name Morningstar and knew that was the name of the literal son of Lucifer. She scanned him anyway. After announcing he was going to kill the heartless, a boy transformed into a demon. His name was Rika, according to the scan. One part human, one part demon and one part angel. Apparently, according to the demon Lucifer had another son, interesting. Cyber turned her gaze to the heartless and scanned them both. Shade and Teal, both dangerous according to lore. She smiled and suddenly her tech clothes transformed into her battle armour once more.

"Hey! Son of Lucifer, mind if I help?"

She slashed the wind with her claw then looked to Shade. It seemed he was going to deal with Teal alone, so she would help kill Shade.

Dixon and Dixoz

The two twins giggled and smiled as Sekhemi came through. The whole scene looked too silly to be taken seriously. Then another person called out, something about demons or whatever. He pointed to something that was hiding but they didn't know what it was. Then a boy transformed into a demon. Wow, there were so many! Dixon ran up to Cerberus and used his positive energy to boost him up and land on cerberus.

"Cool! A big doggy! Let's play doggy!"

Dixoz then ran up to Orthrus and giggled once more. He boosted himself up with dark energy and landed on him. With that he patted the back of the demon dog and spoke.

"Cool! I've got this one! We both got doggies now!"

The twins giggled together as the two stroked the dogs. Either they were the bravest kids in the world or they were just extremely stupid.


Zero watched as Sekhemi paraded in. Pathetic. Although what got his interest was this Morningstar. He listened to him then looked at the two heartless. Afterwards a child transformed into a demon. He gave a small smile before looking to shade. It seemed there were a few people wanting to fight him. That must mean he was pretty strong. Strong enough to warrent a challenge that is. He grabbed his light saber and focused on his target. The blue gem on his forehead shined brightly and he was ready to fight. To kill, and destroy his target.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue watched as Sekemi came through and she simply rolled her eyes. She was about to revive the slaves when she felt the life force in them. They weren't actually dead. She stared at Alex for a moment before looking towards a demon called Morningstar. He spoke about killing the Heartless. Afterwards a boy transformed into a demon. She knew heartless enough to know how much they could corrupt and destroy. She stayed back and got herself ready. She would lend aid to whoever she could.

"Don't worry about death. I will revive anyone who dies and I'll also purify the darkness. If anyone is able to create plants, or any sort of life, please do. I'm going to need every last bit."

She clenched her fist getting ready. She couldn't do much for attacking but she would be great for supporting other students.


Miarikia watched as Sekhemi paraded through. She ignored him, she didn't care about people like him. Instead she looked to Kai, who used the name Morningstar. She knew that name, the literal son of Lucifer. The demons he summoned too, Cane, Cerberus and Orthrus. Although the boy demon, the one who claimed to be another son of Lucifer, she didn't recognise him. Perhaps it was because he wasn't in his 'true form' yet. She looked to the heartless, she knew them too. Both powerful and both dangerous in their own right. The fact that one eye was already black proved that the heartless was just that, a monster. A being of destruction, evil, knowing nothing but how to kill and cause chaos. She placed her hand on her grimoire and closed her eyes. If she is to fight, if she is to help rid the world of monsters, she cannot do it alone. Suddenly her eyes opened and an evil grin appeared on her face. Suddenly darkness surounded her and her body transformed. In a matter of seconds, she was no longer herself but instead, Kakalukia. The most dangerous Demon Prince there was when it came to magic. His knowledge was ancient. He slowly ajusted his hat and spoke to Kai.

"We meet again, Kai. It will be entertaining to fight alongside you. Not that I have much choice in the matter anyway."

He gave a sinister laugh before looking towards Shade. His blue eyes stared at him as he gave a sadistic grin. Oh, it was going to be fun to destroy this heartless.


Red sat on her paper snake as she watched Sekhemi come through. She didn't really care for big fancy scenes like that. Then someone began to shout, something about demons and heartless, she wasn't sure. Afterwards a child transformed into a demon and she had to admit, the feeling of pure hatred and bloodlust was frightening a little. Then another person transformed into a demon. There were so many demons around. Two children decided to ride the two demon dogs which Red laughed at a little. She turned to face Shade and Teal, but the dark evil intent Shade released was far stronger than anyone's here. You could sense the intention to destroy and kill without even trying and that was it. Slowly Red moved back, her eyes stuck on him. She was scared, she couldn't move. There was so much hatred in the area, so much evil. Why did they have to fight, this wasn't a game, they really meant to fight!


Sky watched as Sekhemi paraded through. Although he didn't really care for that. He looked to Morningstar who was a literal demon on Lucifer. He called out other demons to fight with him, to kill the heartless. Several people transformed into demons to help fight the heartless. Then someone claimed that they could revive others, if that was true was it safe to help? He couldn't go and get the teachers, the gates were locked, but if he took of his ring, if he tried to help, it could be disasterous. He flew back, for now he would wait. Perhaps, if they truly needed him, he would help but for now there were many others willing to fight.

Prince Ali Sekhemi


Sekhemi watched as some crazy psycho killed all his slaves, which honestly, he didn't care about in the slightest. They were nothing but slaves, worthless to him, scum on the floor. They meant nothing to him whatsoever. However, when the crazy psycho came and began to threaten him, he couldn't help but clench his fist. He stepped back for a second then created a flaming barrier around him to protect himself, before he spoke angrily.

"You insolent, stuck up snot nosed, giant, scum bag, fuck face, dick headed asshole! I'm going to put a hole through your fucking head! You stupid ignorant son of a bitch dumb bastard! Jesus Christ I met some dumb bastards in my time but you are the most idiotic! In fact, to call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! You don't come up to me and threaten my life, do you have a death wish? You MUST have a death wish! Let me make one thing clear, you are nothing! If you were in my toilet bowl I wouldn't even bother flushing it. My bathmat means more to me than pieces of shit like you! You pathetic good for nothing worm, you fucking slimy dirty rotten stinking flea bitten spider! I'll crush you like the lowlife fucking insect you are!"

He breathed heavily but he still wasn't done. He was going to murder her. He created two fire balls in his hands before firing them in quick succession, he continued to do this, firing multiple fire balls at her constantly. He didn't care about anything else. Oh, and he hadn't forgotten the other girl. She too would meet the wrath of a pharaoh!

The Great Battle!

People Involved

Prince Kuro
Rogue Shiruba

Many had chosen to fight against the heartless. Beings of hatred, death and destruction. Monsters who corrupt, mindless and savage. It was sad how nobody saw how unique the two heartless really were. It was a battle that had been started just for the sake of killing and committing genocide.

Shade let out a hellish scream as he went into a hateful blood lust. His eyes were filled with killer instinct and his tail was raised up high like a blade. For now, Teal simply watched and waited. She was in her own mind and in control of herself unlike Shade. She turned to him for a moment before looking back to Kai. Rika, Cyber, Zero Miarikia, Cain, Cerberus and Orthrus were all ready to face Shade. He looked up to the sun and shot a huge black shadow blast at it. Suddenly the sun slowly sunk down, and the day turned to night. Just then a black moon rose. Only the stars lit up th night sky. That is when he transformed into a large dragon and let out a fearsome roar.

It was Rika that acted first. In a flash, Rika was in front of Shade. He stabbed his chest with his tail followed by a powerful slash to the gut. Then the separated skull formed and Rika sent out a burning laser which shot right through him. However this did nothing to Shade. With a mighty roar and a swing of his arm Rika flew into the wall. Then a giant tendril came from the shadows and stabbed into Rika. It is at that point Cyber boosted forward and jumped to the air. She slashed at his wings with her two giant claws while stabbing his chest with her sword and tail. At the same time she was shooting explosive bombs at his head. All this spilt Dust Glade X into him. As she did Shade screamed loudly before his entire body blew up sending Cyber flying, as she smashed into the wall, the tanks blew up and spilled the Dust Glade X over her. Immediately she scram and came nothing but bones. However her sacrifice was in vain. Although it had killed Shade for a moment, the darkness reconstucted back into his normal form however the skull was cracked. He rose his hand up slowly and pressed his claws into the crack. He ripped open his skull and threw it to the ground then screamed once more. If anyone was smart, they'd realised that Cyber was the only one who really hurt Shade so far. Zero ran up to Shade but before he could even swing his sword Shade looked to him and he froze. He wasn't able to move at all. Slade turned into a pool of darknss and went over to him. When he reformed he stabbed his hand into Zero's chest and pulled out his beating heart. Then right before his own eyes he crushed it. Zero fell to the ground, dead. Kakalukia looked to Cyber, then to Zero and finally to Rika. Each one had failed but only one came close.

"Dust Glade X, how the hell did you get it? I thought only Dust himself could make that stuff. God damn it! We need her! We can't do this without her! Revive her now!"

He looked to Shade and sighed. Dust Glade X, the strongest version. Heartless couldn't adapt to it, never have. To the full heart, it's their bane. It may never kill them, but it weakens them severely. Although the stuff it's extremely rare, impossible to get even! How did she get it? Not even hell has the stuff. He should know, he personally went to check. She had tried to recreate it with magic but that's impossible unless you have Dust himself. How did she get it? He may be insane but he knew his magic. He channeled all the light he could channel and then sent it at Shade although Shade saw it and simply deflected the blast like it was nothing. Then stabbed him with his tail and flung him away. Howver, Kakalukia wasn't that easy to beat. The wound healed and he got back up. This was going to be a tough fight.

Kuro saw Cyber use the Dust Glade and he was just as surprised as anyone. Nothing in his books mentioned how to create it, it was literally impossible. He turned to Kai and spoke up.

"Hey Kai, do not let that girl die! She may be our only hope in killing these monsters."

He looked to Teal who continued to wait, immediately he began to channel a spell. As he did Teal turned to him immediately.


Suddenly the force field around Kuro that Yoruichi created shrunk so much, it literally crushed him. Yoruichi tried to stop it, but Teal was stronger than her.

"No, since when can heartless do that?"

She looked to Leona before turning to Teal.

"Damn you Heartless!"

She sent a large psychic wave at her but her red eyes stared and peirced the pyschic wave, then her hand rose and Yoruichi literally exploded from the inside out.

Rogue couldn't believe it, it was a massacre. People were dying left and right. Hearing what the demon said about Cyber she turned to face her but she couldn't revive her, she had been reduced to bones! She turned to the others however, healing whoever she could. The only people she couldn't heal was Yoruichi and Cyber. Kuro fell to his knees, his eyes wide.


He didn't have the will without her, he couldn't fight without her. The heartless took everything from him. They killed his people and know they took Yoruichi. This just wasn't fair.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tyson watched as everything went on. The heartless were insanely strong, there was no way he could fend them off. He looked to the other two and for now stood back. There was nothing they could do but watch otherwise they would get slaughtered. They couldn't stand up to that.



Slade looked to Storm and listened to her. He slowly placed the blade away and stood himself up. He supposed she was right, but how exactly did she see him? He stared at her for a few minutes before speaking.

"How did you know where I was hiding?"

Then he turned his head to face the on going battle. He knew he couldn't fight against that, and besides he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself anyway.


Dante watched everything go on and the battle was interesting, he had to admit. The heartless certainly looked like they could be a challenge for him although he knew that if he were to fight he would be too weak without his armour. He placed his hand on his watch and as he did the suit activated. He slashed his sword at the wind before flying over to Shade. Then he channeled his magic into his sword and slashed Shade which would explode on impact. At the time time he held out his hand and sent a pyschic explosion at him. Afterwards he jumped back to make sure he didn't get hit.

"Eat that you heartless monster."

He gave a small smile, wondering if that attack would work on the heartless at all.


Yoshihiro wtached everything go on, and seeing the battle with the heartless, he decided it would be best to join in on the fight. Luckily, the heartless brought out the moon. He smiled and rose his sword up. He drew power from the moon using his Lunar manipulation then slashed the air. The lunar strike would hopefully cut him in half. Lightning was fused with the lunar strike to hopefully hurt Shade even more.


Foxy watched as everything went on, and she decided to join in. How could she not? She watched as Yoshihiro used the moons power to attack Shade, while he did she closed her eyes. She channeled all her power, turning golden as she did then sent a huge spirit bomb of holy light at Shade that would destroy all evil. Her blue eyes peirced through the darkness. She may not be in her true form like the other Angelic Spirits but she didn't need to be. She was still a Angelic Spirit and all that was dark would be destroyed!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Jake Foley

Jake like the other members of young justice knew they didn't stand a chance against these types of enemies so he decided it would be best to sit back and observe. While he did he would scan everybody evolved in the battle to get a better idea of their powers and abilities while scanning he would send any relevant data to Kusuna.

Viper Blade

Viper looked around and saw how things quickly got out of hand. She knew her attacks wouldn't do much against Heartless but she heard someone ask for anyone to grow plant life. That she could do. She raised her arms and suddenly the courtyard would resemble a rain forest. Plants and trees everywhere for as far as the eye could see.

Storm Zoldyck

Storm quickly lost interest in the wannabe assassin when she saw a large scale battle break out. She drew her sword as air swirrled around her. She jumped into the air releasing a huge gust of wind from her feet creating a large shockwave. She then raised her sword above her head and summer saulted in the air while a large amount of air circled her sword creating a giant huricane. As she got closer to the ground she swung her sword in the direction of Shade but before she hit the ground she super heated the air transforming it all to plasma. Once she hit the ground she relased a giant plasma blast headed straight for Shade. It would continue on it's path and head straight for Teal disinerating everything in it's path.

Crystal Sea

Crystal quickly lost interest in Sekhemi as something more urgent came up. Her body began to glow as she filled herself with light energy. She flew into the sky and purified the moon. She then raised her hand to the sky and created a giant ball of light. She threw it at Foxy's holy energy bomb. The two would connect before Foxy's attack hit Shade creating a huge explosion. Far more powerful than the two would make separately.

Leona Lionheart

Leona could feel the immense pressure emminating from all these monsterous beings. Her body began to evolve as it did she began to glow and flicker.


She began to grow wings, a tail, an extra set of arms, claws and her skin transformed into subdermal armour, she even developed psychic abilities. She refused to fail to protect Kuro again. She knew people could revive him if he died but that didn't matter it was her job to keep him alive. She stood in front of Kuro. Now she was three times the size of him. She let out a loud roar then took a deep breath in as she did she used her new abilities to compress the air she just inhaled. As she exhaled she heated the air as it left her move turning it to a plasma blast head right to Teal. It would continue on it's path and eventually reach Shade discinerating everything in it's path.

(Obviously the two plasma blasts will connect halfway between Teal and Shade making a huge explosion that could ingulf them as well as some of the others.)

Alex Mercy

Suddenly Sekhemi attacked Alex with a barrage of exploding fireballs, she could easily block it but instead she decided to make a point. Suddenly the blood blades disappeared, with the blood returning to her body and she held out her arms to the side of her as she looked to the sky allowing the fire balls come at her. As they exploded she was sent flying back, her body was being blown to bits, her arms and legs flew off her torso in multiple directions, half her face was melted and there were multiple holes in her chest for all intensive purpose, she was dead. While Alex lay dead on the floor the grass and dirt around her began to be absorbed into her body. She was converting into new cells speeding up her regenerative powers once this was done Alex stood up and looked to Sekhemi with a wicked smile.

"If you want to kill me you will have to do better then that although I'll give you some credit, it did sting a little."

After she said this, four dragon heads made out of blood grew out of her back once more but she didn't stop there. Her hair began to grow longer and longer until it reached the bottom of her back while this was happening bone formed around her arms and legs creating spiked gauntlets and leggings. Some of her hair then warped around the gauntlets and leggings in between the spikes. She then altered her body's muscles, enhancing her physical abilities. After that she grew wings made of blood. She then altered her blood once again this time she made it so acidic it could melt though bone.

"You chose your fate now make your peace with what ever god you believe in."

Alex and the four heads began to sing with a sadistic smile on her face.


As she sang she flew at Sekhemi, the four heads came at him from both sides. Two went low after his legs while the other two went for his throat. If they hit they would bite him and begin to tear the flesh of his body as well as inject some of her blood into him. Alex's hair then latched on to a tree as she quickly pulled herself to the right side of Sekhemi. Alex then went to punch him in the face with all her might. If this punch connected it would shatter his skull at the very least as well as shred his face thanks to the spikes as well as send him flying.

Kai Morningstar

Kai let out a sadistic smile, this battle had only just started and it had already began to heat up. There were more than enough people fighting Shade as he could focus all of his attention on Teal but before he could do that he had a few things to take care of. He walked up to Kuro who was on his knees, defeated over the loss of his pet.

"Mortals really are pathetic but if you don't have the will to fight without your pet then I'll bring her back. I'll wave the usual fee since you're helping me take care of those heartless bastards."

With that he held out his hand towards Yoruichi as he did a rune made of fire appeared. It summoned her soul back from the afterlife as he did this he held out his other hand and created another flaming seal which created a replacement body identical to the one that was lost. He placed the soul inside this new body and once Yoruichi was brought back to life he pulled out a red orb off his belt and sealed Yoruichi inside it. He then the orb to Kuro telling him to release her after the fight not during or she would get in the way again. He then walked over to the pile of bones that was once Cyber and revived her the same way. Once he did he placed his hand on her head and infused some demonic energy into her, temparily giving her demon like powers. He then cast another spell to repair her broken gear to what it once was before it was destroyed.

"You've proven useful so far which is why I am loaning you some of my power but make no mistake that Dust Glade X is far more vaulable than your pathetic life. Don't waste it."

He then turned to face Teal and drew his two demon blades. He saw two large plasma blasts headed for her and decided the best option was to try and trap her in place. He stabbed one blade into the ground creating a trail of hell fire around Teal. The flames shot up and stretched to the heavens. Inside the flame prison he created a large thunder storm the other sword that would strike down with holy lightning. He knew the lightning would not be enough to kill her but it would hurt like hell and hopefully stun her long enough for the plasma attacks to hit her.

Orthrus and Cerberus ignored the children sitting on their back. They had their orders and nothing else mattered. The two opened up all their mouths as fire balls formed in each mouth, they shot out five hell fire cannons which combined while flying through the air at Shade creating a hell fire buzooka. If it hit it would burn Shade's soul to ashes. Kane simply placed his hand on the sheath of his sword and got himself ready to attack. With all the attacks headed for Shade he didn't see any reason to attack yet so instead he shifted his stance and placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword. The sheath began to glow as the sword was set abalze. If Shade were to somehow dodge the attacks Kane would tellaport behind him Cane would teleport behind him and slash him in two.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shade and Teal

Shade watched as a heavenly blast was headed straight for him. He stared at it with his one red eye and as it came close Teal's eyes flashed, and for a moment turned completely black. At this moment the light was infected with darkness within seconds. Shade then absorbed that darkness and turned around to face the bazooka of hell fire. He let out a fearsome roar before melting to the ground. In an instinct, Shade reappeard out of Teal's own darkness. It was clear that she was now controlling him. When the two plasma blasts hit it created a huge explosion but with Teal and Shade, they created a huge black solid orb around each other. Combined the dome was far stronger than Teal herself. The blast ripped through the dome and though it hurt both Shade and Teal it wasn't enough to kill them. In the middle of the forest was a crater, it looked as large as a willow tree, maybe bigger. Then Shade and Teal faced the wall of hell fire and clouds of lightning. The dome had protected them from it slightly and helped destroy the dome but now how to escape the hell fire? Teal's eyes were still black, and with her power fused with Shades, she was able to destroy hell fire with an instinct. She had done it once against dust and would do it again. A part of the hell fire turned into a portal of darkness and the two walked out of the prision. Teal spoke in her dul mono tone voice once more.

"You Shadling is unique, different. You are friend, ally. I shall protect you, we are one.

With that her eyes went back to their normal red, for now they were safe. She wasn't at her full power but it was growing fast. With Shade around, she was stronger than ever. Far stronger than her normal self, able to do feats normally impossible for one heartless alone. Then again, when were heartless conscious and not connected to that evil? It was then that Cane appeared behind them but the moment he did a black hand rose up and stabbed his chest. If anyone was watching closely, they'd see Teal was missing her right hand. The hand grabbed his soul and pulled it out. Then Teal spoke again.


The Soul was completelt destroyed. Slowly she turned to Cane with her red eyes.


With that, Cane's body would be destroyed by the darkness which she controlled. Once he was gone she stared at Kai once more.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue watched as the battle continued but as requested a forest rose to meet her needs. She smiled and closed her eyes as the life from the forest was drained. For a short moment the forest was dead. Then she returned just enough life to keep the forest alive.

"Thank you. now I can use my powers to their true extent."

She smiled then looked at the heartless as she thought. Was this truly the time to battle, to fight? She let out a sigh before standing ready.

[b]Prince Kuro, Sky, Miarikia and Zero/b]

Kuro gave a small smile as Yoruichi was revived. He held the orb in his hand and stared at it for some time. Finally he held out his hand and released Yoruichi. He didn't care what Kai said. He needed her out.

"Welcome back Yoruichi."

She smiled at him and then nodded. It was good to be back. She looked to the heartless and got ready to continue the fight. Kuro looked to Leona, he knew her well enough to know what she was thinking.

"Leona, you did not fail me. Do not worry about me. I am no more important than any other."

He smiled at her before focusing on the heartless again. He created a large ball of light channeled through his magic as fast as he could. His closed his eyes putting as much as he could in it. Teal stared at him with her yellow dull eyes but did nothing. then Kuro fired it at Miaruka.


Kakalukia smiled evilly before catching the magic bomb and channeled some of his own magic into it. The orb of magic grew stronger still. His eyes turned a dark red before he looked to Sky with his usual sinister grin.

"Your turn."

He threw the magic bomb at Sky them used magic to destroy the ring around his neck before it reached him. Sky's eyes immediatley widened and for a moment he hesitated.

"What are you doing! Do you realise what you've done?"

Before it was too late, he grabbed the energy ball. Although as soon as he did light trapped his hands forcing him to hold on, a trick made by that demon. Sky screamed loudly as his magic was ripped out of him and into the godly magic blast. The orb of magic gimmered and glowed, then became a golden colour. His usual blue colour was turning dark and his white angelic wings were turning black. After a few minutes Sky managed to throw it away then immediately fell to the ground. He breathed heavily and his eyes were red, he was weak and tired. Now the magic orb was sent at Zero who quickly used his blade to deflect the bomb away. However, the magic bomb headed straight to Red, it had misfired. One blast was enough to kill any mortal. Peraps a demon, or a prince. Flash was wide eyed. He knew Miarikia was dangerous when she transformed but never had she done something like this. Quickly he began to run towards Red hoping to get to her first but he wasn't fast enough, he just couldn't save Iris Red.

"Red move!"


Rika was revived and as he was it seemed everyone was trying for a final attack. He looked to Sky who was kneeled to the floor. He could sense that most of his magic was gone, only a small amount had remained but it was killing him. He turned to Red and watched as the blast approached, watched as it was about to kill her.


Cyber got herself up and looked to Kai as he revived her. She gave a small smile and was about to thank him when he heard a scream. Quickly she turned to see a huge golden blast headed straight for Red. Sky was on the floor, weak and tired. Immediately Cyber put her boosts on full power, heading straight for Red. Although it was obvious that she wasn't going to get to her in time.

Zombie Sekhemi

Sekhemi was about to walk away when suddenly Alex got up once more, he turned back to her, ignoring the Vampire for now. It seemed she stopped the Vampire from attacking him, but he didn't care. What he was concerned about was the fact that she was back alive. How was this possible? He clenched his fist, becoming angry and confused. As she came for him, he jumped back quickly, avoiding the dragon heads, then the next thing he knew, she came at him with amazing speed and punched him right in the face, he was immediately sent flying and smacked right into a tree. His skull was broken, and he was dead.

Alex let out a little sigh, she was disappointed that after all that big talk, and even after he almost reminded her what pain felt like, Sekhemi dropped like a bitch. After killing Sekhemi Alex looked around, it appeared the demon had already been dealt with by somebody, now all that was left was that rampaging shadow. Alex walked over to Sekhemi's body and placed a hand over his chest. His skull began to reconstruct itself as the brain regenerated and repaired any damage. Sekhemi opened his eyes and looked to Alex.

"What would you have me do Master?"

Sekhemi had been turned into Alex's undead slave. She looked to Sekhemi and then to Shade.

"Go and attack that thing but don't use your darkness manipulation to attack him, only use it to dodge and defend. Focus on using your fire to deal damage."

Sekhemi looked to Shade and stepped closer, getting ready.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dante, Yoshihiro, Foxy, Slade

All four watched as the battle raged on. Dante, Yoshihiro and Foxy stopped attacking, their attacks had failed but there was still hope. Kuro and the rest of the powerful magic users were creating a huge bomb that would kill the heartless once and for all. For now they all stood and watch, the battle was almost over. Of course they won. How could they not when so many stood against the monsters of the school.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Viper Blade, Storm Zoldyck, Leona Lionheart and Alex Mercy

Storm Leona and Alex all watched as the battle was reaching the end. They saw the giant attack the others were creating and knew they had nothing to add to that power. All they could do was watched as it destroyed the heartless. However Viper saw that Red was in the blast radius and used the trees to teleport to her side. She then created an earth dome around them to protect them from the blast.

Kai Morningstar, Cain and Crystal Sea

Cain saw Shade teleport away and escape the attack and was about to teleport behind him when he saw Teal beside him and he knew how dangerous she could be. Instead he disappeared and sent a clone in his stead. He saw Teal rip it to peices and realised he made the right choice. Crystal Sky fall to his knees and could sense his life fading. She flew over to him and channeled her light magic to him in an attempt to heal him. Meanwhile Kai saw the attack that everyone had created and watched as it drained the magic from Sky. This gave him an idea as he said to himself that's perfect. He teleported in front of the ball and grabbred hold of it, as he did he began to scream out in pain as his power drained out from him. His eyes and body began to glow gold as a golden aura formed around him and pure white flames surrounded him. He fell to his knees and with his last bit of strength he gave one final order.

"Any and all demons should return to hell or be destroyed. Crystal I expect you to see that this attack reaches it's target."

As Kai said this Cane pulled out his sword and with one swing he opened a portal to hell and stepped through it. Kai's body began to break down. Blood began to pour from his eyes and ears and as he fell to the ground he pushed the ball away. As Kai laid there bleeding Crystal flew to the sky and created a bat made of ice. Knowing she could not touch the ball as it would drain her power too she swung the bat as hard as she could and hit the ball towards the heartless.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

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Kakalukia watched as Kai teleported in front of the orb and grabbed it and as soon as he did his eyes opened wide. Slowly, he began to laugh a little, but the fear was clear in his voice.

"Miarikia, you can wake up now. Come now darling, I think it is time to return."

But nothing. He gave another soft laugh as he watch Kai begin to glow, putting more and more of his power into the golden orb. He spoke once more being more serious this time.

"I'm not kidding. Miarikia, release me or you shall never feel my power again!"

He turned around to see that Cain had left, closing the gates to hell behind him. It was then that Kai pushed the orb away. He stood back a little and his eyes opened wide. He hadn't enough magic to escape.

"Miarikia, if we are ever to work together now would be the time. Wake up, before it is too late! Release me! You can do it! You can control this power!"

Crystal flew up and created a icy bat, hitting the golden orb towards the heartless. His eyes were opened wide, it was too late. He could feel his blood pumping, he never thought he'd go like this. He was ready to die, a crazy old fool.

"Kai, you fool. Lucifer will not be pleased with you."

He gave another nervous laugh as the orb approached. Just then, his eyes turned blue and he shook his head.

"What the hell!"

In that instinct darkness clouded over Miarikia and within seconds, Kakalukia disappeared.


Rika watched as Kai began to place his magic into the holy orb. At his command the demon nodded. It wasn't often he allowed Rika his body back but this time he would make an exception. He quickly shrunk and his body changed back to the little boy known as Rika. His body was unconscious, his eye bandage destroyed. The Red eye was normal, no longer pulsing. The demon was at rest.


Sky looked to Crystal as she tried giving some of her magic to him but his wings were still dark and his life was still fading. Her magic wasn't enough for him. He was far too powerful than her to gain any benefit. He needed a large amount of holy magic to survive, but who possibly had enough to give out to him to save his life?

Arken, Stone, Fianciona, Quote, Luna, Jack, Damien and Kreia

It was then that all the teachers appeared at once with Arken in the lead. They all held out one hand and held back the golden old each one absorbing it and taking the blast for themselves. Arken didn't flinch whatsoever, the pain of his sins was nothing to him. Neither did Fianciona, Luna, Jack, Damien or Kreia. Quote literally had no sins. He felt no pain. The blessings he recieved clensed his sins constantly. He was free of guilt. However if anyone paid enough attention, Stone had a single hand against his gut. Once the blast was gone Arken looked to Sekhemi and clicked his fingers, with that, his body was revived and he was no longer a zombie. He then looked over to Sky and held his hand out. In that moment, Sky's wings began to turn white against and his blue colour was returning. It was clear Arken was sharing his magic with him. Once that was done he turned to Kai and held out his hand. He healed him of any and all injuries and returned his magic back to him. Then he slowly walked up to Rika and placed some bandages over his right eye. Finally he stood up and began to speak to everyone.

"Heartless are not the enemy, at least not those two. They are students here for a reason. Kai, I'm giving you the job to look after Rika. Your the one who put him in this situation, you will deal with it. Sekhemi, enough with the vulgar and hateful words. That is not why I brought you here. As for the rest of you, remember where you are. Think for a moment before acting and question why the heartless are really here."

He looked around before giving a sigh. Slowkly he rose his hands and the gates to the Academy opened. It was finally time to start the year.


Kusuna watched as the battle ended, the teachers arrived at the very last moment. She looked to the other two and honestly she had her suspisions. Were they watching this entire time? Why? She had noticed Stone though she didn't quite understand it. There was pain in hid side but why? Had it to do with the light ball? She didn't understand magic, it was forrign to her. Once the teachers opened the gate she turned to the others.

"Something seems wrong about this whole situation."

She looked back and began to lead the team forward.

Prince Kuro

Kuro watched as Kai grabbed the light orb and the power he was putting into it was amazing but just before the attack hit the teachers arrived and stopped it. Kuro noticed how Stone held his side, while none of the others seemed to feel pain. That was strange. The orb would have killed all sin, to cause that much pain Stone must of been pretty sinful. He shrugged it off before listening to Arken and nodded. He gave one look at the heartless and sighed. He didn't like them but they were students, he wouldn't fight them again not unless they fought first. Kuro and Yoruichi began to head forward through the gate.

Shade and Teal

Shade watched as the orb was being created and he was beginning to draw back but Teal's confidence made him stay. Although the moment Kai grabbed it Teal had a small glint in her eye. She turned to Shade with a blank expression before turning to Kai. It wasn't easy reading Teal but for a moment she thought she was going to die. Of course she could accept that but for Shade, he was still young. He had so much to learn. It was then that Arken and the rest of the teachers appeared. She listened to what Arken had to say before giving a thanful nod.

"I mean no harm to any. A heartless is not always heartless."

She turned to look to everyone before looking to Shade slowly he stepped up and gave a small smile, Teal reached her hand out and placed her hand on his head, without her he'd still be rampaging. She reformed the skull on his head then Shade spoke.

"I'm sorry everyone. I did not mean any of you harm."

The two looked to each other before looking to Arken. Slowly the two began to move through the gates.


Korta watched as the teachers finally arrived. She sighed and slowly made her way to the gate. This was insane, the year had barely started and students were already trying to kill each other. What a fantastic start to the year.


Ruby leaned on the wall watching. She was out of the way for the most of the battle. She saw the huge holy orb and took a bite of her human meat. She stared at it, not even worried about it. When the teachers came she finished off her food and pushed herself off the wall. Slowly she walked towards the gate and eventually through it.


Cyber stopped as Kai grabbed the orb. She watched it head for the heartless before the teachers arrived. She sighed before she began to walk to the gates. As she did her tech armour transformed back to normal clothing. You know what, you don't need to bother asking if she is wearing clothing or not. That is not an answer that I am willing to find out.

Dixon and Dixoz

The twins were still on Cerberus and Orthrus when the portal opened. Just before the two entered the portal the twins jumped off, they weren't stupid even if they looked it. They knew where that went, Dixoz could sense all the negitive energy in there. They waved their goodbye to the dogs before turning to the teachers. Now that it was all over it was time to go, together they began to walk through the gate.


Zero watched as Kai caught the holy orb and soon after headed for the intended target. Although the teachers soon arrived and stopped the fight. He sighed, they were almost about to win as well. He paid no attention to Stone and instead began to head through the gate.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue smiled as they had won, the heartless were about to be defeated when suddenly the teachers came. She listened to Arken and slowly looked to the heartless and nodded her head. He was right, they never attacked first. She should of known better. She sighed and gave a small smile. Besides all she did was heal and revive the other students, she never actually attacked the Heartless. With that in mind she began to head through the gates.


Red was so scared, all this battling, all this evil, she never expected this. Just as a huge bomb was about to hit the heartless however, the teachers came. She gave a small smile, glad they finally came. She felt much safer with them around. She listened to them before heading through the gate.

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi was revived after the whole ordeal but he kept his memories. He stared at Alex like she was scum. He hated her for what she did to him, for what she turned him in to. He wanted to kill her so badly. He turned to Arken as he spoke and gave a simple nod. He was too pissed to answer right now, all he wanted to do was scream and bash that bitch's face in. He clenched his fist tightly before slowly walked through the gate.


She was late, but she was here at last. She smiled as she saw the symbol of the academy lead her to the portal and slowly, she entered. She looked around and saw most people were headed through the gates. She continued forward until she spotted Storm from the corner of her eye. She turned to her and spoke up.

"Ah, Storm. Nice to see you again. I think the last time we met was in the hunter's exam? Well, I've offically got my lience, not that it's surprising at all."

She smiled, speaking only loud enough for her and those close enough to hear. She turned around and looked back to the gates. Slowly, she began to walk through, her ears twitching as they did. A lalafell was a rare sight, but a neko lalafell was even more so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


All Tyson could do was watch for now, as the battle ended the teachers appeared. He listened to Arken and then when he was finished he followed Kusuna towards the gate. It was finally time to head in. He let out a sigh, he hoped a battle wouldn't break out once they were all in.


Slade watched as everything came to a close, the battle was over and the teachers appeared. He sighed as he still wondered about that girl. He supposed he could get to know her later if he needed. He stood up and came out of the shadows. As he did he began to walk towards the gate and eventually, through them.


Dante watched as the battle finally ended. He didn't do much against the Heartless, they were too strong sadly. The teachers came and he listened to Arken once he opened the Gate Dante deactivated his watch discreetly before heading towards the gate and eventually through the gate.


Yoshihiro watched as the battle ended with the teachers coming and saving the day. He sighed and put away his sword, then he began to head towards the gate. As he did he looked to Ruby. She could smell it, she too was a werewolf, a young one at that. He turned to face forward again and continued through the gate.


Foxy watched as the battle ended with the teachers coming. She smiled when she saw Quote, and honestly she didn't expect to see him here. It seems there was something about this school after all if he was here.

"Hey Quote. It's nice to see you."

She smiled at him then began to move forward and entered through the gate.


Ming entered through the portal with her shield on her back and her sword in it's sheath. She was as most everyone was going inside. Slowly Mind sped up and caught up to everyone and ended going through the gate, as she did she eyed Kuro and Leona. She recognised them to be the Neko Prince and his Royal Bodyguard from the wars. She hadn't expected to see them here, for now she ignored them and continued forward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago


Jake Foley, Viper Blade, Storm Zoldyck. Crystal Sea, Leona Lionheart, Alex Mercy, Kai Morningstar and Max Steel

Everyone watched as the teachers showed up and stopped the fighting and listened to Arken as he spoke. Those who were involved in the fight put away their weapons and relaxed as they all walked through the gate Alex glared as she passed Sekhemi with a look of pure disgust.

Katerina Raizin

Kat was relaxing in a tree withe the gentle breaze and summer sun it was a beautiful day after awile she fell asleep as she did the wind began to blow harder and harder after a few hours the tree began to rock casing Kat to fall she woke up and span round in mid air and landed on her feet and on the ground benith her feet was a letter with the blue moon academy seal on it after reading it she drew her sword and swung it creating a portal to the academys cortyard she sat down in the shade and waited for the welcome speach
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