Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek nodded looking around the room. "Look, I'm not going to tell anyone what happened and I didn't see anything. Your name is Damien, and youre just my roommate." He said quietly and cleared his throat. "A-nd, you're still pretty.." Derek muttered. He stood up looking down at her. "I'm not helping you out though. If you get caught, I'll just let them find out who you are and I will pretend to know." He said harshly.

Derek sighed softly thinking about how he was just exhausted of drama after drama. "Hey, I'm going to go to back to soccer practice Damien." He said and left.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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She smiled a bit as he said he still found her pretty. "Bye, have fun," she said softly when he was walking towards the door. Once he was gone, Diana let out a sigh and sat down on her bed. Quickly pulling out her phone, she was quick to tell her friends about this.

oh my god guys, my roommate just found out i'm a girl

Almost immediately she got a reply from Reneé.

ahh omg! how did he react?

he took it pretty well, thank god

Gretchen replied next.

youre so lucky, going to an all boys school and sharing a room with a boy >:( im glad ur roomie took it well. is he cute?

um calm down girl, lol. but yeah he's really attractive

now im tempted to switch places with you, haha

like freaky friday!!

more like freaky sunday, reneé! haha :) & oh c'mon gretch

Diana fell back onto the bed and sighed. Hopefully things wouldn't be awkward when Derek returned.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek went to practice. He couldn't stop thinking about there was a fucking girl in his room. He kept thinking about these thoughts until a soccer ball hit his head pushing him onto the floor. "Fuck." He groaned.

Harry ran over helping him up. "You're not paying attention, are you okay? You have to stop getting hit on your head dumbass." He said patting his back laughing. "Maybe you should back go back to your room and rest."

"I can't miss practice-"

"Just go home stupid. You're still recovering from last night. Go." Harry pushed him. Derek smiled at him and started to go up to his room again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Diana had switched to texting her mom. She sat cross legged on her bed with one arm propped up on her knee to rest her head in. She typed with her other hand.

Good morning, sweetie! Liking the school so far?

hi mom, good morning to you as well :) yes, the school is even lovelier in person

That's swell. Your father says hello from the other side. Isn't that an Adele reference?

yep, that would be adele, lol. tell dad i say hi back

Thought so. He wants to know why you're greeting his back and not his front.

Diana giggled. She and her dad always had the same sense of humor. As she was texting her mom, she felt guilty for not telling her that her roommate knows she's a girl now. Part of the reason she was even pretending to be a guy was for security. One would expect guys to pay a fair amount attention to a girl if she was the only one in their school. That could lead to being excessively hit on. Suppose that girls roommate was crazy; that would be dangerous. Diana was grateful her roommate was chill. But her mom didn't know that. Even if Diana tried convincing her Derek was safe to be around even though he knows her secret, there was the risk of her mom not believing her and Diana being withdrawn from the school.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek walked into the room, seeing Diana. "Hey.." He said quietly with a pack of ice on his head. "I guess I got sent to my room because I am very proned to getting my head hit." He said laughing at himself quietly and sat down on his bed looking up at her. "So no soccer practice today for me." He said then saw his phone ring seeing it was Cadence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Diana looked up at him when he walked in and gave him a gentle smile. "Welcome back. Congrats on getting injured .02 seconds after returning to practice." She laughed quietly and shook her head. At least she wouldn't be alone anymore now that he was back. She shut off her phone and tossed it to the side. As his phone rang, her eyes widened a bit when she saw Cadence was calling him.

What does she want..? Hopefully to apologize. Diana looked from his phone up to him and bit her lip. He seemed to be wondering what she was thinking as well. "You should answer it," she urged, "Maybe she wants to apologize. If she doesn't, well, nothing can beat the terrible things she said yesterday."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek just stared at his phone while Diana talked. He grabbed his phone and hung up on her. "No.. I don't have time for apologies or anymore drama." He said. Two seconds after he hung up on her Cadence started to call again making him a bit freaked out. "Jesus we aren't even dating. Oh, I have a great idea." He said looking at Diana. "You answer it with your normal voice. She'll only text me after that but won't call me. I know she was your old friend but I need her to not be so clingy to me especially when we aren't dating or never have." He said.

Derek hung up on her again and saw her start calling again. "Well how creepy." He said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Diana raised an eyebrow as Cadence called for the third time. "Yikes. Can't she take a hint?" She scooted to the edge of her bed closest to Derek and crossed her legs. Extending her hand, she said, "Here, hand me the phone. I can pretend to be a girl you're hooking up with right now, unless you have any other ideas that will keep her off your back."

Ever since Diana first arrived, Cadence has been basically everywhere. She was at the restaurant, the party, and now on the phone. Diana couldn't help but feel curious about what exactly went on between her and Derek in the past. Right now all she knew was that his parents liked her. She was her parents idea of the perfect girl.

If only they knew of the things Cadence had been doing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek smiled at her giving her the phone. It kept ringing because Cadence had problems and now he knew that. That's why he was hesitating to even have sex with her. All they have done is makeout but it's not like that was anything to get attached over, they haven't even gone on a date. This whole thing between them was brand new so he was confused as to why she was so clingy to him. But it didn't matter. It would go away once she heard someone's voice.

He looked at Diana, now that he saw her as more of herself he saw how pretty she still was. A lot prettier than Cadence, that was for sure. He couldn't help but wonder how it was strange how this girl was just weird with him. It wasn't that strange it felt normal. Despite her being a guy for a day, he really got along with her than most people.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Diana accepted the call and put it on speaker. Cadence started to say, "Dere-" but Diana cut her off.

Speaking in her normal voice, she added a hint of sensuality to it. "-Shh.. nope nope.." she interrupted. She quickly covered her mouth to stifle a laugh before continuing, "Cadence, is it? That's what the caller I.D. said. Listen, Derek is busy right now. With me. I don't know who the hell you are but back the fuck off. There's a reason we kept rejecting your calls." Diana gave a low growl for emphasis as she continued, "If you have anything to say that's actually important, say it now or leave us the fuck alone."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek raised his eyebrows surprised that this small girl was being mean to Cadence, and just grinned. He liked it. Cadence did not but he was more impressed by her little stunt than Cadences reaction. "I.." Cadence trailed off and just hung up the phone. He started to burst out laughing falling back onto his bed when she did hang up.

"Oh my god that was perfect!" He managed to say before just letting himself laugh. He heard a knock on the door. One of the teachers were just asking if they were okay. "We are fine, Mrs fane." He said. He could hear the teacher leave before he sat up and looked at Diana. "Holy shit that was great!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Diana laughed as well and tossed him his phone. "Was it? Oh my god, I felt so mean. But she deserved it, so it's whatever." She smiled and looked at her lap, swiping some hair out of her face. Even though it had only been about 24 hours, she already felt really comfortable with her roommate. Especially now that she could be herself.

She looked back up and grinned. "So what's on the agenda for the rest of the.." she trailed off and blushed a bit, rubbing the back of her neck and chuckling. ".. I mean, you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to, but if you do.. what do you want to do?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek had felt more comfortable with her that most people he knew. The only other person he could get along like this was, was his best friend but even they have their moments where it feels like they drift apart. He just smiled at her as she blushed a little after asking what they would do today. Derek grabbed his phone looking down and looking back up ignoring all of the texts messages from Cadence. "Let's go to hangout. I obviously can't back to soccer practice but if they see me doing something other than rest, they'll get mad at me. I suggest we go to a small movie. It's like a dollar threater and doesn't have the most updated movies, but I kind of wanted to see something. It's been a while since I went. Want to go?" Derek asked then suddenly felt nervous that he had just asked that. He made it seem like a date.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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Going to a movie with him did seem like a date. She blinked twice, wondering if he meant it to seem that way. Nonetheless, she then smiled. He could have said anything and it would sound like a date as long as it was just the two of them. For some reason, when she thought about going on a legit date with him, it didn't faze her at all. If that ever happened, she didn't fear any awkwardness. They clicked together well as friends, and if they ever escalated to being a couple, then great.

Except his parents would never approve. ... what am I thinking, anyway? I shouldn't be thinking this way about my roommate. Besides, he could easily get any girl he wants. Why choose me? Diana finally nodded and spoke, "That sounds fun. I'd love that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek nodded, wondering if he should tell her it wasn't a date. But he kind of liked the idea of that. He hasn't really gone a date with someone for a long time. So he didn't really want to tell her mostly because he liked the idea being there instead of correcting it. "Okay cool, but you have to go as Damien. At least until we get off of the property." Derek said smiling at her and stood up. But then again, he didn't want to put any pressure on her for her to even date him. Maybe it would freak her out. He didn't want that at all. But again, he still didn't want to clear the air.

Youre becoming a creep. Just tell her. Derek thought to himself then looked at her. He didn't want to put any pressure on her so instead of telling her he was going to just make it a casual hangout. No romance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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"Understood," she said in her Damien voice. She got up and stuffed her phone into her pocket along with some money. This hang out session would be a good way for them to get to know each other better. She already knew some things she planned to ask Derek about. He wasn't as much of a mystery as he was about 12 hours ago, but she knew she didn't know him nearly as well as Harry and the others did. Plus there were some things she'd simply have to learn through observation and spending time with him. She looked forward to getting to know him better. He was special to her.

She walked over to the full body mirror and fixed her hair with her fingers. "Diana wants to know if you're going to change out of that stinky uniform before me and you go out into public," she said and put on a quirky & teasing smile. "If you stay in that, we will be sitting on opposite sides of the theater." Diana giggled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek grinned at her, thinking how that was cute what she said. "Yeah no of coarse I will." He said pulling up his shirt and walking around shirtless. "Oh sorry.. I'll go change in the bathroom." He said grabbing his stuff, and went into the bathroom. Derek went into the shower quickly and came back out putting on his clothes. He smiled at himself in the reflection. This was going to be nice. He felt comfortable enough to be more of himself with her then he was with most people which was rare and strange for him. But strange felt good and he liked it.

"Hey I'm done.." Derek said walking out looking better.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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"Let's be off then," she said, still using her Damien voice. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she'd have to play the role of Damien nearly every day for the next two years. If I can make it two years without anybody suspecting me of my identity, I better get an Oscar. Diana walked over to the door and turned around to look at Derek before opening it. "You look nice, by the way."

She walked out first before they starting going down the stairway together. Her mind was still on playing Damien. May as well make the most out of pretending to be the other sex. "Hey, the next time we go somewhere more public, expect me to be wandering off seeing how many girls I can pick up. Not literally, figuratively." She chuckled and looked up at Derek.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by firestar64
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Derek nodded at that. "Wow what a womanizer." He said laughing a little bit and looked ahead as they went outside. He saw the teachers talking in one of the rooms. "So then.. can I ask you something Damien? Why are you here? At this school?" Derek asked looking at her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by sweetserenity
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She chuckled as he called her a womanizer then shrugged. "Some mixup of paperwork happened. I don't know the specific details but I'm in the school's system as Damien Richards. I initially applied to the nearby private school, I think it's somewhere by the the amusement park? But yeah, the mixup happened and now I'm here. I've gotten away with it this far and hopefully I keep getting away with it." Diana smiled a bit. For somebody who could be caught at any moment, she wasn't fearfully walking on the edge. Rather, she was embracing every moment.
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