Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Emmanuelle of Navarre

Nerves were certainly settling inside of her as her carriage grew near the Kent Palace. Her eyes were solely focused on her twiddling thumbs that rested in her lap that she was literally missing the scenery that lead towards the palace. Though, it is not like she hasn't seen it a billion times before. Emmanuelle wondered what her friends, whom was in the carriage behind her, were chatting about as she smiled thinking about past conversation she has had with her friends.

It was whenever her carriage started to slow down that she was tugged away from her own thoughts and her eyes fluttered up and peeked out the window of her carriage. Many nobles have gathered to welcome her to their Kingdom and if she wasn't as nervous as before, she definitely was now. A small fanfare played from the trumpeters and her carriage door opened, small steps being placed for her to step down upon. She reached out and grabbed the available guard's hand as she stepped down and finally her feet reached the gravel beneath her.

Emmanuelle eyed the nobles present then looked towards her prince and hopefully future king as two squealing girls rushed beside her, hugging her in the process. She was more than happy to have them beside her but raised a brow towards them both. "Where's the Baroness?" She asked them while one of them shrugged their shoulders but the other blurted out the truth. "She wanted to take her own carriage it seems."

With an eye roll, she turned heel now to be ahead of her two friends and eyed her prince once again. Lifting up one foot after another, she started her walk towards him, which was rather graceful and once she stood before him now, Emmanuelle bowed respectfully along with her friends then looked over towards the Queen, doing the same.

"This palace hasn't changed much. It's beauty is still admirable and my breath has been taken away." She mentioned while her eyes went back towards Crispin. "Forgive me for asking but how is the King fairing?" Emmanuelle questioned towards him now, really wanting to know because she feared that he would not be alive for their wedding.

Lord Peter of House Medici

Peter had managed to roll out of bed, cursing under his breath as he had forgot what time it was. He picked up his clothing and immediately placed the fabrics upon his body as he was now fully clothed. There was a whore that laid in his bed, as well as he shook her awake and threw her clothing towards her. "Hurry up and get dressed." Peter muttered as he snapped his fingers towards her, wanting her to hurry up so that he wouldn't be late to meet the Princess of Navarre. When the whore had nothing but her strings to tie up now, he grabbed her by the wrists and basically kicked her out of his chambers as he then followed the other nobles out to the courtyard of the palace.

There, he stood firmly behind Prince Crispin and his mother, the Queen. He had his hands behind his back and stood there proudly to represent his lordship within Kent's palace. Once Emmanuelle finally revealed herself, he stepped forward and whispered into Crispin's ear. "Still quite a beauty, I see." Peter managed to get out then took a step back as Emmanuelle started to walk forward now.

Hearing the first words out of her mouth made him smile delightfully as he licked his lips towards her two friends that stood behind her. Peter wanted to respond to her question but left it up to Crispin. He was still a little bit curious about the king's illness but he made a mental note to go and see the king later on within the day and hopefully get some answers.

But that was put into the back of his mind as a lady from another carriage appeared and Peter's mouth opened widely. It was her, the Baroness. Peter could not believe his eyes as he then looked down at the graveled ground beneath them before lifting them up once again to see the Baroness again. He felt a little bit uneasy now but hopefully, she would not remember him but how she not as he does remember her vividly and what they did back then.

This was definitely going to be interesting to say the very least.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Crispin's eyes lit up at the sight of his betrothed. Arranged marriages were a fact of life, and hardly expected to be agreeable to all parties; yet seeing the Princess of Navarre was a rare treat for the young Prince. He smiled widely at the sight of her, stepping free of the protective presence of his guardsmen to draw near to her. Every stretch between their meetings was far too long... he longed to be married, that such stretches might be banished to distant memory. At Lord Peter's comment, he grinned conspiratorially, and commented "I do believe she becomes more so at every encounter!"

Facing the Princess eagerly, he spoke. "My lady Emmanuelle! It has been far too long! I trust your journey was pleasant?" He closed the distance between them and lifted her hand to his lips, wishing he could do more, but recognizing quite acutely the necessity of propriety, especially in the presence of so many noblemen and women. He took a half-step back, looking his bride-to-be up and down and trying his best not to smile like a fool.

His smile faded like a leaf in fall at the mention of the King. "My father... is not well. The maesters of medicine have done all they can, and we pray that he improves, but it is in the hands of the gods at this point." He did his best to retrieve his positive expression, and said "But let us not dwell on such unfortunate subjects! My father would hardly wish to see your countenance downcast so." He spoke formally, royal training kicking in just in time to keep his composure balanced. His left hand fell to the pommel of his dress sword, and he straightened up just slightly, looking quite kingly, if a bit young.

"I fear that I have forgotten my manners in my joy at your arrival. Would you and your handmaidens care to join me for a midday meal in the banquet hall?" He lowered his voice and leaned in closer, so as to keep his words unheard by the nobles observing. "And then, perhaps, tea in my quarters?" He punctuated the statement with a quite-unkingly wink, hinting at his boyish nature belied by his more formal mannerisms.


Baroness Sabina stepped down from the carriage with a contented sigh, happy to have a chance to stretch her legs after the lengthy journey. She smiled at the interaction between the Prince and Princess. The two were clearly very much in love, and the sight brought back fond, if increasingly distant memories. These memories soured slightly once she caught sight of the man she'd known would be present, yet hoped might not be.

Peter. Lord Peter Medici. Schemer, court manipulator, puppetmaster... and for a glorious, passionate time, now nearly forgotten by other members of the court, her secret lover during the years of her now-deceased husband's unfaithfulness. This was the only man to have ever truly touched her heart so directly, and it pained her that looking upon him now was such a bittersweet experience. Even so... she couldn't allow old grudges to confuse her perception of the events before her. The Prince and Princess were together once more, and the wedding was growing nearer by the day.

Sabina nodded in acknowledgement of the Lord, but frowned slightly at how closely he stood to the Prince. It would not do for Medici to have such close counsel with the Prince, especially with how inexperienced in courtly intrigue the boy was. She would have to look out for the boy as well as the soon-to-be Queen.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Emmanuelle of Navarre

Hearing Crispin's voice brought a smile to her face. His voice wasn't quite squeaky or high pitched as it was back when they were little, it was very much matured. Emmaneulle eyes met his gaze now as she nodded her head, responding to his question in the process. "My journey was indeed pleasant, my lord." She gasped once he had taken her hand and placed his lips upon it. A blush came over her cheeks as her smile faded whenever Crispin's did.

Emmanuelle did not like what she was hearing about the King but did like that Crispin tried to remain positive about everything. She admired him slightly then noticed his stance as he was looking much more like a King than a Prince. She nodded her head towards him whenever he spoke about not dwelling upon the king's condition then looked at him again.

"A midday meal sounds good since we've traveled long and far. But mind if we're shown to our chambers so that we can freshen up?" She said then asked kindly towards her husband-to-be as when he offered tea in his quarters and winked towards her, she teased him with a wink back of her own then bit her bottom lip slightly. "Oh, forgive my manners, this is Baroness Sabina."

Her gaze turned from Crispin towards the Baroness, extending her hand out towards her so that she could approach further. Once they were introduced, she'd then step before Crispin again with a smile, getting on the tip of her toes to whisper in his ear. "By the way, tea in your chambers sounds nice." She muttered softly then blew in his ear before settling her feet on the ground now and staring back up at him.
Lord Peter of House Medici

Lord Peter watched the interaction between the two lovebirds, the princess and prince, unfold before him as neither of them has lost their spark. Peter could not wait until they were married and ruling over Kent together and as one. His eyes bounced back towards the Baroness as she was introduced by the princess now. He licked his lips towards her, remembering certain memories that they once shared with each other both, intimately and not so intimately.

God only knows what Sabina thinks of him now though because there were certain things Peter had done and Sabina had found out. It devastated him, of course but he never got the chance to apologize or to give his condolences on her deceased husband. His eyes fell towards the gravel beneath them now as he stepped forward and stood beside Crispin now.

"Forgive me, my prince but maybe now would be best for the servants to show these ladies where they'd rest their heads and the guards to escort them." Peter did not even give Crispin a chance to respond as he snapped his fingers and servants along with a few guards nodded their heads and grabbed the belongings of the princess, her two friends and the baroness.

Peter then took a step back, eyes went over towards Sabina now as he made a mental note to speak privately with her later. Hopefully, she wouldn't give him a definite or more deserving slap across the face before he said what he had to say towards her. He would definitely try his best to catch before the midday meal that was to be in the banquet hall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The Prince smiled, an expression which looked as natural upon his face as the shining circlet did upon his tawny hair. "I am gladdened to hear that your travels were pleasant. The roads are so fearful of late... I suppose that will be up to me to take care of soon enough. But enough of that! This should be a pleasant occasion, and if I bring up affairs of state much more, I fear I will bore you to death!"

The Princess's faint gasp at his formal kiss of greeting didn't escape him. He tried not to show it in his expression, but it thrilled him greatly to see that he could affect the lovely young woman so. It also set into motion the idea that this whole marriage thing could be more than just a vitally necessary political maneuver, and, indeed, a pleasure. The next few days would be something else indeed.

"Oh, very well. That will be no trouble at all." He raised his left hand slightly, and a portly young man hurried up and stopped at his elbow. "Your grace?" "Thank you, Cal. Please escort the Queen-to-be and her entourage to her quarters. They will be requiring rosewater to freshen up." "Of course, your grace."

As the Princess stepped closer and whispered breathily into his ear, the Prince's face turned a vivid, poorly-disguised shade of red. In a voice that was barely even a whisper, he breathed "If you get the chance to sneak away, I will be in my chambers after the midday meal. We could catch up, have a bit of tea... and perhaps a bit more." He trailed one hand lightly against her chin, tilting her head up slightly to create perfect eye contact, then released her with barely a motion, and resumed his facade of formality.

Crispin turned to Baroness Sabina and bowed, skipping the more formal kiss of greeting, in part to send the message that the Princess Emmanuelle was special, elevated above even the illustrious Baroness, especially in his eyes. It was an unwise move politically, but then, Sabina was an understanding woman.


Sabina carefully didn't react to the Prince's unintentional slight, and, through even more effort, didn't smile at the attempted smoothness on the Prince's part. He was quite good, if a bit fumbling in his mannerisms. If she were twenty... no, fifteen years younger... She banished the thought from her mind, chiding herself with a bit of an internal laugh at the thought. She had plenty on her plate, and her role was to keep the Princess safe and well-cared-for, not to tease the King-to-be.

As the servants began to leave to prepare the rosewater for the Princess and her ladies-in-waiting, Sabina strode slowly but purposefully towards the snake of a man who was apparently waiting for her approach. As much as she wanted to strike him across his infuriating, conniving, heartbreaking face, she knew that such an action would only make things worse than they already were, and possibly even more tense than they were now. No, she couldn't do such a thing. For now, she had the power, and that would change if she were to make the mistake of giving in to her wishes.

With an icy tone, she spoke calmly "Lord Medici. I had hoped you might still be occupied with your affairs of the court. I suppose it is too optimistic to hope that you might be too preoccupied to interfere with the young lovebirds? Well. You'll have your chance to explain yourself. Follow me, we can talk as we walk to the banquet. Perhaps if we hurry, I'll be able to seize a seat far, far from your presence."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Emmanuelle of Navarre

'Oh, you could never bore me.'

That was what Emmanuelle thought inside of her mind but then thought that it would've been better if she had spoken it out loud. The look upon her face told the real story though and she had hoped that Crispin knew that he was not boring her, at all. Emmanuelle eyed the male that Crispin had called upon and could not help but smile once he gave him directions to escort them to their respective chambers. It was nice seeing him take charge, which brought her back to something that he had said earlier about the fearful roads being up to him to take care soon enough. Her eyes went to meet Crispin's and she smiled brightly towards him.

"You'll make a fine King, my prince." She tried her best to encourage him as she giggled slightly at the prince's blush. Seeing him blush made her blush, as well and it caused her friends, her ladies-in-waiting, to giggle. When Crispin leaned in and responded towards her, she parted her lips and widened her eyes then felt the stroke of his finger upon her chin. She lifted her gaze up to meet his then muttered softly towards Crispin. "Oh, my." Emmanuelle managed to breath out as she saw a guard come up beside her prince, her King-to-be and stand beside him.

"The rooms are ready, your grace." The guard stated as she eyed Crispin before cuffing her hands with his own. "I'll see you at the midday meal, your grace." She said then muttered softly only for him to hear. "And afterwards, as well." A childish giggle came from her as she then removed her hands from his and walking past Crispin, being escorted towards her chambers and surrounded by four guards while her ladies-in-waiting were escorted, too. Ella, her closest lady came up beside her and leaned in. "Are you excited?"

With that question, Emmanuelle turned back once more to glance at Crispin then back at Ella while she responded. "I surely am. Crispin will make a fine King and I shall make it my mission to be his Queen. Don't worry, we'll find a suitable suitor for you, Ella." She said as they now entered the Palace of Kent and was showed to their chambers. She really wanted to sneak away and go to see the King because it has been entirely too long since they saw one another and she wanted to see him before he perished. Emmanuelle lowered her head, letting out an emotional sigh at the thought.
Lord Peter of House Medici

When the Baroness Sabina approached him, he squinted a little and had mentally prepared himself for a slap from her but that was not the case. She had an obvious icy tone towards him and he actually adored it, maybe because he was use to it from just about every other female at court. Peter had an eyebrow raised up towards her after he had heard her words then he shrugged his shoulders while having his arm out for her to link her own arm with.

"I am sure that I can find someone to preoccupy myself with." Peter commented while looking over towards Crispin and Emmanuelle respectively now. "Nothing has changed between the two and that's something that this kingdom adores. Emmanuelle will be the Queen of Kent soon." He mentioned towards Sabina then eyed her again.

Peter honestly loved the tone that Sabina, the Baroness, was giving him and if she only knew what it was doing to him right now. "Now, why would you want to seat far away from me, Baroness?" Peter questioned towards her then turned to stand in front of her now. "Before this walk goes any further, I must inform you that once Prince Crispin is King, I will be his Chancellor. I will need a wife by my side whenever that happens because every woman is going to throw themselves at me once it happens." Peter offered the little information towards Sabina as that smirk that he was famous for started to slowly creep upon his lips.

"So, know anyone worthy enough?" Peter asked as they continued on their walk towards the banquet hall within the palace.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


As he'd been forced by custom and propriety to be properly clothed and prepared for the arrival of his betrothed and her associated nobles, Crispin's preparation for the meal itself went quickly, and before long, he was ushered into the dining hall. As was the custom, he waited beside the seat of his betrothed, standing at the ready to pull her chair out once she arrived, then sit beside her. The idea of sharing a meal, and later, more with her excited him to no end, and he had to put forth a conscious effort not to allow his cheeks to showcase his thoughts with untimely redness.

As he waited for the other nobles to arrive, Cal, the slightly overweight servant who had come to his aid by escorting the Princess and her entourage, arrived at his elbow. "Your Grace. The Princess and her ladies will arrive in but a few minutes. If you would permit me to ask, how do you feel about this whole affair? The formality and all, I mean. Not to be too forward, or overstep my bounds as your servant, but you're only just now really stepping into the role of Royal Heir. It wasn't long ago that we were terrorizing the groomsmen and smiths, rather than preparing for the arrival of foreign dignitaries and nobles. Are you alright with the change?"

Crispin smiled openly, a trait which Cal and many others in the court admired. There wasn't a deceitful bone in the young noble's body. He trusted fiercely, and spoke truthfully. He would make a fine king, so long as he was advised well by someone with a better understanding of court manipulation and conniving. "I... I don't really know how to answer that, Cal. I miss the days of running about, having a grand old time, and the freedoms there. I miss being able to go about in a tunic and breeches, without these overstated clothes. But then... there's her. Emmanuelle..." He spoke the name with a tone of fascination and wonderment, each syllable pronounced as though it was a gem falling from his lips. "Whatever else I have to put up with, Emmanuelle is worth all of it. I know it's foolish, feeling this strongly so quickly, but I can't imagine feeling this strongly for anyone else. She's... really something special."

Cal shook his head, smiling back in return. "I can't imagine a better pair to rule. What I wouldn't give to be pledged to a flower like that." The two snapped back to attention, and Cal hurried off to go back to his duties of serving the meal as the doors to the dining hall opened to welcome in the guests.


If looks could kill, Lord Peter Medici, soon to be Chancellor of Kent, would have been dead ten times over. Not only did his presence remind Sabina of their times together long ago, but he was also, without much subtlety, suggesting that the two of them rekindle the dying ember that was all that remained of their old affairs. She couldn't allow him to get to her. Stay calm, now. He's smooth, he's irritating,
but you're stronger than he is. If you can just keep shooting him down, he'll eventually recognize the futility of pursuing you. That's what you want, right? Right?

"Oh, Lord Medici. I can't imagine any woman would deserve the sort of life which marriage to you would provide. Indeed, you are too clever by half; I'm afraid that you would leave her quite lost, were she not clever herself, and if she were, she would no doubt see through you, and any woman who knew the real you would never deign to wed you." She accented this convoluted comment with an innocent smile. "Besides, Lord Peter, I hardly took you for the sort to wed. In civilized society, married men do not frequent brothels or hire whores to keep them company when they are incapable of attracting any women of the daylight."

As they neared the slowly-opening doors of the dining hall, she whispered in a more serious tone "If you listened to nothing else I said today, listen to this: Do not touch the Prince or Princess with your schemes. You are to be Prince Crispin's Chancellor, and if you do well, your manipulative spirit will serve him well, but if you turn against him or his queen, I swear to you now that I will do anything in my power to destroy you in the eyes of all in this court. The Prince is a good man, a guileless man, and the Princess is a kindhearted woman. They deserve their happiness, and you will not compromise it."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Emmanuelle of Navarre

Emmanuelle along with her ladies were escorted to their proper chambers. She really did need to freshen up but she also wanted to see the current King of Kent and know of his condition. If she remembered correctly, his room wasn't far off from her own so she just decided it herself to go down the hall, making the proper twist then a turn before she stood just mere inches from the door. She walked up to the door, which was guarded by two guards as she approached them with a soft smile. "I'd like to see the King of Kent, please." She muttered softly.

The two guards looked at each other then back at Emmanuelle now, shaking their heads while one spoke towards her. "Sorry, Princess. The King is sleeping at the moment." Her eyes fell to the floor as she then turned her gaze towards them both. "I demand to see the King of Kent." She commanded of the guards but neither one of them budged to move. "Now." Emmanuelle said as one of the guards stepped forward now, his eyes piercing through Emmanuelle. "You're not the Queen of Kent, yet, Princess so you cannot command or demand us to do anything." The guard stepped back and stood at his post now, looking straight ahead.

That comment from one of the guards shook her to the core as she eyed the two guards once more. "When I do become Queen, my first mission will be to destroy you two." With those words spoken from her, she huffed and turned heel as she marched back to her room. She was a little bit furious right about now as she entered her chambers and slammed the door behind her.

With an inhale and exhale, she decided to go ahead and freshen up and wait until guards came to her chambers to escort her towards the banquet hall for the midday meal. She could not help but think about joining Crispin for tea, alone within his own chambers. The thought made her blush as she started to get ready.
Lord Peter of House Medici

Lord Peter really had the Baroness right where he wanted her. He was very clever along with cunning and it was the perfect mixture for him to realize his potential to make her even more upset or whatever she was feeling right about now. His eyes went over towards Sabina now as she started to speak again and he did nothing but stare at the ground and chuckled to himself.

"No woman of Kent knows the real me. I don't bed these women around here so when the time does come, I'll be able to pick just about anyone. Kent woman have been falling at my feet for quite some time now though." Peter mentioned as he turned to face Sabina again. "You should remember what my boots look like since you use to fall at my feet, too." That comment was the icing on the cake - For him it was, at least. "By the way, men can do anything they wish. Though, we cannot have our marriage annulled unless it was done by the King, which wouldn't be hard for me."

Peter stopped in his tracks whenever they neared the doors that lead into the dining hall, where the midday meal was to be held. Hearing Sabina's words made him raise a brow up towards her as she placed his arms and hands behind his back now. "You seem to doubt me, Baroness. I hope to serve the Prince and Princess well with the best of my ability whenever I am appointed Chancellor. I intend to see them happy and more whenever the time calls for it." Peter offered that bit of words towards Sabina.

Before they fully entered the hall, Peter leaned in closer towards Sabina and whispered so only she could hear him. "You? Destroy me? I think you forgot whose the destroyer out of us two, Baroness." He then smacked Sabina on her butt hard before he entered the dining hall, waiting to see where he was going to be sitting.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The door to the Dining hall opened slowly, its great weight preventing swift movement. As it opened, Emmanuelle was granted her first glimpse of the hall in its full, welcoming preparation. Chefs and their apprentices stood at the ready, waiting for the various nobles to be seated, so that they could serve proper portions to them. Cal was among them, grinning from ear to ear with pride at the smooth organization of the meal. He was more Crispin's manservant than anything else, but for this meal specifically he'd been given duties in relation to the vitally-important court function.

Crispin himself sat near the head of the table, in a cypress-and-gold seat, beside which sat a holly-and-silver chair for his betrothed. At the very head of the table, the aging queen sat in a silver throne, beside an empty golden one, for which a place had not been set. From there, less-descript seats were arranged, each with a small wooden placard to signify which noble was to sit there. Tureens of soup, wicker baskets of piping hot, crusty bread loaves, platters of pork or salmon, and delicate arrangements of candied flower petals or fruit slices covered the ancient table.

At the arrival of the Princess, Crispin rose from his seat rather formally and pulled the silver chair away from the table a bit to allow for her to sit. Once she neared, he softly guided her into her seat with one hand on the small of her back, applying gentle pressure; not enough to be rude, but certainly more contact than was strictly necessary. It wasn't a rude pressure either, more reassuring and perhaps a bit intimate, particularly with how low he placed his hand.

With everyone in their proper seats, The queen called for the meal to begin, and servants began slicing meats and serving up generous portions of the various dishes. The kitchen was renowned for serving up meals as large as they were delicious, and they lived up to their reputation spectacularly. Pewter chalices were filled with a light pear cider, the Queen's favorite, and once she had taken a delicate sip, everyone dug in with relish.

Crispin ate slowly, his attention distracted by the lovely young woman at his left. Despite all of the words they'd exchanged earlier, and despite the soft chatter throughout the room, he was somewhat hesitant to overstep his bounds in engaging the stunning young woman. He finally gathered up his courage and said, somewhat suddenly, "I'm terribly glad that you were able to arrive so quickly. As foolish as this might sound, I feel a bit as though I missed you in the time before we met. Does that make any sense? Perhaps it's foolish, I don't know, but that's the best way that I can put it, I think."


Sabina wasn't entirely sure how she felt. She was a woman who was usually quite firmly in control of her emotions, yet this banter with Peter was bringing back so many memories... Some of them painful, but some of them fond, inspiring feelings of longing within her. With a mental scowl, she banished that thought, denying herself the right to think that way. Peter had done so much to hurt her, and the Princess needed her to be a guiding influence, not some easily-seduced court plaything. She was the only thing standing between Peter and the royal couple, and it was up to her to keep the schemer from taking advantage of those in her charge.

"I know you, Peter." She didn't use the man's official title, a slip-up which wasn't typical of her. She swore to herself that she wouldn't make such a mistake again. No familiar terms with this snake... "You're right, I suppose. I had a time during which I was... far too familiar with you. I opened myself up to you, a mistake I will not make again. I have no doubt that you think that your interests fit with those of the Prince and Princess, but as you said yourself, you are the destructive type. I may not hold as much power as a man like you, but gods help me, I will die before I see our kingdoms run into the ground for your entertainment or profit."

With that, she turned away from him, striding towards the door, then suddenly yelped like a startled handmaiden as his strong palm struck her butt forcefully. She bit her lip in frustration at the reaction she'd let out, and hurried to her seat, a comfortable chair a few spots down from the royal pair. She sat gingerly, her bum stinging slightly despite the layers of her dress. How did he get to her so easily? He always knew the right thing to say to make her react, and despite her previous protestations, his forceful manner had her far more hot and bothered than she would admit. It was hard not to think back to the past, when the firm touch of his hands had been a familiar sensation. The baroness was so flustered by the swat that she didn't notice until it was too late that the placard beside hers displayed brazenly "Lord Peter of House Medici".
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Emmanuelle of Navarre

She was nervous about this midday meal as she had no idea how this was exactly going to go. She sat in front of her vanity mirror and just stared at herself after she had freshened up, even changed clothing, mere minutes ago but ended with a sigh from her reflection. Emmanuelle found it quite remarkable as Crispin still felt the same way about her after all this time as she still felt the same about him. With a slight huff escaping from her small, parted lips, she finally rose up from her seated position and stepped outside of her chambers now, eyes glanced at the guard that was to escort her to the dining area. "I'm ready." She managed to mutter as the guard told her that she looks exceptional and Crispin will adore her. That was exactly what she needed to hear and to hear it from someone she rarely even knows? It gave her the confidence to step forward and continue on towards the dining area.

When Emmanuelle neared towards the dining hall, the aroma of food crept at her nose and she closed her eyes, breathing it in and growing more hungrier with every single step. She finally turned the corner and stood in the doorway that lead in the dining hall, her eyes went towards Crispin as he stood and she could not help but blush and smile at his presence. After standing in the doorway for a few seconds, she waltzed over towards the chair that Crispin had pulled out for her as he even guided her towards her seat. His hand did not even make her gasp or react any type of way because she knew that he was being a gentleman.

"Thanks, Crispin." She muttered then turned her attention towards the Queen, her head nodded towards her out of respect. "My Queen." Her eyes then went around the table, seeing the Baroness and offered her a wave then gave Lord Peter a wave, as well. When the servants started to serve them, she was more than ready to go ahead and dig right on in but had to be more of a lady within this moment and time. She thanked the servant that had served them then turned as cider was poured into their chalices as she grabbed her knife and fork then started to eat.

Of course, even though she was eating, she could see Crispin constantly look at her out of her side eye and she looked back then quickly shied away from his glances, blushing. Whenever Crispin started speaking, her attention was fully turned onto him as she smiled at his words. "Not foolish, at all, my Prince and it does make sense." She said then reached over and placed her hand on top of his. "I have missed you dearly, Crispin and I am happy to be here in this moment and right now." Emmanuelle then rubbed his hand with her own before going back to eating now as her eyes wandered from person to person in the process.
Lord Peter of House Medici

Again, Lord Peter had Sabina wrapped around his finger, sort of or so he thought as he made his way towards the table and saw that he was to sit by the Baroness. That infamous smirk began to curve among the corner of his lips as he wiggled his little fingers towards her now. Whenever she came to sit down, Peter rose up and pulled her chair out for her then sat back down, bowing his head towards the Queen beside him now. "You know me all too well, Sabina." He managed to speak to her in a low whisper so that only she can hear him.

"You know me in more ways than just one." Peter spoke those words while rubbing his hand over her thigh underneath the table, sending a very noticeable wink her way. "If I was a changed man, would your feelings towards me be different or the same as they are now?" He questioned towards her then rose his head up towards the entrance of Emmanuelle. Upon her entrance, it gave Peter a little bit of time to reminisce and sort of reflection of a time where him and the Baroness, Sabina, were very, very close with one another and even had multiple intimate encounters. There were even times when they would meet in a nearby tavern just to see each other. Sabina could've been Peter's wife and much more now but at the time, she was more of a plaything for him and not marriage material but now, his feelings towards her have changed.

It was Emmanuelle's wave that brought him back to reality as he smiled towards her then turned his attention back towards Sabina with a slight sigh. "I have no clear intentions of running our kingdoms into the ground, Sabina. I have nothing but hopes that Crispin will be King and Emmanuelle will stand firmly beside him and become his Queen. I mean, look at them." His attention went over towards the Prince and Princess now then back towards Sabina. "They have an unbreakable bond and love. Not even I can come between that. No one can." Peter said as he picked up his fork and knife now and went to eat the delicious food before him.

Peter sighed as he chewed and could not help but start to reflect on what his life would be like if he did indeed marry Sabina many, many moons ago. But would he admit to her out loud? In this moment, not now as she has different feelings about him than she did before but Peter really only had himself to blame for that though.

"How are you enjoying the food, Baroness Sabina?" Peter asked towards her, which was genuine and honorable but of course, he could feel that she wasn't going to take it as such.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The guard who had advised Princess Emmanuelle spoke the truth. Crispin did indeed adore the sight of her. She'd looked wonderful in traveling clothes, but in a more formal dining gown, she was absolutely radiant. It would be difficult to remain properly composed throughout the whole meal with her seated right at his elbow there.

It was remarkable how familiar Emmanuelle felt. Her presence beside him just felt... natural. From her subtle movements, to her light caress of his hand, just to let him know she was there; she fit into the space like she had been born to be beside him, which in a way, she had. It was a testament to how fortunate they had been. Many royal couples were forced into relationships that neither participant was interested in maintaining, simply because the political benefits were so great.

It was because he felt so comfortable in her presence that Crispin had the confidence to murmur under his breath, ideally in a voice that only the Princess could hear "I don't suppose it would be excusable for us to get out of here early. As pleasant as the food is, the company is a bit stale. Yourself excluded, of course. In fact, if it were my choice, we'd already have adjourned to my quarters, as scandalous as that would be, but then, I suppose we can't ignore propriety until we're actually crowned." He smiled cheekily, a gesture that came easily to him, and he winked to show that he was at least partly jesting. She likely had no idea how slightly that was, or how much he was wishing that he could run off into the woods with the enchanting young woman that very moment. "When we do get the chance to meet in my quarters, I'm afraid we'll also have some more serious matters to discuss. I'll do my utmost to keep it enjoyable for you, though."


Sabina made every effort not to reveal her indignation for all at the table to see. It was a challenge, but she just barely succeeded, a faint scowl slipping through her otherwise-impenetrable facade of competent, composed grace. "While you're right that I know you, better even than your myriad whores, that doesn't bode well for my favoring of you. I know you, Peter Medici. I know your scheming heart, your lustful spirit, and your need for control. I haven't forgotten how you treated me those years ago, nor how easily you have displayed your talents at manipulating anyone who got in your way." The noblewoman hadn't touched her food yet, though she'd already had her chalice refilled, and was partway through the second glass.

"Lord Peter, you've never been able to accept that some things are not yours to take. Everything must come so easily for you, hmm? Positions of power, the trust of noblemen; you're intelligent, and I've seen you take advantage of that. Goodness, you're attractive enough that it's likely little difficulty coercing little ladies into your bed. Well. I am not one of your ignorant noblemen, or your fawning sluts. You may have some things easily, but not me. I haven't forgiven you, Peter, and if I know you, little will pain you more than knowing that you could have had something, but failed. That something is me, and I swear on my dignity, you will never own me."

She sat back slightly, gesturing for the serving maid to bring her more cider. It wasn't easy, takin such a strong stance, against something she wanted. For she did want Peter. If he had really changed as much as he claimed, she would have wanted to fall into his arms at that very moment. He hadn't though. She couldn't let herself believe it, or she would be made weak by the one person she needed most to pay heed to. For her sake, and the sake of the royal couple, she had to stay strong.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers βπ–°π—Žπ–Ύπ–Ύπ—‡ π—ˆπ–Ώ π–Άπ—π—‚π—Œπ—‰π–Ύπ—‹π—Œ.❞

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Emmanuelle of Navarre

It felt nice to know that Crispin could not take his eyes off of her as she really couldn't keep her eyes on him because she would do nothing but blush and look away. Emmanuelle had let out a soft sigh then wiggled in her seat as she straightened up, eyes went from person to person now but then fell upon Crispin again. A smile could not help but form among her lips as her pearly white teeth showed now. It seemed like the people that sat around them kept staring at them because their love vibrated throughout the room - At least, that's what it felt like to her.

When Crispin leaned over and spoke so that only she can hear, Emmauelle could not even hold back her chuckle that was actually genuine and soft. She continued to listen to him as he continued on with his words, making her chuckle and blush but then she looked at Crispin with her mouth suddenly parted open at the last of his words. She cleared her throat momentarily before she began to respond to his earlier words. "I would definitely love to retire back to your chambers, Crispin as our company is definitely a bit stale but I am quite intrigued by Sabina and Peter over there." Her eyes briefly trailed towards the duo before her gaze went back to Crispin.

"I can wait until we're crowned to go further with you, my prince. But I see no harm in kissing and cuddling up with you." She returned the prince's smile from earlier then lowered her head a little bit. "I understand that we have very important matters to discuss but maybe you can get the servants to bring some tea with a hint of something extra." Emmanuelle spoke with her brows wiggling towards Crispin now as she slid her chair back and stood up now.

"Pardon me, my Queen but myself and Prince Crispin were wondering if we could be excused back to his chambers. Just for afternoon tea, your grace and to discuss some matters before the marriage." She spoke softly with a bow that soon followed as she turned towards everyone else present. "The rest of you enjoy the meal." After she spoke those words, she turned heel and exited the dining hall, walking a few paces away but hid behind the corner and decided to wait for Crispin. Emmanuelle knew that it was out of practice for a Princess to dismiss herself in front a Queen and hoped that Crispin wouldn't be upset with her.
Lord Peter of House Medici

Peter listened to Sabina's words with that infamous smirk of his as he also leaned back in his seat after placing down his knife and fork. He let her first set of words sink in as he stifled a laugh then leaned up and over towards her as he whispered. "Through those words, my dear Sabina, I did not hear a no." Peter's hand reached down and grabbed a hold of her knee, softly as he continued to smirk while looking towards the Queen for a moment then back towards Sabina, his hand slowly caressed her knee.

"My whores are nothing of your concern and they are no longer of my own concern. They've moved on from me and I've moved on from them. You don't have to believe but you will see." He mentioned as he listened to her speak again. Peter admired how much Sabina had studied him over the years and while they were intimate with one another. It showed that she somewhat cared about him, at least in his mind it did but he wasn't going to let his own thoughts cloud up his own judgement. "You forgot to add my sharp tongue, which is something that you were once familiar with." Peter said just as Emmanuelle stood up and dismissed herself along the prince.

With a raised brow, his attention went from the duo back over to Sabina then back over to the Queen, bowing his head out of respect before he stood up. "This midday meal was delightful as always, my Queen. Sabina, would you mind it if I escorted a gorgeous rose such as yourself towards the gardens?" Peter had her once again in his grasp as he felt that she wouldn't deny him in front of his very own Queen, who anticipated the response from Sabina. Peter had his hand out as it waited for Sabina's hand to clasp onto it.
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