Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Just as the Dwarven King would proceed in throwing Bilbo over the wall, Gandalf pushed his way through the Elf army, and walked towards the front. "If you don’t like my burglar, then please don’t damage him; return him to me", he told Thorin before the King Under The Mountain can perform the said-action. His voice seemed to have quieted everybody down. "You’re not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thrain?", he asked the said-King, looking at him from down below, with Bard and Thranduil.

The words that regarded Yavanna were filling into Saeril's mind. She wondered how the young elf was doing with the Elven Prince. Hopefully, on good terms. Because she, Kili, and Fili have trusted Legolas to keep her safe, alive, and happy, just how they had wanted her to be. While Bilbo managed to take his non-hesitant exit from the Mountain, Saeril managed to stand up, who's shuffling caught the attention of Fili, leading him to stand with her, moving away from his uncle. He loved his uncle dearly, but this was not the Thorin he knew; not anymore.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thorin snarled, as he shoved Bilbo away. Bofur and Balin proceed to help him, by giving him the rope. As Bilbo shakily exited the mountain...before walking over to Gandalf. "I am done, dealing with Wizards and thieving rats from the shire!" The Dwarf growled. Ignoring Gandalf's words. His jaw clenched...as he glanced towards the side...expecting the arrival of his cousin and his army, any moment now.

The new image of Thorin, was beginning to scare Kili. His uncle was even worse, than when he attacked him the other night. He stood by his elder brother and God-Mother. Sad to see Bilbo being thrown out like that..it was not fair on young Bilbo. Or any of them really...Bilbo had been loyal.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Just as she found her godsons standing with her, Saeril put both hands on their shoulders, reassuring them that they will all stand together, and fight back, if needed. They were family, and that is what family does: They stick together, even if it means to stand against a corrupted Thorin.

"Are we resolved?", the sound of Bard's voice came, just as the king looked out over the horizon. "The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised. Give us your answer. Will you have peace or war?", he asked, silently hoping that there would be peace in the end.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thorin was too corrupted; too angry and riled up to think correctly. A Dark Raven flew over, sitting near the stone where Thorin was standing. "I will have war!" Thorin proclaimed...almost as soon as he said it. The arrival of his cousin was heard...the Dwarvish Army marching towards the elvish one. Kili cold not believe his uncle...still..after all of this? He wanted a war?

Thranduil's jaw clenched, hearing Thorin. Very well, he had decided his fate. The King rode through his army, commanding them...as they turned to face the army heading their way.

Bilbo closed his eyes in defeat...hearing Thorin. Running after Gandalf. "Who is that?" he asked, seeing the army heading towards the elves, men and the pair of them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Gandalf sighed in exasperation as soon as Thorin proclaimed his choice for war. The army heard coming from the North, were the dwarves of the Iron Hills, along with... "Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. Thorin’s cousin", the wizard answered the Hobbit, just as a Dwarf, riding a hog, came forth. "Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider just sodding off?!", he shouted over them.

"Come now, Lord Dain", the wizard stepped forth. "Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I’ll water the ground with their blood", Dain countered. "There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain. Stand your army down", Gandalf was pleading now; pleading for everyone to stand down. "I will not stand down before any Elf. Not least this faithless woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I’ll split his pretty head open! See if he’s still smirking then", he wavered the comment towards Thranduil. "Let’s give these bastards a good hammering!", he ordered the army, when suddenly, they hear a noise. A drilling noise.

The noise wasn't new to Saeril, and it only made her widen her eyes as she recognized it. "Were-worms", she said, just before a massive worm-like creature bursted through one of the distant mountains, before three more appeared, making four giant holes.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thranduil's jaw clenched hearing the insults from the Dwarf of Iron Hills. But still, he tried not to be swayed away by his words. "He's clearly mad! Like his cousin!" As the two armies got in their ready stances. Thranduil glanced over to the side, where the giant worms erupted from the ground.

Kili stiffened besides his God-Mother and Elder brother; seeing the large worms that sprung from the ground. This was not good. "They can be killed...right?" he muttered, lowly enough for Saeril to hear. Last thing he needed was his uncle, telling him off for such a stupid question.

A loud horn sounded in the not so far distance. Azog the Defiler, ordering his army of Orcs to come forth. Hearing the sounds of the Horn; Thorin knew the were in trouble. "I am going over, who's with me." Kili spoke...a few of his fellows cheered until Thorin's voice broke their enthusiasm.
"Stand down." he said, ordering his group from within the Mountain.
"What?" Kili asked dumbfounded. "We.."
"I SAID STAND DOWN!" Thorin growled at them all. His uncle had got them into this mess. Now he wanted them to stand down? Kili's jaw clenched in annoyance. Balin just sighed, at Thorin's actions; the King really had lost his mind... there was no hope with reasoning with him.

Bilbo looked shocked at the turn of events...it seemed the Dwarves were getting ready to fight. The elves standing still "The elves...will they not fight?" Bilbo questioned. As the Dwarves formed a shield...their weapons facing spike-wards to the enemy. The elves than began to leap over the Dwarves...attacking the advancing orcs.

Looking around...Bilbo was in the middle of the advancing elves. "Ummm...is this a good place to be standing?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril didn't answer Kili immediately, since she was almost too caught off guard, about the fact that Azog wasn't too far behind the Were-worms. "No. It's made impossible in such short-notice", she finally managed to say before Thorin declared for them to stand down, and not go into the fight with the rest of their kin. "What?", Fili was just as dumbfounded as his brother. "Are we to do nothing?", he asked, but all the king did is give the Dwarven army a cold shoulder.

The she-elf ignored the others and looked out at the ensuing violence, made by the new arrivals in battle. They couldn't just sit here and watch. Saeril wasn't subject to follow Thorin's order, but with Fili and Kili at risk, she had no choice but to stay with them. She only wondered where Yavanna was in all of this; she can only hope that Azog didn't run her, the prince, or Tauriel, over during their course of tracking the vile creatures.

"All of you, fall back to Dale! Now!", Bard ordered. "To the city! People, this way!", the war beasts, after managing to break the wall down, the rest of the Orc army started attacking Dale as well as its residents. As chaos and death ensued, Bard rushed inside to look for Tilda, Sigrid, and Bain. "My children! Where are my children?"
"I saw them, they were down in the Old Market!"
"The Market? Where are they now? Tilda! Sigrid!", just then appeared. "Bard, Orcs are storming over the Causeway!"
Get the bowmen to the eastern parapet. Hold them off for as long as you can."
"The Orcs have taken Stone Street, the Market’s overrun!", hearing that made Bard's gut clench, before deciding to take the rest of the young men. "The rest of you, follow me!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Kili felt irritable; watching his uncle walk off. Hiding from within the walls of the mountain...doing nothing to help. He just frowned and sat down on one of the rocks...silent...and annoyed. His jaw was clenched...anyone who knew that look; knew not to touch or speak to Kili. As he was in a foul mood, feeling angry that his uncle would do this. This was not right.

Bilbo run towards Dale with Gandalf...to help Bard and his group fight of the Orcs there. Meanwhile, Tilda and Sigrid were walking through the Marketsquare when the Orcs came. The girls screamed, running off. "Tilda! Sigrid!" Their brother called for them, he had a sword in hand. Anyone able, no matter what age had weapons on them. He tried to find his sisters among the mess...protecting himself, from the enemy.

The two girls got lost among the market, screaming as Orcs followed them. Bain jumped out from the side, with his Sword. Stabbing and managing to behead the Orc that went to attack his sisters. The girls had their backs turned to the fight behind them. When they turned around, they glanced for their dad; until they saw their father fighting off Orcs near by. "Da!" They both called...before the youngest of the two girls, screamed seeing a troll walking towards them three.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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In Dale, Bard happened to come across the children, as soon as he heard their voices. However, after having to see a troll upon them, he manages to seize a cart, and heave himself down towards them. "Tilda! Bain! Sigrid! Get down!", telling them to duck, so he can make his mark, stabbing it to death. Jumping down, he gathered them. "Listen, I need you to gather the women and children, take them to the Great Hall and barricade the door. You understand? You must not come out for any reason", he told them, clearly desperate for them to get to safety.

"We want to stay with you".
"Oh, Show your father some respect, will you?", Alfrid appeared from his hiding place. "You heard him, we make to the Great Hall", he told them, beginning to push them along.
"Alfrid, women and children only. I need every man fighting. See that you return", Bard instructed, giving him Bain's sword.
"I’ll get them to safety, Sire. Then my sword is yours to command", he shakily confirmed before continuing to push the children along. "Get up!", he told them once more, irritated. Bard stopped his son, and looked into his eyes. "Look after them".
"I will", the boy promised, just before his father went back into the fight.

Azog watched the chaos from his position on a mountain top nearby. "They cannot hold the city! The Dwarves are almost spent", he observed as the Dwarf army continued to fight the Orcs. Dain kept up, but was looking for his cousin, hoping he would turn up. "Thorin! Where’s Thorin? We need him. Where is he?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thranduil fought through a hoard of Orcs..riding towards Dale. To help defend the city and it's citizens. At least 6 or 8 Orcs jumped at the beast he rode upon...caught in it's Antlers. With his sword...the Elvenking cut of their heads. As all the Orcs fell dead..the beast beneath him collapsed...throwing him down. The King landed on his knees...and a group of Orcs surrounded him. Pulling out his other sword...he began to fight, slash and stab the hideous beasts that were around him.

At least 50 or so Elves, marched towards the city of Dale. To help their King.

Azog growled from his spot "Let these lands, flow with Blood! Slaughter them all!" More horns were sounded.

Thorin was sitting in the throne room...a blank expression on his face. He was hiding away from the fight. Hearing footsteps, he saw Dwalin approaching.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Dwalin was approaching Thorin, hoping that he can reason with him, when the others couldn't. His decisions regarding the wellbeing of the company were becoming even more difficult every day. "Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, Dain is surrounded; they are dying out there", he told him, having to remain hopeful in laying out the realities of their situation to their once-respected king. "Thorin, you're sitting here in these vast halls with a crown upon your head, and leaving them to die. Don't you realize that you are becoming lesser now than you have ever been?", he asked the leading dwarf.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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It was as if Thorin remembered something "There are halls, beneath these halls within this Mountain. Places we can fortify...make safe. Yes! Yes! That is it...We must move the Gold futher beneath, for safety." Thorin began to walk away from his throne, once he stood up.

"Many die in war! Life is cheap." Came Thorin's somewhat heartless responce. "But a treasure such as this, cannot be counted a life lost. It is worth, all the blood we can spend!"

"Do not speak to me, like I am some Lowly Dwarf Lord." Thorin breathed out; getting agitated. "As if I was still Thorin..Okaenshield." He almost sobbed...before drawing out his sword. "I am your King!" he yelled out, swinging his sword in a drunken way..almost falling to the side.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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It was as if Thorin was submerging even deeper into his madness, and Dwalin could only watch with sadness in his eyes. "You were always my King. You used to know that once. You just cannot see what you have become", he sadly said, with some tears having to appear in his eyes. And, just like that, he left the throne room in somber. It was like Thorin he knew was long gone...and he might never come back to his senses, due to his corrupted mindset.

Saeril heard with her keen ears that Thorin was never going to go back on his word, nor go back to his usual self. All Fili can do was sit with his brother, having mixed feelings of sadness and anger.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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"Go! Now...before I kill you!" Were the last words Thorin spoke to his friend, before he left. He stood there for a few moments longer; before making his way else-where.

Thorin felt like his mind was spinning..and soon he found himself in the room where they tried to kill Smaug, with hot molten Gold. It was all dried up...most of the floor, shiny gold. 'You sit with a crown upon your head...you are lesser now then you've ever been.' Words, memories swam inside of his mind.

'Treasure worth as this, cannot be counted lives lost..'
'A sickness lies upon that treasure.'
'This Gold is ours..and ours alone.'
'Where were you, when I needed you?'
'You're not well...it was for your own good!'
As Thorin walked around the Golden floor..he looked spaced out. Almost hallucinating. 'I will not part...with any of this.''He cannot see beyond his own desire.'
'A sickness that drove his Grand-father mad.' It felt like his world began to spin, turn, churn, collapse around him and that he was beginning to drown in the golden floor...that was still. But to him, it was eating him alive...the sickness was eating..drowning him...driving him crazy. Images of Smaug came back to haunt him...even Bilbo's words, and his own inner voice. 'You have changed Thorin. 'I'am not my Grand-father!' 'Is this treasure, really worth more than your honor?' 'I'am not my Grand-father!' But he was..he was on the same path of maddness.
'This treasure will be your death.'

As he finally snapped out of the Hallucinations...he took of his crown and tossed it onto the floor. It felt like he could breathe; like he was free and himself again.

"Now comes their end. Prepare for the final Assault!" Azog commanded.

Kili had not moved from his spot for ages...when he saw his uncle approaching. Somewhat slowly...Kili stood up fast..the same look in his eyes, that had not left since he sat down. "I will not hide, behind a wall of stone. Whilst others, fight our battles for us!" Kili yelled out. As his uncle approached him. "It is not in my blood, Thorin." he shook his head; tears welled up in his eyes of frustration.

"No...It is not. We are Sons of Durin. And Durin's folk do not flee from a fight." Kili teared up; it seemed like his uncle was back. Thorin touched his forehead to Kili's..patting his back softly. "I know, I have no right to ask this of any of you. But will you follow me...one last time?" Thorin asked looking at everyone.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril has been clinging upon the ceiling ever since the company walked into the room. She could only sigh in frustration and despair since her actions have never seemed to go as planned. On the bright side, the ElvenKing had his wife's gems back, but it had serve dto only make matters worse on Thorin's part. It was that same amount of fear she had displayed, ever since he'd started submerging into the Dragon Sickness. Her head lightly touched the surface of the ceiling, just as she tried to think of something they all can potentially do, to make this right. But then, it felt like there was nothing they could do...nothing.

She could only close her eyes when Kili began to yell at the King again. It was of no use; they can't bring him back. They just couldn't. However, once she heard Thorin's words sound reasonable again, she looked down, only to pray that what she heard was true. Was this the real Thorin talking? The Thorin they all have come to respect, and give in return? His words, rang true for her suspicions. Thorin was back! Letting her grip loosen upon the stone surface, the she-elf descended, and landed gracefully upon the ground, not making noise, but only a silent thud. Tucking her wings in, she made a sad smile. He is back! The Dwarf-King who was worthy of the crown under the Mountain, was back! He fought the sickness.

Fili cautiously watched Thorin approach them, and his question made him begin to believe that the uncle he knew, and loved, has come back for them. In response to his question, the blonde lifted a sword in determination, an silent action that displayed a sense of courage, and a willingness to fight in the name of his family. Their family...

Just before Kili could venture with them, Saeril stopped him with a wing blocking his path, having to give him a faithful smile, before leading him up to the level where she was only a few hours ago. It was right above the entrance of the Mountain, and having to look over the side of the ledge, the she-elf bent down to one knee, in order to let him climb on, giving him the notion that they will fly into battle, and protect what's theirs: the Mountain.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Kili saw the hope in Saeril and Fili's eyes. Thorin was back...his uncle was fighting, what-ever he was suffering from. And Kili was glad off that. And now that his uncle was back to his normal self; he was more than happy and very willing to fight beside him; to help him protect what was their home. Their family home. Kili raised his own sword, along with the others. A few cheers from the elder Dwarves came. Of gladness that Thorin recovered. And off agreement, that they would fight along side their King. But most importantly, Their friend.

As Kili was about to leave with the group; he rose a slight eyebrow as Saeril stopped him. If she was about to stop him now, the youngest Dwarf was prepared for giving a mouthful. He wasn't going to back out of this now. Not after everything that had just happened. It took him a few moments to realize, why she had stopped him when she knelled down on her knees by the gap near the wall. Kili smiled down at her.

Climbing on. The young Dwarf made sure he had a good grip and balance; so that he could move with her and be able to fight; from the higher up position.

It was a few seconds, after Saeril flew them into battle. That Thorin and the rest of the company smashed the rocks that were protecting the entrance of the mountain. Running; Thorin was at the front. As his group charged into battle.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Having to stand near the gap of the walled-up entrance of the Mountain, Saeril made sure that Kili got a good grip on her, before flying up to the top of the wall. Having to stand upon the stacked up rocks, which gave both dwarf and elf a good view of the battle before them, as well as the Orc army that stood before the entrance, while waiting for Azog's order to attack the fortress. However, as soon as that order was carried out, Bombur blew the horn of Erebor.

The she-elf crouched down, before having to recall about that time where she said to Kili about her wonder for both of them to fly into battle. Well, that vision was about to come true. Flexing her battle-claws, she reached behind and sheathed her curved daggers. "For Erebor!", she shouted from her spot. "For the Sons of Durin!", she gave a battle cry, before spreading her wings and taking flight. A few seconds after she left her spot, Thorin and the rest of the company smashed the rocks at the entrance, and charging into battle. "To the King! To the King!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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From the city of Dale, Bilbo heard the horn. "Thorin." he muttered to himself. As he stood one of the near walls...he saw Saeril fly into battle with Kili on her shoulders...and the Dwarves of Erebor charge into battle.

"For Erebor and the Sons of Durin!" Kili yelled out, before giving battle cries of his own. As he unsheathed his own sword.
"For Erebor!" Thorin and his group yelled out, as they run into battle. Thorin drew out his sword and started to slash his way through the enemy of Orcs that went to attack. Kili kept a good grip on Saeril as she flew into battle...moving with her, as he kept a perfect balance with her. A few orcs were dazed seeing the Dwarf on top of the flying elf...his sword slashing through the army of Ocs.
Watching the scene from Dale, Bilbo watched the Dwarves. "The Dwarves...they're rallying." he breathed out.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Fili ran behind his uncle, along with the rest of the company. "For Erebor!", he shouted along with them, just before they all clashed with the Orc army. Saeril charged ahead of them, having to go headfirst into the fold, having to keep her balance for most of the time, for Kili's sake, and allow him to get a better leverage of fighting back. Flying over the ensuing chaos, she gave a battle screech, before having to use her daggers to stab and slash a few enemies and foes, as well as behead a few of them, in the process. She made sure none of them would reach Kili as the Sons of Durin continued fighting within the fray.

"Thorin!", Dain gave a cry before having to kill an Orc while approaching his king. "Hey, cousin, what took you so long?", he laughed while embracing him. "There’s too many of them. I hope you’ve got a plan".
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